AoE2 - Wolf NOTHING!?

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really iron out like how many challenges can be completed but Dave and I are getting drunk anyway so if none of the challenges to be completed being completed we will just drink ladies and gentlemen welcome to Wolfe nothing let's go you saw force nothing this is wolf nothing I don't know why this map exists I I cannot get an answer to that question but as you can see you look at the mini-map there are just wolves everywhere and could they play this on turbo I don't think they could play this on turbo also the difficulties on 'hardest so the wolves actually see you from far far away and chat let's get the t90 wu's going there's no mad cars either i banned magyars because magyars kill wolves in one hit oh this is the worst possible location for your lumber camp zonda so it's king of the hill so they're gonna have to eventually cut through it's basically a force nothing nothing combo that's too bad you can't collect the meat from the wolves this is gonna take j.r it's quite some time he's also a futile age right now he could make some archery ranges it's nice he has the resources floating for that you guys better get used to wolves dying if you come to fights I'll give you a 15 year old Scotch to drink for it it's almost as all of his you are you saying I'm 15 I'm not 15 man I'm a grown I'm a grown man I'm 24 dude DLT no where did these come from I'm pretty sure he made militia versed the wolves and he brought them all to his base oh that is the wrong game plan here TLT oh man now on the bright side all the wolves are focused on this one chick that's what I be she's kind of hot honestly so the militia can actually kill the wolves here that's a really nice lumber camp he is able to save her they sending out more bills let's see if these wolves come it's on 'hardest and if you don't know wolves attack you from a greater distance on 'hardest so o t 90-100 DLT uh so much death poor avengers also been struggling over here oh man J red was the host here and Jared chose hardest all the destruction the destruction these wolves audition out here he's absolutely unreal it is dinner time boys dinner time tonight we feast on villagers Wow well some players are more fortunate than others like gray for example who as I said he he doesn't have a lot of wolves here but he's gonna have to cut through two wolves I think that I think it might be a nice idea to go for some archers that being said you're gonna need a lot of archers as wolves to attack them a Jay right sold resources I'll scroll up here you can see the top left he sold resources so it just I can force nothing you want to do that you can bank Gold's and that's why I went to fuel so fast a nice game playing forge a red B in second he'll be stuck in fuel aged for a while but that'll be no problem for him I think now let's go back to green see how he's doing the militia are the real MVP I'll tell you what now if that villager accidentally accidentally gets deleted everything this economy dice everything dies yeah he'll has a deaths oh man it's getting worse as well there's so many wolves back here jeez the Avenger is struggling but at least most people are struggling I think red was fortunate to have a really nice starting position only a few wolves will range him I say yellow and red are fortunate but look at the amount of wolves in between there TCS in the monument jared was slightly fortunate but he also has wolves he has less wolves if he cuts to the middle though it's notable that jared has gone for commerce so if he builds a castle in castle age he can shoot the trees down with the blissed elephants I love them to pick saves that's the same as Yoshi as well so I really like that idea t90 can you like I don't know look at other players big comb are you sure that's what you want or don't you know I can I can look at the other players but you got to let me know if you're positive about that oh oh what happened here did he chop through he likely chopped through luckily using the TCU finished off the wolves okay greens fine now it's fine chat he just doesn't want to go to the north where the wolves are it's okay a good start for Harry I'd say a Zonda as well you know we touched on him red yellow there are a few unfortunate players nice quick calls here from teal really you should have just relocated and build lumber camp on the right-hand side but things are stabilizing the highest population is Zonda 425 second place is Harry T and Harry T is ouch Harry T is at 20 well for now now Yoshi's on the way to Castle age does Yoshi have stone yeah CJ red might have a lot of gold but it's because he sold the stone right so think in hindsight he will regret that because you want that castle and he was chimera as well so he could have built the castle to go for the ballista elephants this will be pretty cool I think yoshi has game plans the best here I want to see him build a castle and then go with the ballista elephants oh no don't don't build another TC save the stone for a castle please P built another TC I'm gonna cry about it a lot a forester this is a free-for-all this is a free-for-all tip the pork green or green hairy teas on the way to castle as is zonda and awesome is already there as well now awesome is gonna have to go the traditional force nothing route and build on jure it needs to get him for that maybe oh she doesn't know that the camera can do that but I don't know why you would pick tumor unless you wanted to go with the bluest elephant wolf nothing ladies and gentlemen wolf nothing now at this stage people on YouTube are probably using the this speed changer on the video so it's making us go faster so I'm just gonna talk really fast like this so they can hear I'm saying hahaha I better change speed back normal huh okay I can't do that for very long I always try and troll YouTube a bit as well yeah I gotta be a troll to both twitch and YouTube prank oh nice quick balls from teal I don't know how he performed that I guess these Wolf's are maybe going after one uh maybe they're all going after this dude and he has relocated his lumber camps here to I want to see that castle no dude I mean this isn't awful but if he built a castle he could be cutting through does anyone know if wolves attack ballista elephants I don't think they would that would be amazing that would be absolutely amazing he could start the countdown he'd have to he had to cut around the Wolves though but he could get through what is the name of the map alright big net I'm gonna show you this is wolf nothing then there were so many Wolf's in this map and people coming into the stream for the first time you picked a lot of time to do so welcome guys thanks everybody for hanging out tonight and thanks for the subscriptions all the new subs so I think the correct approach as Celts would be to do what Harry T is doing build a ton of town centers chop wood and then sell it because Celts Shep would faster you there's no gold no stone on this map you will need to use the market I think sarah sims would be a good pick for any force nothing style map because you get better price when you sell also they do get auditor as well this is wild man this is wild wilds because of wildlife I'm a little bit disappointed that that Yoshi has not built that castle I need to watch the replay so I can hear how this is actually dude green this is this is the first time deal is that di t di T this is the first time did this is the first time we've never done this before so there's no meta but I think in your situation what you should have done differently was well you need to get loom early on which you didn't do and then you made militia which is a mistake cuz wolves attack militia and there's there's a lot of them you probably didn't expect it would be this extreme don't do not get stressed out and think you had a bad performance in this game because it's a lot of luck and it's just madness that is my message to anyone who ever plays a community game it's madness so please you know don't get stressed out about it don't start talking about how you can improve too much because this is just craziness man yeah I agree that Jared seems to have really nice path to the middle because there's no wolves but he still hasn't clicked to castle yet so I would give the others an edge and yoshis on the way up to NPO she has just been killing it man he has been killing it now the problem for Yoshi is that he has 600 stone and 650 stone is required to build that castle so he could still go for onager but he's gonna have to sell a ton of wood to get gold for it maybe he's gonna buy the stone now I'll be disappointed if we don't see the ballista elephant unit that can actually kill trees someone's buying food so it's it's helping the prices so I think the next extreme version of force nothing is is the no market horse nothing Persian you'd be in Dark Age forever well no you could go to feudal age you just be in feudal age forever no market version a problem for everyone trying to sell mal as the others beat them to it so the price is not great oh hello how are you doing oh wow she has some real balls or she had some real balls it just died - that wolf there's three of them here the TC should be able to clean it up Willis I believe once you venture into force nothing in general you've already gone too far right so let's not talk about too far when we're doing wolf nothing huh I'm pretty sure we already passed that point maybe Yoshi doesn't know what this is and maybe Yoshi doesn't know that he can make Calista elephants Yoshi says is there any gold on the map J red says you don't have any gold what a troll Jared is acting like he has gold there's no gold dude you know she's gonna try and go on ature bit disappointing if you ask me isn't castle each possible because you have 200 starting build it would be if you didn't start on normal resources normal resources only start with 100 gold but even then the only thing that I'd really give you would be the ability to get the wood upgrades the chapel would faster it wouldn't really you you would have to make trash units you could make skirmishers and spears and scouts it would be a mess despite not building the castle Yoshi still has lead guys I'm sure is all in the way but Harry T snot too far behind oh my gosh look at these wolves that's hilarious look at them stacked there that's crazy he's actually built a guard tower it's gonna be tough he's gonna have to pay attention and click every single wolf I'll take about an hour but it's fine we have time now I think if you're Harry T you sell all that wood and you stop creating villagers bonus each workshop and research on a tree now as well awesome is already or sorry is also on the way up to the Imperial age alright just because I'm a jerk I Bands magyars but there's that don't know magyars mag your villagers kill a wolf of one hit that would be too overpowered it's too easy man it's too easy princess the answer is it's hard to get to the imperial age when there's no goals so players are getting there but they've had to use the markets to get there let's see now guys this is king of the hill so once we get to the middle the countdown starts at five hundred fifty years which means another guaranteed 40 minutes so yeah this is it's gonna be quite a doozy still what did Jay read saying Oh Jay read said he has Gold's now kill the wolves rip rip the t90 Woo's get rekt that's what you get so you get you ferocious beasts house green doing and doing alright on the way to Castle eight but it did also I should probably point out getting forging doesn't really do anything for you here oh he's upgrading a man in arms Wow yeah again wolves this many wolves will kill your units I know you're probably not expecting the massive amount of wolves but I guess that's why he's getting forging to upgrade these units I think archers would work well but then again you're creating using a lot of gold that you'll need to get to imp and oh I didn't even I forgot D LT is Hans he he can't cut through with on injured so he's it's probably over for him honestly he's gonna have to use trebuchet is that's the only thing you can do it's gonna be difficult all right here comes Yoshi a wolves do not attack on Jers they're not threatened by pieces of wood so they will just slowly die here this will pave a way for Yoshi to get in with other units outages on the way for red as well and he's already killed so many so many wolves going down now this one survived this one survived look at him go I hope red attacks it and kills his own field aha that would have been so funny Zomba on the way to the imperial age also came kilometer all civilizations here can research on adjourn except for puns and I'm not sure if green pick tons are what it seems like players picked sibs yes there he is he is a quarter of the way there guess oh well Reds actually going for C Jones you're already Wow okay oh he put it watch out man you better watch out you can lose some bills here send your auditors over all friendly-fire here is there's so much friendly fire potential miraculously he didn't lose anything yet oh that hurts that hurts that hurts it's okay he still had 113 bills if he's researching C geometry I would actually say he has the lead because that's expensive he's building outpost so he can see the rest of the walls don't open this man these are weak builders do not shoot these you gotta aim here if he shoots here it'll take out the tree and the Wolves will be unleashed okay nice shot nice shot nice Mike girl nice Mike Rowe wait there's another tree there it's okay don't kill these don't do it don't do it don't kill these and now you're tempted to you got weak Vil's here don't do it he must be paying attention to this look at red East red East look up I was like guys there's nothing going on here there's no army or anything look at that massacre that's insane he was at 120 villagers a while back oh let's see the wound was in the chat I don't know another coming in here - oh this is so good this is so good woohoo get rekt awesome this is awesome though this really is and again if he attacks these wolves he'll probably finish off some of his own villagers oh they're everywhere I don't think he's even realize how bad this is he's gonna have nightmares tonight he's going to have nightmares tonight yellow he's played this a little bit more safe yes and sent bills forward he's still trying to pave his way to the middle that's hilarious look how many debts he has 41 deaths another woohoo there another one here rip hilarious stuff well I actually like the map I think the maps pretty good on fast speed I think it's funny not something we're gonna do all the time of course but you know the gray is cutting through at the same time now we have Harry T cutting through I kind of missed out on Harry Harry's extremely close he's the closest to the middle actually his starting position was really good for him oh my gosh stop this madness oh my goodness gracious dude he might kill his own s oh this C challengers on 12 HP he tried to click wall the wolves out this is hilarious at this rate red is gonna have a a hundred deaths two wolves it's complicated guys there there is a strategy to this yeah blue is also gonna be coming through the only one that is kind of doomed is poor did and I feel bad because it's his first community game can we throw some salutes in the chat for dit do not get disappointed here man do not get disappointed he will play again in the future I'm sure and you'll get you'll have a little bit more luck more wolves doing damage here I don't know why you're sending villagers guys soldiers are not going to be the key to success here so is anyone else gonna cut through the wolves by accident that's what I want to look for is that was hilarious well Green luckily is not cutting that direction is kind of coming this direction but it's not too bad uh orange could do it orange could do it there's a lot of little pockets of wolves here this would be the worst one though and he's not that close to it teal researching auditor orange researching manager I guess this direction could be pretty bad for teal but I guess he's not that close well Harry's gonna start the countdown when the countdown begins I want to see the kreygasm sing the chat because we a then have 550 years to wait luckily not real years that be a problem that would really be a full-time job then okay this is the first actual engagement of the game and J Red Sea's Harry T's barracks I don't know why Harry T is not one to push forward right now he's very nice resources could just start that countdown for us his this game YouTube woo-woo-woo worthy 8090 dad s FB I would say it is I would say it is the best thing about YouTube comments at times is like this is obviously excuse me kind of trollee right there will be that one guy who's like yo I know it was wicked strategy for this and we'll write a long paragraph about how it should be played he puts so much thought into it sometimes it's great me not that twitchchat doesn't but he rarely see that one guy and twitch tap because twitch chats moving so fast YouTube it's right there for all the see orange just said are you serious I think he's he's just seen the additional wolves yellow did get through by the way and start the countdown maybe that's what orange was responding to hey Yoshi says he doesn't want to be here for Christmas yeah that would that would be a weird Christmas man oh wow J right it's gone like keV I mean this is not gonna work forever but I like the idea just to kill the seizures to start it's very easy for Celts to make Halberdier and Harry T's going for that though so won't last too long I think J red could be in trouble for scalps as the Chimera so he's gonna need to do some early damage but Celts each is incredibly strong Halberdier siege I'm sure kills pretty much everything chimera can do except maybe multiple castles with blissed elephants maybe my yellow is sent an elite battle elephants in the middle let's go a red is also cutting his way through even lowered Raiders will struggle versus wolves the wood wood Raiders wolf Raiders man bread is it 63 deaths now this has not getting any better for him but he's almost at the middle he's almost there so you know I get a lot of comments about my youtube titles guys and it's a controversial topic I know if I were just to label this wolf nothing might not be as popular so let's go with something dramatic right we have the time what are you thinking let's not got too dramatic 97.3% of wolves disagree with what happens in this video we're not gonna go that dramatic well let's talk titles guys to the wolves ouch Oh see like why even let him out why even let him out if he shoots this one wolf okay it's not going to oh wow this is gonna be so nice to see the elephants if Harry T attack grounds will die it doesn't matter how good years are here oh boy oh boy the quikwall the quikwall he's actually walled out the wolves that was epic well it's on Harry the big bad wolf I actually think wolf nothing would just be fine I'm messing around that conversation came back up recently as don't forget about Greg you Santa's cutting through aren't just cutting through who's still working on it a conrick conversation came back up recently with one viper leery bid bid where I said you cannot I could not guess who was gonna win and it's a tough topic for me i if I don't put somewhat flashy thumbnails and titles I just don't get a lot of views and so it's like people will say they don't want too flashy thumbnails but like my subscribers won't watch then without it so I always try and do a nice mix you know I don't want to be too overboard with it the one that was 97.1% that was just a meme that was just a joke but if I were to do titles like it used to I I wouldn't have any people watching the videos I think yeah I think the title is relevant as well because back it went back and forth the entire time I think that people sometimes forget that this is just for fun right so like a lot of people get really frustrated with titles and thumbnails but that's me if that is what turns you away from watching a fun game then I personally think that were me I would say okay that's a problem immensely for me I want to please everybody but at the same time like I need to also be somewhat successful right oh my gosh you've got to be kidding me he literally lost everything he lost everything there and the wolf's gonna get the final shot here that was ridiculous Kane I directed gray cuts through he's thinking oh boy oh boy oh boy I finally gonna get to the middle and wah wah Wow ouch 5-0 50 deaths for gray oof that I heard to see that definitely hurt to see 400 years that we're gonna see a lot more of that I over here see you CJ red doesn't have gold does he it Jarrett does not have gold so he's trying to fight Celts without gold and that is going to be a losing battle and I was epic guys that was epic so I think Celts are the best pick here the only reason I liked comer was because they could go with the ballista elephants and with the ballista elephants they could cut through real early but hard to say if that would have even worked and Celts are just extremely strong with their strong siege and their help with your combo put all your gold into siege and make Hal videos for the meat in front it works really well if you you know pay attention to your house but I still Harry T's in a nice position here it's gonna be Cal to be Celts though and the South there's Celts with Harry T to the north awesome he is playing his Celts but don't forget about orange he's also he's Mongols ok he still has to cut his way through green green needs a castle he needs to get him get kit who's on Team Green can we get hash tag team green here the poor guy he chose the worst tip for this probably needs a castle and trips to get to the middle if he gets to blue though he could kill blue and then maybe go through Harry T I don't know I don't know Till's still working on getting through see this is gonna be read all over again he's cutting an avenue for the Wolves we're probably gonna see some friendly fire Oh watch out for your bills stop cutting the wolves out man stop cutting the wolves out more we lose here yellow what did yellow do what did yellow do did I miss it again oh you did the same thing here who would have known it'd be so difficult to follow the wolves well it's definitely good to have Celts because you can get fewer Celtic Oh which gives us each extra HP the gray is just saying now I forgot Celt unique tech yeah he's trying to sell to get gold for Oh huh he hasn't he has it coming in so who do you guys have picked here Harry T's looking pretty strong but still 300 years remaining the reg could probably clean this up right now don't forget about cor Halas for Hollis don't forget about dit J read is I probably has a worse chance of winning this then did to be honest because he just he can't push Celts yellow while he has elite battle elephants full Halberdier in siege will kill that right your favorite band is written by wolves I do like that group actually it's quite a good group actually I haven't listened them in a long time C Mongols would be great if they could get that leat mangas eye rolling it's tough when you can't build many castles due to lack of stone I wish Wolf's would slowly cut through the players these are massive wolves they're almost the size of these trees guys I know you guys think it's small trees but in reality it's just large wolves well two-handed swordsman from Harry they're gonna die they're gonna kill an Esso though worth it and that's the other thing you probably want to invest in a champion instead of oil graders because you only have one castle max can you do a better camel voice than jordan says camel voice in my chat I didn't hear Jordan do it so I I don't know are you talking about making the camel noise yes doing the camel annoys I think the best way to replicate that is just get punched in the stomach oh that's that's the camel noise right there just get punched in the gut red has five castles geez he's been buying castles man how how expensive was that that's ridiculous I just assumed that there only would have been a few castles this is a lot of siege on udders and it also add their Mongols see geometers now with drills so they're really fast get ready for the t90 rex guys the gray is also approaching here he's sending his helps a moment ago or was thinking about it oh man we saw what happened last time send the halvah deers away from the choke point man get him out of there choke point oh yeah these guys are smart they're going back I guess if he kills the gold units it's kind of worth it aren't just thinking about killing hairy so in almost every single king of the hill game we see the first two to go to the middle loses now technically yellow was first to go to the middle but Harry T also went quite early and here Harry T is being ganged up on well I can't I can't watch the clip now oh great then look at that value some crazy value there but look at the Esso shots on the elephants as well these auditors can just run away because they're so fast the Wolves help in outbursts the elephants so camel boys are you asking me to just make a camel noise like we don't hear the camels speak so I can only imagine you're talking about camel noises I shouldn't say that to any camels watching I know you guys can speak we just can't understand it I'm sorry crenellations for avenger interesting he students he also has sea challenger or new what's up man welcome to a wolf nothing game chat let's throw him some salutes or lose this up here looks like he was just streaming excuse me sorry guys I see you posting the clip I'll watch the clip later but could you tell me is it the camel noise was he trying to do the camel noise or maybe I know I don't know what you mean by camel voice ooh ironclad could be cool ironclad gives more melee defense for the two in siege yeah isn't that perfect or Lou the wolf hosting during wolf nothing calculated everyone who came to the middle took some big losses but man orange has so many see geometers this is either gonna be really satisfying or really disappointing there's no one between imitating the sound of a camel okay yeah I'll have to listen to that I need to hear a camel in-game again so I can I can try that myself Jordans funny he's a really nice guy I was I would say Jordan out of all the Age of Empires players that I've met and spoke to is the most similar to me personality-wise like how we do things in life our mindset with things were very similar he said the same well he didn't say out of everyone but he said were similar I was actually not surprised by that but it was good to see all right Zonda Oh headshot how's Greene doing al green one with calves archers he's doing doing the best he can is he gonna make trebs see green should probably be selling all this wood and going with trebuchet as if he wants to win this he's gonna have to use traps you came to anything else in the beginning was the camel voice and then there was peace and always well with the world's came here just to hear t90 official imitating a camel do you guys want me to do it again I I could do it again for you that's power a Celt seeds right there by the way can take two shots without extra HP oh man oh man oh man puppeteers oh man orange don't kill your own C geometers here okay worth you'd worth it 167 years guys yellow he's getting the battle elephants ready Jay red is preparing for his funeral Harry T he's kind of forgotten about the middle for now who do you think is gonna win this I like the fact that arm seems to have only siege I don't like the fact he has no support for it if yellow gets here with the light cab he could actually kill half of these just because the friendly fire potential oh man so Jared's gonna call the GG he's a deathmatch guy he's used to death guys and rip J Reds I thought J read had the best start to I was wrong see red has 150 bills but he's selling his gold I mean his wood sorry he got gold he bought five castles he lost one he's only on four now so this guy is just swimming in gold oh good lord oh alright well J read quit the game so that means we can't SPECT it any longer let me message some players to see if they can save one second guys if if the host quits the game then spectator server crashes well it just stuffs so I'm gonna see you know she says they're gonna restore it so we're gonna have some downtime here oh look a bunch of wolves what are we gonna talk about oh there's more wolves so it for YouTube if this goes to YouTube there's gonna be a little bit of downtime in between but we're gonna restore it so let me I guess we'll look at the achievements now to see where they're at and then we'll continue in a moment of food collect it's interesting yes you look at the gold count for red I think it's because he went with those extra bills and he could sell all the excess wood that's why Celts is strong in this matchup because they can do that J right it's no problem man it's like everybody and their mother does that nowadays it happens I probably should have reminded you before the game started what's the best way to follow you for those who don't have Twitter I would say discord it depends exactly what you're looking to do I don't really keep the Facebook active Facebook is not a great platform for me to keep active chat and either and either t90 finds I need the t90 finds in the chat please please it's fine I would say discourses you can do discord on your phone also you can do it on desktop and you can also stay connected to the community that way oh that would be cool having the monument randomly spawn a dozen wolves every couple minutes so I'm gonna it's possible they don't know how to restore it so I'm just walking them through this yeah so this guy's never restored before I'm gonna walk him through it and it'll it'll come back cool looks like he's got it set up assuming the game works as it should we'll be back I just got Facebook I don't even know what discord is do you have a newsletter I can receive in the mail Urban I have some 18 plus magazines send out don't want people to know about that though other than that no newsletter Kappa I'm having a very nice night you asked mhmmm it was Captain Tim whiskers the Fox hey what's up man I'm doing good I'm doing good 50 90 calendar so if you want to keep up to date with what's going on you want to follow a twitter because that's where I'm the most active a Facebook I mainly post you know videos and some random announcements a discord as well and if you're not familiar with discord I didn't know what it wasn't the past either I'll give you a quick look as we're waiting because this will go to YouTube most likely now first of all the mod chat doesn't exist okay that is a lie your eyes are deceiving you you're delusional you need to drink some water you're hallucinating so this is the main chatroom people talking like ducks the savior's in the chat right now keep talking people like who to know News live you know this helps I have an announcements area where I post the schedule every single week look at this look at this look what people did come mmunity trolls we have a sub chatroom we have a patron chatroom we have age of empire chatroom map chat YouTube chat games stream highlights everything you would ever want so this is a really good way to stay involved this is accessible on your phone as well so if you're on the go and you want to stay connected to everyone in this great community you can do so and here's everybody we have about maybe a hundred plus people online and the discord right now actually make that four hundred plus so you'll probably see a lot of the write yours in there oh oh I didn't realize the games back the game is back hey peanuts thank you for the five months I definitely will I don't think we missed too much thank goodness t90 nice were back in the game we didn't miss a thing 82 years remaining now and then we did miss a little bit and zondas making the push and there's gonna be a big push from Harry T Harry T needs to be careful because we know what those teachers can do also I saw nomads research which is a cool tech from Mongols it's unique tech where if you delete your houses you don't need to rebuild them that'll help them get a bit more space here oh my gosh this is gonna be sick these dead bodies everywhere oh man friendly fire will happen here as well and the pikemen don't do good verse champion so it's got to be all siege just about numbers and micro and keeping units in the middle cause this is king of the hill sixty-two years remaining now for gray but Purple's made it through and now large has it now this can only end in disaster oh no no no no ah that's what I'm talking about with no melee units in front this can only end a disaster but Harry T is not happy to see this Harry T's like WTF man oh man guys watch I knew it was gonna happen friendly fire I think it's a little bit scary to see this but also if you have Celts seeds you can take two shots so you should be able to clean this up but they gotta be fast this is on fast speed yellow still waiting red is still waiting oh and by the way the Avenger he's pushing in for red which is gonna make an unfortunate for him the red is gonna be delayed to get into the middle but back to the middle it's full pikemen spam from poor Alice never minds he's lost quite a few Oh more friendly fire how do they have all that gold on wolf nothing the market my friends the markets here come the elephants from yellow it is it is crunch time it's time to make a push I think the pikemen see challengers will kill most of the elephants old but elephants getting in close and purple coming in orange only has 23 military now it's been a great attempts he's not halfway there yet and king of the hill you just need one unit in the middle look at this elephant though he is the real MVP yeah I think I think aren't will lose it to purple yeah just there purple in the house control of it this fight well it's easy to understand why he would do this because if he even if he goes straight he's gonna hit Reds castles and whatnot so if teal wants the win he has to do this it's unfortunate but he's got to attack that guy from the backside finally caught up from watching the second game what's up fordable Jim I think health is the best sip here still received is strong they have strong champions and how but here's pikemen they don't get how the earthy well they do get fully upgraded champion but they're not as good as kilts the superior of the law can make a whole new intro when they see John three shots yet yeah I'll have to let them know I'll have to let him know Oh this wolf is the real MVP that's good I think Reds in trouble saying that remember once he'll had hand cannons yeah not anymore probably would have been best for Avenger to go with some form of infantry instead of a ranged unit that can get destroyed by siege but can anyone can anyone kill purple now because Reds distracted he's being attacked yellow probably cannot orange is maybe our only hope so let's go chat let's spin no hurry I mean not hairy Joe Corrales hairy has the combo he needs to win this game no and the spam begins he's almost 200 pop you can cheer for whoever you want but I want this to continue a bit Viper is my favorite player but you are by far the best cast four tiers and please keep doing what you're doing most about seven glasses of wine instead Friday nights and they're judging hey man if it takes you seven glasses a line to compliment me I'll take it I'll take it any day thank you yeah I wouldn't I wouldn't expect for me to be your favorite player because I don't really complain much all the destruction is gonna be real everyone's saying red peace go to middle so they don't want to fight here any longer even though they kind of are now don't attack the wall man attack the trees no attack attack the trees cut through the trees there we go he kind of has the right idea he cuts through the trees then he can go through he's doing a good job of my crowing look at this micro speaking of Viper I'm pretty sure this is a Viper Smurf 28 years though come on orange cut through the trees not the walls let's go let's go why are you cutting the walls cut the trees there we go you still need one more tree cut yeah there we go wolves in the way in everything let's see what happens here this next volley of seizures is so important for both players in an instant you can lose your entire batch of siege 18 years Harry's still spamming units orange can't get in close enough but there's not much left for Harry he's only 150 pop red is coming in - this is gonna be a buzzer beater let's go Orange let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go nine years red with the fantastic shot here orange coming in with so many C challengers is it gonna be in time there's no reinforcements for purple there's none well there's one champion and a siege auditor will give the champions when doing that they're gonna die this one champion this one champion it's so close I we've lost it he lost it in the final moment he lost him believe that was that two years that's crazy my neighbor's roof probably hate me my throat hates me cuz I'm sick and now red actually has control now so you know the peace between teal and red worked out wonderfully there and that's what makes king of the hill great guys I had purple one there women been years good the yellow actually has the middle mal NVP there is is red and orange and yellow you got to give him credit for coming in a one or the zonda zondas halberdiers just went this way I guess he's been attacking yellow a bit and it's funny cuz they just followed yellows elephants I'm glad we could restore this and now Red's like yeah nevermind snow more peace I'm gonna attack you well done guys well done 97 years and these four elephants for yellow have controlled the middle let's see if Harry T can come back do this again are you saying no no multi cue on Buble there is multi cue on DubLi but the default single cue trust me Harry T it'll make you a better player show us green oh let's go if green wins this game it'll be the greatest game of all time I don't Lee that would just be so amazing I mean realistically he's gonna lose but let's have hope let's have hope let's not be a debbie downer cut the trees man he's been cutting with the traps guys yeah this is the road to victory can we get some some t90 Woo's and some ditz in the chat please now I still think Harry should be able to get it he's taken the middle back again I think champion Halberdier with cg ometer is better than pikemen and see jhanjhar hopefully they wait for green this is not fair a Lezama is actually adding paladin that the only good thing about that is that they're fast but versus full health that's quite a big waste of gold in my opinion you have a bad history of pretty predicting fights as as greens game yeah you're right you know I'll take it if he wins I'll take it a big engagement though great coming in I like the fact they're not waiting till last minute huge losses of the pikemen for orange it still hasn't uses auditors yet we used to be know what they can do and we also know what happens when one habit here gets in close okay oh wait oh wait it's on one HP - don't don't shoot it don't shoot it don't shoot it okay it's fine so Harry T needs to spam out of every single building meanwhile red and teal are fighting I do feel quite bad for teal honestly red actually has helped into space this is crazy teal played very well but it's an unfortunate starting position for him return of cat good morning and welcome this is crazy Wolf's nothing 45 years core Hollis I know I'm 25 but I could still have a heart attack don't do that to me again going now going now come on go look at yellow he's like I want some of this action he runs through enemy halvah tears just to join the fight I think they're gonna be friends yeah you're gonna let him pass just passing just passing man oh you know what the walls from the walls are actually a bad idea for Harry because that just creates choke points for his melee units so the auditors will reign supreme here oh man oh man this is gonna look so good this is a real highlight oh they're on the other side of the monument this is amazing Harry's gonna be cleaned up again and now aren't has it that can you hold it then we'll still be tough a great job from from gray from yellow and from orange to to stay on top of Harry here it's got to be so much fun to use the Mongol siege tower holy and look at this micro you know still without melee in front it's a real struggle for him oh no no no no dude core haleh's oh man so much wasted golds it's just fake guys Green's gonna get proved Green is gonna get through can he see orange yeah you can look at this he's getting heavy calves are true you better watch out Corrales you're about to get some some calves archers raiding dit if you end up watching this entire game you know there's a couple things it looks like you refresh the lumber camps I assume you got your eco upgrades before you fight you're gonna want to get your ranged and defense upgrades on that heavy CAV archers what if yellow of all people wins this I don't know where he's getting the gold from for elephants probably selling like crazy as everyone is he's not floating a lot of gold but he's sending a lot of elephants out I think he's going for it I honestly feel like he's going for 53 elephants wow that's quite a lot a teal is still fighting red so that's one person that yellow does not have to deal with and then orange has to rebound from those big losses earlier hairy T will not have to deal with oranges C geometers this time though so that the helpa deers will help and at least in the current balance the halberdiers will do quite well versus the elephants think gray should try and cut off yellows reinforcements now it's been three hours go get some salmon I'm actually gonna have salmon I'm not kidding I'm having it two days in a row I have it in the fridge 62 years guys I think Yoshi can do this I definitely think Yoshi can do this but but I believe in Yoshi I believe more and mr. did he's almost there just needs another hour that's it hmm all right what's up kick oh by the way what's up everybody Harry says gray go yes yeah Patrol here yeah just Patrol I think the elephant's died here that's a lot of helps and a great job from great look at the teamwork these guys are animate look at the teamwork yellow says they have no balls the fastest sees you in the game I love Corrales so much gray actually has control the middle at least for the moment guys if you don't know about siege towers so if you get drilled which is the the speed upgrade on your Mongol siege it affects the siege towers and then you garrison them and the siege towers actually the fastest siege tower fastest unit in the game I believe it's faster than the king even in regicide so that was actually a select move he's sent into siege towers on garrison the pikemen and then killed the sea geometers that's pretty epic and now orange has control of it I want Yoshi to win now that was quite a thing to see his room zoom right in oh man oh man oh man Oh Yoshi I love your brother but seriously he got it you gotta get you got to keep your units in front well Yoshi's given us an entertaining game he is gonna lose the middle now I feel guys just wait for it green is on his way if he gets here he can run right through oranges path I would just lose sorry to swear but I would just lose my I would lose my if green wins this it would be absolutely ridiculous he has not seen anybody all game he he does have resources he's getting upgrades to I would just lose it oh man that would be so good I'd probably have to shut this stream down because I'd just be so amazed purple slick movies just cut through here to Gray's eco well it's not Yoshi its core house ah sorry I um I make mistakes Lajja I make mistakes I'm not perfect sometimes when I get in the zone like this I I just kind of you know I don't have time to think about what I'm saying and when it's late and I've had this much caffeine it's bad mix I do it pretty frequently sometimes just imagine during liquid League when I'm drunk oh boy oh boy when I get some vodka in a redbull you guys gonna have quite an entertaining stream I will do facecam for that as well by the way so not only is Harry T in the middle but he is attacking Zonda and that pulls on the back it does give yellow an opportunity I love the fact that heavy scorpion has been chosen by Yoshi however Auditors kill the scorpions they do a lot of damage these scorpions to the infantry units now I'll talk more about liquor League but guys you're gonna want to be here next Friday at 23:00 GMT that's all I'm saying it'll probably be the best stream we've ever done [Music] pour Avenger Avenger well played man well played Green just says bye Avenger I feel bad for you buddy because you got ganged up on and because you couldn't get to the middle but very well played men you know the fact that you were kind to awesome really helped the games because it's possible that awesome could have been distracted with you well played man well played 41 years remaining now they're starting to push towards the middle we've seen this a couple times now no no clear house don't kill the traps from green don't do it Green just said it was an accident don't don't kill the traps be nice like or hey let's play in 30 years remaining the yellows gonna send in the Scorpions now can Harry T keep up with the production urban thank you for the four month free sub with Tier two a trio thank you for the crime stuff thanks everybody for subscribing supporting this we've got a lot of support lately from people it's been pretty sweet thank you thank all man the scorpions rip I think that Harry T will die here what he'll lose the middle actually he has champions in there I don't know orange you need to come out here you need to come out here Harry T could swing that he could do this he could do this unique we need units here fast he just needs one unit in here to win Corrales please I think poor Hollis assumes that this will be cleaned up I think he assumes this will be cleaned up Harry just needs one unit in the middle that's five years poor green he's on his way he's not gonna make it I think Harry T has it now I think he has it he's gonna win the game right here that's the end I think yeah it is GG well a crazy game crazy game really can't fault anybody or what went on here that's the very first game of wolf wolf nothing MVP's this game well first of all did too let's mount an attack orange Fanta everyone was an MVP in this game honestly everyone played their part I know that orange probably got to come in here with the C geometers but I think he was distracted and he did a fantastic job he's this this game this is a community game you know we're not experts were just a bunch of plebs and that was an entertaining game from a bunch of plebs well well played I did if you're not listening you well tell me if he chose Huns I'm curious said that but you're at a real disadvantage with Huns here I think because everyone else could get ometer so I feel bad for him because you could see all the action in the middle and he couldn't get there or House says Green's auditors started hitting my bills yeah yeah I figured I figured you were a bit distracted by that it's it's fine dude you played very well you know Harry T definitely deserved that he was very close the first time took it down to two years and he was persistent I just wonder if the raid on Zhaan Ana's andar did enough just to put him on the back foot and maybe stop him from getting numbers to the front it was the champions that did it though guys it wasn't the halberdiers it was the fact that champions will eat up everything in here so well played from Harry T to go there he must give your best camel voice now if you if you want the best camel voice type t90 nice they if not just say pineapple I don't know I don't know I'll do it I'll do it it'd be quite a thing to end a YouTube video on pretty awesome game though ah okay I'll try well now hold on I think there's more pineapples the amount of subs that just failed that ammo is is bad that's really bad it's a bad side that's a bad sign guys oh you guys are cheating I can't Oh No okay alright this is my best camel impression you ready oh I I think it's as good as it gets guys so don't ask me to practice I think that's as good as it gets like I said it sounds like he got punched in the stomach all right awesome a double o8 who just played in that game awesome game man thank you for the sub much appreciated brother or sister I'm this is 2018 you know girls can play video games - here's the kill death Harry T deserved it in my opinion I want to see the economy stats Avenger had a little bit more gold but saying that Yoshi's on the Harry T Avenger they all and awesome all had 25k ish so I got real excited Yoshi I got real excited I thought you were gonna build a castle in Castle H and cut through to the middle with a ballista elephants but you didn't and you know I thought about it and I I really don't think that that would have helped you anyway I think there's so much time on the clock still they would have caught up to you in the middle with you on udders well I was hoping that Jared and and Yoshi would do that I thought that's why they chose comer you have to let me know that was what I expected from you anyway but it was always gonna be tough for you verse Celts the Mongols could have done that we saw the micro from orange Mongols definitely could have done that there's a possibility but
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 374,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, wolf, nothing, wtf, LUL, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo
Id: 2Wfs2UulMDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 10sec (4030 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
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