Future Of Palworld - What Could Come Next?

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Flying castles, huge cities, and massive flying  Pals, where did all this content go? While most of   the internet is freaking out about three Pals that  were found during data mining of the game, I'm more   concerned about the huge amount of content that  was either left behind during the development of   the game or might just be held back for later  due to not being ready strangely pocket pair   developers of power world have removed a ton of  early trailers and content from their YouTube but   with the game being so popular even before least  there are many copies out there on the internet   so let's take a ganda's at what was cut and talk  about how it could still come back a bit later   during its Early Access. Good day to you my friends  I'm Kenetor and if you do like this video by the end   please do consider subscribing. Starting off with  the very first trailer we have our first look at   player housing and base building, while it's  obvious to see why they went with the build   your own route, it did mean we miss out on some  of the extra detail that comes with this older   version, so I definitely see them adding both  more detail to buildings, with actual windows to   put in the window holes, as well as maybe other  shapes and styles of wall, and more decorations. Players would absolutely love this and they would  certainly have the funding for it since they hit   freaking 19 million players across Steam and Xbox.  something we probably won't see until at least the   PVP update that we already know is coming later  down the line is destructible scenery because if   you're going to be able to blow up each other's  bases then you probably should be able to blow   up the ruins that they might have built them into  and if you could combine these sort of explosions   with mining well that would surely make mining a  hell of a lot easier and a lot more fun another   thing I know some players just love doing in  games is fishing be it to attract water Pals   or get food for the survival aspect of the game  now while I don't see this one coming back I   certainly wouldn't roll it out either also can we  just note the ship in the background here I along   with most of you have probably been around every  island in the game game by now and not once have   I seen how anyone got to these damn Islands this  was obviously thought about before so I'd like   to see a little bit more of that come through in  the future content as well having more story to   tie everything together would be a really great  addition as we can see the bosses in the towers   were not the only characters designed for the  game it certainly seemed like there was a lot   more to the world back in the day and not just  with other NPCs but also locations there seemed   to been a lot more town style areas that are quite  a bit bigger than what we have in the game now and   this follows through to the second trailer 2 which  kicks off with a large castle and floating islands   which later gets dwarfed by this even larger City  with even more floating islands so where did all   these locations go not to mention this absolute  Chad of a pal they ride in on during the scene   if all of this was built onto one large floating  island this could certainly be easily added to   the current game since it could just be floated  in and parked literally anywhere on the map and   considering the detail and work that went into  making this whole area I really can't see this   being completely thrown away another thing I  think we really need to find the answers for   is why the hell these poers are building this  rocket or missile I mean they do call the game   po world so maybe this is how it ends you get  off the planet and go home who knows but this   crazy high-tech stuff the powers are making here  is not alone we've also got power pylons in the   background and wind turbines have been shown off  too moving on to 2022 future game show footage and   we get even more questions as well as some more  tech focused scenery like these satellite dish   towers that give the bad guys some verticality in  their attacks certainly something missing from the   current game with just the small camps that they  use while this footage does show a lot of poers   and weapons it does once again show what looks  like story footage we have the player being kept   captured stranded in the snow and even facing off  against what looks like a huge dragon head during   a blizzard were all these scenes just purely  made for marketing or is pocket pair really   holding some big engaging content back because  it's not finished yet sadly we'll just have to   wait and see something from the second trailer  that could also be part of a later PVP update is   this Arena location we could certainly see both  in-well PVP fights happen as well as arranged   fights in an arena these Arena fights could be  just power versus and could even be a team of   up to 3 to five Pals each. I think it'd be really  cool to watch as they all firing off their moves   and running around and repositioning themselves  we can even see some sort of new gameplay added   where different powers have synergies with each  other or even combo moves so you don't just end   up using the legendary poers the options here  could get really fun if they wanted to experiment   with it what I do know that will definitely  have to come sooner or later is the top left   of the current map the big tree mentioned at  the very start of the game as to holding the   truth it could even be the end game or it could  just be a way to transfer to a different map or   maybe the map gets even bigger with that at the  center pocket pair did release a rather vague   road map as well that pretty much says more of  everything and everything will get better but   you know what vague is probably a good idea right  now as I mentioned before with 19 million players   that's a huge wod of cash that they will get to  invest into the future of the game and the studio   probably a lot more than what they were hoping  for even in their best case projections so I'm   betting this will certainly change the specifics  of their plan and ultimately give us a better game   so let me know what you guys are looking forward  to in the future of power world and what changes   and upgrades you want first in the comments below  and I'll see you guys in the next one, Kenetor Out.
Channel: Kenetor
Views: 62,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Palworld Review, Palworld First Impression, Pokemon, Palworld Update, Pal World, Palworld Gameplay, Palworld Future
Id: vkv71gk3IcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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