Palworld - DO THIS NOW! Increase Base Farming by 5 Times - Stacking Tips and tricks

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are you tired of your base looking this clutter want more space want to five times the space in your base with this simple strategy today I'm going to show you guys how to stack up not one not two not three not four but five different items on top of each other maximizing your base potential and saving yourself at least 10 tiles with this simple strategy and I'm also going to help you answer a couple questions I got from my prous video on how to three times your base which was issues that you guys were saying you guys were struggling with pathing that you didn't know how the resources were being gathered today I'm going to walk you step by step everything you need to know on how to stack up five different farming Stacks to be able to save a ton of space a ton of time a ton of resources and overall maximize your farming potential so you like how that sounds let's jump right into it guys so if this tip is going to help you in any way shape or form hit that like button and let's jump right into it okay so in order for you guys to do this strategy guys you're going to need to be at least level 36 if you're not level 36 I highly recommend you check out my prior video on how to stack it three times cuz that's a little bit easier to do as far as leveling is concerned but once you get to leveling 36 you're going to want to make sure you unlock the outdoor furniture item that's going to give you access to a tire and the tire is what makes this completely key and you want to make sure you pay close attention to the way I'm going to describe this because this could go from you stacking only three only four to actually doing the maximum which is five so what you want to do guys is first you want to start off by placing one set of tires wherever you want to start your farm as you guys notied when I first showed you my video I had a lot of spots available in that area and I wanted to condense that area to make it smaller so I first started stacking the first set of uh Tire the second Tire will go on top for the uh for the third and fourth Tire you're probably going to have to jump just try to stay in the same position so that tire stays right on top and above each other once you have the tires completely set up now what you're going to want to make sure is that wherever you're going to be placing the first set of plank whatever it be lettuce or tomato you want to make sure that that's placed in where you actually want to have it cuz this could be become from making a really good one to making a really ugly one okay so you want to make sure you place it correctly where you want to place that first layer now the great thing about this strategy is you're able to stack up lettuce lettuce tomato tomato lettuce or you could do uh like five stacks of tomato five stacks of lettuce whatever you want to do as long as they're the same size you guys should be good you could theoretically even do uh you know one stack of tomato lettuce one stack of tomato lettuce and then you could even do wheat and you know just have it that way so the possibilities for the farming it could be limited you could literally just have one full stack and it's going to be able to collect every single item which is wheat lettuce and tomato in just one complete row it's just so much time saving and so much space saving so what you want to do guys is you want to place your first layer make sure you have it correctly as soon as you place down your first layer you it's going to be a little bit tricky so you're going to have to kind of keep jumping and moving side to side until you actually get it into the right position once you get into the right position you then are going to want to go and look at the bottom of that plank and in the bottom of the plank I want you to delete one of the tires so once that tire is deleted you're then going to go ahead and create another plank which is going to go underneath the one you have now you want to make sure you line these up correctly because you don't want it to look Zig sag or look weird so you just want to kind of get close to it you know jump in the air and see if it's lining up perfectly once it lines up perfectly it's going to show that blue thing as far as the screen's concerned click on it and it should place the other one right underneath it same thing guys rinse and repeat we're going to go down uh usually Crouch works really good and you're going to delete that third Tire now this is where things get a little bit tricky and this is where you need to pay attention so what we're going to do same thing same process jump up in the air place that third Plank and make sure it lines up so it's a little bit finicky but you just want to make sure it lines up perfectly once it lines up perfectly place it into place so this is where people mess up and this is where you want to make sure you do not mess up so for some reason the game creates an additional Tire when you're doing this okay so instead of four tires it makes it seem like you have five so what's going to happen is and you notice like in my clip I had one with four stacks and that's because I didn't notice this until I actually kept doing it over and over to make it perfect so what you want to do guys is you want to crouch down and there's going to be a tire hitting the floor and then there's going to be a tire that's elevated above that tire now this tire is a little bit difficult to actually get rid of because it becomes a little bit finicky so what you want to do is Crouch down get a little bit far until uh you're able to see the tire then slowly walk inwards until that tire tire gets highlighted for you to dismantle it if it doesn't get highlighted for you dismantle you're going to have to kind of work your way around the area until you actually see the tire and dismantle that tire what that's going to allow you to do it's going to remove that additional tire that the game automatically creates allowing you to place that fourth layer in there if you do not get rid of this tire you're only going to be able to place four Stacks so you this is very important so you want to make sure you delete that tire once that tire is deleted you then want to go ahead and put your Forge stack now once that Forge stack is placed you have for Stacks then after that same thing rinse and repeat Crouch once again and hit the last tire that's underneath there and place your final stack that's going to allow you to stack up five different sets of pillars of farming material and that could vary like I said it's Limitless endless whatever you want to put there wheat lettuce tomato berries I you usually want to Stack berries on top of berries and of course you know the other stuff that's the same size proportion on top of each other now I know a lot of you guys were saying there was pathing issues There's issues when it comes to picking up materials as you're seeing right here in the footage everything is getting completely done you are getting watered all five of them are getting watered at the same time all of them are getting planted at the same time all of them are getting harvested at the same time now this is all going to be dependent on how fast you do this what I personally recommend and what worked out for me is you definitely do not want to have people that are watering farming or gathering when you're doing this because what that's going to do is as soon as you place one down they're going to start doing the harvesting they're going to start doing the planting and that's going to get them off sink like for example the first one I did completely out of sink you know it was getting watered it was getting planted it was getting harvested so you kind of want to have them in sink so whenever someone's watering they're literally watering all five of them okay so you want to make sure do that whenever someone's harvesting you want to make sure they're all harvesting at the same time that allows it for a very smooth transition and what this actually allows you to have it lets you reduce the amount of Pals you have doing a particular test basically what you want to do is get one of the best Pals to do one specific job so for here German tide is the best watering pal I just have him he does all of it okay he does all of it in one complete go no wasting time everything going to go get the one that's best for planting get the one that's best for harvesting and you can literally just have three of the best ones and reduce the amount of Pals that are doing the same thing because as they're doing one so as they're planting one as they're watering one as they're harvesting one they're doing all the five Stacks at the same time this also reduces the pathing issue it reduces Pals getting underneath or getting on top or getting stuck there is going to be a huge Lifesaver for you guys now I didn't test if you were able to go even higher but I'm pretty sure you probably could go a little bit higher than this you could probably stack up to 10 I don't know man some of you guys are going to have to try it out and like I said you guys never seem to surprise me because I got this information from one of you guys so you guys have any more additional tips let me know in the comment section down below so I did want to give a mess shout out to Don Roa 544 for your awesome tip I even maxed them my set a little bit cuz you said four I went and did and did five so hopefully this helps you out as well thank you for your comment and don't forget guys with the huge update that's coming out this week we don't know what's coming out but if PVP or raids come out you want to make sure you have op Pals so check out this video that's popping up right down the screen to how to get the best team comp Synergy for your pals so you can start farming those right now thank you guys for watching and I'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: LaserBolt
Views: 4,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld tips, palworld bast tips, palworld advanced base building, palworld advanced based tips, palworld tips and tricks, palworld guide, palworld farming tips, palworld farming pals, palworld stacking farms, palworld stacking tips, palworld base bulding, palworld base guide, palworld base stacking, palworld building guide, palworld, tips and tricks, palworld base building guide, base build, building tips, building tricks, farming, stacking, more space, best base tips
Id: TJ4-6mFH_RM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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