Palworld Best Farming Tips and the Most Cakes Possible in an Hour (658 cakes/hr) #palworld

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hello everybody I Chen here in one of my recent videos I discussed the best possible cake Farm design at minimum Star level and zero passive skill investment this got me curious what would be the maximum cakes per hour you could get from 120 pal and 115 pal base in 1 hour with maximum star levels and perfect passive skills while I was doing this project I decided to test out a bunch of things and here is what I found there are a bunch of ways to easily increase the efficiency of your farm the first thing I noticed is that sometimes my plantations were yielding me 15 berries sometimes 20 and even sometimes 25 I decided to test to see what was causing this at first I thought it was the Harvest level of Pals so I used level one through level four Harvest Pals during testing I found that this was most likely not what was affecting the plantations as no matter the level of the pals after a certain amount of harvests they would fluctuate from 15 to 25 even though it did seem that the higher level Pals yielded 25 more often my second theory is that the total level of watering plus harvesting plus planting was what determined the amount of yield I tested this with a bunch of level one in these skills and a bunch of level four plus and receed differing amounts of different pairings in conclusion I'm I'm not entirely sure what determines crop yield in this game but I know it has something to do with the watering plus harvesting plus planting levels of Pals my theory is that the increase in watering plus harvesting plus planting increases the minimum amount of berries or wheat that you can get from a harvest so if you have a five in watering a five in harvesting and a five in planting you will always get that 25 amount but if you have a five in watering a five in harvesting and only a four in planting you can roll between 20 and 25 and if we go down all the way to a level one level one level one you'll be able to get any amount from 5 to 25 so 5 10 15 20 or 25 from a single Harvest one takeaway from my test though is that you should almost never use Pals with the transporting trait as they'll spend about half of their time doing nothing trying to transport items that your floppies are already handling the second thing I noticed is that the farm layout would get too large for the range of floes because floes don't have the same range as your base but if you simply level up your floes the range will increase to Encompass your entire base if you're standing near the center additionally while we're on the topic of floppies slopies will not loot items from plantations if they're even partially floating so make sure that all your plantations are completely on the floor or a foundation where you place them as you can see in this clip this Plantation is sticking out pretty far from this foundation and the flopy refuses to pick up the berries no matter how I move or what I do my third tip is that in my previous video I emitted using salads salads are actually very very overpowered in this game and will increase your productivity of your pals by about 30% but what is more overpowered about this is that the salad stack multiplicatively with passive Buffs such as Artis so let's say you have an artisan pal with 150% % of their work speed instead of going to a 180% with a 30% increase it would go to 195 because we take 150 and multiply that by that 130 bonus this is extra good with berry farming method over cows and chickens as cows and chickens are not affected by works speed additionally salads are better than berries because they have about 5.6 times the nutritional value of berries which will make your pals go to the feeding Box about 5.6 times less for your I about 20 Pals I recommend about two lettuce to two tomato patches and for a farm with 15 Pals I recommend two lettuce and one tomato patches you may be able to do less than this but I found this is the minimum that I needed for my layout so the last tip I have for you guys is one of the most important tips on this list is if this is not done correctly it can completely derail the efficiency of your base to increase the farming efficiency make sure that you have clear paths around your base and you don't have low ceilings where your pals can get stuck on the biggest offenders of getting stuck are jmon tides and Ranch animals I've noticed that jmon tide can get stuck outside of Base walls under base ceilings on top of feeding box and pretty much anywhere so to increase your Farm's efficiency try building your base in an unraidable location so you don't have to build those walls around your base and try to avoid low ceilings additionally try not to use boss Pals or shinies even though they are much cooler so I recommend if you are using that boss DRM tide to breed it down to a regular Dr tide so they can fit easily around your base the other big offender by getting stuck are Ranch animals Ranch animals for some reason love walking circles on the outside of their Ranch this can cause them to get stuck if there's anything on the outside perimeter of their Ranch so make sure that when you place a ranch there's nothing on the outside of it Additionally you can place a feeding box on the inside of your Ranch so that Pals don't have a reason to leave their Plantation and will stay inside to eat food from that feeder inside of their Ranch additionally if you're feeling extra barbaric you can even place a wall at the entrance of your Ranch to make sure that they cannot leave keep in mind though if you do place a wall and you have a feeding box inside of your Ranch make sure that you place your ranches as far away from your other Palace as possible so they do not try to eat out of the feeding box that's inside of your Ranch and get stuck inside of your Ranch okay as I stated in the start of my video I gathered all these tips while trying to find the maximum cakes you can get per hour with a perfect setup and here are the results of that math the math will be at the end of the video for anyone who is curious on the math itself so for a 20 pal base you'll be able to get about 658 cakes per hour and with a 15 pal base you'll be able to get about 478 cakes per hour as for the layouts a 20 pal base will need 88 Berry plantations 24 wheat plantations three ranches a flower box a water fountain a mill one or two electric cookers and one power generator as well as two Jon tide six lilene one jmon tide ignis and 11 beard for the 15 palb you will need 64 Berry plantations 18 wheat plantations two ranches a flower box a water fountain a mill one or two electric cookers and one power generator as well as a dmon tide five lilene one dmon tide ignis and eight Bard one thing to keep in mind is that all these calculations do not include a use of a monitoring stand so if you are using a monitoring stand it will scale up the amount of plantations you have linearly with the amount of a buff that it gives okay now for the fun part let's get into the math I'm going to be very brief when it comes to the math section and I'm just going to tell you the general gist of what I do in each portion of the math because there's a lot of math involved in this and it would take me about 10 to 15 minutes just to go through all of it if I was telling you every single step so the first step that we have is to find our ratio so what we are doing here is finding out how many Pals it takes to produce one cake per hour one cake takes 75 cooked berries converted to eggs and milk eight rawberri two honey and 15 wheat so we need to find out how many liline it takes for 83 berries how many beards for two honey how many line and drti for 15 wheat and how many drti inot to cook cakes and 75 berries and then finally how many German tide to make five flour at the Mill so the first step is to find out how many German tide and liline it takes to make 83 berries per hour so our first step is to find out how many Plantation each of our Pals can run per hour this will give us the number 21.7 for liline and 95.4 for Jon Tide next we need to find out how many berries a plantation can earn in a single hour so that we can multiply that number by our plantations per pal to get a total amount of berries that they can produce per hour this will then allow us to divide 83 for one cake by that amount to see how many of each we need to produce 83 berries we simply take the rate of 120 honey per hour divide it into two honey per cake to get our 0.0167 Bard per hour next we have to find out how much of each pet takes to produce 15 wheat per hour to do this we do the exact same steps as we did for the berries up top and we get these numbers down here the next step was to find how many gerde ignis it takes to cook one kick and 75 vares in an hour this math is very simple we simply find out how long it takes for them to cook 75 berries add that to the time it takes to cook one cake and then divide that by 3,600 seconds in an hour to get 0.0013 DTI Ignus per kick per hour the last step is to find how many gerti it takes to make five flour this is also very simple it is the exact same process as above except we don't have to add anything together the final part of our equation is that we have a constant the constant is the salad production salad production will always be two lettuce and two tomato plantations for a 20 pal base and one tomato and two lettuce plantations for a 15 pal base this math is very similar to the math above and we get the result as you can see here so we have our ratio now we need to scale it up to a 20 pal and 15 pal farm so we add up our ratio we have 19.3 46 Pals that's available for a 20 pal base and 14.3 46 pal cells available for our 15 pal base we get this number because we have to subtract the amount it takes for our constant to produce the salance we divide that by our 0.0276 ratio that we got just now and we get a theoretical Max cakes per hour which is 75198 unfortunately these are only theoretical because this includes a decimal of a pal and unfortunately we cannot have part of a pal so we need to round to the nearest whole number to find how many Pals we have we just add up our ratio numbers per pal and multiply it by the cake ratio per hour to get 1.4 on drum insde 5992 lilene .91 ger tide ignis and 11.69 bards the most efficient way to round is as you can see here two ger tide 6 line one dran tight IGN and 11 bards and then finally we need to calculate our losses due to rounding down that 11.69 beard to 11 we simply take that and multiply that by its honey rate and then divide it by two per cake to get 42 cakes lost which gives us 650 58 cakes per hour maximum we do the exact same steps for the 15 pal base to get 4788 cakes per hour a maximum to calculate the amount of plantations we need we take our rate of how much a single Plantation can produce that we found earlier up at the top we take our amount that we can produce in cakes per hour multiply that by the amount of resource we need so 658 * 85 berries 55,940 berries required per hour and then divide that by how much a single Plantation can earn per hour to get our amount of plantations there'll be 88 Berry plantations and 24 wheat plantations additionally we need three ranches because 11 bards is held by three ranches it's four bards per Ranch we do the exact same math for the 15 pal base and we get 64 Berry plantations and 18 wheat plantations thank you for watching this video and if you want to see more content like this don't forget to like the video and subscribe thank you so much and I greatly appreciate you guys watching till the end if you have any ideas for any future videos or want to see any other calculations on or have any questions about my math because I did go over it very briefly in this video just put them in the comments I generally read all my comments so I will reply to you as soon as possible thank you and good luck guys
Channel: Eifjien
Views: 3,865
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Id: xotkKDvexTU
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Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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