PALWORLD HOW TO Breed PALS SECRET SKILLS - Palworld Best Pals to Breed for Secret Skills

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recently I made a video on the three secret hidden skills that you're able to pass down to PS and I got a lot of questions regarding how to pass these skills down for example Eric said my question is do we absolutely need to bre Victor and Shadow beak and Lily Lin with a shapi to have a chance for a baby shapi to have the hidden technique or you can do it with other Pals that will make Chickapea eggs no matter what since you breed bosses and they still have a chance to get the technique I asked this because I have other Pals with certain passive abilities I would like to transfer to that Chickapea egg to at the same time having a chance to get the hidden Technique we also got a question from trip 9755 saying once it's on the chick how do you put it onto other characters so seeing that there was a couple more questions similar to this I decided to make a video to show you guys the techniques you need to do in order to transfer these Secret abilities which now I come to find out there's more than the three I suggested there's a total of five that you're going to want to make sure you get and obtain as quickly as you possibly can't so if you guys want to know what those abilities out check out that video we posted up earlier but with that being said let's talk about how you're going to be able to transfer these skills from one character to another all right so for video purposes we are going to want to make a FR stallion knot with the ability from Victor's Shadow beak which is the dark whis so what I would recommend is go to the character you want to create go to the pal box calculator which I'll link down below find out which is the end goal of the character and work your way backwards so for me personally I only have two options to get a for Stelling knot one is breathing two for Stelling knots which I don't have and the other option is getting H Seer to breathe with a for St knot this is the route that I decided to take so what I need to do is I need to get a h sephus so we're going to work our way backwards and we're going to start off with step number one step number one is getting the chicken bee with the ability so how do we do that we basically take Victor we put him in the pin and then we take any other random character and basically any character that we put here is going to give us a chicke so I'm in my case in my example we're going to put a forell notot and just wait till we actually get our hands on a chicka with the dark whisp ability now one helpful tip I want to give you guys if the Chickapee is lowlevel it's going to be faster of them getting the ability because the higher level they are the bigger pool they have of getting abilities so you want to get characters or Pals that have the lowest value when it comes to level to be able to pass this down faster all right so after a couple tries we got our egg we got our Chickapea with the dark whis ability and we're ready to keep you know producing eggs now what we're going to do is we're going to remove Victor from the pin and we're going to leave her for sty knots and we're going to put in our chicke in there to be able to you know have more eggs and more babies that are going to produce this a different pal and the pal we're actually looking for this time around is we're looking for a chillet so we're just going to keep producing you know eggs with the Chickapea and the frell knot till we get a chillet that has the ability of the dark whis all right so after a couple eggs guys we finally got a chill it with the dark wisp ability now it's time to move forward and progress even further to enhance this more so we're going to get our chillet we're going to leave our for selling knot in the pin and that is going to go ahead and produces a seix now the thing here is we want to make sure that the sex we get will have the ability that we want which is a dark wisp ability all right so after a couple tries we finally got our sex with the ability now we're going to take our sex we're going to M them with the foral knot and that is going to produce us a relaxasaurus once again what we're waiting for here to happen is we're waiting for the relaxasaurus to come with the ability of the dark wisp ability and we are almost getting to the uh pretty much the end goal here for our characters because once we have our relaxasaurus we are then going to wait for him to have the ability we want all right so we finally got our relaxasaurus with a dark wisp ability now all we got to do is made him with the frelling not he's been chilling here and wait till we get a HR with the dark wisp ability and just kind of give it some time guys going to take a couple tries you know this is why you need a lot of cake and I highly recommend you watch my cake farming video cuz it's going to be very help ful once that we have the heill suffer and we get the heal Seer with the ability want then it's just a matter of working on getting our for stallion not with the dark whisp ability all right so now that we have our H Seer now we need to change things up because we have the ability already in our selfer now we got to make sure we get a falion knot now the only way we're able to get a falion knot is by breathing him with a frost stallion so let's get changed it a little bit here let's bring in our first stallion let's get our her selfer with the ability and let's see until we actually get our first stally knot all right so after a couple breathing sessions you guys have noticed now we finally have our first stally knot with the ability that we aren't able to get any other way but to doing this particular method so the good thing about this is guys is now that we have a really powerful pal extremely powerful pal with the ability one of the most rarest unique abilities in the game and the very secretive one and basically this is what you want to do if you want to pass these secret abilities to different Pals that aren't able to get it any other way now one thing you want to know guys is what is the most powerful pal you could possibly create now one thing you want to know is what is the most powerful pal you could possibly create in the game with this technique then you're definitely going to want to check out this video that's popping up right now the screen giving you the oneone on how to create the most powerful pal in po world I hope you guys are enjoying our content if you are do the he favor guys drop a comment drop a like like but most importantly subscribe to the channel turn those notifications and I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: LaserBolt
Views: 7,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld secret skills, palworld pal secret skills, palworld best pals skills, palworld skills explained, palworld secret hidden skills, palworld pals secret skills, palworld pal secret pal breeding, palworld breeding guide, palworld breeding tips, palworld passive skills, palworld guide, palworld best pals, palworld tips, palworld advanced tips, best pals palworld, laserbolt, palworld ultimate guide, palworld pals, pal world passive skills, PALWORLD HOW TO Breed
Id: ODVseqqb7KA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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