Palworld - 5 NEW PALS & ALL the New Content Coming Soon - BIG Datamine, Missing Items Found & More!

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so how many of you have seen this hello I imagine some of you certainly not all and what would you say if I had five more mysterious pairs of eyes to show you okay okay I'll stop beating around the lamb ball and get to it hello my fellow pal trainers I hope you farewell this day I want to talk a little bit about that which could have been that which was lost cut content from pal World some of it is still actually in the game files we found it we can access it we can look at it and it's a little bit scary what's there a load of new Pals and indeed something else that if actually comes to the FL well would be ridiculous and it's actually something you might have seen happen because of course if it's in the files people have pulled it out of them into the game proper in any case before we get on to the cut content that is in the game still technically that might well answer a few of the Mysteries hidden behind the road map and the exciting promises there within with the raid bosses with the literal new Pals and so on I want to start with the cut content that isn't in the the game files because there's a surprisingly large amount of it now pal world's development hasn't been the most straightforward a lot has gone on behind the scenes not to mention of course it's you know similarities with certain other games that I'm sure no one else has noticed at all in any way shape of farm but the big one is that frankly the earliest trailers for pal World kind of don't represent at all what we ended up with and a large part of that is due to both a huge Staffing and then engine switch that occurred from Unity to Unreal so if we look at a trailer that is 2 years old which in the grand scheme of development time should still pretty accurately kind of represent what we end up getting there is a lot that we very much don't end up getting so this was at TGs and initially this Arena right in the background not to mention this little buddy in the foreground who you might not recognize at all and yeah you won't because he's not available in game but hold that thought so this Arena here where the pals are fighting this isn't a thing really but could this be the PVP Arena mode that is on the road map that is coming that this is still there there this is still cooking that's entirely possible but even as we continue on just the general Vibe is just a little bit different so here for example these towers with the thugs on that we then blow up and Destroy that's kind of also not a thing you can definitively see things that were cut and a lot of that is but why were they cut cuz a lot of these features do look like they might actually have been really really neat you can see random interactions and buildings that we don't have but the most egregious things like I don't know this giant Sky whale pal all right this looks like the god of the pal Universe the arus equivalent like look at him he is ginormous is awesome I wonder if he's even capturable that is one of our mysterious missing Pals that is clearly a pal but never made it the only thing of note to say is that you do find large skeletons around the place that certainly could fit the stature of this creature so maybe they quite literally extincted him which might be quite the idea and of course he's flying towards I mean I imagine if we'd gotten this whole like scene like that would have been so so cool in any case a sled yeah Vehicles right that has to be something that's still presumably in the work still coming you could easily see Vehicles being built Pals assigned to them as another method of transportation granted is that really Superior to riding Pals and maybe that's why it was settled at that but it's certainly neat and certainly like a big feature that took time to make that we have now had emitted your own Pal's riding in the back too it's quite interesting interesting to see because although what we've gotten is a really fun genuinely enjoyable experience there's definitely that air of huh when you look back at what could have been and what's missing and we see here a friend from the arena droshe the lord of the darkness was going to be well one of the alpha pal field bosses and is now nowhere to be found or perhaps not exactly nowhere we will come back to him again keep him in mind very very cool though I really like the look of him and honestly it's a crying shame that he's not here and then you may recognize or at least not recognize another little pal there and again that's one to keep in mind because it's another casualty but perhaps not one that has been lost forever I don't want to labor the point too hard but I do want to go over at least one one more and again we see a dragr in the back of this little Clash this next one then is older than the previous the previous about a year and a half this the 2year mark and once more we get what is for the most part A Familiar setting until it starts to immediately become not a familiar setting you see him over there this kind of Glorious looking white dragony pal yeah him he's gone where's he he's awesome like I really wish that happened he looks phenomenal like that's such a cool little concept the wind turbines in the background as well and just this whole kind of scene is not really one that we've experienced ourselves this lassoing Mr PA bar over here Mr Rush bar on the back of a cart being pulled by Pals in this kind of Chase sequence that's pretty amazing and again just like the sled a vehicle that was cut or vehicles of mechanic in general that was cut but being able to ride around and rope down Pals I mean that would fit perfectly actually having this road system to fast travel along without literally fast traveling but again I can understand why we ended up with fast travel points and mounts to get you between places as riding your pals is inherently more enjoyable than riding a vehicle but you could do some really good stuff vehicle wise hell they've you know been inspire ired by 73 other things let's get inspired by a 74 in a certain you know maybe tears of the Kingdom vehicle system or you know who who who knows and then the rocket how many of you have built your rocket yet and escaped the planet I suppose let's just throw subnotica in here this is another distinctly removed feature and I suppose it almost makes sense cuz why would we have a rocket and a rocket building platform but at the same time hell I wouldn't have mind it doing some po pal rocketing at all and everything else is kind of uh something at least close enough to what we ended up with until this turn of events I honestly kind of happy it never went this far because my God and honestly this is one of the first trailers that really kind of created the meme that power world was where it was like okay Pokémon with guns it's not real or at least if it comes out it's not going to be good okay haha Pokémon with guns dark all right but then it came out and it was actually a really enjoyable Survival game but yeah I guess infiltrating a facility that's capturing Pals and from the looks of it harvesting them may have been just a tad over the line and then once again a drag astrophe is back in this perhaps Arena so with that kind of context and little look at few of the things that could have been a lot of what was cut I do want to go on to what is technically still here but we can't access it because I think it's both really awesome a little bit funny and also really quite dark as is essentially everything in power world in fact I think I just describe the entire game in those sentences so to begin with then let's ignore the giant whale and the Really Neat white noodle Dragon looking thing and talk about the other three Pals that are in the game they are accessible with a little bit of tweaking you can plop them out in front of you and make them do their things but aren't you know actually in game in any kind of normal expected or legit manner but are most certainly again to stress in the files fully made fully modeled animated done and done ready to go and presumably either they got cut for I don't know the reason in one case maybe too much similar to certain other creatures we'll get to that but in general maybe they are being held back to be raid bosses in any case we will start with the one that got the most uh Spotlight in those little lookback dragr a dark dragon that supposedly just would have had transporting three which is interesting and while I think Edy zorak is very much awesome and I could see myself having one in the team I don't think he's like insane that he needed to be expunged from the normal default version of the game it is quite curious I think he's a very fun pal certainly seems like he would have been legendary and maybe even above that if he was going to be a raid boss maybe he will again get added as one and be capturable we saw him be as a boss so maybe that along with the area that he's in as part of new islands or new zones is going to be kind of a package deal in any case with him we do know a little bit more about him and of of course you know we can have a look at him as people are want to do when something is in the files it's not that hard to actually get a little bit of an acir going on in any case the palic entry is thus a silent beast born of the Abyss Thou shalt not stand before the Beast Thou shalt not heed the Beast he is the Black wied Shooter that's the name of his partner skill so presumably something to do with riding him we do see him get ridden in older trailers and he really kind of has the air about him of would have been a big important deal next up then we have unreleased dark mutant also known as Mewtwo this one is a little bit on the nose handywork 3 medicine 3 transporting 2 and perhaps this one this pure dark one was yeah cut because it would have been in arguably too similar but I don't think it's so simil like it obviously is like I'm I'm not about to defend it although I don't think it needs defending but you know what I'm saying in any case I don't think it's more similar to Mewtwo's form than it is other pal similar to clearly what they are similar to but in any case I do still think it's very cool and I still do think it's kind of a shame that it's not in game you know if you're going to be inspired this much you know don't stop just keep being inspired don't hold anything back this one is certainly a lot more mysterious and one that we don't even have the pal deck entry for the only real thing to go on is that lunaris is referred to as mutant and then this is dark mutant so maybe it was a version of lunaris but again the best we can do is uh just summon it out and have a little Peak and that's about it he is certainly very cool and again one that I do kind of Hope does actually get get added as I do for our final of this little Trio that are in the game files and not capturable anywhere in the open world normally bolt M yeah this one is just look Ray we all know that we can all see it but at the same time I do think he actually looks really badass and I quite like him I think this one may be the level of they cut this because it's inarguably too close it's probably the closest out of all of them in the game though two kindling is a bit weird for a pure electric like this and I'm a little bit sort of huh at that but in any case yeah he was in the trailer as we saw and is again a fully made done complete pal that we simply just don't have access to its palder entry then is the more it moves the more it heats up and the hair tips increasingly glow brighter at its peak it becomes so dazzling that you Isis blindess if you stare at it directly so again that does inspire flame and fieriness but it is an electric pal it drops flame organs it has kindling it's a real kind of interesting one it's like it's set up as a fire pal but is just for some reason Electric in any case actually in game we get more of an answer to that question and yeah it is very clearly supposed to be a fire pal despite again being called bolt Main and being an electric one it kind of should be the duo of the boat because a fire electric that is a sort of fiery flaming shocking Main Line yeah that would have been really neat and I could have totally gone for that and again I do think it's a little bit of a shame that it really didn't happen in any case yeah that is the trio of new Pals that exist that we just don't have consistently that I hope are just being held back for an update but then that would be a little bit strange it's just those three in particular they've been in trailers I do wonder what actually went on there but as we continue our journey through cut content let's get to the dark one there is a pal spere a type of pal sphere related to presumably the upcoming PVP and Arena updates on the road map that might cause a little bit of a stir and if you already know what I'm talking about likely already has caused a bit of a stir and that is the radar sphere this is in the game you can get it into the game you can use it and what this lets you do with a fairly low capture rate is let you capture other people's Pals yeah it just straight up lets you capture other trainers Pals which on a multiplayer server with people being attached to other Pals is obviously going to cause a little bit of let's say strenuous relationships between everyone there I'm kind of glad that this ultimately isn't a thing but I presume the reason isn't a thing yet is because PVP isn't a thing yet so watch this space but do be a little bit concerned if that godamn PVP update does include the radar sphere I mean it's a cool looking sphere but at the same time I do wonder how it will actually affect the game I cannot imagine a world in which it's positive so in any case I just kind of wanted to have a little chat on he how much that we saw didn't actually make it into the game yet despite all that it's still a really genuinely addicting entertaining and fun experience B some new Pals that we don't have and some new Pals that we kind of do have but you know don't have if that makes sense and a little bit of raidar Fury I would love your thoughts on everything I've talked about here of course and until next time like if you've enjoyed this subscribe and hit the bell for more and consider supporting the future of this channel on Patron down below entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your hes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 36,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld new pals, palworld datamine, palworld expansion, palworld new, palworld new pal, new pals, new pal, palworld radar sphere, radar sphere, palworld pvp, palworld patch, palworld update, patch, update, palworld new content, palworld tricks, palworld best pals, palworld best pal, palworld legendary, legendary pals, palworld breeding, palworld breeding guide, palworld guide, best pal, palworld, palworld gameplay, guide, gameplay, unreleased dark mutant, pw, ragegamingvideos
Id: sR76wcgnc7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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