Palworld: 10 Things We Wish We Knew Sooner

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yo guys what is up Maxi here with IGN and today we're going over 10 Things I wish I knew before sinking 80 plus hours into po world there's so many things that this game doesn't tell you that I wish I knew to get the best start possible and today I'm going to be sharing everything that I know with you hope you enjoy the video let's get right into it so the very first thing I wish I knew has to do with your stats now every time you level up you get to put one stat Point into your stats however you cannot Respec your stats until Level 43 once again I am level 41 I've been playing for over 50 hours and I'm still not level 43 so spending your stats wisely is very important now I strongly do not recommend putting any points into your attack power I just don't think it's worthwhile your pals will be doing so much more significant damage than you are um and you only get plus two attack per Point what I do strongly suggest putting points into are HP stamina and weight I think these are the three most important stats now increasing your worth work speed is really nice and it'll help you out in early game for end game or once you're a bit further into the game you're going to find PALS that will work way faster than you ever could and so I personally did not put any points into work speed I put all of mine into stamina Max health and weight at default you drop all of your items on death and I didn't want to die and I didn't want to die to Pals while I was mid attempt to catch them cuz it's pretty frustrating so HP um stamina and weight are where I invested my most points the next thing I wish I knew has to do with pobox placement now building your first base is one of the most important uh aspects of this game and picking a great location for it is even more important now when I first started playing this game I put my pobox just about right here because I didn't know that if you try and place the PO boox near water uh you will not be able to build Foundation or use the space that the PO boox extends to in the water uh so basically my very first base half of it was wasted by by water you're going to want to place your P boox away from water and ideally on the most flat surface you can now when you're placing your base you're going to really want to try to find uh places that have ore rocks trees Palladium uh within it in a flat area because if you place your pow box in an area that has naturally spawning resources those resoures resources will respawn every day meaning if you place your pow Box near ore your pals will just naturally Farm ore every single day which can give you an infinite supply of it if you're wondering if something is going to be within the range of your PO boox uh it does show you a little bit of a circle but as you can see that circle is pretty hard to tell where it actually is you can kind of see it faintly over there now this circle extends 35 M so one trick that you can do let's say I wanted to know if this tree was going to be in or this tree and this padium was going to be in my uh base I can hover over to my character place a little marker here now when I place that marker that marker is going to be um a marker for where my PO boox will extend to and then I can walk away from that marker and as soon as I'm at the 35 Mark I wouldn't push it I try to get it around like 30 but I can place my base here comfortably knowing that that Palladium even though I can't see the circle and that tree will both be inside the perimeter of my base um so that's just a nice little thing that I wish I knew when I was trying to make my first base the next thing I wish I knew is placement of workstations now your pals whatever they're working on will once they're done working need to get food they're going to constantly be needing to get food and if you place your food really far away from where your workstations are it's just going to slow down all of your pals because they're going to spend a lot of time in transit between where their food is and where they need to be uh that's why I recommend placing food pots uh near basically all of the major workstations whether that be lumbering whether that be planting whether that be using the mill or the grinder uh make sure that they've got food near them you're also going to want to build chests near where your pals are breaking down resources as you can see my War sect is breaking down some wood here and I built the chest right near the wood tree I currently have a bazillion wood and I've got this much wood because I placed a chest next to the wood tree meaning that my pals that are going to be working on wood will not need to transport the wood all the way across the entire base if I put start putting wood in a different chest uh they're not going to transport it across the entire way uh so you can build stashes for your ore next to your or rocks build stashes for your wood next to your wood um and your pals will be the most efficient and take the less time transporting them the next thing I wish I knew has to do with the elemental chart now this element chart tells you what is effective against what um and one thing that you'll learn from looking at this chart in the survival guide is that fire is technically the best element in the game water is only good against one thing ice is only good against one thing and so on and so forth however fire is good against ice and grass what this means is you can build an incredibly effective team with some fire Pals plus water Pals to counter if you come across fire and electric Pals to counter if you come across water um but make sure that you bring a strong fire pal or a prioritizing capturing strong fire Pals because they are technically by the effectiveness the best element Pals to have uh at your disposal the next thing I wish I knew is kind of two points uh the first being that the fastest way to level up is capturing Pals uh even capturing low-level Pals the bonus that you get for capturing 10 of a certain pal is massive uh you're going to earn even level 41 I'm earning a ton of experience for trying to go for that 10 capture bonus um and the pals at the start of the game the low-level ones are really really easy to capture and get that bonus off you're going to want to capture about 10 of every single pal that you come across that's early on now the other thing that I wish I knew has to do with the back bonus for capturing Pals if you go up behind the pal and throw your pal sphere at it you're going to get a significantly increased chance of capturing it here I have an 8% chance aiming at its face and a 27% chance it it'll pop up as back bonus by throwing it from a pal that is not detecting me is sleeping or has its back turned this means that it's incredibly efficient to try to go out and capture a bunch of Pals at night because at night all the pals will be sleeping and you can capture them very easily by easily getting that back bonus um obviously if you can't get that back bonus that is fine but a lot of the harder Pals even later on into the game you might have a better chance of throwing at at their back while they're unsuspecting versus getting them to really low Health um as you can see I've captured a lot of Foxy Sparks so when I capture a foxy spark I get four 44 experience for capturing one if I capture this rashar which I do not have a lot of I'm going to get 4,000 XP versus 44 XP for a pile that I've already caught 10 of the XP bonus that you get is just ginormous from capturing Pals uh that you haven't captured 10 of now you might be saying I need a lot of pal spheres to capture all those Pals well that is where Vixie comes in Vixie is a pal that you can capture in the starting area and if you assign them to your Ranch they will just drop pal speres and arrows uh there's probably over 50 pal speres just here um that's over 34 palis speres if I check the box because my pals will be picking up their palis speres and dropping them in this box I haven't touched this I haven't put anything in here I have almost 300 bispheres just chilling waiting for me when I get back uh so Vixie are really important to capture early they also drop arrows so when we check this chest I also also have over a 100 arrows just for free sitting here from capturing these two Vixie and putting them on the ranch the next thing I wish I knew has to do with your pal condenser now when you're capturing all of these Pals you're going to have extras and you can Infuse those extras into your best version of your pal to power it up uh for example this Gore rat that I have rolled with shiny so it's got plus 15% attack and it rolled with holin for another plus 15 attack giving it 30% attack it's passive full gorilla mode whenever it's activated it Powers up and gains even more attack so the extra gor rats that I have I can actually Infuse them into my best gorat to give it even more damage now the pal condenser looks like this um and you can do this with all of your pals that you get extra of it doesn't cost anything besides the lives of the pals that you're sacrificing um for example I've been leveling up this fox Sparks that rolled with muscle head to give it 30% increased damage and and every time that I Infuse more Fox Sparks into it I'm going to increase not only its base stats but also its passive so Huggy fire is its passive or or a special ability that you get to pick up Fox Sparks and use it as a flamethrower if I Infuse more Fox Sparks into it that flamethrower is going to get more damage and this goes for all Pals that have a damaging ability if you have a damaging ability with your pal if you infuse or condense more Pals into it you can improve the damage of that damaging ability the next thing I wish I knew has to do with Reviving your pals now if your pals ever happen to die or faint um you have to put them in your box and they need 10 minutes to recover now if you want them back instantly uh if it's ever night time or your Pal's fainted and it's night time or you wait till night time if you put the pal in your party I don't have a fainted pal right now but if you put the pal in your party and go to sleep at night time you actually need to fall asleep the pal will be instantly revived and in your party ready to go and fight more and the very last thing I wish I knew is how important it is to be marking your map this game has tons of dungeons scattered throughout it and the dungeons are never ever appear on your map so if you ever come across a dungeon they're great sources of getting ancient technology points which you're going to need for the right side of the skill tree and you will not be able to relocate these dungeons if you don't Market on your map or at least you can make your life a lot easier by marketing it uh this same thing comes with resources uh for example I was just wandering and I found this hill with all of these orn I can mark it as a mining spot and now I know that if I'm out of ore or I need to build a base that's focused on ore this is a really great spot to come as there's all of this natural spawning ore this is some of the most I've ever seen in a single spot and now I've got this marker with the mining so I know that I can come back here uh just making use of your map will make your life so much easier that is going to do it for the video for all things power world stay tuned here at IG
Channel: IGN
Views: 77,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, palworld tips, palworld help, palworld guide, palworld game help, palworld wiki, palworld best base, palworld best pals, palworld combat tips, palworld traversal tips, palworld how to fuse pals, palworld best base location, palworld how to revive pals, palworld how to level quickly, palworld best stats, palworld where to spend stat points, palworld map markers
Id: G_NUtV3jQcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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