Cringey “I’m Not Like Other Girls” Stories

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what are your cringy i'm not like other girls stories that you're embarrassed about or were unfortunate enough to witness i was my best friend's maid of honor a few years back and we were wedding dress shopping and this one quirky bride came in was like whatever dress i get is to go with my red sharks i am not one of those girls who wear heels i've always been different and the sharp lady was like actually second to a traditional heel or ballet flat chucks are a super common choice for our many low maintenance brides and her whole attitude just deflated when the kid realizes the counter culture is just different culture and it's still a group of people who are all similar oh geez i thought i was a stoner after the first time i smoked weed i bought this bob marley shirt i wore all the time and done raster colored bracelets and i felt so cool passed out on a rock band drum set after smoking a blunt like it was a cigarette and decided that wasn't the life for me passed out on a rock band drum set god bless my friend god bless you friend of mine started dating the single most dramatic girl i've ever met we lived on the fourth floor we always took the elevator so we all get in to go down to the lunch hall and she literally dashes for the corner and starts rocking back and forth in a really sad act of being terrified he runs over to hold her and explains she's terrified of elevators first she lived with us on the same floor for two months and we've all seen her on the elevator acting normal second if you were really terrified of elevators you'd just walk the four floors it wasn't even that far up third her acting was just terrible of course a few weeks later she forgot all about it and went back to acting normal on elevators again i really like this story in high school one of my teachers asked everyone to say one word describing themselves and i said classy i die inside every time i remember it a girl at school once commented on my facebook picture you look cute three and edgy me said thanks you're not getting a heart back that would be dumb i remember being like 14 and this 16 years old guy asked me what my fantasy was and i said well i mean most girls would like to have like prince charming on a white horse but i don't like horses i'm just different like that he definitely meant sexual fantasies not like romance but i needed him to know i was cool and didn't like horses like other girls this is so freaking funny you aren't a horse girl i wasn't like other girls because i loved hats top hats specifically for like a year in sixth grade i think i wore a top hat to school and i thought i was the crap it's funny now but oh my god did i cringe for years after it i was dangerously close to being sucked into the steampunk trend of tiny tiny top hats i took four years of auto body repair in high school because i was clearly different than all the other girls i did end up really liking it but i started for all the wrong reasons yeah but now you can repair an auto body i spent my middle school years wearing fake kuntal extensions and saying i'll kill you to anyone who tried talking to me especially other girls i don't know what the frick was wrong with me but i'm still lying awake at night replaying it all a decade later it's like 2 a.m and i'm dying at this comment la mayo just picturing someone walking up to you like hey and you slowly turn to them [ __ ] tails dangling i'll kill you i hated anything new or trendy because i thought i was cool and contrarian for it from ages 13 to 16 i like to not think about it same avoided mainstream music and only listened to offbeat quirky stuff that no one had ever heard of and i could only get online because it wasn't available in stores i listened to some mainstream stuff now but i don't hide the off-beat stuff i used to listen to it had a lot to do with shaping my musical tastes now so it's a part of me lady next door needed help breaking into her probably not son's friend's car she said she could do it with fishing line and i happen to like to fish so i had some braided heavy pound test and offered it to her she pulls the amount she needs and tries to break i.t with her teeth for a while me mom that's braided line her oh no honey i'm a country girl that's beautiful i never realized being born in the south a rural area means you can basically chew through steel i used to think i was a natural witch after watching the craft for the first time it was so cringy the moodiest middle schooler ever i miss it i'm 29 so i lived as a pre-teen team during the peak aim days putting up away messages with the crap eating dinner with your family let the world know be right back let them know taking a shower tell everyone one of my away messages for just that was save water shower with me with the kissy face that had the little beauty mark for some reason oga i am users you know the one i was honestly like 11 literally had never kissed a boy guarantee i was also still wearing overalls keds and bucket hats i'm a fourth grade teacher now and i realize now that i was an actual baby at the time i cringed just thinking about it overall i would really like to go back in time and smack some sense into me i had one that said save the trees eat more beavers and my dad freaked out thought i was funny but i was 11 and had no idea what the other kind of beaver was girl in uni said she wasn't like other girls cause she could hold her liquor like a man so went shot for shot with this big dude people tried to stop her but she was gonna prove herself she kept saying she was fine finally when she flat out passed out and we ended up having to take her to the air for what was alcohol poisoning was pretty clear she was just super stupid in that moment bartender here i always try to slow somebody's role when they are going shot for shot like this in high school i had this friend who tried so hard to be one of the guys to the point where she would call herself that often i didn't realize how cringy she was until i ran into her at a party in my twenties she walked up to my boyfriend currently my fiance grabbed his hat put it on her head backwards then asked for a hole of his cigarette she doesn't even smoke and coughed profusely she then proceeded to play punch him in the stomach and started calling herself one of the guys again a few of us just looked at each other awkwardly and slowly trickled away i just love the phrase slowly trickled away i was into sonic games when i was about 10 or something and obviously that made me one of a freaking kind i also got into more video games in my teens which was just no female person has ever played a video game ever and this one plays several i always love dolls and dressing up as a kid i would spend all my free time playing with my dolls but when i went to school i would scoff at the other girls for playing with dolls i wanted to be seen as tough and cool spoiler i was neither of those things for my 10th day my parents worked together to build me some doll furniture dad did a lot of woodworking and mum was good with the sewing machine together they created a cool little wardrobe and bed set for my dolls they were painted white and had little flower stickers for decoration my dad had even made a little mirror for my dolls to go on the inside of one wardrobe door and mum had sewn up a mini mattress for the bed i just about cried when i opened my presents because i loved them so much but my friend was sitting right beside me and i knew if i told my parents i loved the presents my friend would know i liked doors my lies would be undone so i said thanks but i don't like doors they're for babies my parents look so freaking sad i'm 25 years old and i'm crying as i type this because i still feel so freaking guilty 15 years later a few years ago i got drunk at a family gathering and i sobbed to my dad and apologized for what i said and told him i loved the present he knew so i got my apology out but i still feel like such a sea i used to think i was so cool for not knowing how to order a starbucks drink because i just drink regular coffee by the way i've always hated black coffee i pretended to like black coffee for so long so good to be in my mid-20s and not care feel like i drank battery acid i wanted to be emo but my parents wouldn't let me dye my hair or buy me new clothes so i was just an ugly middle school girl with a crappy attitude in bobby jack outfits sounds like my goth phase i think the most embarrassing thing i can recall is my friend doing the nice gesture of showing me a song she thought i would like because i was always going on about liking techno instead of pop i listened to a few seconds scoffed frowned remind me to show you some real music i told her what i showed her later was the competition music from nintendogs by opening up my ds and entering a competition i cringed so hard i forgot what i was doing there was a point in my life when i felt like i'm not like other girls if i one don't complain too much not be too emotional have no strong opinions about anything and basically go with the flow as much as i can this led to having no boundaries and a lot repressed mental health issues on my part two can be a jack of all trades and knowledgeable about many different hobbies and interest this led to having a lot of equipment i barely use anymore spending a lot more money and i feel like i can never get past the basics of everything which made me lose my sense of self 3 basically didn't have my own identity and i could be any girl you wanted me to be i'm not like other girls because i am all girls i'm whitney houston i'm every woman i probably had most of my cringe moments as a teenager i used to think i was cool because instead of using msn or my space to gossip with schoolmates i was on like and playing counter-strike or diablo 2 with my online buddies i only listened to metal and i always wore black clothing while decking myself out in chains haha on the plus side with social media being in its infancy most of my blunders have long been forgotten or were never immortalized online i still have some quirky interests i guess but i don't shy away from the mainstream either and now like to think of myself as a reasonably well adjusted lady i think everyone gets a pass for cringy teenage behavior phases haha we would have been good friends still not a social butterfly but holy crap am i glad i grew as a person i thought i was not like other girls because i didn't drink or party i thought i was above my classmates who did in reality i was just jealous because i was never invited probably because i was such a snob i was a total pick me and i cringe when i think about it i played the ukulele and sang like a stereotypical wannabe manic pixie dream girl i also tried to get into riding a motorcycle but broke my foot on it on a motorcycle safety course designed to teach new riders how to ride i refuse to even be a passenger on one of those things now so freaking different and adventurous smh i want to punch the teenage version of me in the face sometimes someone i know got up in front of her class in middle school and made a speech about why women aren't fit to be president no she doesn't believe that anymore and yes she still dies inside every time she thinks about it at least she changed her mind my mill told my four-year-old that she can be whatever she wants except president because women are too emotional i was so p something so cliche it hurts to even talk about i am a girl i work at gamestop here in germany so one might assume i am into video games and for most people this isn't even something special anymore so not even a thing worth mentioning but we had that female customer who came into our shop and wanted to buy one of the call of duty games i don't remember which one and with the straightest face ever she came to the counter and told me obviously female and my male colleague without asking yeah that's right i am a girl that plays video games i love playing with my male friends like it was so rare and so special and she felt so cool like so so cool i could barely keep a straight face while my colleagues sold her the game and we burst out laughing after she went out of the store tbf back in the 90s i hid that i spent 80 percent of my free time playing sonic the hedgehog games because my female friends would give me a hard time about how immature it was my favorite was the pinball one i was in my twenties [Music] when i was in middle school we had to make those desk name plates for some teachers and one of my friends was drawing on hers and wrote i am not a coo so what when she showed me i said why that no one ever said anything about you liking anime she got upset and didn't talk to me for a week for context i am from latin america so liking anime isn't something weird and she wasn't the only one who watched anime in my class either my mom watched dragon ball and naruto growing up to learn english so when i was chilling on netflix the other day watching naruto she sat down and really enjoyed it it was nice it was the pain arc i refused to wear the skirts in my school uniforms and wore trousers instead even though 95 of the girls wore skirts then in my final year of school i tried to skirts and felt like an idiot for suffering for four years straight with trousers just so i didn't look like the other girls oh good lord there are so many at one point i based my entire personality off of the fact that i listened to metal and that preference made me different and special i honestly looked down on girls for liking pop or even the color pink in retrospect i think i was just lashing out about how people focused so much on my femininity also speculation about crushes and stuff and i took it out on anything remotely feminine in my defense i was also like 10 years old i was friends with my high school friends because we were head bangers that's it soul reason i cringe now but it was the girls are too much drama phase for me i was the drama it's taken me a long time to stop looking at other women as competition now i crave female friendships one of my best friends in high school decided to take a class in car mechanics this friend also had zero interest in cars when i asked her about it i find out that she has this fantasy of being that girl who walks into a boy only class and shows them all up when she got to class the first day and there were three other girls enrolled she was pretty unhappy i used to wear a fedora and watch mlp fortunately i stopped shortly before the neck but stereotype really solidified god was really watching out for me on that one i used to wear super high socks with bright pink mid cuff converse usually accompanied with a punk screamo band hoodie i was very not like other girls other girls had style and i had bright pink abominations ooh those bright pink mid cough converse got me i had plaid ones that i wore with mismatched knee socks because i was so random i still cringe at my manic pixie dream girl face though truth be told i still wear mismatched socks but that's out of convenience now i wore argyle knee-high socks and converse with my homecoming dress i wore boxers under my skinny jeans like those emo guys in the early 2000s i put maxi pads on my shoulders and told people i was going to try out for the football team okay that third one's just funny though as a teenage girl who grew up listening to classic rock you can bet your butt i was one of those annoying ugg modern music sucks i wish i grew up in the 60s 70s 80s etc type girls thankfully i grew out of that and if i could go back in time and talk some sense into my younger self i would i have the reverse version of this story i'm a gay man bill hadn't come to terms with that at this point in my life ninth grade i had a girlfriend but we were both good christian so we mostly just watched disney movies and hung out one night we were lying on the trampoline after watching pocahontas and she said gustav holla i like you cause you don't want what the other boys want she was absolutely right this was in middle school but back then i was the ultimate pick me girl i hated one direction and was very vocal about it i had no reason everyone else loved them so i wasn't like other girls same with justin bieber but he did turn out to be a dong technically i'm talking about a guy but it's basically the same so we were in spanish class eighth grade we were in a unit about activities and how to say what you like to do and what you don't like to do one of the words was listening to music one kid in my class who is infamous for being extremely pretentious raised his hand and said is there a word for making music this on its own isn't that bad i guess but after the teacher answered him the teacher also said that making music is cool the kid started saying yeah i'm a musician i think a lot of people think i'm pretty out there because of it then he started talking to the kid next to him about his music the entire class oh and another story with the same kid we were in drama class one time every class we would get a question we have to answer when roll call gets to us on that day the question was who is a musician you really like well it gets to the kid and i crap you not he says himself with almost everything i did i felt proud of myself for supposedly not being like other girls i didn't wear the same types of clothes other girls wore i didn't wear makeup i was super unique because i liked anime all that kind of stuff i tried way iii too hard to make friends with guys because apparently i thought they were better than girls for some reason i do cringe looking back on it but i also feel sad about it girls shouldn't feel pitted against each other despite my best friends being girls i thought that i didn't get along with other girls in general because i wanted to distance myself from the media representation exactly the same as you about trying to make friends with guys it was so dumb a girl i had an extremely brief not even one night stand with sent me a questionnaire survey she made over a year later asking me how she had performed and what would i change about her we hadn't really talked in the meantime nor since but i did fill it out for her for a laugh i didn't realize she wasn't joking i'm pretty sure i recall seeing the girl's side of this on tiktok a few days ago mine was when i was just trying to pretend i could work on cars because i had changed my own oil once so i was bragging to my sister and some of our guy friends about being such a bad butt girl and told her i'd change hers i got down to it and was draining the oil and noticed it looked really clean it was transmission fluid i drained the transmission fluid i was phoning a girl in middle school and i was showing her my taxidermy bugs and she said despite me not being a girl lol she said lol other girls shop for heels and stuff while we collect stickers and bugs lol my facebook history came up to haunt me with this today seven years ago i posted i just burnt my tongue on a piece of pizza and i think that's a very strong metaphor that sometimes the things you love most in life will hurt you oof i mean you are not wrong i'm not like other girls i'm strong and independent girl you justifiably left your husband and two weeks later your strong independent self moved your two-year-old daughter in with a guy you met a week earlier because you can't bear to be single and haven't been for more than a month since you were 13. ro this perfectly described my sister-in-law s woman so blind to her own codependency she is iran perkins who essentially takes on the personality of each dude she is with my not like other girls phase was unfortunately the hyper religious kind i'd wear the most unflattering clothes possible because modesty smugly muttering modest is hottest at all the other girls who were in hindsight justifiably upset with the school dress code i also blared contemporary christian music from my phone far too often during sports events the list goes on luckily it didn't last that long and i was able to actually get to know some of the other girls and made some good friends by the end of high school i do not know what actually possessed me to do this but once in like third grade we took a field trip and were riding in a charter bus i had a massive crush on the boy sitting in front of me and his slightly older brother was sitting with him we had passed something that smelled terrible and they were like oh my god what is that and i literally tapped one of them was like yeah i'm so sorry that was me but i hadn't even farted and then i told them about two or three more farts i had and apologized if they smelled them i don't know why or what the frick was wrong with me it was the only reason i could think of to talk to them i guess if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 133,167
Rating: 4.9407258 out of 5
Keywords: cringe, not like other girls, not like others, not like other guys, different, cringe reddit, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2021
Id: sMur6DpPYoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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