I Survived 10 YEARS in Minecraft Superflat [FULL MOVIE]

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10 years ago on june 9th 2012 i started recording my super flat survival let's play over a hundred episodes later i'm still going so i went back and watched all the old episodes so you wouldn't have to you can hear my voice change and see my world evolve and hear my reactions to old updates in the game it's been an amazing decade-long journey so i hope you enjoy 10 years in survival super flat uh let's play flat world that's right flat world future mog swamp here i'll be joining from time to time to explain things and provide context in these early days my microphone and video quality were still pretty rough most of my episodes only had one or two cuts and they were pretty much continuous gameplay all right let's get going we're gonna want these sheep c's gonna get my three wool what do you do in this game right sticks uh wood craft no no the slimes can get annoying the sound but we'll hopefully fix that pretty soon i'll build a trench and you guys will never have to worry about it ever again oh okay so this village has just what i wanted which is a blacksmith and i'll take it i'll take it two blacksmiths in one village is a jackpot oh nice nice nice nice let's get a trench going for you guys the more slimes i have in there the less slimes i have up here i just want to do this because i think it's fun and also i've just had this idea for a super flat let's play for a very long time and i really wanted to do one i have some big plans for you guys hopefully we'll get some saplings soon from one of the chests we'll get a wheat farm going infinite food all right well that's gonna wrap up the first episode i hope you guys liked it [Music] i made sure to build a nether portal with lava blocks from the blacksmiths that way i could save the obsidian from blacksmith chess for my enchantment table by episode 4 i had the portal all built [Music] i'm just here in the nether as you can see i just made like a makeshift uh little table here i upgraded the trench this trench was my way of temporarily disabling hostile mob spawns by filling up the mob cap now we have our very own cobblestone generator this is where we're at not too much but we're gonna make an iron golem farm we're going to have to destroy all these houses you may have noticed in that last clip i have some oak saplings in my hotbar i don't think i showed it on camera or anything but you find those in the village blacksmith chests as of now there's a list of very few items that i can get in a flat world um but when the villager trading comes out there will be loads more blocks i can get the the biggest thing that i'm hoping for is redstone that would um really change the direction of this let's play because uh right now the biggest hindrance i guess the biggest thing stopping us from taking over the world is that um we don't have redstone in order to make uh redstone contraptions and and farm what we're gonna start doing is we're gonna start deleting all the earth around here uh down to bedrock i have created a big circle which is gonna be a tower going way up tall in the sky the iron golem farm is just about working as you can see i finished putting all the half slabs yeah that took a lot a lot of half slabs i also put water down all over the place outside of here there that's a good enough view i guess to this day water still surrounds my base it's actually very easy to cover your world with water you basically just need to place source blocks diagonally in a line as you guys may or may not know in 1.3 which is coming out on august 1st by the way i can break all those half slabs and have a chest because they're not flammable they cannot be burned unlike normal wood when you craft new half slabs they'll be called something else so i'll have a nice stockpile of those in case i need to use them for anything which will be nice and i still have them to this day but yeah up here we're soon going to be starting the mob farm and also the outside world like the top level that's why i'm spreading this grass out there so that we can begin the landscaping around 24 blocks up from here we're going to begin the the mob spawner the mob system i tore out the floor took me several hours uh and i don't think it looks half slab how i want to set up this world is hopefully this there's going to be this tower of course there will be mob separators because i'd like to do a lot with the mobs as you can see the grass is spreading quite nicely that's nice pretty soon this will start looking like a normal world again the way you guys have to imagine this is that this top level here is like it is down there just all grass yeah i've spent accumulated about four days in this world of course some of that was idling um i hope you're not getting bored just watching me pillar just need three more double chests for those stone bricks and we should be pretty much done with this as you can see we finished up the walls still eating this crap though i don't eat run flesh anymore but i still haven't really perfected a food source some old habits die hard i guess so here we are on the second level this used to be all out in the open see there's the grass as you can see out there that is the center of where the mob trap will go i'm probably going to divide it into like four parts there will be different things then we head up here uh this will be where all the mob handling is done all the mobs sorting finally we have the third level this tower goes from bedrock to level 75 i really i really want to make it a city so that everything has its own place soon we're going to be setting up the iron golem farm because we are in desperate need of iron just a little view of the tower it's pretty cool i've already gotten a lot of dirt filled in as you can see i'm going to try and start moving these guys up into the sky this was the start of the garden of pharos an old defunct area of my world that we recently visited to build a giant creeper three two [Music] here's our little village now we've got this thing this is a iron golem farm hopefully by next episode we'll have it somewhat functional there it is there's the farm in this version of the game there was no limit to how much you could trade with villagers i got pretty much all my emeralds from trading wheat and wool so uh this is a new room that we've created it has four entrances like this one on each side let's see if we can pick all that up no i don't even have enough room i finished off these hallways put this nice spear with glowstone i'm just clicking and already level nine uh in a matter of seconds so this is the loot chest guys uh pretty incredible this is all from trading with the villagers using wheat and here is the library i've been traveling around getting bookshelves with my silk touch gotta start on the storage room soon downstairs so many projects but you know one step at a time this world is really starting to come together farmed quite a bit of stone armed a ton of wheat bam 64 emerald blocks that's pretty insane how many is that we're looking at 70 or so oh my goodness yes you gotta build one of these oh wow today i have so much stuff to do in the flat world that you're basically just gonna watch me do it in the early days of the flat world i had a lot of chores i farmed wheat for emeralds but it took a lot of bone meal to do so hoppers weren't in the game yet so i had to manually stand next to my mob farm another big chore was digging dirt from the bottom of my world to place at the top of my base i still have to farm dirt like this all the time in 2022 the enchanting system was totally different back then before anvils were in the game you had to spend a full 30 levels to enchant something and just pray that it had the enchantments you needed in general minecraft was so much of a slower game back in 2012 i've started to decorate the iron golem farm here and we're going with a tree theme this is going to sort of be like some sort of garden there's so many of them that they're not falling down the hole wow would you look at that but here let's uh let's give it a test run so yeah it's the theme song remember how i said hoppers weren't in the game yet this timer would let me know when the drops from my mob farm were about to despawn i got the idea from ethos lab who was the person who inspired me to start a let's play in the first place this is the portal room almost done i have to move this over i'm gonna carpet all these hallways as well i think it looks pretty nice fun fact when i say carpet here i'm actually just talking about the wool blocks actual carpets wouldn't be added to the game for a while this is essentially what it's going to look like when it's done and there will be roads connecting it all as soon as 1.4 comes out we'll get those corner stairs and i'm going to use those for the roads a lot can you believe that corner stairs weren't in the game back then i'm so used to having them it feels like they've always been there so what i'm walking towards right now it's a design for a spider farm i was working on this spider farm as well as the mob farm and my main base were both my own designs i actually even did tutorials for them they're both really simple but i'm still proud of them so all in all we have like four double chests full of stone i've got a full chest of redstone here even more redstone here i've got a full chest full of glass i've been also farming the blazes these are all level 30 enchants a lot of sheep as you can see it's actually lagging the world a little bit i have done lots and lots of work i've added this river nice little bridge so yeah let's say thank you to everybody so basically this is the entrance to the garden of pharos but if we come down here first 150 subscribers the 150th subscriber will go in this spot here thank you guys so much in case you're wondering all 150 of the first subscribers are still there and some of these people have actually been watching me for 10 years and it turns out that i've created one of the world's funniest squid farms as soon as i go through the nether there'll be a million squids yep and now they're all going to explode and ink sacks galore i miss this so much as of 1.13 squids only spawn in water biomes but luckily i can still get glow squid on my flat world for when i'm missing my tentacle friends i have so many iron blocks i'll idle at the iron golem farm overnight while i'm in school these four beacon things didn't even put a dent in my my iron collection literally all i have to do to get them working is place the beacon i've yet to go to the nether and find a proper weather school area that you're seeing right now is actually the cobblestone mountain i'm working on uh this was just behind the scenes eventually it'll go all the way up as you can see up there i have a couple of pistons one with water one with lava this mountain is actually the only lava cast i've ever done on my world the other mountains on my world were placed manually by hand and are completely hollow inside i've done an insane amount of terraforming around the whole place looks really nice now i need to disguise that as a tree and that and that we need to finish these four buildings we also gotta do the mountain but that's more of a side project that's where we're eventually gonna fight the withers in we gotta finish the library work on the farms downstairs a bunch of stuff i'd like to do with the mobs thanks so much for watching all my new subscribers means a lot hopefully someday we're gonna become a thriving youtube channel the reason i'm thanking my new subscribers in that last clip is because i had gained about 200 subs overnight when i uploaded my episode 25 checkpoint video i went on to do another two checkpoint videos at episodes 50 and 75 and each time you can actually see the bump in my subscriber count this brings us past the early days and onto the true golden age of the flat world i was still in high school and able to play all the time and i was getting more comfortable on camera i remember having a really small but dedicated community and i started streaming once in a while it's really nostalgic to think about in this clip i'm working on setting up a weather skeleton farm i'm gonna flatten out a lot of this area to begin with and after that we can actually get focused on the steps we need to take to actually make a farm hopefully soon we'll have some skulls going get those beacons up and running beds beds explode in the nether when you try to sleep in them and i was like huh well that's interesting because i can't get tnt on the flat world i don't have any sand i had never seen anyone use bed mining in the nether before when i made this so i was pretty proud of myself for coming up with it back then i used to switch between hard and peaceful mode a lot so i used peaceful for this so the beds wouldn't kill me every time spawn rates are great look what we got uh we're going to be fighting some withers this is one project i'd like to forget about i spent an insane amount of time trying to get the nether perimeter cleared enough for the farm to work but it honestly never really did i have actually got the farm working stacks and stacks of pistons redstone that is the center of the perimeter and if we come up here i've installed crushers skeletons pigmen magma cubes blaze wither skeletons they all spawn in here probably a full week of solid work i want pumpkins so bad here because i could make my own iron golems in places where i need them and i realized during halloween in the game mobs had a chance of spawning with pumpkins on their head i should have played on halloween this is where we're going to be fighting the withers yeah that mountain there i had to stop building it up because the game got too laggy i started working on the storage room here is basically the design i worked in a creative world for a while just trying to figure out a cool floor pattern and this is what i came up with as you can see i just went for a stone look sort of matching above all right guys here we go the moment of truth i have a backup chest so uh wish me luck guys here we go we're gonna do this oh wow that was so quick okay run away ah and let's just kill him kill him is he dead what what happened yes we did get the wither star boom take that let's see how fast we can kill him oh oh this is bad this is bad kill him this guy oh one more hit one more hit yes we did it i think i know how to handle the next couple fights much better we got the two weather stars that's what's important craft it yes two beacons how does this work i love it oh look at that look at that jump oh it just makes it a lot nicer here i finished the second half of the storage room and i am basically out of stone eventually i'm going to build a statue of an iron golem somewhere over there in the back today we're going to be working on that donation room it's going to be hard because caves are very random here's how it turned out as you can see back then i used to honor my donations by putting them in this man-made cave and i really want to bring that back by starting a big pirate cove for all my youtube channel members and patrons i think i could do a lot better with the terraforming nowadays school just got cancelled tomorrow because of the giant snowstorm supposed to have two feet of snow we're gonna find diamonds carrots hopefully and potatoes oh carrots it is new generation wow look at that we already got carrots that's right i used to be able to tell which villages i hadn't been to yet because carrots and potatoes weren't even in the game when i started my world so we've got potatoes we've got carrots there should be some nether quartz around for sure haha we've got back home there we go so for the newer viewers this is basically our tower everything you see was done legitimately on a super flat survival game mode type our carrots and potatoes that we got on our adventure have been growing very well these are the four buildings which we still need to finish one chest two chest three chest four and then a little more that was all done at this cobblestone or actually it's a stone generator i just felt like going to the nether today to get some quartz lots of glowstone we're here in our brand new uh base in the nether and it is definitely definitely under construction as you can probably tell i'm gonna get rid of that water over here and i'm gonna get rid of this water up here i'm gonna make a new series of portals uh somewhere in here all the squid will collect and we'll have a door and we could go in and harvest them all if we want to it's sort of like a dry aquarium if you will uh yeah we still gotta fix this thing so this spider farm was basically broken from the first day i built it because i built the ceiling too low and even though it takes me a while to fix it in the series once i did it lasted forever the mechanics behind it are so simple that it still works fine in 2022 we're just gonna get right going today here yep okay oh no oh we're gonna die oh god i haven't really used hoppers yet believe it or not we'll just have chests and chests down here that will fill up with iron when hoppers finally released i had the fun task of going back and changing all my farm so that they would auto collect the drops look in the chest in there is plenty more so that's awesome i really like the way that turned out we're doing a bit of a special episode today i changed my system date and time i'm gonna try to get some pumpkins here today it worked oh man look at that pumpkin on his head we successfully went back in time guys it is now halloween 2012. they are they're one of you whoa oh god and after trying for a while i gave up back in the day if things weren't working out i would give up pretty easily i feel like this world and my youtube channel have taught me not to give up so easily anymore that's how much iron has collected since the last episode i worked on this massive cobble generator i left my computer on while i slept i had like three double chests full of stone and cobble did a lot of wood farming working on getting villagers to trade with organizing like crazy i built some light sensors they come on when it turns nighttime i still gotta finish the other squid farm and get rid of that water oh hello everybody i love how their texture is like screwed up when they're taking damage here's the new setup we'll be able to come down into here okay that's why i have this yeah a quick drop we'll just put some wood here for now i was thinking this would be an okay place to put the wood farm i am about to build a piston elevator so i need to go to bed now because it is a school night but it's finished oh man oh it's so nice no more creepers glowstone's just gonna line the back of this thing this came out pretty well i'll copy the uh the same thing on the other side of course since last time i copied over the trees on the other side oh yeah i put a piece of water here that's one of the things we need to do this episode is make a fountain there [Music] i think that'll work just fine just trying this out fountain out and it even pushes you off to the side that's beautiful okay that looks really cool i changed up the fountain a little it's actually very fast this way you can just like go in and out one of the things we're also going to hopefully try and do today is make a staircase going up around this tower this is so far it's actually pretty fast to get up with the speed oh god yeah it comes up to here i put some stairs there i might extend the walls out to here and do something with this room and wow 650 subscribers we're growing really fast lately i've been waiting for 1.6 because i really want to start a base i have a cool idea but it has to do with the colored clay in that clip i'm actually talking about a base idea for this old smp i was on but i included it just because it's so interesting to hear what was coming out in those updates horses carpets we are in 1.6 so i'm gonna do some research on flat worlds and horses these areas right here i have to finish them off on all four sides i think i have an idea of what i want to do with this room by the way melons and pumpkins once i get pumpkins let's show off this there's like a ring of glowstone and glass and eventually everything will be inside like this or like this it's fun to hear me describing my goal of completing the interior of the big tower that long ago it's still very much on the to-do list the squid tank is working that's a lot of ink sacks i'm almost done with this spider farm i took a break since i've been gone i put trees on a mountain and torches i was like man this mountain would look pretty cool if it was all covered in trees this is the mob farm like i said i really want to top it off somehow one of my ideas was to have like a big tree another idea is just to have like a giant sphere this clip was fun for me to see because i finally got around to making something on top a couple weeks ago so when i said in the video that it took me literally 10 years to finish that i really wasn't exaggerating uh last episode i said i was going to work on an automatic tree farm you go into here and the idea is that you plant a sapling it'll push this way and then i'll have like a three wide thing of trees just going this way and i plant the tree and it starts to try and plant the three trees here get pushed out this was my first attempt at a somewhat automatic tree farm and as you'll see it was not the last i'm about to build a melon farm so here we are [Music] and it ends up in this chest eventually i hope this serves us well it should always run automatically whenever we're around this is a cool functional room now i mostly need horses and that pesky nether quartz which i have none of basically the plan is to just keep going until i see quartz oh there's some quartz ah yes finally believe it or not i had explored a lot of my nether by the time quartz was introduced into the game so having to go way out to collect quartz was a pretty normal occurrence oh saddle perfect i didn't find horses on my adventure but there's a good reason for that that'll be explained soon so i'd like to set up a permanent trading station i hate working with villagers but it's kind of necessary if we get this smelting machine running we can convert all our cobble to stone really easily which will be nice to have we can use that stone to make the iron golem statue which is where the villagers will go which will help us get diamond pickaxes which we can then enchant to get fortune which we can then use to get courts which we can use to get redstone comparators and finally make our mob sorting system this clip kind of highlights how important trading halls are on super flat worlds so many essential resources are obtained through villager trading that it's really hard to do anything without that infrastructure set up but just uh started laying out the room where the furnace array is going to go i shift click all of the cobble into here a cart will run around and distribute it amongst these chests put it in the fuel chest and there's a perfect amount so i've already done so much work i've been reading audiobooks i have to do all my summer reading and i've been collecting books because i've been working on the library and i actually ran out of books along the way you can see i finally got my diamonds in fact a whole 16 of them first i went 10 000 blocks west and now i've gone 10 000 blocks east no horses either way i don't understand why they wouldn't spawn on a flat world because that would make this job so much easier i got a fortune 3 pickaxe and so i i now have uh loads of nether quartz so i got the books so i can finally finish off this guy this library is such a good example of something that i thought looked so good when i made it but now it just looks so 2013. here we are at the iron golem farm i finished up the stone going around the side but i did do a little bit of work there is the iron golem statue here we are at the head of the iron golem oh i like it yeah that definitely looks pretty cool i was uh putting more trees on the mountain when i noticed [Music] this mysterious thing this is so oh god there's more of them what is that it's got like stripes on it oh my god that's a wither it's it's like a sideways wither head this really is withering heights it's haunted now by three floating blinking wither skulls eventually these stopped blinking and turned solid but they are still there here is the item sorting i want to put in a wheat farm up here as soon as possible so now i've finished the sorting system i finished the four buildings i'm almost done with the iron golem farm still need uh the last two beacons the only thing that's left to do on the spider farm over here is add in the sorting system and the killing system so other than that it's all finished i think i'm going to redo the piston elevator i think i can find a more reliable design uh there's this guy i've been watching mumbo jumbo i'm sure a lot of you have heard of him and he's got some cool tutorials that i was looking up so uh yeah i'm liking this we're starting to get the design of the place sort of worked out i'll have all the stuff from here go into hoppers we could have the hopper chain go backwards to chests up here let's see how this goes we could just actually start dumping these here everything should be feeding in correctly hopefully we will soon see one of the lights go on at this point i reached episode 50 and made another checkpoint video and i'm glad i did because i got some pretty cinematic footage we had finished the four buildings surrounding the tower started a massive mountain and we built a library in storage hall we had a blaze farm the beginnings of an ugly nether hub a failed wither skeleton farm and a chaotic trading hall inside a giant iron golem this brings us to chapter three at this point i was starting to look at different colleges and i knew in the back of my head that in a year i'd be leaving high school forever i started to take my channel really seriously because i felt like if i wasn't able to make a career out of it i'd have to quit when i went to university i was still having fun but i do remember this period being filled with a lot of pressure and anxiety around the mog swamp channel what's this i've reached a thousand subscribers that's right guys a thousand subs the best equivalent of a fireworks display i can do here on the flat world without paper oh that's cool this moment right here turned out to be very pivotal in the history of the flat world and you'll see why in a little bit thank you guys so much from the bottom of my heart i certainly would not have come this far in the flat world without uh the viewers this is like really legitimately crazy but i think i we might do it anyways i want to cover the cobblestone mountain in grass this is the first of many times that i started a project that i thought was crazy or impossible and i actually ended up finishing it i remember i sort of did hit a spot on the flat world where i had like there didn't seem like there was anything to do here and i just kind of lost interest for a while but i am not there anymore i can assure you i've actually written out checklists pages of ideas and things that we need to complete i just i can't decide if it's worth it you know what let me know in the comments whether or not you think it would be worth it to cover this mountain in uh lush green grass so that's a pretty small patch which just shows that was like four stacks oh my god i don't think it's doable it's about time we try and re-haul the tree farm down here this tree farm was designed by my good friend essie petty and it's going to use the wither i'm in the middle of wiring this thing it's taking quite a few pistons so basically you stand here and spam right click we already got a tree and there go the logs oh that was so cool from now on as soon as we place this weather though we're not going to be able to go onto peaceful mode anymore so i mentioned this once before but i used to actually switch between hard and peaceful mode quite frequently a lot of the time it was to do testing or construction on mob farms nowadays i'm a strict hard mode player and i never switched to peaceful but back in the day it wasn't actually that simple to stay on hard worlds didn't have their own difficulty setting until 1.8 so if you were playing in a creative world in peaceful mode you'd have to remember to change it back to hard before logging into your single player world or your wither would be erased although it's really cool the noise is always going to be there and the same with this bar of health so here i am building the enormous wheat farm in my base even when i built this design it was a bit old-fashioned but i just love having a big old school wheat farm it really brings me back to those early days of minecraft when i first played with my brother in 2011. uh big wheat farm wheat is great for trading of course we're just gonna start tilling everything here the wheat is mostly grown but i've grown impatient so i'm going to go and set it off okay here we go the switch is down here comes the wheat we're gonna try to get a horse the passive mob cap was probably being reached by all the animals at my base since they're in the spawn chunks they're always loaded and so i need to get rid of said animals in order for more to spawn i've built an ark to house our animals i might have to build a tunnel through the mountain and once we have one of each animal we could start breeding them in there what what i was just enchanting things i got a horse look at him he's beautiful this is so exciting hey he loves me now i can put a saddle on him that is incredible oh this is so cool so there's the ark down there more weather heads do you see that yeah another wither head oh there's one [Music] wow look at that oh man wow so many squid look what we got we got some horses three more yes this is where we're going to build our horse ladder all right so let's run and grab a horse ah that's fun you can just drop down and you'll land in the water here i built the fish farm i just went ahead and did it here's the cool loot i got from running it for a while that's uh that's from one night i got eight name tags which is so spectacular this is a fun one i forgot about my nether portal was in a dark spot in my base so if i spent enough time around there bats would just be flying through constantly and when i finally would go to the nether this would happen i'm gonna build a sheep farm right here and it's gonna be an afk sheep farm and hopefully it's gonna be super awesome it's done you stand at the top here and fill up your inventory hold one and just hold right click and you'll share them there's this little uh contraption here that cycles through shears so that you always have one in hand i built a tunnel that leads to the arc yeah we're here on withering heights i've been working about three days on this i honestly think this project is when i truly fell in love with the grind i just have really fun memories of binge watching malcolm in the middle while i dug up dirt for hours only to place it back down again i created a zombie pigman farm it's just one row of platforms way up in the sky and it spawns a bunch of pigmen and then they fall to their death when i got down here there were tons and tons of chickens there's this bug in the news version of the game where chicken jockeys can spawn in the nether and then they walk off the edge and they float down the baby zombies despawn and just leave the chickens as you can see we're getting a little bit of gold here if i move closer i think they're more likely to move around and you can see they all tank today we're starting a brand new project which sounds weird because i know i'm always talking about all the things i got to finish up around here don't worry check out the swallow water this is part of a test i was doing i love underwater in general um so i've been playing bioshock i love rapture it's the coolest thing underwater builds are hard to do it's hard to find a big ocean in minecraft but here we can build a giant build and then later submerge it so welcome to salacia this is the new project we're going to be working on salacia is the second project i started that i never thought i would ever finish there we go guys check that out if that isn't a cool foundation for a base then what is we're mainly going to use black glass i've decided i think it's going to look really cool in the end this is what it's going to look like bam filled in this whole thing with the new andesite um new andesite stone i think it looks pretty cool let's go up here see how our villagers are doing the more the merrier i traded for a lot of redstone filled up this chest i'd say it's time to build a better mob farm so uh let's do this do you guys remember how insanely annoying it used to be to craft things like pistons in bulk welcome to the pinx the new site of the mob farm it actually used to say thanks not the punks something interesting when you walk over here boom boom yeah so you get two flashes of all the fire charges like half loaded or unloaded remember when i said this moment would be really pivotal well this is why it seems like an old version of the game when projectiles would hit the edge of your render distance they would just freeze there forever just like the wither heads nowadays the fireballs are actually solid instead of blinking and to be honest it's one of my favorite features in my entire world just because it's so unique so now we've got a big cobble mountain with flashing wither heads and a big mob farm with flashing fiery balls stone some redstone some pistons i'm gonna need a lot more redstone i'm gonna need a lot more tripwire hooks and string we need to find a way to be killing the spiders without losing all their drops because this thing doesn't really work too well instead of having some fancy thing in the middle i had a big staircase go down instead it just drops the spiders they die and the hoppers pick up their drops so the first level is completely done but yeah i traded tons of wool with uh villagers to get lots of emeralds we're gonna need about a double chest full of redstone boom mobs will get pushed off immediately i finally took down the uh automatic wood machine that kept breaking and such this is all the stuff i got from it as you can see it seems like my tree farms were cursed to not last very long what we're going to be doing today is building a big statue i just started the base of the statue down there you can see it there on this other side you can see the work i've done already it's been a couple days say maybe two-thirds done if not more i just want to try out the mob farm here i've put a roof on it so here we go i've already been testing it a little bit yeah the rates are already pretty insane we didn't even use up half the pistons wow look at that that is amazing in order to begin work on the collection system i need a lot of wood and now that i'm out of a wood farm i didn't want to go back and mine all the wood so i figured why not build the new wood farm oh i love this thing it's so insane to this day this farm is still a beast and it's another one of my favorite things about my world something about watching the mobs rain down like that just still hasn't gotten old after eight years finished off this room all the plants are pretty much planted when i first started my channel i thought i'm in this too late like i should have started earlier i'm running out of time minecraft's not gonna be in the spotlight forever and that was two years ago in college i have to quit because i'm gonna have a roommate i'm gonna like i said i'm gonna be an art student art takes a lot of time it's hard to quit something you really care about um you know i'm constantly feeling stressed that time is running out and that i will have to i've been being very social lately i think part of it is this fear that like i know that once i go to college it's just never going to be the same again and i know a lot of a lot of people still have high school friends years and years later but um i'm just worried because i know me i know that when i when i go away i'm gonna lose a lot of uh really good friends so i'm trying to just get as much as i can out of high school before i leave i don't know lots of lots of things going on for me right now so check it out we got a bunch of new horses oh man that just looks so cool it's like a big oreo cookie with a bunch of cool different colors inside i finished the statue it took me a few hours last time i talked about how it's kind of hard to build a statue while you listen to an audiobook i just decided to do it anyways this is what the statue looks like yeah it's time to spawn in the weather all right guys hopefully i do this right here we go yay it's working if you haven't figured it out already it used to be a lot easier to trap the weather nowadays with stuff like tnt dupers people rarely ever use wither farms i finished up the wood farm so here it is in its entirety bones will just all feed up to the tree farm just hold down right click the bone meal shoots out of the dispenser i've got a full chest and a little bit more i've used up a lot of it finished all of the redstone and it works quite well i finished this water stream and i put in all the lava and the hoppers uh it is episode 72 so we're very very close to another checkpoint video i'd like to finish up some more stuff but i i guess we'll have to wait till the 100. the mob farm being done um these rims will probably wait i think salacio will be the big thing for the 100th video oh cool get a view of salacio from this window i ripped it down it is done a brand big spanking open space oh i'm a professional guys i just really like how everything connects and how the bass flows we can try and connect these guys next episode possibly i put in the base of the elevator we've got our slime block elevator all installed let's just give it a try i just got out of my last day of classes for this year and this year was my senior year which means i am done with high school i grabbed some cows for the infinite breeding machines and brought them over this is where the infinite breeding machine is going to go this is where i want the tunnel for the pigs and the cows from the infinite breeding machine right on this side i've been working on making a tunnel here when the cows are infinitely bred they will advance along this water tunnel and then that goes all the way down into my base there i built the infinite trading cell uh it's a designed by zuma void he makes incredible tutorials uh probably the best quality on youtube what we're gonna be doing in this room is making the potion lab alright guys so i've been doing a little bit of work here i added a fountain up there just for decoration i think it looks kind of cool things should be getting separated hopefully yep we're getting flush by the by the second pretty much sadly my world got corrupted right around this time i had to load a backup so both the potion room and that item sorter you saw in the last clip got deleted and finally we're here at the dark ages in these five years i only put out 10 episodes of the flat world school kept me really busy but each summer i'd come back for an episode or two before my channel started doing really well recently i had big regrets about not continuing mog swamp during this time but honestly in the end i think it worked out i really needed that extra time to focus on making friends and completing my art degree we're here at salacia so now we're working on this room it's going to be like a terrarium i'm going to place a glass and then we can work on the roof yeah i think i like that this is the terrarium so it's going to be filled with hills and grass and trees and leaves mostly and tons of flowers you'll notice a lot of creeper holes around here because they actually help me mine the dirt you just light them with a flint and steel i think it's looking pretty good so far we're going to need a lot of lights in here i'll hang some vines from the ceiling like i did over there if you can just picture like squid floating by because like where this whole thing's gonna be underwater i actually really enjoy doing terraforming and stuff like that this place is just gonna look so cool once once it's underwater uh and hopefully that happens so it's been like a good three months i haven't played minecraft in a while i don't think i'll be recording as much as i used to i might do a thing or two once in a while so we're at salacia this is the project i had been working on i think when when we last left off i love minecraft such a fun game they introduced the bunny in 1.8 i would have to move all the animals back to noah's ark again if i wanted to get that bunny so i don't know we'll see and that right there is one of my biggest regrets of this entire series in the next update mojang would make it so that rabbits no longer spawned in plains biomes so since i didn't get them in 1.8 i'll never be able to get rabbits on my flat world if this had happened while i was still in high school i probably would have noticed the change but since it was my freshman year at college i didn't notice and i missed my chance why why don't they spot it this is the first episode in like nine months you know that that's enough to have a baby so but i didn't i didn't have a baby maybe i should have this is my sophomore year my third semester of college things are going good i've kind of been building up this sort of area over here we have like a platform forming here just been kind of adding these pathways and fleshing out the dynamics of this area a little bit more we'll see how this episode does you know and if people are commenting if there's a positive response then i'll keep it going to the best of my ability you know things are busy with college but i have my own place now my own apartment so i did a bunch of work in the flat world and i want to show to you guys it's been a while since i recorded but i've only been playing for like the past week or so i had a really busy semester in college i added this big old tree farm because i realized we don't really have like a giant tree farm it's kind of therapeutic to just go through and chop down wood so i added this little slime block elevator and this is another area i worked on quite a bit it's right in front of the wheat farm so here we are in salesia and we were filling in some glass it's going to be huge and so i have to extend this skeleton up into the sky so i think the water is going to go right up to the statue but fall short and it's going to kind of tumble down the statue um so the cube's going to start like there all the way to the back there and to each side i don't know if i'll ever actually finish it but i really hope i do this will all just be open to the sky like it is now except there will be water kind of water falling in from every edge i don't really feel motivated to work on the flat world other than to show people what i'm doing so doing a video once in a while um will just help motivate me to like keep working on this awesome world that i have keep playing this amazing game right it's been like a year i have not played a whole lot um off camera but i have played a little bit we're in the star field these are just weird artifacts from one time when i shot off a bunch of these things i uh put in a maintenance switch so that uh i can work on the mob farm and it slows down the mob capacity to only a few per minute this is actually one of the nice things about that change in 1.18 where mobs only spawn at level zero now instead of just slowing down the farm this switch actually turns it off altogether the tree farm's not working the weather escaped he blew parts of this uh farm apart i built a little launcher and a staircase up to this level where there's all sorts of mob tubes and stuff like that just for easy access today i am working on doing something that i tried to do a long time ago and that's if you uh set your system time uh on your computer to uh halloween of any year um then there is a certain chance that skeletons and zombies will spawn with pumpkins on their heads and i stood by my mob spawner for about three hours and i just grinded through uh with a looting three sword with looting three it's a three percent chance i finally got a pumpkin and there it is uh so yeah now we with that pumpkin we can craft pumpkin seeds and we have pumpkins on the flat world you ever have a project that you just put off for way too long but then you finally get it done that's exactly how this felt this justin in other flat world news i have been basically leaving my computer on for overnight or while i go to work during the day i have accumulated chests and chests full of wool for training with the villagers this is where we're at now i've sort of modified the bridge over here the there's gonna be water pouring down in this half moon crescent but other than that this room is pretty much just gonna be used for dropping down onto this slime block today it is our duty to uh design a house so you can kind of like land on the balcony so we got a nice sort of frame for the window to sit in there i laid out the basic outline of the roof next time we're probably gonna do some more houses we finished up this roof in fact we finished up the whole house let's build a new building i'm gonna grab a bunch of wood here and we can basically just outline the roof and then start filling in the rest of the building around that here is the roof looks pretty good keep in mind guys at this point oakwood is still the only wood type i've ever had on the flat world i kind of built like this bridge thing off camera the next thing i want to do to finish off this building is uh decorate it a little more on the outside uh with leaves so just you know kind of dirty it up a bit have some hedges growing yeah i want to hang some banners so i'm thinking like right right there and there uh but yeah anyways so i'm out of college now i just graduated this 2018 episode is kind of a weird one because i had the idea to blend like a vlog and let's play together and i didn't really end up sticking with the idea that same year pewdiepie actually like re-popularized minecraft and i feel like he did it better than i did but it's cool for me to see this little to-do list i made because we've pretty much done all these things now so the first thing i want to do in the game is to build the slime farm the slime farm we're going to be using is uh pretty much the design created by ilmango i'm actually a big fan of the guy we have our slime chunk marked out right here um so before i dive into this story i just wanted to explain these weird purple blocks that are popping up basically what they are is they're the old wooden slab back in the day wooden slabs you actually mined them with a pickaxe and they were completely fireproof so we did it it's done and as you can see these chests are filling up with slime i'm over here at salacia i know it's been a while but i feel like i've already you know been through all that spiel a few times i do this like once a year so you guys are used to it you know how forever ago i said like i was gonna build a giant dirt ring in the sky and then like put water walls down well yeah i'm finally doing that and it's it's turning out awesome so let's go check it out wow if you're pressed right up against it that's a pretty good view i i haven't tried this yet can you just bone meal and and uh and get like seaweed and stuff i have not really kept up with the finer mechanics of this game oh it works it works i hate that um you have to wait now for your breath made a lot of changes to the base too i've been busy guys i play a lot just off camera so i go from this corner and sort of spread it a little bit and you can see how it goes all the way down once you do that filling in the water for salacio was a really fun grind for like two or three weeks i would just get home from work every night put on some dragon ball z and start placing water in total it's it's been about two weeks and we've made so much progress man we are into starting to delete this dirt wall down here and i've even done a slight bit of terraforming just to try my hand at it we just gotta delete this dirt and then i think it'll be a lot brighter in here and a lot easier to see out of it ah that is so cool you can see like all the seaweed down there oh that is so cool see that's exactly what i was hoping that is amazing so when we upgrade to 1.14 we can get some fish buckets and just pour them in another change that snuck by me was the removal of squid 1.13 again i just wasn't following the game very closely at that point i really wish i had name tagged a couple squids so we'd have a few this place is a little bit cleaned up and i added a little park up there after that last video i went through a rough breakup and i just didn't feel like making content for the rest of that year i really needed to change the scene so i decided to move out of my home state to texas and then covet him the new coronavirus coronavirus coronavirus coronavirus covid19 suddenly i was stuck in my apartment with nothing to do i had just moved to a brand new city and now i couldn't go out and meet anyone or make friends so instead i began making mock swamp videos again i started streaming all the time i made a discord and all of a sudden we had the coziest little community minecraft has ever seen we had truly hit the mog swamp renaissance i can't remember if it was 1.14 or 1.15 but now you can link portals up to the roof of the nether which is super cool you didn't used to be able to do that to tell you the truth i've always hated the nether on the flat world it's always been disorganized and a huge mess i will be very happy to just start over from scratch on a new nether hub on the roof another thing that changed in 114 or 15 shears now work out a dispenser so we no longer need to afk at the sheep farm in order to get wool so now the wool just gets picked up by those hoppers and sorted right away which is super nice now unfortunately the other thing that we used to afk here for was the um the iron golem farm which no longer works but luckily uh they are much easier to make in this version these are all the old villagers so actually they a lot of them kept their profession from the previous version of the game ah i just love the feeling of getting a lot done in this game in 1.14 villagers actually uh caused cats to spawn so that's how we got cats on the flat world the rug has changed from that red i really just thought that red color was two 2011 minecraft in fact a lot of this build is especially like just this this one stone brick texture going down i think we're going to try to change that add in some stripes and some variations maybe using some windows and detail this is the the trading machine here two interesting things happened while i was building this first of all the wandering trader stopped by i'm really hoping we can attract a wandering trader because there's a lot of stuff like sugar cane also different wood types i've been stuck with oak wood the entire time i've played on the flat world there's also uh like buckets of fish we could get uh and coral to decorate salacio with oh we got coral oh we got a dark oak sapling oh my god we got a new type of wood oh that is so pretty oh that looks awesome from in here and then second i decided to go ahead and finally build the mob sorting system i don't know if we can get this 100 efficient or 100 accurate rather but this was really fun to build up and i'm glad i finally did it because this has been something on my checklist on the flat world for uh years and years the last thing i want to do is just show you guys all the cool tools i made thanks to all the books i got from these librarians and stuff got a really nice pair of tools and armor with mending for the first time ever on the flat world it's easy to forget how much mending changed the game i used to use a lot of iron tools because i would blow through shovels and picks mining for dirt and cobble got a little visit from the wandering trader and he gave me some buckets of puffer fish and he also gave me some kelp so yeah the goal for today's episode make a super oh jeez make a super smelter make a kelp farm hook them up together oh look at the kelp growing oh look at it so this thing is uh finishing up a really old project that i started it's an afk pig and cow farm we can either burn them right away for their meat and their drops we can pull a lever to divert the flow where we can hit them with looting three if we want to get more drops or if we need milk we can use our buckets to get some milk last but not least is a chicken farm i actually decided to tear out the staircase the sort of spiral staircase that winds around that middle column the staircase was there for whatever my piston elevator would break due to lag but since bubble columns are 100 reliable i just didn't need it anymore i also ripped out this thing which is the afk tree farm i used to use the wither i did a little bit of work and i installed this giant kelp farm and there's this auto smelting setup that is turning all of it automatically into dried kelp i am out in the world just exploring and i have found the first ever new 1.14 village i can tell because there are trees so i eventually found beetroot and i managed to multiply it all hopefully the wandering trader will stop by a couple more times and we'll unlock some other stuff to farm like cactus sugarcane vines we are closing in on 100 episodes i hope you're ready i am going to turn this entire giant floating island place from a giant square to a giant circle by the time you get to the mid 90s the quality of the episodes really improves i was trying to be a bit more creative you can see i did this like really trippy time lapse here realistically if you're gonna start watching the series i would start at episode 100 which is the world tour and it's done we have converted this giant square into a giant circle i want to try to incorporate this build into the landscape more and actually make everything kind of fit together on this world we're gonna slowly try and build this platform down to the ground it's gonna be a really long project it's gonna be fun and on each one of these geometric steps we're gonna build little village houses and cities now that we have more wood types we're gonna be able to really do some cool builds around here i'm planning on doing like a little pirate cove under here and here is what we got from the wandering trader we finally got sugarcane that's right we can finally make maps we can get a cartographer villager i was cleaning out some chests under here in the very end i broke the chest and three wither skulls popped out we can fight the wither and finally get that fourth beacon for this base we've got our item frames and we've got our first map let's check it out whoa cool and it's done we have our main base we've got withering heights and noah's ark we got the mob farm the big one salacia you can tell uh where i have the actual like cube of water in order to make all those maps i did build up a small little automatic sugar cane farm here to wrap up the episode i think i want to try and fight that wither no oh man i got you this time okay got the wither star we did it baby at last all four beams going up there thank you for watching i have some really big plans for this base i started laying out some shapes and you can see which shape is gonna be which height here i think we've got a basic layout of how everything is gonna go so the next step is basically to start laying out the dirt circles i want to convert this half of the storage hallway into being like automatically sorted i went ahead and i hooked up all the little swordy mabobbers to the back of these chests here on both sides slowly but surely we're getting there on this base man it's it's only been like eight years or whatever i did another trippy time lapse and laid out the outlines for the base and the wandering traders stopped by and i got birch saplings oh my god we got bees once we get all the new tree types we can start building some really cool builds around these and hopefully we can get those slowly filled in and stuff that's going to be a grind for sure we are now in 1.16.1 that's right it's the nether update you might have to reset the nether nolan i think you might be right when 1.16 dropped i streamed it and my chat convinced me to reset my nether and honestly i really don't regret it at all i hated my old nether we found out that strongholds now spawn on super flat worlds in 1.16.1 so we had a lot of fun going to the end and we got a little something called the elytra 1.16.1 introduced a bug where new super flat worlds would generate with strongholds so i basically generated a new super flat world with the exact same seed and then i copied the structure files in the minecraft jar into my existing world it was a little bit cheaty but i don't regret it in 1.18.2 a bunch of structures now spawn in super flat and it even works for existing super flat worlds not just new ones so i would have gotten strongholds eventually i just basically gave myself a two year head start i say it i spy with my little eye we got the achievement this is a big moment i can't believe this is happening i can't believe this is happening okay here we go it's not flat you're right it's not flat let's get a little closer here ah ah i forgot he did that what what what wait oh did that work did that pearl just save me oh i did it i did it it's happening it's finally happening we're gonna get to watch the credits we beat the flat world we literally did it oh it's all falling in the fire wait wait oh i hit escape by accident well we're not watching the credits oh the sky's the limit that's right baby let's put a mending on that and i'm breaking oh look at this go [Laughter] i wanted to talk about all the new farms we have to do now that we are in 1.16 so you guys help me decide out of the options that are up on the screen right now i think the ones that i want to take on are the netherwort farm and the basalt farm jungle jungle saplings that's sick oh we need a o and c pickles oh and puffer fish i came up with a little nice design for this wall we got some decorations in here and we finished off this whole section we also uh finished off the other side over here where we're gonna have beetroot so uh as the chests fill up we will see those lights start to light up cactus cactus oh [Applause] we can make up a salt farm oh this is the best wandering trader i've ever gotten now that i've gotten almost everything i kind of miss this feeling but we still need to get the new mangrove propagule so i'll get to relive it once more it was great to get the spruce we've been sprucing up the base eh we can go right into the basalt farm and check this out man it's super fast i've really dressed up this little area up here as well just with with trapdoors and different wood types everywhere it's all looking really fresh i'm almost done filling in all the dirt i i really can't wait to start building on these little platforms we've created today the first and foremost goal is going to be to work on an enderman farm so yeah i've just built up a little bit around this platform that you spawn in on i built a little staircase to get up to the main island here we drop down here there's now a path that goes out about 128 blocks or so i wrapped up the farm it's all set to go so let's go check it out start swiping at them and you can see they're picking up all the pumpkins and melons along the way after building this farm i ended up turning off enderman griefing so the pumpkin melon aspect no longer works but they were griefing all my terraforming so i really had no choice we have finally finished filling in the dirt and now it's time to build the walls so i wanted to do two tests i wanted to see uh you know how it looked in one slice of it all the way up to the top if i like the way it looks but i also wanted to see how it looks if i just you know started extending as far as i could easily the whole entire pattern along this wall overall i think it's an easy enough pattern to replicate and i think i'm pretty happy with the way it looks it happened it finally happened it happened it happened we have santa we can truly do anything with this sand but we can't do anything with just 64 sand we need a way to replicate this sand easily so those are just going to kind of freak out for a little while like that this might be really laggy oh things are happening we can make a cactus farm which i plan to do and uh there's one other important thing we can do i apologize in advance for this we can go into the nether uh-huh we can do something uh we can do something really fun uh he had that sand trade i brought the emeralds fast i'd seen a lot of traits but he saved the best for last now i got tnt for the first time and there is just one thing that be on my mind i go into the portal i climb up to the top ready to open it up like shulker box spitfire like a gas i just like the nether and now i finally got a way to make this hole forever [Music] [Music] that's right we're here on the ceiling of the nether and we've got a hole to go below the ceiling of the nether we can finally build a big uh piglen farm and we can do a piglen trading system alrighty so you can see here the big reveal i think when this thing is done it's gonna look really impressive the cactus farm uh i think should go right up here and it fits kind of nicely i'm pretty happy with how i've decorated it here this main part here is sort of like the lobby so we knocked off the enderman farm this episode and we set ourselves up with that hole to the ceiling of the nether to do the piglen farm and the piglet bartering farm next episode check it out everybody look at these walls it is all closed in now oh man it looks so awesome now i've also started outlining the first part of the project which is building sort of the ship docks down here all right everybody so i popped into the nether here to start working on this gold farm design i've got the rings of magma blocks placed i have built up the slabs on top of those rings so really all i need to do now is start getting in some of the redstone that goes beneath and it's done yeah so i grinded a little bit and finished up the redstone for this thing now i got to build a piglet bartering farm below here so i've just been so happy with the way that this looks around here with this wall i've just been kind of bummed out by how gray and monotonous this all is so i want to start to improve these buildings slowly over time and the first one i want to start with is the main base here i've just been grinding again trying to get this thing copied to all the different sides i think it's going to look awesome when it's all finished up we've got like a little raft here some docks i wrapped up that piglet farm we didn't have a way to farm gravel or blackstone before we get these fun spectral arrows to play with and uh yeah even obsidian uh and crying obsidian it's pretty cool to have access to those as well super glad that we got all this done one episode that was quite the feat i have done a bunch of dirt outlines as you can see we're going to embark on a massive terraforming project to basically turn it into a bay and then have a giant glass wall going across the front face of the bay uh acting as a sort of dam for salacio and i'm even thinking around the bay here to have one or two more peaks sort of behind they would probably be the tallest peaks in the entire world here yeah it's a massive massive project i finished all of the uh upgrading to this main part of the castle here over here by the mob farm i would like to perhaps encase it anything to sort of make it look a little nicer and just a little bit more hidden and last but not least is the spider farm over here we've added this little circle of dirt and so my idea is to have a sort of a castle gardens-esque courtyard leading up to the spider farm and then encase this farm in a big cathedral i grinded out this little port area here this is sort of the extension to our little fishing village i also went ahead and grinded out all the glass for this big retaining wall and uh yeah it actually didn't take nearly as long as i thought it would once you i kind of forgot once you get going with the villagers you can you can get a lot of stuff really fast [Music] we got a ton done on this mountain i am so happy with the progress on this project so far believe it or not all the dirt for this mountain has basically just been coming from the bottom of this harbor if you notice over here we've got this sort of medieval looking damn runoff system wow now that is pretty insane there's still a ton of work to do but i feel like i've been making some crazy crazy progress so i've done the front main door the cathedral now i think it's looking pretty great i also laid down the outline of the rest of the build so i'm gonna just spend a whole bunch of time building this thing up to the best of my ability i got the roof on i've started filling in some of these windows with stained glass there we go you can sort of see the pattern that the roof does of course it looks just like a cathedral but it's so dark and evil looking with the red and the black we're really capturing what i set out to do with this build which was notre dame meets the giant spider from harry potter i finally finally finally got in the system to collect the items like fast enough basically it required ice and i didn't have ice for the longest time i've got one other thing to show off and that's a little bee farm it's just a pretty standard bee farm design i'm gonna decorate this to look real nice i've been doing a ton of terraforming around here and i'm really happy with the way it's looking as you can see we're using the basalt the acacia i've been mixing in granite and brick those of you who uh check out my stream may have seen me working on uh this bee building i made this little decorative pond here with a little uh chair swing this is sort of maintenance for the farm if i need to get into these hoppers it's a pretty productive farm as well i started taking what i learned from doing the sort of block mixing down here and applying it to the uh shores of salacia in here which is a project i've been putting off and i've got like basically one full of the three sides done side two is done it's looking crazy i finally finished all the sides are completely done so now all that's left to do is fill in this water to the edges and start placing a bunch of kelp and coral and seagrass which is kind of the fun part to be honest basically every couple rows you do ends up extending the source blocks over and they sort of slide on down the wall like that this didn't actually take me that long i think uh max i'm at like four hours or something right now but yeah when you come to this corner here as soon as i fill in one of these blocks it's going to update all the way down the line which always looks really cool there it goes yeah so that's always pretty satisfying to watch this really just puts the sheer scale of this project in perspective for me i've got a lot of sea pickles and glowstone in and i sort of spread the kelp and the sea grass around it's not done i think it it still needs a lot more work but other than that it's pretty much done that was really good to get done before episode 100 i'm pretty happy with that i think salacio will be the big thing for the hundredth video i've been grinding like crazy on the cathedral i sort of designed a whole back for it i'm really excited for the next update because there's going to be um candles so we can fill this place with candles i got quite a bit done on the interior neat little spider uh church logo on the banner up there will you stop interrupting the the patrons of this church are not very friendly i will say that about spider church the center piece of this room right in front of the window is this gorgeous pipe organ and this brings us to present day i'm actually pretty happy with the episodes from here on out so rather than sort of doing the play-by-play we're just gonna do like a lightning round episode 100 is a tour of my entire world as of last august but while we're on the tour we do complete a couple things like improving the cathedral interior and working on the beach behind salacia in episode 101 we take a break from working on our overworld projects and finally start constructing a real nether hub only took 10 years we start by clearing out a mini perimeter which is pretty miserable in basalt delta biomes the magma cubes were a nightmare but i actually have pretty good memories of digging this out and binge watching skins it's funny i can usually remember what show i was watching when i did a certain project like the spider cathedral was better call saul we also built a tavern slash inn with a gorgeous interior in our port area it's the first build over there and it really got me excited to do more i talk about how we still don't have a potion room somehow so before we build one we're gonna make sure we have the farms we need for all the different ingredients that the potions take i wanted to build a gas farm but i didn't have any wither roses to make it so we threw together a quick wither skeleton farm by enx04 which was about a hundred times easier than the old one i had made and works a hundred times better go figure we got a ton of with the roses by murdering lots of chickens and then finally we threw together a quick wandering trader farm to try and get some of the new stuff he sells in 1.17 like drip leaf episode 102 kicks off with a bunch of new farms i made a nano farm for crops a flower farm a nether flower farm a dripley farm a hanging roots farm a fern farm and a sea pickle farm since they all require bone meal we built these over at our giant mob farm so that the bone meal is easy to refill whenever we need then i worked on the new nether hub design a bit but i realized i would need a bunch of nether wart to craft red nether bricks and the only nether wart farm we have is pretty manual so we built a really quick and dirty afk netherwart farm it's slow but i just leave it on overnight as i sleep and get as much as i need since this episode was made around halloween we had some fun doing some small spooky builds we built a little cemetery a witch house and a witch hut and a gallows down at the harbor to finish off the episode we started another huge terraforming project to extend withering heights to wrap around the back of the spider cathedral or the spurch as we like to call it by the beginning of episode 103 we had already finished off the new mountain and i think it really helps that side of the base feel less empty i got right to work on building up the bridge to withering heights to make it feel more solid and realistic instead of just like a thin floating platform we also put a cute little food stall underneath the bridge and worked on a few staircases to begin connecting the various parts of the city together i guess i was in the mood for some small builds because i also did a little tiki bar over on the beach behind salacia after that we put together an automatic moss farm and then dove into making a tnt powered automatic tree farm it's a design by ill mango and honestly it was one of the hardest redstone builds i've ever done it has a super efficient tnt blast chamber so you never waste a blast a lot of people think i'm weird for duping sand but not duping tnt but i only dupe sand because i literally have to if i want to use it the wandering trader sells sand but very rarely and only a stack at a time and there are bugs to trade with the wandering trader infinitely but that's still an exploit at the end of the day so it just doesn't make that much of a difference anyways we cover up the new tree farm with a beautiful building that might just be my favorite smaller scale build i've ever done hopefully the tree farm curse is finally over because there is no way i'm ever tearing this down in episode 104 we covered up the moss farm we built in the previous episode with a little brick factory building then i worked on building a lighthouse and outlining the next phase of terraforming around salacia we're going to be doing a massive mountain with some impressive rock features 1.18 had just come out which lowered the build height to negative 64. and this was great news because i wanted to be able to dig out our harbor a little bit to give more room for big ships to dock without literally touching the bedrock at the bottom the only issue is that we'd have to break a lot of bedrock so i drain the harbor and begin using a new method of bedrock braking that lets me destroy 6 to 10 blocks at a time but even with this new method this was clearly going to take me weeks to complete finally we headed into the nether to finish up the exterior of our netherhub build something i didn't really mention is that the netherhub is a scale replica of our overworld base each circular tower lines up with one of the circles in our city the y values are the same but the length and the width of the design are 1 8 scale because each block and the nether represents 8 blocks distance in the overworld it's a little bit hard to explain but it has a really cool practical use in that i can build a portal within the nether hub and actually know exactly where it's going to link up in our city after episode 104 we hit 10 000 subscribers and so i put together a special video which isn't technically an episode of the flat world but it might as well be we worked on an absolutely insane mega build to cover up our mob farm and all of the farms around it i worked non-stop on it for like three weeks straight and i think it was worth it because honestly it's one of the craziest things i've ever built a lot of you may have seen episode 105 because it's currently my most viewed video with over 1.5 million views in that video we discussed the upcoming 10-year anniversary of the world and what our goals will be for the next 10 years since i would really love to keep playing on the world for as long as possible we also took down the four buildings that surrounded my main tower base which was a hard decision to make i was really attached to them but the design was very outdated and more importantly it really obscures the view of our world from the top level of the city now that they're gone i do love being able to look out at all of our incredible builds we were finally running out of our iron supplies from our old iron farm in the garden of pharaohs that had been broken for years so i quickly put together a new iron farm and while i was in the redstone zone i also threw together a chorus fruit farm that's because i learned that end rods are actually craftable with blaze rods and popped chorus fruit and i want to start using enrots more often our base is still littered with torches and eventually we're going to get rid of them all with a lot of new people coming to the channel who were unfamiliar with super flat i thought it would be best to spend the beginning of episode 106 talking about how i got the various resources in my world afterwards we put together a cozy windmill building on withering heights i don't really build things that don't have an actual function that often so it was a nice change of pace for me i kind of needed a break from some of our huge projects around the city so i headed over to the long forgotten garden of pharaohs to give it a proper send-off in episode 107. in honor of the old iron golem statue we built a giant creeper at twice the scale the creeper required a bunch of green wool but our current wool farm is more for trading white wool than collecting different colors so we put together four little towers that automatically collect all 16 colors of wool they're pretty slow but we spend so much time near there that they end up collecting loads of wool anyhow we also needed terra cotta for the creeper so i put together a new building across from our bee farm we got 32 mason villagers one for each of the 16 terracotta colors and one for each of the 16 glazed terracotta colors grinding the villagers took forever but i'm really happy with how that building turned out at the end of the episode we filled the creeper with 5 000 blocks of tnt and set it all off in a spectacular explosion if you haven't seen that video i highly recommend watching it because the ending was insane and finally we've made it to the final episode of the flat world that is currently released in episode 108 we finally built something on top of our main tower base after many many years of putting it off based on a bunch of suggestions i got in the comments we put a giant spider statue atop a large domed structure i worked really hard on varying the textures and gradients on the roof in order to try to step outside my comfort zone and improve my building skills while working on the building we ended up needing a lot of materials so we built a few small farms this little shed helps me quickly convert concrete powder into concrete we also made an attachment to the wood farm that feeds cobble into the blast chamber so we can automatically farm cobblestone without needing my player to be mining lastly we made a really awesome mushroom stem farm which we've yet to cover up in an upcoming episode we definitely need to come up with a cool mushroom themed building to hide the farm in and that's it 10 years of super flat summed up in one video who knows where our world could be in another 10 years just thinking about it makes me want to get right back to work it's really hard to put into words how much this world and the community that it's created mean to me it sounds stupid to say out loud but this game has literally changed my entire life look i'm not that good at this game i wasn't the best builder my farms were always breaking i never learned redstone i can't pvp or parkour heck i can't even kill the wither without dying and year after year i failed to reach my lifelong dream of becoming a youtuber but i never gave up i kept going year after year i kept building i kept making videos i kept trying and if you take anything at all away from this movie please take that never give up thanks for watching so you to you
Channel: Mogswamp
Views: 4,884,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tTLhWEXxtx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 31sec (4771 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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