Gun Owners, Have You Ever Had To Draw Your Weapon?

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serious concealed carrier's alfrid it if there was ever a time you have had to draw your firearm what happened I shot my date she was eppela I didn't know and that dinner her ex showed up they start fighting I got up to calm them down I don't know why she garbed a steak knife stabbed him they looked at me with crazy eyes she came at me and I drew and shot her in the right clavicle area police said it was self-defense and I was free to go no ii did date adnan the police must have had a slow week cause the one guy said this may their week holy crap i could only imagine that how did it go questions went the day later yes once i was visiting a friend at a downtown hospital late at night and had to park off site because a regular lot was closed when i got out of my car i heard a woman whimpering for help she had been stabbed in the gut in a carjacking and had collapsed in the lot trying to make her way on foot to the hospital while i was trying to call for help and keep pressure on her wound i noticed a car circling the lot i left her for a moment and ran back to my car to grab my 0.38 out of my purse when i got back to her a boy no older than 16 was standing over her with a gun pointed at her head i aimed at him and said go the frick home get the kid ran I heard the circling car drive off help arrived about five minutes later turns out that no one could decide who to dispatch to the hospital County or City I'm just imagining you had a cute little pink purse with sparkles and you open it up push aside your wallet push aside some tampons take out the gum then pull out a massive 0.38 and get one of those are here it is looks on your face I was a process server and was trying to track down a guy I found his girlfriend and told her I needed to speak to him she calls him and I tell him we need to meet he doesn't want to run I tell him I have to keep bugging his lady till we do and if he waits me out they'll just get the next guy in line to do the same thing better to get it over and done with now then to turn the girlfriend against you because I'm knocking on her door six times a day every day the guy shows up with three buddies all flashing gang colors he starts in with the prepared threats but takes the papers two of his bellies have their hands under their shirts and the third one is trying to flank me so I reach under my shirt and grip mine ready to draw I know they're armed and they now know I'm armed the main guy sees this and tells me to get the Frick out of here I've already done my job and got it on video so I swallow my pride say sure thing and walk backwards till I'm around the side of the complex spookiest twenty bucks I've ever earned something's out of whack with the risk versus reward equation there so tonight I was driving home on a decently populated Street in my car and I noticed a construction worker type pickup truck behind me driving kind of crazy okay no big deal I thought just another southern crazy driver well next thing I know he comes up near me and cuts me off last minute like inches from my bumper and so I honk not a mean honk but a hey Here I am kind of honk he proceeds to flick me off and is moving around in an erratic way throwing his hands up etc while yelling shortly thereafter we are at a red light and I am behind him just waiting for the light to change he gets out of his truck with a metal pipe of some sort a little smaller than a baseball bat he starts approaching my vehicle and swearing at me using fighting words etc my doors were locked that my window was down so I told him to get back in his car he kept approaching so I yelled for him to get back in his car he kept approaching at this point he was maybe three four feet from my car at this point I draw my weapon and again yell at him to get back in his truck he sees a barrel of my sake drops the pipe apologizes hurriedly gets back in his truck and drives away I was blocked on all sides by cars so I couldn't have driven away like I would have liked to happen so that's what happened TL DR this story involves road rage a construction worker with a metal pipe and the barrel of my cig inevitably becoming the peacemaker I'm so sick of that never draw unless you're going to use it mentality you flash in the defuse the situation anyone crazy enough to get out at a light and grab a weapon is crazy enough to be put in their place with a quick reality check a check that says be careful who you go after they might just be packing someone tried to rob me with a knife I pulled my gun out and said I wasn't giving him any money and for him to leave I did not even point it at him he did not want to leave at first so I said that if he just left I would not report him to police but if he came any closer I would shoot him he left and called me up he while running away I was shaking for the next hour I've only ever had to draw twice both times for bears that came out of the woods in the middle of the day and showed no fear towards the large group of people nearby in one case the bear left on its own and in the other I did have to fire a warning shot to scare it away my father has had a concealed carry permit for as long as I have been alive in that time he has had a bunch of scary crap happen around him but he only ever drew once he was in his truck and a carload of kids who seemed gang-affiliated kept trying to pass cut him off when he stopped at a red light he pulled the gun and put it in the door of the car with the safety off he figured if they were going to try and carjack him he would wait till one of the guys came to his door and obscured the line of sight so they wouldn't see that he even had a gun until he had already shot the first one apparently they all started yelling at him and one hold up a gun in profile not pointing it at him to show that they had one I guess they didn't like that he didn't seem scared at all because they flipped him off and drove away my dad is as pretty cool customer X law enforcement and teacher it takes a lot to rattle him but the fact that he had the hammer cocked and ready to go let me know that he was really nervous about this situation at Gamestop with my eldest child just before Christmas two idiots start fighting over the last copy of some game don't remember what it was they go to fisticuffs we step back to watch the show as I'm cool with mutual combat as long as it's fair and honorable one lands a nice hook to the others jaw and he goes down hard once on the ground dude shakes his head and pulls out a knife at that point I draw two ready and say nope fights done pride put you in the fight don't let pride put you in jail he stares at me for about three seconds and nods yes at me folding his knife and shoving it back in his pocket they both leave in different directions and the seventeen-year-old lookin manager offers me a discount on my purchase end of story a happy ending in my eyes that is the most cowboy thing anyone could have said at that exact moment as a concealed carrier I was taught that you never get your gun out unless you are 100% prepared to pull the trigger I've yet to ever run into a situation like that though but people who flash their peaceful sure are [ __ ] I carry both open and concealed depending upon situation yes flashing firearms is stupid open carry serves some very real purposes go tell be careful not to confuse the two two uneducated ears twice I had two men break into my home and attacked me with a crowbar a few years ago short one three times the other round and was never found guy I shot is alive partially paralyzed and amputated an arm serving a 15 plus year prison sentence I used to do food delivery and a man started advancing at me with a knife one night in the time it took for me to draw and aim my firearm he dropped the knife and ran away police found him a few days later don't know what happened after that there are many more times where I was glad I had it on me and never had to use it better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it I brandished my weapon only once I was in the hood driving though after leaving the State Fair car I was behind stops quickly in front of my car car behind me stops very close to my car guy gets out of the car behind me and jogs up to my door and tries to open the door with the handle but it was locked so he knocks on the window and says you got a cigarette I hold up my pistol so he can see it and say number dude's eyes get big he waves out of the car in front of me and goes back to his car I Drive away shaking and ready to throw up scary moment TL DR I stopped tried to carjack me I show Springfield ice dog goes away I Drive home that is a scary than sovery allottee my friend at home and in a city neighborhood teenage girl and mom live next door I hear yelling out front and see two drunk white guys harassing the girl next door she's yelling as them to leave him there trying to pull the door open put my gun in front pocket small cold Mustang walk out on my porch until they need to move their car as it's blocking my driveway try to argue with me and I have my hand in my pocket holding gun get into a little bit of back and forth the two leave off bothering her and start towards me I pull the gun out but leave it down along my side tell the more sober of the two he needs to back off and get his friend under control about them he notices the gun just as his friend starts up my porch steps grabs his friend and pulls him back and whispers in his ear telling him I have a gun drunk looks at my hand and first time I ever saw this actually pisses his pants as the friend apologizes for blocking my Drive and both get in car and drive off girl never saw a gun and thanks me slip gun back in pocket and tell her no problem and go back in house I used to deliver pizza which took me to some extremely sketchy parts of town and after one of our drivers got held up I decided I was carrying on the job despite company policy one night I came back to my car after making a delivery and some shady guy was looking in my passenger side window the dialog went something like this me can I help you him whatcha got for me pizza man me did you order food him nah whatcha got for me me lift shirt what you think I got for you him I don't want no problems I don't want no problems me need a menu oh I thought you meant you just whipped out your man titties looks like milks back on the menu boys I no longer carry due to convenience but I did once draw when I pulled up to my house late on a Saturday night and saw a guy at the back door doing something I drew and held it at my side just asked him what he was doing he slurred something and staggered off not sure what he was thinking but he was definitely drunk a few weeks later we had a failed break-in attempt I thought it might have been the same guy but never found out my dad was stopped at a traffic light and some dude gets in the passenger side of his truck and says he needs a ride my dad brandished his weapon without pointing it at the man and simply told him he was in the wrong vehicle were needless to say the guy got out making a long story short Pizza driver sent to a crappy part of town group of youths approach car talking about how they would be walking away with more than just pizza I get out of the car with my pizza bag in my left hand and my pistol in the right hand they dipped into the alley faster than a fat man dips toss status in quiso I got an eight cent tip I've only ever witnessed one time when somebody pulled a pistol me about 15 at a time my dad and my uncle were on the way to the beach one time pulling about a $60,000 boat and had about 5,000 dollars worth of rods and reels in the bed of the truck we had to stop at Walmart and buy bait when we got down there and only my dad went in the store the windows on the truck were tinted pretty dark but not the windshield a carload of hood rats white and black pulled into the space beside us and started looking over into the bed and into the boat my uncle reached into the glove box and grabbed his Kimber 1911 point for five and hoped out of the door and asked if he could help them they said naw man we just looking he told them to get the heck out of there and they proceeded to leave that parking lot faster than I have ever seen a Grand Marquis go poor guys just wanted to go fishing I came awful close once I was leaving my martial arts class in downtown Detroit on a Saturday afternoon my car is parked in an abandoned lot across the street I'm about to cross when I hear a string of profanity followed by a clang coming from near my car turns out at some guy walking down the street and he's screaming obscenities at every light pole he walks past then slapping the crap out of them he's between me and my car and I really don't want to get into his path so I decide to wait him out from my side of the street while I'm waiting he picks up a glass bottle and smashes it on the next light-pearl then tries attacking the pole with the shards he's still holding I figured then was a good time to get my hand ready on my gun in case he decided to come my way and mistake me for a light pole that needed cutting he didn't cross the street and as soon as I got to my car I note right the frick out of there that would have been very entertaining to watch from a distance but crazy is scary up close I was leaving a modern event at my local game store this is a semi competitive form of Magic the Gathering it's in a seedy part of town where commercial real estate is cheap and I had well over a thousand bucks in cards on me as I was walking out to my car anyway some little hadrat kind of body blocks me in a poorly lit area of the parking lot and tells me to give him the case I was carrying nice expensive looking metal case with the logo of the game I was playing on it I put my hand on my weapon and told him no and he started puffing up and getting aggressive so I drew one handed and pointed it at his center mass I asked him if having my things was worth his life he raised up his hands backed away the frick often tried to pass it off like he was joking the whole time I smiled at him got in my car and drove the Frick out of there I'm not sure but I feel like staring down a gun at someone contemplating killing them and having to go to trial and put your life and future in the hands of 12 idiots and a bureaucrats is scarier than staring down the barrel of someone else's gun pointed at you the hardest part would be explaining what magical cards you had in your possession and convincing the jury not to have you burned at the stake just go for broke and say he tried to cast a powerful spell on you and bullets were the only counter I own guns mostly for fun and sporting always thought it was kinda nice to have them in the house but never really worry too much about defense I've always lived in pretty safe places don't have a family to worry about one week last summer there were two shootings within a hundred or so feet of my house after the first 12.45 moved from its case in the closet to the drawer next to my bed with loaded mags the second time listen to the whole thing go down through my open window two guys have costed a man walking his dog to rob him he told them to Frick off and they shot him it happened in a matter of moments I was going for the gun as the shooter walked down the alley behind my window I decided going after the shooter wasn't wise and went out the front while calling 9-1-1 to look for the injured person cops were there almost immediately anyway drawing the gun in anger was a hair-raising experience I never thought I would have even though I wasn't in immediate danger changed my thoughts on personal readiness a bit I actually don't have a handgun right now so my browning öyou is sufficing for home protection a couple years ago I was driving home from my cousin's at about 1:00 a.m. he lives in a sketchy part of town but I grew up there so I never really worried when I was in that area and so on my drive home I rolled up to a red light in an intersection across from the city Greyhound station it was a nice summer night so I had my windows rolled down and I was just jamming out to some music while I was sitting at the light this homeless looking fellow walks up to my passenger door explaining to me how he is trying to get back home to Cleveland but doesn't have enough money for the bus fare the next morning I kindly tell the man that I have a five and a couple of ones I can give him towards his bus ticket and when I pull out my wallet the dude pulls a knife and starts yanking on my door handle as soon as he starts tugging on the handle I pulled my gun from between my seat and the center console and pointed it directly at him he simply told me he didn't want any trouble and backed away and I busted but through the red light and drove home as quick as possible in hindsight it was pretty dumb of me to pull out my wallet like that but Frick that dude for trying to carjack me or some crap for being kind to a stranger in what I thought was a tough situation for future reference while some people may actually need fair asking for transportation money is usually a panhandling scam or away for muggers to scope you out they rely on the fact that you are a good human being and then they robbed you I am NOT a carrier but I had an experience with one I took my dog to pee outside my apartment and because it was late at night I didn't put her on her leash she is walking ahead of me around the corner to the grass and some guy sees her first he pulls out a gun and points it directly at her and starts screaming leash your freaking dog over and over as she is peeing probably 30 feet from him she comes back to me I grab her and look back at him and now he's pointing the gun at me and he says I'll shoot you and your frickin dog I grabbed her and nope the Frick out of there I've had a gun pulled on me before not a CCW see guy though I was in high school going door-to-door selling stuff to raise money for high school football we all had to do it so I go to this one house ring the doorbell a few times I was pretty unsuccessful that day and I live in a nice neighborhood I had a lot of people reject giving donations to my school and I was P because these people live in million-dollar homes and can't afford to give $20 away Jesus Christ so I was pretty annoying with doorbells I had time so I sorta hung around for about five minutes or so ringing the doorbell if no one came to the door by then it was obvious no one was home I go to this one house and hang around ringing for a few minutes I see this shadow appear behind a wall and disappear back I knew someone was there so I kept waiting and rang a few more times all of a sudden it older gentleman was balding and white-haired looked in his 70s came running to the door opened it and started aggressively asking me why I was at his house I was in my team's workout gear I'm also half black and I could imagine he thought I looked sketchy I try explaining why I am here looking for donations for my high school he's still angry and pulls a pistol out of his underwear Oh might I add he only had underwear on he has a pistol at his side and starts waving it around at first I wasn't sure what the heck he was doing but then a few seconds later I realized it was a gun and was a little stunned I immediately kind of went down into a squat position ready to run I myself shooter Smith and West M&P nine millimetres quite often so I wasn't absolutely freaked out all of his sudden I guess his wife came running through the house sort of bumped into him grabbing his arms and pulled them down and shooed him away apparently he'd been going crazy lately according to her she apologized and bought two of the things I was selling TL DR could have been shot at by an old crazy guy while I was selling cookie dough door-to-door for my high school's football team I was sitting in the Walmart parking lot texting my husband I saw out of the corner of my eye a sketchy looking dude walking between the rows of cars I locked my doors had a brief moment of guild where I thought to myself your sectarian and went back to texting husband as the dude got to my row I noticed that he was walking towards my car I assumed that he was walking to his car and that he must just be parked next to me and I was being paranoid then I realized that he was walking through the rows pulling door handles looking for cars that were unlocked when he got to mine I guess he didn't see me because I was sitting still and he was you know a secant he saw something he wanted in my back seat and started yanking hard on the door handle and slamming his hand against the window I drew my weapon and yelled what stopped it at him which was about when he noticed me he must have suddenly remembered that he was late for an appointment somewhere else or something because he got out of there pretty shortly after that geez they're like zombies when they are loaded my roommate likes to carry his gun around loaded around the house sometimes and said had done random tables or chairs and say yup I can carry that baby around anywhere and no one can do crap about it really want to report him or something he shouldn't have a firearm at all he's not doing anything illegal you can't report him for being a dong unless you're in our trees then you can report him for being a dong my dad used to be a taxi driver once a guy came in with a BB pistol he pointed it to my dad's head and said you take me some location and I will not pay dad saw it's a BB from the mirror he slowly turned his head and said oh you got one of those pulled his 357 from the door compartment and pointed it at him saying I got one of these rubber ran away immediately if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
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Id: 3PSrjS4oPxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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