Guys, What Was The Worst Meeting Her Dad Moment?

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guys I've read it what is your worst meeting the dad moment when dating someone new had a massive poop on hold we didn't know he was home so we got in and I dashed to the toilet ten minutes later I had destroyed and quarantined the bathroom when I went out he sees me and comes to greet I tried to close the door to lock the odor in but I failed the smell was really bad I saw his right eye tear up a little you were certain your dominance by leaving a sign of your passing when you're meeting the dad for the first time if the dog comes up to you and is super friendly because he already knows you awkward Wi-Fi also connecting is a dead giveaway as well my girlfriend's stepdad was at work so we were in her room watching TV on her bed we were and hugging just holding hands sitting next to each other because of the way the bed is set I hear him arrive home downstairs and about ten minutes later when I least expected it a man who's a little shorter than me but a lot more bulked out slams opened the door with his arm already extended like a freakin Superman from an old Doctor Who episode shouting hello laughs Alex how are you I thought it was some act done to intimidate me and it really did make me nervous after a few months of knowing the guy I know he was out of nervousness the first time I was at my no aches GFS place we each took a piece off fruit when she showed me around when I finished my banana I went to throw it away downstairs their garbage can was below the sink so I bent down and it made quite some noise when I opened it from the other side log the room comes in angry hey hey what do you think you're doing there as I stand up a gamer look into an angry dad and stumble up just throwing away my banana double quote then he starts laughing oh ha ha I thought it was the dog going through the thrash I couldn't see you they made fun of it for a long time I had been dating this girl for about 3-4 months and it was time to meet her family we made arrangements and went over for dinner he was nothing short of a freakin prisoner I still refer to him as the prisoner the entire night II barely spoke when he did it was only after being directly prompted by his wife or daughters and it was always one-word answers the entire dinner was there making jokes at his expense making fun of him while simultaneously spilling the beans on intimate personal details of his life his wife treated him with absolute contempt and disdain which was translated into how his daughters treated him as well the only living thing in that house that had any affection for him was the cat this man spent 30 years working his arse off as a civil engineer to raise a family his wife never worked a day in her life before or after him he put two daughters through college paid their freakin rent on top of paying for their cars and basically everything else and they treated him like a malfunctioning robot Butler his eyes were completely dead like a LAN who's been in the zoo too long it scared the frickin crap out of me so I broke up with her about a week later it was like a visit from the ghost of Christmas future I would like you to meet my dad shows me an urn and on the urn is an engraving if you touch my daughter you'll be joining me in here I had a Filipino GF in college decided to meet the parents I drove around three hours to meet them and even brought flowers and stuff when for the first time in their life they decide to practice a tradition of rejecting the BF 3 times before accepting him the point is that if you really want their daughter you'll try as many times as it takes and since they had never done it before my GF didn't think about warning me I was pretty dang annoyed when they tossed my flowers right into the garbage he insisted he play me in chess I lost was invited over to watch Pride and Prejudice with a girl I liked why that movie I desk we were about 19 she stayed with her dad met dad and he did typical dad things fast-forward a few hours and we are in the dark living room on the couch watching the movie her legs were on my lap and I was rubbing them when I see her glint in my left by the hallway her dad is standing in his boxers holding a big kitchen knife everything all right and there genja dad she didn't even see him and never believed me when I told her what happened sitting on the couch with my Jewish now ex-wife's dad the first night I met the parents when I heard her mother from the kitchen not only is he Catholic he's Irish those are the worst kind that was fairly awkward while in high school a girl and were making full use of the living room since her parents were gone for the day at one point we're just kinda laying naked on the couch between rounds and we hear the door open so we throw a big-ass blanket over ourselves in walks her dad who greeted us he had heard of me but hadn't met me and proceeded to watch the movie we had on as background noise with us for another hour all the world would just make it into a blanket on the other couch he knew and female but I have a story that'll fit background my dad is a very blunt man sweet as can be and would give you his last penny but he's got no filter and will not even pretend to like someone if he doesn't I have dated this guy in my early 20s who was a complete douche I was too in love to see it or even care tbh the first time he met my parents my mum the ever sweet southern debutante was nice to him my dad not so much mom and ex were talking and mom notices that dad is leaned back in the chair sleeping sleeping she wakes him up to tell him how rude he's being my dad said might be rude but I don't like that boy not gonna talk to him got nothing to say then frigging went back to sleep I was mortified dead loves my spouse though showed up at her house unexpectedly at 11:00 p.m. he was in bed once I was let in by her brother he went and woke dad up to meet me to stroke 10 experience don't wake a 250 pound Puerto Rican as a first beating while dating his youngest daughter the dad was an ex-army Ranger he made me do yard work while the girls stayed inside he started a far too burnt trimmed tree branches and started the Cu like my daughter speech that was fun girl's father was in a wheelchair but was built very well he obviously lifted as much as he could from his confines girlfriend warned me he previously tried to break a guy's hand upon beating him and shaking his hand so I went to meet him he stuck his hand out to shake mine I didn't hesitate I shook his hand he looked at his daughter as if to say if you weren't here I'd totally snatch his hand off his wrist then he started giving me the talk about dating his daughter he ended it with telling me about his 0.45 in a shelf I really really wanted to answer with the Shelf right next to me but across the room from you but I decided against it apparently while we were out her parents ransacked her bedroom and found our notes that we had written back and forth I wrote words like crap and arse so they forbade her from seeing me again not me but when my one friend's daughter started seriously dating a man we decided to have some fun this is a big Italian family so we had his brothers-in-law and his father and his best friend than some other friends most of whom were big guys we set up the kitchen chairs in a semicircle with one more chair in the center all of us sat down in the chairs and called in the boyfriend the father told him to take a seat and then said cracking his knuckles what exactly are your intentions told my daughter then we couldn't keep straight faces so we all laughed and had drinks the dad was a huge guy probably six feet five inches at least and super raped when I first met him he was wearing no shirt and basketball shorts he introduced himself as the leader of the local Hells Angels chapter and said if anyone in town starts anything with you guys tell them you are with me he was actually a nice guy most of the time unless he was drunk I've heard stories before meeting him so when I seen him it was scary he actually was really nice and made everyone spaghetti for dinner first time I went to my ex's house a dog greeted me at the door before anyone else arrived he then proceeded to hunt my leg and when I would smack him off he would bite my fingers so when her dad came to answer the door I was just standing there dead I'd with a little blue heeler humping the Frick out of me not me but my friend's little brother had finally found the love of his life these two freaking lovebirds were a match made in heaven I think months had gone on and he ended up over at her parents for dinner I think they were both in their mid-20s the story told is that the girls wild-eyed stocky little uncle grabbed my buddy by the throat and slammed him in the wall about two seconds after shaking his hand in a very pronounced effort to discourage him from becoming that guy who broke her little heart anyways I think dinner that night was a tad awkward the couple is still going strong and I never heard of any other incidents to follow that's a quick way to make him into that guy who broke my heart my high school girlfriend missed a week off school because she had pharyngitis one day I went over to bring her some stuff from her locker and thought it would be funny to walk in wearing a surgical mask I stood outside the house tying it around my head well her very tall and stocky father came out and asked me who I was and what I was doing I told him I was the new bf and thought it would be funny to wear a mask he wasn't amused and neither was my gf as a teenager I met my gfs at the Times dad and we had same pair of shorts on dad shorts first family dinner together grandma's in us for 75 years but never learned English stares at me sternly then rattle off in Italian while pointing a nolle finger at me dad rattled back what did she say dad eating without looking up she likes your shirt all laugh but me as a teenage dweeb I dated this very sweet girl during my senior year of high school for a few months she finally asked me over to have dinner at her family's house to kinda show the family that were taking our relationship seriously I had never met her parents before nor had I even done a meet the parents before so I was a little freaked out about her the introduction will go but we head over together to her house that evening and walk into the kitchen her mom greets us and seems delighted to meet me which puts me in a good mood then she runs upstairs to grab her dad who I can hear moaning and groaning about coming down I didn't make out all of what they said but I heard him distinctly say I'm not introducing myself to a 17 year old [ __ ] who thinks he can touch my daughter oof okay my girlfriend and I awkwardly stand around pretending we're not hearing this stuff when we hear a fine and the parents both walk back down the stairs her dad totally reluctantly in this over-the-top way extends his hand and says you're Reata --scent literally just as I reach my hand out to say yes I get a nosebleed he stands there for a moment mutters yup and walk straight out the back door to his woodshop where he stayed for the rest of the night Frick that overdramatic butthole I didn't even do anything wrong yet first time I met my fiance's dad I drank all his beer and drunkenly called him a homo it's never been brought up so I think I'm good please let me give you a tour of the house first stop my gun collection I got questioned by onix's dad while he was cleaning the shotgun went hunting shortly after that and I survived sir must have gone well the first time I met my gfs dad I tried to shake his hand and introduce myself all serious and respectful like he grabbed my hand and half shook it without even once looking at me I thought he was the world's biggest dong six years later I'm engaged to his daughter and he and I are pretty dang close he's paying for me to go to Disney World next year with him and his family for his elder kids wedding went to shake his hand and he left me hanging then about four years later when telling him his daughter and I were getting married and she was a few months pregnant he just said it's gonna be a small wedding eventually he stopped hating me in 2005 I took a train to Connecticut to meet my college girlfriends family she picked me up from the train station and when we got to the house I had to pee really bad trip from Philly to Hartford was like four hours so I figured I'd run to the potty before I would meet the family she told me to use a bathroom upstairs b/c they were renovating the downstairs one opened the door there's her dad pooping this was towards the mother that I cringed with embarrassment still I was meeting my friend's parents and my friend was laying down the rules while walking there no cursing no dirty jokes okay I respond well what am I gonna do hi I'm Lynn Joe Jesus 101 have you heard about the man who jerked off into a spoon suddenly a voice behind us oh that's interesting her mother was right behind us my boyfriend was so nervous that he forgot to wear shoes I have so many questions and don't even know where to start I was about 20 years old when this happened the man 21 I was dating for about two months or so was really pushy about hooking up I was just not ready so I broke up with him and that is when I met his dad for the first time when I broke up with him he wanted to be friends however I don't like being friends with the XS let alone one that keeps pushing me to do things I don't want to do his dad got his number from his son and called me saying I made his son cry and the man did I start dating him again or else he is going to have a stern talking-to me and the bartender that introduced us and maybe even going to get the police included before I met my wife I was dating an Aussie woman since I was living working in Australia at the time we'd shared some info about our past relationships flings you know normal getting to know each other type stuff gauging what sort of life experience the other person has had as it turns out my last serious long-term relationship was with a black woman and for some really messed reason she ended up telling her father who works as a long-distance truck driver did I mention that she was nuts so what we're his first words upon meeting me I hear he used to shag a [ __ ] yup I think with that one sentence I pretty much grasp the attitude of the entire family to a wide variety of social and racial demographics walk up the front porch the dad was sitting on dead how's it going me not too bad how abou dad I wasn't talking to you I was the only one there then I noticed he was petting a mounted their head and had a gun out me normal white guy super attractive black chick after a few weeks of dating she invited me to her house for dinner to meet her parents her mom and brother were really awesome her dad though essentially put me in a corner and started going off on me about how I'm some white boy that's only with his daughter so I could put another notch in my belt and that'ss white boys only like banging black chicks for bragging rights everybody myself included thought he was just joking at first but soon their mouths were hanging open and it was pretty apparent that they were super embarrassed this went on for about ten minutes at the time I was running a gun range so his family stopped him when he said I bet you just sit at home waiting for some men to break in just so you can shoot him it was also odd completely unprovoked he was the only butthole out of an entire family that had been one of the coolest I've met our relationship dive-bombed after that I'm Bieber dating a girl at the time we walked home from watching finding dory she lives about a quarter-mile away from the theater and when we walk in the door I'm greeted by the man I slept with two months earlier I have a story about when my wife met my dad my dad and I stopped by the CVS where my new girlfriend worked on the way home from fishing or something she was in the back at the pharmacy I pointed her out from the front of CVS my dad says did she see you no good stay here walks up to her and asks if they have vanjor saw she says yen points to a little tube not far from him he gets this worried look on his face and says no honey I need more than that do you have it in a gallon she stares at him for a second and starts to laugh he then got peed off and yells do you think this is funny my old lady's snatch looks like a month old roast beef sandwich I quickly stepped him to save my girlfriend from my slightly redneck dad who took a joke while ray III too far he thought it was funny it's been eight years now and I think she still hasn't forget him for it got a real shock meeting her father for the first time because it was like looking at an older paunch your version of myself we'd been dating at university and having a lot of fun very kinky girl who taught me a lot she did like to call me daddy while we freaked sometimes which wasn't my thing but you've got to be GGG but when I met him and saw how similar looking we were the daddy talked got really uncomfortable really quickly the relationship didn't last long after that you have been visited by the inspector dojo comment your confession if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Id: Q8wF4vjwFjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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