What's The Grossest Thing You've Ever Had To Do? (r/AskReddit)

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what is the grossest thing you've ever had to do I was an intern and Edie ambulance guys bring a demented 80 year old lady who is septic from a nursing home the nursing home states that she'd been screaming during the day and had noticed some bloating in her abdomen I examine her she's skinny as a rake but her abdomen is balloon up on top of that he's running a fever abdominal x-ray shows her entire descending colon filled with feces call up the nursing home find out no one had been monitoring her bowel movements for a week I order a simple enema wait an hour doesn't work poor thing is screaming and Edie I order a soap and water enema poor nurse tries to pump a liter of this stuff up the poor girl doesn't work Frick me and the nurse take her to the isolation room get full surgical scrubs on double glove and manually disimpact her feces before we started we just looked at each other and I'm sure a soft whimper escaped my lips the torrent of we cold dire here that came out after we removed the impacted feces was ungodly it was just wave after wave of rancid death the smell was so bad secretary is in the offices in a different section of the floor were complaining about it I showered five times that day twice in the fetal position right after high school I worked as a butcher in a grocery store this location was brand new and the store manager told us that they she had hired someone to clean the grease trap once a month a grease trap is basically a filter that catches solid wastes while letting the water drain since we worked in a meat department solid wastes meant things like beef pork fat and trim and miscellaneous pieces of trim that found their way down the drain about a year after the store opened all of the drains in the department started to clog we opened the cover to the grease trap only to have the most rancid thing I have ever seen in my life greet my eyes our grease trap was roughly 3 X 3 X 3 feet and it was overflowing with a combination of greasy water and a year's worth of accumulated meat so we have about 27 cubic feet of meat that has been rotting for about a year while stirring in water the smell at this point was unbearable it was some sort of unholy combination of rancid eggs and butt sweat it got to the point where we had to close the intermediate and block access to it off from customers because people were starting to dry heave and vomit when they got in range of the smell our store manager basically told us tough crap I forgot to hire someone to clean it so you have to do it and I'll get someone to pick up the waste we had just hired some new 14 year old kid to clean the rest of the department at night and since he was new he was chosen as the one to clean out the trap what this involved was this new guy getting on his hands and knees and using the biggest ladle we could find started scooping out the rotting meat water or the kid must have had a weak stomach because immediately he starts gagging and dry heaving five minutes of ladle in crap out of the trap goes by and he's reached his breaking point he turns and starts vomiting uncontrollably right into the grease trap the splash back sprayed everywhere it was on his clothes his face his shoes just everywhere he started to cry and got up and slowly started shuffling towards the exit all while gagging and leaving a trail of vomit and rotting meat water behind him if the whole store got shut down for the day after that and they must have gotten someone to come in and finish the job because the next day we came back and it was spotless I will never see anything that tops this poor kid getting stuck cleaning the grease trap TL DR kid got rotting meat stew and vomit all over himself and cried while he walked away your manager was a piece of crap and I literally would have punched his face I worked for a company that did electrical work plumbing work and heating and cooling I was an electrician that wanted to learn some of the plumbing work so they would take me on the occasional plumbing call well after a few calls to fix some sinks and stuff they said they had to devirginized me we got a call to go to a house at 10:00 p.m. for toilets backing up before we went in the house the master plumber I was with breaks out a jar of Vaseline I'm like WTF he tells me to put it under my nose and around my mouth and to trust him that it will help so we enter the house and all I can smell is Vaseline with a faint hint of crab the guy at the house was bugging out about his basement and we open the basement daughter no joke four feet of raw sewage the guy I was with said let's go back out to the truck we went out and he went in a box and grabbed hip-waders SP like the kind you go fishing with and we put them on and trudged into the sewage but now at this point you have to find the main sewer drain going to outside the house which this one after probing in the four feet of crap we found out to be on the floor we had to use a big breaker bar and a sledge hammer to break the metal cap because neither of us were going underwater to get to that we break it open and no water goes out we go to the truck again and grab a snake and start snaking the drain and then we start pulling out the mass little white mice they call them in the plumbing world but in reality they are used tampons probably about 40 of em we pulled out and then we really struck it rich somewhere between 50 and 100 used condoms tons of them looked like the set of a pee flick after we got it all out as we pull the last batch of condom junk out as you can imagine the four feet started going down and fast like a giant drain in the middle of the floor just guzzling all that sewage it was unreal best part of the story the guy was a single dude raising his three daughters 18 16 and 14 and when we told him what we pulled out he turned white as a ghost and told us that he worked three jobs and had not flicked in about three years I told the guide to just sit down before he pass out and then we hit him with a three thousand dollar bill and called in the cleanup crew and I was devirginized to my first drain cleaning call I love that part of the final blow was finding out that at least one of his three teenage daughters is getting a regular pounding so it goes like this I bought my first house it had been vacant for over a year I think I got the keys and moved in a couple weeks later one of my brothers and a friend were over helping to tidy up the place my friend comes out of the basement alarmed to tell me that water is pouring into the basement I run down there sure enough water is pouring out at the top of one of the interior walls obviously it is a plumbing problem I shut the water it doesn't stop I check all the bathrooms and kitchens Lutie unit nothing found after a lot of running around checking drains and traps and faucets and so on I determined that it must be that the soil stack is blocked which is confusing because the toilets have been working fine anyway I'm fortunate that there is a clean-out in the elbow at the bottom of the soil stack I get a wrench and open it it's completely blocked not a single drop of water comes out being new to home ownership I don't own many tools let alone a plumbing snake I unfold a wire hanger push it into the brown mass and remit around a lot nothing happens I added some twists to the wire and punch it back in ream some more a little bit of sewage trickles out but still no flow in the pipe I continue to poke and stab and twist and ream like I'm starring in some Hollywood's swashbuckling sword fight eventually the mass of human waste starts to break apart and two stories full of sewage water make it blast out that clean out hell for Oh what seemed like a good two or three minutes crap and pee and God knows what else sprayed out of this hole it went everywhere all over my washing machine a couple walls the floor in my hair my face down my arm eventually the rest of my body everywhere it was disgusting and then I had to clean it up TL DR I took a poop shower I wasn't there but this is what I was told my parents are out of town at a wedding a friend's daughter or something anyway at the reception another guest goes outside for smoke he looks across the grounds to see some guys working he goes over to check it out it turns out that these guys have excavated and are replacing a septic tank there is this big open pit with a bunch of muddy poop water and chemicals in the bottom of course this guy steps a little too close to the edge and slips he tumbles all the way and splashes down after the workers help him out of the hole he was completely soaked head to toe he had to do the walk of shame back into the reception to get his wife to drive into the hotel for clean clothes I guess it was pretty awful and hysterical to everyone else when I was three months pregnant I was still throwing up about 8-10 X a day always nauseous and really struggling because my 18 month old son was so active one day we came home to find that my yellow lab had been sick and pooped all over the living and dining rooms so I cleaned it all up throwing up a couple of times the smell my god and was laying my head down on the kitchen counter for a second when I heard chocolate I turned to face my son and actually had the thought where on earth did he find a brownie clearly out of self-preservation holding on to this thought with all my might I walked over to him and sniffed his chocolate-covered mouth I immediately projectile vomited all over his stomach and arms because of course he had tried to eat dog crap so now he's crying and I am uncontrollably vomiting and crying while I rinse out his mouth until he's finally clean I hand him an apple and he says that chocolate bad mommy and he walks off to play like nothing happened so I went and cleaned up the rest of the crap I'd missed then made lunch welcome to the romantic life of a stay-at-home mom the aristocrats from my father he worked for a company responsible for helping to restore communications after nine stroke 11 he was at Ground Zero the morning of nine stroke 12 but at the basement of the very same building while working in there he said there was this horrible smelling losing goo dripping into the basement he soon found out it was dead human matter coming from burnt and rotting corpses of the nine stroke eleven victims I was trying out for an ice hockey team as a goaltender I wasn't conditioned and they just kept working me that's when I started to feel sick I instantly skated off to the boards and pooped in my mouth trying not to look like a pea I swallowed all of it little did I know puke tastes like puke and made me puke up even more I swallowed my own puke about five times until I just stopped giving a crap and projectile vomited onto the benches TL DR I chanted everywhere my brother Pete would say well no wonder he threw up he was full of puke in recent memory unclogging the plumbing at my house I finally heard the water gurgled down in the toilets so I begin the slow process of pulling the auger back out of the pipe it gets toward the end covered in black sewage when I notice something hanging from the coil it looks like a dead mouse closer inspection reveals a tampon followed by another and another it was like a freaking string of Christmas lights at least 15 of them hanging off the coil you also have to realize that the auger twists as it goes through the pipe so the strings are tightly wound it you have to untwist each tampon by hand in order to completely remove it ladies if you ever thought for a second that string might break I assure you that Wonder Woman's vajayjay probably couldn't even hold those things tight enough to accomplish that in conclusion ladies throw your poon sponges in the trash not the ladies throw your poon sponges in the trash not the that's like the first thing I learned in poon sponges one no one come on ladies seriously my nephew was sick and just about to throw up on my new couch I cut my hands and he filled them didn't spill a drop did the same thing that with a friend's puppy peeing on my bed I'm really surprised that there isn't any stories that involve our being a janitor I work in a department store for old women when they let loose on a toilet in the bathroom they have absolutely no regard for the person who has to clean it up I come in one morning to clean before the store opens and there is smell of crap coming from the ladies bathroom I think no problem nothing I can't handle there are four stools in this particular bathroom the second stall had crap all over the toilet how could anyone possibly crap on the handle that flushes the toilet when it comes down to the last stall I was horrified it's as if someone was tap-dancing and crapping at the same time I mean it's freaking everywhere on the handicapped rails on the walls and somehow on top of the toilet paper dispenser I had to clean up after my own vomit when I was near completion of cleaning that putrid atrocity I left work early and had chills in flashbacks for the whole day three showers were had that day kamar it's as if someone was tap-dancing and crapping at the same time up votes for this mental image I have so many repressed memories from growing up on a farm parents raised dogs my dad did cleanup and maintenance all his life often on rental units that I wouldn't know where to begin how about two summers ago I had a nice herd of goats and one of the young nannies got pregnant earlier than I would have liked when she was due I went to check on her apparently she had tried to deliver already the Deuter being young and small herself the baby got stuck only his head was sticking out of her to make matters worse this probably happened the day before or even two days as the reason I was checking her was because I hadn't seen her for a day or two and animals in distress often hide themselves away so I had to go catch her which was not hard because she was weak from the attempted delivery and day or more off dead baby goes plugging up her backside after I had her laying on her side I very carefully grabbed the head of the dead baby and pulled every so slowly with one hand while I ran my other hand around the edge of the baby and slowly pushed my fingers into her birth canal to both widen the opening and help lubricate her movement the smell it was horrible rotting baby goat placenta blood all right in the hot Alabama summer heat I could feel the baby trying to break apart and I was scared it wouldn't leave some of itself inside of her but finally ever so slowly it started coming out I was able to snake my finger in there and wrap it around one fall egg and dunking it and pull it out then the same for the other leg at that point most of the obstruction was relieved and a thing literally shot out of her with a sledge sound it was quickly followed by a gush of greyish red fluid and then she started pee all over me guess that was blocked up too I cleaned her up as best I could using several bottles of that purple crap beating our Dean I think and rags I buried the baby burned the rags and my t-shirt I had on and then took several showers and since I was in such a hurry I didn't have time to find rubber gloves this was all done bare I read this as parents raised by dogs one summer I worked part-time at a pizza place once a week we would cook 10-12 pounds of ground beef and drain the fat into a five-gallon pail the pail sat for months festering next to the pizza oven until one day my manager ordered me to take it to the dumpster I was 12 years old at the time and had difficulty lifting pail so I swung it back and forth until it had gained enough momentum to clear the five or so feet up and into the dumpster to my horror the pail smashed against the lip if the dumpster popping the top off and blasting a wave of stinking fat directly into my face I was covered in dripping wet goo and immediately started vomiting the restaurant had to be evacuated as well as the liquor store next door I can still smell it to this day awful party at our apartment fried rice was made drinks were consumed times of fun were heard woke up the next morning to a puke covered bathroom puke all over the actual counter okay I guess toilets miraculously clean puke and the shower tub bad rice puke filling the sink worse puke on the back of the bathroom door how and puke running down the counter and pulling inside all the cupboards i don'ti don't he now the culprits were known one tried to clean it up Biddle ended up bailing working in an ER this doesn't faze me too much the book kicker was that before someone passed out the previous night they had flipped on the overhead heater in the bathroom cleaning up puke is one thing cleaning up a tower preheated puke is an entirely different situation IV rep I gave mouth-to-mouth to my dog when I was 12 she had shocked on a dog treat and was barely breathing there wasn't enough time to make it to the vet so I did what I could she ended up spitting the Treat out and survived heroics gross Ness I was driving down a highway in rural Maine that runs through uninhabited townships on my way to visit my parents up north people usually go around 80 - 90 mph on this Highway and it's used mostly by truckers anyway some car passes me because I was only going 75 miles per hour as soon as the car gets in front of me a deer comes running out and the car in front of me hits it dead on the deer for the most part seemed to explode on impact rolling over her car and smacking down right in front of me with guts muscle blood and intense teen sprang back onto my windshield the car itself careened off the road into a field several hundred feet away I pulled off to the side of the road called 9-1-1 and ran over to where the other car had wound up it was completely totaled in the woman inside was pretty banged up that alert and talking I stayed with her until the ambulance and the cops came as I was leaving and I approached my truck I realized the entire front half of my truck was drenched in blood and ear parts I tried not to look at what was left of the corpse but even glances of the thing made me want to puke I got as much blood off with my windshield wipers as I could but I turned heads when I got into town in my guru mobile and when I got home my father and I had to fish deer bits out of my grill truck bed and wipers while hosing it off it was foul I'm not a super girly girl but just the sight of blood makes me feel weak and I had never seen so much in one place before buck TL DR your car turned into the guar to a bus went out to a movie with my ex I lived with at the time had made hamburgers for dinner on the George Foreman grill before we left I hadn't cleaned the grease tray yet I was going to clean that up when I got home big mistake my cat decided to eat the entire grease tray while we were out this caused him to turn into a kitty fountain from both ends he ran around the apartment project Eiling for a couple of hours my best guess there wasn't a room in that apartment that wasn't contaminated when I opened the door it was just an immediate slap in the face of horrible stench took me a couple of hours to get it all cleaned up up voted for captive fountain made me laugh cleaning the goddamn grease trap at the pizza joint where I worked I still have nightmares about that fricking thing held a dying child's brains in after an auto accident I'm sorry I keep monitor lizards as pets they are smart and friendly enough to roam the house freely since I took great care in training them they large adult rats fun fact their saliva contains immense amounts of necrotizing bacteria as well as a mild venom well my large one thunder dick gets clumsy on feeding day he nips the rat on the tail and the sucker runs under the fridge to hide I figure that he'll wait it out they are extremely thorough and persistent no he was lazy two days later I see a rat's tail poking out from under the fridge it looked intact so I go to yank the sucker out turns out that the lizard's death spit turned the rat into a furry balloon of Awesomeness blop the rat carcass pops audibly and black filth spills out in a wave I throw up immediately and fall over feeling like I got shot from the sheer force of the stench I could taste the smell for days it tasted like I ate out of frickin Ebola zombie till this add venom turned a rat into the world's finest water balloon upvote for thunder dig dig through my own turd for something I accidentally swallowed I wore several sets of gloves and threw away anything then came into contact with said turd this is not something that I had to do but my friend did by accident still it's pretty gross a few years back I had been sick for about a week with awful congestion in my throat this caused me to spit constantly and my container odd choice was an old Keystone beer can later that week we had a party and this kid was drinking Keystone he accidentally put his beer down my spittin and due to some force of nature after a while confused the two he drank my spit can by accident the look on his face was priceless when he drank it it wasn't until I told him after I realized what happened that I had been spitting in that cut for a week fat he started to gag and throw up in the trashcan so gross yet so funny I have been physically affected by this story I was 16 years old and just started my first lidget part-time job this was in the gas station in my hometown small town North around 500 people also so it is a hot summer day Saturday I think and the place is busy as usual our local school would host all sorts of events for sports during the summer and it would bring quite a few people to town so I'm in the walk-in cooler stocking sodas doing the normal routine I woke up front hit the cash register for a few customers to clear the line out then I'm heading back to the cooler when I notice a lady opened the door to the bathroom single toilet neutral and stumbled back out and leave I didn't think anything of it and kept doing my thing after a bit more cooler stocking I walk back out and see another customer open the bathroom door and leave abruptly so I decide it's time to take a look and see what the deal was I just assumed some jackass pee all over the place or at worst didn't flush a massive crap or it backed up I couldn't have been more wrong I'm not sure because I've never seen another scene like this however I'm fairly certain I walked into the aftermath of a gas station miscarriage Holi had to clear a blocked hallway esque passage in the gut floor of the meat processing plant when I was 18 ish literally up to my thighs and sheep and lamb carcasses that have their stomachs cut open and insides falling out to clear them out I had to stick my bare hands inside them and grab them by the spine and lift them up and chuck them into a massive grinder blender type machine these carcasses were all condemned cannot be sold as food so many were rotten inside etc it wasn't really unsettling gross for me but others were demon that I also worked in a rendering plant for three years between years at uni there were a few gross things that happened there I have a few scars from Boiling tallow burns had machines explode hot sheep and cow guts all over me plus many more lovely things I used to rebuild houses after fires floods etc we were gutting this house a few months after a fire place is trashed no one has lived there for months no electric water etc we had to take this big storage freezer out of the basement it's heavy as bulls and big so we had a few people carrying it coming down the steps outside I am on the bottom it starts dripping and leaking juice from being on an angle the juice is running down my arms into my shirt this has got to be the most foul-smelling rotting flesh and meat rotten food juice that's coming out of this thing it's soo foul everyone starts freaking out carrying down the steps we finally drop it in the yard it rolls into its side and the door pops open from all the slop and sludge inside starts to ooze out into the yard everyone scatters because the smell is Saru freakin nasty rotten stink we had to be a good 100 featuring away from it and everyone was still gagging because the odour was sooo strong even outside everyone was wrapping rags around fire face soaked in industrial-strength smell good I was low man totem so I had to clean it all up so we could drag the freezer to the dumpster freakin grossest crap ever pretty much all of New Orleans when I went for spring break to clean up after the hurricane the first thing you learn when gutting houses is do not open the fridge steaks left to rot for months in heat humidity and flood winter are no less nasty than rotting human flesh that in the mold growing of the walls finding a dead rat in of ours in someone's kitchen and the general puke scented a buttery of Bourbon Street which was still going strong and the fact that all the workers had to just choose people's yards to poop in because there wasn't any plumbing anywhere that wasn't that gross but it did sort of reinforce the idea that this place that was a neighborhood not long ago was now post-apocalyptic wilderness stumbled upon a dead body in the park flies and all I bet you were jogging in high school I was an Explorer Scout Fink Boy Scouts for fire departments anyways they basically ended up being bee duty for the guys that didn't want to do something so one day we got a call to assist some EMTs carrying a stretcher down the stairs important note it was a 600-pound man I get there and find out we are moving him to the hospital because of all of the bed sores he has accrued from being obese and not moving ever there's a good eight guys carrying this stretcher when I heard a faint pop then what can only be described as some smell Satan himself came up with appear in the air I just assumed the fat bastard farted nope a few seconds later some liquid seeped down on my hand I was on down on the lower end of the stretcher turns out his right testicle was infected and burst I showered and showered but I could still smell that awful smell on me it's the summer of 1999 and I'm 12 years old I'm playing tag in my backyard with my sister two of my friends and two of her friends were getting really into the game and I'm eight I start after my sister and I'm really closing in on her but out of the corner of my eye I see my Olsen black lab r.i.p smelly squatting usually I think nothing of my dog's crapping habits but I couldn't help by notice a yellow clear substance hanging from his but I stopped the game and ran over to him realizing the yellow amassed dangling from his nethers was a plastic bag still partially full of marinade from my mom's roasted chicken last night being home alone and the oldest I took it upon myself to remove the bag from his but later when my mom came home and I told her what happened and the dog had been to the vet I was told that what I did was very dangerous still I slapped on a pair of gardening gloves said a prayer and yanked he grunted a bit took a few shaky steps but was right as rain in a few seconds I know what I did was wrong disgusting and depraved but he lived to be fifteen years old which is amazing for a dog of his size so I think I did all right the smell of lemon herbs and crap was terrible I actually came out of lurk Adam and made an account for this I'm an RN I once cared for a young man in his 50s who had become Parekh Legion after surgery to repair an aneurysm he would develop ut's or infections in wounds on his back and come to the hospital he couldn't feel the pressure or the dressing changes so at least that was a blessing eventually after multiple readmissions there came a time where we knew he wouldn't survive the sepsis from the infection he had a few pressure ulcers but the worst was in the middle of his back it was big enough to put your fist in it went to the vertebra and you could see dorsal nerve roots we actually had to rotate nurses to care for him ie we each took a turn so no one had to change his dressings each day be like I said at least he couldn't feel it eventually his body didn't recognize the lower half of his body anymore it literally started to rot while the rest of him was still talking eating joking etc by the time he died he signed his own DNR he was blue and green from just above his bellybutton to his toes and I don't mean stuff growing on the outside I mean his skin was this rotting mottled mess on the day he died after his family and friends left we had to call all Hanson to help do post-mortem care and get him in the shroud the stink was so horrific I lack the vocabulary to adequately describe it it actually burned my nasal passages and sinuses which turned into a post nasal drip and then bronchitis that sympotence stink it was a few years and hundreds of patients ago and I still remember him very very well he was actually a really nice guy a TL DR paraplegics body rejects lower half Roth's rod stink causes physical harm to nursing staff I used to install medical equipment in client's homes for a living went to a real run-down home it was a beautiful spring day in the air was cool and fresh when the client opened the door all I could smell was dog crap the Kratt was all over the floors as I went into the tiny bedroom I pushed aside what I thought was a thick velvet rope hanging from the doorframe it wasn't a veiled a trope it was one of those hanging sticky fight traps got the heck out of there as fast as I could I used to be a med lab tech one of the grosser tasks involved trying to find a human specimen for the customers of our laboratory Roberts to practice with so about once a month they would bring me a case of cervical samples pap smears from a commercial lab that had been tested once but contained enough specimen left to be tested again one of the objectives was to demonstrate to the customer how our refinement process removed blood from the final sample so I was instructed to take only the bloodiest PAP samples and refilled a plastic vial with a suspension fluid now usually a pap just involved using a brush and lightly collecting some cells from the surface of the cervix but for some reason we had a decent amount of samples coming through that had large pieces of flesh and loose bloody tissue suspended in globs of tea secretions refilling the vial was a splash hazard so I wore a face shield and plastic smock over my lab coat regularly had to wipe pieces of cervical splash back off the facial area cervix with a smile at work one day I took a massive crap and it was so long and solid that it refused to bent through the pipes and be carried onto its watery afterlife I ended up having to use an empty paper towel tube to pull the crap out of the water a bit and busted it in half the smell the crap on the empty tube the sheer fact that I was handling my own faeces was horrendous to this day I'm still proud of that beast though it was magnificently large same situation although I had a less hands-on approach I broke off a string of dental floss and tied both ends to a where chunk of toilet paper this gave the ends more weight and after tossing it into the toilet and flushing the force of the water dragged the ends in first allowing the floss to cut the stool neatly in half a car crashed in my backyard I helped cool the passenger out of the car and noticed his eyeball was dangling out of its socket I had just finished some basic first-aid courses and I knew what had to be done he helped me shove his own eye back into its socket they did not teach that in any basic first-aid courses I've taken doctor shadowing saw him pull fesses out of an old man and there were wriggling maggots in it I find the whole process very mechanical and not gross at all but most of my friends disagree with me I work at a school for special ed kids they wear diapers some of the kids are big 200 pounds they poo palate sometimes they get the runs sometimes they take sometimes the smear I clean I clean every day you truly are a pretty cool guy I couldn't do that ever my ex had gained a lot of weight from a poor diet and a schedule of always partying studying sleeping around if this comes into play later before I knew she was slinging her butt around for the city I just watched her gain some weight so at this point she showers often but her thighs start touching and she is just not smelling so great in her crotch no matter how much she washed he just never went away one night she got hammered shows up at my door promising backdoor riding if I go down on her I reluctantly did it gagging the whole time thank God for her being drunk because I put no effort into it it was so rank I almost vomited on the spot several times she finally went to the doctor's a week later because of all the constant itching she had going on started before the above night turns out she has a major yeast infection as well as strep all in her bag I certainly didn't have strep so began my first glimpse into her cheating when I heard that I about threw up in my finance class I've never been right in the head since I don't think you were right in the head to begin with when you agree to her proposition I thought it would be cute to give my then five no Rossy a small crown not broccoli he played with it up and down the hall like it was a toy until he ate it so I gave him one more and watched gleefully as I cooking dinner fast-forward until about an hour after putting him into his crate for the night I have never seen so much crap everywhere in my entire life the smell alone was terrifying he managed to coat his crate the walls and the floor with this nasty pasty poop amazingly he only had it on his feet from standing it took around 1-2 hours to clean him his area and the crate lesson learned last year my stava top started acting up and the light didn't work when you had the burner on there was a weird burning smell when it was on so I turned off the breaker and called our appliance service company the guy came out and opened the back of the stove and there was a dead rat stuck between the electrical poles behind the knobs it had made a circuit and electrocuted itself he wouldn't touch it because it wasn't covered by the service contract I had to pull the stove out and pull the rat out by the tail with my gloved hand and put it in a box then I buried it it smelled pretty bad once I pulled it out and broke open the cauterized hole in its neck then I had to use alcohol to clean all of the electrical contacts of the nasty left behind in hindsight there was a little bit of a smell when we came home the night before that I thought the dogs needed a bath it is an old house but the stove is new I went under the house and found where it got in and sealed it TL DR I had to remove a dead electrocuted rat from my stove and bury it I have a cyst on my collarbone and they attempted to Lance it and remove the pus once it didn't work I now have a small hole like a pimple from where I can fart pass across a bathroom and cover a bathroom mirror I am not joking the smell is nauseating one time my obese friend thought she had left a tampon in and couldn't find it she asked me to fish it out your name made me sing to myself one little two little three little tampons in college I had a job in the biology department prepping the materials for the teaching labs one of the labs that I prepped was the anatomy and physiology lab one of the downsides to using humans for teaching tools is that they wear out eventually and you have to get a new Corpse the ones that we used came from the medical school Oh Hsu in order to preserve the bodies long enough to make them usable you have to embalm the crap out of them this means that they leak somewhat lots at first and then diminishing over time after we picked up a fresh one myself and another student picked up the bag that the body was in to put it on the dissection table human remains are really really awkward to move much harder than a mattress we slipped a bit and I fell on my butt causing all the fluid that had accumulated in the bag to squirt out of the gap in the bags zipper and drenching me I was soaked from the chest down in corpse juice I did some pretty repugnant crap in that job but that was the only time I puked I used to work at a kennel and had to clear the anal glands of the dogs we bathed eclaim their buttholes are gross but it's not the worst thing you squeeze foul putrid smelling brownish clearish liquid comes out it's done you take your gloves off and still wash the Frick out of your hands big deal after bathing an older dog named Wiggles I went to clean Hayes and what came out was the color and consistency of custard if not a little whiter paler enough came out to fill a small condiment bowl like the ones you see at restaurants with like ketchup in them or what have you it got all over my hand and it was freaking disgusting the stench shudder also that same day a co-worker of mine did it for another dog she'd just bathed to learn that it had tapeworms she learned this by having them shoot out of its bus and past her face and onto her arm a butt juice filled with tapeworms okay I used to work at a nightclub as a busboy just about every other weekend I would have to clean puke out of a urinal or multiple pukes out of multiple urinals used to work at a fast-food ice-cream restaurant we had a local special person who would drink a half gallon of orange juice and then come eat a large ice cream to make himself puke in our bathroom not in the toilet either all over the place what the Frick not as much gross but it caused a couple people to faint need to sit down I had anchor stitches left in my arm from an elbow bull replacement surgery a few years ago my body had has been rejecting the foreign stitches for a while and have had open wounds for over three years one day one of the stitches began to surface so I decided to remove it myself the problem was even though these stitches looked like separate loops they were in fact all interlocked I ended up pulling with all my might to pull out a good two-inch segment of stitching through my arm pulling out oodles of puss and scar tissue this left in ice oozing chasm in my elbow that pulsed for a while this didn't really creep me out but I am used to handling such issues with my conditions if the rest of the room who came in out of curiosity quickly vacated I probably have a few more that beat that in gross Ness but this was definitely the coolest TL DR pull the interior stitches out of arm pulled out more armed than stitches with it my dad was a really crappy bastard when I was younger it was absolutely imperative that ty eat every single thing on my plate this was difficult as we'd have huge portions I had several techniques for disposing of my food but one of my original ones had severe repercussions I was probably seven or eight and we had one of those tables that had removable leaves to extend the table the leaves were never on as it was just three of us but there were metal runners underneath the table that they would connect to should we have used them these runners served as food storage devices for me I would simply jam whatever I couldn't eat up inside of them this went on for a couple months before I discovered the old shoe up the broccoli and cover mouth with napkin and cough broccoli into napkin trick one day I came home from school and my dad was on his back underneath the table with a spoon he saw me and his face darkened I knew this was bad he came up and grabbed me by my ear wrenched it around and drugged me down to the floor pointing and Cooley up at the runner under the table he ordered me to stick my finger in the black recesses of the runner I was scared shitless as I had mostly forgotten about all of the food I jammed in there and imagine something was going to bite my finger off instead I got a finger full of green gray goop quivering with maggots he didn't let me use the spoon made me use my fingers to scoop all of it out of there it took me an hour and I vomited twice I'm still deathly afraid of maggots clean the dead skin off the homeless shelter mattresses sometimes scrape good times if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 44,800
Rating: 4.8496866 out of 5
Keywords: gross, grossest things ever, grossest foods, disgusting, most disgusting things, horror, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: R32lOOhLl8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 7sec (2527 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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