I Watched 287 of the WORST Game Reviews Ever - Caddicarus

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I remember watching a few of these way back but thanks to this video I’m now also well down the rabbit hole - I can’t actually believe a human being was able to actually perform the mental processing that George Wood does 🤣🤣🤣


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Gonzales95 📅︎︎ May 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh you're a great-looking bathroom we just need one more thing to tie the room together boy fix hang on in Animal Crossing there's a urinal game theory my villager has a Wang I think I've been playing too many games can I go outside yet oh yeah the world is still bricks well if I have to be stuck indoors for another three years I might as well catch up on my online video viewing but what to look at I mean have you ever stepped back for a second and realized how gargantuan the Internet is without even considering the size of the deep web with such a Canyon of content available to watch all over the Internet where does one start when they're looking for something new me I look around on Twitter for those accounts dedicated to posting nothing but out of context clips if I see some clips from things I've never seen before and they piqued my interest [Music] and that's the next thing I want to watch I mean yeah most of these accounts are for kids shows that I really couldn't care less about or old TV shows which are really difficult to start binge watching because they're hard to find online like scooby-doo out-of-context sonic boom out of context or hannahmont ad every so often you'll find a pot of gold and no I'm not talking about out of context Saudi football or out of context Mamma Mia oh I'm talking about out of context accounts of YouTube shows I'm getting you for this I am always in the market for binging on a new youtuber especially with that going on and it's actually the out of context chat tronic Twitter account that got me watching him in the first place sometimes all you need are a few brilliant out of context clips and that says all you need to know about a new channel that you may or may not like it cuts out all of the time and energy that you need to invest in searching through thousands of channels and thousands of videos that they'll have on their channels in order to find something that you want to see out of contests clips for me are a brilliant advertising tool for new channels this smoothly leads me on to one particular Twitter account that really stood out to me during one of those days that I was looking for expensive internet media but I wanted too big and all it took was one single image to get me hooked after seeing this I desperately had to find the show that this review score grid came from can you blame me it spoke to me it was hungry for my eyes oh and after a little bit of research I managed to find the origin of this image it was from a YouTube channel known as the navigator and on that channel they hosted a show known as gaming in the clinton years yes this is real and that's not only the greatest name for a show i think i've ever seen but on the navigator channel they decided to make an acronym so the start of every review video is titled get sea which sounds like a russian fizzy drink see it's good for your spleen and you know you're in for something special when the names of these reviews are gems like masks the game and my personal favorite ocarina of time I was incredibly lucky to even find this channel in the first place because you see even though I found these out of context YouTube channel clips of the show this was never supposed to be a YouTube channel at all and the show wasn't even originally called gaming in the clinton kicks it was originally an independent low-budget public access TV show known as flights of fantasy a video game discussion interview and review show created by this lovely crumpet known as george wood in the land of merit he also had a few other people that sometimes did reviews but those ones the basic strategy for dark fighting is an attack from behind aren't very good the reviews that George himself presented all throughout the 90s have become slightly infamous for being some of the worst of all time not necessarily for the opinions he had super mario world 2 is far better than the less than pleasing super mario world sometimes but for the schizophrenic writing that changes the subject every 5 seconds tons of completely false statements strange line delivery a ride on a tiger sounds like a lot of fun well it is the constant contradictions that is one annoying flaw so much for realism realism is getting boring in video games the fact that he could rarely finish any single game he reviewed because of how bad he wasn't playing them so just used cheat codes to skip to the ending the following password will get you into the next level in death theme jokes that fall so flat they make you shrivel up music that has a totally cool be an extremely questionable comments that make absolutely no sense to anybody in Tomb Raider 3 create a storyline in which Lara gets breast cancer we guarantee the gaming world would be shocked stunned and moved at the effort to make Lara's character more meaningful you know that Lara Croft the millionaire Explorer with handguns and a mysterious family history I know how to make a character more meaningful give her a tumor the Navigator youtube-channel stands for the national academy of videogame trade reviewers which is really bloody stretching it for an acronym and all they did was archive all of the individual game reviews that were a part of the original TV show and re-upload them under the new title of gaben if it weren't for this channel then all of the reviews George would add while wearing his PJs would be completely lost media a none cloud that they aren't lost because these reviews Mario Kart 64 is fun to play except when you're losing are a sight to behold very interesting all you need to know about how great these reviews are is that they were originally from a show called flights of fantasy and then got renamed to gaming in the clinton years why that name why that logo what has billy big boy clinton got to do with anything video game related did he endorse this show personally was this some kind of weird propaganda why is his face used as the logo for a video game show what the hell could be next washing in the Lincoln years and what about that pretty little theme song I don't know if it's an original or if it's from a game or something but god dammit it matches the absurdity of the title card perfectly [Music] just just think for a second you're making a game review show you name it gaming in the clinton years you plaster william smirk staring right at you and then include the most simplistic yet ominous 8-bit tune of all time that gives the impression of clinton stalking you and the title of this video today isn't lying to you when i said i was looking for my next binge watch i meant it which is why i prompt my ass down doc comfortable and forgot i needed to watch that superglue off my pants as i watched two hundred and eighty seven of these reviews yuk yuk yeah two hundred and eighty seven of possibly the worst game reviews of all time and as far as i could tell this is every review available from clinton's lap dog that you can find on youtube today by the way three of these weren't presented by george but you still got to see the plaque on Billy's teeth these allegations and you'd think that's all i would have to say about the history of this show but then you go to the navigators youtube channel and notice that there aren't 287 videos on there there's 1322 so how many Plimpton's are hiding in there well if you know anything about me I may not be stubborn but I am extremely stubborn so I went into the upload history of this channel and scrolled through all of the 1322 videos to figure out what the rest of the videos were and what I discovered is just as interesting as the reviews themselves into the gecko is gex's second gex game that will get you gex I did okay maybe the reviews are better after the 1322 videos we already know that 287 are reviews so that's easy enough and then I counted a total of 767 videos dedicated to random b-roll in some tips and occasional interview clips that have nothing to do with the reviews you know random cutscenes endings walkthroughs interest cinematics behind the scenes promotion real stuff like that and considering the most of these videos are less than twenty seconds long most of these are really not worth talking about illusion of Gaia one of the best stories ever for the someone please turned this into a movie be forewarned the pig sacrifice is a shocking dramatic twist no joke that's the whole video the more lions you make the more points and surprises will come your way wait you get surprised when you play Tetris what's there to be surprised about oh my god it's a block I've never Sybil left before I mean there's even one video here titled Metal Gear Solid Psycho Mantis and with it being a walkthrough video you'd think that it would give you hints and tips to finding and beating Psycho Mantis right No what are you that's the floppy old sack in fact what you actually get is three minutes of George telling you what happens in the story and then you get ten seconds at the end of the video explaining Psycho Mantis just put your controller in the second controller port on the PlayStation if you do this he'll go down easily that's it that's all he says in a video titled Metal Gear Solid Psycho Mantis and the gameplay on display here is quite frankly embarrassing he wasn't even trying with the DualShock controller you will actually feel his heart attack as the controller vibrates Oh false alarm it was just my controller shaking oh good I thought you were having a heart attack so did I it's exactly the same thing oh look it's a load of kids let's ask them some questions tell me yous what was your favorite part of Donkey Kong Country [Music] your mother should have swallowed you you know when people said that video games rot your brain I think they were right but you didn't see this coming did you I've actually been secretly timing you all for the last few minutes which is more than enough time for you to realize the 1322 videos - 767 unrelated videos - 287 reviews leaves us with 268 videos unaccounted for so what Billy Willie's are hiding in those ones at this point I had no clue how deep the rabbit-hole was going down but I was too far down to climb back out so I kept on digging and this is what I discovered a lot of these remaining unaccounted videos are in fact duplicate uploads no not the same uploads added to the same playlist more than once accidentally I knew that they are exactly the same videos uploaded twice to the same channel with unique URLs now to be a little bit fair a lot of these duplicate uploads are actually different video qualities which is probably why they were re uploaded in the first place but usually the second uploads only managed to improve from 240p to 360 P so that's basically the same jump as filming with a potato - filming with a peeled potato and as I was shifting through this muck I decided to count exactly how many duplicates were uploaded to the Navigator Channel and write them all down as I was going as you can see there was one for Mega Man Legends one for quest 64 one for cool borders three not too many all things considered and then I found more no these are not the ransom demands of a kidnapper this is how many exact copy duplicate videos I was able to count and write down as I was searching through the 1322 uploads of the navigated channel do you know how many there were in total 268 so yeah I led you a little astray just then those remaining 268 videos I mentioned earlier 206 eight videos unaccounted for they're all jubler car blows I feel like I found the Zodiac killer how does this channel exist even more insane is that a few of the reviews on the channel were duplicated not just once but sometimes twice like with Donkey Kong Country you know just in case you didn't agree with this review you can always check out the same review again two more times it gets even more confusing when you see some of the games have four of the same videos each but two of each of those videos are the same reviews as the others but longer Mario 64's review is copied but then so is Mario 64 extended but the ones reviewers copied but then so is bubsy ones other review which no joke is exactly the same video but with one added sentence worth of video length as other videos talking about completely different things to do with the same game that have very similar names but we've added brackets that have no duplicates there's a zero the camicazi squirrel review that's really sure and a much longer one there isn't titled as extended but has the publishers name in brackets so that you know the difference they did a countdown video of the best racing games of 1999 forgot to talk about the sports game so just re-uploaded the racing list countdown with a sports countdown stay put on the end there are multiple playlists on the channel that miss out loads of reviews of the official show the playlist is or and include videos that have nothing to do with anything some of the reviews are 14 minutes where others are as long as 30 seconds there's a review here for the Marvin missions but then there's a duplicate load named aqueducts for Marvin missions and every single review I mix this all together and you're left with a channel that's about as clean as measles so to be more accurate in order for me to check which reviews on the channel where Indy duplicates I ended up watching not just 287 but in total 555 videos I know I should have stopped at number 402 but I needed to be sure even better if you check the first ever uploads made to the channel you'll see that the Super Mario 64 review is actually number 386 so all of those 287 reviews I watch for this video that isn't even all of them no one knows what happened to them George wood is the bigfoot of the video game industry let me make this perfectly clear though any jokes I make today at George's expense are not meant in malice whatsoever I genuinely love this show precisely for how bad it is this is not a hate campaign I don't want anybody to harass anyone over this video besides not every single one of these reviews have something worth talking about in them anyway either because of their length because nothing funny happens in them or because they're just not that very interesting but plenty of these are gold watch this cool event shall we watch a few that we were kind of hoping to see man it can piss in the background okay I'm already regretting it anyway no amount of urine can make this game viable so let's start off light in this review of chrono trigger George decides to not review the game at all and instead just tell you how to finish like five of the quests and then spends the next six minutes showing you random parts of the game you can get some food and then listen tomorrow call you a pig the next event however is not funny he even does the same with Final Fantasy 6 his review which barely reviews the game at all and just walks you through the main plot points soldiers knock on the door demanding to enter or with spider-man and venom maximum carnage where there's no review at all but they still decided to name it after the reviews and not call it be wrong I mean these reviews may be useless in this review of a bug's life our good friend George complains a lot about the seed growing system being bad while constantly failing this jump resetting the seed that he needs to make the jump and then not throwing the seed closer to the gap that he can't make it across hello-hello is can crawl anywhere they don't need mushroom trample yes you're right and you know what bandicoot's don't wear trousers you know what I hate most about a video game when the control is too responsive the control is over-reactive yeah when I press a button I want the game to do something two seconds later Wow check out this here if you click on the bloody rule to review what do you think you get you get a review of Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter of course and then five seconds I repeat five seconds of a bloody roar to review many of the same problems plagued bloody war - so we'll just move on the Mortal Kombat 4 I'm sad that I lack the imagination to make this up it's better than this review of devil dice though because there isn't a review at all just the intro how to play cinematic with a scoreboard just splattered on the screen come on you can't do that what do you think of the game George let me into that broad and manly head of yours or at least let me sit on it your hair looks like a sofa oh what's this a final fight three review except no because all he does is say the game is not that hard and neither is the ending but we thought you might want to see it anyway the game isn't good and neither is the ending now here's the ending we brief is from muchassi excuse me George what was that brave fencer musashi I'm sorry George could you say that again I missed it briefings from ashati oh of course that's my favorite game I love brave fencer musashi in one of his more famous videos talking about Castlevania Symphony of the Night there's more to pick apart here than pulled pork with no in-game cinemas or anything you know except for the plentiful voice acting what is a man character building RPG elements is unique and impressive but almost unnoticeable in terms of the effect on gameplay okay first of all how could you possibly say it's impressive when you think it does nothing and secondly did we play the same game we got far into the game but still felt far from the end ah well you didn't even finish it that explains a lot we also have a minor complaint about one aspect of the game's control if you're standing still and you swing your whip you can't jump until the whip has come all the way back to you now that's ridiculous folks that's how Castlevania works Georgie Porgie in fact if you think the RPG elements don't do anything why don't you equip a faster weapon to fix this problem that is one annoying flaw so much for realism ah yes realism in Dracula's castle with fire-breathing three-headed dogs an old giant rotting man made out of fly shame on you Castlevania you aren't realistic enough Alec art doesn't even work in it Arthas the camera will catch princess Jean in the shower as a result a feisty gal will punch out the lens of the camera isn't that a hoot why do I get the impression that this was based on a true story in George's past is matter who can I also bring attention to the fact that there are two earthbound reviews that aren't technically duplicates but one of them they did completely wrong so just kept that one up and then uploaded a correct one seriously on the first upload the audio just cuts out completely after George says burger shop arcane burger shop and they left this upload as it was navigator I love you no one buys a game specifically for multiplayer options well gran turismo wouldn't be the flop that it is well we're all for good stories but there are some established entities which defy that need it's like turning Mario into a sports game well the game would be better if we were treated with plot development have you ever played a mario game before now if you've been watching this video so far I'm sure that you all noticed the garbage picture quality of these videos but to be fair this is something that cannot be helped you know it's like paying your taxes unless you avoid them not only was this content some of the earliest of its kind but this was back in the 90s so you can't really help that everything looks like burned pastry the surprising challenge even on child's play might make this game too hard for the past but perfect for the pros but I do think they could have done a lot better with the sound mixing so he embarks on a mission to collect as many yarn balls as possible if there's one thing I love about watching my favorite game reviews is when the reviewer is trying to talk to me same time I don't know take one of these blasto yet another wisecracking hero like bubsy gex tomba i yes because tomba is well known for his constant wisecracks with all of that dialogue he doesn't have bust her brother's collection for the PlayStation this blast from the past is well not worth busting your butt to get get it no I don't get it please explain buster brother Buster bite oh thank you for that I was really lost even though it's right in front of you just justice justice his ramps will come in handy on many occasions adults will like this brain teaser and what adults will like this brain teaser and what the Legend of Zelda not as good as the original for some unknown reason you can't just say that why is it worth tell me yogi cool hmm by the way can somebody explain the difficulty rating section of the reviews to me cuz I don't get it take the bug's life review one second he says the gameplay is very simple you might beat the game in one sitting then in the next breath he says the frustrating control has you fumbling around but then the difficulty is rated e does this mean an e rank is too easy does it mean it's too hard does it mean it's unfair does it mean it's too imbalanced help me Joerg you are stupid and how about here in the Armored Core review all you do is kill enemy robots that task is usually way too easy despite the very poor play control so it's way too easy and yet you give the difficulty of see what scale are we working out we did not review this title as a game it's not a game it's an interactive music experience but if that's the case then why did you bother writing any of this there is no gameplay so how could the difficulty be rated a baby but with the guide we were able to beat the game in one four hour sitting without saving so wait wait you give the challenge and a ranking which I guess means the challenge is high but how can you say that when you outright admit that you just followed a guide and finish the game in four hours Georgie Porgie pudding and pie kissed the girls and made them shoot a video Gamze we change our Challenge rating of the game to a C mainly because we beat it unexpectedly that sentence right there sums up everything perfect about this show they so rarely ever beat the games that they review that it surprises them when they do we want to show you the entire game but unfortunately we just don't have the time you couldn't even be searched for Reptar the game takes 45 minutes yeah this is it lands on gone on out of there I don't want this anybody's sending me I've been sent we're not quite sure if we'll ever beat this one I mean look if you're stuck on the easiest level of Disney's Tarzan we could not pass the Stampede level without cheating and using the game shop then you probably shouldn't be left to review contra 3 that's all I'm saying and you should not have to jump onto a vine to get it moving anyone who's ever climbed a rope knows you can wiggle your body and get it moving very quickly what are you talking about you can do that did you try pressing the move buttons while you were there no the move the buttons that make you move first of all lower the difficulty level to one start and change the number of rounds to one imagine if nowadays you had to read a review from a journalist that couldn't beat a tutorial level yeah this is exactly what watching gaming in the clinton years is like it's like you're watching a carpenter hammer his thumb repeatedly while complaining about the fact that he didn't buy any nails i mean just look at this Johnny he's right next to the bass easiest enemies in Doom 1 and yet doesn't fire back into the good three seconds later and then when playing ODT on ps1 he decides you know what I'm just gonna run right off the edge of the cliff and playing the game for it falling off cliffs is rather easy when the camera doesn't show them to you in time did George play all of his games blindfolded it is unknown whether the actual gameplay is more like Tomb Raider or doom ok maybe he did it maybe he's just blind ever since Tekken swords and axes have become a staple in fighting games oh yeah because Tekken 1 is so well known for their characters with weapons all two of them like I mentioned earlier George is also quite infamous for going completely off the rails about anything just get over it this is the age of South Park we don't like South Park but we do like Resident Evil 2 like in this review of all-star baseball 99 where he gets quite irate about the names of one of the stadiums why does every game with the exception of Ken Griffey baseball for the n64 list the Baltimore Orioles stadium has Baltimore stadiums they have the Craig name so what's the deal are the Orioles so pigheaded about the use of Oriole Park at Camden Yards that they only let Nintendo use the name that really stinks I mean I don't know what he's talking about maybe it's very serious and political but come on dude I'm not gonna boycott a video game because the name of a baseball stadium isn't correct the Orioles have the Sun on the top of the scoreboard instead this game has an imitation El Sol another title Griffey baseball has the Sun okay well now I'm boycotts again we had a lot of fun creating three fat black ladies fighting one skinny white turd you can head towards the waterfall and listen as it gets louder and louder okay well that's pretty technical isn't it I don't think I've ever seen a game do faded audio before in Super Mario 64 you can do just about anything it is in fact like jumping into the movie Toy Story okay oh god I mentioned that didn't I the Toy Story review this is one of the more popular ones on the channel and for good reason it's completely psychotic when you pop in this game the first thing you notice is the poor edging on woody oh yeah that's the first thing you notice you will not get a seven minute review for Toy Story as a game instead you get an incoherent and disconnected rant all about Silicon Graphics computers and it's just as enthralling as it sounds the Toy Story movie was done with silicon gram as computers we don't know however if the game actually used Silicon Graphics computers why didn't Disney Interactive use Silicon Graphics computers Disney Interactive did not use SGI computers donkey kong country was created with Silicon Graphics computers then we once again roll around to the fact that the game is too hard and that you have to cheat and apparently this cheating brings victory much too quickly to warrant spending your money people don't spend 60 bucks on a game they know they can beat so if that's the case then why do you complain when a game is too hard while your logic doesn't that mean the game was worth the money George you've got to cut out the aspirin your brain is getting confused and just starting to look like Chandler Bing speaking of action figures take a look at this one it's a takeoff of Wonka from Street Fighter 2 also notice the similarities to other Street Fighter characters on the package design aha we caught these guys ripping off Capcom anyway let's get back to toy story I think George was grown in a tube the real stars the level design Lara would have nothing to do but inflator cells speaking of inflation in his pandemonium to review he even goes completely off on one about Nikki's chest size and its glory if she's much more well-endowed I wonder if there's a limit to the size of those things I guess there's no limit to the imagination the knobs in question are noticeably bigger the game itself depicts your character too small to see anything major what are you on and could you give me some please because I want whatever makes you give coolspot nearly a 10 out of 10 play it loud and stereo oh boy what do you think you'll say about the Virtual Boy I bet he tests this thing a new one go on then red alarm is the best virtual boy game there is red alarms a 3d flight game that mesmerizes all who play it oh come on man look at this you can like it if you want but this is objectively terrible it's a load of transparent lines the depth of the 3d graphics is outstanding you will perceive real distances how could you possibly perceive any kind of depth with no textures how are you seeing depth are you a being of CAP oriole form what does George think of formula 1 on ps1 well he thinks that it shouldn't have been a simulation game and then asked this question that's on everybody's mind why not have a game where you have to find and drive to the hospital before your wife delivers her baby did you see that coming will you get sick of running into walls just because these kids can't walk right maybe maybe not you might get a kick out of it oh so that's why he wants a game about driving his pregnant wife to the hospital because as soon as the baby's born he can beat it why people acts we spend 80 bucks to beat a bunch of sprites into the ground when they can do it for free on a real live human being okay ready watch out everybody George's inciting domestic violence George's lost their everyone's not safe sometimes he doesn't even need to go off the rails during the review he can start the review totally off his nut like with the Final Fantasy 8 review when he starts the entire thing off by saying I hope one of the lovers dies or in the Star Fox video where he starts off saying drops will be by far the most awesome villain you'll ever encounter in any video game he'll remind you of Stephen King's The Lawnmower Man or in the Ocarina of Time videos that may be lumped in with the rest of the reviews and titled exactly the same way but begins like this our review of zelda won't air until mid-january in many many many occasions George even begins videos as reviews for about 20 seconds or so and then just gives up and gives you a walkthrough or a cheat code to skip to the ending Tiny Toon Pinocchio Mega Man X Jurassic Park Mickey Mania king of monsters to Joe and Max Secret of Mana the masked super star wars bugs bunny rabbit rampage all of these and more are structured exactly like this and out of the entire catalog of videos on offer I could only find one in this particular style I'm about to look at a versus video now if I told you I was gonna pick Super Mario 64 against any other video game of that time period what in the world do you think it would be take a guess did you say resident evil because that's what they did it seems as though the battle between the Nintendo 64 and PlayStation will be directly related to players choices between Super Mario 64 and Resident Evil oh yes because these games are just so similar that all of the people out there will only pick one or the other for that platforming fix which is better well let's go through this point by point oh god I can't wait to see what you pull out of your hole here Maya has camera motion during gameplay but evil only has it during the hands-off cinema see you can never move the camera in Resident Evil evil has real voices for its characters but Mario and his friends are mute what the hell are you talking about Mario never shuts up in that game did you play Mario 64 or did you watch the beginning of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Mario doesn't require you to solve impossible puzzles to win the game but evil has you solved tons actually you won't solve tons of them the game is virtually impossible without the hint book can you do basic math can you add two and three together because if you can do that you've solved the puzzles in resident evil so what's the bottom line oh is that it is that all we're comparing we're at the bottom line already okay cool see you next week George and by the way apparently the platforming game Mario 64 is better than the survival horror game resident evil in case you were wondering but we are really sick of Nintendo 64 games having no dialogue and real voices make Mario 64 more than worthy of your time nothing at all it's disgraceful and the contradictions my Christ the contradictions half the time I don't even know if I should buy the game or not at least it's harder than the piece of cake Mario 64 that little chore is extremely difficult stars are hidden everywhere and I'm not just talking about contradictions between the writing and the gameplay like in newman/haas racing where Jorge complains that the game is way too easy because all the tracks are way too straight 90% of the tracks are straight resulting in a very low challenge level only to then drive dead straight into a bend and give up on the game I'm talking about the contradictions in his own sentences that he writes during the same reviews everything about this game is top-notch the game is virtually impossible to beat making it overwhelmingly frustrating for younger players okay so is ein Honda or any good this title could very well be the best shooter ever made that sounds good if it's the best shooter ever made maybe I'll give it a try and not as fun as starfox 64 oh never mind the most exciting part of the Indiana Jones game is the cinema scenes they're amazing waaah stale images boring interstate scenes oh ok don't worry apparently still images are now terrible while the dual stick control is ideal for situations like the Robo it seems unnecessary for actions like swinging a net to capture wayward monkey swimming controls a way too fancy and cumbersome quarter-round good oh thank God you told me that I was about to spend 50 quid on the game this weekend the control isn't bad perhaps not even awkward oh but no matter how many contradictions you come across nothing will prepare you for the Millennium Falcon the Millennium Falcon or when gaming in the clinton years believes in an opinion so strongly that they stick to it despite all of the backlash and then have to make another video addressing the angry fans such as what they did with final fantasy seven the original review they did of the game is to be honest quite tame especially considering how beloved that game was when it first came out they basically say that the game from a design standpoint is exactly the same as the previous ones that the story isn't massively engaging and that the sound and music aren't very good all fine opinions to have even if you disagree with them but the funniest things about these two videos together is that the original review was presented by a totally different person Square certainly had to make some sacrifices to make Final Fantasy 7 a reality and then George rides in on his shiny white steed ready to defend those opinions in the second video which says to me that he wrote the original review knew that it would get hate and so hid behind another presenter for the video review and then got in a big fight with that other presenter after he took the backlash forcing George to come on with an apology video to be fair to the guy though he stands by all the original points they made and even expands on them a little more so fair play to them for not backing down and to see him say this with a totally straight face makes it worth watching all on its own Final Fantasy 7 is far from the near masterpiece their game critics and fans have been calling it yes suck it nerds would be freaking la-dee-da one of my personal favorite comments he ever makes though is in the Star Fox review where he says the play control is so good that you'll actually notice how good it is the control is so good that you'll notice it password will allow you to start the game with everyone saved except Morticia okay seriously why is the point in giving anybody a review if all you're gonna do is ignore the entire game except the very ending with the code STC Jade bubsy can skip into stage 16 and encounter the Queen Wally's you can't call yourself a gardener if you jump over your neighbor's fence steal their flowers and then plant them in your own garden even though Bugsy is easy the game is still egg so well first of all you like Bob see / and second of all of course the game is easy because you tried the first level died over and over again and then skipped to the final one is this person real The Addams Family has got a cool ending if you use the password you'll get there in no time flat dude you've essentially spent $60 to look at a load of rinky-dink 16-bit fireworks that look like spit why are you so proud of yourself it is fun and easy and with passwords for each of the eight levels the game goes quickly well of course it goes by quickly because you skipped all of it a classic for the Super NES but easy to beat with a code oh is it really is it easy to beat the game with a code you don't say we're not sure but we suspect there are 14 worlds with three levels each well there you go you see if you keep skipping the entire game you're stuck with just guessing how many levels the game has you can't do that that will send you straight to Dracula without playing any of the levels Jesus Christ I think I'm going mad this same code will give you five lives oh great I've always wanted to know how to get to but again cheating spoils all the fun so don't cheat then you Muppet two secrets in the first level can destroy the otherwise outstanding difficulty level you don't need to use the cheat just someone forcing you are you addicted do I need a cooler helpline the only way to win is to cheat and when it comes to this marathon video of quick Super Nintendo game reviews that he does my god the cheating comments are so plentiful it's borderline of parody video I actually don't know if this was a joke or not you can cheat to see all the endings a breeze to be but only if you cheat you going fairly easily by cheating leading the game is a piece of cake with the hints expect to win only with major cheating really hard to beat without the codes hard to be even with codes you've got to cheat the win and on occasion if he doesn't decide to skip the entire game he's reviewing he'll just use demo footage from the boot up screen because he can't play spot Goes Hollywood or give such useful hints like to succeed in this you must avoid the boss effectively and hidden many times gee thanks I didn't realize I was supposed to hit the boss and not get hit by the boss bad players will think the plane control is poor my good players will think of play control is good gee thanks I didn't realize I had to learn the controls before I got good at the controls the key to success is to reload anytime you're not shooting gee thanks I didn't realize you had to reload your gun to get more bullets doing it press triangle to capture the cubes press triangle to capture the cubes press triangle to capture the cubes were a small team at gaming in the clinton years even tried their hand at adding their own voices to some video games cutscenes to show us just how funny they were 5 seconds to self-destruct I'm speaking of being funny yeah we've seen a lot of the jokes that these guys tried to execute throughout these near 300 reviews I'm starting to get the heebie-jeebies and where I do indeed understand that comedy is subjective you know how we love laying humour I personally found myself laughing at every single one of them the bugs are buggin ahem which is ironic because the bugs are buggin about but not for the reasons they want a trapdoor opens up and I'm thrust into the depths of the basement of this old disgusting roach-infested building just kidding whatever happens though this is still public television we're working on so we have to cut down on the profanities that snowspeeder kicks a major you know why ok so before I go clinically insane I think it's about time that we wrap up gaming in the clinton years there boy what a trip that was I won't lie shifting through the mud of over 1,300 videos to pick out 287 but then watching 555 in total to make sure that the copies were actually copies yeah that was brain melting but I hope you got a laugh out of it because I sure did and again do not harass anybody over this this video is not a hate campaign because let's be honest the more hate you send towards people like this the less that we'll see of it in the future creams worthy or not let people it press themselves because otherwise you won't have anything to cringe at will you Namco Museum volume 5 does include a kinky I mean kind of cool gallery did George just let slip that he thinks the pac-man Museum is kinky well I mean to be fair miss black as far as George would himself goes though well I don't know what he's up to the dude has basically no internet footprint and now he looks like Conan O'Brien on bath salts there's a few relatively recent interview videos floating around and the Navigator channel tried doing this weird alternate reality game thing related to him but I don't have a clue what any of it's about something to do with HD editions of full episodes of gaming in the clinton years I'm not sure but then again just like George woods fantastic reviews I don't want to be sure demons crass be easy to be or is it I want to be left in the dark I want to be confused because it's more fun that way and it makes this show seem all the more like a lost episode creepypasta that aired on TV scared everyone and then disappeared forever did George would even exist is he real the lack of cosmic jumps cosmic may not be a real word but it should be your guess is as good as mine before I go I'm going to show to you now in its entirety the best review on this channel enjoy [Music] you and remember everybody if you don't play this game you're not a true gamer follow me on Instagram and Twitter I need validation special thanks to my executive producers on my patreon page in the description below Matthew Hubbell TARDIS type 40 EXO Paz Brandon Butler Williams ramen wolf 1485 red-eyed critic ad Thornton Smith Mitchell Reed far rules skull man basal Daniel and Alex X shadow hunters EDX the game shared slow Punk Steven LeBlanc and Calvin cos Keller Stan having no hair made me look area [Applause]
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 1,502,203
Rating: 4.9377494 out of 5
Keywords: gaming in the clinton years, gaming, clinton years, george wood, bill clinton, flights of fantasy, tom allen, NAVGTR, public access, N64, nintendo 64, nintendo, tomb raider, crash bandicoot, yoshi, yoshi's island, mario 64, game reviews, caddicarus, worst games, bad games, super nintendo, ps1, playstation, playstation classic, sonic the hedgehog, worst games ever, worst game reviews, bad reviews, jontron, completionist, AVGN, mario, final fantasy, final fantasy 7, worst
Id: a26dqWTOdFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 7sec (2407 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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