People Who FOUND Out Their SO Is CHEATING Share Their Story (r/AskReddit)

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I'll slash ask read it apparently I missed my wife's lover by only a few minutes I found out when she texted me accidentally instead of him reddit when did you know for sure it was over I went on a business trip this weekend and got home at 6:25 a.m. I didn't want to wake her and the kids so I sat quietly in the living room watching TV a few minutes later I get a text from her thanks for staying over babe I love sleeping next to you obviously I wasn't here last night I'm still on the couch and haven't responded I think she went back to sleep and has no idea she accidentally texted me Monday I had to go to work before confronting her I think it was better anyway since it gave me time to think about what to say instead of rushing to anger I asked my assistant to go to the 7 to 11 next door and see if they have Shiner Bock if they don't I'll ask him to go as far as Publix for science edit we didn't find any she finally texted me at work and said that her girl friend stayed over I didn't respond three PMS Tuesday I left work last night and went to dinner with one of my work partners I didn't say a word to my wife when I came to bed in the morning I mentioned the text after I woke up I told her I was surprised she would use that language with a girlfriend she broke down and admitted that she had a platonic girlfriend and him not so platonic ex-boyfriend / while I was away she admitted it wasn't the first time I calmly told her I would have to think about how I feel about the situation and let I know whether we should separate thanks reddit you prepared me for the worst way in advance it's nice to get the heavy minds opinion sometimes before jumping into a rash and complicated situation or acting brash and angry as a reaction I really appreciate everyone's comments and help figuring out the next steps I will stick to the Reader's Digest version of this story because I'm at work but here goes so a couple years back I noticed my then wife started acting strangely at night she would stay up very late well after I was already in bed and had her phone by her side at all times even going to the bathroom walking from the living room to the kitchen et Cie this obviously caught my attention because she had never behaved like this in the previous four years we had been married so I started my investigation by looking at our phone bill to see if she was texting anyone to my horror I found hundreds and hundreds of texts being sent to the same number every night usually beginning around the time I would go to bed plus probably 15 to 20 picture messages per night i cross-referenced the phone number she had been texting and it was nobody that I knew this eliminates all of her family and any close friends as I have all of their numbers stored in my phone as well so my next step is to try to steal her phone and read her text messages not easily done since she is watching her phone like a hawk but a few days later I finally managed to get my hands on it only to find her entire inbox is completely empty she is deleting all of her texts throughout the day what is she hiding I look in the pictures to see if I can find anything scandalous but I get the same result all of her pics are deleted I put the phone back and plotted my next step being the resourceful man that I am I downloaded a simple file recovery program and waited for the right time to strike she had gotten into the habit of coming to bed around 2:00 a.m. and sleeping with the phone underneath her pillow again a behavior she had never once displayed at any other time during our marriage so I wait for her to come to bed and fall asleep then I slowly extract the phone from under her pillow without waking her up a feat that probably took me 20 minutes I hurried into the other room and started running the file recovery software hoping to God that I find thousands of pictures of our dog and nothing more the scan takes well over ten minutes and as you can imagine it felt more like 10 hours my heart is jumping through my chest and I'm waiting for her to come walking into the computer room at any second finally the scan is complete so I go back into the room and replace her phone I returned to the computer to assess the damages and basically that is when my heart fell out of my chest it felt like I had been punched right in the stomach the face and the dick all at once there were hundreds of nude pictures of my wife as I'm looking at them I realized that she has taken some of them in places that we were together on dates like the bathroom of a restaurant we were at and I have never felt so sick in my entire life it was the strangest feeling because part of me was so disgusted in knowing she had done this to me yet part of me was strangely aroused by all of these pictures of her I was so baffled by what I had just seen that I walked into my room and went to sleep without saying a word to her even though she was the one who was cheating it took me three days to build up the courage to tell her I knew what was going on and that I wanted a divorce crazy to think about when I read the line from Op story thanks for staying over babe I love sleeping next to you I got that exact same stomach punch feeling in my gut again I guess that is why I was compelled to share and for the five people who read this I hope you enjoyed this same story but from the son of the wife about three years ago we my dad brother and sister and I started noticing my mom's obsession with her firm and one contact that was saved as just tad I had met some of the administrators at her school and one was named Tim Phillips II's aliy put two and two together after a while I began getting fed up with it and one night snatched her phone from her and read the texts they were bad enough to make a grown boy cry to no my mother was saying this stuff to someone else I felt like I was going to throw up jumped in my car and drove 45 minutes to stay the night with my girlfriend and her family or some people I texted my dad and called my older brother who is moved out with a family of his own and he called my sister who was heading home from work the three of us demanded this stop and my dad admitted that he knew this had been going on for a long time and just got tired of saying anything about it they started couples counseling and for a while it seemed like things were getting better a year ago they stopped couples counseling my dad has started sleeping on the couch in our office and my mom began going to the grocery store a lot more often texting and making whispered phone calls a lot more often just last week I answered her phone when he called I sound just like my dad and he immediately hung up I am starting college in a couple weeks and I don't have a job and I'm being forced to live at home for a while live with them while my dad lets her walk all over him and all this goes on my sister is getting married in a few weeks and I highly expect them to get a divorce as soon as I'm married and moving out as a kid who has had to live through this I'd much rather than get a divorce and be happy alone and live together and act like everything's fine now that I'm finished typing this I don't know why I started but it feels good to let it all out Thank You internet for always listening hi opus pretty sure this will get buried in the comments but I'm a divorce attorney I would suggest you contact a lawyer licensed to practice in your state you're getting a lot of bad advice on what to do on this thread and you really should present your concerns to someone who knows what they are talking about edit wow I guess it didn't get buried after reading some of the below comments I thought I'd come back and address some of them I understand that the obtained here to vent not for advice on a divorce however a lot of the comments seem to go in that direction I hope that for the OP and his family's sake that this is just a simple misunderstanding and everything will be cool after he and his wife addressed this issue I believe that the best course of action is for the or or anyone faced with this kind of situation to talk about it with his wife not only is civil communication the key for making any relationship work it's also very in important to an amicable divorce should the situation devolve into one one of the things that I try to make all my clients with children understand is that divorce is only rearranged families they don't actually dissolve families even after the divorce the parents will still have to maintain a functioning relationship for the sake of their children next to the legal issues let me begin by saying that I'm most likely not licensed to practice in your state nor do I know all the facts relevant to the opps current situation this is not legal advice however I have noticed some comments that if followed could get the OP into trouble down the road here are some issues to keep in mind and discuss with an attorney the most important thing I think the OP needs to understand is that most if not all states have privacy laws I imagine that the thing that up.once most right now is definite proof one way or another as to whether his wife has committed adultery up should either discuss ways to get proof of this with an attorney or a licensed private investigator if opt goes off half-cocked playing Sherlock Holmes not only may any evidence he gathers be inadmissible in court but he may also inadvertently commit a crime or retort money damages don't hack into any of her accounts in my state it's a crime to look at someone's account without their permission even if they left it open the other most important thing is to be extremely careful about moving your assets you should not do this at all without consulting an attorney an accountant or someone of the sort who is licensed in your state I believe that the comments are suggesting and the reason op may want to do it that this should be done as a preventative measure however I cannot stress enough that this needs to be done in the proper legal manner otherwise you can get yourself in really deep [ __ ] down the road don't listen to anyone saying that you should kick your wife out of the house until you talk to an attorney and find out if and how you can do so legally illegally evicting someone from their home may be a crime and may leave you liable for money damages don't take your kids away or refuse to let your wife sebum not only we're doing this be used as unfavorable evidence in a custody hearing / trial but it may also be a crime in your state also only ourselves do this don't talk [ __ ] about your wife around your kids don't try to be their favorite by making her look bad if you do it may be used as evidence against you in any custody hearings remember the kids are not weapons to use against one another again only [ __ ] do this document everything keep a diary of everything that occurs between you and your wife unless it makes you look bad preserve the text message and any documentation that proves that you were out of town when whoever it was stayed the night kind of related to the last one despite what the others say adultery may actually be relevant even if your state is a no-fault state my state is a no-fault state but evidence of adultery is admissible to block alimony when the adultery was the cause of the separation also it may be relevant to custody if the kids were in the home at the time the adultery occurred finally talk to a lawyer even if you don't go through with a divorce a licensed attorney in your state will be able to advise you of the best course of action a lot of attorneys do a free consultation or an initial consultation for a couple of hundred bucks daughter of a mother who cheated here I can't believe how many other people have gone through this as well in my early twenties still living at home I used to tell my then-boyfriend that I felt like my mom was cheating on my stepfather my darling ex called me paranoid but eventually it actually came true she met a man online in a forum for an author they both enjoy they carried it to real life and used to spend nights out the coast together my stepfather actually used to pay for her to get away for a night by the beach on her own which I thought was pretty cool bullet yaw she wasn't resting I found out because she stated to obsess over her email hiding it like her computer was on our kitchen table for pete's sake it was always on and open to something one day I was minimizing her nao to look something up for school and the words I would love to leave my husband for you jumped out at me my heart was in my throat WTF was I supposed to do my stepfather is more of a father to me than my Bo dad and she knew that too I hated being in that position here she had me the eldest and two sons one who was barely four years old I did the only thing I could possibly think of doing I printed her a mails to him in the case of a custody battle I also started emailing the sky directly she would tell me screaming that I would make the slash our family fall apart because of my spiteful emailing de Harrell I was furious and hurt we dealt with her [ __ ] bipolar crazy screaming and oppressive nature for so so long and that's how she repaid us finally one day I moved out at this point and living in Washington with my dad what a joke that was another story for another thread anyway one night my stepfather calls me and tells me that the wife of Weil call him Peter called my stepfather and asked him if his wife would please stop [ __ ] her husband on my stepfather's birthday great just great mob they did attempt marriage counseling they had loved each other madly at one point I had had hope for a bit finally one night she called me and said they were going to separate I was devastated deeply eventually my mother came to realize her mistakes and had enough perspective of what a life on her own would be and she tried to get back with my stepfather eventually her depression kicked in big-time and she literally wasted away and took her own life I adored my mother she was so so complex and beautiful a [ __ ] stunning woman but she caused a lot of hurt and grief and love and joy every emotion she comes in was always one thousand times more explosive compared to other normal people my Ebro sees hugs to you tons of em I hope you find the truth I just read your post on how you caught your wife and being a child of an almost similar situation I would just like to share some advice if I could I don't exactly know how old your children are but I'm sixteen if that can provide any insight while here it goes when I was 14 my father caught my mother cheating for the third time this had happened twice before when I was 8 and when I was 12 the times before he always would talk to me and my siblings individually and explained what had happened he would tell us that they might get a divorce but he would try and stick it out for us because he didn't have a great father and he didn't want us to grow up on our own like he did he was an immigrant and came here illegally at 17 but he's legal now well one day it finally came the divorce was real I remember him telling me that he wouldn't be living with us anymore that they were finally getting a divorce and that he didn't care who I decided to live with because he knew how much I loved my mother he never treated her with disrespect even after all she put him through because she gave him the greatest gifts he cold vast for us when all was said and done my three siblings and I ended up with our father sold me on the fact of how great of a man he was he just kept telling us that nothing would change and that we were still a family if not a better one for what we had been through and the thing that stuck out to me the most about my father's handling of the situation was how he trusted us with all the information allowing us to make our own decisions and how he respected my mother through it all she would call him a piece of [ __ ] and a good-for-nothing carpenter but he just took it knowing that at all times we were watching he explained to us that what he was doing with showing us a lesson that even when someone has done all they can do to hurt you you still have certain people in your life that you have to be strong for and he set a good example for us too Specht others my father's unwavering love and support through this whole ordeal is what has made me stronger as a person I highly advise that you try and spend quality time with your children every weekend teach them how to fish or just take them out for ice cream try to make things as normal as possible because that's the best way you can show that you care tell them that you love and just hug them and hold them in your arms whenever you get the chance my father does all of this and more and he's a reason I work so hard as I said earlier in currently 16 and if a high school debater I've been at Dartmouth College almost all summer at the best debate in the country to just make my dad proud when I can say I'm going to college for free to show him that amusing all the life skills he instilled in me I guess what I'm trying to say is don't let anything that is going on in your life affect you your children or your business my father would get asked by his co-workers how he could keep it all together how after a woman has taken almost everything she could from his heart how could he still whistle like nothing was wrong and when he told them why he would always say it was because of us his children he was just trying to show us that life is something you control and that other people can only ruin it if you let them so I just hope you can react with the same vincit that my father had to be honest with your children let them make their own decisions and just tell them and show them everyday that you love them this doesn't mean getting them everything they want but just spending time together doing things you will enjoy I have the greatest respect for men like you and my father and hope to someday be like the both of you for me getting dumped by a cheetah was the best thing that ever happened to me maybe it's a good object lesson for the OP and others who get dumped so I'll wallop texted here a couple edits for clarity sorry I was in the middle of moving to Mexico to be with a woman I'd been seeing for a few years packing counseling utilities saying goodbye to friends all that my small business was doing poorly mainly from neglect and bad economy slash lark so times were tight and it was taking way longer than expected for me to finish up but it was happening slowly and real love always waits right I spent most of the spare money I had whenever I could to spend time with her but I'd also saved up sold off some crap I didn't need and was planning to surprise her with a trip to Hawaii which she loved and a marriage proposal when I returned with my next load of boxes I even had a guy making a ring I designed so on my last trip there I left her some money for bills and returned to my old home to pack up more things one last time while I was back in my old place packing she stopped answering phone calls and emails her sister didn't know where she was or wouldn't tell me after a week of stressing me out with worry she sent me a photograph from Italy and a sorry it took a while to get the full story she had got tired of waiting met some Italian guy on the internet and took his money to fly there to meet him presumably the money she took from me helped too she spent a week [ __ ] him then went to see some other Italian guys she also met online and decided to be with him instead she told me she was in love with the first one and then the second one and then I sort of stopped paying attention she sent me a lot of long emails explaining why all the awful things she did were my fault somehow I can't imagine how her head was working I spent a couple weeks in shock that she could do something so rash / stupid and stunned by the timing see above but even though I was stunned I immediately knew I'd dodged a bullet I would have done anything for her just one week earlier but Wow from future wife to life / the / cheep / for literally on all counts all in one week I never got back a single piece of property that I'd left in her house but it turned out to be worth the cost signs from the Flying Spaghetti Monster started telling me right away how it wasn't meant to be my business improved dramatically in the weeks and months following even though I did almost nothing new or different amazing good luck a new big client and a new surprise investor all in six weeks a few months later I sold it cashed out and ended up a lot more financially well-off the night ever been in my life so much that I could start thinking of retiring on a beach somewhere easily even better I met an amazing woman just a month after that introduced by a mutual friend who turned out to be so so right if my ex saw her she'd die from jealousy while my ex hated her own smallness and bad hair I didn't mind my new girl is tall blond incredibly pretty and is even 10 years younger even better for me she's sweet and honest and is actually worth all the time and attention I can give her it's like the world conspired to show me how much better a life could be my ex gf cheated on me as well sad thing is I knew half of her college friends so one of her friends one night told me she was seen around school holding hands with someone else I didn't believe the friend as I thought she was just causing trouble anyways a few weeks pass and another one of her friends says the same thing involving the same guy they were seen kissing out in the courtyard well this time I told her to call me the second they were spotted and to tell me their location she did about a few weeks after this one evening she told me they were having dinner outside and she was a block or so roughly away watching them for me like an episode of cheaters I hopped in my car and gunned it I showed up right as their meals were coming out to the table I remember clear as day the look of fear in her face as she was holding his hand across the table I pretty much walked out right when they were in the middle of a hand lock I said hey hey hey what are you two doing nonfat Albert hey hey hey she had nothing to say so I turned to the date and said what the [ __ ] are you doing with my gf he could not come up with anything to say as I looked him in the eyes he knew at any second I could flip that table over and go Jackie [ __ ] Chan on his ass anyways I said we are through an walked away she proceeded to call me that evening over 50 times with 20 being texts saying she was sorry she loved me etc I never returned the calls or texts as far as I know she got hit by a train and died on impact kidding I honestly haven't seen her nor spoken to her in years her friends tell me she was in a relationship with said guy for a few months he decided to beat her and she ended up filing a police report she also got bent like a week or two after moving and with him thank you for watching don't forget to Like and subscribe
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Id: UXXkdiO1l68
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Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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