What's The Scariest Thing Your Kid Has Ever Said To You? (r/AskReddit)

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parents suffered it what's the creepiest thing your child has ever said to you while I was taking a nap my roommate was watching my daughter my daughter seemingly went back to her room that had been back there for a while so my roommate went to check on her my roommate found my daughter in my room standing over me with a toy knife repeatedly bringing it down in a stabbing motion with both hands whispering stab stab stab stab my son is creepy but not in the ways most everyone else here is when he was 9 I was putting him to bed and he starts making a fuss about the monster in the closet I tell him he's too old for that kind of thing and to go to sleep he winds that I need to check the closet i relent since that's the only way to shut him up I opened the closet I turn on the light and I see this big burly guy with a beard staring back at me and I scream like a little girl it was a mirror he's laughing his troll butt off and I'm wondering if he's too old to be abandoned on someone's doorstep so far he hasn't killed me with a heart attack yet at first I had assumed you were the mom I wondered how he got that big burly bearded guide to agree to the prank my nephew was four at the time my sister and I were driving along he and his car seat in the back when we came up behind a pickup truck with a clearly dead cow laying with its head lolling lifelessly towards us my sister trying to bring hope to the situation says maybe it's just sleeping and my nephew completely serious replies instantly with maybe it's just dead but same nephew five years later we were watching America's Ninja Warrior and they just told one of their inspirational stories of a guy who had overcome all odds to come compete and they kept cutting to his beautiful wife and young children of the audience my nephew says excitedly I want to see him fail right in front of his kids future CEO I used to go on daily walks with my daughter around town part of this walk included going through a cemetery she was just learning to talk she was maybe two and as we were walking through the cemetery she starting softly saying baby hallo baby and waving towards a particular area of grass curious I walked over to the area and found a small headstone the kind that lies flat in the ground and on the headstone was marked a baby who lived only one day then died my daughter was apparently talking to a dead baby ghost I freaked out and we avoided the cemetery from then on my sister's dog died while she was on holiday with her family so my father and I buried it in their backyard when they got back their three-year-old son walked right up to the spot which was covered in Bracken and looked and touched petted the ground and said the dog's name they had not yet told him about the dog's death my wife woke up to our daughter then five pealing her sunburned skin off her shoulders when asked what she was doing she replied I love to peel your skin off your body while you sleep so yeah that it puts lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again years ago when my sons we're around four we had friends over drinks and poker woke up hungover on the couch the next morning with one of them staring at me he said deadpan and very adult sounding you don't think we watch you but we do he then retreated to his room my mom used that exact line throughout my childhood my daughter told us during breakfast said there were two old women that would stand at the foot of her bed at night I asked her what they did and she said they just stood there and watched her as she went to sleep she didn't seem concerned about it at all I was watching a friend's daughter one night I set her up in front of the TV and click on one of the kids channels I walk into the kitchen for like two minutes and when I return she's sitting in a different chair with a puzzled look on her face and the TV turned off I asked what happened in this concerned tone she says I tried to stop it from getting out but it was too late then looks over at the TV me the freak out this one definitely wins it for me wife pregnant three-year-olds on her lap and we are explaining the baby in belly and comes out my daughter says with a smile and unblinking stare into my wife's very soul I can't wait for the baby to rip open your belly so I can see her eyes I came into my five year-olds bedroom a while back he was lying perfectly still and didn't respond when I spoke to him alarmed I shook him lightly he opened his eyes and smiled at me I said are you okay he replied with I was pretending to be dead so you could see what it's like thanks son just what a parent needs I'm sure that was terrifying at the time but I can't help but laugh at this one my five year old daughter asked me how old will I be when you die although it was creepy she followed it up with I want to die first so I don't have to see you die one of the saddest things I've ever heard I used to think like that as a kid as well parents dying seemed like the scariest thing ever my four-year-old son had a habit of announcing when he had to use a bathroom he would say I got a go potty one time he makes his business known and heads off toward the bathroom he returned seconds later and says there's already someone in the bathroom now I do know for a fact that it's just the two of us home so the hair stands up on my neck I asked him what do you mean he repeats there's already someone in the bathroom now I'm thinking is it someone I see dead people or someone in a hockey goalie mask so I grab the biggest knife from my knife block and tell him to stay here I walk to the bathroom take a wide angle to seein nobody slowly and quietly walk toward the shower and pull back the curtain nothing by now my son has walked around the corner and I asked him where did you see the person he points to an unflushed toilet and says 'hey someone's already here his big brother didn't flush the toilet that is absolutely terrifying I would not feel safe in my own home after that I woke up to my eldest coming into the room I called out to ask what he was doing and got no response he came around to my side leaned over close to my face and softly muttered hi daddy whither the most vile smirk I have ever seen a kid make then he puked on me sleepwalking and flu are a B combo my son went through a period of terrible night terrors when he was 3 one night I was exhausted and sitting on the floor of his room while he thrashed about crying then he abruptly stopped crying sat up and looked at me he smiled and said daddy come on come here I need to show you something his expression then turned to a sneer and he said I got a surprise for you while pointing to his closet that was the only time I ever nope the heck out of my kid's room so you need to get a guy with a fake arm have him hide in the closet then when your son is about to sleep have him make noises when your son starts screaming burst in with a knife and ask what's wrong then pull opened the door and pretend to cut the man's arm off and throw it at your son after your son stops screaming say and that's why you don't prank your dad none of the things my son has said to me will ever be as creepy at what my sister told our mother when she was little my sister who was around five at a time had recently become obsessed with Egypt and mummies and stuff so one day out of the blue in a completely serious voice she tells her mum when you die I'm going to mummify you and put you in the corner of my house I'll feed you every day and move your jaw so you can chew the food my mom claims it was both terrifying and adorable I had a similar nightmare to this when I was a child I was executed for meat in a famine and continued to be conscious hanging on a rack in someone's house until the last scrap of flesh was picked off my rib cage I had this dream at five and can remember every detail my son waking me up in the middle of night crying and saying daddy why did you chop your head off why daddy you're going to die in a fire my two year old daughter after I told her to stop being naughty the fact it was so specific freaked me out probably explainable but still creepy nonetheless my dad died before I met my wife and she had never met him I had never shown her pictures my mom never really gave any to me and my brother anyways we get married and my son is born soon after when he turned around four years old I had finally snatched her bunch of old photo albums from my mom's attic my wife and I were going through pictures and found one of my dad when he was younger my son came into the room so I showed him and asked him if he knew who that was he quickly replied grandpa it freaked me out since that was the first time he or my wife had seen a picture of him the only thing I could think of is that maybe my brother had shown my son a picture of my dad at some point and told him who it was my brother denies showing him any pictures but he and I mess with each other a lot so I still think this is the best explanation still freaked me out though my daughter introduced me to her imaginary friend Anna Anna couldn't talk because she had tape over her mouth bad people put it there they also took her parents to the bad Jesus she was like five and the sweetest little girl she's now 14 and well a typical 14 year old I asked her about Anna recently and she had no recollection of anything other than her being an imaginary friend you missed an opportunity to solve a murder and bring down a cult I'm late anyway I was pregnant with my son and having him by c-section in two days my sister and I had our two girls both almost two and three days apart in age in car seats in the back of her car we were going to the mall to do last-minute Christmas shopping they don't want to be in the mall with a newborn we were driving along and my daughter says just cut the ear off we laughed and said who are you Vincent van Gogh when I had my son two days later he was born with only one ear microtia it was weird my baby cousin once said to me freedom is a jump away we were watching a thing on birds and it was super creepy wake up God I have a ton of these and as someone told me it's creepier for my kids cause they look like children of the corn the latest driving and my three-year-old son says to his sister we are never gonna see mommy again cause she went to a bad place but it'll be okay he wouldn't explain what he meant but turned out mommy was okay creepy crap from about 2-3 my brother would talk about being a fighter pilot who died over a jungle he'd point to pictures of people in aviator jackets and say I used to have one of those before I died or I got one for flying my jet but then I got shot down in the jungle he was very insistent I'm not too sure what to make of it but my mom is sure that he was reincarnated after dying in marm yeah I don't have any kids myself but I have past memories I can't possibly have I specifically remember watching the challengers space shuttle explode in the sky I was standing watching the launch that happened three years before I was born so I don't really know what to make of it not our child get a while back when my girlfriend and I were babysitting how nice my girlfriend and her were playing in the living room now just imagine a toddler playing with toys and books because this is what her niece was doing then out of nowhere she grabs my gfs head and whispers into her ear you're bleeding and then goes back to playing with her toys and books children like bears can smell when a woman is menstruating son came out of the room our daughter was sleeping in and told us not to go in there he wouldn't like that we went in and our daughter was fine sleeping when we asked who he was our son didn't know chalked it up as an imaginary friend didn't say anything my daughter just woke up at about 3:00 a.m. came into our bedroom and stood at the foot of the bed she stood there staring at us until my wife woke up and saw her I was startled awake by my wife's terrified gasp my daughter just wanted a drink of water had just bought a house old house maybe 80 years old I took my kids over to the new house because delivery guys were bringing new fridge we hadn't moved in yet house was empty my son then about 3 was running around exploring when he runs back into the kitchen where I was sitting with his newborn brother son says mom who are those boys I think he saw someone outside so I asked what boys he says those little boys sleeping in the closet I asked him to repeat himself and I'd heard him right so I asked him to show me he takes me to the coat closet in the middle of the house opened the door nothing there he says casually oh they are gone now I said old house not the oldest house ever old house 80 years not a new house cripes you people are babies a freak that I would sell that house I was chilling with my roommate best friend one day and my son walks out of his room and starts yelling dad it startled us so I jump up to see what's wrong and he's just staring blankly into the wall with eyes wide open yelling dad he looked horrified and I was tripped out until my homeboy said yo if he don't stop I'm gonna hit him with a Bible it was probably one of the creepiest and weirdly funniest situations I've ever been in long story short I found out my son is a creepy sleepwalker and my best friend is a hilarious butthole my son is nine now and still wakes up randomly and does creepy crap Connor yo if he don't stop I'm gonna hit him with a Bible beautiful I wanted cut you up and put you in the oven while holding her toy knife our nine-year-old has talked about what I can only assume was his past life or lives many times to the point where we just kind of accept it the first time was when he casually told my husband what he son did when he was a dad please go into more detail if you don't mind yesterday my 2.5 year-old son said he wanted to put our newborn daughter in the oven and cook her at this age I can let it go if he said this at five or six years old we have some serious counseling that needs to happen maybe he heard someone say you had a bun in the oven when you were pregnant and didn't quite get it he's literally Hitler one time my sister-in-law was reading my niece then about for a bedtime story and my niece said something about the angel standing in the corner of the room and pointed to the empty corner apparently the angel appeared in her room frequently serious look on my six-year-old daughter's face mommy if you got bit by a zombie I'd kill you because I love you that's just good planning the creepiest thing my Sofia now six has done worse strangely enough her first laugh she was three or four months old I had just bottle-fed her later tonight in my computer chair I was leaned back some with her on my belly bouncing her lightly and burping her she got this dog I'd look for a second and then laughed the laugh was deep no possible way it could have come from an infant it's still weird to this day when I think about it she does have a raspy little voice now for six yo you birthed smog we're trying to get a handle on my exceedingly rambunctious four-year-old son we started doing the super nanny method of the naughty chair it's like a very structured time out well for the first couple of weeks he thought it was a novel fun game by the third week it started to dawn on him that we were serious and this was punishment that dart pee him off so he growled to us that he wanted to put us in cages and keep us as his pets I just dart I don't know what to do with this kid stay strong he'll get it my six-year-old daughter once got mad at me and told me point blank mom I'm going to let all your blood out and then God will have to make you again I'm 100% serious she is an incredibly sweet and compassionate child normally and I still have no freaking clue where that comment came from but she never said anything like that again creepy story that my friend told me his brother had a young son they moved into a new house the son kept asking his parents who is that lady standing in the corner and of course the parents have no idea who the kid is referring to at one point the kid became really agitated repeatedly kept asking who the lady in the corner wasn't really wanted to know why she was crying all the time eventually the kid stopped asking about the lady and eventually they moved out of the house but there's something about it that gives me goosebumps not a parent but I've known of each day for the same family for three years and the younger kid is a budding psychopath there is a Jewish neighboring child deadly dislikes and when his older sibling was learning about the Holocaust in school he the younger child would make loud and crowd statements about Hitler killing the Jewish neighbor child so he wouldn't cry anymore Greek letter iota don't have kids 'but once visiting home friends on a farm my buddy is on just girl five or six at the time was fraid of the chickens I tried to explain to her that the chickens weren't threat or hurtis but she wasn't having so I'm sitting around the fret pit looking at one of the chickens Cyrillic letter a few feet in front of me when Greek letter iota feel hot breath in my ear as her whispers see he's always watching horrific and hysterical old ones I'd laugh so hard honestly not me but a friend's son when he was around three he heard a piece of music on the radio turned to my friend and said mommy this was the last piece I conducted before I died when I was an old man when asked about it later he said I don't have room in my head for memories like that anymore mummy but apologies for spelling format on my phone this is the worst one yet not my kids but a four-year-old I Babis it she turns to me one day and says I really like the taste of blood she then turns her arm over to me to show where she's been sucking on an open scab her parents were notified ASAP I used to do that a bit shortly after my boy was stating to make mostly complete sentences he told me I had a greenhouse but it burnt down for weeks he talked about the greenhouse he used to have but would never really answer any of my questions it made me think it was memories of a past life when I asked him now he doesn't remember anything the creepiest thing my daughter has said was a long story about Tinkerbell hosting a dinner party and a turkey comes and breaks up the party and eats the redhead fairy I forget the name so Tinkerbell gets the other fairies together hunts down the turkey and eat it she explained the entire process of butchering a turkey at age 2 in perfect detail to my best friend granted she was helping my dad butcher turkeys the day before but it's scary hearing a two-year-old go into such detail with such enthusiasm me however I was the creepy kid when I had just learned to walk and talk I found my great-grandmother dead in her room the morning started by my grandma getting up with me to turn on the TV so I could watch cartoons she always did this and then went to bed for another couple hours so I'm watching cartoons and I just start uncontrollably sobbing out of nowhere I had no idea why this wakes my mum up and she asks me what's wrong I don't know and I tell her today is going to be the worst day ever she shrugs and goes he used the restroom I then decide to go wake my great-grandma up but she doesn't wake up I'm not old enough to know what death is yet but I suddenly understood it perfectly well I walked out crying because that's what I thought I was supposed to do my mom is stepping out of the bathroom and asks me what's wrong now Gummer's dead she rolls her eyes at me and finishes getting dressed I heard her screaming in my grandma's room ten minutes later to this day she looks at me with us how the heck did you know look about it whenever my grandma gets mentioned not me but once while we were eating on the table my 12 year old brother openly said add I want to freak a girl it was so awkward I left my food and went to my room even though I was hungry as heck I'd have honestly died laughing my sister was cutting up watermelon when my then 4 years old niece who had been staring at the knife with a glazed look says let's pretend it's people my son once said he wanted to be me for Halloween by cutting off my skin and wearing it he was six you have been visited by the fashion dog Oh comments your Envy strengthens me so you always look beautiful like and subscribe you magnificent person [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 33,197
Rating: 4.9066939 out of 5
Keywords: parents, parents stories, parenting, creepiest, scariest, scary, creepy, scary things, creepy kids, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: R6kfljZFU20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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