Palworld - How Capturing Pals ACTUALLY Works - Best Pal Sphere & Secret to Guaranteed Pal Capture!

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get in my ball I don't want to I said get in my ball Jesus Christ what is that Define yeah just open it up I guess ladies gentlemen and Pals of all ages you want more Pals right I mean we all do it's a core component of this game and aside from breeding them or buying them the main way that you can get more Pals is by heading into the field and capturing them pulling yourself up by the bootstraps getting yourself in gear and putting those cute little monstrosities into some spheres with this being such a major mechanic of the game it may seem like a simpler thing to understand and sure at a base level it is throws sphere catch pal except sometimes you don't and the reason for that is a whole Bevy of complex calculations going on behind the curtains of the game itself so today we're going to dive into what those are the things that affect your capture chances and essentially just how to boost your chances of catching a pal as much as physically possible with the resources that you have giving yourself the greatest chances of the things that you want with the least resource cost as well ideally and to do this we are going to sort of work through this backwards in a way and start at the final point of contact which is the pal sphere connecting to the pal and it's worth noting that the percentages that you see on the screen when throwing the sphere apply to each stage of the catch actively so those numbers changing is on purpose with the number that you see before the throw being the chance of it going in the ball to begin with the number after they go in being the percentage chance of it not breaking out for the first shake so on and so forth until you see 100% on screen which reflects that the catch is now complete past that then is more specifically which pal spheres that you choose to use every type of sphere in the game has a capture power stat number on it a lot of people falsely believe that your capture chance with each sphere type is only actually effective on a certain range of levels but the more accurate way to phrase this is that each sphere has a progressively higher base capture power stat and higher level Pals have a higher capture Defense number by which I mean the number that will go against your capture power the calculation essentially being capture power of sphere Plus any bonuses you get from the other things we'll be covering in this video then that capture power is puted against a specific palis capture defense and that's what decides the actual capture rate percentage in any given scenario that said the base pal spere has a capture power of seven megas speres have 14 gigas spheres have 20 hypers spheres have 26 Ultras spheres have 32 and legendary spheres have a capture Power number of 37 to put that in sort of simpler context the megasphere is twice as good as the base pal spere the gigas spere is a 50% increase from Mega hyper is about a 26% increase over Giga Ultra is about a 19% increase over hyper and then legendary is about a 14% increase over Ultra so realistically the actual gain from sphere to sphere diminishes pretty significantly so let's also talk about why that matters and why this means that you don't actually want to always use the best kind of spheres that are available to you the main reason for that is production costs pal spheres are cheap as hell megas spheres are where they start to cost ingots but the gain in Effectiveness is massive when once you get up to the hypers Spheres you start to actually cost C and that's when it gets a lot more messy to actually Farm them up which means that there's a sweet spot of course if you are resource rich and care only about time and nothing else always use legendary spheres all the time they have the highest chance that's how it is and so if you have them you might as well use them aside from that though I recommend always having a nice supply of gigas spheres just because they hit a really nice mid-game spot where they don't cost cement which is really important but they still gain a lot of capture power over the base sphere so they're actually worth collecting and then the third type worth crafting are base pal spheres bass spheres are absolutely Dirt Cheap to make and while they have the lowest capture Power by a fair mergin they still do have capture power and if you injure a pal enough if you apply the other tips we'll go through in a moment you reduce the capture power that is required to actually catch a pal which means that even the base pal sphere does have a small chance of catching a really high tier pal and at that point it just becomes a numbers game if it takes 100 pal spheres to catch a level 45 pal but pal spheres are 1 100 the cost of legendary spheres and it would take two legendary spheres to do the same then you're technically better off throwing the 100 base pal spheres that it would take provided that you're willing to you know take the time it would take to throw a 100 spheres and get a 100 chances at it the main caveat to all of that though of course is the existence of Vixie Vixie produced pal spheres for free at the ranch and at partner skill level four and five from using the condenser Vixie will actually start producing full-on Mega spheres for free which again have twice the capture power of Base spheres therefore if you set up a specific Vixie focused ranch with a bunch of them at partner scale 5 you can get yourself a really Hefty collection of Megas spheres very frequently absolutely free that which point those will be your go-to cheap ones unless youd actively want to spend resources to save some time with that cover then let's keep moving backwards to the next point of contact which is the pal that the sphere connects with as we already mentioned depending on level Pals will have a different capture defense stat that you are trying to overcome to boost your chances this is mostly defined by the Pal's level but there are also secondary factors as if it is an alpha pal a legendary or lucky pal all of those will increase the capture defense of the pal over its default rates of the same species at the same level also worth noting just for fun that for whatever reason some Pals actually have slightly different capture rate multipliers with pal deck entry one two and three which are lamal kativa and chapi just having a 1.5 times capture T multiplier on them as a whole to actually make it easier to catch those three specifically because they're the most common ones in the absolute beginner location on the flip side of this there are a few notable ways to actually lower the capture defense of a pal which in turn will raise your own capture percentages the first and most obvious one is Health as a pal's Health goes down so does its capture defense there is no real hard limit to this either you can squeak out an extra percent or two from bringing a pal even from 10% Health down to 1% health so the lower that you can get them the higher your chances are literally down to them having one HP remaining that said 10% HP seems to be the sweet spot where it gains diminishing return turns and only helps a little bit to lower than the last few bits of HP aside from that you also have to consider the angle that the ball hits the pal at if you hit a pal in the back with a sphere you get what is called a back bonus so this only applies if the pal is not in combat with you if they are unaware of you or if they're running from you there's other bonuses that I do have confirmed though and these are the different statuses that you can apply to Pals there is burning which is applied through fire damage poisoned which is applied through dark attacks shocked which is applied through electric attacks and Frozen which is applied through ice attacks all of these different statuses seem to increase your capture power stat by around 10 to 15% and the fun part is that these actually stacked together so if you can get a pal to be poisoned burning shocked and Frozen at all at the same time somehow by some miracle of overlaps you'll actually get an absolutely massive multiplicative capture chance bonus because they are all active at the same time a fun way to take advantage of this that sadly no longer works on Alpha pals are campfires which you can make Pals walk over passively after building them just in the wild catching themselves on fire without getting angry at you in particular which then lets you overlap back bonus and burning bonus and as far as applying these sauses without the use of specific Pals you can use the poison bow or crossbow to apply poison enemies the fire bow or crossbow to apply burning to enemies and the stun baton to apply shocked then finally let's go back to that initial point of contact which is the player who threw the sphere on top of all these other factors each player actually has their own capture rate too defined by the leaf monk Effigies that you Bend at a statue of power this has had some buggy issues since launch of Early Access but as it currently stands this does increase your capture power as you level it up we don't know the exact rates because again this has been changing quite a bit at least in the way that it looks in the interface but we do know that it is actually working in general in the first place with players reporting increases across the board the actual effect of this doesn't seem to be too massive though it's far less of a bonus than you get from say lowering the HP of your target it's far less than upgrading to better pal spheres but it is a bonus that applies always regardless of the sphere that you use and it seems to be a flat bonus too which means that it actually has more relative impact when using lower grades of pal spheres than using something like the legendary spheres which again leans our earlier calculations more towards it being better to use lots of weaker spheres rather than just a couple of resource gobling High tier spheres just an interesting note on that really then finally finally if you want to get really technical there is a point of contact even further back than the player which is the settings of the world that you are in you can't in the world settings for your game set capture rate up to just be permanently double What It Is by default this is entirely a personal choice and obviously you can't do this on dedicated servers but given the topic I'd be remiss if I didn't at least bring it up for the solo players and the people that just play with their friends so to sum it all up for the absolute maximum capture power chance possible you want to raise your own capture power with Leaf monk Effigies you want to use higher Rarity of pal speres for highest chance per throw but there's a much better sweet spot around megasphere and gigos speres where they C cost far less resources to make but comparatively have quite High capture chance so using loads of these without actually having to use cement is technically cement is technically much better than just a few of the better spheres your chances are raised depending on how low the HP of your target is as well as if it has any status conditions and if it has multiple status conditions those bonuses will stack as well if a pal is not actively in combat with you and you throw the sphere at its back you get a pretty hefty multiplier on your capture power too and that just just about does it for today then everyone just a quick but comprehensive guide on the concept of how to maximize your ability to capture any given pal in the game a lot easier than you would otherwise be able to hopefully this has helped you all out and if you have any other tips to help out other players in the community feel free to leave them in the comments down below like if you like the video subscribe and hit the notification Bell for more and most importantly ladies and gentlemen until next time stay sweet Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 35,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld capture rate, palworld pal sphere, palworld best pal sphere, palworld capture chance, palworld legendary pal, palworld legendary, palworld legend, legend pals, legend pal, palworld best pal skill, palworld best skill, palworld work skills, palworld best base, palworld breeding, palworld breeding guide, palworld guide, palworld best pal, best pal, best pals, palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld best pals, guide, gameplay, best, pal, best legendary pal, ragegamingvideos
Id: oec1Vze1n_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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