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for Welcome to the finale of our humans only challenge and before anything else holy crap thank you all so much for your support our first video got us monetize 500,000 views and 5,000 subscribers that is crazy thank you all so much now this challenge was an absolute Nightmare and roller coaster at the end did I beat the game I guess you'll have to watch and find out but before that we have an ad read now before we get started I also wanted to give a special thanks to boosteroid for reaching out to our small Channel and being our first partnered collaboration remember when I deleted Apex and CS2 so I could finish recording my first video while I also deleted my dear wifeu not dear enough I guess but that's okay because boosteroid is a cloud gaming service that allows you to play many of your most favorite games including power on any device as long as you have an internet connection all without needing to download I've tested boost Droid myself and was really surprised by how smooth the experience was when I tested for Apex there was extremely low latency and almost no stuttering cloud gaming services including boost Droid is highly dependent on your internet connection as well as the device you're using so performance may vary the service itself costs about 11 bucks a month but please note boosteroid does not provide free access to license games any games marked as payment required you will need to have a purchase license copy from an official distributor such as Steam if this interests you and you want to support my Channel please use the link in the description and don't forget to test your speed before purchasing okay starting right back where we left off it's time for us to mine some ore some people are telling me just to get some ore and smell with the fire pale but that's not what this challenge is about see this number right here that's the amount of grass I touch and girls I get let's keep it at zero so I have a few ideas after learning all of bushy's Spawn mechanics I choose an area to set up my farm with a lot of spawn points from what I can tell Pals will try to spawn as high as possible and if it's high enough they won't jump from their platforms so I got to work and put platforms everywhere they spawned I was testing my spawn points for the first time when a shiny bushie spawned in wait is that the bushie it is look at that wow that's right you thought this was going to be a bushy Farm but it's going to be a shiny bushy Farm I got him to TP up some stairs and killing him got me to level [Music] 31 around this point I realized I was making a big mistake spawning mechanics and building in the first five minutes oh no my audience retention my YouTube career is in Jeopardy by the way I call this design the DI board they don't want your designs leave the masses uneducated bing bang Boop Here's the final design I shoot them they TP they die tutorial on YouTube then you just reset hey good thing Bushi aren't human right nothing like humans that's probably good enough that's more money than my ex x-wife left me with oh shoot they're despawning where's my ukulele guys I'm sorry this was never actually a human's only [Music] run you see my humans they're actually W POA ODS anyways if you think this design is pretty good just wait until the end of the episode we have a long list of stuff we have to do kill trees M bosses and smoke some weeds I have a plan and these weeds will bear fruit to something amazing since we're so rich now I think it's time for us to get a second hooker we also make a large toolbox so our humans can craft faster it is so nice having two grappling hooks with that we repair our armor and tools and get ready to head into the dungeon the dungeon's actually pretty nice because most of the rooms clears itself we beat the boss lavander using some cheese and we are graciously rewarded with an uncommon attack pendant coincidentally lavander will actually play a pretty big role later here so dramatic time for us to [Music] explore oh no how is nanami walking well let us relog I hate how the stamina works sometimes Jeffrey just invited me to go fishing nothing immoral going on here just fishing for humans human trafficking you could say he might look young but our company is just practicing Dei and equal opportunities for employment right before the day ends we're able to find a shiny kativa and unlock the at churchway point we sleep away the night and get right back to it the very next morning so many berries the electric yellow mohawk Brotherhood they are pretty strong in number so Mas sandal Lux is pretty easy to dodge nothing too scary about the guy we pass by a black market here and try to recruit them unfortunately the NPCs do not have anti-che enabled hacks and this game proves to us why it's in Early Access oh no no no no no no no no no oh oh my God we need some XP so the very next day we head into our backyard dungeon now did you know dinosaurs are birds and all birds can actually fly you're being lied to about flightless birds we try your best to capture some cave grenadiers but they exhaust our balls no why not we managed to walk this prehistoric chicken into hot lava just like his ancestors no wonder they went extinct we collect the rest of the goodies in the dungeon and happen to get an uncommon handgun schematic slanty although we're underleveled we really need XP so we go for the big boy wo baton W baton seems to be pretty easy but he's just way too chunky we use these trees to break his pathing a bit and start to fight a battle of attrition h rest in peace n on me level 32 we make it home and I think it's time for some upgrades we make ourselves some metal armor sell all of our goodies for ammo and take on the beacon now if we're really lucky Beacon has around a 2.5% drop rate for a legendary handgun schematic but I have a different plan for the end game Beacon has a few fast attacks but is not too hard to dodge the fight just comes down to whether or not I have enough ammo there we go no luck for the next part of my grand scheme we're going to need a lot of stone so I make an AFK K farm now I'm wearing two pendants of diligence right now and it actually increases the speed of getting stone with the pendants it takes five hits and without the pendants it takes six very cool we also make a logging Farm but there's a good chance we won't need it I went to work like real work and came back with 660 Stone I think we're good to leave this on overnight okay so we have a lot of EXP exploring to do this kissy face over here and this face over here we have big plans for but first we're going to want to hit base level 15 so we make a wheat farm we make a temporary flower Mill and hit base level 11 and base level 12 we make two cushions and hit base level 13 for our next upgrade we need a power generator and a sere assembly line which costs you guessed it more ingots let's scout out the kissy face area did you know fish can fly so I'll explain it later when I build here but this area in particular is very special you can actually see two different groups of Pals spawn in the exact same spot we'll use this to our advantage later wow look at all these Toko Toco did you know that Turtles can we enter a dungeon and find a boss rhound we hit him with the usual cheese and collect all of the chests in the dungeon Indiana Jones that is our goal a very big beach oh no it's just like last time yes the hardest boss in the game large [Music] [Applause] Cliffs we got a suzaku over there a dazi over there I would love to do a necklace only run let me know if you guys want that we are getting pretty close we have made it to the Dune shelter thank you for the shrooms hey you look like a candidate for our diversity equity and inclusion quota this guy has a nice hat I want I'm just not sure which one it is we'll buy two undershirts for now I can barely see but this is the Marcus Tower after a long day we finally make it home and sleep the night away we go back to the desert and try to run some dungeons turns out it's just like our Bushi Farm area we got some Eternal py Martyrs and some Pyon knocks not Knocks yes we reached the boss room and what is that title Perpetual procrastinator that's literally me except I didn't procrastinate on this video I swear I literally have full-time work and spent a lot of time on this video I Know It took 3 weeks I literally didn't procrastinate I swear it takes a long time I swear I I wanted to get it out in like 2 weeks but I couldn't I'm like on day 300 and it takes like 50 hours to edit this thing I'm not making excuses I'm just after some effort we beat the three dud and collect our spoils shortly after we go into a different dungeon and you know what we'll try to fight a Nightwing yeah the thing was too tanky so we'll choose the Nightwing this is good rhythm game practice I have to hit the wing every time it flaps I'm missing all that for 10,000 XP I don't know how to say this guy's name valet Val valet Veet valet Violet this guy is very very tanky yeah to spare you guys here's just every time we hit him we'll also speed it up bro our pistol broken one hit pain with that we go back to our base and craft the spere assembly line next is weapon assembly line and highquality hot spring which I think we can do both right now indeed we can weapon assembly line and we'll put our hot spring over here I think that looks pretty nice now if you're wondering why I build so much in a challenge world I feel like it makes each World more unique and important it's not just about beating the challenge but more about the journey and storytelling yes I could get a fire pal at this point and yes I could have captured all of the tower bosses with the glitch but I feel like that just removes all the creativity and personality from the run so I'll just keep doing what I usually [Music] do level 15 we can finally make a third base Third Base isn't cheating right xgf I forgot to introduce her last video my exgf is the gossiping villager she loves to gossip but forget her it's time to look for someone better on the outskirts of the PF Tower we find them remember in the last video where I said we needed a rocket launcher dude or a guy with a too too strap to their chest while we might not find the ladder this guy has a rocket launcher oh Mama Mia in the freaking ball you oh thank goodness I was running out of balls with that we got our first Syndicate Elite looks like everyone's dying today wait wait wait wait I'm not ready I was drinking a soda Syndicate Elite let's see how much damage he does we take him out against relaxer luux and he does about 220 damage next we take out nanami and he does about 130 damage I guess Nomi has been dethroned and we'll have to sacrifice another 116 humans for our best Syndicate Elite what do we name our first Syndicate Elite he has rocket launchers just like NASA so we'll call him Nasi Baka that is so bad with all of the people we've recruited I think it's time for us to make a viewing cage I have a little bit of trouble finding an area to put it so I just make a dedicated place for everyone we must find more women to fulfill our Dei quota and then we will give them 70% of what the men make because they are better workers every time I repair my armor and tools it costs about 80 iron it's a little bit of a chore but it's a good thing we can mine doui instead of fixing our makeshift handgun let's upgrade to an uncommon one and see how far we can go with it I didn't do that anyways I buy a graduate cap so we can have faster work speed and since we made a handgun we're going to have to farm more metal again are you bored of seeing me collecting metal yet wowers I'm losing my sanity hooray for metal let's spend it on something very useful we go back to the desert to look for the best of the best unfortunately my overwhelmingly potent masculine Aura is way too strong for these Elites so we end up killing all of them by accident we head back home so I can waste more ingots on my armor with my armor repaired let's try our first level 40 boss so her attacks are pretty easy to read and she's not as tanky as I thought she'd be after a few minutes we were able to beat her without any issue next is mamist he should be a pretty easy fight we just kind of forgot about him a bit tankier than I thought but no real issues back home we upgrade to capture power level six do not insert Hol cost joke here oh no I've become one of them no no no my Arch nemus my arch nemesis incline and talking I feel like since Co I just can't can't articulate anymore yet here I am talking to you guys hello there oh man we are finally out of the crack and this feels like deja vu oh these guys are pretty strong so we're traveling north to unlock our last boss Tower of course it just so happens to be on top of a freaking Mountain the crack yeah this area is so slopy I can't even jump or grapple back onto the wall I just had to climb the whole way and use foundations but look at this pro move wow I know how am I even single probably because I have no social skills final boss Tower unlocked we're not ready for it yet but it's good to be able to teleport here later since we're already here let's just fight Ice King Paca if he's anything like regular King Paca he should be no problem yeah King Paca has given up that felt like bullying he didn't even want to fight back human trafficking yes bullying not on my watch we're back in the desert to get more Elites after all we want a super Elite so it turns out most of the passives on humans don't even work I have two guys at Vanguard in my party and my damage with and without them are the same unlucky all right let's see how far we can get with Axel and orer we have to beat the last three Tower bosses and let me tell you it is going to be quite the challenge we're going to have to level up and get some resources and I haven't forgotten this guy this guy is actually evil not only does he cheat and have Wall hacks he also traffics [Music] Pals now killing this guy is great because he drops a lot of money on death after giving him a good beating we let him off The Noose with our new hard earn cash we purchase 500 bullets and go on our merry way back to the snow biome we try to take on my knocked but she's out of our league s to your Wu Oh no I got creedy ah before going back to retrieve our stuff I name our second Syndicate Elite Elon musketeer because SpaceX we go back into Len's chamber but she's being a sussy baka in order to retrieve our stuff and not be killed we relog to lose aggro yeah she's the deeder wfu luckily enough for us we're still alive and we're able to get our stuff back we just need to relog one more [Music] time Freedom see you sucker we fight some more bosses but we only get 20,000 XP and this boss is 12 levels higher in the end game we're going to need a few million to get to level 50 so we need to figure something out back to the desert chests and balls yin and yank with all the Spheres we get from this area we're able to capture us a few Syndicate [Music] [Music] Elites slay girl [Music] yeah holy crap somehow I keep on getting ambushed oh I was like why am I hearing Boss music oh my god oh man I want it greed greed I haven't learned my lesson ow it's okay oh not even close no no no no oh we're good we're good oh we made it out and it's already morning how relatable so right now this guy is the best we got he is the elite amongst the elite hence crem de crem so fancy he is so right now we have 10 Syndicate Elites not enough for your mom mom but we'll test all of them out and level them up and see who's the strongest if we're satisfied we will give him the honor of having another 116 humans condensed into his body hey I'm very sorry for all of the your mom jokes as an advocate of gender equality I will get to your dad time for a little redesign we closed off the space to act more like a little office it's also where the NPCs like to go I cleared up some space and a tree grew confine it to a pot potted plant modernism it looks ugly it might look good in a flower bed but we don't have room for that hidden lighting imagine if we could hide this campfire in a tree wait that's in the tree that's not a safety hazard hopefully it looks good at night I made a bench stair thing so we could access the roof from this side I have an idea how many ideas do I have I want a large overhang like this but I have platforms already on the ground so it's hard to line up no also no we've done it the height is a little bit off but just don't look at it feels cozy kind of added like a hallway thing just to add some Dimension let me ask you guys a question do you prefer to be an MPC in The Matrix or a free human in the wild if you're a broy like me working at 9 to5 you know it could be worse you could be like these guys so we use 600 spheres to traffic five boxes of humans with 30 humans per box that is 150 humans or 148 if you subtract the last two that's probably pretty good and should be enough for your M the pal condenser using some ethical methods of testing we found out that this Syndicate Elite in particular is our strongest he has the highest damage and his attack is the highest so a mixing simple well let's get started from 441 attack to 529 we have done it again we have some extra disposable humans so let's also dump them into my team there throughout the Heaven and Earth he alone is the honored one we go to the power statue and upgrade his attack as much as we can and then also a little bit of his health and defense it says Elon musketeer here for some reason but don't worry it's selected on Gojo unfortunately now the real grind Begins the XP grind rise and shine we kill bosses eat sleep and repeat we have a lot of extra Syndicate Elites but I do have a plan for them because they're so Elite we rename all of them now we have our own militia we're level 35 but we tried to take on Anubis after all we could beat king Paca without any issues things were going pretty well he was taking a lot of damage but then look at this my whole team is dead well that didn't go according to plan let's try another idea look at them all all of our grenadiers and our rocket launcher dudes a raid flying hyena pales that's like our worst matchup you know we'll still fight them let's see how this goes I am [Music] speechless oh my God that is the best sound ever anyways that was a disappointment our guys didn't fight back at all we'll see if we can fix that but for now let's get some more metal because everything is broken three bushy one two [Applause] three 36 I just got two shinies in a row all right the Bella is on attack and Anubis is right right there let's see if my guys actually attack him they're going attack oh gosh oh I am getting raided and my followers are just huddling around at nubis this is why you hire a harm of woman unloyal bastards well I need more XP and that means more bosses we give dinam Lux a whirl his attacks are easy to read and pretty easy to dodge considering Dam's level 47 Gojo and cremel crem doing very good damage o I almost died the Cold's going to kill me wait no the Heat's going to kill me more bosses more more more even more ooh a rare attack pendant so we take a little break from boss fighting and go explore Canada we tried to capture an executioner but he EXE executes us yeah lots of L's today also we're lagging got my stuff back and these chests in this area are also very good I feel like there has to be something up there right like a chest or a LIF monk effigy I found it your missing dad he's right there somewhere where the milk is somewhere down there oh no oh man that was that was all calculated greed I want it oh my gosh suzaku yeah this guy is a pushover goo can actually hit him consistently that was [Music] easy menting more like Westing or nonbing I am so funny my bad Gojo this was another level level 40 boss that was pretty easy to beat upon killing a Syndicate Crusher we hit Level 38 we put our third pil box down in case we die to any boss let's hope blaz is a pushover just like everyone else he is indeed a pushover look at how much xp that filled for a level 49 are you a pushover no he is not a pushover its body becomes a blade upon death to be taken up by the Next Generation if someone other than aushi wields this Blade the soul within torments them until they are driven mad all right I am so sick of repairing my metal armor so we're just going to downgrade that is some baloney [Music] baloney all right we have a game plan stick by the pillars and blast them in the face oh it's too slow oh my God [Music] let's go finally maybe you guys could tell I was getting super stressed a progress my blicky is almost dead again but we did that fight without metal [Music] [Music] armor wow wow wow wow wow wow wow first boss kill shallow water yman tide well he's taking a lot of damage [Music] hey Anubis can we hang out well I guess we're fighting him good damage this is going much smoother than imagined I just have to remember to recall and Dodge his charge attack yeah h [Music] what a nubis more like a news that was so smooth yeah it feels like we're finally winning a little bit this is also Gojo's last attack upgrade so I also beat deep water yman tide because we're masochists or something and yeah I need more metal but hey we can downgrade our capture level one more time now that my capture rate is decreased I'm able to capture a Syndicate Crusher woo let's go I didn't know there was a flamethrower executioner hey level 40 wait this guy's tanky he's like Anatoli I want him oh no no no no no he's going to die no no no no no no stop stop chck ball no oh my gosh CX I will Massacre your race wait should I be racist or sexist I'm kidding guys don't cancel me my career has just started I love women look at my last thumbnail wait no don't look at my last thumbnail I I I I will refrain from genocide yes I am an ethical person sidewalk so we have logger and logs here both of them have logging Foreman but yeah we get the same amount of wood same amount of fiber same speed so you might be wondering why am I mining the wood well I don't actually need wood I need fiber why because I have explosive diarrhea because I plan on using explosives each grenade I make costs 10 fiber and we're going to want around 666 of them so let's get mining okay see those trees over there gone how about these Woods disappear disappear your father wait look at this behold stone that fruits while we mine weed and smoke wood nanami is at base cooking grenades we do what is hopefully our last run of [Music] metal 214 that should be enough right let's condense blaze it Agent 47 and anat by one stage that way everyone's [Music] condensed level 41 unfortunately this is taking too long I hit the tech so this is what one idea I had but I'm realizing that we can't pick up any humans so we can't place them into these turrets maybe if for attack they'll go use them but we'll see I can't believe we just got a rare handgun schematic it might be worth it if we just need a slight upgrade all right we're going to try this again I got to remember to dodge backwards on that attack o looks like the damage is still there let's see if we can do this not exactly the strategy I want to use but there's a reason I do this that I'll explain later on at this point I just want her dead I will kill her legit at a higher level later easy peasy not even close aagon is the final boss under level 50 let's just beat him if we can oh we're good we're not good we're not good o we might have died there but we'll take what we can get all right let's have a serious talk let me introduce you to Madame jingler a so I've been looking for ways to increase my XP more quickly unfortunately this Farm I found on YouTube is too slow she's still very cute though so here's what we're going to do it already takes me several hours just to level up one time by killing endgame Alpha bosses since we beat all the alpha bosses already that's under level 50 I think we should be allowed to adopt Nuzlocke rare candy rules going forward we will crank up the XP multiplier until we reach the recommended level for the next gym leader in this case it would be Marcus's boss Tower at level 45 we're not allowed to go over this level all this does is save me time so I can upload to you faster more than once a year if you guys have any other ideas let me know in the comments so let's go kill us some bosses [Music] [Music] h level 45 that felt so much faster all right back to normal yeah so that took us eight or nine boss fights which would have been 160 either way I'm level 45 now and I have been dreading this fight why you'll see my guy can't hit Yep this was going to be a purely me fight Gojo is just too short yeah well either way this is just a test run but this might be the hardest fight in the game oh yeah this is going to be a rough one why use aim trainers when power R is $30 anyways we're smoking weeds and getting the last bit of fiber we need behold stone that fruits sorry I I already used that joke I have smoked all of the weed there's no weed where the weed I don't know what to do with all of this wood so we're just going to discard it all the weed's back yeah these small guys are way more efficient for fiber cuz you get them on the first hit and you can get multiple of them and they're satisfying I have removed all the vegetation and now there's not a comos person ins sight shoot I got distracted behold so remember I said this desert isn't normal and that's because of these three spots these three spots spawn double which is great for a farm the palale say spawn are even better you have Toko Toco for gunpowder and lavander for fulfilling your weird Kinks just kidding we're after one of her 1% drops particularly the memory wiping medicine using it will allow us to Respec so we're more built into damage and less into utility even if I weren't doing a challenge run this farm would be very practical both gunpowder and the memory wiping medicine are a pain to make also if you have a cat on field both too Toco and lavander are neutral type so you can get increased drops from them with the pilbox you can reload the area very quickly if you don't want to use a pil box you can also relog after a very Lively night with a bunch of lavander we finally got it let's go this is our second rare drop but it still came early so it saved us a lot of time with our Mar with our fiber farming we're able to queue up 228 grenades plus 24 with our lavander farm at least we have one practical Farm after thinking about it I can make this Farm better four blocks wide and I can reach the far spawns using this elevator trick we can go 18 blocks up credit to Ean for this trick I will link his video in the description once we're all the way up since we have foundations on the ground we can go four blocks this way and an extra two if we wanted to 2x two for a pil box two windows and then the same setup as before we're going to use a tall bookshelf a bench and then a metal stool test [Applause] Ron whoopsies first cemetry we're going to go up the other side also we're going to use Blink walls since windowed walls slow you down [Applause] and there you go my newest and final design hopefully so someone in my comments mentioned to me that pen King acts just like cess where fire Pals will drop more items which makes this Farm just a little bit more viable not for me though by the way I tried some designs where bushie could walk off but a lot of times he'll just sit there so this idea was a no go okay enough nerd stuff let's wipe our brain yeah we'll do all attack for now if we want anything else we have five levels for it oh let's see how this goes okay instead of repairing I think we're going to upgrade slightly we don't need that much more damage we can also make rush or bacon and eggs or omelets this will give us a 10% increase in attack we have finished cooking our handgun and it is a fair Bit Stronger it also has two extra rounds in the chamber metal armor and let's bring some backup grenades just in case oh [Music] man [Music] [Music] just kidding we got [Music] this [Music] a my see don't for secure show seem [Music] fall this me all SS [Music] fall h [Music] we're so close [Music] out of ammo right at the end woo let's go no break for us let's find out just how difficult the last boss is huh as expected we're not doing that much damage but Gojo is at least able to hit him which is a big win right now what's most important is to learn his moves all right let's level up and give it one last push we are on day 383 some of it may have been AFK but regardless it has been a long journey for the last time let's go beat some bosses we're under the map and there's water wait we're like actually under the map well I am curious if we die our bag should respawn outside the dungeon we're back at peace lyen I have come for Revenge Jesus yeah we do so much more damage just for being a few levels [Music] higher level 50 by the way we have spec two into stamina and that's because DOD in is crucial let's do a damage test grenades do 320 head shots do 220 body shots do 140 let's see what Gojo does 1,000 that's huge that's 05% of his health every hit either way two 200 hits from Gojo will kill him all good good info ooh nice now we have both versions of this oh wow that is so lucky I was killing bosses so I could buy more ammo but now we got a little bit more damage we are in our final stages of prep ice grenades a little bit extra defense for Gojo let's eat our omelette put on the amulet and let's beat the final boss Tower our game plan goes like this stick by the pillar for certain attacks keep Gojo alive because he's going to do a significant portion of damage walk as much as possible because we don't have that many roles and if we ever get into any trouble we'll use our nades to try and CC him we'll try to save our nades in case we die but our handgun headshot has a higher DPS anyways I should have recalled him there we'll speed things up a bit and we're out time for nades there's like um animation cancel where I can't send out Gojo oh I missed a batch of them that's fun ya ya jump jump jump here yes oh no no oh Gojo's dead I one HP I just need my Shields back I just need my Shields back one more time oh my God the shield just came back that is so clutch H H ya ya and it's holy it's all you complete the mission yes we freaking did it ah all the pain and misery what the heck man oh jeez although we beat the last Tower boss our challenge is not over yet we have three last Alpha bosses to beat 200 nades and a pistol let's go the game plan Remains the Same keep Gojo Alive concuss With Grenades if we need it and run our ammo first in case we die Frost stallion is pretty easy to read doesn't hit too hard the only thing is she's very [Music] tanky Midway through our fight I'm quite confident we won't lose here so I start throwing my nades that's not good we're actually close to dying let's go leave it to me to almost screw up at the end but we got it next up is jetrion this guy is very fast so let's do our best to stay alive since Frost stallion was so tanky I remember to bring my poison crossbow to this fight I need three rolls for this attack and that still hits me yeah every so often I'll throw an ice nade and a shock nade to concuss them since we're super squishy we want to be as efficient as possible in shutting down jetran attacks shout out to this tree by the way this thing is made of bedrock oh my God how am I not hit take my last nades let's go one more boss and we're done Foodies can we beat palor using only humans all right here we go so we do what any sane person would do and waited until night so we only have to fight necromus h all right we got this speed it up this bastard's running away he left his wife behind behind just like your dad we found him he was doing some weed let's go that's half the fight I think the rest should be pretty easy H yeah just what a finale humans versus pales how poetic is [Music] that yeah it is time to end it it's time to throw hands I guess not all good we freaking did it boys oh my gosh we did it what a journey thank you all so much for watching this video probably took me over 70 hours to edit and I'm very sorry for how late it is as time goes on I'll be better at the game and better at editing these videos so I think there's a lot more to come also remember that shiny lamb ball we're doing shinies only next many of you guys in the comments wanted that so that's what we're doing we weren't able to get all the humans we wanted this run but we did get the strongest that's right it's your mom just kidding just kidding once again thank you all so much for watching and I hope you have a great day
Channel: Yin's Alt-F4
Views: 42,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pal, Palworld, Challenge, Yinsalt, yinzalt
Id: Hyucu4P3sWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 38sec (5078 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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