What Moment From A Sleepover Will You Never Forget?

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nsw read it what is something that happened at a sleepover which you will never forget my friend got obscene text from his mom that was meant for her boyfriend it specifically said the boyfriends name in it so I'm certain it wasn't an incest thing the look on his face and the graphic detail in the text was the funniest fricking thing I have ever witnessed I couldn't fall asleep because I was laughing for hours mom I don't want to court Cobb in my but we were all around 810 years old and it's about 11 p.m. after spending all day with the birthday boys and his legal guardian we're watching wild wild west when out of nowhere one of the boys says to my friends aren't who have great knockers she said thank you and we all continued watching the movie what a nice boy first time I ever saw he was at a sleepover and it totally blew my mind had no idea that there was this whole world of physical possibilities beyond like awkwardly humping my pillow like awkwardly humping a person I was around 7 years old I had a rich friend named Kevin who could afford all sorts of cool toys because his dad imported and exported them along with other goods during one sleepover he brought over one of those remote-controlled fart boxes instead of playing with it we hatched a master plan to sneak it under my parents bed and unleash its power when they were going to bed we waited for hours finally when the clock struck midnight we let it loose PHH H F F F F F F rttt goddamn Alden my mother but it wasn't over we didn't spam we waited for them to settle and let it go again and again finally we couldn't take it anymore my parents had heard us cracking up and my dad as boisterous with his colon as he is realized it wasn't his but that is a quality story I used to be best friends with the popular girl at school and our group of friends had sleepovers all the time one night when we were around 12 years old I woke up all wet and she convinced me that it was really hot and we had just sweated a lot then I started to think about the plastic cover on her bed and freak when she changing and it all made sense she had peed the bed end well me some people have to pay extra for that back when prank calling was fun we got her buddy to prank his own mom he didn't know it was his mom though a rough transcript of the event Zach come blow me be Zach mom Zach Zach mom Zach mom get your butt home now he was upset with us winner okay not a sleepover technically but more off a trip away my class went to a trip away and the boy slept in one room and girls in other now on one of the last days of the week-long trip one of the boys in my class decided it would be a great idea for all of us to wank together at the same time so a group of 17 boys wanking furiously and sleeping bags was definitely one of the must WTF am i doing moments of my life we were 13 stroked 14 at the time and that is a moment I will never forget when I was 7 years old me and my best friend back then heard gunshots outside his house late one night it wasn't a completely unusual occurrence so we didn't think much of it until we went outside the morning after and found his dog had been hit by one of the bullets family friends moved to a farm in rural Wisconsin because they thought living on a farm would be fun the high school kids would drive around the county drinking beer and shooting people's dogs because you know country folk are normal people luckily their dog only had a leg blown off if I recall correctly when they were finally caught they'd killed over 25 dogs and injured a lot more when I was a kid my mom had a friend who would always bring her son over to hang out anyways they arranged a sleepover for us that he was especially stoked about so it's lights out and he almost immediately starts crying he kept saying my mom wanted a girl over and over I'm still not sure what will happened that's that's heartbreakingly or coid staying the night at a friend's house with a bunch of our buddies when we were all in our mid-teens we are all sleeping on the floor in this large room fairly spaced apart almost zero light the slightly elder sister of the friend whose house it was had been flirting with one of the guys all night and while we were all asleep she snuck into the room I think I was the only one still awake from what I could make out in the darkness she crawled over to the guy she'd been flirty with slid under his blanket got on top of him and started grinding away he had the biggest grin the next morning that would answer I'm just happy to be here with you guys whenever asked kana from what I could make out in the darkness she crawled over to the guy she'd been flirty with slid under his blanket and asked for doing ftfy I was in preschool and sleeping at her friend's house down the street with my sister in the middle of the night I woke up to screaming and glass shattering so I got out of bed and followed the noise into the lounge room his parents were screaming at each other and throwing things around the room and when they saw me the mother came running over and pushed me back into the bedroom and shut the door not something I'll forget anytime soon a friend's mom and her fella started to freak when they thought everyone was asleep I wasn't his mum thought she was being quiet she wasn't and being a fourteen-year-old boy I could not help but do the needful dude I was over my friends for a sleepover when we were like 11 and his parents just start going at it in the bedroom next door it's like 7:00 p.m. and they have like six kids and they're all awake my friend just looks at me and casually says mum please and then goes back to playing video games once I had a friend over and he puked what looked like a gallon of mashed potatoes in my bed and blamed it on my 15 pound dog who was locked in his kennel Frick Brad Brad told me to tell you he's not sorry and he would puke on your bed again if he had the chance was about eight or nine years old at my mates house watching The Exorcist my mates dad thought it would be funny to go outside and lift window-shutters up and screamed through the window freaking terrifying too young to be watching The Exorcist too old to be screaming through windows pranking kids I went to bed at a friend's house one time the next morning I told him that I grabbed lemonade from the fridge in the middle of the night and spilled a whole cup I was like eight they didn't have lemonade another kid and I got into the same sleeping bag and touched our dongs together because we thought it would mean we had lost our virginity the other boys sat in a circle around us egging us on it was actually a lot like the last scene of requiem for a dream TL DR dong - dong better than going but about him trying to crap in someone else's butt TL DR butt buddies New Year's Eve 99 mm I was 12 I woke up with a sleeping bag full of pee and my hand in a bowl of water until the end of the school year they made fun of me for not being y2k compliant that's actually pretty funny I had a big birthday party sleepover when I was 11 or 12 and invited a bunch of my friends to spend the night my mom made me invite the kid from down the road who was in my grade but I never really noticed him he was really small and took a lot of medicine anyway he weather bed that night and was humiliated by everyone there including me I saw him on the bus the following week and I felt bad about what happened we became best friends and hung out most weekends until the end of high school he told me that he had a liver transplant in kindergarten and was facing some serious health threats in the future we remained close and last summer his liver failed in he passed away in hospice care at the age of 25 TL DR we're neighbor kid pee the bed became best friends until his passing we lost touch after high school which has happened with most of my old friends he messaged me on Facebook this time last year wanting to catch up we chatted for a bit and I told him I would visit him the next time I was in town he didn't say anything about his failing health but I wish he had I would have made a special trip back home to see him it's been a year and I've been thinking about him more than usual lately I miss him a lot that's really heartwarming w not particularly eventful or steamy but when I was in middle school my friend had a birthday party sleepover with about 810 girls around 10:00 p.m. we decide to all sneak out and go TP some boys house we go and TP the house then we realize we are lost and don't know how to get back to her house so we find the closest main road and start walking down it about 8:10 middle school girls in their PJs so naturally a police officer stops us and asks what we are doing out so late must have been a really awesome cop because we make up some stupid story about looking for a lost cat we all pile in the car and he takes us back to her house where we asked him to turn off the lights and lets us woke up I stepped on the baby's head never figured out why the baby was on the floor in the middle of the night but it scared the crap out of me but the baby he was fine I liked how you called it the baby like we knew him her personally friend's birthday party I was 12 I took a giant crap flushed the toilet and walked away an hour later his mom yelled from the bathroom OMF there's crap everywhere the five of us went to the bathroom see a thin layer odd water and runny crap all over the floor with his mom and released staring at us everyone knew it was me and pointed it out immediately I was never allowed at his house again I still run into his mom sometimes and I can tell she still isn't over it I hate pee toilets every toilet should be those power flushing versions not the one that clogs every other time my best friend for ages 7-14 was a very tomboyish girl and one time when I was around 11 I was sleeping over her house this time two of her attractive female cousins happen to be there for the evening as well I forget how it came up but they started talking about how they had never seen a dong and were asking me to show them now I was a shy kid and raised by very conservative parents so this took a little bit of persuading but after an hour of em asking we went into her bedroom shut the door and I whipped it out this kid actually put a commercial break into his story when we were about 15 my buddy's still some alcohol from his parents and invited me over to drink it with him when I got there I went to take a crap and was only gone about five minutes and when I came back he drank almost all of it I called him and butthole and drank the bit that was left which actually got me a good buzz we decided to watch a movie and I noticed he wasn't looking good then he puked all over the floor his mom was downstairs and I didn't want to get caught so I started cleaning it up but he kept puking like three other piles I got him to the bathroom and he looked at me and said guess what I said what and he started peeing his pants and then laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world I got him back to his bed and he barked again this was like the fourth or fifth pile and I'd only gotten one cleaned up and not cleaned up very well I was kind of drunk he got out of bed and took his pee soaked pants and underwear off and was looking for new pants and I decided that I'd had enough I wasn't going to deal with bath and a drunk naked person who was doing nothing to help the situation on my way out the door I told his mom he wasn't feeling well and left when I got home my parents knew I was drunk and grounded me his mum blamed everything on me and called my parents to tell them that I got her little angel drunk to trick those kind of parents I was like 12 this girl was 13 and she wouldn't shut up about this boy she likes so I pretended to fall asleep give me an Oscar for my acting because she obviously thought I really was snoozing and proceeded to place my hand on her bum I guess she was pretending I was this guy she wouldn't shut up about did what I thought was the most convincing sleep role in acting history you know with like the content sounding breathing because you're finding a new comfortable position I then silently cried myself to sleep I'm a straight female for your information I four and I squeezed her butt and scream honk-honk I remember a sleepover my older sister had two years difference they were being loud and crap so I went down to the den in the basement to play video games eventually they got into a truth-or-dare situation and my sister's friend Miranda was dead too streaked through the room I was in 13-year old me will never forget that ran into that girl at a bar like 12 years later eight stroke ten would bang good God why did you pass up the opportunity slept at friend's house friend his cat woke up with cat sleeping on face I panic cat panics because I'm panicking cat claws my face I have hated cats ever since we were a bunch of ten-year-old girls immediately one girl became the group B I forget how but after she fell asleep we all tried to put he fingers in water she didn't pee so we decided to just flick with her and move her in her sleep so she'd wake up on the coffee table and not know how she got there she woke up as we were attempting to transport her and had a surprisingly good attitude about it then we all felt kind of bad this story is an emotional roller coaster my friend just creamed in the middle of the night I heard it because I had trouble sleeping in a bed that wasn't my own he just frickin yelled out in hindsight he was probably just having a dream and sleep talking yelling but when I was eight it was kind of terrifying I female made out with a girl for the first time we both had boyfriends neither of them were there she was very religious and cried afterwards both of our boyfriends forgave us later realized I'm not straight so this is how it happens I always imagined it started at a softball game had a party for my 13th birthday with a bunch of mates we all slept in the lounge room in sleeping bags by about 2:00 a.m. one of the guys had fallen asleep so we decided the only suitable course of action was to mess with him thankfully he was a sleep talker so this made things super easy after making him respond to ridiculous comments and making him sing the original Pokemon theme while we were all trying to laugh silently so as not to wake up parents my friend will call him Ben because that was his name started clicking in his ear Andrew the sleeper said out loud stop clicking your fingernails sister's name which obviously caused Ben to do it more so still sleeping Andrew decides the best way to retaliate is to take a swing at his sister shocking Ben's square in the face in the process it took for office two held Ben back from killing Andrew who rolled over and let out a snore blissfully unaware of the situation he had barely escaped from intact Andrew is awake a decent actor and got a free shot at Ben my best friend Pete's dad left Pete's mom after his mom confronted him about his infidelity Pete and I were playing video games and Pete was rather apathetic I thought he had a good relationship with his dad up through that point but I found out later Pete knew about his dad and didn't think too highly of it we were both 11 The Adventures of Pete and Pete's dad it was this kid's twelfth birthday party and things got really weird really fast long story short the kids started showing each other their dongs me excluded and the birthday boy started jacking off in front of everyone that story will stick with me forever when I was like 14 I went to my best friend's house for a sleepover they were twin brothers and their other friend was over too in the middle of the night we decided to all look up pee so we didn't started all masturbating together eventually we weren't even looking at the pee but watched each other jerking off our dongs we all watched each other see em and it was the first time I ever saw other dudes [ __ ] none of this ever mentioned it again but I turned out gay and the others turned out right maybe well I mean that is the ritual you have to perform to convert I was sleeping over at a neighbor girl's house I remember her stepdad coming into the room in the middle of the night and didn't think much of it and fell back asleep she proceeded to confide in me the next day that he had been molesting her and we both decided it was a bad idea to tell him because we were afraid to get in trouble I think she was eight and I was nine I moved shortly after that and lost touch with her deeply disturbing hope she's okay third grade a bunch of us were sleeping in my friend's living room in a row I was on the end of the row closest to the French doors that led to the back deck I rolled over away from the group told the glass doors and saw scull headed figure lying on its side facing me out on the deck right up against the door I froze thinking I must be seeing things for what seemed like an hour I'm sure my eyes were huge eventually the skull headed thing stood up and walked away I'm pretty sure it was my friend's elder brother in a mask but I never said a word about it to anyone one night my friend and I decided to have a sleepover at her house which I always thought had a weird vibe to it creepy things always happen there anyways that particular night we decided to watch the ring at 1:00 a.m. when the movie was over and both of us were truly freaked out we decided to put on the comedy channel for some reason the tape the network was playing had an issue and started playing backwards and then her phone rang from the time the movie ended to the backwards tape to the phone ringing it was no more than five minutes we flipped out but as teenagers decided we better answer the phone turned out to be some drunk dude drunk dialing random numbers we ended up chatting with him for a half hour I had a good laugh and went to bed this didn't happen to me but my brother told me about a sleepover he was at in middle school the host friend suggested playing truth or dare everyone agreed the host friend went first and dead himself to stick a marker up his own butt as the marker rented the but my brother and a couple other friends escaped out of the window and ran home was staying the night at my friend's house when I was around 14 his little brother decided to skate down the road at 11:00 at night on a road with no streetlights on the wrong side of the road brother gets hit by a car and when the call came in to his dad detention was almost palpable but thankfully he wasn't hurt too bad but the sight of his dad bursting into tears and screaming and then punching a wall was not something I'll easily forget had a sleepover with my soand lost my virginity actual sleepover with friends my best friend tried to convince me Ducks were mammals in my twenties I threw a sleepover I invited a guy that I intended to set up with a friend turns out my friend went back to her ex I become great friends with guy that guy is now my husband best sleepover ever yay happy endings it was fourth grade all-girl sleepover we played truth or dare their work idk five or six of us well needless to say I had my first lesbian experience we all took turns giving each other pecks on the lips was the group of around six guys at her friend's house while his parents were out of town we had all been drinking and I woke up around 7:00 a.m. to take a leak walked past his family's computer to see one of the guys jerking it to two girls one cup yup I had to read that twice I spend the night at my friend's house for the first time she is B but has a girlfriend whom I'm actually good friends with but both being girls had all we slept in the same bed I didn't think it to be a problem because I'm straight and she knows that so it's normal right yeah no I woke up in the middle of the with fingers in my crotch completely mortified and I just froze there in shock and terror she realizes I'm awake and simply says oh sorry I didn't mean to wake you up then rolls over and goes back to sleep I did not sleep that night and left as soon as possible the next morning I was basically violated by my friend's elder sisters when I was 11 he was being a jerk and refused to get off his computer so I went to hang with them they talked me into hiding in the closet with them lots of things happened they were 16 and 18 I think might have been 14 and 16 hard to remember I remember being naked on top of one while her sister was naked on top of me they made me do things I don't think it missed me up or anything I didn't know what happened four years afterwards I had so much other bad crap in my life at that time that that night was just a curious blip on the radar honestly that family was fricked up feel bad for the girls in hindsight I bet they were abused by the dad that's awful I can't imagine doing that to an 11 year old I'm really sorry man mass hysteria and weird adult games between a bunch of twelve-year-old Catholic schoolgirls I just kept on yelling at everyone to get the Frick to sleep so you were that person too I was staying the night at a friend's house when I was 8 years old my foster brother was there too my friend asks if we want to see a cool trick we say yes he lays down on the floor pulls his pants down and lifts his feet up to his face he's wearing tighty whities what happens next is so crystal clear in my memory he farts in a small spot about the size of a dime begins to darkened by his butthole then it gets darker and a hole appears before my very eyes he burned a hole through his underwear with a fart see I told you you wouldn't believe me I didn't believe it either we told him to do it again he did this time I watched very closely and after a minute of him getting a fart ready he let loose the same quiet fart with a short pffttt and the fresh pair of briefs begins to darken my foster brother and I are stating by watching this featuring with scientific scrutiny the dine sized spot goes darker and darker it does not look wet there is no flame though it looked like I was watching something burn in the Sun you know how sunlight makes flame nearly invisible that's how this fart looked by the light of a bedroom so then the whole forms and all of this takes place in just four or five seconds there is a little smoke though I may have imagined it the smell is like a fart class hot hot robber my foster brother and I deliberate and request a third demonstration he says he shouldn't because his mom gets mad when he burns holes in his underwear it's not aliens or ghosts or Bigfoot it's a young boy with the ability to burn a hole through cotton underwear with his flatulence and I swear that it is true another odd thing was that his brother came in an hour earlier and offered as toothpaste when we declined he shrugged and ate a third of the tube in one squeeze if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
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Keywords: sleepover, sleepover party, sleepover party ideas, sleepover party music, sleepover party game, what happened, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: WLC-e5qidwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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