Computer Repairman Share Worst Things Found (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)

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people who fix computers laptops what's the worst thing you found on someone's computer whoo boy the last company I worked for I got a laptop back from one of the sales guys who was complaining that his computer was slow and kept crashing he was the sort of guy who rather than raise a ticket sends an email with the entire exec team copied in about how he couldn't do his job because it were incompetent et Cie etc well I got his laptop from him and noticed the hard drive was completely full most of the sales stuff is web-based so there was no reason for the local drive to have anything on it so I had a look expertly hidden on his hard drive in a folder called work staff was over 300 GB of naked pictures and videos of himself literally thousands of pictures of him naked videos of him dancing naked videos of him shoving things in his ass one extremely awkward meeting with the guys manager later he was quietly let go the inside of a heavy smokers computer is beyond disgusting it creates a fine orangish film that coats every single internal component smells wretched and will become a noxious cloud if you try and blow it off just go outside to smoke seriously father-in-law got a new computer and wanted stuff transferred over his old computer had viruses and ran like sheet due to this I tried to figure out what actually needed transferring rather than just transferring everything after cleaning it up stumbled upon pictures of him and drag and him getting a deal though shoved up his ass why do people insist on large thumbnails why was doing it at a law firm saw a folder called literally seen dirty pics immediately opened folder I mean come on sore pics of almost every secretary in the firm naked buddy on my floor freshman year worked at the college helpdesk a guy who I actually knew through another friend brought his computer and to get fixed he was adamant about saving what was on the hard drive my buddy saw some interesting file names and decided to look further it was kiddie porn dude went to jail my buddy had to testify at trial almost five thousand three hundred pieces of virus malware and spyware I don't look at their files my coworker asked me to fix his computer and I agreed since he was a nice guy it turns out it was actually his 13 year old son's computer as soon as I got it I knew it was a bad idea it was disgusting covered in food particles and a white crusty residue I'm hoping wasn't preteen juice it wouldn't even boot up when I turned it on but I managed to get inside with Windows startup repair as soon as I logged in I saw dozens of torrent advise and hundreds of GBS of porn oh boy I ran a virus scan and it removed so many files that had corrupted the hard drive and prevented the laptop for booting I spent over 20 hours trying to recover the hard drive but it was royally ducked I gave the laptop back to him after I was able to get it booted and agreed to stop fixing pcs on the side not on but in a guy I know that fixed computers for a living years ago I had a customer bring in a computer stating that the floppy drive had stopped working when he opened it up he found cockroaches matched against the read/write heads in the drive he said he just closed it up and left it on the front steps of the guy to come and retrieve my friend's dad used to fix up old computers and laptops and one day he told us about this time this elderly man came into his shop to get his old desktop fixed so he drops it off and immediately my friend's dad notices it smells off and I mean very off so he goes to fix it and when he pops up on the side I shoot you not 20 cockroaches climb out of this thing and scatter away on the inside as this rotten piece of meatloaf leftover which has turned moldy blackened gross my friend's dad said he almost threw up in the moment and they had to call an exterminator to heal the roaches he called the elderly man back to tell him about his computer troubles apparently the old man had dementia or something and thought the computer was a fridge and he had stored his leftover meatloaf in there needless to say they did not fix his computer well I was asked to work on her two laptops one belongs to the lady's son and the other her daughter daughter's machine was alright just some tuning up sons machine well I expected a 12 year old to be looking at porn but not dog porn I don't mean furry just straights dog porn edit highest amount of up votes is from a comment about best eality I'm so grateful a search history of a 13 year old kid his mom brought his laptop in because it needed cleaned up a search history that started pretty normal for someone getting into the whole porn watching thing like glasses humping and doggy style as time went based on the timestamp of the searches it only took three weeks to go from this two big black gang bang and granny squirters further on past these searches we got aggressive face ducking which I feel is redundant since that seems to be an aggressive act by nature and the most recent search I found was guys jerking off so he went to the whole spectrum from semi normal searches to gay porn I worked for my universities a department in the laptop depo so we basically would do any repairs on students faculty staffs laptops we had this really solid warranty with Dell where they were 100% covered for four years even including intentional misuse we saw all sorts of laptops full of dust smoke beer wine liquor they would always say they spilled juice on their laptop I got to the point where I could replace a motherboard on latitude d630 in under five minutes the only time I ever saw a laptop that we refused to repair was wanted who buffed all over his my boss just put on rubber gloves put it in a plastic bag and mailed it to Dell to be replaced at my old job some kid from 17 or 18 at the time brought in his Asus gaming laptop for us to clean up the thing was riddled with malware some of the files we had to manually delete and when we went looking we found something interesting he had hours of six tapes with him and his girlfriend also keep in mind that this is when Windows 8.1 was new and he photo tile on the Start menu cycled through saved content when the kid came to pick up the laptop the Photos app showed a preview pic with his GS hasn't his pen 15 clearly inside her we quickly flipped the laptop around claiming that we forgot to re-enable something and turned off the live tile feature so that the pics would show up non of us that worked on the laptop said a thing to the kid or his dad when they came to pick it up a crusty old man walked into the shop with a look in his eyes like a child who just stole from the cookie jar the year is 2017 but he asks me if I can burn a CD for him I am confused but I indulged the customer's request I asked him what he once burned to the CD he simply points to a folder titled new folder by instinct i double-click and in that moment what little innocence I had left died inside that indescribable folder hundreds of pictures of what I'm assuming his wife in what can only be described as explicit positions I'm sure she is a fine lady but H has not been kind to her the lack of hygiene and poor diet didn't help either frozen in place only to be met with a simply indescribable grin in the slow nod never before in my life has I been that afraid disgusted and stunned but I had a job to do I grabbed a dusty old 700 millibars CD and burned those images to its fall it was done the transaction was made but I was robbed of my innocence and of my sanity I hooked up with a girl from work and she asked me to fix a laptop I found her wedding photos on there always check the ring finger guys was she still married when you guys were dating yes the marriage was a sham from day one she married him for a visa they were sleeping in different rooms and I wasn't the first affair but yeah she was still married I don't fix computers but my parents gave me a task of fixing the family computer a few clicks here and there and I ended up on my sister's other Facebook account she was selling herself over on FB she posted her prices and sheduled she also had 100 plus messages from guys asking to meet up I felt so sick I told my dad expecting him to talk to her about it he ended up kicking her out that night our family hasn't been the same since then dad edit spelling my friend has at NY oh brother who wanted his computer fixed it wasn't anything major and all I had to do was clear and backup his files I then decided to clear his history because that can sometimes be a thing that slows your computer down so I opened it there was a ton of porn in his history mainly really messed up gente worst of all he caught me looking at this sheet he got mad at me and we never brought it up again my brother works on laptops and one time a guy came in to get Windows 8 put on his computer this man was the old family friend and while he was backing up files he found a video of the man's daughter I won't go into details of what it is for the sake of keeping my blood pressure down but my brother immediately alerted the authorities in the man is now serving a 12-year prison term he's just lucky my brother was at his place of business or I believe he would have held him instead of calling the law used to work at a small computer repair shop every now and then you'd find porn or something like that nothing too unusual the worst part was usually the physical state of the machines as a courtesy the shop I worked for would always blow the dust out of systems that came in smokers computers were the worst years of tar and dust buildup just would not come loose there was one system that as soon as we opened it we saw dozens of roaches inside we quickly closed up the case taped up all openings stuck it in a bag and fumigated it there was this other time that in custom that brought their system in for weird performance issues turns out that their cat puke through and the side vent all over the motherboard customer wanted to pay for us to clean it rather than replace it I don't fix computers for a living but my first home computer was one that used to belong to my dad he did not do a very good job deleting his old files and I stumbled upon his porn collection I wish I hadn't dad is apparently a perv I was fixing my sister's laptop because she said there was a virus running slow despite being new at the time you know what I found almost two gigs of Mario peach rule 34 my sister was seven at the time I'm still confused by it I used to work for a Native American tribe but the tribes lawyer was Ennis who demanded to be waited on hand and foot one day I was surfing through the program we used to remote into other computers and it will take a screenshot of the last thing the computer was doing there it was he was looking at chicks with big dicks I notified my supervisor which he notified his supervisor I was told to look the other way I gave up you want me to enforce policy on other users but not him so I found a new job and quit not me but a guy I used to work with he found pictures of the owner dressed up as a baby and getting coke cans shoved into his ass edit after reading more of this thread I realize that the question was intended to be geared towards malware weird user practices weird hardware failures et Cie woot slow however this is still a legitimate answer because it is definitely the worst thing I've heard of being found on someone's computer Eddy - actually after checking back and I see that I'm not alone in answering the question with gross stuff someone once brought in a cooler to the repair shop I was completely confused asked awkwardly if I could help the guy guy opens the cooler and hands me a freezing laptop that ski board is literally bowed out because of the ice that formed in the motherboard apparently the guy spilled water all over his computer and his friend told him to put it in the freezer so it would turn into a solid dumbest thing I have ever experienced edit he also said he put it in the freezer because he figured I could just ship the ice off and everything would be fine I opened a laptop once and the background picture was a buff naked dude in the shower I just looked at the guy and said could you change your desktop it's making me feel inadequate one time a woman shipped her laptop to me to have it fixed from a satellite office it just stopped working she said when I opened the box and took it out a bunch of red wine leaked out of the case onto the floor it's the worst thing that I've found because I hate red wine great ten I did an internship at a software place owner gives me a computer to fix something on says it's his son's computer well what do you know boot up and there's a folder on the desktop leading right to a video of a lady being ducked by a horse that's what I found in the keyboard count I used to work in its support for a hospital one of the pa said her computer wasn't typing properly anymore called up swapped out the keyboard and took the defective one back to the office on examination and after discreetly chatting with one of her colleagues what we found was years like genuinely years of food particles under the keys so many crumbs from hundreds of breaktime muffins and sandwiches had been dropped under the keys and compacted by typing that they couldn't be removed without a screwdriver and serious effort we just dumped it into the medical waste incinerator used to work at a repairs and refurbish Center we worked on consoles and laptops for laptops child porn happened maybe three times while I was there police are immediately called for consoles cockroaches Nana live thankfully Birdman just systems full of hundreds of cockroaches some of them fried on the board the smell is even worse we don't work on those even when it's working for health and safety reasons we back those and throw it out some other common strange errors pet hair caught and cooling fan resulting in overheating consoles full of sand do you guys bring your console to the beach sticking stuff in the describe founder dollar wants as well as Wind Waker in annex 360 not me but one of my brothers in it he worked at a third-party Apple dealership and was doing a data transfer for a customer from their old machine to their new machine they would set people up with their photos in iPhoto as part of these data transfers when they were importing the photos iPhoto shows each photo for a second as it imports most of the time people will just minimize the window to respect the privacy of the customer well that didn't happen and there were gigs and gigs of the customer middle-aged mom engaging in sex she lacks with a dog the worst part was he had to help bring their new iMac out to their car when they came in to pick it up and in the car was the dog in the pictures looking like a very sad dog oh he was really upset by the experience of needed to take a few days to reset doctors for some reason have the weirdest computers maybe because they are desensitized to normal humor or human interaction a friend that was working on what in particular said that every icon on the desktop was of Emmanuel Lewis you know Webster his background to his picture folder was filled with pictures of Webster - super creepy but technically not illegal I remember a child in the school I worked at decided to try and search for great porn and woman being great which immediately alerted our system we tracked the laptop by its MAC address to where in the building it was assigned to when this little creep was sitting in the back corner of the library we had alerted the support team to approach him and ask him what he was doing and he said he didn't know what great was and just wanted to learn about it content fixed a personal computer for a lady at work she said there's probably pictures of my friends and dyad parties you're welcome to look consider it my thank you for fixing my computer she was a less and not unattractive neither were her friends all kinds of nude pictures of her and friends and various ahem situations best day at work ever physical condition smokers always smokers you smoke in front of your computer the inside is going to look and smell like an ashtray absolutely disgusting I don't fix computers for a living but if the tech guy in the family any problems would fall on me my brother managed to get a real nasty virus he had a secure browsing software to take tests on for school this browser was just an egg's and wasn't installed the virus only attacked this browser and flooded it with ads to the point aware you couldn't do anything deleted the eggs and downloading a fresh copy didn't help it didn't affect Chrome Firefox or ie I had gotten this virus a few years earlier because I was confident in my ability to remove viruses I should have known not to download from a Russian site that virus survived every attack I threw at it and I eventually had to reinstall windows I half expected to see it come back after the reinstall because of how nasty it was when I saw it on his computer I was given a second chance to take down this virus after many hours of searching and posting in forums no one else could figure out a way to get rid of it I gave up and reinstall windows again TLDR a really nasty Russian virus that the internet had no known solution to get rid of dude was acting mighty Shady luckily clients have to leave when we fix their sheet basically after virus scans figured out that he makes a living off of pirating and selling back in 2002 I worked at computer and we ran across a horde of child pornography on a customer's computer the guy was actually hosting an entire site from his system I accidentally found nude pics of my mum while doing something on my dad's laptop never said anything about it but some images are very hard to purge you're mine on a laptop I once found bits of old ramen noodles under the keyboard there were signs of liquid damage there too also certain Mac laptops used a glue that smelled horribly of Bo as it aged who knows what that odor hit I found some shady stuff on a company's server and brought it to their Rachel managers attention her response led me to end our business with the company that day she really wasn't interested in hearing about it and told me that if I ever wanted to work for another company not to say anything or she would blackballed me by calling every other large firm in the area long story short I found proof that an employee was stealing from the company by taking royalties from a vendor that deliberately botched a project and was charging the company every month to fix it GF at the time we dated for about six months she told me her computer was really slow and asked if I could clean it up while cleaning it up found her six videos of her and her ex where that wasn't a very good day my ex in law's computer took the sheet so I pulled the HD out and installed as a slave in my machine to recover old photos onto a CD this was a long time ago I searched all the pic file extensions and all the folders that had them popped up one of the folders was named ex-wife's middle name and mother's maiden name I clicked on it and found my ex-wife's escort photos profile documents et Cie yeah she left that little tidbit about being a prostitute out when we met and later got married e woods [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Storytime With Reddit
Views: 164,835
Rating: 4.9037991 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, stories, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny, funny askreddit, r/, best posts, reddit funny, sub, people, funny stories, memes, Cowbelly, Updoot, ToadFilms, storytime with reddit, sir reddit, planet reddit
Id: pO1bSs4KQJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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