Albion Online The BEST POSSIBLE START For NEW PLAYERS, Beginner Guide EU Server Launch Update 2024

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this is the best possible start for new players  in Albion Online this will teach you how to get   early freebies when you register this will also  teach you the best settings the best client to use   which is not steam we're going to go over how to  skip weeks of early grinding by farming tutorial   Island what to level early so that you can set  your character up to do all content how to secure   silver and never go broke how to level quickly  and efficiently with no losses in your time or in   silver how to earn passive silver so you can play  the game on easy mode and how to do all of this   without ever card swiping paying real money as a  free-to-play player while you're also guildless   and as a solo player without any friends first off  let's cover the client and how to get freebie so   you can get some bonus experience and all you have  to do is in any of my albion online videos you'll   have to click a referral link now this is going  to give you free experience in the ingames mail   system for doing this if you're a brand new player  do not skip this it's very important you you'll   get more stuff than if you don't so in all of my  videos there's a description click the description   to expand it scroll past the timestamps and you're  going to see down here if you want to play albian   online click here click this link and it's going  to open the page to Albin from here   register with your email password do all of this  stuff and then you're good to go once you complete   the tutorial you'll get an in-game mail with some  bonus experience books now before you begin also   you should do this with the native client that  means you go to albian you download the   client from the website do not play this on Steam  the reason why is that sometimes patches mess up   and you won't be able to play while everyone else  is playing also steam charges more for the in-game   cash off if you do decide to pay real money into  this game it is cheaper on the native client than   it is on Steam so always use the native client  before you begin when you download the client it's   going to look something like this the boxes might  be different the graphics might may be different   but you're going to click the settings button  and copy what I have I'm going to explain why   so you're going to have clean temporary folder on  close so that it doesn't Gunk up and increase load   times when you're doing full loot PVP activities  which we won't cover much of in this video but if   you do having a faster lad time is King when it  comes to running from other players next up we're   going to go to graphic settings and you definitely  can copy everything here I recommend skipping the   intro video because it just saves you time now  if you don't have a good computer computer then   obviously don't put everything on high in Ultra  but the reason why we do this is so it makes it   easier to find hidden treasures it makes it easier  to see spell effects it makes it easier to see why   your opponent is using what their enchantment  level is and identify threats so just copy   everything that I have here if you want these are  the most optimal settings now a few other things   too window animations you want this off because if  you have this on it will take you longer to loot   things sometimes when players die or there's a big  chest everyone is piling on to grab everything if   you have window animations on that is several  milliseconds of time you have to wait to watch   an animation play before you can start looting  you definitely want this off next up highlight   obscured if a player or a monster or a creature  is hidden behind like a a wall or or something you   can't see them but with when you have highlight  obscured on you can see them through the walls   camera Shake definitely turn this off when you're  in a big massive Zerg versus Zerg fight with other   players the camera will constantly be shaking  from explosions and so definitely turn this off   and finally Bloom on now I know in most games you  would turn this off but on albian online having   Bloom set to on lets you find hidden treasures  which are just little piles of treasure just   hidden randomly in the world these things will be  glowing very brightly with all of these settings   if you turn blue off it won't glow and it's very  hard to spot especially if you are a new player   before you begin the game at the top right corner  is a server selection menu now I'm going to tell   you right now that the main server is is going  to be Europe everyone is going to be playing on   Europe the Americas or the Western server as  it used to be known is dying the Asian server   is basically dead now if of course if you live  in Singapore you would probably want to play on   Asia because it has the lowest ping otherwise you  can just pick the lowest Ping Server but most of   the players almost all of the content creators  almost all of the the best experience you can   possibly have in the game will be played on the  European server so I recommend even if you are in   the United States or Canada that you play on the  European server as you will be more around people   that speak English you will have more content to  do with a better economy the European server will   be the least botted and lowest cheater numbers  server Asia being the most Bots and the most   cheaters the American servers also being filled  with cheaters uh statistically speaking across   MMO RPGs All European servers no matter what MMO  you pick will always have the least amount of bots   Europe is the pure the newest and the most fun  server so play on Europe if you are a new player   let's talk about character creation you're ready  to log in so we log into the game and you can   choose male or female there is no other options  now here's the thing with male and female choices   they costs real money to change your gender  later so make sure that you lock in a choice   that you want but as far as your appearance goes  the clothes you wear your face your skin color   and all of that stuff you can always change that  later for free so don't worry about it right now   if you want just just grab a default character if  you want and jump in if you're in a rush now there   is no statistical or hitbox Advantage for playing  male or female obviously if you want to like beg   for gold and have a female cutesy name or beg for  silver I'm sorry then more people will be willing   to give it to you on a female Avatar but that's  kind of scummy we're not going to be talking about   that in the video but anyway I'm just going  to play the default character here and now   when choosing your name it's very important that  you don't do something negative and you don't do   something controversial or bad because there are  no name changes and if the game Masters or anybody   gets upset at your name no matter how offensive  it might be your name will be permanently changed   to googly moogly and then like four numbers okay  and you cannot change that ever and anytime you   deal with anybody in the game through the in-game  chat when you are labeled as a googly moogly some   people just won't trade with you some people won't  play with you they won't party with you they won't   invite you to their guilds so make sure that you  pick uh a familyfriendly name before you begin   your adventure before you click into World make  sure that this play tutorial button is highlighted   in a bright yellow check mark the reason why you  want to play the tutorial is because there is a   resource you can Farm here more efficiently than  anywhere else in the game and as a free-to-play   brand new player this resource will make you  lots of starting silver but if you're going   to card swipe you technically could skip the  tutorial and just pay your way into the game   but for everyone else you get 3 days free premium  by doing the tutorial which is very important for   the progression of your character it is a 50%  bonus to XP and silver gains and Gathering and   just everything that you do so absolutely make  sure that this is highlighted yellow and then   click enter World and then I have streamer mode  set up so that's why that popped up once you are   in the game you're going to click the Cog whe in  the top right corner and we're going to go to game   settings and there is more game settings that you  need to configure now we already did General and   Graphics in the launch but for audio you can  uh you can alter this however you want having   the game at full blast can be very deafening I  believe but now interface this is important all   right so HUD size you don't want it too big and  position on spell bar this is pref your preference   speech bubbles this is just whenever someone  says something it'll show up on the screen if   you're a streamer you kind of have to turn this  off cuz people will say naughty things but other   than that just copy my uh my settings here now for  combat you definitely want to see what enemies are   hitting for and healing for so this is important  to have off uh so don't just have only player num   showing spell indicator intensity you always you  want this 100 100% so you can see spell indicators   this is the red circles on the ground showing you  where there is danger uh name tags now I would   recommend having all of this on the more info  the better and then later as you play you can   turn some of this off to declutter the screen if  you want uh also big name tags are very important   and show off screen name tags always have this  on because later when you do full loot content if   you don't have offscreen name tags on people can  sneak up on you and kill you very efficiently you   definitely want these settings party interface uh  you know just have it however you want now I have   small view enabled most people don't use small  view I just do it because I don't really play   Like A Healer roll or anything and other than that  uh you know just you you want your tool tips to be   shown especially so that you can't be pushed or  dragged with a movement ability into a red or a   black Zone without your consent if you have uh the  tool tips off then you can be pushed into one of   those zones and like say you AFK in a safe Zone  and someone pvps up and knocks you in an unsafe   Zone then they kill you and then you get back to  your computer and you're just dead so that's not   fun for controls you definitely want to when if  you're brand brand new to these kinds of games   in general you want to have normal spellcast but  after some experience it is vital that you switch   to Quick cast on button press because what this  does is you don't have to like see your indicators   and your aim like hit boxes and stuff you can  just push the button immediately cast the spell   on press not on release don't do on release and  uh you will be able to be that much more efficient   in gamep playay so also double press to attack a  lot of people will recommend that you turn this   on so that you can click at player without Auto  attacking him and then inspect his gear first but   you should never really be inspecting people  when you're dismounted in the first place uh   you should always be doing that when mounted and  if you're mounted you won't be attacking so so   my recommendation is to turn this off also Force  combat mode I turn this off so that you can loot   objects it's very important sometimes that you be  able to loot things in combat so you can run away   with the loot and then Auto Target aggressor is  just nice to have when you're fighting multiple   PVE monsters at once when you are you have a  giant Mound on the top of you and a bunch of   crap on your screen cluttering it up having Auto  Target aggressor on allows you to just hit your   spell abilities upon being attacked it it's just  a nice quality of life a few other settings you   might want to rebind use tracking toolkit from you  because it is very close to the Y button which is   your inspect and if you have a toolkit and you hit  U it will Dismount you causing you to be rooted in   place and you might get killed for it but I don't  really do tracking much so that's why I just leave   it at default I also don't fat finger my keyboard  a few other uh settings that you might want to   change is uh the auto run button which is not key  it's not there is no default button for auto run   I have it as back quote this is the button above  my tab key or to the left of my number one so this   is TIY uh or I forget what else people call it but  using this is so much it's such a good quality of   life thing you really want to bind something to  auto run and the way auto run works is wherever   you point your cursor and you push your auto run  button your character will run in that direction   finally for people that play in parties or in  raids you definitely want to keep on use markers   1 through six and unmarked Target because if you  have like say a target a player you want to kill   and you're with your friends you can quickly put  a symbol over the top of their head and that way   your friends can track them in a crowd next up in  the social Tab and this may not be that important   for the very first few days of Europe but for  everyone else or once this video is more than   a week old one thing that you want to turn off in  your social tab on your general tab is down here   is the looking for group you want to have this  turned off and the reason why is it is constantly   spammed with hardcore Expedition stuff you're  not going to be doing it will completely flood   your chat entirely if you have either of these  two on so make sure that you turn them off it   looks like they might be turned off by default  now which is really nice because back in the   day it was not turned off by default and boy oh  boy you would get spammed now finally before we   begin the tutorial I'm not going to teach you how  to do the tutorial the tutorial will teach you how   to do the tutorial but what I want you to do is  do not finish the tutorial continue watching my   video as you do the tutorial or if you have good  memory just go ahead and watch me first and then   you'll know what to exactly to do but it is very  important that you don't leave tutorial Island   and I'm going to be giving you a few tips that you  can do along the way to just make your experience   better at the part where the game wants you to  skin foxes and chop trees you're going to skin   a few extra foxes than the game tells you to  because we're going to be making a bag which   the game the tutorial does not instruct you on  and we definitely want a bag it helps us carry   more Loot next up you're going to be harvesting  a little bit extra cotton at least two bushels   worth full bushels and again this is how we make  a bag now I'm going to teach you how to craft a   bag which the tutorial does not do for some weird  reason but right here at uh this is where I'm at   on the map I am right here at the makeshift tool  maker you click on this person and on the left   side is all the tools you can craft but there's  a little tab here that looks like a bag where my   mouse cursor is circling click that Tab and now  you can click a or you can craft a bag and a cape   we'll be given a cape as a quest reward but we're  going to click the novice's bag and then we're   going to just craft a few of these there we go  and I didn't Harvest enough but um you can craft   a few bags and hope for a higher quality bag but  uh otherwise this dramatically increases how much   carry weight you have allowing you to haul more  stuff out of tutorial Island for more money now   while in tutorial Island it's important that you  learn how to do optimal PVE poles okay so here's   how this works your Mount has a health bar it is  the bottom yellow health bar right here whenever   you are attacked while mounted it will drain that  health bar so what you can do is use your Mount as   a meat Shield to condense and pull all the mobs  and you want to pull multiple mobs at once while   not standing in the red fiery death zones and kill  as many mobs as possible and what I want you to do   is practice doing this also if your Mount dies it  simply just goes on cool down you don't you don't   lose it forever anything so at the bottom left I  have a 30 second cool down until I can summon my   Mount again and yes this is a pretty beefy pull  and sometimes you won't be able to do all the big   beefy pulls but that's okay as you can see here I  managed to squeeze out a victory barely but I can   just use my armor to restore uh my Armor's ability  is the R button down here and um at some point   you will get food as a reward which I have right  here you can also eat this to passively regenerate   Health but I would recommend saving your food so  we can use it later on more important Adventures   now also continue to grind out here so you have  around 300ish silver you shouldn't need more than   that by by the way another way to play is it's  called orb walk walking and this is a MOA or a   defense of the Ancients DOTA term when you have  an enemy selected and you push the space bar your   character will walk towards it and auto attack it  so you can use your right click to run away while   spamming your space bar allowing you to move and  attack every time your auto attack is off cool   down these are important things to learn for later  on finally if you want to squeeze out more DPS   or damage per second you want to Auto attack and  then immediately use an ability which will cancel   the Auto attacks animation into your abilities  animation whereas if you were to uh animation   into an auto attack you have to wait for the uh  animations cool down before your character Auto   attacks so just these few things will dramatically  increase your damage also you'll notice other   players around attacking mobs that you are so  in order to get credit for the kill you need to   be the first player that deals 35% of the targets  maximum health and the first player that does that   is the one that gets the credit for the kill and  the loot for the next 2 minutes now if a mob drops   Loot and no one loots it after 2 minutes anyone  is free to pick it up so I want to talk about   crafting real quick because the tutorial either  wants you to buy or craft the next set of armor   from tier one to tier two we'll talk about what  tiers are a little bit later they're not it's not   important right now but the truth about crafting  in Alan online is that it is the biggest money SN   you can possibly do and you will not turn a profit  unless you have absolutely everything set up and   put in place which this video will not not even  entirely cover but essentially you're going to   need a black Zone hideout with a whole lot of  other things boosting your percentage of your   crafting so that you can barely even break even on  the things that you craft crafting is controlled   by cartels and entire guilds in order to profit  and it is not something that a solo player should   really get into there are a few things later that  I will tell you that you can craft that does not   rely on having a hideout or rely on having daily  bonuses and stuff we'll talk about that later in   the video but for now my recommendation is when  you're at this part of the quest line just go   to the market and use that 300 silver you got to  buy tier 2 items now before you buy your armor I'm   going to be telling you what to buy to set your  character up but I just want to tell you how chest   armor works the armor that you wear is hugely  massively factors into how much damage you're   dealing not so much your helmet and Boots we'll  talk about that in a bit but your chest armor   is primarily how much damage you deal with your  weapon so when you are wearing cloth armor you   deal way more damage but you also take more damage  as in you have less defense leather is a balance   of both and the leather armors are basically what  allows you to sustain in PvP it lets you farm PVE   mobs thanks to certain abilities we'll talk about  that later and plate is all in on defense and zero   offense you don't you don't get a damage boost  at all for wearing plate but it does make you   it gives you more Health it makes you tankier it  is not something you want to wear as a so Solo or   a guildless player is not something I'm going  to be advising you to wear ever unless you are   taking group dungeons or doing group Zerg versus  Zerg content that's where a bunch of players are   fighting another huge bunch of players so for now  in this tutorial I'll tell you what to wear here   are the items that you're going to buy and equip  you're going to go to the market here and then   you're going to buy the following the scholar cow  and uh I'm going to move the text over here just   a bit so it's a littleit easier for you to see  so this is The Scholar cow we're going to buy   that for 32 Silver there we go and then next up  is Soldier boots we're going to buy that for 32   Silver we're going to buy a mercenary jacket that  is your chest armor this is a leather chest armor   and then we're going to buy a fire staff I know  you may not want to play a wizard but trust me   this will unlock other weapons and abilities for  you later on we're just using it for now there's   plenty more that we're going to unlock later  don't worry about it but again this is the most   efficient and best and best way to start it's  going to speed you up so that you can use any   weapon that you desire later on much more faster  and efficiently and finally the Tom of spells now   we're going to go ahead and equip everything so  I'm going to move this over here and then I'm   going to open my inventory and just right click  everything there so I'm putting it on and that's   going to complete the quest in Alid online you  level up what you wear that is entirely how your   character works you do not have just a base level  that you have you are not oh I'm level 60 it's   more like I'm level 100 in leather armor I'm level  100 in fire staff so what that that means is that   right now by wearing this equipment we're leveling  cloth leather and plate to unlock that for later   but it starts to split off okay we're not just  leveling cloth leather and plate we're unlocking   the basics of cloth leather and plate so that we  can wear all cloth helmets armor and Boots all   leather armor uh helmets and boots and all plate  armor boots you get the idea and because we're   using the fire staff at the moment it's going to  unlock the Mage tree which has off-hand items this   means that if you have a one-handed weapon right  now our fire staff is a one-handed weapon this   book of spells to of spells is a offhand item and  we're going to unlock the most powerful of offhand   items by wearing this there is a hidden chest in  tutorial Island and it's in the Mountain Fort Zone   and it's right here on this little corner so if  you ride up here there is a chest guarded by two   Heretics you just simply destroy the chest with  an attack and of course kill the Heretics and   then the chest contains some silver it is 236  silver whereas the mobs are only dropping 7 to   n so uh hey we got four four 20 silver but yeah  um feel free to farm this chest while you're out   here grinding and doing quests once you get to  this part of the quest that says call the ship   by lighting a signal fire do not proceed further  you see this right here where my arrow is touching   this little Quest icon here do not proceed further  do not go on your map here up here to this circle   and do not step into this circle do not do not do  not do not the reason why is it locks you out of   your destiny board's stat page for whatever reason  I don't know why but also one like this doorway   will open up and once you cross this doorway you  can never ever return you cannot farm tutorial   Island anymore you cannot grind here it is over  it kicks you out into the main game so don't do   it instead what I want you to do is gather a  very highly really wealthy and good resource   I'll talk about it so before we leave tutorial  Island there's a few things you can do to make   a lot of silver especially on the new servers or  even established servers and that is harvesting   rough Stone you can simply this big circle of  rough Stone in the tutorial area it respawns   insanely fast it will not respawn this quick in  the main game once you leave tutorial Island rough   Stone takes a little bit of time to respawn it  will not instantly pop back up or repopulate uh   like it does right here in this circle so there is  Bar None nowhere else in the entire game to farm   rough Stone better than this place so you want to  carry as much of this with you to the main server   to the real game as you can because this will  dramatically massively increase your wealth and   your progression by not if you skip this step you  could possibly put yourself a whole week behind if   you don't know what you're doing it's insane how  much just sitting here and harvesting rough Stone   for a while will do for your character it is it is  insane you should never ever ever ever skip this   this is very important to do now before you uh you  know sit here for the next hour and harvest rough   Stone you need to do some Inventory management and  we're going to throw away everything except our   rough Stone and skinning knife and uh the reason  why is we want as much carry weight as possible   and this stuff is not worth very much don't you  don't need your tier one gear it's completely   worthless you do not need this one bit feel free  to throw every single thing out except for again   your skinny knife and your rough Stone now what  and again some people will say that this is not   necessary and that you should just grab a bunch of  mules cuz you can buy multiple mules and the only   place in the game to get mules is to Toro Island  but there are players and there are Bots they   will just grab mules a whole bunch of mules and  um that's just what they'll do so unfortunately   uh also someone's Whispering me in what looks like  Russian I can't understand what they're saying um   the mules are like for instance okay the estimated  market value of mu currently on the western server   is 3,294 but I can only carry about four to five  of these and then I'm done whereas the estimated   market value of just a single rough Stone is 104  and I can carry over a thousand of these so if   you want to do some basic math here you take  a th000 multiply it by 104 well that's 104,000   okay so if we divide that by 3,500 which is the  estimated cost of the mule you would need to   carry 29 equivalent mules which you simply can't  do there's muls way way too much so rough Stone is   the de facto Bar None best possible resource in  the entire game that you can Harvest as a brand   new player giving you the most silver per hour  earnings than anything else you can possibly do   the only down side to doing what we're doing here  is is you don't level up you don't Fame up your   character uh you don't gain any kind of experience  points so unfortunately you know but this will   allow you to skip a lot of the early game and go  straight into to the mid game by doing the step   do not sleep on this now I will also point out  that depending on server economy server time and   how many players are actively doing this the price  will go up and down but I will tell you that even   if it's down it's still going to be more than any  other resource you can get as a new player and on   tutorial Island this is again like I said like I'm  stressing the most valuable resource you can carry   out of tutorial Island and it is insanely High  Demand by in-game players because they don't want   to ride around the open world and farm one to two  of these at a time they're very sparse in the open   world and it even if you map it out in the open  world it's still not worth doing it's actually   more time efficient to just make a new character  Harvest it here and then transfer to your main   character it's so ridiculous how uh rough Stone  like it's required for every possible building   and building upgrade for everything in the game  it is not really used for for crafting gear but   it's used for crafting like things that guilds  use buildings and upgrade stations and refining   stations and stuff like that this is a resource  that everyone uses so I want to take a moment and   explain to you the Destiny Board all right so when  you push the B button this is the Destiny Board   and you may be thinking oh my God this thing is  so complex and crazy there's a million things on   here I'm overwhelmed what am I looking at what's  going on don't worry it's not like path ofile this   thing is insanely simple to use and very easy to  understand I'm going to break it down for you by   showing you the major nodes and then the smaller  ones once you're done watching this little segment   you will fully understand it I guarantee it so  when you open the Destiny Board it will be on   the very center here at the adventurer novice and  then if you go straight up you're going to go into   journeyman Adventurer as you g as you earn Fame  by gathering crafting and killing mobs you will   increase this value and as you level this up it  will unlock and allow you to use more equipment   so as soon as we level up to Journey we can we  can start riding a tier three horse we can ride   the oxes and upgrade our bags and Cape and then at  level four we have the tier four you know horses   oxes now we have Stags different types of bags  and different specialized magical capes and so   on and so forth you're going to have this entire  line maxed out by your first day or if you're very   casual and can't play that much by your third day  and on your third day you can wear yeah the game   will allow you to wear all the in-game things  like mammoths and Nightmare horses and you know   all sorts of fun mounts and and stuff like that  so it's not something to worry about it's simply   all the only reason this exist in the game is so  that a brand new player cannot simply make a new   character and then ride around on a grey wolf and  chase people down that's all that's that's the   whole point of that right and so with that said  there's another line that you're not going to have   to worry too much about and that is to the left  when you scroll to the left of the Destiny Board   here you have What's called the trainy fighter  and then from there you have Reaver Reaver is   the game system that Al that kind of prevents a  new player from going to the very endgame zones   and just killing mobs right because the majority  of mobs do these big attacks where the ground   lights up red and you have to dodge it and so  technically you can kill you can punch above your   weight essentially so what this means is that when  you have journeyman Reaver unlocked you can kill   creatures that are tier three or high like the  damage against tier three your higher creatures   increases by 15% and you get more defense and then  tier four and tier five this means that when you   go to a tier four or tier five Zone that you they  won't be hitting you so hard anymore and you will   be hitting them much harder allowing you to farm  those higher level zones you're going to have this   also maxed out by the end of your first day or  if you're casual by the end of your third day   so again this is nothing to worry about this is  nothing to focus on but the rest of the Destiny   Board it's pretty cut and dry what it is let me  show you so this is Ms paint I know it's not very   high quality but um essentially the entire right  side of the Destiny Board that is again this is   not the current Destiny Board but the entire  right side of the Destiny Board all of this   stuff right in here this is all crafting stuff  okay and so let me let me show you in game what   this means so when I scroll to the right you have  training Craftsmen and then here we can have the   the hunter Lodge crafter which is your bows and  leather armors and stuff and then it specializes   even further like this is spear crafting and uh  what do we have here dagger crafting bow crafting   and then that splinters even more into specific  bows like you have the bow the war bow the long   bow the whispering bow Etc and that's all this  right side is that that's all it is next up you   have the refining section which is if you go to  the right to your trainy Craftsman and then you   go down you're going to have the well this is the  toolmaker crafting but right here is the refiner   now refining a lot of players are going to tell  you that you should focus on refining and I don't   believe that the reason why is that cartels run  the player shops and if you are not refining at   a discount with the bonus that the shops provide  you are most likely losing money you'll have to   do the math on your own I won't do it for you the  math is ever and always changing so again that's a   separate topic for another video but essentially  down here in this little path is what allows you   to refine tier four materials tier five materials  and so on and so forth all the way to tier eight   and then to the left of that back to the center  of novice Adventurer but on the rightmost fork   down here this Blue Line This is your Gathering  now this is what you want we're going to talk   about this at length later in the video but this  is what you want to focus on more than anything   you have something called learning points which  if you're doing the tutorial you will know what a   learning point is we don't have any currently but  we will be getting some this involves fishing and   fiber harvesting mining Metals skinning animals  chopping wood or Lumberjack and corer which is   mining stone and then as you level this up you'll  be able to mine and wear higher tier equipment for   Gathering and this video is specifically going to  have you focus on the highest best money-making   one skinning but also I'm going to talk about  quarrying which is going to be the biggest Money   Maker for the fresh start on Europe so if you're  on Europe and your Fresh Start you're brand new   you want to go with corer but for the long run  you're better off going animal skinning and   I'm going to talk about this at length later but  that's all that is for the Destiny Board finally   this middle prong here this is for farming this  is for people people with premium and you have   to pay for premium and uh you have the Harvester  here this allows you to raise animals and plant   crops which then splits off to raising animals  uh planting crops and planting herbs which is   something I'll talk about later in the video but  uh you know this just splinters off to all the   different herbs and crops and plants like if you  want to be a potato farmer congrats and then to   the left of that you have the Sue Chef node which  is potion crafting and food cooking so Chef is   what I'm highly going to recommend again towards  the end of this video will'll talk more at length   about being a chef and why you want to be a chef  and why it allows you to make more money safer   that is uncorruptible the cartels can't control  it and then you have the potion crafting which   was unfortunately ruined by the last update making  it near impossible to CRA to to max out and if you   can't max out the crafting you craft out a loss  and to max out the new potions they introduced it   would cost multiple billions of investment which  you'll never make back finally if we continue to   the left from the middle here to this purple you  have the tracking trainer which is this is brand   new and uh well not brand brand new but you have  a season tracker where you can track different   things like quaries the dawn Birds the Golems  the these are full loot risky activities you   cannot do these in safe zones I'm going to talk  about them towards the end of the video as well   but right now it's not important to to factor  in everything to the left of the Destiny Board   is your combat specializations so again we have  this Ms paint image so everything to the left okay   remember besides uh the Reaver thing in the middle  everything to the left here which this is an old   image is your combat specializations this is your  here let me just like highlight it red for you so   you can see it a little bit better there this  is things like uh here we go we have journeyman   Hunter which is your bows your Spears your daggers  your nature staff a healing weapon and off hands   like the torch and then that splinters off into  bows into daggers into Spears and then those   would Splinter off for instance for bows again  you have your bow combat specialist your War bow   specialist Long bat uh long bow special Etc you  you get the idea right so the way leveling up   Works in this game is also as follows there are  eight tiers of items in the game there are four   levels of Enchantment and you can get up to level  120 in specialization and level 100 in Mastery   so again with the Destiny Board let's just use  bows as an example because everyone knows what a   bow and arrow is right so at journeyman Hunter we  unlock the ability to wear tier three all of this   equipment and then if I put on a tier three bow  and kill mobs and level up the tier three bow this   is going to unlock the ability to wear specialized  bows at tier four and above so this right here is   bow fighter Mastery it goes up to level 100 at  level one we unlock the tier four specialized   bows we got bow War bow long bow Whispering bow  and all of these have the same q and W abilities   but the E ability is what changes so for the bow  you shoot extra damage arrows but for the long   bow you shoot a circle of damage in a radius and  for the way Whispering bow you shoot specialized   magic arrows at a higher attack speed that makes  you vulnerable to damage there's a there's a whole   lot of different items to learn and I'm going to  explain them and and tell you which ones that you   should be wearing to optimize your character and  you the cool thing about alian online is if you're   really good at one weapon You Can level up other  weapons with that weapon I know that doesn't make   sense right now but if I am a bow master I can use  my superpowered bow and level up daggers more on   this later in the video but for now at Mastery  as you level you unlock new abilities for your   bows or your weapons to use new passive abilities  higher tier weapons which I'm going to explain how   that scales in power all the way up to tier eight  now on these weapons you'll see little uh diamonds   here in the bottom of the item window these are  your enchantment levels they go up to to 04 so for   instance if you see someone say 4.1 that means  a tier four weapon with one enchantment level   tier 4.1 all right so a 4.4 would be a tier 4 bow  with a level four enchantment level now finally   and I'll explain how all this scales your power  and how much damage it deals and stuff later but   essentially after you have level 100 Mastery  you then have specialization so specialization   the higher level this is and right now it only  says it says 100 up here but it goes to level   120 what this does is the higher your level of  specialization the higher your item power is so   let's talk about item power now now this is a lot  to absorb and it's not that important right now   but I'm going to cover it anyway right now while  your mind is still Fresh So if we click on our   fire staff our tier 2 Fire Staff you'll see that  our item power is 300 okay 300 oh boy so every   time you go up a tier you will gain 100 item  power every time you go up an enchantment level   you will gain 100 item power at one level 100  Mastery you will gain 20 item power and then at   100 specialization you will gain 200 item power to  that weapon and then 10 to 20 depending on if it's   a normal or an artifact weapon of specialization  you will gain that amount of item power to all the   other weapons in that weapon line so if you want  to be a bow Master for instance I'm going to hide   the text here if you want to be a bow Master it's  not enough that you just use the bow you need to   also level up all the other bows so for instance  the bow here gives a02 bonus per level to all bows   so does the war bow and the Longbow but when you  get to the whispering bone and this is an artifact   item meaning it takes extra special ingredients  to craft you only get a 0.1 bonus and then also   they're introducing Crystal weapons but that's for  raids and builds and stuff which is even less item   power towards all the weapons but we're not going  to really talk about that because it's just not   relevant or important now something else I want  to talk about with uh tearing up that I didn't   mention is that you have a Mastery modifier this  means it takes your overall Mastery of the weapon   and adds a percentage increase to the items power  so it is in your best interest to use the highest   tier possible if you're doing safe Zone content of  course whereas if you're doing full loot content   the you have to weigh the risk and the rewards  here in so on this character this is my SW bingi   character uh we have the same fire staff but  this is a tier 8.3 fire staff and I have 1,82   item power now looking at my destiny board on this  character here we can go to the fire staff here's   the Mage section we're going to go up to the fire  staff section now and we have level 100 pyromancer   and then if I go to the the M the specializations  you can see that I have level 100 in fire staff   but only 51 in great 51 here 108 in Wildfire staff  and so on and so forth also just a few other Notes   too uh artifact and avalonian weapons which again  I know this is confusing don't worry it's not   super important for a new player essentially you  have a normal weapon this Arcane staff is a normal   weapon then you have artifact weapons uh This  Witch workor staff the occult staff and the manent   locus here those are artifact weapons and then  you have the Avalon weapon even song and finally   Crystal weapons the uh this is the astral staff  not all weapons have Crystal weapons as of yet   they're still being developed and as of recording  this they are not currently in the game that's   why I can't level it up but um they all have a a  little tiny bit of boost of item power to them so   for instance all of my Arcane staffs are level 100  right so the Arcane staff just tier 4 flat gives   me 1,20 item power whereas if I go to the witch  workor staff I now have 1,4 45 and then if I go   up from there 1,70 1,95 and then 1,120 now on the  crystal staff which has no levels the item power   is lower because well I have no levels so you can  see from a normal weapon to an avalonian weapon   is a power differential of 100 and that's not all  there is also quality okay so you'll notice here   that I have a silver border around this is an  outstanding quality or excellent quality item   I'll talk about quality now so here is the item  power boosting from the quality of your gear so   at normal it is plus Z good is plus 20 outstanding  is plus 40 excellent is plus 60 Masterpiece is   plus 100 so a normal quality item will not have  a border a good quality item will have a silver   border a outstanding quality item which I is going  to have this golden border a excellent quality   border will have this bright silver border and a  masterpiece item will have this golden shimmering   shiny border and yes this is an 8.4 Masterpiece  Longbow that is as strong as it possibly gets   there is Awakening we're not going to talk  about that but that's not something you can   ever do until way later when you're wealthy okay  fine we'll talk about it a little bit okay so an   awakened weapon we'll have a rainbow Shimmer um on  the weapon itself on the graphic and you can put   special attributes on it this awakened weapon has  plus 4.3 to Ability damage you can get things like   HP and item power even more item power you can get  cool down reduction this is insanely expensive to   do and is something only the most wealthiest and  most powerful players can do and we're not going   to cover it in this video This is for new players  now before you become overweight with stone it's   important to come step on this circle so that  you don't get pushed back by these guys because   once you have an abundance of rough Stone in your  inventory and you start getting overweight your   movement speed will be massively slowed making  the next next step much harder so I'm going to go   ahead and step here and the reason why I told you  not to step here earlier is because it it messes   your your UI up your Destiny Board tracking and it  just makes it much harder now the game will want   you to step into here and which you can step into  this circle if you want but once you go through   this gate like right here once you go through  this gate and down the stairs if you try to leave   guess what it's crumbled it's gone you can't never  return ever ever ever again to tutorial Island so   you want to make sure that you have as much rough  Stone as possible and your your mule here should   be like limping on its last leg barely inching  forward that's where you want to be now because   I'm an established player I'm just going to use  some YouTube editing tricks and give myself the   stone whereas as a new player you won't have that  luxury and so you're if you skip this part you   will be broke and poor for the start of the game  and you don't want that next up we're going to be   choosing a starter Zone and it's important that  you choose the right starter zone so I'm going to   hide the text for just a second explain once you  are at this point in this the tutorial you will   talk to this character named Tia and you have  to accept the quest or it won't let you leave   so many people mess this up for whatever reason  and thought their game was bugged so accept the   quest now there'll be a circle over here to the  travel planner you want to click the bottommost   circle down here called Step cross make sure that  you have step cross selected now let's explain why   using text on the screen here every Zone has  a main resource a bonus to crafting certain   items and equipment and refining so we're going  to choose step cross because it is the cheapest   gear for new players that is the most efficient  gear for fame farming or leveling up as well as   Gathering next up it is the cheapest stone prices  in the game and always will be due to the bonuses   of the zone and so having cheaper housing means  that you can spend your extra money your extra   silver on growing your guild islands and your  personal Islands so that you can have things   that make you more money and more silver for every  activity you do this will covered towards the end   of the video next up you are next door to martlock  which is the hide refining place you want to be   next to the hide refining place because Hyde is  the best silver maker in the game and sometimes   if the cartels are nice or asleep at the wheel you  can definitely refine that hide and earn even more   silver next up it is the best resource in the game  every Zone has a main resource so you'll notice   that the map is very colorful you have a snowy  Zone a desert Zone uh a Hill Zone and a foresty   Zone Etc and a swampy Zone well hide is in the  desert Zone all the hide animals are in the desert   zone so you definitely definitely definitely want  to skin in these zones because unlike other zones   yes there are animals you can skin in the swamps  but the animals that you skin in the desert have a   chance to drop babies which you can raise into  mounts and because they have a chance to drop   babies that gives you even more silver per hour  when it does happen whereas the frogs and stuff in   this Zone they never drop babies okay the snakes  don't drop babies but the the uh the Stags and the   sabertooths drop babies and that's what you want  to farm uh so with that also said it is also the   best faction mount in the game which you have to  be a faction of bridge watch to use its ability   for ganking in safe yellow zones for ganking heart  Transporters which is an insanely good way to make   money when you because a lot of heart transports  are either new players or rmt players Real Money   traders or Bots and farming them is zero risk to  you and you get so much for it every time I kill a   heart transport I make two to 300,000 silver and  I can kill like 10 of them in like half an hour   bro it's it's insane how much silver I can make  just ganking heart transports and the best mount   in the game requires you to be part of bridgew  watch to do so so again at this point talk to   the travel planner make sure that you have step  cross selected and then buy Journey now if you   mess this step up and you picked somewhere else on  accident well that sucks you'll have to run to the   nearby town and sell that stone that's what we're  going to do first thing once you have zoned into   step cross the first thing you're going to do is  and you're going to be moving much slower than me   again I'm going to use YouTube magic to kind of  save me some editing time here you're going to   run up to this chest here and deposit your stone  now when you have that stone deposited this chest   is only accessible by you there's other players  around the chest they all get their own private   instance of chest this is not an open chest where  you can loot other people's stuff or anything   silly like that anything you put in here is safe  it's a bank no one can touch it so put your stone   in here to free up that uh weight so you can move  at a faster speed now what's very important to   do is you're going to see this guy here with a  question mark over his head do not turn in any   Quest do not talk to these NPCs until in real life  you have 3 days of free time that means no job   no wife no kids no obligation no family visits no  holidays or whatever it is that might eat up your   time because when you turn in this Quest from this  guy here he's going to give you a quest to talk to   this guy right over here and when you turn in  this Quest it starts your three days of free   premium which uh is the clock is ticking right  now the clock is ticking and premium gives you a   50% bonus to just about everything that you do the  game will explain it to you you can also pop open   a menu here it gives you uh more learning points  points per day a Fame bonus that's an experience   bonus silver bonus it's huge and so you don't want  to start this until you have free time if you need   to go to bed and you got at school in the morning  or something or you got a busy work week ahead of   you wait on this skip this part do not turn in any  quests do not talk to these NPCs until you do so   this starter Zone here step cross there is a bunch  of quests you can do that will teach you a little   bit more about refining and crafting and this is  called an expedition this is a huge waste of time   as well the the fame experience and silver that  it will make you is a it's it's worth completely   skipping over you do not need to do this but as  a new player if you want to do it it's not going   to hurt you you're just going to be losing time  that's it so feel free to do these quests and   learn this basic stuff later on you can come down  here and eventually when you do do the quests you   can earn one gold and once a server is established  you can sell that one gold for like 5,000 silver   or something but essentially it's it's a huge time  waste I'm going to be skipping it for this video   but feel free to do it if you want with that said  our first thing we're going to do is we're going   to go to the main city and sell our Stone so open  up your chest here where you stored that stone   pull it out and you're going to be leaving through  the fractured ground exit right here at the top   right so you're going to proceed through this exit  and again your wh your mule should be like limping   it should it should be a very slow Journey for  you and um what you're going to do now is you're   going to travel along the road all the way up  here to bridge watch all right so you've made   it to bridge watch and yes this is the movement  speed that your mule should have possibly slower   if you've loaded up more now this is 1,000 Stone  feel free to farm way more than that but again   anywhere from 700 to 1,000 stone is more than  enough for a nice boost in your early economy   the very first thing that we're going to learn  and do is we're going to sell this Stone so we're   going to open our map and there's a lot of stuff  on here I know this looks overwhelming but it will   get simple and pretty brainless so everything in  the southwestern part of this map are player owned   shops if you're playing on Europe especially on  during the new start these might be empty possibly   not guilds are going to have this completely  full of stuff but essentially all we care about   is the top right little section up here for now  this is all we care about we're not going to be   meddling with any of this other crap the first  thing that we want to do is we want to to the   market which is this kind of yellow Hammer with  blue streaks icon right here we're going to the   market so we're going to walk our way North from  this entrance here and the shop will be kind of   confusing if you've never played in MMO RPG but  if you're seasoned in like World of Warcraft or   new world or any other MMO with an auction house  this is pretty basic we're going to walk through   this doorway and this is the bridge watch market  now it's pretty crazy in here there's a lot of   players 187 to be exact and there's a giant pile  of players players just smashed into this little   section over here there is a vendor you can  barely see the tapy top of her head but you'll   notice that your um mouse cursor icon changes  so just left click on her and this will open   the shop now at first the market may be a little  confusing but I'm going to help you navigate it   so what you're going to do very first thing is  make sure that everything is set to default so   click these little refresher arrows if you can and  this will default everything back to the regular   search then on the right side you have different  tabs you have a buy tab a sell tab a create buy   order tab more on that later but right now you're  going to click the sell Tab and then you're going   to find your rough Stone so I'm going to find the  rough Stone right here and click sell and then you   want to click this little arrow on the right  side to expand this and there's a reason why   the way this works is you are there is no vendors  there's no NPC vendor that just buys things okay   there is but we'll it's not important but for the  most part everything that drops in this game just   about everything is sold to another player and not  to an NPC vendor this is a Marketplace and you are   selling your stone to actual real players and so  you have What's called the sell order and this   these are players that have listed their rough  Stone for sale the cheapest being 78 silver per   Stone and again your prices may vary so it's okay  if it's like half as much or it might be twice as   much on Europe we'll see but essentially the this  this is how much players are selling their rough   Stone for so if we scroll down uh you can see you  know it gets pretty wild like very large Stacks   are selling for 96 and those will sell okay and  then on the right side is buy orders this is how   much another player is actively selling their  stone for uh they're willing to buy your stone   off of you so if I click sell I will sell to 71  the highest offer on the market up to 9,99 9 this   guy is buying so that means if I sell my stack of  999 rough Stone at 71 I will earn in total 13,220   silver which is a very nice amount of starting  silver um uh but if we go to sell or this is only   194 by the way not my stack of $999 so uh again  we're going to make more though so we're going   to go to sell order because I think I can I can  earn a little bit more and we're going to lower   the price by one silver making us the best deal  on the market so I'm putting it at 77 a stack of   999 is going to earn me 73,8 46 silver and this  will remain until a player buys it okay I don't   have enough silver because here's the thing right  this requires some silver to pay for the taxes   and the setup fee which if you did not activate  your premium yet this will be a 8 or 9% so what   I have to do is I have to sell at least 5,000 of  my stone into silver to be able to list this as a   seller so I'm going to go to sell and I'm going  to lower this down until I have about 5,000 is   silver there we go so we're going to sell 77  Stone to this guy at 71 that's going to give   us 5,668 silver and I'm just going to combine my  stack of one here with my other one to make it   easier to sell go back to the sell tab hit sell  hit sell order and now someone is selling at 72   that's a tricky boy but he's only selling 22 of  them so I'm just I'm going to undercut the 78   guy cuz he's the big stack and I'm going to sell  it 77 uh for 923 of them and this will be worth 68,276 will be be sold relatively fast and and  just so you understand per day look how much stone   is being sold 148,000 164,000 174,000 this is  one city out of five okay and there's a sick City   that's a a dangerous city but essentially people  are buying lots and lots of rough Stone so your   stone will sell Maybe not immediately but it will  eventually sell and this number like you're not   going to be notified you don't have to pick up the  money it's just going to be instantly like it's   just going to be put right into here into your  silver stack and that's all we have to worry about   for now we'll come back later to the market we're  going to be doing a lot more Market stuff but we   can't until that stone sells but we can grind  until then for now we're going to grind until   our Stone sells as you can see right now our Stone  has not sold and it's only been like a minute or   two but we're going to leave the market through  the top left entrance here and um I just also   want to point out that you will be doing repairs  on your equipment later on especially if you get   down and sold it we just we just literally sold it  says we sold it but it hasn't updated here weird   anyway um so this this repair station is owned by  the system never ever ever use a repair station   that is not owned by System the usage fee and  the everything should be at zero the reward per   100 nutrition availability Etc everything should  be set to zero never use a Repair Station down   here there are new players that will wander down  here for some reason and a player can make their   own repair station and charge a crazy amount of  silver to repair gear and uh when you do that you   click the repair button and you're broke and then  you're bankrupt so always use this Repair Station   it will never break it is owned by the city itself  it is not owned by a player always use that repair   station but we need to grind we need to grind and  level up our gear and wear better gear while our   stone is selling so there's two places we're going  to go we're going to either go to smooth floor   cleft a tier four blue zone or over here to Long  March Meadow a tier four Blue Zone so I'm just   going to go ahead and go to smooth floor it does  not matter which zone you pick the other choice is   technically better Long March Meadow but for now  I'm just going to pick this one because there's a   reason why I want to tell you and on the map here  this is the whole map there's not too much to look   at there's these little Bridge watch faction zones  more on that later we can't really use those at   the moment uh but avoid this area this is called  a static area Okay the whole point of following my   guide is to set you up so that you can solo these  These are meant for groups of players this is an   area where you're supposed to party up with like  a tank A Healer a bunch of DPS and the enemies are   very difficult in these little zones uh but by the  end of this guide and by the by your third day you   will have the gear and the specialization and the  Mastery to solo these zones for the best possible   Fame in the game but regardless we're going to  ride around the zone and we're just going to   kill mobs now granted we're only in tier 2 gear  this is a tier 4 Zone and uh the enemies will   be dangerous until we level up our gear and our  Reaver level but for now there's also something   else you should be doing when you see these little  Impalas you need to kill them and skin them these   are a tier 2 enemy you can see right here on the  portrait they are a level two tier 2 enemy so your   mission right now is to Simply kill them and skin  them but you're also going to be attacking other   mobs as well now if we click on these little  zombie Undead creatures these skeletons they   are a tier four mob these will be dangerous to  us but we can power through it they're not that   bad use every ability that you have use all  of your spells make sure that you're killing   them and I'm going to kill this little baby one  here it looks like the big Archer might actually   uh be a little bit too hard to kill but we're  going to get him down make sure you dodge his   attacks I didn't dodge his attack and I'm about  to die but you can see that we still killed him   and there we go so you'll notice here learning  point reached journeyman cloth armor fighter   you're going to see this pop up a bunch for armor  for leather and plate also pick up the silver and   um yes 375 silver pretty good right remember kill  Impalas and skin Impalas and kill skeletons but be   careful about it until you get the reever level  they won't be as dangerous later on but you see   those learning points that just popped up and this  trainer tracker thing that popped up we're going   to be using our starter learning points to advance  to tier three so on the on your screen here you   should see these things like plate armor fighter  journeyman Mage Etc so you're going to click this   and then you're going to click learn this is going  to spin one of your learning points so we're going   to learn journeyman plate armor fighter there we  go then we're going to learn journeyman Mage and   then we're going to learn journeyman leather armor  fighter and then we're going to learn journeyman   cloth armor fighter and there we go now as far  as journeyman animal Skinner uh we got a lot of   ways to go and the way learning points work is you  only need 20% of the way to spend learning points   this lets you skip 80% of the grind as long as you  have learning points and because we're a brand new   character with our three days of Premium active  we have 90 we we start with 100 learning points   when you activate that free 3 days of Premium so  again you're going to wander around a bit more   outside here and you're going to skin Impalas and  you're going to kill skeletons with your tier 2   set until your stone cells which some of my stone  sold and so we're we're sitting pretty right now   but not all of my stone sold cuz I'm up to 13,000  silver and again just just kill kill undeads and   skin Impalas and continue doing that for a little  while now I'm going to pull a bunch of Impalas and   then skin them all at once with our fire staff  here and uh there we go and again we can sell   this rugged hide the exact same way that we sell  the rough Stone and make a decent amount doing   it because right now on on at least on This Server  uh rugged height is worth 45 so it's worth half as   much as that rough Stone and it's a little bit  more annoying to farm but we do need to level   this up so that we can get better skinning knives  and and later we can get Gathering equipment that   gives us a bonus to our gathering making this  even more profitable now at some point you're   going to try to skin and it's going to say your  skinny knife is broken and needs to be repaired   well lucky for us these little outposts all have  repair stations every single one of them so just   ride it to any of these faction outposts and uh  let's skip ahead here so when you're out the at   when you're at the Outpost click this little table  with a plus symbol on it that's the repair bench   just click repair all don't worry look we we  we're selling our Stone we're at 72,000 and   uh there we go now we're all nice and repaired  also I just want to point out while you're out   here there's a few things you might notice some  weird Dungeons and stuff this is a group dungeon   you don't have a group you can't do this you'll  die this is a solo dungeon while you technically   can do a solo dungeon it is is massively massively  not worth the time or the energy of the effort the   fame you get from mobs in the open world massively  exceed the fame you would get from a solo dungeon   and the loot you get in a solo dungeon sucks it  is nerfed to complete hell it is an old Legacy   content in the game that has not been updated  or replaced also you're going to notice other   animals you have like these MOA birds that are  tier three and these cougars that are tier three   you can't skin those until you upgrade your knife  to tier 2 and we're at 15% so I need to continue   skinning animals here until I get to 20% and I'll  cut back to you when that happens and there it is   learning point reach jman animal Skinner so again  you'll see it over here on your little uh UI click   this button use those five learning points we  just unlocked a tier three skinning knife and   yes we're still using the tier one skinning knife  so we're skipping to tier three skinning knives   so now that our stone is sold we've got a nice  chunk of rugged hide we can also sell for silver   again this is worth about 13,000 at the moment  and and uh prices will be different depending on   what server you're playing and if you're playing  on the EU fastest freshest start yes the prices   might be a little different but after a couple  weeks they're going to normalize but uh continue   to grab like someone killed these and didn't skin  them so this is just free money on the ground and   uh let's see that loot is protected for 57 more  seconds because whoever killed it didn't again   didn't skin it but again just continue skinning  and then make your way back to town time to   upgrade gear so the first thing that you're  going to buy is a tier three skinning knife   so you're just going to type skinning knife here  into the search then you're going to click this   tier drop down and click on tier three now again  400 something silver don't worry it's totally   worth it go ahead and buy one and when you're  done you'll be able to sell it back to someone   for 95 these numbers will absolutely vary and then  your tier one skinny knife you can just destroy it   don't even bother selling it whatever it's it's  made of junk material but also we can sell this   rugged hide so I'm just going to clear my search  parameters here and then uh click sell rugged hide   and you can see that uh someone's offering 29 for  it or if I list it uh at 30 which everyone else   is listing it for 30 or higher I'm just going  to sell it for 29 giving me a fresh 9,994 that   was literally just a few minutes of skinning I  didn't spend that long at all getting that now   here's what you're going to buy so I'm just going  to toggle tier three and then I'm going to go into   search and the first thing is cursed staff so  there we have a journeyman's cursed staff just   buy the cheapest one one don't worry about quality  right now so I'm buying a journeyman's curse staff   there we go and then mercenary jacket and go ahead  and buy one of those there we go and then Soldier   boots buy one of those scholar okay that one's  not available so we'll try again and that one's   not available try again someone's buying all the  boots okay skull or cow next up that's our helmet   there we go and then we're going to type hold on  let me scroll it up here to of spells is the next   one to of spells typing that into the search bar  we're buying the the to of spells and then okay   you're going to tie you're going to buy a riding  horse and these are about 10K uh I can't actually   wear the riding horse yet cuz I don't have the  journeyman's um or a transport transport Ox uh   the transport Ox is for Gathering so you can  carry way more stuff without having to go to   town the riding horse is just faster for riding  around and killing mobs because I don't have the   journeyman's level yet and because you may not  be able to buy this on the EU server on Fresh   Start or it might be too expensive we'll skip it  for now but we're going to go ahead and equip all   of these items and they're green look at that we  went from Brown ew gross icky to Green yay green   weapon armor we got the skinning knife the boots  the helmet and the offand so now I'm going to   allocate the skills here so I'm going to be using  force field and uh the passive aggression on the   helmet for the the armor I'm going to be using  The Inferno shield and the passive balance mine   for more damage for boots I'm going to be using  rejuvenating Sprint and toughness for defense for   the weapon I'm going to be using cursed sickle  uh as it's the second que ability here and um   everything else should already be selected we  have armor piercer the passive Bane and there   is no thing to toggle for your off hand so we're  all set here back to grinding well sort of let's   clear our search parameters and you can repair and  sell your tier 2 equipment now you don't need it   anymore um it may not sell for much on the Fresh  Start server but someone will be willing to buy it   for some amount of money so just go ahead and sell  this stuff you'll never be using this again it's   cheap garbage and uh yes we are now all set for  the next step which is more grinding now depending   on your money we can actually skip a grind now  we're going to go back to grinding in that same   tier 4 Blue Zone but you see on the right side  of your screen here you have a daily bonus mine   shows 695 out of 1,200 and we're going to get a  Tome of insight that's worth 10,000 Fame when we   consume it for completing this and it's very easy  to complete also if you followed my instructions   at the start of the video and used my referral  link you should receive an in-game mail at some   point which I can't refer myself that's against  the game's terms of service uh you will receive   an in-game mail by clicking this mail icon with a  toome of insight that you can claim right now but   for now we're we're going to we're going to do the  grind in case people didn't use the referral link   or it's behind because if there's a lot of people  the mail system might be backlogged but anyway   we're back in the tier four Zone and now with our  tier three equipment things are a little different   we're no longer a fire staff Mage we are a curse  staff user and here's how curse staffs work this   will throw a cursed sickle that looks like this  it attacks in a line and it puts these little   skulls over the enemy that deals damage over time  you can sack these skulls up to four times on a   Target and they will continuously take damage  over time until the debuff wears off now also   with this tier three skinning knife you can skin  way faster and that is awesome awesome awesome   stuff right so the there's a few other abilities  that we have on our weapon now that I also want   to show off and that is the second ability which  is a laser beam which uh it looks like this and   what that does is that pierces the target's armor  and Deals damage so now the armor is pierced on   the well it was pierced it it only lasts for a  little bit of time but it makes everything that   you do do deal more damage so with the with that  laser piercer also it's really good for pulling   distant mobs especially if you're a Skinner which  uh I I you shouldn't be fighting animals you can't   skin yet we can technically skin these now by the  way with this tier three knife you can skin the   tier four animals which uh it's going to take  a little bit of extra time but uh you know it   makes some silver so feel free to start skinning  all these animals and uh killing mobs you really   want to focus on killing mobs now this is an  enchanted mob you cannot skin this yet without   a tier four knife so you can skip that one but um  the third ability on the curse sta is called death   curse and this is an explosion of damage and what  you want to do is you want to make sure that the   target has uh four stacks of the skull when you  cast it on them which um I cast it on the wrong   target here I cast it on the animal but um after a  certain delay it will explode and the more skulls   on the target the higher damage you deal this is  currently the highest damage attack that you can   possibly get in the entire game and the highest  dps load out you can get in the entire game and   it's only going to serve you better and better  so here's how I like to fight the enemies so I I   I cast The Curse staff or the curse sickle I got  two stacks on them I'm going to hit him with the   e spell get stunned by the arrow and then before  this explodes you can see right here there's the   debuff he's armor pierced and there we go we now  have the journeyman Adventure unlocked that will   allow us to ride those tier three horses and we  have Adept reav unlocked which will now we now   deal additional damage have additional defense  against the tier four enemies because that's   unlocked you can now safely Farm everything here  and they will do minimal damage and this is an   enchanted tier four mob if you see these go out  of your way to kill them absolutely do not stand   in their attacks they're highly dangerous but uh  these guys uh and that's going to hurt but yeah   it's going to hurt and then let's armor Pierce  that there we go but we can take this on use   your abilities knock it back knock it around you  can definitely take this on and it they they drop   good silver High Fame and a chance to drop items  we actually lued out and got a tier three cape and   a tier 2 helmet who cares but um let's go ahead  and get back to town because it's time for us   already to advance to tier 4 and this is the part  where new players get stuck on they will sit here   on tier three equipment for weeks but because  I'm going to teach you how to skip ahead uh we   can get to tier four also I I need to complete my  daily bonus so I'm going to go ahead and do that   real quick and there we go we have the adeps to of  inside unlocked from the daily bonus which I get   another one in 14 hours and uh let's go ahead  and click this Adventures Challenge and then   click claim and there we go we now have a 10,000  Fame book that we can consume for 10,000 Fame but   we're not going to consume it yet we're actually  going to equip different gear and then consume it   so that we can apply that experience towards the  gear but I'm going to make my way back to town now   and uh kill mobs along the way and not get hit by  the damn arrows and there we go so right now I'm   up to 79,000 Silver and uh we've got some Fame  on our tier three equipment that we did I've got   some skins and hides to sell and some loot that  we found things are going pretty good so while in   town one thing you want to always be in a habit of  is hitting up the repair station I just got done   grinding we're hitting up the Repair Station 249  silver we can't sell our gear un unless it's fully   repaired we're going to go back into the market  sell everything we skinned sell the loot that we   grabbed and I mean if you want to equip this tier  3 Cape you can I'm personally not going to cuz it   doesn't really do much I'm just going to sell it  to this guy for 500 this tier 2 helmet for 12 uh   these hides for again 29 these tier four hides  for 27 no no let's sell order that for 38 there   we go all right so now because we grinded in our  tier three set we can now level up to tier four so   to do that the easy way to do that is to click on  your curse staff and then click to item equipable   there we go and then you're going to scroll up  from here because this is journeyman Mage this is   already unlocked and we're going to scroll up to  the very rightmost node here and this is the uh to   fighter node this is your offhand that we've been  using and we're going to go ahead and learn that   for two there we go that unlocks all brand new  off hands including the moac and a bunch of other   useful ones and then we're going to go to warlock  which is right next to it that's the curse staff   we're using and we're going to use six learning  points on that now we have access to all the   different curse staff types which includes tier 4  then on here on the top right of your screen I'm   going to click the plate boot fighter and we're  going to learn that so now we have access to tier   four plate boots we're going to click the leather  armor jacket fighter learn that so we have access   to the tier four leather jackets and then again  with the cloth cow learn that so we have tier four   cloth cows and there we go we spent uh you know  24 of our learning points right now and uh a lot   of that is going to go towards uh Gathering as a  matter of fact the rest of our learning points are   all going to go towards Gathering so but now we  have access to tier 4 equipment and so it's time   once again to sell our gear and change out it's  time to buy more gear it's time to get a mount a   real Mount and not the damn mule so we're going to  buy a journeyman's riding horse this is going to   be about 10K it might be more on the Fresh Start  EU server but buy it when you can you don't have   to buy this immediately on that server next up is  the adeps Mage cow so I'm going to type Mage cow   and uh I'm going to select the tier four drop  down box and now I want you to buy a 0.1 this   means enchantment level one you'll notice that  Mage Cal is worth 900 silver here if I click   this enchantment drop- down box which I know  the text is hiding in a little bit but there's   a drop- down box and click enchantment one you  can see that I can buy this Mage cow for 2,645   which is a much more powerful helmet so we're  going to buy that and then we're going to buy   Guardian boots so I'm going to type Guardian boot  and then again buy the 0.1 version there we go and   then we're going to buy a cursed staff so here's  what you have to be careful about when searching   for the cursed staff I want you to be careful  here because there is a two-handed version uh   called the Great cursed staff which sometimes the  search will default it to but we just want to buy   the regular cursed staff and we want to buy a 0.1  version so there we go we're going to buy that now   there we go next up is the stalker jacket and then  we're going to type that in and this is a leather   jacket that deals damage now this is a little more  expensive 10,000 we're going to again buy that and   then a bag this is for more carry weight which um  I can't use this yet you can see that it's colored   red I haven't unlocked that journeyman's level  yet you could buy you can go ahead and buy it now   if you want or not I think I'll just wait for now  but uh that that's all we're buying at the moment   now make sure to put on your new equipment here so  we have a cursed staff again we're going to select   the Q2 spell this is Q This is q1 vile curse Q2 is  known as curse sickle and then we're going to slap   on the Mage cow this time we have a new ability  called fire breath we're going to equip that   along with the passive aggression and then we're  going to uh equip the stalker jacket and equip the   electric field ability with the balanced mind and  then Guardian boots and we're going to you can use   rejuvenating Sprint or you can use giant giant is  really nice cuz it basically in it may effectively   it reduces the damage You Take by half while it's  active but uh you shouldn't need it unless you're   very very new to the game feel free to use either  ability whichever is to your tastes and then of   course we're going to uh we're on our mule we're  going to push a to get off our mule and then equip   the horse and then now you are so much faster  with this horse this and you can carry a little   bit more weight with the horse so the horse is  just a straight upgrade now the transport enx is   even more carry weight but you have to have the  ax summoned and you can't walk around without it   summoned it's it's it's weird how it works but  we're going to be using the horse for now and   this tier three gear and this mule that you have  we're going to sell it all you're going to sell it   the exact same way that you've sold things before  you're you're going to keep your skinny knife keep   your skinny knife but sell everything else there's  a few more things that we need to buy so go ahead   and buy a novice's bow you'll have to clear your  search parameters or select at least tier two here   and you're just buying a novice's bow so we're  going to buy the bow and then you're going to   buy a journeyman's torch so we're going to type  journeyman's torch and this will be red for you   you you can't equip this yet but you need to buy  one anyway so there we go so now that you have   the bow and the torch there's a few things you're  going to equip the bow and it doesn't matter what   abilities we're not going to be using the actual  bow but with all of the skar equipped you're going   to consume that adept's toome of insight there  we go we've consumed it which will then allow   us now to equip our curse staff back along with  this tier three torch and uh at this point if   you did the referral thing you will have another  Tome of insight that you can use otherwise you   need to go grind for just a bit until you unlock  on the Destiny Board here from the middle you'll   scroll to the left to trainy fighter then you'll  go up and left to the journeyman hunter from here   you're going to follow this topmost node all the  way here to torch fighter you need to level this   up to 20% and use the learning point so that we  can access the Crypt candle offand now uh again if   you have the toome from the referral you can just  pop it with the torch equipped and you're all set   otherwise go outside and grind a bit also while  you're here you can you can sell your bow and   um this journeyman's to of spells also once you  get tier four skinning unlocked if you ever see   a purple glow that is huge huge huge money you  always want to grab these it's insane how much   money that that is right there I had to switch  to my main character here just to take this out   real quick so it's too good to not pass up so uh  again this is with tier eight Gathering equipment   and a tier eight avalonian skinning knife but no  premium and a pork pie boost which I'm going to   cover later in the video but we skin this animal  look how much look how much silver this is this is   84,000 in like one click I clicked one time and I  made 84,000 silver so this is what you're building   up to be able to do to be able to like what we  spent like a whole hour in stone and later on once   your character's developed you can get that amount  in in a second and here's the cool thing now that   I've killed this I could technically sit here and  time it's respawn which I've made videos for on   my channel I have over 700 videos on this damn  game and um every 3 to 5 minutes this thing is   going to respawn and I can just kill it and skin  it again for the next hour and just make tons and   tons and tons of money and do remember if I had  premium active it would have been a 50% bonus on   top of that so that's another it'd be like 120  130 40K and you may be thinking bro I've seen   really really rich players in this game that's not  a lot of money and uh if you want to see a lot of   money I guess I guess I can show you so estimated  market value of all this stuff in this one chest   843 million here's another 491 million all right  this chest 24 million this chest 270 million this   one's got 9 million this is a tier eight Guild  Hall worth 100 million I have uh do you need more   proof that that my guides work and that I know  what I'm talking about 28.9 million in that chest   83.3 million in that chest and this is one Island  out of hundreds I have hundreds of islands I have   hundreds of characters and uh yeah it only gets  better and then if you check uh my liquid silver   830 million on just this character I've got gold  for premium anytime I want it I am fully loaded   and everything I'm teaching you in this guide  today is how I made this Fortune now granted I   do deposit most of my liquid just to keep it safe  just in case cuz the devs aren't really I'm not   their favorite player I'm one of the only people  that aren't sponsored anyway let's get back to the   guide but anyway the whole point I'm trying to get  at here is that you want to level up your skinning   as fast as possible because while I can kill this  creature I I can't skin it I can't you know get   this the the fortune that it holds because I don't  have a tier four skinning knife I need a tier four   skinning knife to skin this thing that is just  money that I am losing right now by not leveling   up fast enough so that's why we are prioritizing  skinning of one one resource to gather not all of   them if you split and try to gather all resources  you won't have enough learning points you're   going to level up too slow it's just too much of a  burden that's why we're only focusing on skinning   at the moment also if you want to be picky these  tiny little ghouls here with 385 Health they don't   give a lot of Fame but these uh these shield and  sword heavier armored looking undeads give way   more Fame so if you want to be really mid Maxi  then feel free to uh you know go after them and   ignore the little guys which is what I'm doing for  the sake of this video also I just want to point   out that you have more power now with this tier  4.1 equipment uh you have the ability to cast a   fire breath spell which deals damage and damage  over time you have electric field which deals   every damage to everything around you and because  you have an armor-piercing spell that lowers their   defense that amplifies the damage that you can  deal also these Archer enemies are very nice but   these like little non-armored melee dudes they're  not they're really not worth it so again uh just   just kill everything you can until you have that  torch fighter level 20% here on the right side and   you're going to be getting a bunch of level UPS  you know learning points reach every time you see   this don't just click this and click learn that is  a waste of learning points we're no longer putting   learning points into our our fighting equipment  except for torch fighter here which we just got so   now that we've learned torch fighter our next goal  is to be able to buy a [ __ ] candle and these   things are expensive right now the cheapest is for  42,000 and we want an enchanted one so we're going   to need to skin more animals and uh we're going  to replace our tier 3 torch with the 4.1 [ __ ]   candle when we can afford it and I just want to  mention that skinning is going to take you a while   to hit that 20% into Adept once we hit Adept we  can wear uh Gathering equipment we can get that   tier four skinning knife that we talked about  and I showed you why you're going to want that   it's going to take a while but hey we have the  equipment now to Mass pull enemies like so this is   how you skin efficiently look at all these birds  right we're just going to electrocute them light   them on fire curse them shoot them with laser  beams and look at that we killed the entire pack   in what one almost one full rotation of spells now  you set here and you skin them all you're going   to rinse and repeat this for quite a while it is  a grind this is an MMO RPG it will take time to   do this you may encounter an enemy with a circle  underneath them this is a mini boss these are kind   of dangerous now if they have a spiked Circle  that is a harder boss and so you really got to   dodge all of their attacks and really give it your  all so I'm trying to make sure that I don't stand   in any of their attacks and I'm going to be using  every oh I stood in that attack I'm going to be   using every one of my abilities that I I have  to not die here including the boots that helps   me restore my health but you can see it's a tough  fight but it is winnable you just have to really   play good and it's super worth killing these  um man this is coming down to the wire oh don't   stand in that ah again we there we we go 18343 261  silver drops and some gear so very very good stuff   always always give it your all the kill LS don't  don't not fight those if as long as you're good at   dodging and we're going to upgrade our equipment  even more so that they become effortless and easy   super effortless and easy now I also want to point  out remember earlier in the tutorial I taught you   how to uh do mob PS well you're going to do the  same thing with open world mobs you're going to   try to group everybody up like so get them all  nice and up and then you can just attack them all   at once willy-nilly while dodging their attacks of  course and The Archers are the dangerous ones here   but hey you know we're able to basically just deal  tons and tons of damage and if you think you're   overwhelmed or there's two enemies shooting at you  like there is right now hop on your Mount or just   run away the enemies will leash I'm going to wait  for that to explode and then I'm going to run away   this will reset the fight which is totally fine  feel free to eat one of these vegetable soups your   your carrot soup here and uh that will restore  your HP passively much faster but um I'm just I'm   just going to save mine for now and again I'm just  going to pull these enemies here go ahead and just   again feel free to use all of your abilities and  spells and once we get that CP candle we're going   to be dealing even more damage even faster and  then we have one more equipment slot to upgrade   and that is our Cape after that we'll be eating  specific food to increase our damage increasing   our efficiency when Gathering and uh also when  killing mobs and as far as potions go we won't   even be using any potions because they're just  a money SN right now also remember you do have   durability on that skinny knife even though  it's tier three it still has durability so   just right into one of these outposts every  once in a while hit that repair bench you   can easily afford it and then continue your grind  so here's that spiky boss that I've been talking   about and if you have your game music sound up  you'll hear special music when nearby listen to this anyway so that's a Telltale sign that you're  near a boss so this is a very difficult this thing   has 9,600 HP I don't know if I can take it but  um it's a little bit out of the way there's not   going to be too many players around it so I'm uh  I might come back later for this if it's still up   but it is absolutely worth trying if you get down  you do not drop your stuff you do not lose your   gear if an enemy Downs you you just simply lose  5% durability on everything that you're carrying   which means yeah you lose some silver due to  repairs but it's absolutely worth trying to   kick this guy's butt and if you decide to I highly  recommend using giant instead of the Regeneration   Sprint but um uh yeah so kick its butt oh boy  I'm so close there we go 77,4 look at that and   it dropped a bunch of loot that we can sell very  cool and uh I accidentally aggroed one of these   cougars that was really close and down to the  line but I'm going to tell you right now this   is the only build that could have done that this  early on in the game no other player no other new   player would have been able to take that on at  the current power of gear that we have and it's   not a skill issue it's a gear issue and later on  we will be able to eat a food that gives us life   steal making it trivial and later on even later  with our build that we're leveling up currently we   will be able to equip different like higher tier  weapons that give us the ability called cursed tar   and cursed beam which deal even more damage uh per  second and heal us for even more and because we're   leveling up curse staff it's passively leveling up  a weapon called called the um Shadow caller which   U the shadow caller has a spell on it the e spell  which will this is a lot of text I know which will   heal us for the damage that we deal and that's  how we can go into these group areas and just   completely solo everything it's so crazy how much  we scale up and that's why I'm having you level   up this specific gear set it's just really really  efficient and fast to to do this and if you were   wearing plate or cloth you wouldn't have won that  fight I'm telling you right now you got to wear   leather but uh here I can just face tank all these  enemy skills and still blow them up and still Fame   up at some point you will have unlocked what's  called Master Reaver remember on the Destiny   Board we go to the left here we have journeyman  Reaver Adept Reaver this is tier four zones and   then expert Reaver once you've unlocked expert  Reaver we can now Farm tier five mobs which are   even better than tier four mobs oh that's a lot  of Stags that's so many Stags this is a beautiful   pull this is this this usually doesn't happen but  man oh man this is great and yes they're kicking   my butt I didn't mean to mount up no no I ruined  the pool oh there's another one there we got we   got to skin all of these hold on wow I nearly died  doing that but hey you know we we took care of it   we have the exact build to AOE down these massive  amounts of mobs now um remember you have two whole   minutes to skin these before other players can  run up and steal it also remember earlier when   I told you not to do these solo dungeons if you  see that they have purple or golden butterflies   they might be worth doing but it's a g anyway once  we've unlocked uh or we're working towards Master   Reaver this allows us to what's called faction  flag so we can start earning faction points we can   start doing some safe PVP and because we're going  to be doing faction stuff we'll be earning chest   rewards and faming up even faster than before it  is absolutely worth doing so once you have uh once   you start noticing that it says uh uh what is it  Master Reaver up here that you're started working   towards that it's time to go back to town and flag  up for your faction also I'm a bit overweight I   have 100 4% carry capacity so I can still move  but I'm moving slower you can go to your boots   and switch your passive to carry capacity and  that'll get you back to town because now I'm down   to 83% uh but just remember switch your boots back  before you know you head back out to grind some   more right now um they they changed how much you  need to faction in list so we'll do that later so   don't worry about that but it is something that  we want to do as soon as possible right now our   goal goal is to unlock tier four skinning that's  our number one priority so we're going to go to   the market and we're going to sell our skins  uh for a reasonable decent and fair price of   course and uh we're going to uh also any kind of  loot that mobs have dropped we're just going to   sell that as well not too much I'm up to 93,000  it looks like not too bad not too shabby and uh   our next goal I'm going to repair this while I'm  here our next goal is to buy a cryp candle so I'm   going to type Crypt candle and I want to buy the  0.1 Enchanted [ __ ] candle here so um there we go   I'm just going to buy this one right here and then  equip this now I do want to give you a warning I'm   also going to sell this uh torch real fast repair  it and then sell it cuz we don't need the torch   anymore so the thing with the [ __ ] candle  this increases the damage that you deal by a   significant amount however it lowers your defense  slightly the the ability to deal more damage on   all of your attacks greatly out weighs the enemy  dealing damage to you it really really does so   this puts us down at 32,000 silver and we're going  to continue grinding and Gathering and you know   building up our silver so that we can afford the  next upgrade which is a magical cape that will   let us cast our q spell twice in a row with no  cool down that's what we're going to do so I'm   going to go back out to that tier four Zone and  I'm going to continue skinning animals now every   time my carry capacity gets full I simply return  to town and sell the hide and repair everything   and if you want to stay out longer you can switch  your horse to an ax but let me show you how to   store your stuff because there is a bank you can  use so here let me show you the bank so here is   the marketplace and if you go Southwest there is  the Bank of bridge watch remember that chest um   that was in the starter Zone that we talked about  that only you can access and no one can you know   open and steal your stuff well there's another  one right here in the middle in the bank so you   can store uh your your horse while you ride around  on an ax if you want but I do recommend the horse   it's just faster to get around and um as far as  returning to town a bunch uh eventually you do   want to return to town whenever you are close to  being able to faction flag uh which for this uh   this character this playthrough let's let me go  ahead and just sell the remaining stuff here so   I can show you I'm very close to being able to  access uh faction flagging I just need maybe one   more little trip out and we're good to go and  I'm saving up for about 100,000 maybe 120,000   silver it might be more expensive on the EU fresh  start but we're going to buy a magical cape and   I'm still not there yet so we'll get there shortly  I'm going to go back to skinny now cuz I'm at 11%   out of 20 it's time to faction flag so here in  bridgew watch to the right of the market place   is this orange flag that says faction enlistment  there is a character here you can click on and uh   you should have this enlist button highlighted  for you by the time you hit Master Adventure or   start working towards Master Adventure rather so  you want to go ahead and list and this is not a   permanent decision don't worry you can always  change factions later it's not a big deal this   is just a multiplier in your Fame silver Loot  and another currency you can Farm to G to earn   more Loot and fame so we're going to enlist and  then we're going to flag up and that's going to   put an orange flag next to our name and again this  is still safe Zone stuff you cannot die and lose   all of your stuff when we're faction flagged when  the game first came out yes that was the case but   now when you're in a safe Zone a blue zone or a  yellow zone when you faction flag you can you will   not drop your stuff when you die so we're going  to talk to the faction enlistment person here   and if you click the second tab for faction items  the thing that we want to buy with our points is   the iron campaign chest Bridge watch this is what  we want to spend our points on and you will earn   these points by doing any and everything while  flagged when you kill mobs when you gather and   when you do uh capture outposts so here's the  cool thing you're going to open your map and   you're going to click this drop down box here  at the top that's and then change it to faction   Warfare so as Bridge watch you're the orange  color well the enemy team is the green color   and the blue color you probably won't see purple  or white intrude into our territory here but um if   there's any action going on you want to be part  of it so remember those little faction outposts   you've been repairing your gear at well they  can be captured by the enemy faction and you can   capture them back so right now if you get bored of  grinding you can right up here to the blue zones   and actually start beating up people who have a  blue flag now it's also very important that your   faction flagged because when you enter a yellow  zone if someone is PVP flagged they cannot attack   you only people that are also faction flagged and  an enemy faction can attack you and also everyone   else that has this little orange flag is now by  default your friend and your ally this means that   um you know if you're doing like an outpost chest  or something that spawns in the world you are all   on the same team and you're all able to farm  the same exact thing so you'll notice now that   I'm getting faction points whenever I kill these  mobs now it's not much but it really adds up and   it adds up quickly uh so you can see so like when  you kill actual regular mobs they're going to give   way more than one point obviously but every time  I skin I get faction points every time I kill mobs   I get faction points whenever I go and capture  these outposts like right now you can see that   um Howen tour here is being this is being attacked  the blue team is attacking this Outpost eventually   they will push their way to bridge-watch and then  bridgew watch will push their way back to martlock   and so on and so forth so just keep an eye out on  the map and see where activity is happening and on   the Fresh Start EU server this is the fastest way  to fame up in the whole game is through faction   activities as soon as you can start pvping start  getting in there attack the enemy flags and kill   them and learn like the only thing you suffer is  a repair bill when they down you and right now   your gear is so cheap that repairs are basically  nothing at all and I'm going to teach you how to   gear up so that you can actually survive in these  encounters and so that you can have lots of fun   and farm tons and tons of faction points and if  you ever want to check your faction points you   just click this box click faction Warfare it'll  show you how much you currently have and if you   have premium active you can claim these chests  once a month it's pretty nice you should always   be faction Flagg now another thing about faction  flagging too is that is once you are three zones   away from the main city you start getting a bonus  right now I'm one zone away so I'm earning 5%   additional Fame silver and loot it goes up to  15% that is a 15% multiplier to your Fame and   your loot and the things you skin it's just really  really really nice there is no reason not to do it   I see so many new players that aren't doing it  and you need to absolutely be doing it all of   the time because you will just be so far ahead of  a player that doesn't there's no reason not to oh   by the way remember earlier when I told you about  your graphic settings and to have Bloom on well   this is why you see this little glowing bone pile  that's a hidden treasure so you kill this it'll   drop sometimes an item in some silver you can just  pick that up and it's it's just free money so go   for it also as far as solo dungeons go these are  called solo dungeons for a reason I just saw three   players run into here and uh I guess they're new  they don't know what they're doing they didn't   decide to watch my video this guy's got some weird  gear like this gear makes really no sense and uh   this neither does this person's gear but um I  can just run straight to the boss kill the boss   and then when these guys clear the dungeon for  me I can pick up the loot it's very rude of me   to do so but it's something that I am absolutely  allowed to do in the game allows so uh I think I'm   just going to go ahead and do it so here I am at  the end of the dungeon I already stolen a chest it   didn't have much again these dungeons don't have  much anymore they're hugely Nerf content I can see   that both players are in the dungeon currently  clearing this floor and I can't loot the chest   until a certain amount of enemies in the dungeon  have been slain and uh they're going to be doing   that for me now I have two entire minutes after  this chest unlocks to run back up here and grab   it while these players because they didn't kill  the boss uh it's not their chest so I can start   clearing um you know I can start going backwards  and clear but if you ever see like a just a swarm   of so like players join a solo dungeon just run  ahead to kill the boss it's free loot and the fame   sucks in these things it is not worth clearing  these are not worth doing the loot and the gear   sucks the enemies they're pretty easy to kill but  uh again the fame is terrible compared to the open   world so this is just a waste of time another  just random warning if you ever receive one of   these items these are called satchels of insight  if you ever want to wear this as a bag never ever   turn on the combat study active only do this  if you are rich wealthy you have passive income   and uh oh man this is crafted by the worst twitch  streamer ever twitch alley bro you suck and your   stream sucks and it's a scam and buy a freaking  microphone holy crap anyway the point is is that   these bags will absolutely suck up your silver if  you turn this on active now obviously later in the   game when you're rich and wealthy or if you're  a card swiper then absolutely wear these all   the time when Fame farming because this is a 41%  increase to your Fame but it does cost silver for   every point of Fame so you you don't want to do  it uh unless you can uh afford it okay all right   so they've they've cleared enough mobs we can pop  open the chest again 2,600 in silver a huge waste   of time we we make that in like skinning a few  animals man so I've been grinding a bit and now   our Adept animal Skinner is above 20% allowing us  to spin learning points now this is a good ch of   learning points 34 and like I told you earlier  we will only be spending our learning points on   Gathering and specifically skinning it is the  highest yield earner if you don't want to go   skinning you could go quarrier if you want which  eventually you will be spinning your learning   points on all of them but for now we are just  doing uh skinning so there we go that's 34 points   into uh Adept animal Skinner now this allows us to  wear skinning specific gear to increase our sheld   and a tier four knife which is really nice and  then for learning points on tier five uh is 117   and then tier six is 234 tier 7 is 351 and tier  8 is 409 this is why we're saving our learning   points specifically for these because these are  the longest grinds in the entire game all right   to get to tier eight it's going to take you a very  long time if you are very dedicated and you have   premium active you can do it in a month or less I  think people have done it in 2 weeks it took me 3   months without premium and playing very casually  only a few hours a day it was nuts it's crazy but   uh another thing too to note is that you should  also grind mobs until uh your uh Mastery is level   10 so we have level 10 Warlock and if I click  the armor and then click if item equipable we   have level 10 leather fighter and all that because  at level 10 it unlocks our ability to wear tier   five equipment so with that said we're now going  to again go to the market and sell our hides and   other random loot that dropped off mobs here is  the next set of things you need to buy so we're   going to buy a tier for skinning knife so we can  skin those Enchanted mobs I'm going to type skinny   knife into the search bar and then select tier  four there we go now there's also the avalonian   version but uh avalonian skinning there we go  these things are insanely expensive and right   now they don't really offer much only a 10% bonus  to hide yield eventually you'll want to get one   but we can't afford it right now so you're just  going to get the regular skinning knife uh tier   four of course there we go we're just going to buy  that and then we're going to sell our tier three   knife cuz we no longer need it it is dunzo there  we go next up we're buying a Skinner Garb tier   four just flat these things are pretty cheap then  you're buying Skinner cap for the helmet there it   is and Skinner we work boots now what this does  I'm going to explain this in a bit but also you   want you want a tier four bag and you want it at  least point one or higher so you can carry more   weight so I'm going to go ahead and buy this one  for 6,000 replacing our tier 2 bag I'm going to go   ahead and sell our tier two bag cuz we no longer  need it it's just defunct at this point there you   go and then pork pie now if you are playing the  EU fresh start and you're playing The Early Access   this probably won't be available but I'm going to  buy two pork pies there we go and then you also   want a transport ax if you can if you're on the EU  fresh start this might be way too expensive right   now and you'll have to make more money and come  back later but at this point you definitely want   an ax for the carry weight the pork pie gives us  additional yield of 15% and 30% maximum load the   Skinner Garb uh is going to give us a 5% increase  yield when it's stacked all the way and it gives   us hide animal poison meaning our Auto attacks  will kill animals that are skinable much faster   also our Crypt candle does amplify the damage of  the Hide Animal Poison so the way Gathering gear   works is this is as follows when you put it on  you are not getting the bonus of the Gathering   gear right away I'm just going to put on the  bear trap skill the hide Animal Poison skill   and uh I'll I'll do the sense of the Wilderness  skill even though I probably won't use it uh juing   Sprints another good one too just because it heals  you and the way this works is you're going to get   a buff up here in the top left corner under your  character name now this buff will count up over   time until it reaches a stack of 10 the reason  this is the way it is is so that you can't just   swap to your Gathering gear gather an animal and  then swap back to your combat gear see now it's   stacked up to two and eventually it will reach  10 so this will be a 2.5% increase 2.5% increase   and a 5% increase otherwise the Gathering gear  is giving us 10% more animal hides the pork pie   is going to give us 15% more premium is giving  us 50% if we had that avalonian skinny knife   that would be another 10% now you may this this  isn't much I'm going to be real it's not a whole   lot but the hide Animal Poison really helps with  killing animals faster so much faster than we've   been doing with our stalker jacket but uh also  as you get to the higher te tiers so let's go   all the way down to tier eight the the bonuses  increased massively so this is a 35% uh yield   just from the armor and then the the helmet and  the boots is another 35% so a total of 70 then   the avalonian knife at tier 8 is another 20 so  that's 90% increased yield instead of what we're   getting right now so you want to definitely work  your way towards that because it absolutely pays   dividends later to do so now remember we talked  about buying a cape earlier and we're going to do   so now next you're going to search for car Leon  Cape I don't know how to pronounce this word   but um the enchantment level does not matter and  here's why this spell resets the cool down of your   Q ability slot and it has a cool down of um well  I forget I'm just going to go ahead and buy this   cape real quick and then when I equip it it should  tell me uh H yeah the the game is not telling me   the cool down but essentially what this allows  us to do next now is on our q spell we can throw   two of these immediately look at that which means  we can now for stack anything we want to kill and   our curse explosion will kill it very very quickly  this basically nearly doubles our DPS and um the   cool down is insanely short uh as a matter of fact  it's like maybe 30 or 40 seconds this cape Absolut   it's a huge game changer you should all you should  be using this cape from now on you can sell your   tier 2 Cape we no longer need it I'm going to swap  to my my ax now and because I'm in gathering gear   what I want to do now because I have 43 learning  points is I want to work my way towards tier five   animal skinning which requires 117 learning points  however that's at 20% at 40% it will cost slightly   less and at 60% slightly less than that this  is our main source of income now is skinning   we switched to Pork Pie and we eat the pork pie we  wear the Gathering gear we go and we skin animals   while we're on our ax and we do that for money  because we need to upgrade our combat gear one   more time to be pretty much guaranteed and all set  for a long long time so real quick I'm just going   to sell everything that I'm not using here we're  keeping our combat gear don't sell your combat   gear I don't need this carrot soup anymore uh and  I I I'm keeping the horse I don't need the tier 2   cape and I'm going to bank my combat gear but I'm  going to keep my knife and the the Gathering gear   that I have have and I'm going to go gather and  raise money because we can massively increase our   item power with just a little bit of gathering so  there we go everything's stored everything's good   to go I have 37,000 of my name we have uh these  Port pies these last 30 minutes each and give us   more Gathering yield and so here's what I'm going  to do because I'm faction flagged as well we're   earning faction points and that's awesome so every  once in a while while I'm out Gathering I'm going   to check the faction map and see where the action  is there's some action over here not too far   nothing really going on over here but essentially  there's two places that I want to gather that are   better than anything else here's where I recommend  that you gather and if you're on the Fresh Start   EU server these two zones may not be available yet  from bridgew watch you're going to go Southeast   down to sand gust cleft this area is really nice  to skin in it's my favorite it's my absolute   favorite I have like 11 videos on this Zone but if  that zone is too busy then you will continue East   and go to Steel hide Meadow now steel hiide Meadow  has little on the map and this has an unusual High   activity of skimal mobs not just in this little  circle but on the entire map it is a huge place   to go if you want to skin lots and lots of hides  and so I'm probably going to go spend 30 minutes   to an hour skinning and uh we'll see what I earn  but also keep an eye on your map and make sure   that you have faction Warfare toggled and make  sure that you're faction flagged and you want to   see if there's any action nearby you want to go to  it because that will be a huge boost to your Fame   and your money so do not neglect faction farming  I'm going to go right out three zones away and I'm   going to do some skinning and we'll see how much  silver that I make now let me give you a sample   of how this works now that you're in a skinning  set so you cast hide Animal Poison your armor   ability and then you Auto attack the monsters or  the skinable creatures and you'll notice that they   are taking a huge chunk of damage over time and  then you can simply just finish them off with your   spells and there you go the higher the tier armor  the more that your hide Animal Poison will do so   to the point where you can oneshot these later on  in the game you cast hide animal poison you Auto   attack the enemy once they die and it's so quick  and so smooth and so easy but here's the coolest   thing about hide Animal Poison right is before  you mount back up you cast it and it is active   for quite a while if you look at your Buffs it is  this orange circle that is um that's there as long   as that orange circle is there Your Hide Animal  Poison is active and you can just tag every enemy   you want there you go and then all I have to do is  auto attack these guys twice and they're basically   dead like that's it they they will just die to the  poison I don't even need to cast abilities anymore   okay that one took three for some reason but I'm  just going to ride around now and I'm going to   get to the zone that I'm going to skin in then  I'm going to eat my pork pie and uh we'll see   how much we make now while skinning you may be  tempted to fame farm and you totally can if you   want to but it's very inefficient to fame Farm  in your Gathering gear it will only Fame up your   weapon and your offhand it will not fame up your  armor because this is gathering gear it does not   receive Fame from killing mobs it only receives  Fame when you gather materials all right checking   in I did take a small real life break but our  character has 4 hours 30 minutes of play time   now that break was me making a YouTube video out  of the thing we're just talking about skinning   and skinning per hour look at that thumbnail isn't  it cute and uh there you go you can check out that   video if you want skinning new character makes  Bing Al online but don't worry I'm going to share   the results with you uh and I'm going to put them  on screen now and uh this is a whole uh lot of   data here so essentially we made 178,000 silver  per hour through skinning it took 35 minutes   to achieve 100,000 silver and in that 30 minutes  of time we completed 6% towards our tier five uh   skinning uh so this means that in 100 minutes if  you have the learning points you will get to tier   five skinning but if you don't have the learning  points it's going to take you a total of 8. 3 3   three hours to get to tier five skinning without  the learning point so if you have 8 hours to spare   today on your first day go out their skin this  number will only increase I also want to point   out that in that video and in that testing the  uh the results were the worst possible results   this means no baby drops no toome drops and no 2  or3 Enchanted drops this is only 0.1 and then flat   four and the majority of things we skinned were  tier four mobs because the more tier four mobs   that you skin the uh the faster you get at it so  it's what you really should prioritize but right   now I'm going to go ahead and sell these hides  it's time to teach you about learning points and   how to get them so learning points when you open  your Destiny Board they will be right here at the   top of the screen where my cursor is circling  around I currently have 46 learning points   here is how you get them when you have an active  premium subscription which as a new player doing   the tutorial if you turn in those quests you will  have three days of Premium as you can see right   up here at the top right corner every single day  that you have premium active you will passively   earn 30 learning points you don't even have to  log into the game you don't have to play the game   or anything you will just receive 30 learning  points the very first time that you purchase   premium either with real money gold or silver you  will receive 500 learning points the very first   time right here it says right here purchase for  the first time get 500 learning points and 30,000   Focus we'll talk about Focus towards the end of  the video that's just uh it's a crafting bonus   but essentially uh you can you can pay to win and  get the 500 learning points pretty quick right the   other way to get learning points without premium  is you must do your daily bonus now remember we   learned about the daily bonus earlier in the video  uh we got 1,200 of these challenge points they   look like the golden keys you just get these by  killing mobs Gathering it's very quick and easy   to do and the more powerful you get like I can log  into a character and have this completed in under   1 minute without premium you will need to complete  the daily bonus and then you will be rewarded with   10 learning points that is 10 learning points  per day without premium 30 learning points per   day with premium and learning points again right  now as a new player you should be dumping all of   them into beining the highest tier you can into  skinning this means that right now I'm at 46   learning points so at this exact time tomorrow I  will have uh 76 learning points and then the next   day I will have 116 and because it's still an  active premium day uh it trickles up slowly you   don't just tick over with 30 learning points you  it slowly adds up as the time goes so what this   means is that essentially I can just uh I need to  push this to 20% though so I need to Skid until   I'm 20% of the way uh for this bar to be filled  up and then in 2 days time uh from after leveling   that up to uh 20% I will be able ready to learn  this and advance to tier five or like I shared   with you earlier you can just skin on your first  day for eight straight hours fill this up to 100%   manually and then go to tier five now to go to  tier six again 234 learning points it's going to   take even more time right uh twice as long now of  course uh if you don't have premium and you have   zero learning points this would be 20 4 days until  you can learn it but this is what you're going   to be spending your time doing when you need to  farm money when you need to farm silver you skin   you need to save all your loing points it's very  important that you save all of your loaring points   and put it into skinning this will massively  massively increase your silver per hour earnings   so that's what I want you to do but until then or  while you skin you also want to grind and fame up   your weapons because right now we just have a 4 .1  curse staff and a 4.1 [ __ ] candle these are kind   of weak they'll get you through the starter zones  but they're not very strong on their own until we   level them up so that's what we're going to focus  on here's what I want you to prioritize so I want   you to prioritize leveling up your skinning to  tier five and then to tier six tier seven and   tier eight now every time you level up a tier in  skinning you need to replace your Gathering Gear   with tier five gear tier five skinning knife tier  six Etc when you hit tier 7 you're really going to   notice the speed increase now you're going to be  using the silver that you're earning from skinning   to buy the following you're going to be buying  5.3 equipment this is the red colored equipment   I'm going to just hide my screen or hide the  text this is a 5.3 CP candle and uh you can see   a curse staff at 5.3 on our current character is  an item power of 1,131 which is up from our item   power of 831 this is a huge jump in power and uh  yeah you definitely definitely want to have this   so with a five .3 curse staff stalker jacket Mage  Cal and you want to buy it in this specific order   Guardian boots and then [ __ ] candle your total  cost is going to be about 1 million silver let's   just say 1 million silver we're going to round  it up it's not but we're going to round it up   this is about 6 hours of skinning yes I I know  6 hours of skinning well guess what that's um   that's 18 anime episodes that's all that's all it  is if you're going to binge watch anime if you're   going to chill and gather and and watch streams  in YouTube it's not really that long this is is   an MMO RPG this game is a grind this is one of  the grindier MMO RPGs in existence and you have   to get used to this but remember everything that  you're doing this money is not gone forever when   you buy these items you will eventually replace  them you absolutely will eventually replace these   items and when you do you can sell them back at  a slight loss anywhere from like 10 to 15% value   lost so you're going to get back around 800,000 of  this silver when you're done with these it items   as long as you don't go out into a full loot Zone  and die and lose them you make your silver back so   think of it as a rental of sorts here is the gear  upgrade comparison So currently in the 4.1 gear   that we have I'm at 1,961 HP our laser beam hits  for 2011 our Cur sickle hits for 26 and then 22   as the dot stacking of course our fire breath hits  for 50 with a 50 Dot and our lightning field hits   for 32 per tick so pretty it's it's still pretty  decent and now with the 5.3 equipment we have 2,3   92 HP our laser beam hits for 282 our curse sickle  has a damage overtime of 30 per tick stacking fire   breath hitting for 70 and then 70 per tick and  our lightning field hitting for 46 per tick so   you can see it's not the biggest upgrade but it  is a substantial upgrade that will make your life   incredibly easy now at the this point since we  have 5.3 gear we can go ahead and sell our 4.1   gear we will no longer need this you there's no  reason to keep it around and I'm just going to   repair everything here and then just sell it uh oo  that's not a good deal so I'm going to sell order   that which means uh uh I mean you might lose a  little bit of silver on your selling but it's   totally fine and yeah that's a big loss there so  let's sell order that I'll just quick sell that   one and uh yeah let's sell order that so we don't  want to get completely chipped but we're going to   get some of that money back now at this point  we're going to buy something called beef stew   just the regular beef stew it should be anywhere  from 2 to 4,000 and I'm just going to buy one of   these you can buy more than one if you want  and this will increase our damage by 13.5%   for 30 minutes allowing us to fame Farm much more  efficiently now I'm just using a regular uh horse   a regular carely own Cape a regular 4.1 bag I'm  still not using any potions let's go Fame Farm in   the most efficient way for our power level here  are the steps that we're going to do we're going   to be faction flagged we have that orange flag  next to our name we have uh we're going to be   going three zones away we're also going to be  Fame farming open world mobs in the tier five   yellow zone this means we're not doing dungeons  we're not going into the Mists there's a whole   lot of things that we're not going to be doing  these are the three steps to success right here   now I just want to mention that again this is a  brand new character on our very first day we're   already more powerful than new players and even  somewhat experienced players in their first month   I'm not joking I am not kidding go on Twitch look  at people with 1 to two to five viewers and look   how behind they will be on gear okay we are in 5.3  our item power is nearly well it's not quite 1,200   but we're getting close we will get there when  we level up our weapons in here in just a bit   but uh essentially we're pretty strong we can hold  our own in a PVP fight at this point if it comes   down to it but because we're doing this in blue  and yellow zones we won't ever lose our gear now   at this point if we do suffer a repair build it  will cost us a little bit but it's nothing that   we can't afford and we have our gathering gear in  the stash allowing us to easily make that silver   back and um you know even though the gear might  be semi busted up it still functions just fine as   long as it's in the green so again I'm still I'm  just writing out three zones away so I can show   you how to open world Fame farm so here we are in  the bottom right corner you can see that we are   in a yellow zone when we click on a mob we see  see that it is a tier five mob all you're going   to do also there is a bridge watch faction here  so if you wanted to take a break and follow this   blob this is called a blob by the way this is a  group of bridge watch faction flag players you can   follow them around earn some faction points and  that is just a good of a way to fame up as farming   open world mobs especially on the fresh launch EU  server if you are getting in on that early this   is an amazing and fun and great way you can um  help people out in a fight but do try not to get   downed okay and don't follow them into a Red Zone  but follow the it's like a huge group of players   just follow them around you'll capture outposts  and you're going to earn a bunch of these little   faction points here so to fame Farm mobs all you  have to do is run past them on your Mount uh you   know Dismount cast your Q twice cast your laser  beam here and uh that should pretty much finish   them off you're strong enough to melt these guys  and look at how much Fame each of these are giving   us look at how much silver they're dropping this  one dropped an item they also give faction points   so again you're just going to ride around the zone  and just clear enemy mobs now um if you see a wisp   here uh you could go in this one's epic you could  go into this but you're going to get bullied by   other players in PvP combat it's not as good  of a Fame Farm or a silver maker as what we're   currently doing I I don't suggest you do it but  if that says epic or legendary it might be worth   taking now for the sake of the video I'm not going  to take it but when you do go into one of those   Mists uh you do lose your faction flag also these  are corrupted dungeons do not bother doing these   they are a waste of time currently at your power  and experience level uh also you'll see random   mobs that are like animals or rocks or whatever  you want to not really bother killing these   because these don't really give that much Fame  I'll go ahead and kill this one one just so you   can see and it only gave 182 Fame but if I kill  this guy right and remember we deal a lot more   damage now and we can take a lot more hits this  guy gives 3,825 so it's definitely worth killing   the big guys the humanoids those are the ones that  you want to go for in the tier five yellow zones   they will always be uh these types of creatures  at least in the safe zones so what I'm going to   do now is I'm going to make another YouTube video  and I'm going to record my data for 30 minutes and   then I'm going to tell you how long it will take  uh in order for you to get to 100 Mastery and Al   this is Mastery at 100 Master you can equip the  tier eight equipment you have all the Spells   unlocked and then at 100 specialization that's  when you have almost full power on the weapon   from level 100 to 120 is an entirely different  system which we won't really be covering and   I don't recommend you do it until you're very  wealthy but after 100 specialization is when you   can move on and level these other weapons up once  they're all level 100 you are very powerful and a   scary person to deal with and I'm going to also go  over why we're using a curse staff over any other   weapon line in the game I'm just going to do that  right now before I record that video okay okay so   this is a legendary Mist okay if dude you have to  take these if you see them they're so rare they're   so incredibly rare I have not seen one of these  in in two months I am not joking uh in in here in   the legendary Mist if a player knocks you down you  get kicked out so do everything you can to not get   knocked out but if you see one of these there's  so much you can do the enemy mobs give very good   Fame this is a tier seven mob but we're still in  a safe Zone it's a yellow zone this is the only   time mobs will be higher than level tier five uh  in a safe Zone and these mobs are they're they're   harder to kill but your gear will carry you the  full way through so kill and clear mobs and mobs   guarding one of these things don't don't give as  much Fame 7,300 is still quite a lot but you're   going to rescue one of these little boxes here  and that's going to give you reputation towards   a hidden city called brasilian all right so you  want to free these wisps also there are big camps   on the map here that you can do and uh by clearing  the camp you will receive reputation once you hit   a certain amount of reputation I think it's 50,000  you can check on your stats Page by scrolling down   and you will see resilience standing neutral so  you need 50,000 and then you can go to the hidden   city in The Mists now you see this little orange  Cloud here that's kind of on the ground by passing   this line enables you for PVP combat that means  other players who are more geared than you will   be able to beat you up and kick you out of here  so it's very important that you uh stay safe and   uh you know try not to die you you won't you don't  die you just get knocked down and then kicked out   also yes these mobs are really they knocked me  so far away that they Unleashed themselves so uh   again I'm going to farm this mist and I'll I'll  clip whatever interesting stuff I find but I do   want to show you like this is an enchanted mob  right here and so when we kill him uh it's going   to give us um a bunch of Fame so let's throw two  curses an explosion and try not to get knocked   back by the arrows this time there we go and go  ahead and activate our lightning thing here now   an enemy player can walk into our area of effect  attacks and unsummon our Mount so that's something   to be careful about but uh yeah it's it's not  the best Fame but by killing creatures within   this camp we are completing over here on the  right side the heretic Camp uh thing here so   every time I kill creatures this bar will fill  up and when the bar is completely completely   filled there will be a chest in the middle that  you can loot that might sometimes have treasure   other times it will have Fame to so these are  worth doing if you find an epic or a legendary   but if they are not epic or legendary skip them  don't worry about it now I will have to go back   to town to reaction flag up uh as you come on  it's doing it again where they knocking me all   the way back they held me down anyway I'm going  to clear the camp and show you now a few safety   precautions you always want your Mount around  you always want your Mount around see there's an   enemy player up here let's see what he's got so  he's more geared than me this guy's very Juiced   so I'm going to just walk away I'm not going to  fight him I I think I could take him I'm skilled   enough to take him but as a new player you are  not skilled even with your gear don't even don't   fight anybody the [ __ ] candle makes you kind of  squishy against other other players at this part   in the game game so just run away and keep your  Mount nearby and just kill the mobs and uh if   you see another player's name at all anywhere on  your screen just leave just Mount up and walk away   come back later that's all there is to it now be  careful if you want to be the aggressor like this   guy here if I Dismount next to him I will have  a 5-second cool down on all of my abilities you   can't just Dismount next to someone and beat them  up but there is a way around that if you have the   enemies hurt your Mount and kill your Mount you  can then attack them immediately because the game   doesn't know but um you know it's it's up to you  how you want to play it I'm just giving you some   little PVP tips and tricks here and uh that that  boltcaster guy that we saw earlier he's he's he's   around so I've got to I got to stay on my tippy  toes I don't want to sacrifice my Mount to beat   up a player only to get beat up by another player  so you got to play it a little bit smart another   thing too I just want to point out that I don't  have the Reaver to technically be in here yet I   I would need to learn this Grandmaster Reaver so  that tier 7even creatures aren't as dangerous but   because we're very geared I can still technically  do it anyway it's just that they're hitting me way   harder than they normally would a regular player  so we completed the camp finally now it's green   there's a check mark in the middle and I received  um 67,000 Fame for completing that objective and   uh 5,000 reputation so again legendaries really  do pay off now in the middle there will be a chest   and you can aggro the enemies if you want because  uh what we can do to deag them is just Mount and   then Dismount and remount and then we can grab  this little chest here just make sure we don't   aggro any enemies and then loot the chest here  in the middle they're always in the middle of   the camp and they might have good treasure this  has 256,000 silver that's huge huge huge huge   that's why we do the legendaries and yes that you  normally do not get that many that is an insanely   lucky break and that's why a lot of people like  to say oh well I like to do this activity I like   to do that activity because they get these lucky  breaks these are called jackpots all right with   from a I can't talk with a jackpot uh you you earn  a huge amount of silver look at this we have a a a   62 helmet here a 61 crossbow like those are those  are big you normally won't get these items or as   often but we got pretty lucky which is going to  go towards uh just upgrading our gear and these   things happen and they feel good and it's what  keeps players playing now let's talk about a few   other things on the Mist map here real quick  we have this one this is an stable Road this   will send you anywhere in the game World anywhere  including full loot danger zones don't ever take   this ever never ever ever walk into this unless  you have a lot of money and some gear you're   willing to lose cuz this can just teleport you  anywhere you don't know where this is going to   put you next up we have this thing this is called  a turbulent mist and this is going to put a little   wisp out on the ground that you have to escort  across the map to rescue now this is clearly shown   on the map but when a player picks it up they will  no longer be visible and and you can get a lot of   reputation by turning these in looks like someone  just grabbed it so the only way to to to grab it   now is to flag up for PVP and to do that you click  this little circle to flag up and then you would   have to beat them up and take their Wisp from  them which I'm not going to do it's really not   that much reputation anyway but it's something  you can do if you want to now Mists do not last   forever and they do eventually close this one will  be closing in 4 minutes so if there's anything   here you want to kill or Farm or wrap up you got  to do it quick because when the Mist closes it   just simply kicks you out and if you want to know  how to leave the Mist you just go to any of these   corners and you'll be put right back into to where  you once started so again I recommend that you   just Farm the mobs especially glowing ones like  this because if they are not in a camp and they're   not guarding one of those reputation wisp boxes  they they give pretty decent Fame especially if   you're in a legendary Mist like I am so um again  just give it your all you should be able to smash   these no problem use all your abilities if you  need to and uh you know just give it your all you   should be able to take these out no problem and  here's here's how much Fame this one gives 13,28   not bad pretty good 3,800 silver on drop pretty  good stuff so you can just ride around and farm   these up and fame these up if you want to and  again I recommend opening these boxes so that   you can unlock the Brazilian uh the the Mist City  but uh for now what I'm going to do is I'm going   to farm 30 minutes of open world tier five yellow  zone Zone mobs after I go teleport back home and   reaction flag up and I'm going to share with you  the results oh of course I did promise some tier   lists before I do that so let me Let Me Whip that  up real quick and again these aren't exact exact   exact this is just something I'm whipping up  really quick for you so for solo dungeons which   is Legacy content which you should not do unless  you're bored light crossbow is King which work   has movement and clear one-handed dagger has  movement and clear nature staff has uh clear   speed and sustain Shadow collar this is future us  as U DPS and sustain fist weapons have movement uh   but low burst and low DPS fire staffs have medium  movement and medium DPS for corrupted dungeons the   Bear Paws I hold the world record for the fastest  clear speed in the entire game uh Cur staff is   number two light crossbows three dagger four fire  staff five battle a 6 for soloing group Dungeons   and Statics it's very precise and exact on what  gear you want to use but the shadow collar is the   facto number one for clearing Statics it has the  highest DPS and the highest sustain when you group   several enemies together at once the battle ax  is not that not even not even a close second it's   like a far second Spirit Hunter has the clearest  speed but no sustain so you better make your shots   aim true or you're dead light crossbow has very  high and bursty DPS no sustain gr axe is a little   more defensive it's a lot slower like from rank  four to rank five much slower one-handed dagger   has a little bit of sustain but it's mostly a  single Target weapon used to burn down certain   bosses in group dungeons that's why I mentioning  it here nature is required to kill certain bosses   in group dungeons so what I personally do is I  run Shadow collar for group Dungeons and Statics   and I swap to Nature later on you don't need spec  for nature you just need to be able you just need   100 Mastery and then holy can also kind of do it  but it's the slowest not many other weapons can   really do solo group dungeons effectively or  even there's no point to use them I mean you   you technically could but uh you're just being  too slow and inefficient so missed PVP writing I   showed you the Mists earlier well when you go to  the full loot version of The Mists there are two   weapons that are to be feared by the majority and  that is the curse staff which is what we're using   I forgot to put it in parenthesis and the reason  why is it is the like a 4.1 curse staff when you   have maximum specialization can execute and kill  anyone regardless of their gear if you catch them   at a bad time time so you just ride around on your  Mount then when someone's low on HP you Dismount   you run at them you curse them and it's free loot  I've made videos on this it's the most hated thing   in the entire game is to do this but it is so  profitable and I think it's so fun but uh people   will like they they will chastise you heavily  for it the second weapon is the Wildfire staff   the reason why is your e spell does a percent max  HP so it allows you to punch up against melees but   not much else it's also not really an execute  weapon for solo dismounting there's only really   two weapons that you can use these days I mean  there are others but they're way harder to use   and not nearly as efficient number one is bear paw  and number two is permafrost permafrost is only   number two because it's simply just harder to land  your hits It's a skill shot whereas bear paw is a   frontal cleave so bear paw is just easier it has  slightly more reach slightly more damage easier to   use no reason why it isn't number uh that's the  that's why it's number one number two is per FR   there's really not a lot much else you can solo  Dismount people with blue policing is the act   of going into a red zone and attacking anyone  that is PVP flagged up with a horde of other   players looking to score some easy loot uh gankers  hate blue police but essentially crossbow is the   number one because you can just snipe someone for  massive damage from range the second one is Curse   staff because it's really hard to shrug off or  ignore the curse stacks and the explosion unless   the ganker builds defense which they're not a  ganker if they are and finally dager pair because   you can deliver an insanely high amount of damage  near instantaneously with a bleed Effect hardcore   Expedition is like the hardest PVE kind of fiveman  raid dungeon kind of things uh every group has a   shadow callar for shred and for sustain and for  AOE DPS mace is your tank H is your healer and   light crossbow are your second and third DPS  essentially so zbz Zerg versus Zerg Guild crap   there's always a life curse multiple ones there's  always a damnation both of these are curse staff   uh weapon lines then you have the mace for the  tanks the gloves for the burst the swords for the   burst axes for the burst holy in nature for your  healers there's other stuff but essentially you   can see that every single Guild needs life curse  and Damnation users hell Gates will always want   a cursed skull no matter what it's a huge damage  boost you're shredding everybody you're dotting up   everybody damage over timing everybody it's insane  and every single Hellgate team wants them and and   there's a there's some other content in the game  but you get the point almost every single thing   has curse staff in it the reason why I'm having  you build the curse staff is as follows so why the   Warlock tree okay so it unlocks the potential to  fame Farm faster than anyone else in the game by   soloing tier four Blue Zone Statics you can Farm  20 million Fame per hour which means in two hours   you can get 100 Mastery uh 100 specialization on  any weapon in the game it's really that simple   it's insanely fun and cheap for PVP it is not  an expensive weapon line except for the shadow   collar the shadow collar is a little pricey uh  it's wanted in all group content and all solo   content it's cheap to use again except the shadow  collar the shadow collar is a bit of an investment   is one you will absolutely want to make very soon  it's easy to use they're insanely easy to use   they're fire and forget all of the whole all the  weapons are just really busted and it's sets you   up for a profitable and fun future it really does  so this is why I recommend that everyone starting   on a brand new character on a brand new account  goes the Warlock tree with that said I'm going   to now film a YouTube video about Fame farming  here in the tier five yellow Zone open world mobs   now it is Rome the open world day by the way you  can click this activities button go to activities   every day or two there is new activities this  one is a plus 20% uh Fame from open world mobs   and I'm three zones away that's a plus 15 % and I  have premium that's a plus 50% we're just stacking   all the bonuses here so let's see how much Fame  we can Farm here is the results of the fame Farm   session and about how long it's going to take you  to get to 100 Mastery and if you are interested   which you don't have to do right now but if you  wanted how long it will take you to get to level   100 specialization which let me remind you that  you level up your Mastery and your specialization   at the same time all you really need to worry  about right now at this step in your progress   is getting to level 100 Mastery and anytime that  you are low on funds anytime you need silver or   anytime you have a bunch of learning points that  is when you should be out skinning and Gathering   but whenever you are waiting on learning points  and whenever you're boor you have plenty of silver   you should be Fame farming that's what your go  that's what your goal is that is what your job   is as a new player right now also I just want  to mention those numbers do not factor in bonus   Fame such as toome drops from mobs or the faction  points that we've been earning by being faction   flagged so right now I have 11,238 faction points  I can buy one of these chests for 9,000 and take   a look right now my estimated market value in my  inventory 45,000 silver by opening this chest now   it's at 119,000 and I got two of these yellow TOS  these are worth 100,000 combat Fame each so that   will help you level up e even faster and uh yeah  some nice silver bags there and just things to   vendor we have plenty of silver also if you're  wondering should you use or sell the toms of   insight and almost always you should sell them the  only time you should not sell them is if the value   is under 11,000 which hasn't happened in a very  long time on any of the servers but um yeah these   things they usually go from around 13 to 15,000  silver so you should definitely sell them they   are worth more to you currently as a new player  uh by you know turning them into silver rather   than experience also by doing the open world Fame  farming you are picking up and collecting silver   which uh is around 120,000 per hour or so and  that's without factoring in any of the drops so   it's okay for silver time for more goals now this  is day two or day three if you're casual or week   one if you're extremely casual and you're only  playing like 20 30 minutes a day so your goal is   to get to the 100 Mastery in the Warlock tree the  leather armor the cloth helmet the plate boots all   of those trees which you are leveling all at the  exact same time whenever you get 10,000 Fame it   doesn't split it between everything it applies it  to everything so all of these should be level 100   Mastery at the exact same time next up you uh also  while you're doing this you want to upgrade your   Mount because riding a horse sucks I recommend  a direwolf or a saddled Mystic Owl if those are   available uh those will give you a higher travel  Speed The Mystic Owl being faster but probably   more expensive at this point the saddled wild  Bo is good enough currently for Gathering you   really don't need to upgrade that for quite  a while now if you're on the European server   it's very important that you have enough silver  to always buy these mounts the month they come   out so the servers will be starting in late April  this means you have a very limited time to get a   black panther if you do not buy a black panther in  April you have to wait until next year next April   for these to become available again so you want to  buy them now wait 3 to 6 months and then sell them   for a huge huge huge markup so here's the other  mounts the Black Panther the Gallant horse in June   the spectral dire boore in July the pest lizard  in November the snow husky in December and the   grizzly bear in March I highly recommend that you  get a black panther for yourself to keep always   super really useful and good gallon horse if you  want to do full loot PVP Gathering spectral dire   boore is really really nice and just to have even  in safe zones the pest lizard is really nice to   have in safe zones the snow husky is the fastest  mount in the game so make sure you get a few of   these one to sell one to always keep and the g  grizzly bear is one of the best mounts in the   game for transporting in dangerous zones it's also  really good for faction heart transports which you   should never do we might talk about that later but  the grizzly bear is the de facto Mount that you   want to buy a bunch of and then sell 3 to 6 months  later it will sell the most because everyone doing   full loot stuff everyone doing black Zone stuff  will want or need a grizzly bear it is the de   facto best and safest mount for running transports  bar none so make sure you stock up on them as   early as you can their price will only increase  but after 2 to 3 years the price will normalize   due to the cycle of mounts once a year your  alternate goals for your Gathering lifestyle is   to push tier six skinning and if you can really no  life it you can push to tier 7 and if you really   really really no life it then you could get to  tier eight in the first week or so now at these   tier UPS you want to be getting avalonian skinning  knives because that will increase how fast you   level up and how much yield you receive now uh  whenever you teer up and replace your old one you   want to sell the old one you don't want to hold  on to it there's no reason to keep it and when   you have a very nice bank roll you don't have to  sell your hides immediately you can can save them   for a bonus day so what is a bonus day so when you  go at the top of your window here you can click on   this button and click on activities and uh let  me remove the text here sometimes right here on   the daily production bonus you can get a 10 or a  20% hide day so what that means is that you can   refine with a 20% bonus so what this also means  is that you can take your hide using a transport   Mount and then go all the way to martlock here  and at this point there will be player tanneries   and you want to find a cheap one and you want to  refine your tier 2 hide well it doesn't matter if   it's cheap or not you want to refine all of your  tier 2 hide into leather because refining tier 2   hide is free and you have to do the math to make  sure it's worth it but essentially you'll refine   it at marlock and then you'll most likely either  transport it back to bridgew watch or transport it   to limur and sell it for a huge markup this is  basic flipping do you want to farm even faster   than before well have I got a deal for you you can  become a channel member and I'm going to show you   what that is and how to access it and it's pretty  simple so on all of my videos all you have to do   is scroll down right under the video there is a  join button you'll click the join button and for   $4.99 a month you will get access to private more  personal videos videos that are too good for the   the general public and I'm going to give you some  samples of these videos to show you how much they   are worth it and again these videos are too good  to share publicly and if I did then everyone would   do it and no one would profit but let me show you  so here are my members only videos and I'm going   to talk about a little bit about what they are  so members get a cool thing where they get to see   all of my videos days or even weeks before they  become live this video is one that I made just a   bit ago 43 minutes ago to be exact um about a new  character Fame farming so that's just what that   is and since I already put out a video today then  this is scheduled for tomorrow members get to see   it early before everyone else that's uh that's  one of the perks the other ones are uh members   specific videos like this how to turn your silver  into more silver this is an 18-minute video that   will teach you how to just take a million silver  and make it into 2 million silver or possibly 4   million silver most likely 2 to 3 million silver  per 1 million so if you have 100 million silver   then you can easily turn that into 200 million  silver I'm not even joking it's insane how good   this method is and it's so good that if I put it  out publicly it would ruin the servers I can't   have that happen so here's a here's a video this  one's just a fun video how to have fun at other   players expenses this video is a little too cruel  to release to the general public and the mechanics   I didn't want to get nerfed so I'm not releasing  it publicly here's one about Mist camps and uh   I'm pretty sure that this one's not really the  biggest kind of thing but if the general public   knew they might cry for Nerfs so that's why it's  members only this one is the optimal way to do   tracking albing online this was 5 months ago it's  still relevant the reason why is that tracking is   a huge money maker and if you if I put this out  publicly then everyone's going to do it and it's   going to tank the economy so that's why I'm not  doing it this one was a silver opportunity that   only worked before this date after this date this  silver making method no longer worked and uh the   the people that took advantage of this they talk  to me about it cuz again it's a 5-month old video   they told me that they made like half a billion  off of this like it's insane how much silver they   made I'm not even joking so this is just uh  sometimes I scrap videos and this is a scrap   video here's just a channel update for members  here's a a Pia video that's an alternate here   is free silver from crafting that anyone can do  without Focus or premium and again this is a huge   money that anyone can do all you need is time uh  now here's the best flips in the game I took all   the best flips in the game that uh that you don't  even need other players to do this is a these are   Flips that you can do to a vendor all right to  the repair bench and it make instant money like   if you need instantaneous money you need 200k you  need 2 mil 3 mil uh you watch this video I have   everything neat and on like outlined on a list uh  like this one is huge this is one of my favorite   members only videos cuz it it's just free money  it's free money and if I made this video public   then people will just do this and no one can do it  so um again this is a silver making opportunity in   the month of July uh so this one's already passed  here is a video that sums up all my members videos   so far this is unused footage I didn't make a  video about how to Dismount a mammoth with three   people do you know how much a mammoth is worth  in this game 1060 million how can you Dismount   it with three people well that's a secret that  only my members get so here is a secret faction   and heart transport techniques this one is kind  of scummy if people learn how to do these things   it would be really bad for the general public uh  this is just a Minecraft Legends video amazing   silver and fame farm that no one will be doing  now this one was made before the launch of the   East Asia server and this one is huge that's why  I'm not including it in this video because it's   still a members only secret so you can click  on this and apply this to the EU servers and   boy oh boy you're going to be way ahead of other  players here's the best onot builds even at low   item power very very useful there the best group  dungeons to solo for fame and profit so a lot of   people you know they they want to do something  that makes good Fame and good silver this video   will teach you what specifically to look for and  how to find it and uh it's not just doing group   dungeons it's way deeper than that okay so um  let's see this is just um inconclusive results   here this is just a fun member vid they crafting  DPS with a new Morana Cape changes 10 months ago   don't worry about that huge silver opportunity  in the next 3 months every time there's like a   patch or something there is silver opportunities  to be made and that's why I'm letting members know   of course this one already passed this is just me  dumpstering an indie game this is 1.6 million Fame   per hour and 700,000 silver on a new character  on the alaban East server all right and um again   right now we can see in in this current video I'm  you how to make around 1 million Fame per hour and   around 200k silver per hour rounded up this is 1.6  million Fame and 700,000 silver per hour so again   members get the juicy stuff you guys don't okay  this is a dupe method for Diablo 4 I don't think   this works anymore don't worry Diablo 4 sucks all  right so I crafted all the food 11 months ago and   I did the math because um I'm going to talk more  about Chef stuff later but um again every once in   a while I've got to do the math for my members  here's how to get my Discord server you know I   do lots of giveaways in my Discord server if I  had people to give away stuff too uh here's a   3 million silver per hour method now I don't know  if this will work immediately on uh Europe but it   uh sometimes works on West I haven't tried it on  East here is Advanced Market flipping techniques   now this is advanced stuff this is really advanced  stuff it's a little too complicated for the public   and that's why I made it members only uh the most  profitable thing in alaban online is giveaway   that's right this will teach you how to have  hundreds of twitch accounts to win free premium   for life and um there's a reason this one's not  public it would just piss everyone off uh so how   to get rich on the Asia server a year ago how to  solo the limur of action boss there is a secret   method now this one's not something you really  need as a new player here's the best things to   invest in sell during Fame week now a Fame week  is when um the the company gives you a bonus to   your experience gain and they do it on certain  holiday and certain events so there is certain   things that you can buy and sell during these  events that will make you an instantly Rich   player so rich and wealthy you'll never have to  you'll never have to gather again it's a members   only that's why it's members only here's how to  get free stuff from Reddit this has nothing to do   with video games this is just free video games and  free couches and and and food you you can really   get a lot of free [ __ ] from Reddit there's uh  here's the way to determine the most profitable   time to play albian online this one might need a  rework this one might be outdated because they've   split the servers three times now how to double  your Gathering income this one's probably fixed uh   always pay attention to Global discount here's why  this is a huge money-making opportunity I probably   this probably won't be useful for another 5 years  I'm going to be real here is tinkerer journals   and profit information just raw data my favorite  builds for Mists raw data there Advanced skinning   guide this will teach you the best possible weapon  for skinning and all the Advanced Techniques that   I'm not showing you in this video or any of  my public videos and then here is how to Auto   attack onshot skinable mobs I talked about that  a little bit earlier and then here's me trolling   Reddit and I love trolling Reddit so much all  right new patch New Market opportunity one year   ago this one's probably not relevant 500,000 or  more silver method this one is really really quick   and easy and it's something that you can do as a  brand new character right now all right but it's   Members Only You got to pay that Fe you got to  like come on bro listen a lot of YouTubers they   fill their videos with a bunch of garbage VPN and  stupid services that no one cares about I don't do   that but I do rely on people to become channel  members for these juicy Secrets anyway there's   a bunch of other stuff I'm not going to go over  s every single video but um it's just really fun   you should only do this if you want to support me  please uh don't do it out of greed I that's just a   disclaimer but uh back to the back to the guide I  want to talk about Zone differences real quick so   the Blue Zone and the yellow zone is what you've  been playing in so blue zones you can't attack   or be attacked by other players of course the  exception is if you faction flag factions can   always fight each other in all zones but unless  you are in a Red Zone it is not full loot you will   not die in a yellow zone you can flag up to attack  other players uh but you cannot attack a faction   flagged player when you are PVP flagged also you  cannot die in a yellow zone but you will be down   where you are kneeling on the ground unable  to play the game for three entire minutes and   you will suffer a 5% durability loss on everything  you have equipped I and in your inventory Red Zone   players must flag up to attack others and you or  they can be killed it's full loot in the Red Zone   you will drop everything in your inventory and  what you have equipped but you do not drop silver   the black Zone all players are flagged up all the  time you can die and you can be killed there is no   flagging up everyone is just by default hostile  also there are Road portals Mists and stuff like   that but let's go over the blue zones the BL  zone is this like you have Toro Island then   you have step cross this is where you started  the Zone surrounding town except for one of the   exits are all blue zones then you have the yellow  zones these are tier five zones and uh connected   to the yellow zones are the red zones these are  tier six and tier seven zones black zones you   have to take a portal in the cities which will  transport you to a whole another continent all   the way up here and these are tier five through  tier eight zones these are black zones and uh of   course in you know just random parts of the map  you will have uh I'll have to show you by going   out into the map but there are the roads of Avalon  these are portals on every map that are randomly   switched and connected and changed every so  often every day is a different Adventure in   the roads of Avalon right here this is a road of  Avalon to something called oos irid or whatever   I can't even say that name but essentially going  in here is a full loot black Zone by the way and   here's another avalonian portal and yeah so  these things are mostly for small groups of   players and guilds kind of Camp them and gankers  Camp them it's really not advised to ever go there   so the next thing is when you enter a mist from a  yellow zone those are safe those are yellow zone   Mists if you enter a mist from a red zone or a  black Zone those are full loot Mists corrupted   dungeons when entered from a yellow zone are  safe if you enter a corrupted dungeon from a   red or a black Zone with the proper item power  those are called stalker and Slayer corrupted   dungeons those are also full loot now let's talk  about focus focus is a premium only kind of not   really currency it's more like um something that  your character can store and allocate to things   so because you're a new character and you you have  the 3 days of Premium you will accumulate 30,000   Focus over the next 3 days well this character  has been playing for about 6 hours or so five   of those hours he's generated 3,498 Focus so  when you go to craft you can spend that Focus   to gain a bonus to your crafting so that you will  return some of the resources so for instance if I   go here to the Warriors Forge and I want to craft  a sword which you shouldn't craft from this bench   they're charging 99,999 what a ripoff okay so was  that one uh that one's not though that one's only   charging 840 uh but the point is is that if you  want to craft a sword you will receive like 15%   of your resources back so if you need 10 metal to  craft a sword you would get 15% of that back so   one to two metal bars obviously these aren't real  numbers but you get the idea certain cities have   certain percentages where you gain bonus crafting  so for instance here in Bridge watch stone is the   refining bonus of the city um you also get some  crafting bonuses like raw goat crossbows daggers   Cur St plate AR you get a 15% bonus to those  and then you have your daily bonus activities   which is right now Hammers and War gloves so what  you want to do is you want to Stack the city's   bonus and the daily bonus to really maximize your  profits but by spending Focus you can get like an   additional 30 to 40% crafting bonus I don't  know the exact numbers I don't really focus   craft much anymore but depending on how good you  are at crafting and how highlevel your crafting   is you will spend less Focus for the same bonus  now Focus can also be used to help grow crops   and what you do is you would spend Focus to water  crops which will always guarantee a seed return   and bonus yield to the crops and stuff like that  I believe I'm pretty sure but uh essentially you   want to use your focus on something now Focus will  cap out at 30,000 what this means is that you want   to spend this Focus before it reaches 30,000 if  you become a channel member I have several videos   on how you can spin this Focus as a new player or  an experienced player in the most efficient way   possible without being a career crafter but for  everyone else what you want to do is you want to   spin this focus on just something that you can you  can just do so what I recommend that you do as a   new player especially on a new server is find  out what the crafting bonus is we all goat so   you want to buy some goats at some point and then  you want to go and spin your focus at the butcher   butchering goats for goat meat that works you  can also go to the furniture crafter here at the   tinkerers the toolmakers and craft some furniture  because furniture will be an insanely high demand   on the new EU server these do not requ like  butchering goats is something you're you're   going to want to do anyway because you really  want to level cooking and cheffrey you want your   Chef levels to be high I'll talk about this later  towards the end of the video when we talk about   long-term invest and making passive silver but um  to being a being a a Furniture crafter there is   no leveling Furniture crafting this is something  that by default anyone can do at any time so again   because it's going to be in such high demand on  EU that's where I recommend that you spend your   focus and all you have to do is just buy the wood  and materials and metal out off the market and   then craft it into Furniture using Focus you're  going to make a profit sell the furniture and the   remaining materials back to the market and you  you want to do that because that's that's just   free money focus is free silver okay with my max  level Chef without even trying with zero effort   I can make two to 5 million silver per day that  is 2 to 5 million silver in under 15 minutes per   10,000 Focus now that's a Max Level Chef okay now  if I really want to go min max and Go full math   mode spreadsheet mode I could make 300 million  a month being a chef 300 million a month but I   would be playing 6 to 8 hours a day transporting  items from one town to another it's not worth my   time I don't really care that much about silver in  the at the end of the day I like it quick and easy   and uh I'd rather spend time playing the game than  doing a spreadsheet simulator honestly now I want   to talk about content that is not efficient for  you to do as a new player so the first one is solo   dungeons back in the day this was the only way to  fame farm and this is old Legacy content it has   been nerfed into the ground it is six times less  efficient to do this than farming open world mobs   also there is trash loot from the chest it has  been nerfed to Oblivion go back in time 4 years   this thing made 2 to 3 million per hour for new  players now it makes 400,000 if you have the best   possible gear and you're speedrunning it as a new  player you're not speedrunning it you don't have   the best possible gear you're not making 400,000  per hour which is a garbage amount anyway just go   gather instead the next one is corrupted dungeons  this is also Legacy content it has been nerfed   into the ground as well the fame you get is way  better in open world anyway way it's a Time Sync   It's been meted to death for years if you have a  lot of experience in 1 V1 PVP playing The Meta for   corrupted dungeons then it can be a little bit  fun but it is not profitable it is only there   for people to chase rank that is literally it it  is it sucks it's stressful it is annoying if you   want to fight one guy for 15 minutes while he runs  away and resets his health until both of you get   these little bat creatures that lower your maximum  percent HP until eventually you can oneshot the   the other guy before he one- shots you have fun  go play corrupted dungeons corrupted dungeons   do not make you silver they do not make you Fame  they suck in of the next content is yellow zone   Mists now yellow zone Mists as a new player are  not worth doing as an experienced and geared and   max level player they're pretty damn fun because  you get to bully new players but the low Fame per   hour the crappy rewards the constant danger of 8.4  players which you're going to see on Europe by the   first week by the first week there will be players  in there just trolling and dunking all over other   people that is where us players go to satiate our  sadism we go into yellow zone Miss and we just   smash people's heads in that is what we do for fun  in this game and you will be a victim unless you   are an 8.4 geared player with maximum spec next  up is CTA guilds this is Call to Arms guilds this   means when you are sitting in a Discord server  and someone's like guys log in we have to defend   The Hideout guys log in we have to take the  castle guys log in there's a mammoth spawn   these things will drain your silver unless you can  find a nice Guild where you're part of the Inner   Circle and you know the guild leader personally  and they will always rear you CU they're credit   card swiping Sugar Daddy this is a loss in silver  you will bleed silver in these guilds and they're   not that fun they're stressful they take all your  free time it really sucks to be a CTA Guild take   it from me I did one for 2 months I can't stand  it now this is a personal take I do not really   fit in with crowds I do not mesh well with people  I am kind of a weirdo kind of a skitso kind of a   a freak of nature so to speak so a lot of people  find me offensive they find me crazy they find me   intolerable to be around so maybe it's just me but  CTA guilds avoid them please solo ganking uh is   also not advised because solo ganking involves  having to run and avoid hackers that is people   that use speed hacks people that use radar and E  uh what what is it uh EFT EMT I I forget what it's   called but it's a hack that basically shows them  a radar of where your position is off their screen   uh they have teams they have Scouts so a scout is  a bunch of phones or GeForce now accounts hooked   up where they have tons of these naked level  one characters on oxes to see where anyone and   everyone is moving in full loot zones and then  when they see you they will just swarm you down   with 10 to 20 people and kill you and There Is  No Escape and you're just screwed you're just   absolutely screwed the next one is faction heart  transports never do this they only exist in the   game as a stop means to generate uh currency for  people who aren't in opposite factions that's the   only reason they exist this is multi-box to Hell  which multi-boxing is against the terms of service   is considered cheating and it is not good silver  per hour to do but even if you did decide to do it   and you don't have a bear you are at a huge risk  when doing faction heart transports one guy can   solo Dismount you take your hearts and he has no  risk but you have all the risk it the silver per   hour sucks so you should never do this next up  is red and black Zone Gathering now I will say   you can get lucky when doing red and black Zone  Gathering you can get absolutely lucky but even   if you're in a guild even if you're protected  by the territory in Hideout you will not make   good and consistent silver per hour most of these  zones are picked clean by hackers they're picked   clean systematically by life dedicated gatherers  the respawn rates are insanely long for the good   nodes it is not worth your time to make consistent  silver it is a it's a huge risk just to transport   the damn stuff back to the Royal cities you  should absolutely avoid this continuing we   have black Zone Mists so here's the problem with  black Zone Mists until you have maximum spec of   120 in everything you're wearing unless you're  using a high Mobility gank build such as blood   Letter or double-bladed staff you are absolutely  at the mercy of everyone that uses these builds   and even then you will have a bad beat where  you get swarmed down by Cur staff rats now let   me tell you something would you rather be the  guy that risks 200 million in gear and dies to   some guy that risks 13,000 in silver for gear  I am training you to be the rat that consumes   these guys and kills them I am not training you to  be the guy that card swipes 100 real life dollars   to buy 8 point4 sets and run around and stomp  on people for meager rewards next up is Arena   unless you have a pre-made team Arena's rewards  suck Arena might be fun I guess but um it's not   something you should actively do for any sort  of actual reward even at the higher like you're   not going to climb the highest ranks as a solo you  simply aren't you're going to fight pre-made after   pre-made after pre-made once you start climbing  the ranks and you will never get anywhere you will   spin the wheels in the mud I don't care how good  you are I have a 75% win loss ratio in Arena as   a solo player and even I cannot rank up because I  just hit pre-made after pre-made and I don't have   my own pre-made to you know rawle stomp random  groups next up is Portal Expeditions these are   more of a newbie activity there're these random  little portals that you see the Expedition Master   here I am not talking about hardcore Expeditions  I am simply talking about portal Expeditions the   solo ones and the crappy group ones don't ever  do these the rewards suck there is no reason   to do the these they are a waste of time just  go gather sell the Gathering material and buy   the Royal sigils if you are a crafter speaking  of crafting gear crafting unless you are in a   black Zone Hideout Guild specifically built for  being a crafting Guild you are spinning the wheels   you are not going to craft at a profit it is an  insane amount of spreadsheet and math work to even   consider profit there are a few things you can do  to profit every once in a while but like looking   at today's activities there's no profit to be made  today um so just just don't worry about crafting   too much unless you are a credit card Warrior or  you're in a crafting Guild next up is transporting   to Carol Leon Carol Leon is surrounded by Red  zones it is the sixth City in the middle here   um and car Leon has a black market and so lots of  people like to transport to carolon but gankers   are insanely sophisticated people they have the  scouts they have the radar hacks they have the   friends they are always on the lookout and they  know if you are carrying juicy items or not and   they will kill you the small amount of profit  that you're going to make transporting to and   from carolon is not worth the risk especially on  Asia especially on the Europe servers on West it's   almost systematically defended at this point uh  but it is it's really not worth it okay the guilds   they let their like the the game groups they let  their friends in to make all the profit you're   not their friend I'm sorry now it is time to talk  about combat Fame credits and what those are so if   you open your Destiny Board you're going to see up  here there is a tool tip for combat Fame credits   it's currently at zero because you're a new player  once you achieve Mastery level 100 you will start   to accumulate combat Fame credits you can once you  have enough money you can turn on autor respect to   earn even more even faster and once you have ma uh  specialization level 100 you will accumulate these   even faster and this is how you level up anything  else in the game related to combat not Gathering   not crafting only combat by playing a specific  item so for instance I'm having you level up the   curse staff right so let's pretend you have level  100 Warlock and you have level 100 curse staff and   you also have level 100 in you know the leather  armor the stalker jacket the Mage cow the cloth   helmet etc etc what happens is all the fame that  would normally go to these weapons and armor and   offhand will be converted to combat Fame credits  so once you have everything at 100 10,000 combat   Fame credits will be worth about 16 I'm sorry  10,000 Fame is worth 16,000 combat Fame credits   now combat Fame credits are not the same as Fame  they are worth more than Fame and here is how that   works so when you have a combat Fame credit you  can spend those to level up weapons armor helmets   boots and off hands and so if you put one combat  Fame credit it into your weapon then it counts   as two Fame you put it into your armor it counts  as four Fame if you count uh if you put it into   your helmet or boots it's eight Fame and in your  off hands it's worth over 50 it's crazy so let me   try to show you on the screen here what that kind  of looks like I'm going to put this in the corner   here for now so if I click on curse staff now if I  click on this button up here it opens up this this   is your Respec you should really never spec out of  a weapon unless it's terribly nerfed you lose Fame   doing so but anyway to level from 13 what I have  now to 14 would cost me 26,5 combat Fame credits   which is equivalent to 53,9 fame now you may  think that these are big numbers but they're not   and let me show you why so here is a video that  I put out now this is a year ago and it's still   relevant it's not nerfed it's not changed it's not  altered 20 million Fame per hour in the Blue Zone   okay so this is a still from the video okay I'm  pulling like 5 to 10 mobs at a time this one mob   right here gave 19,31 19 Fame okay that's being  converted to combat Fame credits so this is kind   of the rough math this is not exact numbers but  essentially this one mob and I'm killing like five   to 10 of these at a time per pole per like every  10 seconds okay so 19,000 Fame is converted to   combat Fame credits this gives me about uh 32,000  combat Fame credits when I put this into a weapon   the weapon is uh getting 64,000 Fame from a single  kill one kill that means when I open my destiny   board and I killed one enemy right uh then I  want to go from level 13 to 14 well that's 53,000   Fame okay so hold on my text is in the way so uh  because that costs 53,000 Fame that means I killed   one enemy one I killed one enemy and I gained a  weapon level now because I can earn 20 million   Fame per hour this is how much I would level in  one hour okay so this weapon which I don't even   have to use because I can spin combat Fame credits  on it would go from level 13 in 1 hour to level   85 about not exact but about so that's how crazy  fast you can start leveling up when you use autoec   combat Fame credit conver versions and of course  the Satchel premium Fame weeks you could start   stacking all of this stuff to level insanely  ridiculously massively fast it's so good here   is an image still from that same video check this  out so I show you my starting combat Fame credits   I show you my starting silver cuz this does cost  silver this costs quite a bit of silver and uh by   the end of this video you should have a good idea  of how to generate this silver over time this is   not something you can do as a new player this is  something you'll do after your first month maybe   your second month but you'll be able to level up  anything and everything in the game at licky split   super duper quickly much faster than anyone else  who oh go to the black Zone and level it manually   you are a fool if you take a slow ass weapon like  a hammer and you go to the black Zone and try to   manually level that thing up you are just dying  you're not clearing quickly you're not playing   the game in a time efficient manner so if you look  at my numbers here we have the ending combat Fame   credits the amount of Fame earned the amount of  Fame earned per hour uh how much that we spent in   that hour 7 million or million actually for hourly  silver spent 7 million for 30 minutes yes it is   pricey it is expensive but you will be able to  afford this and it will turn a 36-hour grind into   a 2hour grind which time is money here is what you  have learned so far in this video you have learned   how to fame Farm as in level up your weapons  armor helmets boots Etc risk free zero risk no   risk involved whatsoever you have also learn how  to make silver risk-free both of these methods are   progressing your characters levels your characters  Mastery specialization and this will make you even   more efficient in the future and it will future  prooof your character because the gear you are   using the gear you are doing the methods that  you're using will uh essentially allow you to   always get money you will never be broke you will  never be bankrupt you will never have a bad beat   where you risked it all in the black Zone died  and you're back to scraping up rocks while you're   naked begging people in town you can now do any  content you want in the game you need silver well   you know how to gather you have the Gathering gear  you have the Gathering experience expertise you   know how it works you need experience you know  how to fame farm and I'm going to even ex I'm   going to show you how to even further Beyond Fame  Farm without watching those other videos I'm going   to explain the gear progression you're going to do  and the steps you'll take to secure your finances   so that you can afford to fame farm for 2 hours  instead of 36 hours you can also at this point   afford to do any content you want you want to do  full loot PVP go go for it it's it's a Sandbox   game play however you want you can afford it you  will never be broke ever again because you've   taken these steps to secure a foothold into this  game and you did all of this as a free-to-play   player with no Guild completely solo without card  swiping or buying into the game once you have 100   Mastery in everything that you started this guide  with and you have the funds you can progress to   soloing static dungeons with the following  gear 8.3 Shadow collar Helen jacket scholar   cow Guardian boots and thatford Cape now you will  need to fame up the shadow collar Helen jacket   scholar cowl um but that you can already with the  8.3 and the 100 Mastery you can begin building   your specialization in those items which will only  like by leveling the leather armors it strengthens   all of your leather armors by leveling the shadow  collar it strength all of your curse staffs okay   uh same with the scholar cow strengthening all of  your cloth helmets so this is if you want to solo   static Dungeons and be just a complete boss this  lets you solo Outpost bosses in faction Warfare   as well he'll be using a pork roast which is a  life steal food and preferably a Bare Mount to   mass grab and pull enemies your gear progression  for tier eight skinning is a lot cheaper though   tier eight Avalon and skinning knife being the big  one 1.8 million the other one's 200k 100 8K 160k   so it's it's about uh it's like 2.24 mil or so I  think I might have done the math a little wrong on   that but it's definitely under like 2.5 mil easy  now let's talk about passive income and growing   your crafting career and choosing the right thing  I wish I knew this when I was a new player but I   went towards potion crafting which got dumpstered  many times I tried to be a bow crafter I did all   the math on most crafting and let me tell you  the best thing that a solo guildless player can   invest in on this game is being a chef why a chef  it is cartel proof okay the cartel is a bunch of   sweaty nerds in a Discord that have spreadsheet  the hell out of this game and Mig maxed it they   have trillions of silver they are already going  to take over the EU servers when that launches   I'm telling you being a chef and making food is  the de facto best way to make the most amount   of silver for the least amount of time and effort  the math is incredibly easy to do you only need to   do your calculations maybe once a month and that  only takes maybe like 15 30 45 minutes depending   on how fast you are at math calculations it is the  cheapest entire crafting tree to max out being uh   on average 111 million you can do it in a single  sitting if you're rich enough you can card swipe   this for uh you know like what uh couple hundred  bucks if which is a lot of money okay that's a   lot of money but the point is is that being a  chef let let me explain what a chef is because   you're probably brand new you don't know what  I'm talking about so on the Destiny Board there   are foods that you can craft by scrolling down  here you have the Sue chef and then you scroll   down more and then you have the chef so Chef is  cooking all the different foods that give you   Buffs in albian online and uh there are different  types of chefs there's being the butcher where you   have to take animals that people grow I just buy  them from the market and you butcher them and then   you have meat then you have uh ingredient Chef  you make Breads and Butters and milk you have   the sandwich Chef that makes you know sandwiches  for Buffs stews Alm om lets roasts pies salads and   soups all different types of players use all  different types of food everyone that runs a   shop stall has to feed these shop stalls to keep  them operational and they all have a different   type of food that is best for them to maximize  their nutrition food is just it's always going   up in price it's never bottomed out it cannot  be minmaxed it cannot be botted it cannot be uh   controlled by a cartel like other their crafting  niches and uh yes there is a bonus production for   food but it does not shake the economy that much  when it happens it does not completely shut down   cities or anything of the sort cooking and being  a chef is the from my calculations I sat down for   like a week straight 12 hours a day and mathed  out everything in the game and being a chef will   take the least amount of your time and give you  the most amount of silver but at the same time   it is up there in at least in the top five if  you want to devote 8 to 12 hours a day Running   Shop stalls and transferring items between the  cities you can make 300 million a month doing that   no problemo it's really easy to do and the math  isn't even that hard it doesn't rely on refining   anything other than um uh what's it called uh fish  sauce which is really easy to do it's very simple   there's no no bonuses to it uh no multiple alt  characters required to do it a lot of the crafting   profession you need several alt characters all  generating Focus to even break even on Crafting   food you almost profit on most things that you  can cook you will still need to do the math you   cannot just be like oh I want to be a beef roast  beef sandwich chef and expect to make money you   might lose money if you just fire wildly into the  night you need to do the math like you would with   any crafting profession but Chef is the absolute  best way to go so next up another passive income   which is more of a more multiplier to anything  you do in the game do you like Fame farming and   killing mobs there are mercenary laborers do you  like growing crops well sorry there's no laborers   for that there's no laborers for being a chef  either but you can uh if you like to gather there   is gathering and other crafting laborers that will  just multiply your money if you're a crafter you   have to use laborers or you lack money if you are  any kind of gatherer and you're not using labors   you're losing silver by not having them now this  entire guide and everything that I've shown was   shown all the numbers without laborers but if  you want to learn more about laborers and how   Housing Works and how Guild Halls work I'm going  to save you a little bit of time real quick and   tell you if you don't plan to play Alban online  for more than 8 months then don't even worry about   housing and Guild islands and laborers they are a  they're a money sink and they take a long time to   Break Even but once they do they generate extra  profit on everything you do in this game just   about everything so if you want to learn more  about laborers go to my YouTube Channel right   now click on my name go to this page where you  have Home Videos shorts Etc click this little   search button and type laborers and what this is  going to do is show you all of the guides that I   have about laborers best laborers most profit uh  easy silver with Merc laborers max out laborers uh   labor profit it's free silver forever the best  free silver do this now uh this will teach you   everything on how laborers work I have so many  freaking videos journals are free silver they   are free silver and um again you you really really  really really want to just learn everything you   can about laborers how Furniture Works because  you have to build houses you have to build Guild   Halls you have to furnish the houses with beds and  tables you have to give them trophies so that you   increase their happiness so that you increase  their yield so they give you more resources   there's a whole lot to it I'm not going to put  this in in the video because it's a it's a whole   separate topic you'll have to search my channel  just type laborers type mercenaries type journals   it's going to teach you everything there is to  learn about that by following this guide in 1   to three months you will have maximum Tier gear  for all your favorite activities this means 8.4   gear possibly awakened gear you will make 2 to 5  million silver per day from being a chef if you   have premium active without premium you won't have  Focus you're not going to make much without Focus   okay you'll be able to make 1 million per hour in  a Blue Zone with skinning this is so huge this is   insanely huge and viable and just good to have you  will have 700 out of 840 spec this means level 100   in the entire tree for your warlock tree your  leather armor your cloth helmet and your plate   boots you should have this way sooner than 1  to 3 months but it's something that you will   have and it's going to make you very powerful you  can start pushing up to the 120 specs if you want   I don't recommend that you ever do that I I think  you would have more fun with the game if you just   leveled things to 100 and just kind of forgot  about it uh you'll be able to farm and afford   20 million Fame per hour to level anything up you  want you want to be a tank and you need mace spec   do you want to be a dagger player well now you  have the means to level it up insanely super duper   quickly much faster than any one else if you're  in a guild and they're like well we need we need   dagger players for whatever reason then you can  be like okay boss I'll I'm going to go farm 12   hours and I'll have the entire tree maxed out 12  hours to max out seven weapon specializations is   insane also you're going to have tons of money in  reserve to afford rears for any kind of full loot   PVP stuff you might want to do also you'll  have the specialization required for guilds   which please don't join a guild you really don't  want to join a guild unless you're just a norian   life and you just mes with these people are the  founders packs worth buying now I'm going to   tell you right now I have't mentioned this in the  video I am the only content creator for this game   that is not signed an agreement that is not part  of a partnership program I am actually hated and   despised by not only the community but the company  that made the game so I am a free speaker a free   thinker and um I'm I'm going to tell you that the  founders packs are worth it if you can afford it   and you have lots of money to blow and here's why  so $200 for that Crystal Founders pack is is going   to get you 204 million silver worth of Premium  time and I have my calculator showing um it's   going to get you 10 million silver and just pure  gold 257 million silver in skins one year later   the Skins won't be worth much at the start but if  you hold on to those skins like some sort of nft   kind of thing they do become worth money now you  get even more skins than we got in the East launch   you get a 5day head start you get 5 million in  furniture that you can sell a year later uh so   your total silver value is 476 million silver for  $200 which is 2.38 million silver per dollar now   if you rmt which rmt is banable that means if you  pay a guy some random bot farmer 50 cents you can   get a million silver but by doing so again you're  going to get banned it's again don't do it don't   ever freaking do it it's not worth it uh but if  you spend $200 you'll make 400 million silver and   then you get banned okay if you buy the gold  from the cash shop the official cash shop in   the game the best deal is you spend 100 bucks you  get 19,000 gold at 2.5 million per 500 gold you're   going to make 95 million silver or 950,000 silver  per $1 Which is less than half of the founders   pack so if you're a credit card whale and you're  going to play this game for for more than a year   absolutely buy that Crystal Founders back and  I say this with hatred in my heart because no   other content creator loves me they all hate my  guts the company hates my guts the CEO hates my   guts the the content created program people  the game Masters they all freaking hate me   and I hate to help them make money and sell them  product but I cannot lie to you I cannot tell you   that that it's a bad deal as much as I want to  it's not a bad deal it is absolutely worth your   money if you're going to spend big money on this  game uh I mean I would honestly buy it if people   liked me and I wasn't muted in this game I would  honestly pay pay this amount of money but um but   nope I I'm too stubborn I refuse to give any  game company my money unless they shout me out   they love me they treat me with respect and like  they treat the other content creators so why am   I hated as a Creator on alabin online so I'm a  troll simple as uh people like to take pixels   a little too seriously and I just love it I've  ruined monopolies on this game I've called out   the fakers I've shunned guilds this makes a lot of  enemies and I've been blamed for why the majority   of the game's population refuse to do full loot  PVP as a matter of fact and I'm not pulling this   number out of my butt this is an official number  from an SBI employee that is sandbox interactive   not sweet baby Inc and that is that 92% of players  do not ever go to a full loot Zone ever I am the   only content creator that is not official I have  not signed an NDA I am not signed any agreements   I do not get any giveaway codes the company does  not like me I've even tried I've I've tried I'm   like hey it's been 4 years can I join the partner  program and they're like nope sorry even though   I get quadrupled the views of the next biggest  Creator it it boggles my mind but I am not legally   bound to suck their toes and bend the knee and you  to buy the founders pack and to tell you about all   the new things coming to the game and to talk  positively about the game no no no but if they   do it if they talk negatively about the game they  get fined $3,000 I like my freedom but uh I try I   tried I tried to be part of their team they don't  want me I say what I want I say anything I want   when I want and how I want this angers redditors  oh boy and I tormented Reddit and Discord for   years burning every bridge I could with everybody  which to me it's just a video game who cares I'm   not going to like lie about things right almost  all of the twitch and YouTuber creators are a   click that is a group of people with a like-minded  thing going on they all work in tandem to try to   vilify me as much as they can so I got to do my  part and play the villain I tried not being the   villain and they cannibalized each other for a  while but when I went away to play other games   guess what started happening they started spinning  up fake Discord chats fake images and all sorts of   drama that they could to pull me back in and here  I am to play my part so the company itself sandbox   interactive they hate my my guts they hate the  truth that I tell in my videos the methods that   I share causing them I've caused them to patch so  many bugs and glitches and gameplay mechanics it   just it's a lot of work on their shoulders and uh  they ban people on their official streams that say   my name they also permanently muted me for just  crap posting not even saying anything bad just   stupid preschool insults like calling someone a  hot dog for instance got me like a one month mute   or something crazy like that it's insane right  uh because they just don't like me they block me   from all of their social medias I cannot talk to  them at all on anything except maybe Twitter I am   on uh if I am on an official stream if my main  character my soulb character is on an official   stream randomly on screen everyone freaks out in  the chat and starts shouting and what happens is   they will move their camera away from me to  a avoid me getting screen time they don't   like attention being diverted by their boring  shoutcasters talking about who gives a crap about   the black Zone whenever I'm on screen now I am  the most loved and watched Creator I have the most   watch time uh you know even the twitch streamers  that have AFK viewbots who are just there to get   skin codes I even beat them on watch time isn't  that funny I am the most organic of creators I   have you know a good comment to view ratio what's  fun uh in a what's fun with other creators is   that they'll put out a big video it gets shared  around Discord sure gets like 10 11,000 views per   video and then their video dies it gets no organic  views it they their videos just die after a week   my videos continue to be viewed two years later  so you'll look at my channel you'll see that my   videos have you know 3K views 5K views 10K views  whatever and then you check back a year later   those same videos will have like 20 40 50k views  they will continuously get views and if you check   my views per month and I'm not trying to gloat  here or anything I get quadruple the monthly view   count than those other channels okay I've also put  out more videos more consistently for longer than   anyone else if you use any kind of program that  scans YouTube to see who the top creators are I'm   usually up there but sometimes I take a break from  the the game and someone else sneaks on up but uh   I am literally the most loved Creator the most  watched Creator this makes the smaller channels   insanely jealous with Envy they seee they hate me  for just simply being better at YouTube simple as   I am also one of the richest players in the entire  game Bar None without any aid from guilds or group   play now I for two months I did try out the guild  thing just to prove that it sucks all of my actual   haters never have actually interacted with me  they've never actually played with me they have   never shared a Discord server with me they are  just afraid of upsetting the company they are   afraid of upsetting their friends and their  click uh I literally had one guy that kind of   was my friend for 2 years and then someone from  the Rival click paid him 1 billion in-game silver   to betray me fun times fun times it's video game  pixels who gives a crap right also I have forchan   mannerisms as it's been my main website that I've  been a part of since 2004 2005 I forget exactly   when but um I was there on day one October 1st  I tell you what and they do not politically like   this they think that I am some sort of alt-right  villain that they have painted in their brains and   they want me to go away by any necessary which  includes faking Discord chats faking all sorts   of in-game screenshots with characters named SW  bji but with L's instead of I's all you name it   they have tried every little dastardly trick to  try to get me to go away they've threatened my   real life they have doxed me swatted me they have  mailed me gross things in the mail I have so many   haters and I just I think it's a blast yanking  their chains now if you want to help me troll   there's something you can do and it does involve  real money all you got to do is buy a Super Chat   just click the button right below this video to  leave a thanks it will highlight your comment and   if enough of you guys donate you know like 10  bucks five bucks 20 bucks 50 bucks you can go   up to 500 but I don't really expect anyone to do  that it would be crazy if y'all did but by doing   so if if we look at the comment section and it's  all highlighted with money donations do you know   how mad the other creators are going to get I  really hope one day that I can just you know do   that and they will see then see then just go crazy  and you know they'll just double down with their   little cancellation efforts and I will just laugh  and you will laugh we'll all have a good time but   uh you know only only donate if you are very  rich and wealthy in real life of course by the   way if you're looking for an honest review of this  game almost all of them are either paid by sandbox   interactive stillfront the company that bought  sandbox interactive or they are reviews made by   people in the partnership program for this game  they are not legitimate reviews at all you cannot   trust someone that is being paid to make a review  for a product even though they may give it a fair   review or a not quite Stellar review for the most  honest possible and entertaining and funny review   that has ever been made for this game ever in the  entire history I need to show you on screen right   now you need to check out this video here now  this is made by Rose who has 14.7k subscribers   his title is becoming a Menace In albian online  now this video is the only honest and fair review   if you like creators like Seth tentac or general  Sam this guy's humor and editing is god tier it   is the best of the best humor and editing that  you're going to get in a review but it's also   the most fair and the most honest review and the  only reason it didn't get more views is because it   paints me in a positive light and I'm not shouting  it out because I'm in his video or anything of the   sort I'm shouting it out because it is brutal  truthful honesty and I stand for that more than   I stand for some guy with 300,000 subscribers that  got paid $10,000 by the company allegedly that uh   put out a review because he was incentivized with  money that is not a review that is not something   you should ever pay for I mean I mean look at  this thumbnail it's got the salt shaker it's   got like the woman yelling the guy crying it's all  good stuff here you definitely want to check this   out now also if there's anything else in this  game that you have a question about feel free   to leave a comment right now I read every single  comment I know I have like 128,000 subscribers   at the moment I have no life I have no family  no friends I honestly have no friends I have no   phone okay I'm being real with you I read every  comment and if it has not been answered in this   video and it's a good question then I'll answer it  but for everyone else that maybe you don't want to   ask a question or you feel awkward then go to my  Channel all right go to my channel and click this   search button and anything in this game that you  have a question about type in a keyword so what   about um like Gathering you can type in gathering  and I have endless videos about Gathering so so   many maybe you want to learn about uh corrupted  dungeons that's fine that's a thing and I have so   many videos about corrupted Dungeons and uh by the  way I'm the world record holder um so someone beat   that time 2 minutes 50 seconds to clear a Slayer  corrupted let's see you let's see it do better   there's still room to improve that time anyway  another thing too anything you can think of what   about gardening I don't this might in this might  pull up some other games so you'll have to scroll   past those other games um well yeah there we go so  crop profits revealed the crop meta don't you want   to view that one anyway any kind of keyword you  can think of you can type Spirit Hunter let's see   if I've made a spirit Hunter video the top spear  lists U you know there's there's like just any   weapon you want uh battle axe let's see what about  battle axe huh here's the mean shock battle ax PVP   build there you go and uh you know that's a real  good one that's probably the best battle ax build   you're ever going to see so absolutely anything  you can think of type it into the search you will   I have 733 albian videos as of this recording  and I'm probably going to be up to 800 by the   time the European server comes out by the time you  watch this so please please please please use the   search function would I recommend Albi online to  anyone so here's the thing albian online is that   one game that you can play if you have nothing  else to play which happens a lot these days   games just suck games just die in a month they get  forgotten no one plays them the player counts drop   Alin online is that weird game that just survives  it's like the Cockroach and the nuclear war but   um it's free and so a lot of people play it um  if you have sadism and like I I honestly have   sadism and I really enjoy making others suffer so  this is a great game for that I can go out with   my maximum to your gear and just dunk on people  put them in 3 minute timeouts and it just makes   me smile if you if you like being overpowered  versus noobs this is a great game if you have a   lot of friends then you can absolutely overpower  people in sheer numbers if you have 10 friends   your you and your 10 friends will have a blast  playing this game because if you catch me outside   catch me outside you're that's a a meme okay an  old meme then you I can't do anything there's 10   of you you can just kill me and take all my stuff  and it's going to be fun for you if you enjoy the   full loot PVP that's another thing I'm I mean  if you really really enjoy full loot PVP it's   one of the better full loot PVP games out there  and because it's free what else are you going to   play like tarov or something I don't think so  to be cheaters okay this game has its problem   with cheaters too uh so yeah I would recommend it  for only those reasons not for classical MMO RPGs   or PVE or questing or storytelling none of that  or Graphics or gameplay just for oddball reasons   really so what to do next now that we've gotten  all the other stuff out of the way well it's time   to level your other Gathering professions you can  start a crafting alt if you want because you can   only earn 30,000 Focus every 3 days you're going  to need multiple characters eventually multiple   accounts if you have the money really rolling in  me personally I have 100 characters 100 islands   that I have more than that actually that I use  for Farmland laborers all that kind of fun stuff   and uh you can too if you want to disc continually  make wealth generation uh you can Fame up anything   and everything that you want if you want to  be a tank A Healer uh some sort of DPS a ones   shot build all of these things you are absolutely  free to do and um I know that I said we would talk   about tracking tracking is a full loot activity  where you buy or craft a tracking kit which I   can't spell kit apparent I still can't spell kit  there we go tracking kit you start at tier three   you can eventually unlock tier four through tier  eight uh you use the kit it'll put a big circle   on your map and the this only works in the red and  black zones it's not very profitable the enemies   are highly dangerous and it's it's used to drop  ingredients for certain potions and ingredients   to craft the shape shifter weapons which is the  last new weapon line that the game introduced The   Shape Shifter weapons are kind of Niche and  for group play they're kind of a jack of all   trades weapon line they aren't really the best  at anything they do but they're pretty good at   most things so that might be something you might  be interested in doing you can again search my   channel if you want to learn more uh it's not  really that profitable it's highly dangerous   it's very tedious and without friends you really  should just avoid it at all costs honestly with   all of that said it it takes an insane amount of  work to make these videos and put out all of this   information and I know the majority of people that  play this game can barely afford things myself   included but if you want to support me here's  how to do it on any of my videos you can click   the join button to become a channel member you  can click the thanks button to send me donations   through YouTube you can click the uh description  here and scroll down there is a donation link   to streamlabs uh again I can't touch that money  for 8 months and the YouTube money I can't touch   until the end of the next month but all any and  all donations are highly appreciated and I and   thank you so so much for watching the last things  that I can do to ask you to help me out are to   leave a comment leave a like this really helps  in the algorithm uh and again please leave a a   comment that's something about the video the title  something about the game don't just put a heart   or an emoji or a smiley face or say okay please  leave a comment talking about the subject matter   please please please please and also you know if  you can all right there's a video on the right   side of your screen that you should absolutely  click recommended Just For You by Google and if   you don't click that video then you're going  to drink some very sour milk one day and if   you don't drink milk then it'll be something  else that went bad but looks completely normal
Channel: SwoleBenji
Views: 81,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: albion online, albion online new players guide, albion online best start for new players, albion online 2024, albion online 2024 guide, albion online 2024 gameplay, albion online best start 2024, albion online 2024 new player guide, albion online mobile 2024, albion online 2024 newbie guide, albion new player guide, albion best start for new players 2024, albion online guide, albion online gameplay, albion online EU, albion online newbie guide, albion online pvp
Id: Mufd0WPcWUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 46sec (12106 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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