Parents With Nanny Cams, Did You Catch Your Babysitter? (r/AskReddit)

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parents with nanny cams what have you caught your bad a sitter doing this was my equivalent of pre-k all the kids were regressing in their movement ability and getting really fast so they set up spy equipment turns out one karo was doubling every baby's food portions and forcefully over feeding them wish I had a nanny cam my stepsister was watching my brother with disabilities for me she would dump out the contents of his capsules meds and use them later didn't find out about it till he stared having seizures constantly and ended up in the hospital for the second time this isn't a bad one my parents caught the babysitter carrying our 60 pounds golden retriever like he was a baby we caught our maintenance guy spooning with our 130 pounds Mastiff on the floor we encouraged their love as best we can now I've been a pretty regular weekend nanny for an amazing family for four years now they've cycled through a couple different weekday nannies since I've been with them there is only one monitor and it's in the little dudes room once the mom showed me on the camera why they let one go little du said mommy said I don't have to do that and the nanny snapped back well it doesn't matter mommy is a bee and then dragged the kid out of the room by his shirt super fired for your information they only showed you footage from the decoy camera not a nanny cam because this happened in the 90s and I don't think we had them in Scotland then but my mum came home early one day because she had become suspicious of our nanny as my sister and I never slept after a day with her she found both my sister and I in bed in the middle of the day turned out my nanny had been dozing us up with child medicine to make us sleep all day so she could sit and do nothing this happened at my friend's child's daycare center they were giving them benadryl or something pill form and the kids were sleeping all day my friend had chosen a daycare rather than a Babis at her because she thought it would be safer my mom put a nanny cam on my sister's bedroom the only disturbing thing my mom allegedly saw was the Baba sitter crying while holding my sister it turns out the babysitter just had a miscarriage the day before ooh that'll rip your heart out well a case which happened near where I live woman used to work husband out of country had a two-year-old kid they hired a nanny to look after him during daytime day by day kids started looking malnourished so she set up a spy cam apparently the lady used to bring her kid and feed him all the food left for the kids she was supposed to Babis it but then she would feed the kid cheap biscuits she was promptly handed over to police that happened to my uncle the Babis eater was stealing formula for her own child and giving him water down formula my uncle got sicker and sicker they fired the babba sitter but he eventually died I have a camera to check in on my rabbit when I'm not there the biggest surprises were mostly just how almost nobody followed my pet-sitting instructions the one exception ironically was my brother who claimed to hate the rabbit and always wanted to get rid of it I got an alert one day that my camera had a texted movement while my brother was there taking care of him and I decided to take a peek I opened the app connected to the camera and saw my bro walk into my room lay on the floor and start playing with my rabbit it just warmed my heart first rule of siblings never show your siblings that you love their more their pets a friend caught his nanny hitting their kid for interrupting that day's binge of the TV show friends hope the cops were called not me but my aunt's friend set up a nanny cam because she noticed that every time she changed her child's diaper the child would start crying a lot more than usual turns out when they watched the nanny change her diaper she would use Clorox wipes if they were nearby instead of grabbing the baby wipes what the frig my mom suspected our maid of stealing the silverware and she's just frickin nosey anyway the maid was indeed stealing the silverware I think that ended up being overshadowed by my dad freaking her the if watching adult videos has taught me anything your dad was just punishing her for stealing I traveled the US for work and I'm fortunate enough to be able to bring my two beagles with me they have never been away from my side longer than the time I've been at work they are ten and thirteen I have a camera that I used to check in on them sometimes mostly because my larger beagle is quite the ingenious guy opening doors scooting chairs over places so he can jump up onto the counters et Cie etc last year I was in Oregon and had to go home to Michigan for an emergency I do not fly with them I will only drive so I was in a pickle and reluctantly hired someone off her over that was willing to come stay over at my hotel room for three days she was great kept up on texting me about the dogs said things like tossing them a ball right now so I would check in via the cam when I thought it was appropriate this woman was amazing not only was she playing with them enough to make them exhausted she was even teaching them new tricks making them use their brains to solve puzzles and even got my 42-pound beagle to get up on her back so she could do push-ups she was an avid crossfitter I was extremely happy WTF this is wholesome something isn't right here we once caught the nanny putting charcoal to feed them as a snack this woman claimed that she thought it was a snack it was in a charcoal box my brothers were for babies can have little a charcoal as a snack my family bought one to see our dogs when we leave on vacation twice a year it's one where they can Harris and we thought hides be great we hardly use it we also asked our maid to dog-sit for us while we were out once when we looked at the feed we saw the dog sitter there a solid 30 minutes early just petting the dogs and playing with them she's since retired from working but she was the sweetest old lady and we love her another time my dad left a wad of cash on top of the washing machine about $600 and she put a rubber band around it with a note saying he misplaced it we have a security camera in my bedroom for my free roam bunny so we can keep an eye on her whilst on work if we go on holiday act a well my dad is 50 and is a big bloke who acts like he doesn't like pets came over to visit one day whilst I was out he went in my room and crouched down calling the bunny he spent an hour trying to pet the rabbit and kept repeating in a soft voice I'm not going to hurt you I just want to pet you and see how fluffy you are he just about crapped himself when I spoke through the security camera to tell him she's very fluffy I definitely crapped my pants if I was randomly called out for trying to pet a bundle chasing my cats around with a broom hitting them she's since been fired from a can and I hope my grandpa was staying with my parents but they figured it best to hire a regular sitter to watch my younger siblings overnight since they didn't think my grandpa was up to the task and they were attending a wedding a couple hours away and made plans to spend the night in a hotel nearby they had set up a nanny cam in a couple room my siblings bedroom the master bedroom living room and kitchen all motion-activated they normally wouldn't bother looking through the footage if everything seemed fine upon returning home and their master bedroom cam had never been triggered before when they returned they noticed that the cam in the master bedroom had been triggered so they decide to take a look cut to footage off my grandpa in the sitter both naked aggressively making out from the entrance of the room staggering while intertwined towards the bed and then about 20 minutes of banging on my parents bed the sitter was about 20 years old and my grandpa was around 70 at the time my dad called me immediately after he saw the footage laughing his butt off and I could hear my mom crying in the background completely mortified from what she had just witnessed and shouting at my dad to throw out the sheets and kick out grandpa my mom called the sitter to confront her and she just apologized and said there was connectional some crack to that matter when she asked my grandpa what he was thinking he just said at my age he must seize every opportunity I wish there was audio for the buildup I lay awake at night sometimes just wondering what kind of game my grandpa was talking to get in that sitters pants man I wish I'm healthy enough to be able to do this when I'm 70 I was the kid oh my mom often tells the story of how she watched me give a big old hug to my babysitter who just broke down out of nowhere after serving me lunch turns out her dad had died a month back and it just wasn't a good day for her I still remember you miss Yancey I hope you're doing just fine now I still remember you miss Yancey she just wanted to be cooled miss Phillip the couple i sat for had a nanny cam in their living room the kind that went in bears they got me on video giving their two yo the Heimlich after he tried to eat Iraq we have a nanny cam and we caught our nanny dancing with our baby making him laugh and giving him kisses she's the best and the cameras gave us the peace of mind to know she really treats him like her own last year I was working for a family that had a three-year-old into seven month old toddler was down for a nap so it was just me and the baby I put on some Otis Redding and was singing to her and her mom walked in the door as I was twirling her around no mayo I was so embarrassed to be caught but she thought it was the cutest thing I pay my neighbor to feed the stray cats in my garden when I'm away for days at a time and the camera caught my neighbor trying to come in buy pearl bamboo vault in one time he nailed it amazingly once I at the very last moment when no other bad asset was available I hired one that as sort or notorious for not being good not dangerous or anything like leaving the child are not and a bit like the type where she would not console the child if they were crying punish them for doing small things while away I was very suspicious so I continuously was glancing at the baby cam the bad asset was playing with him singing songs and completely engaging him well beyond the way you would expect somebody who was considered a bad babysitter to act essentially what happened was the Babis it had got hired by a crazy parent who didn't like her at all so they spread a bunch of mumbo-jumbo through the neighborhood when I came home I gave her a very large tip and she was the one I always hide whenever I needed a babysitter TDLR at the last moment hired a badass etre that was rumoured to be bad turns out she was a really good babysitter who once got hired by a crazy parent who didn't like her so they spread a bunch of BS I got a nanny cam to keep an eye out for my elderly grandfather especially when the home aides were there but my grandfather started asking for lots of cash and couldn't remember what was happening to it a brooch that my aunt was supposed to get disappeared and then I heard reports of my grandfather being inappropriate with the some of the home health aides he was busted squirreling away his medication that he was supposed to be taking in his chair giving money to an aide and sexually harrassing another aide I've been taking care of elderly with dementia for 13 years they lose the frontal lobe where the filter is little 90 year old ladies who never swore a day in their live are like friggin sailors long men usually get frisky with the females it's what happens with this disease not mine but my friends we watched her daughter's nanny playing with her singing to her and just being so lovely she was so good that all the others mums wanted to hire her that just makes you sick to the core not a parent caught my little sisters babba sitar catching a good eye along that the 2:00 p.m. one my one-year-old sister was up having the time of her life destroying my playstation we didn't have a nanny cam but my mom set up the camcorder when she suspected now a Baba sitter was stealing and then caught the babba sitter stealing she returned most of the stuff when my mom threatened to report her to the police I think she should still have reported her anyway now she probably just went on stealing at other people's places I think she learned her lesson next time the camcorder will be stolen that first this isn t something but I caught a bad ass at her doing but I remember that I once saw on TV the case of some parents that went with her baby to the doctor because she cried a lot for apparently no reason the doctor told them that she looked really stressed and asked them if they were doing something that could make her act like that they didn't he then the doctor and the parents noticed some really tiny dots in the girl s belly and they had no idea where they came from Babis it had told them that she had no idea but they didn't he believed her and secretly put cameras to spy what she was doing turns out that she was crazy she was stabbing the baby with a needle from time to time and doing things like shaking her cradle incredibly hard to torment her of course they called the police confronted her and she got arrested the family I nanny for told me that their previous nanny got caught doing loads of awful things the couple that outraged me most were one leaving their three-year-old daughter in the tub with water up to her chest for two hours every day while she sat in another room unable to see the said child and to once she went to run an errand with the same kid and their doorbell camera caught her putting kid in car seat not buckling her and peeling off the mom said you could see toddler trying to buckled herself in before they took off you should really only catch your nanny doing stuff like that once my aunt has a nanny cam and found my older cousins bad asset of playing blackjack with him she lost $50 law lull she paid to babysit him at that point I have caught her making pillow forts that are heavily resistance to the monsters that may or may not come out during heavy thunderstorms with my Kido 20 minutes after bedtime needless - she was dealt with appropriately r.i.p i'm not a parent rather the child and I had this nanny oh yeah as we would call it it became useless because she soon found out and kept unplugging the camera it turns out she was slowly stealing money from my family we fired her if a hardwired camera got and plugged even once I would immediately think someone tampered with it I was the child and there weren't any nanny cams but my parents had left a small bucket of toys and things to keep me busy and they hired a babysitter to watch me while they both had to take over time at work and knew they would be gone most other day the baddest it who moved that bucket of toys to another room put me in a crib and proceeded to go off and read or something and left me there for hours with nothing to do only coming back to check on me or feed me my parents came back to me just sadly sitting in my crib row this made me sad she stole a single puzzle piece of what we were trying to solve saw her put it in her pocket final straw was one of our freakin potted plants what a psychopath what I learned today redditors have more dogs than kids if not equal indoor cameras hooked up to the same unit as the outdoor cams husband was walking to his study saw a giant huntsman spider Australian hear and screamed like a little girl and jumped away needless to say I bolted to the computer to watch the playback on repeat for a few minutes I laughed so hard I had an asthma attack I think that was the first time he ever called me a C sarcastically I lad Jesus husband totally justified those spiders are as big as dogs friends of ours don't have kids but hot dogs they were going out of town and told the dog sitter about all of the cameras including the one that is outside but sometimes picks up reflections and will actively notify them on motion the dog sitter seemed to get it but she forgot to convey that to her boyfriend who came out and walked around naked quite a bit the dogs were naked too fair's fair I was the I'm caught in camera a few times one a family who had bunnies caught me on camera booping noses to the beat of the song I was singing the little bunny foo foo hopping through the kitchen picking up all the letters and Munchie Munchie munch to a different family saw me get freakin tackled by their 95 pounds Mastiff puppy and they immediately called me to make sure I didn't have a concussion since I just kinda laid there for a while I was fine I just got the wind knocked out of me 3 yet another different family saw me reading a book to their kids and later complimented all the voices I make I had no idea they could hear audio and I got so embarrassed since I really did go all out I always had little bunny foo foo hopping through the forest picking up the field mice and boppin em on the head Lal made me happy to be reminded of it though not a parent and not an anakim but my uncle once set up a wildlife camera the ones that hunters use to get a photo if something happened in my great-grandmother's apartment she was very demented so she told us incoherent stories about how there were people there stealing all her liquor and chocolates turns out she was the one who stole the goodies but we also found out our other son my other uncle who no one has contact with due to his shady actions with his wife had a key to the apartment and was regularly visiting at midnight two steals in jewelry when I was around 12 years old my parents caught my babysitter on camera stealing minors games and shoving them into her pants and shirt they confronted her about it and she kept denying it until ninja gaiden fell out of her pant leg my mom took her into a room and made take out all the games she stole she literally had games shoved under the strap of her bra on her back so that she could sneak them out of the house and others were put inside the waistband of her underwear she must have really thought about this for a while anyway we got the games back and she was sent home without pay hi dog sit for some neighbors one of which told me she has a camera in the living room dining room for her dogs you know those ones that dispense treats anyways I thought it was a strange essential oil diffuser until she told me what it was I was being paid to play with them for an hour but she found out that I was actually staying for two or three hours when she asked me about it I think I said something like I'd want someone to do the same for my dog ever since then she leaves me treats in the kitchen and even got me a Christmas present from the dogs she picked up our puck dodgy and was dancing around the living room with him while that hey I just met you song was playing my uncle told me this once when a bad acid he was holding his daughter my older cousin when she was a baby the baby was playing with her toys and she some house wild a small piece of something and the babysitter performed the Heimlich but for babies there's a version of that for babies idk where I found it though she saved my cousin and her family was thankful they have no idea where the babysitter is now but right now she's supposed to be around her late-40s not a nanny-cam with the video baby monitor managed to catch our than 1.5 month-old projectile vomiting on me and then straight up into the mouth and on the face of my husband two minutes later one of those things that's funny now but not at the time not a nanny cam but it ate my sill sat the camera down thinking she turned it off I have over an hour of her teasing my toddler in a mean way with candy and popsicles she started telling him that he would get some then held in just out of reach she then ate it in front of him making mmm-mmm-mmm sounds she was also calling him mean and weird names like turd muncher and Ricky retard oh the camera got all the audio but only some video at the end of the video is when we got home when I confronted help with the video she started claiming I doctored it I was a liar and a shat and hated her because she was prettier than my wife she is not that was the last time she was allowed around either of our kids unsupervised she was the Silph for tennis years and is now the crazy Karen Axl I can't have a presence on social media because she attacks me all the time says lies etc I am also estranged from my brother because of her ten years of her warps his perception of our family he still thinks some of the whacked-out things she accused our dad sister other brother and various other family members off no reasoning has convinced him of the truth not even the thought that if video evidence refute some of the claims then all can be considered suspect I may get comments and advice on what I could do but in the end you can't fight crazy and sometimes life is just not fair the only thing I have done to make things better is ignore her she eventually just starts attacking someone else like an annoying yipping dog that just needs to annoy as for my brother I hope time will help to fix things I also think that he might just be more like her than I think birds of a feather fly together , she is not is the comedic grace of this story when she put my daughter down for her nap she took a nap on the bed next to her this isn't a bad thing at all different beds two year girl who still needs a 90 minute power nap in the middle of the day I just thought it was funny when I turned on the camera and saw then both napping I used to Babis it the world's greatest kiddo and the parents actually encouraged me to nap alongside the child literally the best naps ever caught the babba sitter masturbating on our couch the Baba sitter was still is my female cousin I figured the best thing was to just say nothing save the awkwardness she did it a fair amount then mentioned our house cam by accident some months later and her face drops I realized what I had said then casually threw in that I'd never checked it again to save the awkwardness lake house ins Danger Oaks you have been visited by the hamster rod joy comment I like chicken to live a happy and full of joy like the joy hamster life like and subscribe you magnificent person
Channel: Updoot
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Keywords: parents, parent stories, parenting, nanny cams, nanny, babysitter, babysitter stories, babysitter story time, parents of reddit, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, sub
Id: ugjOQ3YbN0w
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Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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