Top 25 WORST Games I've Ever Played! [Badvent Calendar SUPERCUT]

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hello everybody and welcome to the karriker as 2018 Christmas special not a singular video but a video series more specifically a top 25 countdown the starts today December 1st and ends on Christmas Day with each part of the countdown being revealed on a daily basis this is actually a follow-up to my 2016 Christmas video series counting down my favorite video games of all time which yes has dated a bit since then and other games have been released since then that I would replace other games on that list with but that's just what time does I can't really help that but if you're interested check it out on the link at the top right of this video and since that series was known as the cad event calendar clever I know and Capra chocalate totally ripped it out this time for 2018 we have the bad vent calendar where I count down my top 25 words to video games I've ever played got to be honest this was actually much harder to put together than my favorite games list two years ago and so to make things much less stressful for me I've imposed a few rules here that will apply to the whole list coming up so if you see any comments talking about why certain games don't pop up despite my history only this video will explain all of it now firstly obviously I can't have games on here that I've never played before Custer's revenge Charlie's Angels Drake of the night nine dragons Duke Nukem Forever right to hell retribution Zelda CDI shock vu these are only a few examples but my point is that if you don't see any infamously bad games on the list it's probably because I've never played it so it wouldn't be fair for me to include it second role no easy targets and when I say this I mean stuff like baby games including Tweenies game time and Peppa Pig D s and if I picked any cheap tacky asset flip steam stuff like the slaughtering grounds let's be real the entire list would be full of ashes so I can't bring myself to include that kind of thing thirdly one game per franchise fourthly no freeware indie games or anything like that because they're free experiments and experiences and typically no games that are basically nothing but bad movies more specifically things like plumbers don't wear ties or spiceworld there is no gameplay in those games whatsoever so I won't count it anyway enough dawdling you came here for awful games and I'm gonna give them to you so welcome one and all to the bad event calendar horror games when they're good they're some of the most emotionally effective and memorable games ever made and when they're bad there's some of the most laughable and pathetic attempts of anything you'll ever see there's a lot of terrible horror games out there but I'm going to start this countdown off with a game that at face value doesn't look like it should belong on here at all from how stunning it looks but that is what pulls you in and tricks you into at least thinking it's good before lifting the curtain and revealing a slow boring pointless mess whenever you're graciously allowed to actually control it what you do in the impatient is very similar to something like dear Esther walk extremely slowly around pretty locations until boring and awful story stuff happens that has no consequence or effect on anything and saying that even dear Esther has a more interesting story as a prequel to the brilliant until dawn this barely links into any major events or characters whatsoever and even as a standalone story the choices the game leaves you with whenever it decides to do it on the rare occasion effect so little that people change their minds about you or the current situation at the drop of a hat depending on how you answer each individual question and then nothing has ever brought up again not for future repercussions major branching story events even if the game tells you about it nothing and some of the things you're left to reply a certain dialogues are outright illogical or extreme to the point of baffling you don't feel the impact of anything and that's even more true with the gameplay itself not only is there barely any of that actually here but whenever you're allowed to actually pick something up like an object not only does it like to glitch the piss out but then doesn't allow you to do anything to the thing you picked up to change or affect anything around the world like here I want this sandwich I want to eat it and if I can't eat it I want to throw it but I just can't do anything with it and then I get scolded by the Nerds for not eating the sandwich and going back to the DRS to comparison again ok I have no issue with walking sims whatsoever the vanishing of Ethan Carter is a game I truly adore when you do it right it can be a magical experience to me but spin off or not especially to until dawn this game is an embarrassment place alongside its main installment this is a game when you walk around and do absolutely sodding nothing while loud noises happen and things jump at your face through the VR that's it that's the whole game what more can I say nothing changes nothing evolves nothing happens the story is interesting the scares aren't scary the atmosphere has no build-up and you realize from the very beginning that you're never in doubt from the fact that you're not given the choice to attack anything or hide anywhere there's no gameplay mechanics is or what could possibly happen that should make you feel scared well spoiler alert nothing you never hurt you never have to engage with the game you never have to worry about what's going to happen or what corridors to walk down things happen regardless and the game just disregards it and moves on and sometimes you don't even get a good scare after a decent buildup in the game just chickens out and fades to black the reason this game is so low on the list there was many because of the visuals and the VR it's not only gorgeous but especially for VR it's downright unsettling just being in these locations it looks so good it feels like you're actually there but once that sensation goes after a few minutes you're left with a vapid and empty experience where you just walk unbearably slowly from one area to the next looking at all the nice textures and activating loud noises until the end of the game I can't say anything else about it and the fact it just stops and boots you back to the title screen after a couple of hours is even more insulting the impatient sucks so don't let those beautiful screenshots convince you to spend 30 pounds on it which is what I spent and that's what it's worth on the PS Store this game isn't the worst piece of [ __ ] ever made compared to some of the other games on this list to come but for the time it was released the system it was released on the features available and the price it was released now it's probably the most insulting micromachines as a series is one that I can't get enough off from the original games to the v-series on PlayStation consoles single player or couch co-op it's always a blast I mean everything great about the series is in the name micromachines based on the awesome tiny little toys so as you'd expect you race around everyday locations we all recognize and everything from cheerio pieces to snooker balls end up being your obstacles as you bleep from tabletop to tabletop simple to grasp easy to play fun to look at it's all great fun so in 2017 on the ps4 for the most recent Micro Machines game would you expect to lackluster bare-bones barely any cars barely any tracks absolutely zero single-player content races that despite the utter drought of anything in the game itself runs at 30fps and the exact same environment that we've already seen run much smoother on older systems No well tough because that's world series and I have to stress like I do every single time I say this I'm not a framerate snob but for how lethal is actually going on in this game and how here it looks good but it doesn't look that great for 2017 I would expect at least 60 fps there's nothing else on this disc that can justify it running like this you pick out of a measly amount of cars pick from a meze the amount of tracks and race for a big haha I'd love to be able to say a little bit more about this game but I honestly just cannot and I can see the first defense coming in that the game is more focused on online multiplayer and you know what that's fine because it is but not only does that not excuse the piddling number of courses and cars to pick from but if you bought this on ps4 like I did nothing on the game box explicitly says that 80 to 90 percent of the enjoyment you'll get from the game along with the new unlocks is from the online mode and I don't pay for PlayStation Plus for the online so essentially without any warning on the box I wasted all my money out the starting gate unless I coughed up more money for the online and again that would be fine if I knew about it and if there were any more going on in this game but there just is not everything you see here is the entire next-gen Micro Machines experience how can a game about tiny cars with endless possibilities for household racetracks and jumping from ps1 CDs and Mega Drive cartridges to ps4 blu-ray discs beat this empty 430 pounds in 2017 is an absolute disgrace especially compared to the older games that ran better and had more on them even the battle mode a staple of kart racing game local multiplayer is lazy as all hell barely any unique power-ups no unique track layouts and get this even if you get yourself up on a higher ramp or incline than your opponent you can both still hit each other so what's the point of a Ledge even being that terrible truly terrible I think the game is on Steam but don't even think about it those user reviews do not lie I was not someone who ever joined in with the no man's sky hype I'm not trying to sound like a captain hindsight contrarian or anything either I genuinely did not understand why the hell people were so obsessed with the reveal trailers and gameplay snippets I mean yeah you can explore procedurally generated planets can wildlife collect materials and fight robots okay well minecraft lets you do a ton more than that and just because there's so many millions and billions of combinations of things to be shoved together in individual planets doesn't mean anything really it's an impressive number for sure but why does that automatically mean the game will be a masterpiece worth pushing on mainstream TV coverage basically I was intrigued but I wasn't sold and when the game finally released and I played it for a good few hours holy [ __ ] it did not do anything else other than what the trailer showed off during the hype phase I was asking okay this is cool but what do I do in this game and then when the game finally came out and I played it I was asking okay this is cool but what do I do in this guy you may notice me using the past tense a lot in this video and that's because I hear that nowadays the game isn't too bad with all the constant updates actually adding to the core of the game with brand new story features vehicles quests and stuff would screw that noise I'm talking about the game I spent 44 pound 99 on when it first released not what it was supposed to be on all our hello games felt obliged to code in months and months after the original release due to negative feedback and my god if you think that micromachines world series is devoid of anything for the price check this out you walk around to collect materials to fly away to another planet in order for you to collect materials to fly away to another planet to get closer to the center of the universe after which you watch a magical little cutscene where you zoom past all the planets you ever went to on your journey and immediately get thrown back to the beginning of the game again this takes dozens upon dozens of hours by the way kind of the absolute Christ in Hell anyone thought this was engaging enough to warrant a full-on triple-a retail price is beyond me when the original released game is no more than an interesting experiment in seamless space travel and you know what if that's what you were looking for two years ago then it would impress you for maybe a few minutes I mean I was impressed with taking off and landing on my first few planets it feels extremely real and I do love the visual design and art style but then you realize oh [ __ ] there's how many other quintillion amounts of planets that have you doing the exact same thing over and over again and suddenly all the hype in numbers and sizes means nothing anymore the repetition of vanilla no man's sky was the biggest knife that murdered it for me and it wasn't only repetition in the gameplay you see the same alien settlements the same space station same robots no matter how many tens of thousands of miles you travel and all that really changes is the weather colors of planets type of wildlife that contributes nothing to gain play and the types of materials to harvest the rest of the game is exactly the same no man's sky you say well it seems as though there's people in the sky everywhere I go no person has ever been here before well what about them even were some of the more interesting side quests involved talking to creatures and other alien languages but the only way you can understand them is by randomly walking around in deciphering alien words with these bricks one random word at a time for a roundel alien race no man's sky more like no man cares I'm sure it's an alright game nowadays with the next update and everything and that's why this game isn't any higher up the list but this was all stuff we expected from the beginning do I even need to mention the amount of vague hinting and vague promises lofted by Sean Murray that eventually turned out to not be true or outright broken like when those two people met each other on the same planet via the online feature but weren't actually in the same area and he jumped on Twitter and said it was an amazing achievement what this is something that we were expecting in the first place to happen clearly didn't work because you never expected it to work in the first place so didn't bother adding it into the game hello games stick to Joe danger clearly this was a bit too much for you you know what's a mediocre party game crash bash on ps1 doesn't do enough to stand out from Mario Party yet try sometimes a bit too hard to stand out from a Mario Party and it kind of falls apart in a few places because of that you know what's a completely piss awful party game crash boom bang on the Nintendo DS this is what happens when you take the worst minigames of Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games and put them in a crash bandicoot spin-off that looks like this what more can I say look at this travesty you remember all of those DS games from years back when the system was brand new and all they wanted to do was jerk around how great and unique the touchscreen controls were leading to shovel we're on top of shovel where for anybody to play well crash Boom Bang feels like that exact kind of shovel where but with a well-established and beloved IP attached to it and with it being released two years after the system it was on initially came out also where you have games like Crash Team Racing where you don't need to know anything about crash to love the game but will enjoy even more if you do know crash that's not the case here if you know crash aside from the characters you've control there's nothing distinguish if we crash about it not in the visuals not in the music not in anything and if you don't know crash it's a dull and miserable attempt of a DS party game even as it stands on its own and even better it doesn't even control that well with some of the worst stylus recognition and calibration you'll ever fiddle with and by the way did I mention the game looks like this let's not forget all the minigames are repetitive as all sin as well you know when people start going senile when their order and forget what they're saying multiple times over crash Boom Bang is the game of that every minigame has you do more or less the exact same thing over and over again with soulless graphics and animations backing them up I mean my god this is just depressing and how about that story a crash bandicoot stories aren't exactly Shakespeare I'm fully aware but even as something is ridiculously easy to follow like crash 2 that has evil genius cortex tricking the dim-witted gullible crash into doing his bidding because you know crash is an idiot this game seems to forget everything to do with crash as a character and has some guy called Viscount holding a competitive race for the smartest minds in the world get through a load of puzzles to grab a big superpower crystal for him and he invites crash along to solve the puzzles crash this guy to solve puzzles this was probably one of those times where totally ripping off a much better party game series wouldn't have been such a bad idea would it do you remember those 2d platformer games from the Amiga and Commodore errors that have this distinctive style to them you know games like super frog where you have random character that stock things to control running around characterless stock levels with characterless stock music while random characterless stock game things I've doctored absolutely bloody everywhere for you to collect or attack that just ends up making every level blend into the exact same characterless stock affair that is putty squad in a nutshell the sequel to a game from the Amiga in 1992 that didn't see an official retail release until the ps4 in 2013 and once you've played for longer than 5 minutes you'll completely understand why this clunky computer system style of side-scroller died off all those years ago and why the game never officially released all that time ago and got lost in the gaming void of PES / this shouldn't be a ps4 game at all if you saw a screenshot of this game you'd never even consider it being a 2013 next-gen game but it is and my god it's irritating that's the keyword with putty squad it's irritation incarnate not unplayable broken but annoying and boring to the point where you don't want to play it for any longer than two or three stages conventional streamlined satisfying side-scrolling level design traits are abolished in favor of just random [ __ ] placed all over the damn place like a maze the levels of which I'm more random and convoluted than the last to the point that it feels like a five-year-old developed a custom Smash Brothers stage which not only makes progression a chore but any acquisition of power-ups or collectables the total opposite of satisfying because you don't engage with the levels with them you just grab things enemies happen after that sometimes other times they don't and leave you with easy platforming because of how overpowered your gooey stretchy move set is it's just a mess and even worse is how despite being a grotesque blob of sick you don't actually feel any kind of physical reaction from what you do and how you interact with levels making them feel even more flat than they already were all the attacks just don't register that happens all the time I don't know why this wasn't released at the time it should have done I don't know who thought it was a great idea to remake it for an official release nearly 20 years later and I don't know who actually cared enough to see the story of the original TV fully filled out with something it looks like this on the ps4 even if I were a fan of putty I'd be a little bit pissed off about this I've been a Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon fan ever since I was a little boy so I'm sure you can imagine the pure unbridled joy I experienced when there was a crossover series released on the Game Boy Advance it was such a great time that I picked up crashed purple and my sister grabbed Spyro orange for Christmas so we could play multiplayer battles and cart trade together however in the UK they were both known as fusion and all I have to say is that well Rosie I'm deeply sorry you were stuck with this one crushed purple is not a great game far from it it's pretty bad but at least it feels like the other GBA crash games and the mini games featured feel like a part of the universe and are mostly very fun despite how short they are Spyro orange there is a game that simply does not give a [ __ ] it doesn't give a [ __ ] about Spyro fans side-scrolling fans mini game fans GBA fans it's a total anomaly of a game it doesn't even feel like a brother or sister game to the thing it was released alongside it feels that that different and really is that bad in comparison to the crash counterpart I mean it structured the same way you have a few worlds with side-scrolling hubs to travel through in order to reach mini games to get into a boss to finish it but not only are these side-scrolling parts so bad to the point where it not only feels nothing like Spyro with no gliding or charging whatsoever and even flame attacks suck ass because you essentially just make Spyro spit everyone like an angry baby who doesn't want it's mushy banana but also bosses after you do all these parts are totally pricking useless look at these things I have never been more threatened the hub worlds themselves are just filled with uninteresting and repeated obstacles scattered over a random flat and boring platforms gems don't mean anything once you unlock all the levels that need them because all they do is let you have a random chance to gamble them and get a trading card with moneybags that you might have already have before which contribute nothing to anything in the end anyway so why even bother wasting your time and it gets even better once you reach the mini-games Christ where do I start if they aren't obscenely slow and clunky or insultingly easy they are the exact same minigame but with different skins no I'm not exaggerating to be a negative kneel and rack up those controversial YouTube drama views look at the same games just with different skins and even better they don't only get reused throughout the whole game constantly but also get this need to be finished three times over in order the ending to happen the core-tex conspiracy is the perfect subtitle for Spyro orange because I'm 100% convinced this game was a conspiracy to make cash and screw over everyone else in the process this game is so terrible the people publishing and making it could make it look good and know that footage is not defendable from it being a press conference and big screens and input delay and nerves no no no no no no we music is just dreadful in every sense of the word I remember grabbing this game for the first time with its fancy external sleeve and costly triple a Nintendo first party price tag and firmly believing that it was the future of motion controlled video games a multiplayer rhythm game exclusive to the Wii with its ultra advanced motion controls that only Nintendo was doing mostly decently at the time Feli yes I want that as a huge fan of Guitar Hero and a drummer for a few years at the time this game first came out I couldn't wait to see what they could pull out the bag but if I knew that coming out the bag was [ __ ] from a me dressed as I've got down dog I would have barbecued it this is easily the worst rhythm game nay the worst music based video game I've ever played at least those mini games in quarry in the house on the D s actually register your actions yes this is a musical game that simply does not register anything you do properly and even when it does it'll never do it in time doesn't matter if it's on a CRT HDTV a 4k TV where the Wiimote sensor is anything that requires motion controls or button presses on the Wii mote alike will be so bloody delayed it turns every single attempt of a song in single or multiplayer into a total [ __ ] show after how simple this game is to the point that all you need to worry about is pressing buttons or swinging a remote at the correct time and nothing else that's unbelievable there's no excuse for any of it so if the argument to defend the game is that this is a rhythm game for the whole family that argument falls apart like an Oreo dunked in milk for 20 seconds longer than necessary because it were the only down concern of the player being hitting notes at the right time and nothing else that isn't valid of an argument because like I said already it's delayed to all hell and back I watched that free style drumming demonstration with the Wii Fit board on a live stage during the game's announcement and I cringe then I try to play it myself as a drummer and see that oh it wasn't the guy playing the game that sucked the game it's suck not registering any subtle movements or well anything and the sad thing is that even if the game did work how it was most likely supposed to my gut the song list the song list the very definition of stop predictable baby level tunes and where there are a few great Nintendo tracks on there that can be made quite funny by using specific instruments it doesn't matter because they all get butchered no matter what instrument you use on that they are mostly mixtures of overused public-domain pieces you tried as presets on a Yamaha keyboard even including some of the most basic Nursery Rhymes Jesus Christ ever wanted to jump into the bridal marches of screaming karate-chopping asylum patient or rap along to Yankee Doodle because you can do that in Wii music and it will always sound bad even if you manage to get it in time I suppose that's the main reason this game isn't any higher up the list because you can at least get a bit of comedy value from the whole disaster but once again I'm reminded on how much I paid for it and how seriously it took itself and how Nintendo actually thought this would blow the audience away then I realize it was a joke at my expense one-up what did we even play the same game actually did you even play the game itself in the first place because even I can't do that oh my god out of every single bad sonic game out there there were so many to pick from so sticking with my one game per franchise rule was not easy here but I had to go with shadow the head shocked I nearly went with Sonic room rise of lyric and nearly went with Sonic oh six but to be honest rise of lyric just depressed me more than anything for how little anyone cared with the making of it and Sonic oh six for all the bugs and numerous awful moments but hey at least with Sonic oh six there's salvageable aspects like the soundtrack and some of the levels being slightly fun for 3d Sonic yes I said that but shadow I cannot think of one redeemable thing about the entire game other than the intro cutscene and the song it's the most memorable part of the game by far and it's mostly a shame how it sets the tone pretty well only to completely trash it from the second you hit the start button put it this way even with something like Sonic 3 riders or Sonic oh 6 if they weren't as broken as they were when they released they wouldn't be that bad they're mostly awful because half the time they don't work shadow though does work so the fact that actually plays properly yet is absolutely goddamn terrible just as a working video game speaks a lot about the quality of it in my personal opinion and I'm sure there'll be many Sonic the Hedgehog sweeper fans in the comments that will rise their swords to the game's aid and will call me out for being a sonicator and blah blah blah blah but no you're wrong here's the thing this game released in 2005 I was 11 years old at the time and I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I thought back then this was the cruelest and most badass thing I'd ever seen as a kid I went into this game as an impressionable child that didn't know any better I loved Sonic Heroes too bit and at the time expected shadow with a submachine gun to be great yet I still hated it so there was no bias going into it I didn't like it then when I wasn't a reviewer and couldn't explain why and really don't like it now since being able to explain it and I'm gonna take joy in doing so right now let's begin with the first thing that happens when you start playing evil controls shadow throughout the whole game plays like a marble rolling on an ice rink with unplayable acceleration and sleepiness and makes even basic platforming absolutely horrid again going to another game that I could have fixed sonic boom at least controls decently you know aside from mapping the gunplay functions but with it being mostly auto and only useful when a token stands still it just feels like a pointless addition and one that can screw up the particular mission you go through where you have to shoot very specific enemies to please the relevant character you're doing a mission for leaving it up to the game where bullets will end up and even if that's not the case and you try to be careful the pace of the game is halted dramatically from your finicky specific aiming and stop start stop start style in the first place and those missions walk you can either run to the gold ring to ignore everybody shoot good guys shoot bad guys collect an absurd amount of stuff throughout the level and basically do any other level of meaningless tasks that means instead of doing what sonic games do best running and jumping you just inch your way through each stage with the awfully sensitive controls and still somehow manage to miss things meaning even to reach the very end of the stage in order to fly back to the star to come back through the boring and bland gray gloomy stage all over again but with no indication of where anything remains that I can hear you asking why don't you just do those missions that mean you just run through the stage and do what every Sonic game does best but in the end that doesn't matter anyway because even though there are different story pathways to take is a good hedgy ignorant hedgy and edgy edgy there's altum Utley a final story segment that is actually where the story is supposed to go but that means you have to do most of these missions and replay the same stages multiple times for all the different pathways so the game can't even leave you feeling satisfied with the singular lines paths you decide to take and not just because the gameplay within the stage is so monotonous and dull but because the cutscenes voice acting and unique endings to get are some of the worst directed performed and nonsensical in the entire Sonic universe it's a cartoon Hedgehog packing heat what more do I need to say the fact that game doesn't even have fun with itself despite that concept is enough for me to tell you to never check this one out per day I know the game has its fans so if you like it that's fantastic I'm happy for you but for me no no no I've only finished it twice once as a kid and once as an adult and I will never do so ever again until a potential character is video you never know and maybe the GameCube version was better than the ps2 version I grew up with I have no idea and come on at least Sonic o6 was colorful and slightly varied and slight freeriders looked and ran okay look at this murky and muddy mess it's so bleak and lifeless and even open-air areas look just a stagnant the levels aren't even fun to look at let alone playthrough so what's the point of going anywhere near this even the music where I love a bit of hard rock and metal is so plain and forgettable it just molds into the lackluster art direction to give you an indiscernible mush of a game that makes every single stage feel like one giant highway across an empty desert if you want to play a shadow the hedgehog game you're better off finding a real hedge organ punching its own shadow on the side of the road my lord do you realize how difficult it was for me to not pick Resident Evil survivor here Resident Evil umbrella corpuses me off so much that I'm pretending it was vaguely difficult to decide between two bad games to talk about in a YouTube video you know what at least survivor was released nearly 20 years ago and was when Resident Evil as a franchise was still in its infancy compared to what it's like nowadays umbrella core has absolutely no leg to stand on as a resi game or even as an online multiplayer shooter I'm not being a contrarian for the sake of it this is essentially a sequel slash spiritual successor to operation Raccoon City another Resident Evil multiplayer shooter and I didn't think operation Raccoon City was a complete bastardization of the series myself it was tolerable a spin-off I didn't care much about whatsoever but I could see the appeal to an extent this though what the hell happened here with its dark and lifeless graphics repetitive shallow gameplay extremely weak main character that dies in a few hits no matter what's going on broken matchmaking system that add you into matches with people nearly a hundred levels above you barely any semblance of the series is from and twisted character animations that can't even hold guns properly I still can't believe this game released in 2016 and I paid nearly 30 pounds for it one time I started a fresh match died immediately as soon as the match began and lost the entire thing despite the game telling me I didn't die at all not only that but whether you do the single-player missions or multiplayer you do the same [ __ ] over and over again collecting samples yeah I guess that is what the umbrella soldiers would be doing in the roads of universe but at least operation Raccoon City had a variety in how they went around doing that kind of thing not just running around half-assed pre-existing maps from previous games awkwardly slicing up other zombies or other players just to grab pointless MacGuffin to end a match I'm not kidding either the single-player missions especially are just this over and over and over again with text in between each path to give you some kind of story and multiplayer matches are basically just standard death matches and this as well Capcom thought this was worth 30 pounds of your money I have absolutely no problem with a game being multiplayer focused when you actually tell people that it is like this game was but to ask that high of a price for something that looks and plays like one of the first ever online multiplayer games ever but even more broken and boring then sticking a well-established and loved franchise name on top of it to make money yeah this should have been seen as nothing more than a scam I mean look at this even in order to get additional rewards from killing enemies and such you'd think that playing a little bit more strategically with headshots and stuff would get you more rewards but not only is that untrue meaning there's no point in getting any better at the shooting in this game but if you do headshot an enemy they just stand in place for seconds and seconds before dropping anything wasting your time and making you vulnerable for your own skillful play landing a headshot what more can I say I'd rather play survivor I'd rather play this screw you Pro Skater 5 what happens when you have a company in this case Activision that has a certain amount of years to hire people to create games from a specific license and then wakes up one day and realizes that their time is nearly up and that they can shut out one last game before losing the rights you get Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 look at this grotesque abomination it's not only an absolutely god-awful extreme skateboarding game that provides you with barely any special moves controls that fight against you constantly to kill the flow with heavy drops and plunk you inside some of the worst level designs and extreme sports game history that just have random ramps and rails dotted all over the place with no point or artistic link to any of the areas they appear in but even as a fifth main installment in a fantastic series that just kept on getting better game after game is perhaps even worse than it is on its own as a standalone game Tony Hawk skateboarding on ps1 is deeper than this game and you can't even manual in it in fact pro skater - on ps1 is deeper than this game and there's no compromises to motion against it even with the pro skater serious game that came before it the classic variety of silly missions NPCs to get quests from rebellious immature sense of humor that's all gone and you're left with a totally barren and empty beta for a HD skating game made by an indie team for their first ever project in school the ps2 games had customizable special moves additional tricks for those extra skilled at button mashing massive levels of massive amounts of things to do quick loading times all of that's gone you don't even get to create your own skater something only hasn't staple of Tony Hawk games for years but equally has been in other skating games not even from the same series and if the element of customization and graceful extreme level designs built entirely around stringing tricks together not being in this game wasn't enough to turn you away it may be the initial price tag and the fact that the game has some of the most ridiculous physics ever implemented into a game that causes the engine to totally [ __ ] itself multiple times is enough to and can you see how blatantly lifeless and bad the game looks as a whole there's no detail no additional characters walking around no distinguishable landmarks or insanely huge set pieces to do the best possible tricks on and have a blast nothing that justified its released price the fact is a fifth main installment plus the 16th main line Tony Hawk game in general and the factors of 2015 ps4 game I regret ever spending a penny on this based entirely on my blind phone attic pretenses of what a ps4 version of the series could potentially be like and to be greeted with this and then an objective market that doesn't even work properly until you come to a complete altar at the exact point followed by a boring mission we've seen done a thousand times I hope getting this game out was worth it Activision I hope you made a ton of money off of this gullible fans for your credibility to be forever shattered I'd rather play Tony Hawk ride from one bloody horrendous skating game to another enter Simpson skateboarding Simpsons games as a whole or a little bit a hit and miss for me some are great fun summer total toss and some are even majorly impressive but Simpsons skateboarding it's none of those things for is heavy and janky the physics are in Pro Skater 5 I can at least control the skater properly but in this game oh [ __ ] you can barely do anything at all if you turn left or right even slightly you fly off the screen if you ollie off of any ramp you get barely any air if you hold forward to exit bowls you just end up pushing the ball forward and tripping up if you try to activate grinds half the time they just simply do not register if you perform a trick you can barely see what your body is doing so can't decide how long to hold the trick for before landing even if you do something as simple as travel in a straight line towards a potential trick playground the tiniest curb will get in the way caused you to bounce and then mess up your inputs and timing not only to the controls fight against you but the levels themselves do too and any single time you do anything whether good bad your fault or not you get commentary that mocks you and it never ever shuts up cover race kickflip oh thank you man evade this game seriously feels let me just put things in it with no thought of how it would actually work in a skating game or keep consistent with the themes of The Simpsons areas which is something that at least hit and run did really well it's designed to be recognizable and enjoyable as the Simpsons gain yet is also designed around the fact it's a stupid driving and platforming game here though yeah let's just put a ramp here let's just put rails here right next to curbs that we won't remove meaning you can't only far enough over them to reach the railroads it can't ride over them to ollie later let's just put cars here because it's a road and place them right next to everything importance and they just get in the way and knock you over and speaking of getting in the way here's some Simpsons carriages that you know and love from the show that just run around for no reason a mess of any kind of score or combo you are aiming for let's make the balance bar overly sensitive and completely unusable and while we're at it let's make the character models almost unrecognizably terrible and even make the game run like total trash full of graphical abnormalities and glitches and all of this is made even worse by the fact that in the story is projecting yourself to all of this torturous booze for a grand prize in a competition worth 99 dollars that's it that's barely above what this game was worth when it first came out it's almost like the devs knew how much your time and energy was worth to them attention all very insolent pubescens this game has Pamela Anderson in it you know who she is right you like her in Baywatch don't you you filthy scum that there I'm convinced is the only reason this game managed to make it on the shelves or sell any coffee's at all this game is starring Pamela Anderson don't you know because aside from the appeal to a specific mindset this is barely what I'd call a game in the first place this game disguises itself as an action-packed secret agent spy thriller thing and aside from that premise it does not give a single [ __ ] you spend the whole time in VIP for the ps1 either performing the most basic QuickTime events in existence or moving a cursor around a screen and clicking shoot while identical clones of random name as individuals pop into the screen and that is all you do in this game you can't move or even get behind cover you just stand in place and shoot other people who forgot they're holding guns and are supposed to be killing you or you just stand in the middle of lifeless environments watching some of the worst ps1 model animations ever while you press two or three buttons at a time to do this and despite the game being based straight off of a TV show of the same name with the same actors featuring some of the cheesiest and most enjoyable nonsense I've ever seen what is Walter White doing in this the game doesn't even care about capturing the essence of what it's based off of from the intro FMB sequence not only because your first client looks like if Elton John was smacked in the face with a spade but because it establishes absolutely nothing he doesn't tell you where he is what's actually going on why he's in this situation you just go to his house and blast away until there isn't a single breathing specimen to get in the way of Pamela's jugs and by the way you have been called to get these suited guys out of the house yet here they are inside the house not going for their target they were supposed to be killing from the very beginning and going for you instead I know movie and TV tie-in games usually get bad reputation for being sold as cash grabs but I mean what's VIPs excuse exactly I hadn't even heard of this show until I first played this game nearly three years ago so I can't imagine it just making money off of the name there needed to be an actual game behind this if you wanted people to care but then I suppose at the same time that was kind of the point the people who made this clearly didn't give a [ __ ] so if they wanted to provide an experience to make the audience feel exactly how they did while making the game it's a roaring success I'm sure many people would expect any of the Star Wars game to appear here rebel assault two masters of Terris Cassie or maybe even the most recent battlefront - but my god this is probably the worst Game Boy Advance game over the blade I got it with my GBA when it first came out I hated it as a kid and I hate it just as much nowadays and with most of the bad games we've covered so far I really do not know what to say about it since all the footage here speaks for itself what you have here is not only a game based off of in my opinion the worst Star Wars movie ever made letting you explore some of the most miserable and repetitive locations in the entire saga but the game is also a platform of beat'em up where you take up so much of the screen and move so stiffly that taking damage I swear is purely inevitable most of the time you have a completely pathetic list of moves to play with the barely works their way into the gameplay itself will change how you approach battles your force abilities are just a total pain to use the hinder your progress more than anything and most of the levels when they aren't screwing you over with zoomed in screen crunch when jumping around make you do one thing walk right you walk attack a few times you walk attack a few times and the stage just stops when it feels like it fun right after which we'll have these moments are flying around in first-person through one of the ugliest and indistinguishable segments you will ever see video game I'd love to say a bit more about it but I kind of make up what the hell is going on here what is this what was that Jesus Christ what is that thing and for something that looks as bad as this the fact it runs like crap makes it even more of an insult simpson's road rage looks better and play smoother with fake GBA 3d so what's this game's excuse you can't tell me star wars didn't have the budget for it this is not the kind of star war I want any part of this is more like Star bitchslaps in the end all I can say is that I really don't like Attack of the Clones on GBA it's coarse rough and irritating and it gets everywhere when I first played this game on this very month six years ago Wow time has flown hasn't it I actually didn't believe it was real I thought this game was fake I thought this was a bootleg or that it was a fan-made thing but no I was astonished to find out and still AM today that this was an official ps1 title in Santa Claus saves the earth Santa Claus has to go and not only deliver all the presents where a brat in the world all in one day but has also been left with the task of saving the entire planet from a witch because she saw that Santa was getting ready for Christmas that's it that's the story she'll blow up the world because she saw Santa about to deliver presents why for the actual game itself let's just take this in for a second Donkey Kong Country looks better than this and sounds better despite it being on a system off the pit count and coming out eight years before this game I know I'm not putting dkc down it's great I'm just pointing out the total incompetence of whoever made this for the ps1 especially when the ps2 was already 2 years old it's a similar story to putty squad actually but at least putty squad has vague hints of originality and variety in the gameplay and is technically a sequel and is actually rather fast paced in comparison in Santa Claus saves the earth Santa does that very deed by walking in the slowest animation possible for a 2d platformer jumping like he's on the moon flipping around like an Olympic diver and smacking people with a sack there's such an ineffectual attack that he decides to automatically back off with a moonwalk whenever he does it it's almost like mr. Claus himself is trying to escape this travesty and with hit detection like this and completely pointless special abilities not to mention countless inescapable pits I do not blame him oh when the music sounds like this [Music] combine that with the same copy-pasted level obstacles and colors all over the place and what I can only describe as a cave system for mice with small families and you get a game representing the total opposite of the holiday it's set with it joyless and hateful there's also a version on the Game Boy Advance in case you were curious and it's exactly the same thing but it sounds even worse is zoomed in way too far and slows down like Rudolph with polio it just goes to show how little effort or thought we're into this game in the first place when it looks identical and plays identically on a Game Boy Advance or a ps1 system limitations don't hot santa logic doesn't hold santa sanity does not halt Santa he can save the earth on any device at any time at home or on the go while smacking people around his sack of heavy-duty goodie Kris Kringle if you're watching this don't even think about giving this game to me I'd rather have a lump of coal this game is called balls that's all you really need to know but when I say this game sucks at least I can say that it sucks 3d balls the best kind of ball and those very same 3d balls advertised on the box with this SNES classic find themselves in some pretty sticky situations that you need to help them through more specifically by button-mashing any single thing you can on the controller until the animated 3d models contort in such a disturbing way that they apparently hurt the other opponent yeah this is a fighting game the worst one I think I've ever played and one of the most important aspects of a fighting game you know being able to see what you're doing to be able to react to fighters animations and even see where your own body will connect with the other fighter is simply not present I fail to understand even how the people who made this game tested it how can you test it imagine you just program this abomination and went into debug mode to fiddle with it for a bit how can you be proud of this even if you know how to play the game how could you even see what you or the opponent are doing and possibly code the game to be better is this a glitch or a special move this is the main issue with balls 3d in the vain attempts of the team trying to make pointless impressive 3d models battling each other on a 16-bit console all the effort went into just making sure that they animate on the screen this means everything else from character designs game performance and even functioning game mechanics was sacrificed just so we could see these beautiful creatures in motion I'd rather watch this is some kind of experimental SNES art project or something not play it because it's unplayable every care is exactly the same just a collection of bulls that morph slip and slide around each other which if you want to be pedantic I guess is what every 3d model of a video game character is like but that's only the skeleton where the skin is placed on top off I'm fully aware that adding more on top of these models might have been impossible on the SNES at the time but was this final result worth it starfox has dated by a long time absolutely but at least you can play the game and appreciate the steps forward it took for 3d gaming and you can tell what things are supposed to be because of the simplistic art style but this the soundtrack of this game sums up everything I feel about it [Music] it's just a load of people humping each other maybe that's actually a good thing I need nothing about this game until it was given to me by my good friend das for instructors pimpin and cheesy is one of the ugliest things I've ever said within the game the colors are drab and the models are disgraceful and even out of the game with all the creative freedom in the world outside of the ps1 graphics worse look at this thing this is supposed to sell games have you ever since Sin City you know who that yellow bastard is the vile and disgusting Peter who can't get off unless he hears their victims scream I'm convinced that Cheesie was based on him and then named after what he smells like everything wrong with this game is clear and screaming at you from the offset and not just from how ugly it is the story here is that you're a mouse that gets stuck in a cage in a castle only to be released by aliens that's all you're gonna get then the game starts now this is a 3d platformer and the first thing you notice is how it not only plays like Resident Evil with a top-down perspective and tank controls but also gives you so much momentum and so little friction to your feet it's like piloting a submarine you'll be steering into things and crashing into walls before even figuring out how to jump onto a high platform after which that absurd weight and momentum is carried over to side-scrolling paths oh well I mean after a long-ass loading screen then as soon as you figure out how the controls work there you could fall down a hole again into another long Isles loading screen meaning you have to very awkwardly climb back up to the side-scrolling part after another loading screen I mean you can see how bad things are from the footage you see how I'm almost moving around like I'm drunk that's the controls I dare you to try jumping on enemies with them sometimes the game even just doesn't let you defeat enemies when you clearly jumped on top of them and you have to work with these controls around some of the most basic squared and maze-like I've ever seen with Mouse holes that spit you out at unrecognizable places and then just as you get the hang of one gameplay style you're immediately thrown into another gameplay style it could be a top-down shooter where the gun does not work at all or a sewer ride on a leaf where anything more than a vague tap of left or right bounces you off walls into debris or last four minutes and minutes with fences and rocks getting in the way forever call me crazy but I think I can see why cheesy never caught on believe it or not though this is not the worst 3d platformer or I've ever played I mean it's truly awful but at least there's some attempt to make something worth looking at even if it falls apart entirely and at least the side-scrolling actually controls like it should despite you feeling like an elephant doused in sunflower oil so if you're looking at this right now and thinking oh wow this is bad well it just gets worse from now on so hold on to your socks I can only end this part of the bad ranked calendar with one comment as you're an [ __ ] you lost at least 12 friend points giving me this game have you ever played cut the rope on iphone it's a fun little distraction and doesn't cost much at all for the full thing I'd say it was worth the purchase honestly ever played Angry Birds okay it's not that great to be a multi-million media empire with a damn movie in my opinion but it's still a relatively fun distraction and doesn't cost much to get the full thing and without ads at least both of these series were released on consoles impacts of multiple of their own games in one and yes they were released at some of the worst possible high-end prices for the privilege but at least they were games that could give you potential hours of gameplay and required for to play enter elf bowling a 90s Windows game it's bowling bats in bowling and bowling and bowling with no bells or whistles or any strategy to how you knock the pins down Tekken Bowl is better than this we bowling is better and they're both side games on top of bigger games and I love them both actually need anything else to make it worse okay well nowadays you can play this 90s Windows game for totally free on any internet browser or even from the windows official store need more convincing well okay how about I tell you the ELF bowling one and two which are basically the exact same game were compiled and released on an unauthorized Nintendo DS cartridge that actually costed money cuz that's what happened here this game isn't broken or anything but come on is one of the laziest excuses of a cash grab I've ever seen in my life more than any film TV show but this is the ultimate example of game developer and pub morality totally degrading because no sane or non greedy person would say this qualifies as something worth selling on a shelf when the alternative is having both the games being available for completely free its bare it's undignified it's repetitive is bowling and a little bit of shuffleboard but instead of it costing you nothing for less than five minutes of a game that will barely even make you smirk you paid twenty times what it was worth in the first place just be careful everyone because if you haven't behaved this year the Elf on the Shelf will play a trick on you and give you elf bowling maybe even on the gameboy advance if you've been a massive [ __ ] let's be real any bubsy game could have made it on the list of my worst games I've ever played Bobbsey jaguar bubsy - on Gameboy even the woolly strike back for how much it costed and how little there actually was to the game but hey at least Willie's strike back controlled alright which is not what I can say about bubsy 3d on the ps1 cheesy came closer I even considered rascal but I'm sorry you cannot beat this this is the granddaddy of terrible games the poster child of how not to do anything in a video game ever not just platformers and the tone is set magnificently from the very beginning take this FMV sequences out of context and you think it was from a horror game and do you hear the noises emanating from it it's annoying as sin and that is the key word to take from this game it's probably the most annoying game ever made from a number of factors let's gather around the fire and listen shall we looks well firstly this looks like an alpha build of a first time 3d designers art project no textures blinding colors jagged and ugly shapes jutting out all over the place no theming and some of the worst character models you'll ever see sounds well not only do you get music that sounds like a choir of kids that ate too many beans [Music] but also have to cope with listening to bubsy himself yelling ranting and squealing about every single thing you can imagine in the most grating voice when you hit an enemy when you get hit by an enemy when you collect an orb when you jump by the angel want to rupture your eardrum with a toothpick and easily the most annoying aspect of bubsy 3d above everything else is how it actually plays gameplay is as basic as you can imagine run from point A to point B without dying and fight a boss after a while nothing special there but when your eyes and ears are being illegally assaulted while you simply cannot control where you are moving you're gonna want to stop playing immediately at least cheesy saved tank controls for the overhead bit but but see 3d sticks with tank controls from the start to the end and unlike Resident Evil or even croc the game is not built around them whatsoever it wants you to constantly react to things quickly and jump over things in sequence like Crash Bandicoot but absolutely falls flat on its face and speaking of you'll want to avoid jumping as much as possible since the camera swoops upwards and back down behind you at sickening speed every single time you jump so you're left a lot of the time relying on your ground movement which is not only tank controlled but I'd argue even heavier than attack you turn so slowly yet slip around and pick up forward speed like a stick of butter with a jet engine and it makes something as simple as grabbing basic collectables close to impossible if it weren't for these errors in the levels I wouldn't even know where I was going since everything looks totally identical and so bloody bad and you know what's even better most of the world consider this the worst game ever made but I've still got another 7 days to go it gets even worse than this help me before anyone clicks off this video right now for me slacking off one of their favorite games ever I need to be clear I showed off the ps1 box are for Shadow Man because the ps1 version of Shadow Man is probably the worst part of a game I've ever seen in my life as far as the actual decent version of Shadow Man on PC goes it may be a masterpiece as far as I'm concerned but I have absolutely no idea I've never played it and honestly have no interest to if I had to judge things by this ps1 port though my god what went wrong here this is easily one of the worst performing games on the ps1 I can mention and I know this is a big game and well building is massively important to it which is probably why it runs like a slideshow but if that was the case spread it across multiple discs Final Fantasy did that awkward did that Metal Gear Solid did that and they all run pretty well and not only does the performance make this game unplayable since inputs don't register and areas load extremely slowly but there is so much missing in this game and I don't mean characters in cutscenes when they just decide to disappear sometimes you get background music sometimes you get dead silence and no I'm not removing the audio track here this is just what the game is like no wind no atmosphere no sound effects just eerie horrible silence and when sound effects do happen they often don't even sound like they're part of the game and take over every other element on screen the sound effects stick out like a ward with the lack of editing to make them feel part of the world and when there aren't any other sounds going on to distract you you then only ever notice every other oddity in the game the awful textures the stiff animations the unresponsive controls and I mean come on and I playing Shadow Man or watching a PowerPoint presentation on Vin Diesel and you can say the art design is supposed to be dark and sinister but hey there are many ps1 games out that they manage to do that atmosphere but with better visuals and all the atmospheric noises and tweaks you'd expect so to me with everything else shitty about this game it just looks like a collection of mud sculptures that gets slightly more pooi the further you go through the game the main issue though is that I can't say any more about this game because they actually only played it for under an hour before giving up and can you blame me not even when the game starts getting interesting with combat and such kept me invested in their attempts to create a port of the game for a popular console in order to generate more sales and interest for their intellectual property instead they managed to forever neutralize my interest for ever touching this game on a better version ever again just to be clear I'm not saying that Shadow Man as a game is outright terrible I haven't played enough to form any opinion on it at all but this poor this poor really is terrible I must stop this evil from bringing about the end of all things this is the zoo race save yourselves while you still can and just don't ask much like Santa Clause saves the earth when I saw the intro cutscene to this game online and then research more about it I didn't think it was real a religious kart racer about Noah's Ark where the plot is about two people in a library disagreeing about God and then chase each other around in circles and turn into animals causing them to start racing other animals how could this possibly be real and with scenes in the intro like this how could I not look at this and think it was some kind of source filmmaker parody but therefore my collab video with brutal moose years ago I discovered it wasn't fake it was real it had a website the game had a download and at the time I had to pay money for it and why was I owning the 109th customer when I first played in mid-2014 this is why look at this look at this not only is the concept ugly laughable but the gameplay is simply embarrassing every animal controls are sensitively and terribly as the last all the racetracks are designed like roller coaster tracks with completely random things from Doug himself to poop to avoid and like all the better games from my list so far sound effects are often totally missing or appear way too late and the music comprises of some of the most out of time midi christian rock anthems I've ever heard by the way you control the game with the arrow keys and that's it that's how bloody backwards we're talking about here and according to the website trying to use any other keys in the game itself aside from the menus will break it yes you can break this game by using keys you would expect to use in a game that's already broken you also have a jump command but that's what happens whenever you use it what more can I say look at this [ __ ] this is me trying to play the game to the best of my ability and no matter what I do the animals just fly around like they've got rockets in their asses and for a racing game the most fundamental and simple aspect of the game the control is totally out of whack playing this game isn't a choice it's actually a privilege because if it works correctly then you're incredibly lucky you're more likely to win the lottery than have this game work going uphill causes the game just [ __ ] itself going downhill causes the game just [ __ ] itself and swimming looks and sounds like this nowadays the game is actually totally free on their website so not only does that save it a few points from it being higher up the list but if you want to experience most possibly the strangest PC game ever made if you want a true trick grab this now just be aware of what you're getting yourself into this website doesn't trick you did you know that world warplanes were in the Bible this is big rigs it's a racing game and your opponent doesn't move this is big rigs it's a racing game and you can drive through all of the obstacles this is big rigs it's a racing game and you can transcend the speed of light while going in Reverse this is big rigs it's a racing game and it doesn't matter where your truck goes in terms of vertical terrain your acceleration and top speed does not get remotely effective this is big rigs it's a racing game and it was released in the shop and costed real-life money this is big rigs it's a racing game and your winner big rigs over the road racing more like big rigs through the road racing you don't play big rigs as much as you explore it if you want a great American truck simulator where you race a rival and escape the police with stolen cargo like it says on the Box you won't get that instead you just drive around every available track if it even loads and just see what you can find and the [ __ ] you can uncover is definitely worth a good couple of laughs hence why go any higher up this list there is entertainment to be had here just not the way the game wants me to be entertained oh my god what's the point of having a bridge there when you can just go through it and pop up on the other side oh the map isn't even needed you can totally escape the game itself if you want there's no boundaries in big rigs it's almost like some screwed up art project about how a game is made and what they all looked like when you take away every element that makes it a game is this a premade asset pack with no coding added in supposed to be sold as a teaching tool for students who knows no I'm not kidding this utter disgrace of a game was released in the shops packaged and put into physical cases not to mention it had a parental rating which means that another human being looked at this and thought it was okay to be sold every single person involved in big rigs the developers publishers ESRB people retailers every single middleman they are all to blame for this game ever going out because it proves once and for all that none of these companies care about quality control quality control is an optional extra to them and that attitude continues even today with the disastrous release of fallout 76 the fact this made it into stores says a lot about the world we live in and the Hobby we hold so close to our hearts and along with everything else wrong with big rigs that's its biggest offense to me it's not even really a game it's a black mirror a dark reflection of the corporation's behind every one of our favorite games and how often they simply do not care this is why reviewers are important we are not winner I know that compared to big rigs this game actually does what it sets out to do the main issue is Superman 64 does what it needs to do so pissing a horribly that there is absolutely no joy or ironic glass to be had with it playing Superman 64 is like strangling yourself it's not easy and you probably don't want to but maybe you just want to see what's on the other side if you go through with it boiler alert it's not worth it just one - in Superman 64 well nothing super that's for sure you spend most of your playtime flying through rings which is fine in Spyro or something when it's a tiny insignificant part of a bigger level but for a main objective over and over again not only is that tedious but the game is so damn stingy with its time limit considering how stiff and sludgy the controls are that you end up needing to obey by the game's own unfair rules to even play it or what you can't adapt to some of the worst flying controls imaginable then you're not passing these missions and are punished by just going through them all over again oh what's that you can't read the following mission text fast enough tough [ __ ] it's gone now and you've got a few seconds to fix whatever the bloody problem is what's the problem how you sort it out though no idea and if you don't do it within the time limit you go back to the rings you want to use some superpowers brilliant well get ready to not use them properly because of once again the worst controls in existence want to run in a straight line tough [ __ ] because you'll end up just running through the walls every single second of every single mission in Superman 64 is heinous and whenever it tries to change things up it simply makes it even worse and whenever you think there's potential for something interesting to happen like one of Superman's abilities being tested a new element of the game whether it be the hitboxes control sensitivity the camera the collision detection or the framerate gets sacrificed and completely stripped away in favor of this one-off thing that you do that isn't fun or challenging in the first place just unplayable difficult it's like a different team created every separate level in this game and do I need to talk about the visuals for 1999 this game is an absolute condemnation against other games that released years before it on competing systems or even then in 10 to 64 itself the console that nearly single-handedly made 3d platformers its [ __ ] when no one really knew how to properly do them and yes I'm still talking about just the visuals on their own here not only the game brain controls which are still completely nasty despite the overuse of distant fog to help out with the performance and cut down rendering objects on screen the game still runs like an L a traffic jam and looks bloody unacceptable with literal boxes for buildings streets that look like those place called car rugs labs that look like a load of Lego and people that barely look like people to begin with so actually yeah I guess the fog is welcomed it doesn't help anything and doesn't work to make the game look nice but at least it hides you from any other potential line grass the game likes to call graphics and the bugs my god the bugs they drive me to drink what even is this combat this is a toddler having a tantrum after the Angry Video Game Nerd made his video of years and years ago about possibly the most infamous NES game ever made action 52 I couldn't help myself I had to emulate it to see what the big deal was and you know what this game is so unfinished so rushed and so broken that every single thing wrong with the original cartridge cannot be fixed even in the emulated ROM aside from like one game loading that didn't load originally everything else from the rest of the games that refused to load and crash immediately graphical glitches and broken games that fail to load the enemies and objects you need to continue are still there not even the modding public can save this one this is totally redundant to you if you know everything about action 52 so if you don't know what all this is about allow me to fill you in deep action 52 was a terrible idea from the start the guy who invented it Vince Perry reportedly was inspired one day when his son was playing an illegal game cartridge with over 40 games built onto it he thought hey I can do this but legally and so 20 million dollars worth of funding later with three hired college students to program the entire game and write all the music and everything with only three months to finish 52 separate games that could all fit onto an NES cartridge action 52 came out and even the legality wasn't accomplished because every copy released was unlicensed for the NES this should have been a red flag from the star but then they had the gall the [ __ ] a nerve to charge the public $200 for the full game that averages out roughly around four dollars a game so it sounds like a bargain but when you actually play any single one of these 52 games you will immediately see why that isn't worth it as mentioned some games don't load and the ones that do sometimes don't even include the enemies and items you need to get through them some games aren't only carbon copies of other Nintendo games and even plagiarized music from other composers but many are blatant carbon copies of each other most notably with the abundance of top-down space shooters some are so difficult and unfair that they're simply unplayable some are multiplayer only without telling you they are some are so imbalanced and slow that they're too easy some take the most basic of control schemes and bastardize them for instance making the jump button not move you in midair if you hold the jump button down even slightly and so much is so practive and ear grading you can't play for any longer than two minutes I know you can't be too harsh considering all the circumstances and timescale to finish the game hell that's actually why I defend the et on the Atari 2600 but the difference between these games is that et came out in the 80s on a less advanced system and was mostly done by one guy Plus in actually functions I've never seen the hype behind this game being the worst of all time personally it's definitely not good but one of the worst I really don't see it this though Christ on a bike look at it not even the game they apparently put the most effort into to be a competitor to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with merchandise TV shows and sequel games the cheats men is any good is exactly the same as all the others in terms of graphics music gameplay and bugs with the only thing making it remotely different being an opening still image cutscene with a hand grabbing a young boy by his Jets the game is even so broken and arrogant in how it presents itself that the publishers made a contest where if you pass a certain level in one of the games on the cartridge known as booze one of the few with an actual title screen you could win one hundred and four thousand dollars a very specific amount I know the brilliant thing is though passing this level is impossible because the game crashes at the same point near the first few levels every time without fail they even knew how [ __ ] this was and for charging $200 for the privilege to play a game they knew was busted along with enticing people with a totally fake competition that was impossible to win that level of total disregard for customers or the art of gaming as a whole places it this high on the list much like with action 52 dark castle was another game I simply had to try out after the way the Angry Video Game Nerd described it I mean I couldn't say no to this game with sound effects and enemies like this how could I little did I know though that after downloading a ROM for the game on the beloved Sega Genesis the laughter only 60 seconds of playing this would be just as bad as he described it it turned out to be the worst platformer game I have ever gameplays this game looks like a joke but the main thing that makes it something I never want to touch again is the control at least with every single game I picked up before mentioning this one including bubsy 3d cheesy superman 64 even big rigs I could control the game I could move my character and have a vague hint of an idea where they will end up even if it's not that responsive with dark castle don't no way I can barely move in this game without tripping over and falling flat on my face you get staggered from one foot drops or just being stubborn the toe you get smacked around by enemies all around you because you can't end with the insanely slow windmill arm aiming mode there's a million things happening around you that you can't predict or just deal with the footage here does not do this game justice the only thing to do to see what it's like is try it yourself I mean that's what I had to do because I didn't think it could possibly be that bad but it seriously is with this many enemies all swarming around you from the start who thought it was a good idea to create the slowest aiming mode for throwing anything ever conceived and then immediately punish their players with a main character that can't even step down eight inches before making out with the floor and having such a whale of a tiny can barely stand up straight afterwards if someone had to rate this game before it released installs how did they pass the first screen to even decide the content was okay they could have put an actual real-life recording of a murder in the other screens and nobody would ever know because you'd never see it did nobody on the team pick this game up and think hmmm maybe we should just give up I'm missing time away from my kids for this why is wrong with me and you know what's even better than all of this well if you know what you're doing which if you do get help it turns out that you can finish the game in around ten minutes music quality too [Music] oh it's just that tune over and over again thanks dark castle you too generous you maybe you put all of your budget and resources into the enemy noises oh yes I'm fully aware Phoenix games actually have made full-on focus to video games before but I've never played them and I'm not sure that I want to and I'm convinced by just looking at them that they are all better than any of Phoenix games is Disney knock-off games do you remember at the very start this countdown I brought forward my own stipulations on what and what not belongs on the worst games I've ever played list one of those rules was to not include games that were basically nothing but movies you know plumbers don't wear ties and [ __ ] like that games that for some reason we're advertised as video games yet are basically just films with the only interaction being old DVD menu choices every few minutes Phoenix games however are a beautiful exception to this rule all this company do is completely tear the faces off classic Disney films stick them onto their ps1 and ps2 game boxes with absolutely no link or relation to anything present on the distant side the box to trick clueless grandparents and then compile a repeated set of the most basic minigames you can ever program next to a cartoon so yes this is whether you like or not more of the video game than something like plumbers don't wear ties there's more interaction there's fail states within these minigames some of them even justify being placed on a disk in the first place because something like a video slide puzzle wouldn't be possible with physical real-life pieces saying that though I'm still good to judge all of these games based off of this logic and when you take a look at these different games from this company whether a ps2 or ps3 the damn say and not only are they exactly the damn same despite the system or title of the game but also somehow in some way amazingly enough don't work properly they barely function if the controls aren't too sensitive or don't respond to your own action button presses then you won't be able to even see what you're supposed to do from the clashing pictures and terrible compressed JPEG qualities and so you sit there in your chair wondering oh well I only spent actual real-life currency on my fifth identical Carbon Copy game with slightly different JPEG images from a shot those actually licensed by Sony what else do these games have to stand out from each other and the answer is some of the most god-awful atrocious and embarrassing cartoons you will ever see some of them are around six minutes some of them are around 45 minutes some of them have songs some of them don't have songs some of them have broken English some of them have no English at all and despite a lot of these films being made years prior by other specific companies like dingo pictures and they just put their films on their ps2 discs you'd think they'd at least stay consistent with their own style but they never ever do they're all over the damn place in terms of quality music tracks and character designs are repeated or completely forgotten about animations are sometimes just jagged back and forth double frames and others are weirdly out of place with uncanny details even volumes of voice acting and backing tracks sometimes are too loud too quiet too spaced out too overlapped you never believe this until you actually watch one and I can't describe them any better than by simply directing you to my own categories episodes I made about all the ones I've seen so far and showing you a few out of context clips to give you a spittle of an idea how all for all of these things are like please remember all of these are about to see were released in the 2000s on a ps2 disc barely using up ton percent of the total disk space and then there was big basil who was huge well for a boy he was huge with no I don't maybe it's in a drawer that's not true you're just met no you can I can oh yes you've left a shadow in Tinkerbell outside the window [Music] we'll come up with something I just have you have just photos oh god run off but IKEA it's true that's everything what's different from above I needed to take a pee and I didn't quite make it to the quit yard they're led by Captain Hook you like settling accounts it's just a simple mathematics take pity on me excellent see what will happen to my daddy otherwise wasn't i right the contents of a liver sausage will always be a mystery I don't understand who thought this was a good idea and even if it was some kind of elaborate scam to generate tiny amounts of profit for how little money was clearly spent making these games who in their right mind would buy this [ __ ] and cause the thousands of sales the company would need for any of this to be worth it I just can't I I want to
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 988,747
Rating: 4.8666391 out of 5
Keywords: caddicarus, caddy, jim, caddick, game, review, hiddenblock, spacehamstergames, spacehamster, dykgaming, didyouknowgaming, pbg, peanutbuttergamer, completionist, ps1, ps4, pc, modern, retro, reviews, comedy, funny, jontron, projared, brutalmoose, worst games ever made, worst game, worst games on steam, cadvent calendar, badvent calendar, top 25 worst games, of all time, worst games ever, top 10 worst games, ever made, worst games of all time, caddicarus top 10, long version, marathon
Id: mO5qEsre85Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 33sec (4113 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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