only 0.0001% of people complete this legendary bottle flip challenge

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all right we're checking out the only game where the only way to get to heaven is through alcoholism i made it oh no i didn't make it the board's not over you bastard oh well after losing most of my blood pressure in that last board i'd figure i would do something that's impossible but maybe a little less stressful it's called get in the box it's one of the ones where all you have to do is get in the box no big deal right actually this might not be a big deal [Music] i'll piss i'm still alive all right we're doing this first shot okay we're doing the second shot also why did i just hear a person get shanked in the background this isn't supposed to be that hard [Music] man i'm doing a great job today ah yes nothing like nixon getting fed up with the parental life and then jumping downwards to his doom look at how he dodged about six million different harpoons we have a foot catcher 9000 which did indeed catch the feet a lovely stoppage there using the back of the occipital bone that is a part of the skull in case anyone was wondering totally pointless piece of information as we get wound up and shot into a wall lost the helmet there normally that would be really bad but since we're nixon i'm sure the top of his skull will keep everything [Music] everything in line yeah just you know use my forehead to slowly meander my way down this gigantic hill into a wind this is called ordinary spike fall it's an ordinary spike fall four liars i know better than that i could tell immediate oh well okay i thought maybe something would happen what does it say oh i thought i was gonna say like newborn spike fall closes off very quickly there we go that is beautiful hey this is ah oh i made it i was gonna say this is called rope swing for gray there's really no other context other than that hi and welcome jesus to my first rope swing you might be if this might be a bad boar but it's my first i pissed on the ropes having one arm should probably be pretty problematic or maybe not holy penis um oh god oh god i'm gonna get crushed if i if i sit here you know what we're gonna do the board without any limbs it's fine i don't need arms for this there's one thing i love doing it's warming up my lower lumbar with hot urine there we go i i did it i did i actually did it without any limbs i did exactly what i said i was gonna do thank you poopmaster wow uh oh this is on a timer okay so this is impossible and it's on timer oh incredible skill damn it how are you supposed to do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i cannot do this i like how it's called jump or die it should just be jump and i there's nothing else that happens there's no r all right here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go back jump off out poop oh how about that how about that board creator were you expecting this are we expecting that right there okay now this i just have to oh god oh god no no don't touch okay oh there's a few more of these hmm um that'll be fine all that and i still died whoa whoa there was a mine that fell from the sky my crackers like iron boom this is exciting this is called baby rope swing you have to rope swing as a baby my little limbs are doing quite well so far i'm kind of impressed you wouldn't think that uh little little fetilis here would have too much upper body strength but hey thanks for playing oh god is this gonna let's try that but with less exploding there we go oh i'm i'm totally screwed all right little buddy don't skip leg day even if you're an infant come on here we go yay hey i dubbed the feed please this is called dodge and survive it says all you have to do is dodge and survive okay oh alcoholism that's ow oh my god okay this may be a little bit more extreme than i previously thought oh you can't even cheat it there's things on the sides no oh there has to be a way to cheat this i won't i won't accept it i won't accept that there's not oh god obviously this is made to be impossible i'm not oh god giving up i'm still alive no i'm not oh that was the best i got yet we're almost there there is no way that i'm letting this board go by without winning we don't need legs where we're going or an arm or a wiener i can do this oh you gotta be kidding me yate this is called pogo jump with apparently extra jump sadness all right it doesn't look too bad so far i like that it starts off with you suck it certainly doesn't pull any punches i'm only too okay now uh we're at pro we have effectively a a thumbnail at this point jump or crawl so you can have king or you're a god we're going for god i'm gray still blaze yes oh god what the hell huh i became a god just to get to here um [Music] i'm still alive yay i feel like there's an easy joke here about how i'm half the man i used to be this is called for gray hard i'm gonna go ahead and jump off the edge here and hope that there's a secret win there's not i'm probably screwed now okay so it says easy you just need good timing okay so we just go down here there we go no big deal okay we're at harder nothing quite like an invisible vortex dual wielding axes ow that was indeed harder yeah here we are i lost a child there you know what that's why you don't skip back day now entering the hard zone okay are you serious what the hell are you supposed to do here uh okay oh my god all right we're just you know what we're just doing it we're just doing it we're just doing it look at this full flip i have a feeling there's a certain lack of fairness on this board with a board like this you have two choices are you the eater or the eat ee hell yes this is called the bite challenge and it straight up says it's impossible i'll be the judge of that okay that wasn't too bad all right go down here found the impossible part all righty so what we need to do is lean forward oh my god go forward you know what to do tom i like 95 of my body made it all right tom listen buddy i hate to say it but i didn't hear a damn it so i think he's okay all right we need all the speed we can get [Music] hmm not gonna lie there's a difficult board you made here i there is a child safety seat caught in my groin you know what whatever [Music] got it this is called jet run oh god i was gonna say it's a jet run but it's a literal jet run yay this is called death run rainbow get rid of your child here do i have to i guess i don't have a choice i'm sorry tom this isn't i'm i didn't do this to you the board creator did good day wow it doesn't actually count unless you put him here level one jump the gap okay all right oh god huh i did it i cheated the whole board never mind not gonna lie you guys are getting pretty smart okay jump the gap there oh secondary gap and now i have to jump upward okay i think i can do this oh god oh congrats you passed that was just level one level two be careful okay as long as there's no like random land mines or anything i think i'll be oh my god i think i'll be just fine if i would have gotten rid of my arms this would have been a lot easier yeah there we go no problem what else you got for me level three bottle run try not to die at the end okay i've been doing bottle runs for a long time there's not oh wait for a moment then drive into the wall okay i feel like a black hole over here i'm kind of i'm kind of concerned that that's just sitting there all right i'm i am running out of limbs this is not good i have one arm left can i win now final level the big ramp i i don't have anything left to hold on with seriously i made it all that way okay i'm gonna do this with a hundred percent more limbs because i want to get to the end i need to know that it's possible all right big ramp and up and down there we go this is oh my god called impossible level go backwards hell supposed to say let go of your vehicle i'm so screwed right now what are you supposed to do although i guess it's called impossible levels it may just be die okay there we go that was perfect and ye um this made how the hell okay here we go here we go this damn segway needs to stop getting in here with me yeah oh i did it the segway the segway saved my life segway i love you don't leave me segway i'm sorry segway this is called gray's thumbnail it says grab the watermelon okay eat ah you have to make it through an impossibly small area where's the watermelon is anything down here you may be in a trash can but at least you're still alive i am not alive i can't even quote myself because i'm dead okay i have no idea how i'm supposed to do this but if it's for the thumbnail we're going to do it damn it hold on what does that say [Music] you can get a secret ending by grabbing the watermelon watermelon dunk the watermelon from the top rope yes i did it i got the victory now you boys know if it's gonna be a thumbnail i'm gonna get it ouch it doesn't matter how many times it takes i will throw my body at this over and over and over again until i learn the pattern thumbnail oh okay all right now okay [Music] no no no no no no nixon nixon no no put your put your goddamn legs back in there put your legs in there nixon nixon i'm not ever oh i'm not ever going to give up i'm not ever going to give up we need this thumbnail we need the thumbnail we need the thumbnail i'm making the thumbnail we're doing the thumbnail i don't care people are gonna say gray that was the thumbnail come on come on that's the thumbnail this is a cup okay this is called gray can't even beat i think i i i think i understand why what are you supposed to do this this board lacks fairness actually hold on okay if you lean back and go backward on the bicycle at just the right time i can stay alive for like half a second look i was alive for like a third of a second huh huh yes i told you oh god no i told you it was possible watch this watch this watch this greg can't even beat huh greg can't even beat huh yay this is called the gray bike jump i can't leave all right guess we're doing it um oh all you have to do is just fly no problem i've been flying ah you liar i will never trust you again i'm not stopping screw you there we go okay good i can't believe you would violate my trust like that the mighty heaters this is called the trampoline all you have to do is go the highest possible you can on the trampoline and once you breach the upper atmosphere you get a nice present so it starts with you are having fun you are really high okay into firefighters are coming to rescue you yeah oh yeah you are at level with planes is that the moon would we eventually hit like venus or something you can see the state okay man this is a hell of a trampoline whoop great form coming out of it oh yeah oh that is the beautiful swan dive it's getting quite hot would you eventually walk on the surface of this that is the best yeat i have ever yetist and day penetration on the trampoline yep we're almost at the sun is that my special present do i get vaporized come on baby touch the sun touch the sun touch the sun yay there's more okay we're now well we finally heated our way all the way to space anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of happy wheels till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,418,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, \happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels 2020, happy wheels banned levels, happy wheels levels, happy wheels don't move, harpoon jump, happy wheels gameplay
Id: Z4QXaOi8x5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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