I Watched 24 of the WORST YouTube Videos Ever - Caddicarus

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Caddy mocks himself again

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Brody_M_the_birdy šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 15 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies
there are so many games if I haven't touched yet but right now I feel like playing all of these I don't know why long ago old yharnam was overrun by the plague of beasts and left to rot and decay it can't be any worse than in here [Music] I'll just go and get some fresh air and be eaten by a monster this doesn't feel right how about I play more Animal Crossing instead I feel sad now oh what's this oh look what I just got here I got a springy rider you know I don't want to play video games anymore I'm gonna go outside kids see you later I'm leaving and I'm never coming back [Music] huh all right I forgot the world's turned into bricks well I guess we're all stuck inside right now so for all of the children out there that don't have any school on February 14th 2005 at 9:13 p.m. the Internet domain name Woodward dot yo to be compliance was created and history was changed forever not just for internet culture but for the world it wasn't until April 23rd 2005 at 8:27 p.m. when the first ever YouTube video was uploaded to the site entitled me at the zoo but when it did go public the universe practically imploded alright so here we are one of the elephants and cool thing about these guys is that they have really really really long it was an 18-second joke about prick nowadays we look at this as just a terrible test video made by one of YouTube's co-founders but back in 2005 it was revolutionary for multiple to begin with it was the first ever upload to what would become a multi-billion dollar corporation secondly it was about apini and thirdly it definitively proved to the world that YouTube was a website in which anybody any single person could make any video they wanted and upload it sound quality visual quality joke quality how come the stuff never happens to Captain Kirk it didn't matter no more sending off and waiting for your VHS tapes to show up on home video TV programs to benefit big corporations this website was called YouTube for a reason because it was all about you and once the world realized this everybody and their mothers took a shot at standing out for the sake of trying to get their 5 minutes of fame and as the idea of an online video celebrity became more and more tangible as the years went on even to the point of people starting careers off of their video popularity a trend began of everybody taking a shot at going viral from children to children and even children I tried it too I made some videos when I was a kid and you're gonna watch them with me so recently my channel itself has had a complete overhaul with the way that I make videos and judging by the view cast I've had so far it's been going pretty damn well so thank you all so much for that whoa five hundred and forty thousand that's how many teeth I used to have before the operation so instead of capitalizing on this I thought it'd be way funnier to take a look back at all of the videos that started everything before I had two subscribers before I went to conventions before I had sponsors whoa I'm a guy Hey and when I'm not remembering what going outside was like I'm playing afk arena The Faerie kind sponsors of today's video this here is a beautiful card game with Idol RPG mechanics and if you know anything about my busy lifestyle idol games that play themselves while I'm working really can't sleep going collect many different awesome hero cars with unique art styles assemble your lineup choose your favorite invest in them and upgrade them with all of this stuff you feel like a collector that can actually do stuff with the things that you collect and lots of people enjoy that feeling because the game holds a 4.5 rating on the Google Play Store and four point seven rating on the Apple App Store that's basically five even better the game itself is one year old by the time this video goes live and to celebrate this birthday not only will there be special events and activities to get special rewards but also afk arena have licensed the character ochio Tachibana from the classic arcade fighter Samurai Shodown by SNK don't know what samurai shodown is oh dear if you look into the game you'll be able to try out ukyo for free for seven days and that's not all if you head to the description too bit ly /k Dekker Oh for you can also use the bonus code happy bday oh four oh nine to get yourself five birthday chests ten common hero scrolls and five hundred diamonds so take advantage of this great limited time deal and feel nice knowing that you'll be supporting my channel while doing it afk SNK it's wait a second what was I talking about oh yes looking at my first videos no I'm not talking about my first-ever game review and I am cat Icarus as beautiful as that is because I already talked about that in another video years ago I'm instead talking about the comedy and music videos I made even before that which I very naively assumed would immediately get popular the videos that I told my parents worth me spending all my spare time doing because they would obviously do so well the YouTube would definitely be my career within six months I'm so sorry mom oh hi mom I mean can you blame me if you can get over half a million fans by making a single video talking about an elephant's floppy this YouTube thing must be easy I've got this look my camera quality is much better than that man's even looking back I really wish someone had told me otherwise I needed the guidance and I'm kind of guilty of tricking my mum and my stepdad into making them think that this was a valuable way to spend my time and that this was definitely going to be my career you know it was okay that I was spending every waking moment of every day making garbage fire videos because they didn't understand the internet they didn't understand YouTube but I did which is why I made the best videos on the website okay they're bad watching really old videos of yourself whether it's something that you made or on ancient family home videos is exactly like your first kiss it's surprising it's awkward it leaves a bad taste in your mouth and there may even be a bit of blood but everybody's videos suck when they start out you don't know editing software tricks top to bottom you're writing blows you've got no experience your acting is as convincing as a plastic slide you've got no confidence in your voice so it's okay it's completely normal and understandable to be bad when you're starting out still though that doesn't mean the videos you made all those years ago aren't unbearable because they are everybody's are and to be perfectly honest with this lockdown we're all stuck in right now I wanted to watch something that reminded me of the good old days you know the days where we could freely catch diarrhea and know that no matter what we could use heaps of toilet roll with reckless abandon the days where we could go out whenever we wanted and get a pint at the Fallen vacuum days where we could book a holiday and fly anywhere even to Barbados days where gross people didn't bother to wash their hands that much and so every time you went to a public bathroom it was a lottery if you'd end up in the hospital afterwards it was exciting the earliest video I have was made back in September 2011 when I uploaded my first intro for the channel to let people know how much I had planned ahead and how serious I was oh no what was that was that a record scratch things about to get Barney no it's just a surprise reveal that my name is basically a pun because my last name is katic so I thought that we use and then cat Icarus fitted really well with the name of the game franchise Kid Icarus which I still haven't played yet I don't want to place a snotty little kid even if he is an angle this is pretty basic run-of-the-mill editing for someone who had just learnt this stuff at school and this intro last for what feels like 30 years we press the start button the intro to the NES game slides in record scratches the chicks'll transition scrambles the logo here is my name here some mirrored explosions there's my voice which back then I had to lower the pitch off by about four semitones because otherwise it would have sounded like okay and for the cherry on the cake I even use copyrighted music for the backing guitar chord accompanying the explosion for those wandering it's the first chord of the song Cygnus x1 booked two hemispheres by Rush the best song title of all time next to kitchen table by Stubb by the way yes back then this was originally uploaded as a single individual video because it's just that damn good it deserved it yep I'm happy I got rid of this one very quickly so onto some actual content whoa wait a second what's this a rogue video file from my first ever 50 pound flip camera in 2011 please tell me I forgot to delete a video of me popping a spot on my nose or something how awful could this possibly be unfortunately though after this the first two actual edited videos I made for this channel both of them being vlogs have been lost to the sands of time forever I can't find the files anywhere that and I've smashed up the laptop those videos were off with a big hammer in those videos I was 16 but in the videos you'll be seeing today I was 17 so yeah I know I technically wasn't a kid but trust me when you get to your twenties you will look back at yourself and go god you're a stupid kid so anyway the earliest CAV Icarus edited video I have access to is this don't worry mum YouTube will be a successful business I'll have a million subscribers you'll see if you couldn't tell this is a music video about my mum's dog why did I do this I don't know Oh actually I dunno because I was an imbecile it sounds bad it looks bad I can't sing and this was my idea of a joke back in the day I know what he was doing I put him there I cover all the basics with a song about a dog you know dogs bark dogs eat food dogs hate baths a dogs farts smell like Grandma and the video ends at a generous 1 minute and 27 seconds except it doesn't so what could be happening for the remaining 1 minute and 15 seconds there was something like all the great youtubers out there branding and facial recognition is very important mix that in with a dog saliva stirs funny personality and I figured I was set for the rest of time but of course I missed out on the fact that the lighting is abysmal the audio sounds like a first pipe and I'm just not funny at all like I'm so not funny and this isn't me saying that I'm hilarious nowadays and I'm so random when you get to know more but I'd like to think that today my writing and presentation is miles better than tours if I had my face blown off in war or something and I came back with this face transplant I think credibly happy I mean wouldn't you unless of course it isn't and this is secretly comedic genius way ahead of its time and what am I doing with my voice I don't talk like that why do I sound like Igor but I mean humble beginnings right and I also tried my hand at an ending catchphrase video yeah this was the first time I said it and continued to say that for nearly seven years afterwards and please remember to stay beautiful want to hear something really weird too back then I actually treated these broadening segments at the end of the bigger videos as separate videos like I I edited them and rendered them as separate videos to be uploaded separately as like a part two to the original video because I thought that would net me way more views and I would get at least an extra $1000 that I thought about it for a second and realized I was a nut case and so I decided to stitch those two parts of the videos together and upload them as what which pleases everybody doesn't it you get the sketch and then you get a bit of me at the end so everybody can see every everybody's happy if you don't like one bit you can skip to the end you know at the end you can just watch the beginning it's fine I figured that was the safer thing to do you know just in case the extra $1,000 plan didn't work after this I tried out my first ever comedy sketch enter my reaction to call of duty modern warfare 3 s release a video which is one joke I find other the game came out get really angry that nobody told me that it came out and then react appropriately this is the only joke and it goes on for three agonizing minutes and most of it is totally useless filler anyway I mean I start the video playing Zelda 1 for no reason at all and then I do this cutaway I'm just playing Legend of Zelda am i bragging about owning a gold cartridge they aren't that red James get your head out of your ass and put on some clothes that fit you for God's sake there's a few things I like about this video though as awful as it is firstly it's the first time we all saw ollie who would go on to be my cameraman and partner in crime for other videos in the future nice looking at the script their idea secondly this was the first time I properly started dabbling in action effects like blood splatters and gun muzzle shots I even replicated the kill cam from card right here and that right there that was all he falling directly onto a concrete step he went above and beyond for that shot let's just hope that nobody tried to break in when they saw my old house number perfectly visible in the frame thirdly this shot here I like it it looks really cool fourthly this moment here where I do a first person shooter gag of pressing a controller to swap weapons I'm surprised how smooth that turned out considering we had three pairs of hands to make that shot work and finally this moment here where my sister takes one for the team and properly rolls backwards down a hill legs in the air and everything this looking a girl of the rest of it no just no the barrel of the gun is taped on and it's one key it's facing the floor oh great another vlog and in this one I was really hungry and you need to feed me feed me now feed feed me oh yeah I could do with a bit of fresh meat feed me all of your knees I couldn't especially normally need feed me your knees if you don't give them to me myself but how do you feel about the release of modern warfare 3 oh shut up and look at your stupid clean-shaven face you belong on a packet of pampers supposed to comment or leave a video response hey I remember video responses anybody out there do too that's old school youtube you know that was when if you wanted to you didn't have to just post a comment you could actually reply to the video with a video of your own this was a complete mess and YouTube rightfully got rid of it so oh god that was my old subscribe jingle the painful agonizing memories the next video I tried to do was a parody and ver for Monster Energy Drink and you haven't seen proper acting until you have seen me reacting to the narrator for this advert ok Jim this is a very simple scene here nothing too complicated all we need you to do is look through your bookshelves to pretend to find a game to play and then all of a sudden a voice off-screen surprised at you got it yes ok great and action hey kiddo right ok I'm having you killed well how about drawing look at those pixelated artifacts all around the image I was terrible there isn't really anything I can say about this video it's a parody ad because that's what everybody was doing back then including Tobuscus whose name Marcus is very similar acoustic attackers acoustic whiskas this video is just me talking about why Monster is so great you know how cheap is and using tons and tons of stock live quote images and awesome emojis yeah oh sorry can we hear that voice one more time ah the rest of the video though is just well stuff like this yeah everybody this is how crazy Monster Energy makes you you throw envelopes into the air and put shopping bags on your head this is so crazy you can't even bring yourself to flail your arms more in case you hit yourself and you got dude being brewed by Poseidon himself charge and as far as I'm aware this video is actually where a lot of my first 100 or so subscribers came from I don't know why but I'm not complaining I mean I got an audience with this video so I can't be too mad with how bad it's made orange I think I said it best myself when somebody tweeted me a clip from this video ages ago and I said no one needs to see this era oh look it's Cookie Monster why is he in the video guys on to the next one which is when I tried my hand at making a short film a parody horror thing called the cleaning you get it it's like The Shining but instead of one verb where you're shining it's another verb where you're cleaning even though I suppose if one were to clean something you would indeed make it shine so this is basically the same as calling the sequel to babe hot piece of ass oh nice one cads leave the script out why don't you that's the scariest part of the horror movie this is a nearly nine minute epic all about the day I discovered my vacuum cleaner could talk and nothing of any value happens whatsoever until two and a half minutes in where we first of all find out I need to excrete that vacuum clean is concerned and then we hear exactly what this vacuum cleaner sounds like when the dust bag is empty although the annoying thing is there's nothing more I can say about this film it's just eight minutes of me mostly talking back and forth with a Hoover that has a mouth with no backing music or anything spliced in with about eight hundred times that I look dead into the camera lens actually you know what screw the script this is the scariest thing in the whole movie oh wait no no I tell a lie there's also this bit here when we're testing out if the Hoover can taste certain objects and then I put my hand into the hoove and it says tastes like my mother do you want to hear the worst sound in the universe well how about this sound that I use of absolutely nowhere in this part of the video I think it's time for a little payback Hey look why did I put that there God one menu you describe my unplug the Hoover walk downstairs get some biscuits check you out because you so far oh no the Hoover move downstairs somehow and then that's the end to be continued never by the way if any of you out there tried to make a video about a talking vacuum cleaner I'll sue you for copyright infringement on to the next video where I pitch shift my voice to match the Legend of Zelda theme and you know what I didn't screw it up I mean you could do without the pointless video effects look we get it you can use an editing software good boy and maybe you should think about getting rid of the intro section but yeah this really did take me as long as it looked like it did I am a little bit proud of this one even though I could do it five times quicker nowadays and let's be real for a second that's a face that only a mother could be proud of other than that though this video is not one of the worst things I ever did I think down there in the description these separate vlogs though they're definitely the worst spread the word of cat for me that'd be fantastic Oh pray tell me what exactly is the word of cat oh don't worry I know what the word is not this video though man I can't hate this one it's okay it's that time I tried to channel my inner mike oldfield but instead of being mega talented and performing one of the best instrumentals of the mid-1970s I'm instead doing Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer with drumming that sounds like a broken-down car but still I can't hate this one too much again it's not one of the worst things I ever made except for once again at the separate vlog a bit of course caddie who gave that to you what are you laughing at what happened that was so funny oh and there's this one bit here where I'm talking absolute balls but can't stop looking over to my right what is happening over there have an amazing Christmas and stay beautiful you eat eat as much as you want but please just stay beautiful work off work off and then I made a little Schwarzenegger dubstep I'm sorry you know what the weather is really nice today can we stop watching these and go outside yet indoors is good indoors is your friend remember to wash your hands everybody ah okay I don't despise this one either it's okay for an old video of mine it's more in time than I was expecting as well but this bit right here that makes me want to fill my lungs with fluid I'm also getting pretty sick of these god damn intro and outro videos they're the worst my favorite part of this vlog in particular though is when I start apologizing to all my fans for the lack of a video for the next week because of a bigger project I was working on next week there won't be a new video but the week after there will be a new video yes Cathy you've got to inform a whole audience leaning on your every word all 43 of them and by the way don't forget to follow me on a badly pixelated transparent e.com up until this point I had been doing a lot of one-off videos and one-off sketches but I wanted to have a recurring show at this but you know I was a big boy I was experienced enough for that point and this new show idea I had set around the same theme I'll let me from 2011 explain it to you if you look down there in the description you'll find a link to my Facebook page oh no look at my 2011 Facebook page it's like looking at a first edition of the Bible it's ancient ugly and I don't understand any of it and on this wall purse you have to put any music and I will make a song for it and make a video for it for the next week and it's going to keep on going until episode 3 when I stopped it forever so who wants to see episode 1 of this epic saga okay well you asked for it somebody asked me for episode 1 to do a Country & Western song about orange squash [Music] okay so this is as good as you can imagine it is somebody wanted me to do a Country and Western music video about orange squash and I can't sing and didn't have access to any professional recording equipment so what did you think would happen not only that but me and my friend Tim at the time recorded this at a farm yard in the middle of January so even though it's sunny out there it was like 1 degree C or about 34 Fahrenheit to see that pain on my face that was real I couldn't afford cowboy boots so I just went around with no shoes or socks off the good thing though is that after my feet caught frostbite I've got new robot feet oh great more vlogging I'm on a slant yep you sure are I just wish you'd slide off of the camera I'm on ass oh man I still have that phone I'll tell you what you kids got it lucky nowadays with your iPhone's and your eye your eye your eye patches we had to use these bricks back in the day do you guys remember texting with buttons do you member slide phones this one this one slides both ways my favorite thing about the country are in squash video though isn't anything to do with the video itself but the files are used to make the video I don't know why but I kept every single recorded take during the recording of the song and even the filmed vlog bits in case you want to hear a dog interrupts me I look pretty damn well watch me do a big mouth fart what are some of the recorded song takes though let's check out this one I used to keep all sound and girl laugh was full when she was around there was no one tonight that I loved was strong my bond was quiet resent okay I regret clicking on that one so what's going on in this one something that is a little bit cool however is that this is the first ever use of my version to intro that I would use for my first for you cat Icarus game reviews that's a neat little bit of history there like the Battle of Hastings and speaking of countless amount of people getting slaughtered here's my second remix video you know what I don't mind this one too much either and it took me so long to get right that you're gonna like it too damn it everything here is in time the beat is pretty catchy and it's the first time anybody heard my subscribed jingle that I ended up using for like seven years [Music] you have to watch me vlog again before you can hear it I can't apologize enough for the lack of a random song this week but I figured that I had to do some sort of entertaining thing while you guys were just kind of waiting on that cliff ledge for me to do something and I didn't do it and I'm really really sorry about that yes I'm so sorry to the whole 12 of you that were watching my videos back then I promise I won't keep you waiting again and while you're waiting can I interest you in some canned body perfume I wanted to let everybody know that I smelled really good would you also like an egg cuz I've got one of them I've got egg you know the craziest thing about this remix video though if you go to my second channel where I reloaded all of these parts of the videos not the vlogs because they're separate videos this one is ahead of them all by over 300,000 views maybe the public have the problem not me this leads on to another episode of Randy's song this time it was somebody asking me to do a nursery rhyme about an ostrich [Music] and what exactly do you want me to say about this one and dressed in a onesie I'm wearing Crocs on my knees I'm doing the voice it's awful and for the cherry on top of this dump cake more vlogging anyway that was the second round of song at least I end it in the coldest way possible by flinging my hat against the camera and the hats staying there that was the proudest moment of my life so looking back that means I had no life like this woman right here singing about sitting on the toilet no you know this needs a triple speed dance club remix with trumpets you know what for being a 17 year old that had no clue what he was doing I think I surprisingly had a clue what I was doing here let's be real everyone this [ __ ] slaps I could listen to this all day I think this is my favorite video by a long shot oh look it's another vlog speech impediment did I hate my audience back then well I think I must have done because the final episode of R & R song goes out with a proper bang rapping about a Bible now all cringe aside I think this is the best quality video I ever made as a young teen don't get me wrong I still can't stand to watch this video and I still prefer the sitting on the toilet remix but as far as like quality goes yeah this was definitely my peak back in the day the camera work from ollie is at its best as is the camera quality my effects aren't too awful and then meaningfully placed not like the Zelda pitch shifting video or turn myself into a lampshade for most of it the shots and the cuts that i splice together were quite stylish some of the visual gags I actually liked and some of the rap lines I think aren't that bad either another when I eventually did a vlogging video related to this one I even tried rapping in that one I'd like to take this opportunity to say a thank you without you beautiful people I just don't know okay that's enough of that yes then very sadly leads us on to the final video of the original kadokura Sarah my swan song my magnum opus my Requiem Mass in D minor how to pull Birds hello my duckies and welcome to had Birds kill yes what you just saw there was the birth of heal and I still use that phrase occasionally today just 10 times classier so tell me young me how does one pull a bird okay as awful as this part of my video making career is I have to admit I do really love that shot that took us about half an hour to get as well the timing with every type of bus and lorry that drove past and the speeds they were going and all he not having the camera ready and it was a nightmare the premise of this video is very simple I am trying to tell this girl at a bus stop how I feel about her and by the way that's Ali's girlfriend sister wouldn't that have been awkward but for some reason I can't talk so instead I whip out my phone get the kazoo out of my pocket I carry around everywhere because you never know when you need a kazoo and gear myself up for a song [Music] and with that final cure that was it for old-school cat Icarus I got around 157 subscribers after this and then I gave game reviewing a shot which all of a sudden took off and I never looked back all of this stuff it was fun it was a learning experience but man looking back it was dreadful if you're sitting at home right now stuck in isolation not sure what to do trying to find some way to kill the time and want to give this YouTube malarkey a shot just remember this I'm not the only example to take notes from we're all bad when we start making videos we are all terrible especially if you go into this with no prior experience to most of the software or the internet or anything like I did so yeah just keep that in mind but the important thing above anything else is that you have fun and in these trying times we're all going through right now we need to take all the little bits of fun we can get unless you've got plenty of prior experience of presenting writing video editing how the YouTube game works unless you've got any of that before going into this kind of thing just remember that it takes a lot of time effort trial error and failure before you get into a groove with any style of video making I mean back then I was so confused as to why nobody was watching or subscribing to me because regardless of quality I was grinding my soul into these videos while still at school while I had multiple part-time jobs so to see the videos flop or fail is heart-rending for a young person especially when these videos could take you weeks upon weeks to complete it makes you think that your work hours must reflect your success but that's just not how it goes and sometimes you can talk to channels with a million plus subscribers to this day and they will say the same thing your work hours will not always reflect how well you do in the beginning though people will not go crazy for you and share you around because you're just not gonna be that great you're gonna be rough around the edges but embrace it use it as an experience to keep on improving and eventually you'll find something that makes you stick out and the more you can compare yourself to the past and say good god what was I thinking the better you are doing and hey if you start youtubing with the intent that it's going to become your career you've already failed I was really lucky I should not have gone in with that mindset at all I was kind of desperate looking back it's kind of sad if making your own independent content isn't a passion project first and foremost you'll never improve you'll just get depressed and frustrated if it works out then brilliant keep the ball rolling as long as you can keep improving on yourself keep an audience growing but if it doesn't work out you need to be in the mindset of it being no hard feelings you tried and you enjoyed the ride while it lasted I think you know it's coming up now if you think you're a hot piece of chicken before even being put in the oven to cook the rest of the world will see how raw you are and pick you up and throw you in the bin with the rest of the spoiled meat ooh speaking of which my dinner's ready so while I'm chowing down on that I'm gonna find the next thing to entertain myself with while I'm eating and you know while I'm stuck indoors what can I do now yeah I'll watch some game reviews that I haven't sinned before yeah I love a bit of a game review every now and then what's going on with this guy in Tomb Raider 3 create a storyline in which Lara gets breast cancer imagine the drama follow me on Instagram and Twitter because other oh oh special thanks to my executive producers on my patreon page in the description below Matthew Hubbell TARDIS type 40 EXO Paz Brandon Butler Williams ramen war 1485 red eyed critic ad Thornton Smith Mitchell Reed fart rules skull man basal Daniel and Alex X shadow hunters edex the game shared slow Punk Stephen LeBlanc and Calvin cos Keller Stan wash those paws and stay indoors [Applause]
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 961,924
Rating: 4.9405594 out of 5
Keywords: caddicarus, caddy, gaming, game review, game reviews, review, gameplay, playstation, PS4, jontron, completionist, jesse cox, jirard khalil, hidden block, normal boots, hiddenblock, worst youtube video ever, worst youtube videos, worst, videos, bad games, worst games, most hated, most hated videos, worst videos on youtube, worst intros, worst intros on youtube, comedy, funny, worst games ever, Rascal Racers, cringe, cringe fam, cringe compilation
Id: UESBgX9cavg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 19sec (1999 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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