Palworld TOP 5 MOST OP PALS YOU MUST HAVE - Best Pals In Palworld

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so I have a lot of game time on pal world and I have pretty much almost every single creature in the game in this top five I want to show you great great pal to have for almost basically anything for crafting mining flying running everything in this top five and I'm going to probably make another top five maybe another two or three more showing different kinds of creatures for the later game but this one is definitely something you want to uh keep in mind and to definitely have these creatur es all right so first off let's have a look at a flying Mount now this one I highly recommend to have the ragnarog now this is by far probably one of the best flying mounts in the game right now especially between uh the lower to Mid levels this thing is absolutely amazing okay um I've had a few different flying mounts and this one is definitely by far one of the fastest ones in the game and it does gets you anywhere that you really need I've been using this for pretty much anywhere even for if I don't want to just uh if I don't have a a running mount I'll just use this thing cuz it's so quick um yeah definitely should have this if you are looking for a flying Mount that's going to basically be with you from beginning to end so the ragnahog can be found in this part of the map okay it's going to be around the volcano SL Beach area down over here okay um it's pretty easy to get if you do have a decent um level and uh a decent sphere you can definitely capture this thing pretty damn easily definitely something you should have in your party at all times next up we're going to be looking at is the rep Tyro now this guy is huge he's very slow he's very powerful but what's so special about him is this okay he has level three kindling and level three mining he is perfect for your base for Mining and for k kindling now let me show you exactly how great he actually is okay so he pretty much will make your Ingot very very quickly and like I mentioned if you have a farm going on with in uh smiting and Mining coal or mining uh ingots or or whatever it is this guy can do it all he will Smite them very quickly and he will Farm them very quickly so definitely something to keep in mind if you are going to be having a farm one of the best farmers and one of the best Kinders in the entire game now this guy again will be found in the volcano area just running around he is very very strong so keep in mind about that um if you do have a decent sphere and decently leveled up you can definitely capture a few of these guys and 100% have them in your farm now for the next creature we're going to be looking at is this little guy right here the rib bunny now if we're going to be making or using weapons or guns this little guy is actually one of the best or in fact the best bullet maker in the entire game these guys will make your bullets like it's nothing and I'll be showing you an example of that right now so let's have a look at exactly why these guys are so special okay so here we are the rib bunny now it's a a special skill is skilled fingers the one in the team increases attack power of neutral Pals while at base increased work efficiency is uh if working at weapons workbench now this guy especially having three of them working at the uh workbench together it is insane and I'll be showing you that right now okay so here these little guys going crazy on the workbench they're going to be making a bunch of ammo and uh probably one of the best makers for ammo in the entire game now you can join them and just create your ammo like this definitely something you should have and they are very very easy to get now you can use other guys to create your ammo but definitely these are probably the best ones for doing that now you can obviously also upgrade them to be even quick quicker now you can do that by using the um the statue of power to actually increase uh your pets uh abilities and to make them even better than they already are so by enhancing your pals like this and by clicking on them you can increase their work speed and you can do that for those bunnies to make them even quicker at making bullets so make sure you have at least a couple of these guys in your base and use them as as much as you can next up is this little guy called the fend Globe now what's so special about him well he is by far probably in my opinion and a lot of people's opinions is by far the fastest animal to mount I mean have a look at this this guy is absolutely ridiculous he can go anywhere that you ever want him to and he has a double jump this is the perfect animal to have as your running mount I mean you can go from any place on the map by ease and if you you do want to just make a quick Dash across the map well you could do that thing that's special about him really isn't his ability for the camp or anything that's used I mean his lumbering is level two which is decent uh can be ridden can double jump while mounted the only thing that's actually very very good about him is that he can be mounted and he is super quick and I mean look at that like and the double jump makes it even better definitely something to go out and look for because he is absolutely abely amazing now you can go ahead and find him at the bottom left near the volcano once again all of these can be found in this area anyway um so that's where you can go ahead and find him very easy to get and definitely one of the best mounts in the entire game and finally for the fifth one for this video until the next one is obviously the Dig toys now this guy is just purely for mining or digging or whatever it is for your Farms he is perfect perfect now what I would recommend for this guy is basically just having a uh multiple of them in your base in your farm or whatever and just let them go crazy and just have a couple of gatherers to actually gather the ore that they're going to be mining and to put it in a chest now I think I've actually taken the uh the or that they've been making I have been using it um but definitely something that you guys should definitely have in your uh in your team in your Farms but the good thing about him actually is if you go in your technology uh bit and get his necklace his number one damages like that will turn to 20s and uh I'm not really too sure exactly what level that you get it but I will find it right now so at level 19 you can get dick toys's headbands that will increase his damage while Mining and make him even more powerful and even better and the perfect mining machine and uh that's pretty much it for this one video that I wanted to make just a quick video show showing you the top five I think right now um creatures to have in your base obviously there is so many more and I will keep doing them I don't want to see the these the best five in the entire game but definitely one of the top five to have in your base to um to use and on your character to run around and to fly and to just basically use them to their full ability and remember to upgrade your creatures okay you can use this to uh enhance their abilities and also use this thing right there um to even further increase their abilities and you can get this at around level I'll check right now for you at level 14 you can use this to further increase your creatures anyway that's it for this video thank you all so much for watching hopefully this came in helpful and I'll see you all very [Music] [Music] soon
Channel: MillGaming
Views: 163,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c6fEt88oJrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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