Pickup artists in the wild

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okay so what's your body count um i don't want to say that on the internet you don't no haha okay all right okay so um would you f me though yeah you're my boyfriend you would yeah i i would you're literally my boyfriend so oh i what okay yeah cool i'm reconsidering the whole thing okay cool thanks okay so that's gonna be the general gist of the videos that we watched today sort of also i'm sorry for the audio if you hear a chainsaw type sound in the background there has been a chainsaw murderer walking around these parts so that's probably what that is just ignore it today we're gonna watch uh videos of guys interviewing girls in public and hitting on them at the same time this used to be very common on youtube i don't know if you remember that that's cringe we did with jack manley who has an only fans now by the way and then um uh nerd baller tv remember him remember that guy that's a cool guy he does porn on patreon now well now that same sort of stuff is uh growing on tick tock like everything else we've talked about that and just a warning before we get into this it is super hard to watch it's tough it's a toughy it really is maybe i'm just a beta male but really most of the stuff is pretty brutal okay let's do it do you have a boyfriend i'm engaged you're engaged well congratulations thank you i'll be honest i feel bad for the guy though not because you're not beautiful it's just personally guys marriage is a trap if you're a guy he's lying no if you're a girl definitely get married totally in your favor my favorite guy run i was actually engaged about a year ago oh and what happened dumped her oh no why because because she just wanted to keep having threesomes with me with girls it was really weird i don't know um yeah you know you know what i mean have you ever have you ever had that i've not yeah she was like addicted to sleeping with other women until i started to really like it a lot and then i was just like you know what i'm just gonna do this by myself um anyway oh tears of cringe right there that is how you get women ladies and gentlemen right there you insult their recent decision to commit to something for the rest of their life and then you be condescending and then you brag about how much sex you're definitely having oh no you getting married that would be fine because you're you're a woman but like for you know for a sex having guy like me you know libido through the roof [ __ ] all the time it just doesn't work i mean it's you know it's like a dated system for for you know dudes like me who like to spread the seed if you know what i'm saying you know if i could get married to to three chicks i would because then we could have threesomes all the time but then you think when the fourth comes in and then she would get jealous and the whole thing just doesn't work it doesn't hold up look at her face look at how uncomfortable she is during this entire thing like look at her look at she just wants out of this she's just like i just want to go to work okay small pickup man i want to go to work also by the way just as a side note did you see that kid hop that three set in the middle of the video watch this girl definitely get married totally oh do you see that do you see that play that again oh look at that dude he hopped that three set he knew he was on camera too look at his face right there he's like [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] that yeah [ __ ] your video check this check the x game [ __ ] going on back here i'll never get married because i'm married to adrenaline okay let's move on do you like anal anal no it really hurts so you tried it yeah how many times a few but not it hurts every time every time so what's your favorite position or honestly why are you holding her like that dude why are you holding on to her that's so weird i hate it i hate it i don't know what it's called but from the side more so yeah i don't know okay size the size being on top is kind of hard your legs to hurt do you want to try with me with you i don't know i just met you maybe on the maybe maybe on the second hangout maybe let's take a hangout yeah yeah perfect oh man this is this is a good example of like the formula that all these videos follow they ask a dirty question and then they have no idea how to respond because they don't think that far ahead they just think oh i just asked them if they like anal that's enough for some good content but then the girl responds and then they're like all right i'm just gonna let my charm do my thing and by charm i mean they just say damn or they repeat what she just said in a different tone he went what's your favorite position she's like the side from the side and he's like damn from the side yeah it's what she just said oh the cringe is very strong but you're in though dude you're in she said i don't know i don't know not because she felt awkward or like super confronted by the fact that you're literally holding on to her arm so she can't leave it's she probably said that because sh there's really a chance she might want to f you you know you might get to effort in the a yeah that's a win in my books also is this a bluetooth speaker what is he holding is that is he like just amplifying her responses to everyone on the street because that would suck you know what's your thoughts about you know smooching on the first date i think smooching on the first date is overrated and [Music] yeah you shouldn't do that you shouldn't kiss on the first date no you don't do that i don't do that that's what she just said that's what you just said can the guy kiss you then when where when he asked me to be his girlfriend so that long yep so that could be like three months could be so no sex no kiss no i'm not having sex when i'm married oh you're a virgin gotcha [ __ ] all right so we got you know a girl defined type girl here which is bad news for this guy because he was thinking [ __ ] i was going to ask her to kiss me at the end at the end of the interview [ __ ] what do i do now i got to think of another ending what the [ __ ] do i say my plan that works every time is thwarted by girl defined i like the use of dave chappelle there at the end too that's a good substitution for not saying anything funny in real life say hi to my mom what's what's up mom what's up that's what i met today what's your name christina looks like oh my god you look like christina milian you're like a younger hotter version of her really holy [ __ ] i'm jackie i'm jackie chans jackie chan younger cousin i'm not supposed to take this outside but i took it outside you gotta dude you're such a rebel oh my god dude you're just like the most badass girl i've ever met i'm not snuck a drunk drunk you snuck a drink out of the club jackie jackie nice to meet you nice to meet you why are you insinuating we're going home i don't even know you i'm like every mom's dream oh wow that's true i am i'm not even kidding tell me what is it about you that moms just find irresistible everything okay that's how you go to job interview what are your skills your don't get get right you're like my skills everything i'm just good at everything oh my god i said nagged at the end i mean at least this girl seems somewhat into it maybe because she's drinking i don't know that seems to be a common theme is that most of the girls that they pick are standing outside of bars like right outside and a lot of them are like really [ __ ] up too which is pretty weird but there's just something so disconcerting about these videos i don't know he's trying to he's trying to charm the girl put on a show for his audience and he's filming himself the whole time like imagine what that's like for her some random dude coming up to you on like a bike and just being like yo what's good what's up steve what's good say what's up to my my audience they're gonna watch me try and [ __ ] you i don't know i don't know you know i'm not against i'm not saying don't i'm not saying like don't try to get girls you know what i'm saying i'm just saying this this this content specifically where people are trying to show off their like skills about how much they don't care what they say to like random women in public it just makes me want to curl up into a ball and die have you ever dated an indian guy no not would you would you yes of course if it's you you want to be my girlfriend wait how old are you i have like an age cut off oh where's he going with this i'm not really feeling good about where this is going to go oh you're 20. that's perfect so at 22 we got to break up because that's too old i only gave girls 18 to 20 after that i break up with them uh my dude failed the vibe check hey okay sure because you're gorgeous you're super cute do you want to kiss okay dude oh my god dude smooth yeah [ __ ] yeah just be a giant dick and then ask her to kiss right afterwards yes dude i only date up to age 22 because you guys aged like yogurt but do you want to make out with me right now i mean it worked you got the smooch smooch acquired baby throw that [ __ ] on tick tock it's time to impress my audience of 10 year old boys what's your name kira hero i'm eric nice to meet you nice to meet you how's your night going it's pretty good it's pretty good yeah yeah all right so what do you have to offer me tonight what do you want anything i mean i don't know i want you i mean that's it that's just a bad tick tock that's what that is if you're gonna go up and just like accost this random girl at least at least i want to know what she said also isn't what do you have to offer me like the worst pickup line you've ever heard what kind of offerings do you have for me random woman you owe me something because i am an alpha male and i approached you please present thy mouth for smooching looking for a girl no only tonight and only you only tonight and only me that's right but can i get your number real fast um you hear me snap all right i don't take snapchats bye oh savage whoa damn dude you don't give a [ __ ] crap you showed her man she's probably still thinking about you to this day she's like [ __ ] i should have given my number to that dude in the patriots shirt why did i say snapchat so stupid he clearly doesn't take snapchats clearly megan are we in love no how can i find love out here don't be wow just posted his own l she perfectly summarizes content do you like me no why not because you're having my you're walking around with a microphone it's weird boom i don't know man maybe there's some people that like this content but i hate it and i'm not like this isn't from a from a standpoint of like you should be a nice guy by every girl in public flowers that's not what i'm saying i'm saying this content makes me feel bad in my tumtum like i feel like asking drunk girls sexual questions on camera is a little bit shitty have you ever been cheated on of course every girl has really i'm sorry that's okay i mean it's a part of life it's a part his friend texts me but i don't care goodbye and the arm around makes me so uncomfortable dude she's like she's ham sauced you see how [ __ ] drunk she was she could barely say yeah it's just cheated on whatever girl ass do you think i'm hot you yeah yeah yeah yeah can i help can we hug can i hug you can i hug you hug me come on where's my hug where you going damn you're gonna take a dump without me come on don't give me that side hug i need that full hug sorry yeah you know what they say the side hug is like a friend full hug she said sorry i heard it i heard her say sorry really quiet oh sorry i'm sorry cringe cringe cringe grin don't give me that side hug baby push your butt up against mine i don't know you but all right here's one from manliness maximized sick name what's too big too big from my point it's like this have you have you experienced that yes yes you had to go to the hospital no never now to the hospital from dick now never did you go to the hospital from a big dick what are you eight years old dude you know women give birth right this is also a weird trend a lot of these accounts will go to adult conventions and interview porn stars but like play it off like it's pickup content dude it's a porn star it's their literal job at these conventions to be nice to you and make you feel horny why do you feel like this is manliness maximize this is like the easiest thing ever okay and i didn't even want to include this last one because it's it's so bad i don't even know if i'm gonna include it in that in the final edit it's i don't know i don't even want to watch it again i feel just bad putting this in the video because it's so bad but it's he posted it right i don't know how like she speaks english who me yeah we're climbing down the mountain now hand in hand yay i love you best friends best lovers friends oh hi i just get friend jokes can i impregnate you no not yet okay well like climbing the mountains right oh yeah true what what what the [ __ ] just happened man did he really just say i i love you first of all and then she was like uh what and he's like we're lovers and he's like we're friends and he's like oh i got friend zoned can well can i impregnate you that's just bad game like straight up that even if you weren't filming yourself that would be just a horrible horrible game can i impregnate you i can't think of a worse pickup line than can i impregnate you holy hell all right guys that's it for this one make sure you go ahead and smash the like button just to prove that you got this far because i don't i honestly be surprised if any of you made it through that amount of cringe and uh we'll see you next time but wait before you go where's my kiss come on where where is it come on no don't give me the cheek kiss that's for friends give me the real kiss [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 3,383,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: COGwfqTK5I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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