What's The Scariest Thing Your Kids Friend Has Done At Your House?

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parents of Reddit what is the creepiest thing a friend of your kid has done at your house 11 year old kid comes to my house friend of my daughter's she goes into the bathroom takes a crap and then calls out for assistance apparently her parents still wipe her butt sorry kid this is not a service I offer yep unless she's disabled you on your own kid some neighbor's kid started pouring rubbing alcohol into our aquarium good thing we caught him early I saw a grown butt man pouring vodka into his own aquarium it was at a house party and I thought there wasn't any fish as he was jokingly asking if they would get drunk too and party with us lo and behold half an hour later he was devastated not a parent but once at a sleepover when I was about 12 my dad ordered pizza and one of the girls kept stepping on a slice and using it as a foot massager my dad is still perplexed by this even over a decade later row that's genuinely bizarre I would love to know why she was doing that I can't even think of the slightest explanation we had friends at church who were very nice but somehow ended up with deeply disturbed children I walked in on their son masturbating with half of the peanut butter sandwich I had just made him while he sounds like a total nutter tried to kill my baby by smashing his head between the couch and coffee table I told the mother next night she says yeah he tried to do it to the dog I think we may have a problem oh yeah that's where we should draw the line Christ ugh I have a 12 year old and 7 month old baby some of the creeps my 12 years old brings home makes this story eerily relatable so glad baby was okay but seriously WTF for my daughter's birthday which is in April I typically invited her whole class to her birthday party each year the party was usually a cookout and I would get a kiddie pool set up and we always had a swing set and trampoline as well as yah games and toys but the kids would come over typically around 1 or 2 p.m. and stay a couple hours eat have some cake play games open presents and then leave year when she was 9 a girl from her class was dropped off like all the rest and her mom said to have her cool when the party was over and someone would pick her up this particular year it happened to be spring break that week so there was no school the party ended we called the various parents to pick up their kids and this particular child we had to leave voice messages hours passed all the children saved that one had long since left we continued to call and leave messages that all went and heeded night fell so we loaned her some PJ's and it turned into a sleepover now we are white and lived in the country this particular child was black and apparently had recently moved into the area from a city she didn't know us had never met us and had only known my daughter as a classmate for maybe a month it didn't matter to me that she was black it just seemed to me like that if I was a child left behind in some strange place with people I didn't know that being a different race would only enhance the scariness nope not this child she was happy as a lark day 2 morphed into day 3 we continued on life now with an extra child we continued to leave messages on the only contact number we had we went shopping out to eat carried on with our lives the girl said she didn't know people live like this out in the country by day 5 we had debated on calling the police and reporting her as abandoned we decided to try to find her house she knew approximately where she lived so we went and drove around and around the neighborhood until she recognized her house an older brother was there and he let her in and didn't really say much of anything the next day her mom rolls up in the yard with the girl and three of her younger siblings but we had apparently forgotten her swimsuit when we took her home the mom asked if she could leave the kids there while she ran a quick errand I told her that unfortunately we were getting ready to leave ourselves and I was sorry she got mad and yelled took off in a half truthfully I was afraid she was going to leave all the kids and just not come back it was really weird how the girl just seemed to accept that no one was coming to get her all the other kids I know would have been crying and hysterical wanting to go home the girl finished out the school year and didn't come back in the fall I guess they moved away that's one of the more freaked up ones I would have called the police and CPS on day three not to do with me [ __ ] my dad told me when he was a kid his neighbor's also kids broke into his house when they were out and sacked the place including cutting their pet goldfish in half my dad's parents found out and the neighbors parents made the kids clean up the house I hope that wasn't the extent of their punishment breaking entering and vandalizing is serious find the weird kid in this story there was this kid I used to hang out with all the time I used to go over to his house and we played video games for hours straight this one time me and another friend went over to his house to ask him if he wanted to come play with us they weren't at home but they had their cleaning lady in their house working now I can't remember if it is the lady who invited us in or if we invited ourselves and given our familiarity with the place but one way or another we went inside and helped ourselves with his video games completely unaware of the weirdness of the situation that they're in the lady even brought us snacks they eventually came back to find two kids in their living room playing video games his mom got upset with the lady I think but I do remember her calmly explaining us that it was not okay and we shouldn't be in their home again unless their home I really wasn't the brightest kid no parent but as a kid I'd have this friend that would kill small animals try and shove my little sister down the stairs and do all sort of twisted stuff needless to say he ended up in jail for robbing a place I think guy wasn't fully there didn't come from a broken home or anything either his parents were absolutely lovely still talked to his parents to this day him not so much I grew up on a small dead-end street and we were the only ones with a pool so we spent a lot of our summers in our pool there was this one neighbor who weirded us all out he was a hardcore druggie and we found him passed out drunk in his pickup a lot well his niece and nephew came to live with him because their mom died so they started swimming with us - the girl was older most of us and also larger a few times she decided it would be funny to push a few of us underwater and hold us there especially me since I was the smallest and youngest we stopped letting them come over after that not a parent this happened to me as a kid I was sleeping over in a friend's house Andrew with another friend our mean so we were playing video games and crap till late Andrew sleeps in its own room as it's his house and my other friend and I get to share a room with a big bed we were like 14 so it felt a little weirdest straight teens we are there just awake talking and we begin to hear some weird noises like some white noise and some faded voices and then white noise and then a little music louder and lower and louder again that we rise and go to face the music and in the living room there hears our friend just wearing underwear placed on his knees playing with the buttons of the radio at 3:00 a.m. completely asleep we asked him what join man yah right then he turns and screams I am creating magic we though he was possessed or something and we went straight to their parents room and they told us he sometimes sleepwalks when we come back to him he is just sleeping in the floor and they walked him back to bed this is why you'll never become more than a muggle not a parent but this happened when I was about 11 or 12 I was sleeping over at a friend's house let's call him Joe and there was another friend staying over Tom Joe and I were upstairs in his room playing xbox at like 10:00 p.m. went down to the kitchen to get a glass of water and see Tom sitting on a couch in the dark staring blankly at nothing I was like ehh what are you up to man and he just straight up looks me in the eye and goes I'm talking to my grandma this dude's grandmother died when he was like four or something needless to say I know the Frick outta there never saw that kid again dang this is pretty intense I wonder if he may have been sleepwalking to some extent and just dreaming about his grandma spooky either way I haven't had any real creepy incidents as a parent yet apart from the odd random friend exploring the house and finding their way in our bedroom but I am planning a campout sleepover for my eleven years old soon so I might have a good story then in the meantime when I was a kid this strange family moved in a couple doors up from us and had a daughter around my age she didn't attend school with me and was clearly intellectually challenged she decided to be my friend coming over all the time even if no one was home she was obsessed with my dog a young boxer pup and would play with her whether anyone was home or not but she would come into the house uninvited and find my mum on the toilet and casually chat with her poor girl had no social etiquette or anything I truly felt sorry for her and would share my homework with her but she couldn't read or write we were probably 10 or 11 ourselves anyway after about six months my mum was fed up with this girl coming and going and making herself at home so mum approached her parents and tried to find out what the deal was mum could see an abused child a mile away and decided to call CPS they were investigated and the girl was taken into emergency foster care mum couldn't take her in due to the proximity of her parents turns out they had been prostituting their daughter out to pay for their alcohol and she hadn't been in school since year two it was so horrific we found out shortly after their landlord was evicting them for no rent payment we received a death threats in our letter box for my puppy literally stating that since we took her daughter they were going to take something of ours police had to have examined one week after that my little pup jeddah went missing small town in the only red boxer but she never came home I'll never forgive them but I hope their daughter got a decent life far far away from those monsters not my story bit of friends one time when she was in second grade my friend had another friend over at her house at one point they were just sitting on a couch when all of a sudden the other kid started choking my friend on the floor she barely had enough time to call her mom the friend wasn't allowed at her house anymore not apparent but I recall this very vividly I was friends with this kid that my school whose parents didn't really care for him so when he all but invited himself over one weekend his parents dropped him off with food on the street corner and just kinda left mind you I have no sidewalk on my street it's just a Chisholm then a very heavily trafficked Road so he walks along the sidewalk the road to my house and entirely expected to then stay for most of the day when my parents called his parents to come get him they made some excuse about how he'd said he'd be staying the night which I'd never agreed to and we forced them to come pick him up when everything was said and done it wound up being his 16 year old brother who came to get him who I later learned couldn't legally drive at the time maybe not creepy but honestly a very weird and disturbing situation to find myself in the middle of oh that's really sad for the kid super weird for you for sure but also sad thought it was creepy at first but this kid who was the first friend I made in my new school always came over to my house after school he was there weekends he was there the first thing in the morning holidays and summer he basically lived with us he never wanted me to go to his house found out his mom was indica holic and beat him his dad died in a car accident back when he was 10 years old so I told my mom this and she never turned him away even times when I wasn't there he eventually lived with us from eighth grade until junior year in HS when his uncle got out the military and took him in wholesome thanks for sharing a friend of my older sister spent the afternoon at our place and tried to drown me in the bathtub when I was a baby my mum walked in and stopped him she wasn't very pleased mum was telling me of a story from when I was six when my friend killed a lizard in front of everyone and laughed a girl came over to my house and did come super psychopath I want your life crap this girl I knew from first grade came over for a sleepover we must have fought over something because I went up to my room because I got so mad at her I forget why it must have been big though because I'm not one to March out on a guest anyway while I'm upstairs crying I see in the mesh pocket of her away bag a bright pink Easter egg with some first inking out of it and I realize I hear faint squeaking I go over pick up the egg and it's warm and shaking I open it and my pet mouse like explodes out of there I'm absolutely horrified I see in the bag all of my favorite toys and some of my clothes she took them and squirreled them away in her clothes to try to hide them I go downstairs with the Easter egg ready - absolutely raise Huck with my evidence only to see my mom in the kitchen quite shaken already there she is looking down at my pet guinea pig in its cage nose bloody right front poor torn off and obviously dead this kid was sitting on the couch watching TV acting like she had no idea what happened in less than one hour this kid brutally murdered my pet tried to take another one for later and plan to take my favorite toys and even some of my clothes my mom was like nope sent me to a friend's house and drove that kid home because she wasn't waiting for her parents to come get her when my mom talked to her about a while in the car she said the girl said I just wanted to be like her never saw that kid again hope she safely locked away somewhere okay that is creepy as heck and slightly traumatizing like holy crap not a parent but a friend of mine did something pretty weird we were 11 or 12 and my family went on vacation for two weeks when we returned home we walked into our house but no one turned on the lights in my family room for like 20 minutes I turned them on and my friend was just staring at our television which was off not saying a word didn't respond to my first few attempts to head his attention until he randomly snapped back into it creepy crap walking into your house after a vacation and turn on a light and see a kid whose own doubt he has some mental problems and was heavily medicated as a kid came over to hang out often and knew we kept our side door unlocked needless to say we established some more rigid boundaries after you what the frig one kid left my place used to try and kiss my dog's butt dog's name is Vince McMahon when I was about 12 years old I was at a friend's house building things with Lego my friend ghosts of the bathroom and about 5-10 mins later I hear him yell down mom I need a wipe since I was a curious kid I followed his mother when she then proceeded to open the bathroom and wipe a thirteen-year-old son's butt for him I thought it was weird even then sorry kid this is not a service I offer I had a work friend bring her kid over to play with mine he was 8 I have a boy who was 7 and a girl who was almost 5 at the time he told her she was going to have a baby and had her laid down and take off her pants and panties my son knew this was wrong and came to tell me before anything else happened my friend was super embarrassed and we actually didn't talk much for a few months because we were both uncomfortable with it we tried to get together in a public place a couple of times since then but it just wasn't the same anymore I had already quit working with her before the incident but I'm still kind of sad losing my friend obligatory not apparent but there was this kid that I was friends with for basically all of elementary school and his mom let him do and I think he watched r-rated movies when he couldn't have been older than 7 never brushed his teeth had his own computer etc so you can see how he was more knowledgeable than me in the frickin department well anyways one day me and him were at my mom's house alone and he dropped his pants and tried to make me suck him off since I guess he thought I would just go along with it well I didn't understand the physical implications of that at the time but I knew it was gross so I pulled his pants up and told him how gross it was and went back to playing Pokemon obligatory I'm not a parent but this is something me and my parents talked about to this day I had a slumber party and first great and invited probably 8 - 10 girls can't remember how why but we all ended up in the bathroom one of the girls has to the use the bathroom so we all walk out except one girl she stood there and crap on my bathroom wall right in front of the other chick her excuse the other girl was on the toilet and she couldn't hold it girl was a freaking weirdo to begin with she ended up being my room last year and was just as frickin strange and ten times more annoying on behalf of everyone please tell us some run mate stories grades 1-3 I was friends with a girl who had issues adopted from an abusive home before we met she would randomly decide to just leave our player dates to walk herself home which was not possible because she lived a good 20 minute drive away some of that Highway my mom describes her as nice but kind of eerie sometimes when I was a kid I had one of those a soul friends who was more of a friend of my video games you know the deal coming over constantly to play single-player games demanding me to give him food and all that jazz one day he came over when I was away somewhere no one answered the door but he noticed that the window to my room was open so the sucker climbed in turned on my PC and tried to play something but he heard my mom coming out of the shower so he bolted told me the next day at school and I told everyone including my parents then school and his parents got involved and Jay got in a ton of crap for that hated me ever since not a parent rather I was the kid in this story my mum got engaged to this rich guy whose daughter was a couple of years younger than me growing up she had practically every animal she'd ever asked her dad to buy for her but over the years once they eventually died she buried them in a corner of their backyard one day she showed me the little rocks she had put on top of their graves as makeshift tombstones I suggested that we dig upper bodies so we could see what they looked like she said no and afterwards ended up coincidentally stayin at a friend's place every following weekend that I was due to stay at her dad's place sorry ash I was four years old and my first cousin tried to get me to give him a bj several times I didn't like the idea because that's where pee comes from so I told my parents he was around nine at the time her mother my aunt dis mystic by well he must have learned it in school don't pay attention to it a different incident came between our families and I haven't talked to them in over a decade can't say I am devastated went into the kitchen and then ran into the bathroom he comes out half an hour later and I ask if he's okay he says sure and gets back to playing video games I went into the bathroom later that day and found a cucumber caked in crap sitting in the trash can it smelt bad in had specks of blood not the parents but this was my brother's friend flashback to the mid-2000s where land parties were all the rage poor nighters sugary drinks and junk food one kid didn't know his limits and had a little too much to eat and a little too much to drink he ended up throwing up not the end of the world but he didn't tell anyone since there were two bathrooms nearby nobody noticed this one was out of order either so the kid didn't just throw up in the toilet with the wood floors the walls the ceiling the counters that was the absolutely most disgusting thing I have ever seen or smelled we literally had to remove all the wood from that room floor trim cabinets et Cie all of it ruined we ended up just putting tile in there since we couldn't find a way to make the new wood match the rest this kid ended up costing over $10,000 in damages clean up deconstruction rebuilding the cabinets to match the rest of the house and reconstruction with one glorious vomit session Jesus Christ it wasn't at my house but at the neighbors my parents were somewhere so my sister and I were supposed to spend the day and have dinner at the neighbor's house and they had a mentally disabled daughter that they refused to admit had any problems at all so she was basically a holy terror to be around Deena time came and I had a big plate of spaghetti in front of me and the daughter walks over to me and grabs a fistful of spaghetti off my plate and stuffs it in her mouth the thing was this girl was disgustingly filthy she drooled constantly and her parents didn't seem to think she needed washing so her face and mouth were perpetually crusted with dried staph and her hands were always in her mouth so no freakin way was i eating that plate of fish noodles she hadn't even looked at her own plate of food so I just stood up move to her spot at the table and prepared to eat now the mother starts yelling at me - get back to your own seat and I said Jamie put her hands in my food I'm not eating it and she says she doesn't have cooties now eat your dinner i sat there staring at the plate and just thinking about eating it was making me gag when they started pressuring me to eat it again I got up ran back to my house and locked the door stayed there until my parents came home so when my parents got home they were told a completely different story that I was throwing food and running around the table wouldn't sit down after I told them my version it was clear that things made more sense since they knew the daughter had problems that the parents wouldn't acknowledge we live in a middle-class neighborhood next to a park on the other side of the park is a poor neighborhood with low income apartments rundown houses and a trailer park whatever I grew up poor I don't judge people based on their wealth and it meant my house was cheaper my son made a friend that lived in the low-income Apartments at first the kids seemed nice enough he was polite and that as always a big bonus point with parents one day both boys were off playing at the park when I got a knock at my front door it was a friend I asked him where my son was and the kid said oh he's coming we were racing and I got ahead of him no big deal I let the kid in and he went back to my son's room after a while I realized my son still wasn't home the other kid was in my son's room happily playing with Lego I was was weirded out but not sure what to do a little while later my son came home and blew up he did not want this kid or anyone else for that matter in his room when he wasn't home I pulled my son aside apologized explained what happened and promised it would never happen again I told the kid that we were about to go somewhere and that he needed to go home the kid asked if he could stay and play anyway I told him no and shooed him out the door the kid came by my house a few days later when my son was spending the night with his grandparents he asked if he could borrow one of my son's xbox controllers because he had a cousin spending the night but one Xbox controller my son wasn't there to say yes or no so I'll have a kid borrow one of my own Xbox controllers we parents have our own Xbox in the living room I told the kid that I would need the Xbox controller back the next day a few days later my husband had to go to the kids house and get the controller back from the kids mom the kid had apparently planned to keep it then the kid started coming by our house when our son was off playing around the neighborhood he'd asked if he could come in and play and we'd tell him that our son wasn't home he'd asked if he could come in and play with our son's toys anyway the answer was no but the kid kept coming back and coming back hoping to weasel his way into my son's room again my son stopped being friends with him because he figured out that the kid didn't actually want to be friends with him the kid just wanted to ride my son's RipStik and play with his toys but the kid kept showing up to our house when our son wasn't here and asking to be let in to play with our son's toys even tried lying his way in a few more times finally my husband got fed up and went and talked to the kids mom again and the kid quit coming to our house perhaps not creepy and not entirely my kid's friend my friend's kid she was in a bind and didn't have anyone to keep her kids after school so I told her they could come home with my son and hang out while she finished up a first day at a new job first a younger son q is a bit on the spectrum so his quirks in general he hadn't been over before that we had hung out many times and he looked up to my son as a favorite friend and the eldest son was good friends with my kid we live in a crappy apartment in a very nice part of town and Q acted as though he had never ever been inside an apartment many times he expressed how little it was and how he couldn't believe that people in our neighborhood could have an apartment he also loves World War two and told me many facts about generals he was quite taken with Russia and referred to it as Mother Russia while using a terrible fake Russian accent I happen to do an amazing Russian accent which he loved so if I wanted him to do anything I to ask it in the Russian accent I also have decorated my apartment a bit whimsically with a ton of animals and gnomes and other things sort of around in interesting scenes my niece was over once and counted my animal related things and came to the conclusion that 23 animals live in my living room but sim upon Tings art queue was distressed that they weren't named so spent the afternoon naming most of them built not cutesy pet names which is why I now have a gold dinosaur named Brian and a porcelain rabbit named Kevin along with a few other adult male named animals that I can't recall Brian and Kevin get us taught to regularly though and my son still occasionally remembers to call them by their name even though this was over a year ago and queue has only been over again one time since then this is actually kind of sweet a kid took a crap on our stairs and tried to blame me not a parent but when I was about 7 years old I went over to my friends house and she told me I had to drink a ton of water so I did later she told me she had a fun idea and got out some plastic Walmart bags and said we should pee in them together she was really secretive about the whole thing and I was pretty uncomfortable not too long after she followed me into the bathroom at school and told me that if I didn't pee on her hands she wouldn't be my friend anymore I didn't want to do it so I just accepted that I was going to lose a friend I told my mum when I got home and she seemed really concerned and cooled my friends parents I didn't understand why at the time and sort of shrugged it off as something really weird my friend did as a kid since the girl in question grew up to be totally normal however a few months ago I was recalling the story when hanging out with my mother and I found out that she had been physically shamed by her uncle and was making me do what her uncle made her do freely i'ii iock i'm not a parent but knows someone's kid who killed the neighbor's guinea pig and was playing with the lifeless body for like an hour like the cartoon lenny played too rough and flicked it up the kid was four at the time trick that reminds me of a little cousin of mine who put his kitten in the toilet closed the lid and flushed the toilet over and so it would stop meowing it eventually drowned and he put in the trashcan next to the toilet and went on to play video games he was 6 kid freakin scares me the 5 yo twins from next door walked into my house without knocking or being invited and sat down in our living room and started playing with my kids toys I asked if they were okay and one of them replied yeah our parents need some alone time so we need to be here for a while about 15 minutes later they both stood up at the same time and walked out the door without saying anything oh the shining twins my daughter had a friend come around when she was seven or eight this girl was pretty odd and obviously used to getting her own way but the weirdest thing was one day when I was in the kitchen and they had been playing outside I am renovating our house and there were no baseboards so you could see under the house it looks creepy as an adult but kids have vivid and wild imaginations they come running in and she grabs a sharp knife from the kitchen drawer I stopped her and asked her what she's doing my daughter says they are going to kill the monster under the house I tell her to immediately put that knife back but we need to kill the monster and then they both start to run out again I very firmly tell her to put it back now she does we told her mother about it but she is not very good at the whole parenting thing I shudder to think what could have happened a that sounds like the intent was harmless give them a butter knife and tell them it's just as effective that the monster won't see it coming I'm not a parent but I have so many of these once my mother took me to some kind of cookout celebrating a bars anniversary that she frequented there were a few other kids there and I quickly made friends with them we were all super talkative and friendly with each other save for the younger sister of one of the girls the younger sister would stare at me and always stand a little off from the group and mumble to herself well while we were playing something akin to pictionary in the dirt she decided to come up behind me and put me in a chokehold I was panicking since I obviously couldn't breathe and the group of kids had absolutely no idea what to do after just a few moments her parents quickly ran over and ripped her off me bonus my mother insisted the kid never choked me and she was just playing another time I was the creepy kid I was staying at her friend's house for the night for her birthday before we all laid down we had scared each other with stories and creepy videos i'm easily scared and kept imagining a monster under her bed so i couldn't sleep instead i kinda sat in the hallway and tried to fall asleep there i guess a dad came home from work because he walked into the house rounded a corner and saw me there hunched over and unresponsive when he called out he went into the bedroom her mom was staying and but i felt embarrassed so i got up and went back into the room all the kids were in our door was cracked so i overheard him walking back into the hallway and saying i swear there was the kid here she was just sitting there and the mother replying yeah okay go to bed bonus he peeked into our room after that and saw everyone asleep i closed my eyes when i saw him approach the door before becau bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker the last one is just funny dad got bamboozled when my niece was three we babysat her and her friend dog was barking friend stared at him and he stopped and slunk away wouldn't go in the same room as her the whole time never babysat that kid again parent of two girls in preschool she had a few boyfriends who were about the same age as her who would come over quite often one day I walked in on what I thought was this kid reading to her but he had his dong out I promptly yelled at him asking what he thought he was doing and he simply replied with I'm teaching her to read backwards with yar dong out that's how I taught my wife to read backwards not a parent but my dad told me a story about me he was taking me to the park I was playing with gates and he got distracted talking to moms in the park then he heard a very loud Goose scream turned around and saw that I was choking the poor thing I was three at the time he had to grab me and leave the park to avoid freaks out in judging moms long locked your dad lemme oh when I was a kid I used to have to hang out with my mom's co-workers child we couldn't afford a baby sister so sometimes my mom would babysit us and sometimes the co-worker would we were like maybe nine or ten but it was very apparent that this kid had no sense of what Authority meant his mom would give him anything he wanted he basically controlled her like if she were a puppet and he had the strings the kid also loved to get very physical and this was annoying because I was a small kid when I was little and very weak so I stood almost no chance the kid would push me attempt to punch me and quite literally attack me out of the blue and since his mother had no control over him I basically felt alone he got really into WWE and started trying to perform all those moves on me so he tried flipping me and honestly it felt like I was always on the defensive I ended up learning how to mentally manipulate him as he wasn't the brightest this meant that I would constantly derail his thoughts by mentioning movies games or literally anything that would mentally stimulate him until I was out of harm I actually got really good at this and ended up being able to manipulate the mom into getting us McDonald's or Burger King by planting that seed into the kid's brain which he would then yell at his mother until she followed his command it honestly taught me at a young age that people can indeed be manipulated and that sometimes you don't need to be stronger than someone to defuse a situation apparently the mom also wasn't the brightest not a parent but a teenage male cousins friend drilled a hole into the bathroom wall from his bedroom for presumably peeping said little cousin lived with his grandmother sigh yo what the Frick my daughter was about eight when she had a friend sleepover they were asleep supposedly when we looked up and the girl was just standing there staring at us we were in our room with the door open so we could hear creepy my nephew actually does this sometimes and if you wake him up from it he freaks out for hours it has something to do with him having autism if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then another video [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 59,089
Rating: 4.7957697 out of 5
Keywords: parents, parents stories, parenting, parenting 101, parenting hacks, parenting is hard, friends, kids friends, your friends, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: Je_gw7Yrwo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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