These adults still ACT like THIS?? - r/AskReddit

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what's the biggest adult temper tantrum you've ever witnessed Em's the woman who caused an accident was screaming that the driver of the other car was faking it for the insurance payout when we were loading him onto the stretcher when the cop told her they were in a bad way she threw herself on the ground and said well if he can do it then I have neck pain too meanwhile we are preemptively shaving this guy's chest for the heed pads because he's too compensating so quickly her purse was laying in the road so we ran it over when we did a u-turn to leave for the hospital also the guy ended up being okay but was probably in for a long recovery don't text and drive it's always other people who have to pay the price for it at chick-fil-a one day I saw this obese dude who must have been at least 40 slamming a tray on the counter repeatedly and yelling at the staff behind the counter because they didn't have his favorite sauce he started stomping from end to end screaming that he knew they had more in the back and he wasn't freaking leaving til he got his sauce when the manager came out to ask him to leave this manchild legitimately sat on the floor and crossed his arms saying he wasn't moving I got my food and left as soon as possible it was back in the late summer of 1994 and I was invited to a carrot top show back then carrot top was a redheaded prop comic and not the disaster roid Beast he esterday anyway about 20 minutes into the show he started to freak out it seemed as though the monitors weren't working or something because he kept complaining about how funny his crap was and how well his prop gags had gone over in other venues to be clear he was being amusing and the crowd was laughing along as one might expect but he wasn't getting any of that feedback for some reason and he started to spiral into losing it entirely he yanked one crop after another out of his trunk faster and faster and louder and louder eventually he had a complete breakdown burst out into full-on tears started sobbing dropped everything covered his face and ran offstage the crowd was confused because let's face it no one really knew what to expect from the guy but he never did come back on stage and after another couple minutes the lights came on and we all left 20 minutes into the show when I worked in retail the woman that freaked out because I wouldn't let her return a piece of chicken breasts originally from the meat department dated several months prior to this interaction that she had frozen and did not have a receipt I love retail working on a local theater project the lead actress birthday was in the middle of the final week of rehearsals we are all packed into the theater for hours on our per day but there still time to celebrate we pass a card around and the director decides she'll bake a cake when we take a break someone brings the lead actress out on stage so we can cut the cake sing happy birthday and give her the card everything is going well then suddenly there came a great screeching the director was displeased apparently no one had asked her to sign the card to be clear she'd seen it being passed around but no one had actively asked her and she took that as an insult she slammed the cake to the floor right in front of the poor heat actress screamed at us all for being so inconsiderate and stormed off happy birthday my ex-girlfriend started screaming and throwing clothes out of her closet because her family's maid had placed them out of order and she couldn't find a shirt this was in Mexico City and I'm from Canada so I was a bit shocked I laughed my ass off and told her she was being ridiculous on Christmas Eve a couple years ago I suggested my family play a board game first we tried Scrabble I turned the word praying into sprayings and got something like 50 points my brother got extremely upset and claimed that wasn't a valid word I google it and it was indeed a word he got mad and pulled up the official scrabble dictionary and lo and behold sprayings wasn't in it I told him to just calm down since it was just a game and he flipped the board over and got the letters all over the place he then stormed off not to be seen again that same night we tried to make up by playing Monopoly brother considered himself a monopoly expert whereas everyone else hadn't ever played it my sister was super unenthusiastic about the game and refused to ever trade properties with him just to be petty my brother was progressively getting more and more mad my mom was completely siding with my sister which got him so upset he eventually flipped the board over again and got little plastic houses and cards and crap everywhere he started screaming at my mom and telling her that she had failed parenting my sister because she intervened too much when they were kids the argument ended with my dad bursting into tears first and only time I had ever seen him cry and all of us just sitting in the living room in silence my brother was 28 at the time a former friends wife we were going to a Christmas party at a mutual friend's house the next day but I went over to his place to bake the cake I was bringing and hang out and play games her sister was there too so I get there his wife is in their living room with her sister the wife is sitting on the couch folding clothes the sister is in an armchair holding her baby he picked up a present of hearse the new model of courage she wanted but hadn't had time to wrap it yet it's sitting in the living room under a blanket near the Christmas tree their daughter about two at the time pulled the blanket off the keurig my buddy's wife who is a director level employee for a ward at the hospital throws the entire basket of folded clothes into the floor dumps the rest of the clothes in her lap in the floor and slides off the couch into the floor in tears because he bought the wrong color of Keurig she's crying yelling at him about how obviously doesn't care about her because he didn't get the right color she should just divorce him because he can't ever get anything right over her the color of a coffee maker any time security tells guys they can't vape in them all my room our junior year literally got on the floor kicking and screaming because her ex wasn't talking to her literal actual temper tantrum and her ex had very good reasons not to talk to her my another room had came out very confused and asked if she could have her Fitz where else because she had an exam the next day and needed to study temper tantrum girl then proceeds to get up and storm out because we didn't give her the attention that she thought she was one of my closest friends but that friendship declined rapidly after that not me but my friend my friend works in a government office some woman had to wait online and was not happy about it in protest she pulled down her pants and took an crap in the middle of the floor when I worked in retail at a place that sold phone accessories but not as a primary product office supplies this lady came in asking for a case for her iPhone 6 which was just released at the time because it was released maybe a week prior we did not have any in stock and I told her so this grown-ass woman stomped her foot pouted and cried but I want one I said I'm sorry maybe we'll get him in stock soon let me ask a manager she pouted stomped her foot again and said but I needed a no wwww I just walked away first world problems honey first world problems my cousin lost a match that his MMA gym it wasn't an official one and hurt his shoulder was not even bruised and he couldn't open my front door quick enough so he punched the Garson and I got glass in my eye for Christmas I used to work at a large even stadium that housed several of the state's sports teams I can't remember which team was playing I think basketball but it was definitely New Year's Eve and I had been assigned to the private Suites the hotty totty rooms that the owners of the teams and various companies used to Schmauss glance and order food at 5x the normal price we had been explicitly clear that the Suites would not be open until midnight guests could go down to one of the large event rooms where there was food / booze / games / et Cie but the Suites were closed by 10:00 p.m. we sent out ml's explaining this there were flowers left in the room with a reminder and directions to the festivities and we were made to remind each guests beforehand face to face to avoid any confusion needless to say the staff wanted to get out of there early enough to enjoy the holiday themselves so we all made sure to be on top of this I did this with all of my sweets and they nodded in agreement except for one guy let's call him entitled man baby or em when I politely reminded em that the sweets would be closed at 10:00 p.m. he instantly looked away at his friends and said yeah we'll see about that and walked away without a word to me I tried to press the matter but he refused to look at me eventually his friend just nodded and shooed me away sure enough 955 comes rolling around and they still have their stuff everywhere they're opening new drinks and trying to order more I politely remind him that we would be closing in five minutes and he said oh we are not going anywhere I'm very close friends with insert the name of the sports announcer here and we are not leaving for a long while I say sir I'm sorry there seems to be a misunderstanding the sweets are closing in five minutes but we'll be more than happy to show you to the new year's event just a few minutes away em we are not leaving and again he just turned away and refused to acknowledge or look at me that SOB refused to leave for an hour and a freaking half my boss came to nicely explained to him my boss's boss came to nicely explained to him then security came to explain it to him at which point his friends couldn't contain him any longer exactly like the quintessential image of a spoiled child throwing a tantrum he clenched his fists stopped his foot and held his breath until his face was red then he let out the highest pitch and loudest freaking sound that I have ever heard come out of a human being I am not going anywhere we know sports announcer I was promised that I could stay here and I am NOT of the ie ie ie ie ie ie it was almost worth it just to see the faces of his friends drop in utter disbelief they had been enjoying the slightly silly a go trip he had been having but this was over the top the entire room just stood silent for a solid thirty seconds before my boss's boss said okay she turned and walked out shortly after the infamous sports announcer guy walks in himself and starts apologizing to em announcer oh it's good to see you so sorry for the mix-up I have a nice private room waiting for you come with me so sorry the thermic has left at 11:45 I spent midnight on the train headed back home vertical bar insert story from any client-facing job ages ago I worked at a post office for minimum wage in the post office there was a photocopy machine that clients can pay for to make photocopies before sending them in the mail this was a service provided by a third party and we had signs saying as such the provider even had a sign up saying call this number if you have problems with this machine human coming in to mail something he wanted photocopies no problem point of the machine across from me he puts money in and starts copying at some point he starts cutting under his breath he walks up to the counter and starts fishing that the machine ate five cents yes five pennies worth of money one twentieth of a dollar starts yelling and demanding the money back there's a number on the machine and I can't just give him money from the business throws in absolute hissy fit keeps going on and on and refuses to call the number he asks for a supervisor no problem I don't make enough to deal with this I call her over and she looks at me and goes can we give him the money back I say no she looks back at the client sorry but we can't give you the money back call the number he spends at least 20 minutes with the supervisor he refuses to leave so I call security security shows up and literally the same thing that you call the number and he still refused they physically escorted him out and he was shouting at the store manager on the way out five pennies and refused to dedicate even a minute to call the number on the machine he's complaining about while wasting almost an hour in the store I was waiting in line at a convenience store and a women at the cash wanted to buy cigarettes the cashier wouldn't get them until she showed ID the woman started freaking out refusing to show any ID and saying she was old enough and verbally attacking the cashier for doing their job finally this woman just storms out saying I'm never shopping here again before I could stop myself I ended up shouting back at her but that leaves more for decent human beings she turned into her face was bright red with an expression that looked like a combination of embarrassment and rage the cashier had what I can only describe as a look of immense gratitude I'm guessing they wanted to say something similar to this woman but didn't want to lose their jobs and was glad someone else said it I work at a major electronic retailer and a few months ago I answered the phone to a customer that told us his iPad was defective and that he was going to bring it in and demanded we give him the newest model we had I asked him when he bought it and he responded black friday in like 2015 i laughed and told him it wasn't happening he started screaming at me telling me about how he was going to earn my store in the company then demanded to speak to my manager I told my GM the situation handed him the phone and he told the guy the same thing I did and hung up on him the guy apparently tried the same stunt about two hours after I left not sure what he expected out of it my mother-in-law who we no longer talked to has a meth problem and I've seen her throw tantrums about everything she will thrown an adult tantrum any time she doesn't get away however one of the best ones happened before I came into the family I'm close to her sister my husband's arms and she told me about a family gathering where my mill claimed to make homemade corn bread but in reality she took a couple bags of jaffe and added a couple cups of sugar to it her sister told her it wasn't her recipe it was from a bag and she started screaming in her face and following her everywhere yelling in her face about cornbread she's become absolutely unbearable on or drugs and no one in her family including us currently has anything to do with her some people I work with got in a disagreement of management styles one got so mad off she took a leave of absence for a month to cool down when she came back it started again and now she's gone for three more weeks edit grammar and what I remember they never really liked each other and argued out in open loud cursing at one another regularly I'm pretty sure even Jesus himself called ours one time when I was working my crappy fast-food job a cow or Cano showed so my boss had me call him I let a message hi this is fluffy at crappy pizza I was just calling because you are in the schedule today at 10 a.m. and manager wanted me to check with you to see if you are just running late his girlfriend called back I answered and kept screaming at me for talking to her man it was the most insane thing ever there was this girl that was part of our friend group for a1 in our early twenties she was the definition of spoiled her parents were amazing they were immigrants who had started a reasonably successful construction business and her dad decided after a cancer scare that he needed to spend more time with his family slash kids and make the most out of life they took her on all these amazing vacations bought her a decent new bird middle range car designer handbags and sunglasses the whole nine yards they also put a pretty massive down payment on a house for her probably covering about 50 and number 37 of it so that her mortgage and other costs were less than her aunt she calls me one day sobbing she is upset because her parents who pay for everything while she spends her money from her full-time job on clothes Mac loop and partying our making her dip into her savings on a lawyer to close the deal for the property they bought her she is inconsolable I have to try to explain to her that for most people their first home will be their entire savings and that her parents have basically given her all these amazing things that other people don't get we hung up for a bit and I guess she accidentally butt-dialed me when she was talking to her parents about it and she was full-on yelling at them for daring to make her pay for a lawyer telling them she hates them that she never wants to see them again and that they are the most horrible people she's ever met we had already started fading her from our friend group somewhat but it was a fairly quick downhill slope from there a girl hid my car with her car door at a gas station and thought I didn't see my car was black hers was candy red you could see her paint on my car she opened it hard I waited for her to come back out and nicely asked if she would rather go through insurance or just give me cash for whatever touch her paint cost I was prepared to call Honda ask and let her listen she was fairly young I was 23 she was probably 18 19 I was trying to be nice by offering not to call what was probably her mom's car and her mom's insurance she blew up screaming that I was a fing life trying to steal her money because I was a greedy white mother fry because she was black I'm sorry I had to include this detail but it stands out in my mind as multiple children walked by she continued to scream and curse I asked her if she would calm down and look at the scratch to see that it was clearly her car paint and I called the police when she got physical she broke my glasses by grabbing at my face when I got too close I never touched her and was probably nervous or something if I was actually too close I don't know the police reviewed security footage that showed her clearly hitting my car looking at it and walking away I was asked if I wanted to press charges for assault her clawing at my face and pushing me multiple times was on video and with the officers that she was still verbally abusing me I said no and they forced her to surrender insurance information and I never saw her again I can actually answer this back in my teens I used to work at a sort of guided tour in my city the turn took place in a sort of small car designed to looked like a train and people would sit in wagons behind it while it drove around and explained stuff about our city we also provide a shuttle service at set times from into a parking place for a fella nearby outside of these times we would not ride because we weren't paid at all we drove the whole morning until 12:00 and then we drove from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. I experienced many tantrums as one does in tourism but one of them I can still see as clear as day there was a family of six people who approached us while we were off duty so to say the trains were all parked the father of the family approaches me and says that they would like to go back to their car I explained that we do not drive at these hours and that we did specify that during the right over here he called me a liar my boss was in the train reading a magazine and this guy walked towards him all half and bath so my boss opens the windows and asks if he can help him dude acts the same question boss gives the same answer this guy just flipped his crap he started yelling and screaming like he was seven jumping on the train and off punching the windows or the wild turning red tears running over his face his wife in the meantime chose to walk away with the children looking all embarrassed an old man who was with them calmly walked towards the man having a tantrum and said get down guy keeps screaming at me at my boss at the old man and anyone else who comes near him this old man walks closer to the guy suddenly jumps up and grabs his ear and drags him from the Train the guy is screaming sorry dad sorry I mean this was a grown-ass man behaving like he was seven still stumps to this day that some people are like that my psycho ex boss thought he was alone in the office one night and Excel chose that time to freak with him it wouldn't calculate a formula correctly couldn't be the fact he didn't input it correctly No so he absolutely launched into a swearing tirade at maximum volume I froze in my cubicle afraid to touch my keyboard and inadvertently announced to him he in fact wasn't alone he kept trying to redo the cell and every time it failed he would get more and more belligerent his voice started raising higher and higher while I remained frozen eventually he started freaking crying he blubbered about this stupid freaking program and I was now panicking I couldn't walk out because the door was right next to his office I couldn't make a noise I was stuck he decided to get up and take a walk and that's when his tirade pause dead in its tracks my eyes shopped in my desk lamp Frick it was on then I heard footsteps approaching Frick Frick Frick I scanned my desk an idea flashed into my head my hands shot out grabbed my headphones and threw them onto my head in one quick movement I started bobbing my head when he walked around the corner and said well that was a bit embarrassing I ignored him facing my screen pretending the music was blaring he tapped me on the shoulder and I acted all shocked I took off my headphones and faced him he was sweating he said again well that was a bit embarrassing did you hear my tirade he told him I did not my music just too loud you see we talked a bit whatever end of the story I've never heard in my life a hissy fit like that and I hope I never do again it went so far past amusing past cringy to downright scary my ex-girlfriend was basically a giant tantrum waiting for an excuse we broke up she called me wanting to go to an event and me being an idiot thought why not so we are at a vendor and they don't have any more of this small five-buck item she wants to buy and she was off so she would start out with this kind of catch in her voice what do you mean you don't have random item random item was the only reason I came to this stupid event and then she would do this quiver to her chin that made her go you were Hugh are you a Heuer in this high keening wail and starts dumping her freaking feet and hitting displays and scream and other crap and she went full bore and the poor person behind the counter had just those huge OMG eyes and this huge crowd of people that are at the event are staring at her and adorned on me hey I don't have to deal with this crap anymore we aren't in a romantic relationship so I don't have to spend days trying to help her get over them not having the item she wanted and I don't even have to be friends with her if I don't want to and I don't want to so I walked away and then she started screaming how dare you walk away from me and I answered with how dare you cause a public scene about a five buck piece of junk frig right off then I left my mill threw a pie through my window on Thanksgiving because I would not let her in my house she had attempted to ruin our wedding not one month prior to this and I was not dealing with a horse crap we told her to leave and she threw a pie through my window shattered it and my dog cut her poor on the grass she wasn't invited to our house because she Satan incarnate and for some reason she was shocked that we wouldn't let her in because she's family $4,200 window replacement old sixties home with giant custom windows and the bish wonders why we are no contact worked at a research brewery they were trying to make drink concentrate never saw it successfully done while I was there the lab director there were three people total in this place and the lab was a few 5g Cowboys with sugars being fermented at different levels like a high school science project threw tantrums on the regular but this time he was trying to spray water into a fermenter and he broke the nozzle on accident he screamed Frick loud enough to death and the equipment through the broken nozzle against the fermenters I just cleaned and stormed off doing nothing about the hose spraying wildly all over everything I just cleaned I tried to get his attention about the hose and he red-faced yelled clean it up then he left he was 24 and it was his first job out of college total spoiled brat I'm fairly certain he had a job there cuz his mommy invested heavily in his harebrained concepts I still fantasize about putting him in the hospital I work with a guy who has such anger issues I've seen him shout and scream of machines I've witnessed him once throw a large socket when should the machine had bounced back and hit him on the head his biggest tantrum happened when we came to work his pen had leaked over his overalls and he blamed someone for tampering with it he took the rest of the week off unpaid as no one up to it when to see the Spurs play in Portland and a fan tried to terrorize the poor guide the ticket window into giving him a full refund because pops was resting half his roster that night finally the manager had to intervene and patiently explain Popovich is infamous for that buyer beware the guy ripped his ticket up in frustration and started typing up an angry yelp review of the Motor Centre right then and there an account manager at a company I worked for had a broken-down lease car and needed a replacement for the day while in a call with the company that was responsible for that he starts screaming at the top of his lungs that he can't possibly wait half an hour for a new car throws the phone against a window punches his monitor cracking the screen and runs out the door he cut his hand pretty badly while doing all this and trailed blood through the whole office they found him downstairs sobbing in a corner apparently he was going through some personal crap and just short-circuited though he was in a hole to begin with bilis an absolutely loathsome excuse for a human being he was one of the PAL Buress for his grandmother's funeral once at the cemetery he refused to get out of the car and help carry the casket because the rest of us didn't give him and his wife enough attention before the funeral service had a fit right there and I believe it took a threat from the filter get him moving my high school chemistry teacher completely flipped out one day everyone in our class sat at work areas that had built-in sinks with those high arching faucets we were going to do some experiments one day and had some balance scales on our work areas we also had some jerks who sat in the back and goofed around a lot while the teacher is talking about the experiments we were going to do dumb dumber dumber and dumber rest started goofing one of them Dumberer was sort of wiggling the faucet and it broke off in his hands the teacher didn't see this so Dumberer quickly puts the broken piece out of sight teacher turns around and notices something wrong and can't put his finger on it for a second then he realizes what happened and his face clouds over no other reaction though at least not yet teacher goes back to explaining things and you can hear something in his voice an edge but the dummy brothers are oblivious they start messing around with the scales and wearing stuff on their desk then done Buress interrupts the teacher in mid-sentence hey teacher did you know my pencil weighs 35 grams teacher stops cold face darkens lips curl back and he loses it Did you touch the scale Did you touch it he storms to the back grabs the scale off of the desk and goes back to the front and just starts raging it was a long long time ago so I don't remember the details but he went off on students disrespect damaging staff disrupting the class etc etc the students all just sat there slack-jawed at one point he grabbed the weighing pan from the scale and flung it across the room after a while he tried to compose himself he grabbed a stack of papers for the experiment and started handing them out and his hands were shaking so bad he could barely do it then he finally just left the classroom we sat there for a while then someone from administration came down and dismissed the class make sure to LIKE and subscribe so we can watch together
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Views: 107,532
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddify, toadfilms
Id: sLdAHwkdFkM
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Length: 30min 12sec (1812 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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