[OLD] Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - Caddicarus

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you want oh I love ending oh boy boy boy it's a game that has all the younglings slaughter I what can I get him he's got a very punchable face can't wait to play with the force what kind of insane magic do you think we can do Star Wars the film series where there's plenty of stars but usually only one war I like Star Wars a lot I'm not a die-hard fan or anything but am i excited for Raisa Skywalker yeah so I figured hey why don't we take a look at that new Star Wars game that nobody's talking about Jedi fallen order but before we get into it we need to pick our difficulty and I think I'm gonna go with Jedi Master because if you seen what happens to the grandmasters you know something I wasn't expecting to hear in this game Jedi rock music that the kids listen to on their headphones good lord what do you think that's like it sounds like someone being sick my favorite okay running around now this is a lovely train isn't it hang on a second I think someone put the wrong game in this can't be Star Wars the stormtroopers are hitting me okay hold your horses no well duh what is going on here first of all we're listening to Nicki the Hutt and all of a sudden we're being attacked but somebody so this game takes place in between Episode three Revenge of the Sith and Episode four a new hope the galaxy wide extinction of the Jedi Order has already happened thanks to Darth Sidious Vader has already been in command of the stormtroopers for a few years and you are a Jedi in hiding oh like obi-wan there is Oh your name is Cal and you're a ginge yes and while in hiding you have a best friend at your day job known as rock which doesn't sound too bad with an American accent but with a British accent he's called prof. and that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard one day the Empire finds out there's a Jedi hiding in your workplace that's you just in case you couldn't guess and after a daring escape you hook up with a band of raggle taggle rogues with a lady called seer and a four-armed nightmare monster called freezy breeze made these three trees fries grease you find out that the Empire are looking for a special map that has the location of all the remaining force-sensitive children in the galaxy which means that if they find it then the Jedi could face complete annihilation with no hope for a bright future and so by working together you go on the hunt to reach the map before the Empire due by using your own ship to jump all over the galaxy help Cal rediscover his old Jedi abilities he's lost over the years since the Jedi Masters were initially wiped out and you see as X Jedi ability of being able to detect kids that makes way more sense in the story believe me to find the next batch of younglings and restore the Jedi Order because if out out this story isn't amazing but it gets the job done nicely it's not exactly that bad either it's just nothing groundbreaking it feels like a side story because it is a side story it's nowhere near as integral to the main saga as something like the rogue one is for a side story but it does feature enough twists sad moments and badass moments to hit all the right spots for a simple to follow story that's entertaining to go through the characters are all memorable and likable or hateable depending on what they're going for and there's great flourishes in the stories such as how they paint the Jedi Order as an incredibly flawed system therefore giving decent motivations to some of the more nasty people in the story and there's even this great moment during one of Cal's flashbacks where you relive the moments right before it sixty-six happens we're all the clone troopers turn on the Jedi Masters and during this flashback you know it's coming because everyone's talking about it behind your back and then during some training exercise you get surprised when you see a clone trooper suddenly aiming dead at you which further throws you off since it just turns out he's testing you for the exercise you're doing this is a great moment I've got a little bone to pick with our main character cow you know the guy on the front cover that I said I could deck in the face problem is at the beginning of the game he has a little bit of a mouth on him and he doesn't know how to shut it did you get here how'd you get here that's a really big bug not approved trash trash they're just not proved trash yeah it took me a few hours to warm to him he's not awful or anything but to start with he has something to say about everything flapping his mouth off like nobody's business not adding anything to anything and for a while his dialogue did feel a little bit forced well I mean at least he has anything like this Johnny in that old Star Wars ps1 game the rebel fighter firing ring dragon Oh No cow no what are you doing put that guitar down with that hair we don't need a Star Wars ed sheeran all those saying that Ed Sheeran looks like he came from Star Wars anyway as we get into the game itself though I have to apologize for something very wrong in this upcoming video some of the footage you're going to be seeing is around 30 fps and the rest of its going to be 40 to 60 because for a gain about geniuses that can read people's minds and push things by literally pointing a finger at them it wasn't clever enough to tell me that there's a hidden ps4 Pro performance mode in the options menu of the game and you know what let's start off by talking about that fallen order as a whole looks pretty terrific except for Cal's face I mean what that's a whole it does make you feel like you are in a part of the Star Wars universe zipping and zapping around it and not just because you're able to cut and slice the grass like a Jedi gardener that's why they called it ground fault it just looks so authentically Star Wars at least the original trilogy Star Wars you know that dank and swampy rusted technology aesthetic it looks great and like the rock music you got to hear at the very start you experienced want to want more of the culture of the planets of star wars on how a lot of the flora and fauna react to intruders especially the hostile wildlife and how they behave when they're unaware of your presence they fight each other and chip their own health bars down they hunt other humans which can be used to your advantage and hell they even eat old bodies that perished only recently since the game is set between episode 3 and 4 as well you get to see remnants of battles from the prequels on certain planets as well as glimmers of what's to come for the future of the saga chronologically it's a great mix and the detail gone into the lightsaber combat animations are to die for gorgeous I mean seriously look how cool this is and I don't know about you guys but I was left in all the first time I used my lightsaber to light up a dark cave I don't know it's the little things it looks great very all right or the question I have to pose to all of you today is well is this worth - sometimes dreadful framedrops that can often lead you to death totally out of your control yes I'm playing this game on the ps4 why not on the PC because full origin that's why and I did initially buy the game on Steam but then when I booted it up for the first time and it asked for my origin account login information I decided this team could go be yourself - but even with performance mode on in the ps4 Pro fallen order likes to stutter a lot and texture pop-in is a little too frequent for my liking is this enough for me to get angry no because I think the game succeeds in too many other places for me to get that furious and I mean this game is so vast and huge it's understandable to a degree but at the same time this is such a reaction heavy game so a better frame rate would have been very appreciated ever seen a place like this before yeah it's amazing it's almost like it isn't even there the game itself is an action-adventure and I haven't enjoyed a Star Wars action-adventure as much as this since Star Wars bounty hunter on ps2 if that game was the Star Wars answer to Tomb Raider that this game is the Star Wars answer to Tomb Raider though I think Lara Croft is much smarter than Cal I don't know isn't it a little dangerous leaving that thing on while it's in your pocket cow let the game shines though is with the combat it's what you're doing for most of the game and I really bloody enjoyed it dodge rolling parrying reflecting bullets lock-on targets you can switch between it's all very lords of the fall even get meditation pads to rest at that restore all of your meters and health packs at the expense of respawning all the enemies in the area and you can even level up here with skill points you earn from beating enemies to be fair though this is more like sukira than Dark Souls you don't collect points to spend on different attributes you gather xp until you clock over one additional skill point and if you die you lose all the XP you gathered up until your banked skillpoint but don't worry you can always get it back by damaging the culprit and you reach them by utilizing many shortcuts you unlock to loop back to earlier parts of the level so when you next need to rest you don't need to travel as far to reach them sound familiar yeah I mean either and by the way you don't just have a lightsaber but also force abilities you get throughout the story meaning slowing enemies down pushing enemies back or pulling them towards you during all of your other tactical approaches to battle that I'll get into in a minute and those skill points they don't just upgrade base strength or defense that's dull you instead get a metric bum load of new moves to play with that can turn the tables in battle very quickly or are just incredible fun to use the game isn't easy it's actually pretty challenging but it isn't too hard either it's a decent balance but does favor more to the hardcore crowd than casual like there's no stamina bar and healing is really quick but enemies are sometimes faster than you can stun lock you if you aren't careful and hit you like a truck most of the time you will lose in this game this is basically Star Wars sick hero but just a bit easier I mean I lost on the tutorial if that gives you any idea know how I knew that I'd really enjoy this game before I played it when i looked up the amazon reviews and everyone was whinging about how hard it was also like insecure oh there's minimal iframes with the dodging meaning that the game is more about positioning your body during the combat and pre-planned roles since sidestepping only gets you so far even when attacks are just about to hit you you have to allow hits to come to you so you can time a counter guard which sometimes opens up the enemy to a one-hit takedown but often it's more like a tennis match of waiting for a string of Perry's by you needing to guard at the very last moment before being attacked then attack back and then parry in response to their counter-attack to chip down the enemy's stamina meter so that they can stop guarding you sometimes you need to bait their attacks parry and then immediately dodge their counter and attack them from behind since they're counter to your parry is too quick to even guard the next one let alone parry it back and with certain enemies they can stun lock you very easily every enemy and boss big or small provides a totally different approach for lightsaber and best use of your unlocked abilities along with the force which is great for use in crowds like when force pushing a group of enemies off a ledge or when you slow down a melee enemy to heal or take care of other ranged enemies safely while the melee attacker is slowed down you even get the incredible double lightsaber blades for better crowd coverage at the cost of low attack power and this gives you extra benefits like infinite blaster rebounding straight back to enemies if you parry the first one correctly and keep holding the guard button down even better if you're brave this upgrade is in the early game if after you finish the first proper planet you explore you go to Dathomir as early as possible which is very difficult for this early in the game for the lack of health and upgrades you have but once you reach the end point that you're able to explore - you unlock the double lightsaber for use in every other point of the game making the other more bearable planets that you could have picked first even easier as you can deflect every single shot fired at you from clumps of stormtroopers with the infinite bullet rebound ability I mentioned earlier when usually you just have to time each individual guard for each individual bullet to rebound them back with the single blade much like what my masseuse said when she took my socks off there's a lot to work with here even the force meter to do force moves and the special high damage attacks I prefer massively to something like God of War on ps4 since instead of a simple cooldown time to get the force meter back up again so you can exploit the special moves over and over again you have to land successful hit and get into the combat Nittis and gritties in order to refill it then rewarding you with the chance to use more powerful moves the strategy is never as simple as spamming attack and rolling over and over again or guarding and countering over and over again or chipping down health and running away over and over again and for most of the game it's an extremely tricky yet engaging dueling system that tests your reflexes and attention to the max and because of the sheer speed of everything even gang encounters feel more doable than in something like Dark Souls 2 some beasts can even hide in nests and spring out at you or damage you heavily after you manage to slice them open so you're constantly on your toes and you never know what's around the next corner keeping everything fresh and exciting some of the bosses from being absolute while I'm about to say does not apply to every single boss but some of these guys have Dark Souls 2 levels of record player spinning in place as they track you right before they perform any attacks sometimes even during the attack and the teleportation in the grabs my lord this waist should be a legal look at I'm totally down with more position based combat instead of exploiting iframes but when you're given absolutely no chances to avoid or get away from certain attacks I make noises like a voice the I found in a cave in the first proper level of the game was called um Bongo and was an absolute battle for no good reason at all and since he's encountered at the very beginning of the game I'm sure he's the reason most players quit he's relentless and every single grab an unblockable attack is potentially fatal with his broken hip boxes and teleporting grabs I've got no issue at all with him being a high-level enemy for the early game being too shorted by him with my tiny health bar is totally fair but that does not excuse his bugged move set and the real funny thing is that no other single boss or enemy from that point onwards is this difficult or broken nope not even the final boss who's hard don't get me wrong but nowhere near as hard as this Angry Frog slug for this point that you discover it and why he's at the start of the game makes no sense to me at all you know what he reminds me of that troll in Dark Souls 2 yeah that troll the hardest and most glitchy enemy in the entire game that they put at the very beginning of the game because and because of this I thought maybe I was supposed to come back to him later but oh no I wasn't gonna let him beat me I'm as stubborn as a mule wait that's not a meal here I waited until I got the healing stim so I could healed twice during the battle but once I got them I went straight back into the lion's den and made some strike yeah I like fine medium rare peg if you're stuck at this point of the game take my advice stay as close as you can only tap dodge to get away from his bites roll away only at the red attacks and make sure you roll only at the last possible second because this twice work will follow you until the very last second during the charger funnily enough by the time these things became regular enemies 10 minutes later I had no trouble with them at all because I had so much practice with dodging their broken hip boxes from the boss bow but that learning curve for the very start of the game was unnecessarily brutal by the way why does Cal in the pause menu look like he's being told off by his math teacher sure Miche I'm really sorry please don't get Dewar's oh by the way why is going on with some of the enemy behavior I don't mind them being agroed when you're a certain distance from them it happens in Dark Souls and such and it helps you manage large groups a fair bit well I mean - moments like this this this is just this is just creepy I'm talking more about stuff like when they randomly decide to pop out of thin air and gang shave you I mean luckily this only seemed to happen to me on South Amer but still what is this all about how am I supposed to react to this I'm so right now nothing is gonna calm me down let me at your throat you miserable sack of spent I'm not angry what are you talking about yeah you know what bd1 has calmed me right down and you want to know why because he's got one big Dee's little guy he's like sparks the Dragon fighter Spyro he's your assistant you could almost call him a birdie he scans objects around the levels for heaps of interesting law information in case you don't know what a storage crate is with a tap of a button he gives you a quick health injection that refills every time you rest at a checkpoint or get a game over and after you knock down any enemy for the first time he can scan their information which directly gives you hints and the ideal methods of fighting them in the future if you found the enemy particularly difficult oh and by the way thanks so much for subtitling every sound effect he makes mr. game it's not like he's actually saying it by babe the vault yeah that's where I was headed to break trail when you first meet this little robot though you get to customize your lightsaber at the same time and you bet your crack I went green as soon as possible blue is overrated get over it and once I was able to pick purple oh my god that's even better yeah boy I'm Samuel L Weasley you also do a lot of sliding in this game like a lot of sliding that there's so much sliding in this game why is there so much sliding is this star wars or Swanage the video game oh yeah this is a Star Wars game isn't it in which case let's talk about using that Force now this is one of the major things that makes this game definitively Star Wars and once you mix it in with the combat it makes everything all the more experimental and fun you start off with the ability to slow down enemies for a second to get an easy hit in but then force push to well take a guess and then force pull which can even give you the chance to grab some airborne robots and let bd1 hack them onto your side force push is easily my favorite by far though you can push rockets and grenades back at enemies and even upgrade it to push entire groups of enemies off the edge of cliffs for an easy win and you may think that for slow is a little pointless to begin with since the enemy speeds up again after you touch them often leading to you getting here but I used it more defensively slowing down enemies so that I could back off and heal then charge attacking back into the fray while they couldn't guard me these abilities also extend into non-combat situations though like with puzzles and hidden rooms where you need to push pull and slow down specific objects at certain times to open other doors to other areas and get special loot these feel extremely tombraider ish and when I say that I mean new tomb raider ish they're a nice change of pace honestly physics puzzles make perfect sense for someone with the force and it feels good to solve them since they aren't as blindingly obvious as you'd imagine some of these make me think a lot of the shrines in breadth of the wild actually and hey if you finish a puzzle and end up with nothing more than additional costumes or cosmetics for your lightsaber bd1 or your ship or even more law information to scan even though I loved reading all of that stuff and seeing all the costumes I could get it doesn't matter if you don't enjoy any of that because you still get a dump load of XP to build up to another skill point anyway so you get gameplay benefits for solving puzzles too which feels even more like Lara Croft and I really like how you're using the Force to listen to the echoes of the past it's a really cool idea we're we're way hang on a bleeding hole who's this uber niba no key in fact to further utilize the force into the gameplay they make the skill tree menu contextual by making you have to meditate at a checkpoint to access it and the reason you've forgotten all of these moves that you need to unlock again is because after order 66 happens you have got more and more disconnected from the force as the years have gone on so the more you do in the game the more experience you literally and metaphorically save up and the more you're able to remember from your older Jedi days by meditating and concentrating to funnel that stored experience into a new memory which also explains why older Jedi are so much more powerful it's all about the experience and channeling that experience now it's just more literal with it being in again it keeps the force as this mysterious presence - instead of just this thing that you have made even more mystical by the correct decision to make Cal already a Jedi when the game begins so you never see him randomly get the force and don't see this random transition of urges qetesh midi-chlorian so many midi-chlorians that must mean he can do the force real good while exploring on the extremely odd occasion you can even get yourself permanent extensions to your force meter health bar and an additional healing injection so it's always worth searching the levels from top to bottom and solving tiny puzzles every so often to see what you can find ah yeah as it turns out the loading times on ps4 can be pretty abysmal to be honest it doesn't happen everywhere but specifically it happened a lot here on the planet Kashyyyk whenever you're loading from authority area to a more industrial area and it looks so goofy because Cal just kind of vibrates in place while the world craps its pants around it all in all it does end up having a bit of everything in it though despite the more obvious comparisons it's got a bit of uncharted with platforming and climbing around the world there's some new Tomb Raider games in here with the exploring for hidden items and puzzles there's mirrors edge with this insanely fun wall jump parkour system that very dastardly hides some secrets away from you brilliantly there's some dark sonio with its combat and approach to difficulty and most notably to me 3d Metroidvania this I wasn't expecting to see and to be fair it's not the biggest aspect of the game but it should grab new force abilities in BD one circuit upgrades the game that allows you to go back to previous planets and explore far more than you could have expected with areas you couldn't access before sometimes it's for story reasons sometimes it's optional but it's always a good feeling to come back to an early area after being overpowered and slice enemies in half that gave you such a hard time at the start or you could try solving the puzzle without the correct ability yet which means you just end up aggressively touching every single door ya Cal give that rock a good hard pack I think it likes to quit all pack much like other Metroidvania is the levels themselves are gargantuan and you'll be getting familiar with the ins and outs of the dozens of layers each of them have the more you fly back and forth and since there's no teleportation function you instead get this incredible map feature to help you link together all the different areas and shortcuts in the planet that you're on unexplored paths locked doors easily distinguishable floors it's all here and it's all pretty comprehensive and easy to read reminding me a lot of dead space actually Jedi fallen order was way more explorative than I ever could have expected it really is massive yet impressively it's not too bloated or repetitive since each planet has a huge variety of different visually and geographically designed sub locations that all link together making the interconnected areas feel like you're travelling through many of the different open stages within a singular giant stage in fact I even got a lot of ratchet and clank vibes from all the individual island venturing and ziplining / bottomless pits and the idea of leaping from planet to planet at your own accord it's got such an adventurous feel to it which keeps the pace nice and smooth the environment in each planet even has their own unique quasar telling you what you can jump on grab climb up or wall run across without being too in-your-face and obvious keeping the immersion up for those really struggling with the game too you can know the keys or you can always forgo the experience points and scanning bonuses you'll get from fighting a difficult enemy and find one of the many alternate routes to loop yourself back around above below to the side there's so many pockets and little cabinets to discover mix this in with the lightsaber parry in combat with unlockable force moves and force powers for combat and exploring and you have a pretty fantastic time despite some of the issues that I've brought up and don't worry your mum didn't lose that rug in the living room last week Star Wars Jedi fallen order has it what is going on with these walkies man they look horrific well whatever the Wookiees may look whacky but as far as the sounds are concerned it feels like a John Williams Star Wars movie soundtrack in fact it's so convincing I was surprised he didn't write the score it can be emotional sweeping marching foreboding chaotic cathartic and uses plenty of the classic instruments you've come to expect from a William score when certain scenes need to play themselves out you know there's the bongos and like percussion to drum at the mystery or suspense there's the woodwind and brass bouncing back and forth or more cheeky and laid-back moments and eerie ringing strings whenever you're hiding from something there's always something new to hear and it even dynamically reacts with what you're doing in the game whether you're searching a new location for the first time or battling it out against a million enemies all at once I was more caught off guard honestly by the high amount of moments the game decided it should let the visuals and atmosphere speak for itself there's a lot of quiet downtime for a lot of the planets where you just hear the sounds of nature and distant growls of monsters screaming at blaster shots from stormtroopers and it all feels so alive when it does that it knows not to overwhelm you and for a huge game like this I appreciate that it's also great to hear how casual all of the storm troopers are despite the threatening murderous dictatorship they're working for and how they talk back and forth with water-cooler chat why they think no one's looking it's reducing the quality of my posture and a name doesn't surprise me even going as far as to write to a confident and bullying when you start fighting them I need to get scared and nervous the more of the group you start to cut down I also really liked how whenever you move with the lightsaber equipped it audibly reacts to how you move and much like how I feel about this hammer this is really good you know I fall in order on ps4 at least does have a few technical problems and as far as the whole game itself is concerned without the errors it's not the best thing I've ever played in my life but I was not disappointed at all I love my time playing this and I think it's about time that company started taking more risks with kid-friendly material like Star Wars and then making products and games with them that don't necessarily have to appeal to a more wider casual crowd because this is more niche due to its difficulty I can really appreciate that I mean how could I be disappointed with set pieces like this or this or even this and then you hijack it this really does feel like the blockbuster game of the holidays just in time for when the new movie launches provided that you go for a difficulty that isn't the easiest one the exploration and stuff is totally fine and the map feature will delight any completionist but in my opinion it's the combat that will give you the most enjoyment and mileage out of your time with the game sure it'll be a little bit tough but push yourself and you may find that this is one of your favourite games of the year and this is a Star Wars game by EA can I just remind you you're dumb good good you did dumb good no any jokes BT puppy baby trilby Boop I don't know why trilby [Music] hey everybody thank you so much for watching this video the outtakes will be on in just a second so please stay tuned but first I just need to direct you to the description below to my Twitter and Instagram which is where I'm most active on social medias all my updates other random jokes all that kind of nonsense that's all down there below and special thank you to every single person on the screen right now that has supported this channel via patreon YouTube has been very difficult recently so every single look at the page is massively appreciate it if you choose to support it then oh my god I don't even know what to say so thank you so much and just before the antes come on special special thank you to the top tier supporters for this month they saw Brandon Brandon Mitchell read ad Thornton Smith nightshade 96 EXO Paz Matthew Hubbell Daniel larosa GTFO brie kachou Matthew O'Donnell TARDIS type 40 ramen wolf 1 4 8 5 red-eyed critic fart rules Ray Slocum doom guy Brandon Butler Williams Jay man crew the game shed and Azam dal an ex Shadowhunters edx thank you so much every single one of you amazing people oh boy I like Star Wars a lot I'm not a die-hard fan or anything but am i excited for rise of Skywalker help if I press the button I'm still I'm still a growing boy don't say that oh go through it I didn't
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 482,659
Rating: 4.9418907 out of 5
Keywords: caddicarus, caddy, jim, caddick, game, review, hiddenblock, spacehamstergames, spacehamster, dykgaming, didyouknowgaming, pbg, peanutbuttergamer, completionist, ps1, ps4, pc, modern, reviews, comedy, funny, jontron, brutalmoose, star wars, star wars jedi fallen order, star wars jedi fallen order review, jedi fallen order gameplay, jedi fallen order review, star wars: jedi fallen order, jedi, respawn entertainment, star wars lore, jedi fallen order trailer, EA, cal kestis, playstation, jedi fallen order ps4
Id: s8MWwtlKb-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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