[OLD] Peter Pan by PHOENIX GAMES - Caddicarus ft. I Hate Everything

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Pirates of the pancreas is my baby, Morty

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/SolarPolarMan 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2016 🗫︎ replies

So, a Search For The Worst spinoff...crossover? I don't know. Are we gonna see a "Trying To Watch Peter Pan(Phoenix Games)" on your channel now?

Good on you, Alex. This turned out funnier than I'd expected.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Sairakku 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2016 🗫︎ replies

If anyone enjoyed this video I HIGHLY suggest checking out Caddicarus's other Phoenix Game reviews, they're some of his best/most funniest work imo! I've been following Caddicarus for a couple years now at least and recommend him to everyone here. He has a lot of other even better reviews but here are the Phoenix Game ones he mentioned in his review with IHE.

Dalmations 3 Review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKZQb-jH-7A

Snow White & The Seven Clever Boys Review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BGwjvlQmfI

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Cruxling 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2016 🗫︎ replies



👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/babybowser101 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2016 🗫︎ replies

Horray! how great! It's great that IHE is in more collabs. first it was AnimationRewind, not what most would consider a good start, but still, now he's working with Nostalgia Critic, Pan Pizza and Caddy. it's rather amazing really

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/bubsy420blazeit 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2016 🗫︎ replies

I wasn't ready for this. It was alright.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Rokios 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2016 🗫︎ replies

Wow... Caddy really doesn't age well. He used to be such a babe :c

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/FayeBlooded 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2016 🗫︎ replies
great society patience my beautiful people and welcome to the character a show where I always have to do the dirty deed of deciding whether or not a game deserves to be altered or salvaged I'm afraid to say guys though you kind of caught me at an awkward time I was kind of busy writing some poetry how delightfully addressing so if you don't mind I think I'll just carry on with that SCM roses are red violets are blue I [ __ ] love flowers and I don't like you no roses are red violets are blue you fill my pants with lots of doodoo no I'm kidding shagging roses are red violets are blue you're very sexy cheers on the carpet well that's not romantic enough okay um roses are red violets are red everything is red I just got shot okay one more I'm nearly there I can feel it okay roses are red violets are blue I know where you live and I'm watching you know God what have you never seen a floating deformed cartoon head before honestly no well I'm here now so get used to it wait a second are you are you the guy that hates everything Wow how could you guess it's my chin isn't it it's a pretty hateful chin no actually because you interrupted my beautiful contemporary poetry you must really hate valentines day Valentine's Day was literally over a month ago what are you even talking about I hate it enough when it's actually happening but you're making me hate to even more now when it isn't even the great whoo okay calm down man cheese you need to butter your turnips look how about we just play a lovely game together and forget that any of this ever happened no I hate games [ __ ] you okay well now I'm starting to see why YouTube didn't want you on their own website anymore okay then low blow I was just joking you dick yeah I actually like games games are all right I would love to play something with you ever forget that this ever happened we can be good buddies if you take back what you said about YouTube I can do that yeah but only if you promise to play something with me no matter what it is yes okay I promise you promise little button nose yes I promise like even if I throw the worst possible game in the world at you you need to float there and play it with me yes yes come on already Jesus excellent so it's settled then we're gonna be playing Peter Pan by Phoenix games on ps2 happy [ __ ] Valentine's Day ah [ __ ] and so here we are yet again Phoenix games I can't seem to read you from my intestines can I oh god please no I changed my mind you can keep that comment about YouTube just just please don't really play this oh why Hg I'd love to apply to your wishes but you did promise you'd play this with me but I know plenty about Phoenix games already and I know enough about them for me to get out of this while I still can you cannot make me play all the damn minigames at the exact same minigames they always aren't every [ __ ] single solitary Phoenix game color this in match up this slide this tile why don't you piece together this crapping jigsaw I'm not doing this okay yeah they are fair enough points however when I said played this game with me I didn't mean the minigames you're entirely correct they are the same unimproved unchanged unaltered undefeated heavyweight champion for over 10 years and unacceptable with how they've now got away with the same poorly implemented and badly designed [ __ ] from Dalmatians 3 and Snow White and the Seven clever boys but playing them just would be fun at all Oh be pointless there's nothing here to say other than I'm gobsmacked Sony still licensed these with a shiny quality Stricker's stamp so instead I [ __ ] we're gonna be sitting down together and checking out the one unique trait the one redeeming bit of sponge in this out of dates pop exploding the cartoon okay seriously I don't even know which one is worse now oh come on I'm fed up of ripping Phoenix games and you [ __ ] tube on my own you can help me out now alright fine where do we begin then I would like to tell you the most beautiful story of my childhood you have got to be [ __ ] me what's that the developers commentary or was that actually part of the movie The Adventures of Peter Pan oh no that is seriously on a racer isn't it oh [ __ ] me this is gonna be fun you know I'm really glad we're going to the ball I've heard that the famous scientist had also been invited yes that's what they say okay honest to god swear on my mother's life I cannot comment on anything that just happened there and you saw that in you you heard that didn't you you you actually witness the same things that we did yeah what you just witnessed was a European accent to gentleman narrating an introduction and then providing seamless multiple voice work for both a man and a woman and the best thing is that you can't tell who's home you by any chance know what's happened with my tie no I don't maybe it's in a drawer oh wait hang up man I think you're a little bit slow on the prompt reading there they were already gone and he didn't even find his tie I hope you're happy you've ruined the story already we're not even a minute into it yet so anyway out of absolutely nowhere our quote unquote hero of the story emerges in possibly the most unsettling way imaginable looking like he's just murdered the parents and is ready to eat the children Peter Pan decides to creep up to their window and sit down on the sill for literally no reason at all and then this happens gee Peter really exist um hello hello did mr. narrator fall asleep there was no her no here we go look at how ecstatic everyone is they're so happy the rocking horse won't stop rocking in the ball won't stop bouncing oh joyous Deku covered King laid there was no end to the great joy are you actually [ __ ] me caddy what the [ __ ] is going on I don't know man don't ask me whether animators actually making this film at the same time the narrator was speaking and they were just waiting for his next cue in order to carry on I don't know I mean with this horrid animation quality you wouldn't be blamed for thinking that oh my God was still waiting help I'll thank the heavens above we're moving what's on your mind then lady death look Peter flawless little girl voice acting there matey you've left your shadow in Tinkerbell outside the window this is wrong on so many levels in fact there's more wrong in this than there it is hiding in granny's beard outside the window caddy um can we please stop watching this I can't do this oh my shadow is very stubborn and keeps running away all the time but wait you just said you were sorry for leaving him locked outside I've never watched anything so heinous but within under three minutes literally every single line either doesn't work does it make sense or contradicts a line a few seconds before it were they making us up as they went along I don't know but at least the characters don't all look like the shadow here and hey they're following the base story I guess I mean look the girl is sowing Peters shadow onto him this is good right you mean Wendy our Phoenix game so seems I know the story of Peter Pan inside out because they literally don't tell you anything so no she is just girl all right um how did they get that this wrong I don't know wait why are we whispering because Phoenix games don't deserve my regular speaking volume good wait a second that sounds a little too familiar [ __ ] either way Peter then decides to make the kids fly immediately no reason no point I'm lost and I'm a boy a lost boy we time reference give it to go up you go whoa ease off I'm with the dog on this one what the hell is this [ __ ] I'll tell you I don't need to learn how to fly this cartoon has got me pretty high ready No hooray how great Hey how great wolfy my head well there's only one thing I can say to that hey how great and look the unnamed children are graciously flying above the city of London let's go and sit on Big Ben why don't we it's true that everything looks different from above yes it is true wanna know why because you're above everything looking do better then says to everyone that London sucks and that Neverland is the next place to go for true adventure it feels so great what does so if they go to Neverland about damn time we've been watching this thing for like four minutes look flamingos how beautiful they're my friends yeah they're flamingos yes yes you're a movie movies in the title of movie cuz you have to Moo oh thank god oh oh no wait oh it's about to talk isn't it let's just take a wild guess on what the voice sounds like hello Peter huh of the best bit is over so the narrator says the flamingos turned out to be great guides despite the fact that Peter said this earlier they're my friends yes of course you keep telling yourself that and they eventually arrive at Neverland where it's so green that they say it twice in the same sentence everybody saw a wonderful green Island how green it is and that it's so green because the residents care for the environment and don't destroy what nature gifted them is they're really going to be environmentally friendly undertones in this well nah because this is the only time it's ever mentioned true activists Oh Andy forgot to mention the pirate ship run by Captain Hook who loves settling accounts what they're led by Captain Hook we like settling account so wait he's a stockbroker or banker is he the one that no bloody Edmonds calls and Deal or No Deal but believe me he is focusing on those hello look mermaids they're waving at us how lovely they're singing and now we're flying to the jungle oh wait I'm sorry Wendy they aren't singing I'm a lying sack of [ __ ] and also we must make our way to the beautiful jungle where the boys will last live look the hole is where they are inside let's go and say hello Peter yes Wendy let's say hello get up boys hello get up you sleepyheads hello hello hello hello here and it's at this point the cartoon literally shits itself I'm not even joking you asked me what's going on I won't be able to tell you everything happens instantaneously for no reason and with no distinct voices no change of narrator - in film dialogue and no animation to go properly with them you'll have no idea who is talking why they are talking who they're talking to and you [ __ ] tell me how they get to the scenes with Tigerlily later you bloody explain it to me because I don't know who you brought that's evening mum and dad were getting ready for a great ball and they were having a little argument about which shirt would match the suit better dad thought that the white one who is mom mum is the greatest person in the whole world Peter Peter can you hear it's Tiger Lily she's calling for our help we have to find her just make sure that if you ever play a drinking game while watching Phoenix games as Peter Pan please don't ever take a drink whenever something in the story happens that makes sense because you won't get dragged oh my god and you know something I just realized she's an alien and the narrator must be an alien as well the fact he was paid actual real-life money to perform like he's talking in his sleep is quite the staple and what's wrong with modern society how could you say any of these lines and sound like you could give less of a [ __ ] it's not possible I'm telling you Tiger Lily tell us immediately where Peter Pan's hideaway is and so because of reasons Peter shows up to wreck the party and he brings some fighting words with him I demand Tigerlily otherwise wasn't i right right about what i challenge you to a quite but he's already fighting you don't question phoenix game's logic man it isn't worth it look he came here to save Tigerlily and there she is drowning that the details the details don't matter here captain a hungry crocodile help i tastes really bad okay yep I finally got mad come on parade hooray we've won my god how does they look at that I go mmm yeah you owed your paychecks everybody that's good let's go home does it maybe need oh I don't know noises when the people's mouths are moving yeah oh how about then if you know gonna put noises there why don't we just cut it out and go to the next scene I'm da ba Pickers what do you think mommy he summed it up pretty well oh no everyone has to go home what a shame I was beginning to love these guys I hope you'll visit us sometime holy [ __ ] no no I never want to see that face staring at me through out tall grass over again or creeping around after my parents are out to set on the sill for that matter okay so let's just get this over with they're really cute seeing pukey metaphor the kids will say that they won't be saying goodbye really because they read about Peter's books every night and all the adventures he has we read about your adventures you come to us every night Wow baby has some insightful contribution their true words from a gods symbolic and resident of a decaying era Phoenix Games could actually learn a lot from this baby in the sense of shutting the [ __ ] up and doing nothing you shouldn't do things stop doing them you can't do the things you are useless what is that supposed to be there is that the moon we know that that's the planet Earth so yeah yeah look it is look isn't that Africa or something they're in space so Peter is an alien I knew it all along Jesus Christ it makes too much sense this is the biggest f you to the Peter Pan story I think I've ever seen oh come on don't be so harsh look they even have a final moral for the kids watching at home let's listen in as you know all's well that ends well however if you don't forget about your dreams your favorite story characters will surely come back to you well [ __ ] it in a bucket yeah kids you want your favorite book characters to come visit you just believe hard enough and soon they'll have a ring of Saturn round on earth and consumer right Salzburg brunch I promise you we did not skimp out on any footage here you saw the entirety of this cartoon the way it was scripted structured the plot elements that arrived only to vanish seconds later trying to cover every tiny detail of the story and one scene for the sake of it neglecting to go into any more depth or link the narrative in any way I mean sure I edited all of this into bits and pieces but the pauses the voice-acting the farts and the animation that cause silences it was all here and it was dreadful from start to end I can personally say that so far this is the Phoenix Games short made by dingo pictures with the least amount of effort gone into it Dalmatians 3 was [ __ ] with its animation and voice acting but at least there was effort gone into the original story it was 45 minutes long and all the voices were vaguely different yes that's the way it was Snow White was [ __ ] more for it's nonsensical and unexplained narrative six minute length blatant Disney ripping off and strange and a rater saying weird things about how good the boys were but at least there was more effort in the presentation and the writing and hey there was even a catchy musical number it was [ __ ] but it was something Peter Pan no does absolutely nothing the animation is garbage the voice work is even categorically voice work the story isn't there since things happen at random for no reason there's no Drive no conflict no resolution pointless statements and it's just so abrupt that it feels like the whole thing was literally farted into existence along with all the recycled mini-games that were all farted out in the first place so it's pretty much a big part of a far and if you take away all the awkward pauses and silences the cartoon will probably not even cut to a similar length the Snow White anyway so it's just a total waste of time but I have to be honest a very entertaining one yes I hate gee I must agree with you there the comedy and entertainment value from this short in particular mostly due to the narrator is what made me want to re-watch this over and over again while making this video it's so damn awful that it's actually brilliant but it still gets the slaughter though being said though I still kind of feel bad for making you sit through this with me I AG yeah don't worry about it I was a big old smelly ass hair earlier and I apologize well I retract my YouTube comments so we're all good brilliant I might actually like not hate you you're good oh oh my god Wow are you serious just you know that's a huge honor coming from you thanks man very sweet of you not at all you earned it kiddo hey here's an idea let's solidify this bond once and for all by all going on a lovely friend outing okay what kind of friend outing you're talking about let's burn some [ __ ] minions I love you hi there everybody special thanks to Alex from I hate everything for appearing on today's episode to help me tear this game to shreds love you man please go and check out his channel below in the description highly recommend it but also before the outtakes come on today I have a very very special announcement to make and that is I will be at The Gadget Show live at the NEC in Birmingham on Saturday the 2nd of April and Sunday the 3rd of April I'll be doing some co-hosting on some stages during the event and playing in some live competitions with dirt rally against other youtubers and I'll be walking around with Karis taking in the atmosphere enjoying myself and basically trying to see as many of you as possible unfortunately Saturday tickets are already sold out but if you head to the link directly below in the description you'll be able to find Sunday Ticket and if you use the coupon code categories you can grab a 10% discount on any tickets you buy so thank you so much for listening and I hope to see a few of you but what are you even talking about it sorry greetings and salutations my beautiful people and welcome to the category show I always a dududududududu day jammer every single [ __ ] solitary hard a little area hmm I love recording audio [ __ ] have you ever tried fake laughing it is so [ __ ] difficult I just got to think of the seed and see if I could make it ah ah no that's not working the exact same minigames as they always are in every [ __ ] single solitary Phoenix day tsoukalos so [ __ ] that hmm I didn't realize they'd be so flammable why they kids toys Oh is he the one that no bloody Edmonds cousin Neil Neil oh no no
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 1,342,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caddicarus, caddy, james, caddick, game, review, hiddenblock, hidden, block, yungtown, brutalmoose, spacehamstergames, nintendofanftw, balrogthemaster, dyk, gaming, dykgaming, didyouknowgaming, completionist, jontron, pbg, peanutbuttergamer, i hate everything, ihe, peter pan, phoenix games, phoenix games peter pan, peter pan phoenix games
Id: 2rtiZ7_y2Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2016
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