Ex-cons, what are some unspoken rules between inmates?

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our slash asked readied by reddit and chill serious for editors who have spent time in prison what are some unspoken rules between inmates that should be known even if you aren't racist you gotta stay with your own race what if you have a race that typically doesn't go to prison East Asia comma or Middle Easterners do you just stick with either the blacks or the Latinos depending on how dark your skin is also what if your ethnically ambiguous I'm half white half black but I look more Hispanic Southeast Asian I think you might need to either learn Spanish or math and just pretend to be a different race I was in a few times when I was quite young in Canada here's some rules you don't whistle you don't call anyone a goof it's the worst insult the American version is BCH or Punk if you borrow something it's generally a rule that you pay back twice what you've taken you don't steal ironically don't talk about what you're in for don't gamble if you can't pay your debts don't back down from a challenge always make sure a seat isn't taken before sitting in the cafeteria don't hide in your cell keep your cell clean don't be friendly with the guards for the borrowing one how does it work if you borrow something like a book or a magazine what I should have said is this and jails there are stores where you can take out loans on things like cigarettes basically a loan shark business that's when you have to pay back extra guards will tell you not to borrow anything when you first go in which is good advice you don't want to have anything held against you I've also heard that you don't accept any gifts either nothing is free after all I have been in jail not prison one thing I learned is that big brother is considered a gay show and you will get beat up if you try watching it on a shared TV also never talk about your case unless you are out of appeals because there are specific inmates who will try to learn just a basic understanding of your case then lions say you confessed to killing Billy or whatever sprinkle a few legit details about your case to make it sound legit and get some time off this will destroy you in court as you will have no way to prove they're lying I had one of these guys constantly asking me about my address my family all kinds of info but I had been warned and gave false info so he would discredit himself I had one of these guys constantly asking me about my address my family all kinds of info but I had been warned and gave false info so he would discredit himself did you hear about him trying not that I know of but he had done so too many others before me dude actually knew my address the name of my siblings and all kinds of stuff before I ever spoke to him which had me pretty scared whether he attempted to do a false confession on me that simply was not good enough for the district attorney or not I will never know this is why I get off jury duty TN YK I was being interviewed for a murder trial and the prosecutor asked if anyone had an issue with jailhouse witnesses I was the only one who raised your hand I can't believe this isn't more well-known our men attacking convictions have been overturned through the years and one of the things brought up is the jailhouse confession someone's cellmate reported I was matriculated in New Mexico system if you're unwilling to resort to physical mean to be reimbursed for something don't lend anything this will result in many of your possessions being stolen if you make eye contact with someone don't look away but rather look as if you're trying to see something behind them if someone threatens you for something like graham crackers don't give it to them it's better to take one potential beating than dozens for forfeiting your food or anything never give your opinion to anyone unless asked directly then lie based on what they were previously discussing never take the Lord's name in vain many inmates turn to God while incarcerated and if you say Jesus Christ or something even remotely similar to that you will probably get jumped many prison gangs like artist this got me through because they want to choose so the best way to avoid the bulk of chaos it to be a decent artists five is kind of ironic how huh oh you said the Lord's name in vain I'm a devout follower now I'm gonna rock your [ __ ] I know there is no reasoning though also don't try to reason it makes you look cowardly fixed formatting if you're unwilling to resort to physical mean to be reimbursed for something don't lend anything this will result in many of your possessions being stolen if you make eye contact with someone don't look away but rather look as if you're trying to see something behind them if someone threatens you for something like graham crackers don't give it to them it's better to take one potential beating than dozens for forfeiting your food or anything never give your opinion to anyone unless asked directly then lie based on what they were previously discussing never take the Lord's name in vain many inmates turn to God while incarcerated and if you say Jesus Christ or something even remotely similar to that you will probably get jumped in many prison gangs like artists this got me through because they want to choose so the best way to avoid the bulk of chaos it to be a decent artist so many rules made by people who ended up breaking the rules in the u.s. if you see a group it won't be one person beating a sex offender to death you join an or else you will be labeled a sympathizer and get beat to death - at some point soon also everyone's going to be there for a long time this is now your family be cool be friendly but be a man and stand up for yourselves don't let yourself be taken advantage of or you always will be I'm a little drunk so I'm sure I could were that better the first point is brutal any idea how common this is all convicts pretty much hate child molesters especially if they have kids since he act up and got sent to prison his family is not in the world without a father without a protector most inmates agonize over what bad [ __ ] may be happening to their kids or their isoh because they can't do a thing about it and they know how men are completely ruthless SS there are in the so when they run into a child molester dumb enough to not go into ad seg they do their best to even the score what sad sake if you need to take a [ __ ] hold it until the morning do not stink up the cell seems obvious but you'd be surprised how many people wouldn't think twice about this I mean when you got to go you've got to go but have a bit of sense another one and I don't know if this was just specific to my time there but you never bring up another inmates crimes court case if you happen upon in a newspaper or whatever people gossip but where I was it was a big no-no to stop discussing what happened to whom unless you wanted to be beta this rule seemed to be enforced by the arrival of a semi-famous celebrity crime boss whose private life was splashed out all over the papers for a few weeks following his sentencing one young guy decided it would be funny to start the chant about his wife and was promptly sent to hospital and moved prison another rule we all abided by was don't get involved in other people's feuds fights or whatever no one should jump in or stand up for anyone else for their own safety I felt a bit bad about this as one time my cellmate who was a reasonably decent guy was beating up while I watched I just sort of shrugged that he understood I wasn't going to jeopardize my safety to save him after becoming friendly with some of the other inmates it took the riot where a guard got his face slashed and lost an eye to reiterate that this is prison and everyone is here for breaking the law the majority violence-related what happens if I have a disease like Crohn's or ib's which is moderately outside of my control is that a massive detriment i legit of Crohn's and this is a hypothetical nightmare to make well I hope you get some considerate cellmates for a few weeks I slept in a four-man cell with this guy who due to drug use some sort of heroin solution I think he had regular diarrhea he's still cleaning supplies from the storeroom to prevent the room from smelling very nice of him make sure you're big enough that no one will dare say anything to you or else try stay out of prison on the plus side most people with IBS or similar can get flare-ups where stress like during a meeting so you might end up in the hospital after a beating but they'll end up covered and shipped so tell me who's the real loser the courtesy flash you flush your poops straight as it falls and so it doesn't stink out the place too much always have one leg outside your pants when taking a dump then if anyone attacks you your legs aren't short leash together ha a good friend of mine has done his fair share in county and told me that one first hand he said you'll never feel as helpless as when you aren't the [ __ ] with legs tangled up your balls hanging out and two guys get in a fight in front of you another one of his worse if you can put your shoes under your bed posts before you go to sleep so no one can steal them always get a job in the kitchen if you can it's the best place to work I hear that back in o8 I did some time for a robbery started working in the ramp room which was the kitchen stockroom the kitchen guys would occasionally bring us some stuff every now and then but once I got transferred to working in the kitchen we ate amazing food every day bacon scrambled eggs home fries french toast pancakes et Cie for breakfast chicken fingers chicken parm veal rigatoni homemade bacon cheeseburgers and fries for lunch and dinner homemade cookies and brownies for dessert we ate like champs while the rest of the facility ate the garbage state food it was the best part about being locked up I've been in Cook County Jail in Chicago so while not really a prison it's damn close there were basically four main groups blacks Hispanics whites and neutrons slang for anyone that isn't in a gang I was grouped in with the neutrons I was asked immediately when I got to my bunk if I was plugged slang for being in a gang I told a couple of the guys no and was told that being a big guy will help me just mind my business obey the unwritten rules and I'll be okay a few of the unwritten rules for a neutron must not eat at the same tables as the gang members must wait to eat while all the gang members say grace together before dinner yes you read that correctly when the gang leaders wanted to shower you got the yuck out of the showers don't get involved in any barter systems with the gangs gangs get extra trays off food no one else unless you work in the kitchen at the same time it was heavily frowned upon within the gang community if a fellow gang member picked on a neutron it's considered weakened I've seen guys get their Behind kicked by their own gang for doing it I had a buddy get out of cook a year also back after a two-year sentence he mentioned he was a part of the new drums I thought he was joking about that name said he had to clock someone once so people would leave him alone he was an energetic and funny guy though just never sits the yuck down it's a different world in there that's for sure an interesting fact not too many people know about in cook there is a maze of underground tunnels under the buildings that serve as a way to transport the meals to different units but these tunnels and the elevators that bring the food up are where most of the illegal [ __ ] happens correctional officers having relations with each other or inmates drugs underhanded deals between inmates and officers et Cie shut the yuck up don't talk about your case don't look at a mother occur do not accept any gift whatsoever it will not be free how do you refuse a gift without pissing off the person offering probably will and you will probably have to fight the differences you won't still now after your behind is kicked always do a courtesy flush and don't [ __ ] in the wrong toilet it's disgusting and unimaginable but offenders get really weird about their toilets especially those who've been in solitary basically most offenders have had to wash their clothes in the toilet when there is more than one toilet one is reserved for clothes washing and the other for shooting no joke no to myself don't break the law because you won't last today in jail if you cry in front of anyone you'd better be a funny guy more tats means more rights walking through a door alongside someone with say a full face off tats you should take one step slower so they pass you don't touch my [ __ ] seriously when locked up people have very few things they can call their own and if you snatch it without asking what you're gonna wind up with is racking beating and the courtesy flash no matter where you [ __ ] all when you [ __ ] that's toilet better be taking that turd as it is still departing you're behind there's enough nasty odors to contend with on the Block no one needs to add your [ __ ] stink to it ducking like and subscribe [Music]
Channel: Reddit & Chill
Views: 85,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, Ex-cons what are some unspoken rules between inmates?, Ex-cons, reddit and chill, what are some unspoken rules between inmates?, prison story reddit and chill, unspoken rules of prison, unspoken rules, s€xuality norms, s€xuality behaviors, s€xuality, inmates, rules, askreddit ex-con, r/askreddit, convicts, jail, prison, prison stories, unspoken, social norms, funny prison stories, why you dont want to go to prison, g@ng, racial differences, gay moments, prison protocol, scary
Id: As0Tdn58zrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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