Palworld HOW TO GET a GUN (PISTOL) EARLY and Become OP (Tips, Tricks)

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so you want to become op early well the fastest way to become op is by getting a gun and the fastest way you could get a gun is by watching this video because today I'm going to teach you how to get a gun early in power world and this video is going to be helpful for all of you guys who are struggling to get a gun as you see right here if I go to my technology here I still haven't unlocked the pistol yet but I have a pistol in my hand and you're probably wondering how do you do it laser how do you do it I've been having a handgun since I was very very low level which has helped me progress to the game very fast and today I'm going to tell you guys exactly what you need to get this and I have a special tip for you guys that are lower levels so you guys are definitely going to want to make sure you watch so without further Ado let's talk about how to become a pee and get a gun early in power world all right fellas so let's talk about how you're going to be able to get this pistol now before I tell you how to get the pistol I want to give you a tip on how you could get a gun you know in case you don't have the item that you need to to make it to the pistol so uh what you want to do guys there are two Pals current currently found in the game one is known as tany and the other one's known as lift monk that have the ability of being able to use guns now I personally like limun better than tany uh just because I feel like he's just like the cooler one that you know that you're able to use a gun with but both of them are going to give you the abilities so tany has the ability of once you you know get his stuff unlocked which I'll show you right now he'll pull out a a AK and start shooting with the AK lift buk on the other hand he'll jump on your on your on your you kind of like on top of your head and start using his SMGs which are pretty awesome so where exactly do you find these guys let me go ahead and pull up the menu and show you guys where you're going to be finding you so if you go to this area right here this is where the you start off the you know when you start off the game if you go to this area right here you're going to be able to find both of them you're going to be able to find tansy and limun on this area right here they're just going to be running around shoot them and capture them now once you have them captured you're going to want to make sure you go your technology tree and then once you're here you're just going to want to make sure you hit to level 11 and you're going to unlock LIF Monk and you're going to unlock tansy's uh ability to be able to carry them or to use their special ability and then once you do that all you got to do is go to the workbench pick up the workbench and just unlock the little harness so you guys could go ahead and use them now the way you use them is you pretty much just throw them on the field so you throw them like that not him sorry you throw them like this and then you just hold down X and he'll you know lift buk will come up here and he'll use his little SMG and that gives you ability of using a gun early without having a gun in your disposal now if for some reason you're like all right that's cool but I want to know how to get a pistol cuz that is why I clicked on the video then I'm going to tell you guys exactly why you're going to need to do that so before we show you guys you're going to want to get a character that's called Nightwing Nightwing is this character right there that's kind of dead right there but I'll show you right here in the pal deck uh he's going to be a flying character also going to show you guys where to get him and he is going to be giving you the ability to fly because we're going to need to fly to that area you can theoretically swim to the area but it just makes it go a lot faster so this is Nightwing uh he's going to be found right here on the map let me show you guys right now if a really cool thing about this is this is like right at the starting area so you're able to get him really fast if you get Nightwing the faster you get Nightwing the faster you're able to get the gun so Nightwing is going to be right here in this area so where this other Beacon is at the grassy uh Hills that is where Nightwing's going to be flying like around this water path and then you shoot them and then you'll be able to pick them up so once you have them picked up you're going to go to your map and you're going to go to this location right here which is awesome because this is right off the early part as well but you really need to fly you need something that flies or cons swim so what you want to do is head this way and you're going to notice I have three stars here these three stars represent three chests that have a gun okay so what you want to do is get on Nightwing and I'm playing right now the video and fly to that particular Island and one of those chest is is going to have a blueprint for a gun now the great thing about this is that sometimes you get lucky and you can get a a green variant a blue variant so you could theoretically Farm These and not only do you find a gun but you'll find armor in these chest as well but what you want to do is open one chest to see if it has a gun if it doesn't have a chest go to the other chest and see if that chest has a gun and then visit the other chest to see if that chest has a gun and theoretically you will find a gun in one of those three chests now once you have the gun in your disposal you're not going to be able to use the gun per se because you're actually going to need to craft the gun the handgun is going to look like this guys it's going to look like a schematic so it's going to be like a handgun schematic or it's going to be this one the handgun schematic so in order for you guys to use this you're going to have it to have it in your inventory once you have it in your inventory you're going to need to go to your weapon bench and then on your weapon bench you're going to need to craft the handgun now it's going to require OK it's going to require high quality uh pal oil and ancient civilian parts now you should theoretically have a lot of these already if you guys have been looking for uh you know for pretty much Pals or if you know that area where we found a gun at if you kill the pals there you should be getting both of those high quality and the ancient civilian Parts uh and inog you should already have so once you have that you're going to be able to craft the gun and remember you need to have the schematic in your inventory in order for you to be able to get it now the question is all right I got the gun I got everything now how the heck do I go about getting ammo and once again to get ammo we're going to use our buddy the Nightwing uh because we're going to need to fly to this location right now so I'm just going to fast travel to the location but the location you need to go to is going to be kind of really close to where my base is at which is this location right here and you're going to fast travel to this uh F point right here which I'll show you guys this is the starting point so you guys can get an idea this is where the chests are at and this is where the ammo is at so you're going to we going to go to this location right here and we're going to fast travel to it and once you fast travel to this location this particular location is going to have vendors and the great thing about these vendors is that these vendors actually sell ammo and the way you are able to get the ammo is by having coins the you know the coins you should have a lot of coins by the way by the time you you get here as you see right here not only do they have a ring of resistance they have a gun that you could buy but you could also buy the ammo so if you didn't have a gun you could just come and purchase one from here it's 16,000 points and you could also purchase the ammo from them which is very little uh 120 ammo right here and just get a bunch of bullets so basically all you would do here is just go ahead and do as much as you possibly can when it comes to uh you know collecting coins once you have enough coins come to this vender and pick this up and you guys should be good to go as far as ammo and as far as we weapons so instead of crafting the weapons you can just literally just buy them off the vendor and that's how you get a gun early in power and once you get the gun early then you're just going to be able to use my leveling up method to be able to level up fast and kill the bus the bosses really quickly because the gun's going to give you so much power and make you that much op now with that being said you're also going to want to know what are the best Pals to pick up early in the game to make your life a lot easier so make sure you guys click on this video that's popping up right now on the screen to make sure you guys get the best Palace at your disposal I hope you guys are enjoying our content if you are doing the heat favor guys drop a comment drop a like but most importantly subscribe to the channel turn on all your notifications so you guys won't miss for our videos go live thank you guys for watching and I'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: LaserBolt
Views: 172,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld how to get a gun, palworld guide, palworld tips, how to get a gun palworld, palworld gun, palworld pistol, how to get pistol palworld, palworld tricks, palworld tips and tricks, palworld become op, palworld best pal for gun, palworld lifmunk, how to get lifmunk palworld, palworld pvp, palworld info, palworld best pals, tips, tricks, guide, pals, palworld pals
Id: vRybiVqqIh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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