The Painful World of LEGO Games - Caddicarus

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Right after the Skywalker Saga got delayed. Perfect timing.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 7 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/MisterHypocritical šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 27 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Iā€™m pretty sure all the modern LEGO games use the same game engine

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 5 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/kindstranger42069 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 27 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

I remember playing that Lego Racer game a lot back when I was a kid on the PC. Graphics also don't look good now but I remember liking it. Think I got stuck on of the final races trying to unlock another character.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/BloodyRedBarbara šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 27 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Lego World has to be on the list. Great game to play if you're having trouble sleeping.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/redfive84 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 28 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies


šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Klayman55 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 27 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

I want to see him review the hot wheels games so bad

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Seraphimon44 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 27 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

That was the best RAID Shadow Legends sponsorship ad ever.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/[deleted] šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 27 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies





šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/TJLynch šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 28 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Is Pepper behind the fence? or is he the fence itself?

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Danielroasttoast šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 19 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] bournemouth's golden sands disappeared under gigantic crowns oh come on where did you go bricks we need you now more than ever have you seen these people everyone there needs to be bricked in right now well you know what if those bricks aren't gonna come back to me then i'm gonna have to have an affair with some other bricks but because there's so many i mean which bricks do i call hello my old friend oh diddle it's my evil twin brother baddie i have tweeted really oh gee thanks uh say when did you become a postman oh he's gone [Music] what the hell is this it's your miss tweet jesus get out okay [Music] oh my name isn't jim taddock [Music] you know there are some things in life that you still love no matter how much they sell out spyro the dragon doritos patrick stewart and for me lego is definitely one of those things i mean look at this point lego has absorbed everything around it from star wars to disney to spongebob to batman to golden girls to lego itself as a concept is one that i've always admired and the sheer amount of innocence and character the brand oozes with has charmed me ever since i was a kid even until today it's so simple yet so effective you get a load of bricks of different shapes styles and colors then mash them together into a monster even if you got a specific set that had instructions to follow you've still got the pieces in order to mix and match them with all of your other sets it's a toy for collectors a toy for model builders a toy for creative people who want to make whatever they want and a toy for anybody of any age except if you're a baby because you will choke and you will die i mean just look at how far it's come at first it was just uh make a yellow man put him in the car i don't have enough bricks for a house so yellow man lives in the car oh no my little brother tim tim ate my yellow man gotta wait for him to poop it out but now you can make gargantuan themed sets based on your favorite movies and your favorite games overwatch minecraft and nowadays even mario lego can now be turned on and off it can suck your soul into the abyss it can talk i'm tired it can scan different surfaces to make different things happen it needs a bluetooth connection lego can die and it needs to update why does my lego need to update it's plastic either way a few weeks ago i was lucky enough to have been sent some of the brand new mario lego sets by lego themselves so thank you so much for doing that and not only was it a cool present on its own but it also gave me a great idea for another video mario is a game lego is lego lego alligators and i have a lot of these things in fact back in the ancient history of my channel the sick the game review i ever did was actually of lego racers but like every other old video of mine it's time to get real behind the wheel i wish it never happened i've got to go back and review a ps1 game that i've already reviewed all over again so do you know what that means [Music] oh this opening it still gives me nostalgic chills if you want me to feel like a kid again you show me this intro i don't know why you'd want me to feel like a kid again he then gets shown a high octane cut scene that again takes me right back to my childhood when i first laid eyes on this game and thought it looked like the coolest and most exciting thing ever especially when the ps1 graphics and fmv worked really well with lego since most of the ps1's attempts of making real-life people ended up looking like lego anyway and then silence but the silence is for a good reason so that when the main menu eventually loads the music catches you so off guard that it kicks you hard in the balls i was protected this time and let's be real the game itself kicks you hard everywhere else with the amount of stuff you get to play with right off the bat for a game about lego pieces going to the races this is one of the most comprehensive toy boxes for creating your own cars and characters to play with of all time and this is a ps1 game from 1999. now since i have no imagination i decided to make a character comprised of the ugliest choices in each section of the body perfect i'll name him uncle dip and let me just say this uncle is ready for a dip but what kind of car does he drive well that's easy welcome to the dipmobile yes amazingly when it comes to creating all of your cars if you have enough space on the body that you chose and the bricks fit you can drive it which is not only impressive but also means this is the only kid's cart racer that allows you to drive in a medieval coffin with a spoiler i mean sure you can't see uncle dip inside of his own car but by doing that i think i've done the world of favor so as you can see this is a pretty standard kart racing game you've got multiple races against you tons of tracks based off of themed lego sets of the time power-ups to pick up and use shortcuts to discover by solving puzzles on the track or blowing them up with rockets and you have to try your hardest to get to first place in each grand prix so that you can gloat t t t bag the major problem i have with lego racers though is how it controls i've got to be honest it doesn't feel that great to play nowadays the speed is fine but the turning is some of the heaviest and most awkward i've ever touched and trust me i know what you're about to say it looks obvious why my turning is heavy doesn't it but even though the customization aspect may be one of the best bits of the game from my experimentation it doesn't make a single difference to the handling of your cars nope not even with the special car bricks you can unlock by coming first in the boss race grand prix against classic lego characters like captain redbeard johnny thunder basil the batlord and mr race complications i even made a special car that was completely naked because that's what uncle dip likes and it was just as heavy but nowhere near as funny as a giant yellow cube oh and i know you're all gonna mention the tight turning on the shoulder buttons but if you're gonna defend this game with that then you're a bit of a knob the thing is though everything else around these floors are so charming and uplifting i can't be angry with lego racers even the music is completely insane i also really love the power up system in this game you see you don't just pick a power up and use it i mean you can do that but here's what you should really be doing firstly you have to grab a different colored brick to get a different type of powerup a drop item shield item offensive item and boost item respectively and then you can choose to either use it immediately or save it while collecting special white bricks on top of the current power-up brick that you have to make it more powerful with three white bricks making it max power you can destroy everybody in front of you or open a literal dimensional rift to teleport ahead of the track it's really cool stuff and with all the other races stealing the best power bricks that you need it's not that easy to spam overpowered abilities adding a nice bit of thought behind you using the low-powered attacks more frequently to get ahead or just hoping that you get lucky and saving the more powerful ones for later and then you remember that there's no four-player mode in late 1999 with crash team racing already existing on the same system up next we've got another game on the ps1 lego rock ray shadow legends hello i'm spons look at your phone isn't it boring and terrible why don't you put some bang in it right now and download rage shadow legends in the description below the hit dark fantasy rpg that's also available on pc that no one's ever heard of before raid has 16 different factions all warring with each other because i'm not going to tell you get the game and find out yourself dwarves orcs person you want it raid has it my favorite faction are the dark l simply because in my opinion they look the coolest just like me plus they're part of the faction group known as the corrupted just like me not only that but my favorite champion is also in this faction crimson helm i got her early on when i started playing a few months back and no one else has topped her i mean look at her but there are dozens and dozens of other champions to attach to in every faction with different levels of rarity and all with incredible designs that showed off with some of the best graphics and smoothest frame rates on a mobile game there's a lot more i love about the game other than the visuals though i love the lengthy campaign with cut scenes and tricky bosses and the turn-based gameplay itself that requires a fair bit of thought thanks to buffs each of your champions can give each other and long cooldown special attacks that affect different weaknesses against your enemies and i get a massive kick out of collecting things on the ground and useless people to then destroy and then merge into the current heroes that i already am using last since most of my life is spent being busy making videos i mean just look at how busy i am my favorite feature is the automatic battle system which allows me to get on with my life while also ending other people's lives even better within the last few weeks they've added in tons of updates making it no better time to sign up you can now collect segments of champions to summon some of the best champions of the game and the daily login rewards are now up to 270 days with free champions for you just for logging in speaking of logging in right now and you get a welcome pack full of one hundred thousand silver one energy refill three asian shards and one free champion abdu to booty coup de good decade to ten for the next 30 days they've even got inbox rewards that you can open right now oh and did i mention it's free lego rock raiders another ps1 game and one that i haven't played until this video kids tested kids approved yeah well the kids also like [ __ ] their pants so that doesn't mean anything oh interesting we get to pick a mission here let's see uh awesome so the story of rock raiders is that you are a rescue team that raids rocks i suppose and one day unfortunately the teapot pad lies on the other side of an underground river so off we go to save the miserable brown day i was taken aback by this mission select though you essentially can pick what you want to do in any order you want in order to unlock the final level it's basically mega man but instead of looking blocky it is blocky and here is the game um okay what the hell am i supposed to be doing here you are given no indication on how to play or what's even going on so all i can do right now is walk around forever wondering why even though i picked a guy with hair i'm now all of a sudden bold so is this a strategy game or something what's with this unsettling top down view whoa i can jump holy bees i can jump so that must mean that this isn't a strategy game because i can move and jump what's going on here apparently i need to find some rocks to power this thing gotcha are there any over here no are there any over here no are there any over here no you see these scorpions here they hurt you and you can pick up weapons to attack them but the funny thing about that is don't bother because by the time you're even able to aim properly at these things you've lost all your ammo and you've taken around four or five hits extra trying to kill them because of how fast they move wait what what am i doing here am i lip flapping on the walls i still have no clue what i'm doing the r1 button gives us a scanning view at least but why are these rocks are slightly lighter green than these other rocks is this a glitch i don't know anymore maybe if i lip flap nice and hard against those parts something funny's gonna happen oh i can break them oh well thanks for letting me know lego [ __ ] blockers how the hell was i supposed to figure that out there's no indication you're even doing anything not even a sound effect [Music] and my god do you want to see how long it actually took for me to break one of these walls yes they expected you to figure out without any sound effects or anything to stand there and hold one button for that long to progress and what are you rewarded with after that tiresome boar a drunk driving bag let's try another mission then see if it's any different oh look at that it isn't oh okay now there's a sound effect that would have been nice to hear three days ago oh wow look at this we've got some water over here should we jump into it i want to see what happens yeah next mission and this mission sees us stuck with a very tight time limit while having to dig through multiple rock walls that all take 15 seconds each to dig through and most of them don't lead to anything that i actually need wasting a huge chunk of my minuscule time limit mission aborted yeah well this game will be if it keeps pissing me off next mission then and it's more of exactly the same except now after spending two minutes standing still and digging i ended up making a loop back around to the start of the level which didn't help me at all i'm sorry i can't keep going on with this lego rock raiders is one of the most thoroughly joyless and confusing messes i've ever played and why do i even need to go out and collect rocks to power this bloody thing we're underground in a cavern we are in rocks they're everywhere why can't i use these rocks that chip off from my drill and how can these guys call themselves rock raiders when they can't even raid rocks without the rocks that they already needed to have raided i'm not even kidding when i say that around 70 of my recorded footage from this game was me standing still holding one button and the most baffling thing to me is that i remember having a friend back in school when i was like six years old who had this game and every day he would not shut up about how much he loved it what were your parents feeding you maybe we should jump up a generation to the original xbox and see if things get any better who here remembers bionicle okay that's a lie i do remember bionicle and when those first iconic sets launched i was just the right age where it seemed like the more mature and grown-up alternative to a lego school boy with an old smelly hat bionicle surrender or run it even had a giant story with character arcs and lore you see you've got these elemental warriors that have to save the world from gaddafi okay i really don't know anything about bionicle and to be honest as a kid i stopped collecting the sets once they started looking like skinned chickens and their names were stupid as well i mean why would you call your toy line bollocks the game boots up we get the classic lego logo on the screen and i'm immediately irked by this singular rogue pixel up here if you can't even clean up a shitty jpeg you probably can't make a video game now there is something that i love about bionicle the game right from the start this character selection screen got a laugh out of me whether intentional or not you start off on this guy with intense drums in the background idle animations of the character ready to go and then you swap to another character and oh it's funny shut up i've never seen a disappointed robot before but that is a disappointed robot anyway we start the actual game off and we get a cutscene talking about and the great being sent us the torah only it's chasing me you have to stop it what's that noise well gee i don't know and then all of a sudden we're attacked by every lego brick's worst nightmare wasps yeah like i said i know nothing about bionicle but i do know a few things about games so what's this one like well bionicle is a zelda esque action platformer with combat centered on a locking system with projectile firing and my god the game will make you remember that because every time you fail while learning the mechanics which is very easy to do you're forced into watching this painfully slow scrolling tutorial text that totally interrupts the gameplay and cannot be skipped not a great start to be honest and at the risk of further infuriating bionicle fans out there after this part of the game it gets way better yeah i like this game first off i really like the shielding mechanic where you have to activate it at the correct time to not only avoid damage but also absorb the enemy's attacks to give yourself more weapon energy that you need to be able to fight in the first place turning every encounter into a game of knowing when to defend an attack without allowing you to spam attacks constantly i love the small health bar to make some of the bigger enemies feel like more of a threat that you need to outsmart and i love how to punish players spamming the attack button there's a combo system where pressing the button rhythmically at the right times gives you a three-hit combo that's way more powerful than a standard attack but only if you have enough weapon energy to perform it in the first place from guarding at the right time in fact the more that i look at this the more it reminds me of soul reaver on the ps1 i mean the platforming is automatically better than something like zelda since you have to activate the jump yourself and there are some pretty tense and decent challenges to overcome even with a double jump which therefore makes the exploration pretty interesting too bionicle the game isn't mindless unlike this lego suit and to top it off this is one of the best looking original xbox games i've ever seen okay sure the characters are literal bricks so it doesn't matter if they're a little angular but look at that smooth frame rate and detailed environments this is impressive for the xbox the only reason i stopped playing is because once again i don't know anything about bionicle so i really don't care plus this walking speed is a little bit annoying but overall if you like a little bit of edginess in your lego game with motorized lip flaps bionicle is the game for you but for me the title is starting to look a bit too much like bicycle speaking of bicycles that's reminded me of a lego character that doesn't ride one pepperoni with the skateboard lego island i couldn't grab myself a copy of the original lego island and get it working on a new pc in time for this video but rest assured i remember the original lego island on pc and i remember spending hours on it clicking away on our microsoft space helmet and then we ended up getting lego chess lego loco and lego creator with those incredible lego spines on the case that you could clunk together i mean the cases were made of lego they were fun before you even played the game for being the first ever internationally released lego game for the masses however lego island one had it all a giant world to explore that you felt like you were a part of lots of customization to get your imagination flowing and horrible horrible cut scenes let [Music] sure it hasn't aged very well i mean it's a little bit chunky but it is still a harmless and enjoyable little nostalgic trip now can i say the same thing about the sequel on the ps1 lego island 2 the bricksters revenge ages 6 to 99. sorry grandma we start the game off and we're given a loading disc that's also a pizza hmm this gives me an idea there's nothing in here bonjour everyone look it's your favorite chef that doesn't wash his hands sandwich and after last week's lesson i'm making a hand sandwich today we're going to make an italian classic disc then and then charles enjoy oh boy look at this we are in for a bricky pricky treat here aren't we these are easily the laziest cutscenes i've ever seen it's just two images flipping back and forth between this guy the infomaniac and everyone's favorite dude with the food who has only seemed to deliver pizzas in the 23 years he's existed pepperoni oh no is he is he bleeding our first task of the game is to deliver pizzas across the whole island in exchange for lego bricks to build a house don't tell them that's an awful deal i'm ripping these suckers off and what an intro to the residents this mission is because i don't think i've ever seen such an undeserving bunch of creeps in my life but that's mine this guy looks like he's had too many lemons and this lady here thanks me for the pizza with a headbutt this doctor over here tells this preteen straight to his face that he looks good and this guy can't help himself from sucking on my face people cool what is wrong with this island here's some bricks oh and by the way i don't know how this lighting engine is being handled but whatever it is it's terrible you know peppa loves to make random noises as he walks around i mean it does make me uncomfortable but i do feel sorry for him judging by this running animation i think the noise is a medical as i gaze out into the endless waters i think to myself is peppa standing behind a fence or is pepper actually the fence this place is downright unhinged i gave this dude a delicious pizza earlier and then i later find him squatting outside a stranger's house eating the floor but all of these slightly demented moments in this game aren't enough of a distraction from how dull it is i've been running around the island for about 20 minutes so far with no clue where i'm going where to deliver pizzas or where to find my remaining house bricks the screen size is way too small for the scale of this island there's no map feature at all and by complete accident i ended up talking to a local twice in a row with the second conversation ending with the guy pointing in the completely wrong direction to where i was standing funnily enough though i thought this was a bug or something until i unintentionally figured out that every character does this and it turns out that they're actually just pointing towards where my next objective is can't you just point at the same time i mean that's all your bloody arms can do lego but do you know what else this means it means that out of everybody on this entire island the only person that has absolutely no sodding clue what's going on is your main character pepperoni our hero ladies and gents it wasn't until a total of 30 minutes on the first mission that i then found my final stop the pizzeria which was hidden behind a dump load of hills the only restaurant in town and you can't even get to it without a degree in mountaineering time to go and collect my final brick then and the what in the bumbling piss sticks is this thing didn't i see you in the movie signs so after all of this i finally get my last brick and go back to my house to finish building it and then i get a phone call telling me to go back to the pizzeria hidden in the hills that i just came from also that i can pick up one last pizza delivery and give it to a criminal currently in prison for nearly destroying the entire island in lego island one how did he buy it why are we allowing him to have it is this his last meal on death row this is the brickster and by the way in the first lego island he escaped jail by using a pizza so guess what happens here he escapes jail by using a pizza shut up even worse everybody just watches him leave including the police hey yeah peppa you tell him after escaping the brickster then heads to the center of information intelligence and life itself on the entire island and just strolls inside to steal a book that allows him to summon anything out of thin air lego island doesn't deserve to be saved at this point i'm surprised he didn't just summon a museum throughout this entire process nobody chases him nobody stops him nobody even shouts at him and in fact after he's got total control they end up having a nice long chat while he's standing on a roof stop him but no they won't so do you know what this logically means that it's all up to peppa to catch the brickster and save the day you know not these guys what are you doing [Music] my best he hasn't even got a body so now the island has been taken over by the evil brickster bots and i've gotta be honest they do sound pretty scary what are they gonna do to us how are we gonna catch them once again we're thrown into a mission where we've got to search around this unnecessarily large island with nothing else going on except for finding a load of coloured brickster bots to capture which you can never find because they move around all the time and the draw distance is so pitiful you'll never figure out which direction you should be going in order to figure out where they ran off to and once more if you're totally lost you can just ask any other resident on this godforsaken rock to point you in the right direction meaning that even with the location of criminals everybody knows what's going on aside from pepper this ugly troglodyte who can't even stand up straight is our hero none of these people who actually know what's going on and could just walk over to the collectibles are doing anything no let's leave it up to the kid who has a skateboard that is somehow slower than his run the kid who can't jump over knee-high fences but then sometimes he can the kid who doesn't walk up paths and instead elevates himself up them the kid who is allowed to pilot a helicopter but can't land it wherever he wants so what's the point of using it the kid who gave the main antagonist the keys to get out of his cell and nearly destroy the island all over again i'm starting to lose it i'm going to hide away in my beach of madness [Music] my best the only and i mean the only good thing i can talk about with this game so far is that for a 2001 ps1 title the analog stick controls are some of the best i've ever used on the system they're incredibly responsive to pressure you can run freely in any direction not just eight and the camera controls on the right stick wouldn't be out of place in a first person shooter nowadays i'm really impressed considering the technology they had to work with i know it came out earlier but quake 2 on ps1 would have worked way better with this setup so well done lego island 2 you're better than quake anyway after a literal hour of me doing nothing but walking around aimlessly i finally get rewarded with a shitty little mini game where you just press the correct button to knock the brickster bots back down into lego island's central computer no i bet wait if they're inside this computer and messing it all up why are we smacking them back in aren't we supposed to be pulling them out hang on what's he doing there don't hit me by accident well why the hell did you crawl in it then my god who cares i've got a boat now so it's on to a new world and hopefully there's something more fun to do this time oh a medieval island this is pretty cool i suppose this can only mean that we get access to another slow and boring mini-game of collecting stuff oh wow now i have a drug horse that i can't control anywhere for the life of me what's wrong with this thing do i need to take it out back and shoot it in the head oh look it's another mini game it's jousting but with button mashing and awkward aiming that doesn't bloody work pepperoni on a pony kill yourself i am absolutely lost i can't take it anymore this game is just as painful as stepping on a loose bit of real lego but i'm wearing a shirt i mean can you even call the subtitle of this game that bricks does revenge if we let him out of prison ourselves we let him attack us is that even revenge honestly i'm not sure but i am sure that they were out of their goddamn minds to make a lego island three at this point the lego island series was like a man with a missing arm and then in comes strolling lego island three to save the day saying hey don't worry i can fix that just rub a bit of cream on it that is exactly what this game is lego island extreme stunts is a useless cream on the stump of a man with no arm you can't save lego island's missing arm the cream won't work just give up b pepper the stuntman hero oh yes because as we all know pepper is the master of all stunts speaking of you're gonna spell extreme with an x but not spell stunts with a z that's a missed opportunity there how do you think you'll sell this game to the kids right i'm ready to go what have you got in store for me lego island 3 unable to read disc so i gave the disc a thorough clean it started working and this is the first thing that i see amazing well thank you very much so as it turns out lego island 3 is all about peppa being the stuntman in an upcoming movie being filmed on the island and that that's it really and after the beginning with that um epic stunt we then get thrown into another stunt where we just drive a car and deliberately crash it over and over again not sure that's classifiable as a stunt but if it is i suppose that means lindsay lohan is the greatest stunt driver of all time well hey howdy hey look at that i got a high score and my name is what's upsetting though is that after all of that i don't think i could have done the stunt that well because everything that i just did wasn't even used in the cut that they filmed i'm pretty sure that isn't even me are they just sick and tired of pepper and his stupid pun name and want to try killing him while pretending he's gonna be in a hollywood movie is this stunt movie just a big convenient cover-up to murder pepperoni in a horrible accident i gotta say i'm feeling very sorry for him right now i gotta say i don't feel sorry for him right now i may have joked earlier about peppa being a terrible master of stunts but i'll be damned he's had a serious upgrade to his movement from lego island too he can properly skateboard and do tricks whenever he wants he can double jump stupidly high for some great explorative platforming and he can even jesus for a ps2 game extreme stunts looks pretty good and much like bionicle runs as smooth as butter making the exploration around the island more enjoyable along with the great controls this is the best island in the lego island series by far followed by the first one and the second one didn't happen sure the car physics are a bit [ __ ] peppa stop it but so far i like this game i even found myself a skate park to get the hang of the wonky skateboard trick controls and before you're able to start filming other stunts you need to get a license to drive a license to fly and a license to water after which you don't only get to film the said stunts in little mini games to progress the story but also get to use the vehicles that you got the license for all around the island time you want as for the lessons themselves i passed with flying colours instead of brute forcing you into a series of lackluster and childish mini games that you have no choice but to do in the order they make you like in lego island 2 all you do here is explore find bricks to build different animals around the area collect trading cards and do the stunt missions as and when you want to depending on how many items you've earned from other mini games based on helping other locals out with their own problems and doing other stunts now there is a side plot believe it or not you aren't just filming a stunt movie you're also trying to catch the brickster on camera trying to murder you on the set why is he out of prison why is he in the director's back pocket and you'd think that after one miserable slide puzzle that proves definitively that the brickster is trying to end me that would be enough proof to lock him back up need more to put that pesky brickster behind bars but no what are you stupid my dad no you're on lego island where intelligence comes to perish out of all of these things though you want to know why this is the best lego island game i've played for this video because peppa shuts his gob and doesn't say anything my sack is so heavy but if all of those stunts were just not enough for you then don't worry because you can also take them on the go with lego stunt rally on the game boy color now i've never played a lego game on game boy before and it's safe to say that i'm bricking it hello and welcome to stunt rally i'm mr x the world champion and owner of screw this let's just jump right into a grand prix race and see what this is all about then i mean there was a lego racist port on game boy color and it wasn't awful for a game boy racing game three two one go oh huh that's odd the arrow buttons don't work but i'm like still making all of the turns it's automatic the the track races itself well then what's the point of it being a competitor racing again have you ever played scale electric before or slot cars as some people call it you know you hold a single button down to control the speed and just hope your car doesn't fall off the track and crash horribly well now you get to do that on a flat low resolution low quality limited color and no physical feedback game boy color screen you go over ramps to do the stunts that the game is named after but you can't choose the stunts that you do and it doesn't matter what car you pick this is hold one button down and hope you don't die the video game okay to be fair the b button does make you change lanes but that happens so infrequently there's barely any point talking about it oh and the arrow buttons and i mean all of the arrow buttons make your horn go off and that leaves you with some of the most beautiful sounds a video game has to offer you just like sure you can build your own tracks but with heart-stopping single button gameplay in two different locations like this why bother i think this is the only racing game i've ever played that needs no hands oh no and even though the gameplay amounts to just holding the a button down it still somehow manages to not work properly there are so many corners where it's impossible to slow down in time because of a ramp you need to speed over corners that allow you to go fast across no problem and other corners that don't allow you to go fast across corners you can't see coming corners that are too tight corners that aren't tight at all this is sickening what else can i say everything you see here this is the whole game and it's one of the worst i've ever played i've arranged seating plans for dinner parties more fun than this and that's quite amazing because i've never arranged a seating plan for a dinner party before and aside from designing your own tracks that's the only lego themed aspect of this lego game you don't build races cars the areas don't look like lego there's nothing lego in this game the only thing similar to lego here is that after i'm done with it i'm gonna put it in a big box and forget about it for 15 years and speaking of forgetting about something for 15 years i'm not even kidding when i tell you that the last time i played lego racers 2 was about 15 years ago sure i remember loving this game as a kid i put hours into it but this advanced ps2 sequel i haven't touched since then and i've replayed the original lego racers loads of times that's not a good sign is it ever since i made my lego racers one video back in 2012 i had so many of my viewers from back then desperately asked me to play lego racers 2 and so i'm honoring that request right now eight years later so if you were 90 years old and were asking me to cover this game back then i'm sorry that i'm talking about it now that you're dead the game opens up with a cinematic showing us rocket racer the big main final boss of the first game trying to deal with his humiliating defeat against us at the end of that game he hears about a galaxy wide championship jumps back in his car goes through a portal and picks up a load of these weird tiny little lego racers characters which i remember having a few of when i was a kid and after all of that that somehow means he's the best racer of all time again and we need to beat him again okay what is my name this time hello i'm car it's time for us to build a character again and unfortunately we have a lot less pieces to choose from compared to the first game but that doesn't mean i still can't pick the worst choices from every category and i hereby dub this creation pneumonia naked time for us to build a car and luckily i've learned more than enough from my car building in lego racers one so this time i can make this car the best it can possibly be the beginning of the gameplay itself starts off pretty quaint as you're plonked onto a little island and are challenged with racing all of the local workforce wasting all of the taxpayers money with racing tournaments and spending the rest on diggers that can drive at 90 miles an hour also yeah sorry about these weird black lines on the screen during the cutscenes here but this is because i'm fast forwarding them manually during the gameplay since you can't skip them even though i really wish you could because boy do they drag on and on even when you speed them up plus speeding up everything leads to scenes like this am i about to be sacrificed target 1 the construction worker and this is a pretty easy race but then again if you're in a racing game and lose to a digger you shouldn't be playing it target 2 the postman who boasts that he knows the island inside out better than anybody but that doesn't matter because we have to go through specified checkpoints that we are given arrows that point towards them so all of that knowledge means nothing target three the firemen who target four the policeman and to be honest mr copper if you can't keep up with somebody that's driving a car with no way to look out the front of it you shouldn't be a policeman after you've done all these races you're then whisked off to the first world of the game where you then get your standard six player races until you reach a boss racer at the end similar to how lego racers one handled it but with just every race being individual instead of one after the other in a single grand prix this isn't all you get to do though you see lego racers 2 pushes the ps2 hardware to overdrive since there are no race selection menus to navigate all the race choosing and while traveling is done within an open world much like in lego island within these worlds aren't just the races but also secret golden bricks to find that unlock more worlds later on hidden mission tornadoes that give you a mini game to complete for an upgrade to your car's speed grip or shield and many other secrets and surprises but the cost of this is the fact that the game itself couldn't seem to fit any other original racetracks onto the disc alongside these worlds and so everything you do in each world takes place in exactly the same location and that's not all every single hub world uses the same song every single mini game uses the same song and every single race only uses one song per world not to mention they're all taking place on the same island and all feel exactly the same to race on the only major thing that changes in the races is the weather but christ almighty if you get to tell me that changing the color of the sky constitutes a totally new and original race track then i suppose you won't mind taking a sip of my new yellow water it's fresh it's healthy and it's definitely not weak from world to world it's all the same story you explore and race around exactly the same locations along the same routes with repeated music over and over again meaning that despite the game featuring five worlds with four to five races each in them in actuality it feels more like five races in total in the entire game because each race in every world feels exactly the same unless of course you count the final race against rocket racer but that track is just one big circle so it's a big load of piss this issue is then compounded with the removal of the unique clever and very lego oriented brick stacking power-up system from lego racers 1 instead opting for just a small handful of power-ups that barely have any impact aren't very imaginative and have no strategic angle to grabbing and using them so in essence lego races 2 is weaker than the first game in practically every way except visually and even then for a ps2 game it still doesn't have four player co-op there's no defense for that because the first one should have had it in the first place what is this game's problem well at least it has some glitches [Applause] actually i say the game looks better but that's a lie most of the time too because when there's more than two cars on the same screen the game itself sucks its own farts and leaves the building something that is maybe even more terrible than the performance of the game though is the performance of your wheels the grip your car has against any terrain whether it's dry as a bone or wet as a tongue is absolutely horrendous what is this game lego race is too much grease and with how brutal the other races are on the tracks any single mistake on a race often means you've lost immediately and just need to restart that being said i do like a few things in this sequel firstly in keeping true to its lego route whenever you get hit by a weapon or drive too fast into a corner you lose a few specific bricks from your car that you built and whenever you drive through a rebuild gateway all of your car specific bricks that you lost are magically clicked back onto your car meaning that for any car you make you get unique rebuilding animations and unique destruction animations during the race that leaves your own car in different stages of destruction based on the bricks that you used yourself i know i'm over explaining it but there's not much else going on in this game so i'm trying to make it sound exciting oh you can also give yourself a tiny little boost if you accidentally knock your own bricks off it's not very impressive watch out my thongs out oh and if you end up damaging yourself too much your entire car can be destroyed until you find the next rebuilding gate meaning that you then have to race while running around as a little minifigure you can't use any power-ups and you're really slow so this isn't a good thing but how cool is this for a game about breakable lego cars racing each other in conclusion though this game is a pretty piss-poor sequel in my opinion it's got some great ideas and good scope but it's way too samey way too monotonous and look at this kids aren't going to be able to stomach this they're going to want to put the game away and go straight back to their lego elsa's and lego bananas i mean even the building kind of sucks look at it instead of being based on what bricks you can fit on what part of the car here it doesn't matter because you're stuck with a limited number of bricks to use at all times it's probably because of the destruction system but what kind of brick-a-brack is that everybody knows that the more bricks you can mount together the better it feels [Music] does anybody here remember lego knights kingdom they were like bionicles but nobody bought them so they made a game about them instead for the game boy advance what a thrilling history so what are we waiting for lego let's go now what language do i pick english or the ones who lost the story mode appears to have nine missions until you get to the end of the game okay good stuff and the first mission has your knight being mentored by a master in the ways of honor and combat by pressing a load of switches in a single room just like a tro knight so yeah obviously this first mission is a tutorial and it teaches you how to swing your sword how to fire lightning from your sword and ends with a mini boss against the definitely not evil sounding lord vladek who's dressed in definitely not evil red and black telling us how he's definitely not gonna hurt us and that we'll need our skills in days to come while the other nights talk about how he's definitely the king's most loyal and legendary knight so ten seconds later he captures the king and seizes the throne what i didn't see that gummy lego knight's kingdom is basically just one big top down zelda dungeon except it has no interesting puzzles a projectile attack that's so sluggish you can never use it without getting hit sword combat which amounts to [Music] that and movement that's as slow as a bloody milk flow it takes you eons to get anywhere pro tip if your game is only nine missions long this is not how you make it longer and after all of this lumpy combat while i run around like a lumpy skeleton in lumpy boots i'm then rewarded with a new character who moves even slower look at this miserable tub of fish this game is full of so much crap i could paint the walls with it if you can't tell i am not playing night's kingdom anymore and not just because of how slow it is but because i also refuse to play a game that uses the password well that was enough of that [Music] so why don't we play lego soccer mania on the ps2 well in this country it's actually lego football mania but to be honest that makes more sense to me anyway because in football you hit the ball with your foot amazing right soccer why do americans call it that is it because you have to wear socks i suppose you don't even call this basketball i bet you call it spankle now since i couldn't care any less about football i don't care enough to think of a clever name so i'm ooh and amazingly enough this game has a story mode didn't see that one coming but i'm all over it wait is that pepperoni with a stubble all right okay gotta pick my team now and all of my main characters gotcha uh harry flash well he's certainly flashing something but it's not for ages 6 to 99. i think my main character will be nigel nutmeg because that is the greatest name of all time and my team name will be do you know how long it takes for this game to load one match i'll tell you 54 seconds i know that doesn't sound like much but the longest loading times in wrath of cortex take you around 30 seconds so imagine sitting through this twice and then instead of getting a decent platforming stage waiting for you it's this instead yeah compared to some of the ps1 games we've looked at this doesn't look so hot especially for a generation jump up this game looks like it smells of cheese i look at all of this and i swear i can taste deodorant on top of bo which might be negative association with school locker rooms but still the game looks like melting plastic cheese that was left on the side for three years i feel sticky just being near it and i want to cry we start the game itself with a good old kick off and well it's football alright maybe it's because i know nothing about football and really couldn't care less but this seems pretty lacking to me you can pass you can shoot you can tackle you can switch positions it's functional but drab as hell look at the cheeseman go very slowly it's not made any better either by the stock music and absolutely zero transitions or sound effects for when special events happen [Music] or even when you use power ups oh yeah this game has power-ups you can bomb your teammates whenever you want and the best thing is that you won't get a strike for it wait yes that's not football is it look i know so little about this sport that after half time happened i didn't realize we swapped goals around and i was confused why nobody was trying to stop me as i darted towards my own goalie he was just as confused as i was but even as someone with the most minimal knowledge available about football i still managed to win a match four nil so that's the level of basic we're talking about with this game overall lego football mania is just like real football except without a sweaty fat man spitting in your drink okay so does anybody here remember lego drone racers yeah not drone drome i don't remember these sets at all and i'm not surprised why drone races is the worst name for a thing i've ever heard in my life drone rhymes with no man i don't want to race with one of them so what better thing to make a game about i've got drone racers on the gamecube and bizarrely enough this version of the game was released one year after every other version meaning nobody bothered to buy it meaning it's one of the rarer gamecube games i actually owe but the question is if you could get your hands on a cheap copy would you even want to we start the game off and select korea because building lego is my job now in the year 2015 they got everything wrong we follow the camera into the roof of a glass building and then yeah let's say hello to my lovely little crew then we've got chicane rocket slot and wait his name is slot slot shouldn't that be her name in fact if you put all of these names together you get chicane slot rocket and that sounds like somebody from a brothel i don't know what any of this means but all i do know is that i want to get away from her face as quickly as possible and what is going on with your hips did somebody stick a seesaw in there okay so we've got some qualifiers to get through before any proper races that's fine with me i'm ready to go give me your best shot everybody get ready to eat my duck lego is flammable okay so because i blew up in three seconds i'm not allowed to do any other qualifiers which is fair but instead of booting me back to the menu and giving me a chance to do it again the game is forcing me to watch every other race's qualifiers which i can just skip anyway if i want to what's the point of any of this i have no idea because i passed the qualifiers anyway and i'm back in the normal races thanks for wasting my time fish woman and your waist that moves around like clay on a pottery wheel well yeah this is drone racers and i think it's one of the most mediocre racing games i've ever played not good and not bad either except for the fact that you turn left and right a bit like lard the tracks are all pretty straightforward and forgettable with barely any tricky turns the physics aren't anything to ride home about and the shortcuts are probably the most pathetic i've ever seen not only are they shown on the map but they're also just right there in front of you and amount to nothing but oh you don't want to take that left turn this right turn is where it's at there's some good [ __ ] down there you know i think i figured out why they're called drone racers because these races drone on and on and on and on i mean when you select a race look at the level of anticipation and excitement dripping from you and your friends around you this is what the whole game feels like an uninterested garage the most exciting thing that happened to me in the whole game was here when i got briefly pulled back by a gust of wind then i carried off not to mention there's barely anything lego about anything that you're seeing here aside from these power up bricks that rebuild your shields during the race and a car building feature which i never unlocked which is downright cruel for a lego game to lock out at the start okay fair enough i suppose this guy's face looks like it was made out of lego but that's beside the point for a lego branded game you'd never guess that was the case at first glance this is soulless this is exactly what happens when you try to make a gritty and serious grown-up racer for a demographic that likes thomas the tangent dankin oh baby there's no personality here no energy no eye-catching visuals no unique features no memorable tracks no cheesy cut scenes it's lego racist for the clinically depressed there isn't even any mentally deranged music that sounds like and once you finish some of the most tedious races of all time you go back to your team hoping they'd be happy to see you and then what well fine screw you lady i'm going for a boss race and etc has chosen the battery that's the canyon off-road track with a tornado in it this track suits the way he races so get with it oh yeah is that why he got attacked by a tornado on lap one and then lost 16 seconds behind me [Music] lego alpha team hey it's another lego game boy color game this is gonna end well isn't it [Music] so we are lego secret agents and we need to stop the evil ogle very clever but even though we are the ultimate alpha bros and alpha broads how are we going to stop him by standing still and doing nothing while god himself picks up and places arrows on the floor for you to follow if the alpha agents can't carry on walking in a straight line they give up no second way about it there's no other plan here they just stop walking and let the world get taken over these are the worst secret agents i think i've ever seen all you do in this rip roaring adventure is plot a path and watch someone walk along it that's it that's the whole game have fun kids and just look at how deplorable this secret agent is not only does he completely give up at the sight of a wall because he doesn't have an arrow to follow but even when he wins he couldn't care less [Music] oh and when you reach the exits of each level make sure you enter them from the bottom or else you'll just stand there and jump around like you have fire ants in your pants this is all just completely pathetic look at the depth perception here as in there is no depth perception i can't even figure out where to place stairs and arrows pointing towards them because height doesn't exist in this game and you can't make mistakes because the dude can't even jump down a two-foot ledge oh no i don't know where to go you can't move the god arrow around any faster on each level which becomes a massive pain when they start getting bigger and the soundtrack is just one song over and over again that isn't very good for your brain while you're trying to solve the very difficult puzzle of which direction do i make me go this is like playing legoland on the pc but there's no theme park and the only thing you're allowed to use is an arrow my theme parks are the best you know those lego bricks that nobody likes yeah you know the one yeah those bastards everybody hates them and never uses them well this game is exactly like that a useless and unwanted lego brick now if you don't mind i'm gonna run away and bomb my comrade hi there chub what you're playing rock band oh that sounds fun are you enjoying it yeah it's like i'm actually playing a real guitar oh well then you'll love this it's lego rock band on the ds and it doesn't use any instrument controllers at all why so first of all why is this a lego game like what does lego have to do with playing songs correctly all of the other rock band games have customization already so the whole building blocks angle makes no sense and again there's no peripherals which is the entire point of rock band as a game i mean even guitar hero on the diaz had a peripheral why does this exist and for the love of all that is holy what is with this logo on the home screen what is that supposed to be a hairy mango well if you know me at this point i don't bother questioning things i don't understand i just scream at them instead but at the very least this intro cut scene is kind of exciting don't get me wrong it's as pixelated as my chest but it's still relatively action-packed problem is the music is copyrighted so i can't use a massive chunk of it but here's a small clip for you okay well since there's no instruments in rock band i guess i'm gonna have to check the tutorial here we go how to play notes yeah i'm ready for whoa jesus how to play notes more like how to run away as fast as possible what's up with this dude and why does his mouth look like a post box what do you think he's hiding in there [Applause] oh okay i get it so we don't hold any buttons and strum with the touchscreen or anything we just press the ds face buttons at the correct time this is basically like playing ddr with a controller except you have slot face here pointing at his junk and when you're doing well in a song your band members become very happy and if that's what i look like when i'm doing well i'd hate to see me if i fail time for me to name my band and whenever i play any of these kinds of rhythm games that have a band in them i only have one name that i always use pantsy so much like other rock band games you're able to customize yourself at the start if you want but you don't have much money to do anything at all so i just made it easy for myself and decided to make everybody bold if you played a rock band game before or hell any button-based rhythm game before you should get along with this one no problem and as far as taking this kind of formula portably goes like a rock band could do a lot worse but i'm not taking this anywhere with me i'm sitting on a chair in my underwear and i just want to play real rock band instead plus in order to make this version of the console classic stand out i guess they added this new mechanic in called swapping where during the song you actually need to constantly switch between guitars bass drums and vocals to keep their individual scores high enough to get a big enough score in total to win the song but you can only do this at a specific time if you get enough points on one instrument a purple note appears hit this and the next few notes for all of your instruments become invisible and automatically hit themselves for about two seconds giving you enough time to switch to a new instrument and begin the process again without messing up your streak it sounds interesting but what usually ends up happening is that you switch to the next available instrument that just so happens to be doing nothing meaning you're getting no extra points and then if you decide to switch to another instrument at that point you'll switch mid note for another instrument and will definitely lose your combo score basically it's stupid and your lego heads love to wet themselves and speaking of that there are a piddling number of songs to play with in this game as well but i suppose any music game that has kung fu fighting in it is at least trying and then all of a sudden blur appear no i mean actual blur the band blur in lego form it's lego blur which i honestly thought would look a bit more like this and you know what the best part is after i completely nailed song 2 the entire band looked totally miserable and just as excited to be playing lego rock band as i am well except for him hey okay i think i'm just about done with lego games based off of existing franchises so why don't i close this video off by taking a look at the most recent lego game that i own based off of entirely original ideas and entirely original lego sets this is lego city undercover originally released on the wii u in 2013 but then available on steam ps4 and everything else in 2017. i'm frank honey don't you dare call me that we've only just met i will wait for you inside okay now you're making my stomach turn inside out from the get-go it's obvious that this game has a heavy tongue-in-cheek sense of humor and i can dig that and not every single line hits at that age he would have still been in preschool elementary my dear fellow but there are way more gags that do hit and when the game wants to be funny with visual comedy it can get pretty damn funny a couple of silly one-liners later and we get ourselves set up for what looks to be like a gta styled lego adventure and for as dumb as that sounds especially after lego rock band it's true this is lego gta except now you're a cop and can get away with city-wide genocide without any consequences even though there's a crime in progress we still have to drive responsibly of course you never get into any trouble it's amazing steal any car you want disrupt any emergency services you want attack anyone in the public sector as much as you want drive up any pavements you want shove aside any civilian you want and if you're feeling a little bit frisky you can completely obliterate any and all public services no toilets for you today nobody cares because you're a cop and even better you're rewarded with building bricks for special quest items every time you do destroy something so there's a gameplay benefit to ruining people's lives too are my children's building bricks doing socio-political commentary oh my god check this out as your vehicle gets damaged it actually begins to lose all of its bricks until it's just an engine with wheels this alone is worth the purchase of lego city undercover and you're allowed to get away with all of this unbridled mayhem for the greater good of catching a super dangerous criminal who has done less damage to this city in his entire life than i think i just did in the last five minutes i love this game you think you can help chase do that for me honey good boy did lego invent simping don't worry though breaking apart the city isn't the only thing you get to do you are still a super cop detective so alongside the huge exploration element that i actually genuinely love here with all the driving platforming item hunting and environmental smashing there are also plenty of puzzles to solve for bonuses and upgrades and a smattering of crimes to solve with all of your detective gadgets from footprint scanners to grappling hooks kick ass there are some car chases through the city that lead to on-foot chases and arrests there's rooftop free running and grapples swinging above the skyline you even have a button to get your whistle out in order to stop any car you want in order to hijack them you have a whistle can you blow my whistle baby whistle baby let me ah well that was mostly awful wasn't it there were some gems in there don't get me wrong but as a whole i think many of the lego games of the past weren't that focused on gameplay quality and instead wanted to give parents a more budgeted option to let their kids experience the world of lego because let's be real little orphan timmy isn't getting that for christmas what's this i hear you cry you've forgotten the best lego game ever made even okay fine i can't make a video about lego games without talking about lego star wars the only time i can call something with jar jar binks in it good i won't go into too much detail because i have to wrap this video up but the amount of time i spent playing these two games on the original xbox is medically concerning if you've ever played any modern lego game based on a movie series before lego star wars and lego star wars 2 were the impetus for that gameplay style they were the first and in my opinion it was never done any better kick some brick in one through six back then being able to go through some of my favorite childhood movies in a silly platforming adventure with lightsabers blasters and force powers was enough but it was made even more enjoyable with all the giant levels dozens of collectibles to unlock cheats and bonuses endless replayability lego building puzzle solving incalculable destruction and hundreds of characters to play with with their own unique abilities even giving you the choice to build your own characters with their own abilities and weapons when these games first came out you had to get two separate games for the full experience but now you're able to enjoy it all on the complete saga for the ps3 and xbox 360 which is not only these two fantastic games in one but gives you even more on top of that but wait that's not all there's more because very soon from the time this video goes live there's going to be a lego star wars skywalker saga game for current consoles and steam allowing you to play through every single star wars movie in one package and i can't wait for that one i also have lego star wars 3 the clone wars if you're wondering what my opinion is on lego indiana jones lego harry potter lego jurassic world i'll tell you i played them all for about two hours total and gave up because as far as i'm concerned they're exactly the same game copy pasted as lego star wars but just not as good with exception maybe to lego incredibles that was a good one and when it comes to lego dimensions i'm sorry but talk about snoozefest whenever i got an extra set for the game i felt like i was paying more money to be bored by the way america i've always wondered why the hell do you call them legos where anywhere does it say legos lego is the collective term it's plural and why do you say it's so weird legos i mean come on ah oh are you okay no we call an ambulance why what's wrong i hurt my leg subscribe and hit that bell follow me on instagram and twitter because my shirt has been off for most of this video so god damn it i deserve it special thank you to all of my top tier patreon supporters in the description below matthew hubbell the classy one cards the mage michael o'donnell kenneth d ethan spencer lizzy lizzy in a tizzy abyss wraith matthew gunthorpe kyle burke stephen leblanc matthew heinemann iron ninja steve the weave daniel and alex x shadowhunter zx red-eyed critics skull man tardis type 40 dave marshall the game shed rahman war 1485 slowpoke mitchell reed eddie thornton smith anderson dell basil and fart rules stan pappy rappy slappy my happy cappy
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 2,157,422
Rating: 4.8977098 out of 5
Keywords: lego, legos, lego star wars, caddicarus, lego rockband, lego island, lego island 2, completionist, jontron, best games, game review, review, lego racers, star wars, star wars the skywalker saga, skywalker, lego star wars the skywalker saga, bionicle, bionicle game, TTV, gamecube, PC, xbox, playstation, ps2, rock raiders, lego mario, lego super mario, afol, mario, super mario, lego review, lego nintendo, lego nes, nintendo direct, ninjago, lego batman, marvel, DC, best lego games, lego games
Id: ywkwq1KF1Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 47sec (3647 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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