It Took Me Way Too Long To Make This | Palworld

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hey real quick before this video starts I made a Discord server that way you guys can talk to each other and me if you'd like invite should be in the description if for some reason it ever times out uh leave a comment and I'll respond with a valid link and thank you guys again for 100 subscribers uh on with the video so we're about 63 days into this playthrough like in-game days for the record I think it's about time we finally build my final base this one's not going to be used for like any production of any kind aside from maybe farms and breeding I just want somewhere fancy to live and I've done some flying around the map to try and find a place to build but I haven't found anything yet because what I'm looking for is just something Scenic I'm not sure what biome I want to go with but I feel like I should go to a different biome but there's not really any other biomes that don't require cold or heat protection cuz this desert up here requires heat protection um the tundra over here I guarantee you is going to be freezing and then you have the volcano I mean we can fly around the base of the volcano and see if there's something over here there's all these cool rocks i o actually wait hold on how flat is this oh it's why is nothing so why is nothing flat there's a waterfall now I know I said I didn't want to build somewhere with temperature issues but like you have to admit that's pretty but I'm not seeing anywhere to build like there's not a h there's this what about at the top of the waterfall is there anything up here whoa is there another Anubis boss right here no it's one of the trees there's no boss right here actually am I allowed to build right here cuz like it's a giant area I'm sure I can make the base look pretty cool plus defending it is going to be so simple there's only one way that Pals can get up to me is it going to let me it lets me build oh I think we found our base spot well actually we should probably build the pathway first yeah it might be smarter to build like a little road layout um how can I do this can I put some Stone stairs just to continue the staircase no but primarily I want to make this walkway larger what's it overlapping with how does that look ooh that does not line up at all wait what if I just start with stone foundations like directly in the back of this and then just build them from here uh let's build some walkways I think that might be the first thing I need to do the worst part is this is like pretty even with the staircase but the staircase isn't even with the Statue so we're just going to treat it as if the walkway is through wide the whole time cuz that's kind of how the base is designed now how do I want to build this cuz the breeding facility actually wait how much space does the breeding facility take cuz I remember I set aside a 3X3 and that wasn't going to work I think it's wow is it more than four actually you know what we can just yeah I can just break it and bring it with me maybe we put it right as you come in and then I'll just have like my house in the back cuz I have this whole platform over here to build my base and my base doesn't need to be fancy I wish I could get like an aerial view of it and then that barely doesn't go over that doesn't go over and that barely doesn't go over okay and this will be the second one that way I can have two different groups breeding at once but the ranch yeah the ranch needs a 3X3 I could maybe place it over here then I can put those crops in like well no cuz I can't put them in 2 x two because they're one and a half oh and I need room for the beds this base is becoming a lot more difficult than I thought it was going to be maybe back here is where the beds are I could just pile them in this spot okay well we at least have the bed situation done it's it's not very pretty these rocks make it difficult though and I don't know what to put back here cuz I can at least get guaranteed build this walkway and I have room for something in these sections and I have basically everything else that I need at this base like obviously I haven't put down any of the the crop stuff but I have everything set up and ready so then we can put a wheat Plantation right here we can put some Berry plantations over here um and then we need the incubators honestly I just probably put them in this actual structure we also need the silo just to increase stuff but honestly The Silo I can just hide in the back we'll put the silo here we're going to need the flower bed and the watering fountain which means we need 100 ingots for that how does the base look from above not too bad like it's definitely uneven in a lot of ways and there's so much wasted space but it's not terrible so we have a breeding base um there are a couple things that I want to breed I eventually want to get a beon because I guess they're a lot faster than I thought they were but I did have a comment that said I should breed it was relax saurus with celr I think is what it was I have no clue what it's going to be and I'm glad they didn't tell me what it was going to be I like the surprise but if I had to guess they're both blue and they're both water so maybe and one of one of them's dragon and they've got wings so maybe it'll be like what is it called yman tide yeah it'll be like a yman tide but then again I did do a hell zhr and a relaxa orus and it gave me a beacon so I honestly have no idea what it's going to give me we have Base number one of this episode down now we just got to figure out the next base and this base is going to get worked so I'm going to need like two hot springs and a bunch of other stuff and then how much room what if I just Hollow it out cuz I have an outline what if I just hollow out this [Applause] area oh that's so much room to work with so this is the room we have to work with let's let's get on Becon and see what it looks like from above if beon will let me there we go that's the room we have to work with um it's now let's get to layouts the assembly lines if I remember are like a 2x3 area so I need at least three long which could be like this this could be well no what if I put him this way and we do not that again game please I'm just trying to snap it into place do I make these the production assembly lines or do I make these the Quarry and logging site so we can put that right there we can put a designated Crusher next to it and we also need the stump Axe and then we can just duplicate the same thing on the other side with stone okay so you have the stone area and you have the wood so then I can put the production assembly lines over here I know I'm going to want two production ones and then I can put the Spheres on one side and the weapon on the other side so then production assembly line can go here and then we wall off to make room for the next assembly line we will put the sphere assembly line here and then I have the sphere one so this will be the assembly the the weapon one oh yeah there's so much wasted room like I could put stuff right in front here I'm not going to but I can and to minimize movement time their hot spring gets to be put right here just in the middle of all of their assembly lines so now that we have that done I can probably place the beds along the outside and once I have that done that gives me this whole Space over here for a base on my of my own and then I'm eventually going to go through and like light all of these do I have any like Street lamps as an option oh there's a street light but that's little 40 that's so far away so as far as where my base can go that's not too bad it'll it'll not look very nice cuz it's not very deep well actually can I put a wall right here is the game going to let me oh the game does let me I don't actually think I need it this wide if I had to guess I probably only need like I can I can leave this area out and then leave this area out and only go actually wait I should do that because then that leaves me room for something else I don't know what yet but something else but at least for now we have an object for where my house is and then I can put like the PO condenser right here in my base and build the floor around it and you get to see kind of the top of the P condenser I wish there was a railing is there like a decorative railing that I can put down oh wait I have an idea I have an idea it does require scrapping all of this and getting out wood instead that's a foundation wooden roof because the plan is I want to make a balcony honestly I want it so I can have the joke of the monitoring stand that overlooks the entire base wait I think I know how I'm going to I think I know how I'm going to top this base off hang on um I want everything to be wood this Foundation can be Stone but then I want to switch it to wood at the end okay never mind that looks kind of silly do I drop it all down a level I think I drop it all down a level what about that oh that's a lot better okay I made the building Too Tall yeah I kind of like it I like it a lot actually let's let's put some windows down so let's Place actually do I have the next tier of metal chest unlocked uh no and we can put a bathroom below the staircase cuz I want to put a bathroom in here no matter what I want a bathroom so we can just do like a stone door and this so we can put toilet here I don't know the was station can go kind of awkwardly next to the toilet yeah we have a little half bathro this is going to out when I'm recording this shout out to um I'm really hoping I can read this right P tkt I think that's how it's said I'm not positive uh my video just went out and they just commented saying that I can catch this guy and continue to sell stuff let's find out if that's possible oh if I punch him am I going to get wanted so the next time I find a Wandering Merchant uh uh that wasn't supposed to happen where did he even go oh there he is do you think the pals care about a dead body in their hot spring do you think that makes the experience a little bit less enjoyable I'm sure it's fine uh let's get beon out and see yeah it's a nice little base yeah it only took us this long but I'm pretty sure we actually have some decent bases cuz we've got this one and then and then we have the farm base over here which looks like this I like it I'm actually like genuinely pretty happy with it except for the beard that's okay I'm going to go looking at some point for a mod to see if I could fix them falling out of the base cuz there's got to be some way to fix that we have I think we've reached the point where we have every single type of structure that we need and we have every base [Music] automated like obviously we have to transfer food around between the bases yeah I think we have everything okay look I'll be honest this post production here it has been a long week and this video is probably an incoherent mess to have followed along with I apologize for that I'm not very good at recording my thought processes on stuff the next upload on Saturday that one's going to be a lot better than this if you made it this far thanks um I honestly I don't feel like this video is worth asking for likes and subscribes on so take care
Channel: Benkenewby
Views: 6,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qFuoTVd9wf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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