PALWORLD NEW SERVER UPDATE NEWS! - Xbox Dedicated and more!

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so welcome back guys to a brand new power world news update today I needed to cover this topic because I've had so many pretty much in every single one of my videos I've had someone say to me Dom what is going on with the servers and when are we going to see dedicated servers for the Xbox now this is something that is probably going to still be a little while away but I wanted to share with you guys with the most recent information from the devs that has come out because I know this is a massive thing I know console players have been waiting for this for so long so I'm going to be talking about it with you guys today it's funny that I'm making a server video and since the last update went live I haven't been able to connect to my NR server um which is so frustrating um which is I I just i' I've been constantly coming on this single player but I guess I'm going to take time now to play on my steam deck and level up this single player cuz if I I just want to play on my dedicated server um make sure to smash a like on this video if you want your daily power world news subscribe if you're new around here as we're on the road to 250,000 subscribers I can't even believe I'm saying that um we've been really smashing it recently guys so thank you so so much so let's just get straight in with the news um I'm going to be leveling up in the background as well cuz why not capture 10 of each pal because it's an old world so anyway someone asked Dolly um I just said dolly oh that's AR that's an arc reference there I'm so used to saying that in my videos it's just weird someone asked Bucky on um on uh on Discord saying is Xbox connection to Dedicated servers planned for sure or will you have to wait for Microsoft to approve it I've been hunting everywhere for an answer and your name was mentioned so this is one of the biggest questions especially for console players because really at this moment in time if I'm correct right cuz I've downloaded the Xbox version but I've only played PC you can only play with up to four players with the invite code is that correct you guys will have to let me know um and you're wanting the 32 player servers that we have um available to us to rent um so pretty much Bucky comes back with a fairly average response nothing too crazy but if you didn't know the dedicated and crossplay it was announced in the official road map which came out around 2 weeks ago um a week or two ago it came out so it's definitely confirmed but Bucky went on to say crossplay between Steam and Xbox is planned yes the team is currently working on it that's all we really have to say about it at this moment in time so obviously this isn't going to be on their top priority unfortunately Xbox players for a little while and the reason for that is they need to get the game in a stable stable place I think one of the most more important things right now is to Xbox has got a lot more issues than the um than the PC version does and so they have to iron out some of those major problems before they could even think about doing the crossplay cuz you guys have to remember um let's capture this cat you guys have to remember that the that you know the game at the moment is running very nicely but people can't even complete dungeons on the Xbox version and they keep constantly getting themselves kicked off um so things like that are going to have to be ironed out before this um dedicated server update comes out also something to keep in mind is there is still a high amount of hackers and exploits on the a uh on the official servers at the moment and Xbox does definitely does not need to add that to their uh their problems at the moment I have no pal spars what is going on that is so annoying I'll have to come back um uh so yeah uh so they I'm not even going to be able to get you as my as my pound now am I I only need two more um so yeah um and and adding that to the Xbox service right now it would be just destruction it would literally be just everything all going wrong at once and so that is just not going to happen unfortunately um is this cat still wanting to have a fight it is I know I wish you could come and join us but you can't I don't have any pal fears I have over a thousand on my dedicated server and I don't even have enough on this so they're the main things that need to get ironed out now I don't know how how long this is going to take um I mean you have to picture the road map as a 2024 road map you can't just picture it as content updates that are going to be coming out like every week cuz at this moment in time they're they they're actually doing weekly patches which is unreal um I actually said that in my other videos someone said to me Dom you're insane for thinking that a small Indie Studio at this moment I know they're growing now um are going to be able to release um uh for like an update of fortnite like every two weeks and they're doing it every week um so once this like sort of irons out give it about a month you'll probably start to see more information on that update actually coming because I think power know they got to keep with the popularity of the game going but they've got such a good thing going with this game that um that I just can't see the player base dropping even with less content because people love capturing their Pals they love enjoying the game and I just don't think that side of things is going to change too much so um I would say just sit tight and wait Xbox players this issue and the dedicated servers will start to get fixed now as for servers and server updates again this is something that that this I'm regarding exploits and hackers they're the they're doing server infrastructure upgrades every day um uh well well they're working on them every day and they're releasing those patches as well weekly so I've said this in a lot of my update videos I find it incredible that this small Indie Studio approving to us like they've said that this game is not a scam they're not looking for a money grab we've all seen what happened with the day before is that the is that the correct name of the game it's the day before right where the game came out and it was a complete scam pretty much wasn't it like it was awful I don't even I didn't even try it I just waited and see saw the reviews on it it was just so bad so please just bear in mind that these types of updates they won't come that fast but they do have Microsoft suppor in the Xbox version now which means things will be happening faster things will be happening quicker and I am have been an arc player for many years and I'm telling you the they've had 8 years of experience but they've never managed to get a an Xbox patch out within hours of the PC patch so the team is doing things I've never seen before in a survival game it makes me smile so much to finally see a team doing this for us and I think we have to be showing them so much support because the more we do that and the less hate we send to them cuz we're annoyed about things is never never never never never going to help so I I I know that we could all get like I know that some people may listen to what I said there and and say Dom you know like um but this is just getting so frustrating but think about the game theyve put us put in front of us and the potential for how amazing and fun this can be within the next like year moving into 2025 and we've all wanted that game building up to GTA 6 right and GTA 6 is on its way in 2025 but we've got the amazing power world to enjoy while we're waiting oh we got a poison blast there so anyway that's pretty much all I wanted to talk about in today's video just give you a little bit of a summary of what's going on with servers dedicated servers for Xbox because I know so many people have been looking around searching for answers and I wanted to give a summary on that whole thing because uh it's just going to take a little bit of time and they'll do it for us they're a great team I have they have my full support I've never experienced a Dev team being this quick uh quick with updates before and I know they've got the money behind them now but isn't that the best thing about it they got over they probably made over a 100 million in sales and that just means they can develop it into their games I saw people saying as well they're used to just making new titles constantly they're always making new titles and moving on to new titles but when they've got a game that's successful guys they're not going to ditch it the only reason they made a new game on from craftopia is craftopia was not a was it was a kind it was a small a small W if you want to say that you know what I mean like it was it was a it was a good game but it was never the game that was going to take them to that next level and every Dev team is looking for that game to take them to the next level and something that they have with power right now can take them to that next level anyway we're going to end off this video thank you guys so so much for the support you shown on the videos recently it's been an absolute dream I'm I feel like I'm in Dreamland because I'm playing a game that I love so much creating content you guys are loving it and we've got a Dev team behind us that is actually taking all of the right measures so anyway much love to you all leave a like subscribe if you do enjoy these videos and I will see you in my next power world news video very soon see you guys then
Channel: LoadedCrysis
Views: 6,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palword, Palworld, PocketPair, Creature Taming, Pokemon With Guns Game, Palworld Game, Open World Survival Crafting Creature Taming Game, Best Upcoming Survival Game, pokemon, palworld release date, palworld update, new update, palworld info, palworld pokemon, palworld online, palworld channel, palworld review, palworld best pals, palworld new update, palworld roadmap, roadmap, 2024, palworld pvp, palworld new, PALWORLD NEW SERVER UPDATE NEWS! - Xbox Dedicated and more!
Id: tPSKPV3oQ-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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