[OLD] Scooby-Doo and the Spindly Johnny - Caddicarus

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[Music] previously on deca Ditka was show wha-wha-wha wha-wha-wha-wha lo well Scooby doing the cyberchase I really don't like this thing and I am never going to talk about it and now he is ha ha ha what a wanker greetings and salutations my beautiful people and welcome to the category show where I always have to do the dirty deed of deciding whether or not anything really deserves slaughtering or salvaging I'm I'm really sad today you know I'm so sad and why am i sad you may not be asking what I'll tell you even if you didn't want to know I'll tell you because today I'm going to be talking about a supposedly beloved movie from many people's childhoods and everyone is going to crucify me in the comments for not liking it so that's gonna be a load of fun isn't it but there's no point delaying it anymore I've talked about the ps1 game I've talked about the history of the scooby-doo director VHS special movies so let's finally cleanse this from my consciousness as we cover today scooby-doo and the cyber chase the movie Rubi doobie dinah'll oh god here we go the story about mystery Inc stuck in a video game well actually I must be honest the introduction is decent its atmospheric dark and mysterious we get the classic put to handle another character without calling their name and needlessly scaring the [ __ ] out of them so let's hope they don't have a heart murmur cliche and we follow the exploits of three scientists typing away at their computers when all of a sudden this laser here activates for supposedly no reason and then this happens are you [ __ ] serious this is our villain for the next 68 minutes is it this thing no this no this man this none of this on you like this dream on its this look at this face and listen to the laughs this ladies and gentlemen is the Phantom virus our thing created by somebody in the school so yeah not a man in a mask but without a doubt the lamest scooby-doo villain ever conceived but you'll see more about that as we go on oh and I hope you like that spine-chilling laughs because that is all that this spindly Johnny does in this whole [ __ ] movie hey Ellie see isn't completely useless look he can manipulate technology so much to the point of making a telephone come to life and attacking people with it nice stupid Oh so laughter more laughing and a triangular chin close-up we fade into mystery ink on their way to that lab we just saw where we discover that those people are making a video game based off of mystery ink and their adventures imagine a computer game starring all of us solving mysteries in cyberspace yeah wouldn't that be something sounds like the best [ __ ] game ever to me also super shagged sucks at games like I hope I do better on Eric's game than this one um where's the joke boys everyone laughing what's so funny where's the joke you know what bollocks to this mystery Inc video game let's instead play one of my favorite games and it's a very good game you could try it home and it's called either the joke and it's actually a very difficult game you know what's so difficult cuz there's no joke oh look there now it's State University my favorite University you usually go there after graduating from town school [Music] yep he did it he's guilty he made the Fantom he did it party thank you're going um why do you care they're for normal people walking around a university what the hell have you stopped them for I thought it was because they had a dog with them but you actually don't give a [ __ ] about that so I don't like a bunch of Punk's running around my university what how do these guys look any different from anyone else walking around your university what's your point of existing other than being an excuse to add precious minutes on to the runtime of this film to make it qualify as a director VHS a movie hmm also this is the highlight of our comedy today people sorry to spoil stuff but this is the funniest bit and with that wasted time off to the lab we go to see the two young men from the start Eric and Phil to see how the Scoobies game is coming along then after more unfunny jokes ensue oh please shut up professor lion main comes in to tell everyone that spindly Johnny is out and about causing super shag and Scooby to freak out as planned and Shaggy gets so scared that he runs right to the front of the group for some reason Fred then wants to see the laser working despite lion mane saying five minutes ago we come to any more experiments with the laser and who your boys fix it there whatever let's just forget that and watch these people access everything on computers without touching a mouse because that's how computer programming work and then we find out that not only did someone create the spindly Johnny but it actually came from Eric's game itself well there's no virus in my baseball game and it's more entertaining ah you're one of those gamers aren't ya mm-hmm but back to the scooby game we're told you need to find a box of Scooby Snacks in each level while avoiding monsters DejaVu but this time there are only ten levels to go through which would have been much much nicer on the real thing then the nonsensical [ __ ] starts happening you see I can suspend my disbelief to a degree but this is seriously stretching it in order to win a quarter of a million dollars a science fair Eric and Bill built that laser which transports real-life objects into the virtual world and now please allow me to discuss with all of you today the top whatever number reasons this all makes no [ __ ] sense whatsoever one you saw what happened earlier why are you even going near that laser two how much damage could anybody do with this technology you're essentially killing people and making the repair is computer code what the [ __ ] is wrong with you three why doesn't it just scan stuff and none of this would be an issue in the first place would probably be easier to develop or what's the actual point of doing any of this when you made it clear that you cannot only develop the characters without the laser but also make all of the levels and the monsters without their real-life counterparts in the game how does this game demonstrate the point or the power of this laser at all five you can program near lifelike Ward's are perfectly in your video game to put not a rectangular box of Scooby Snacks six dollar hair have no fear though because sheep head here figured out that you can use these ultra strength magnets in the middle of a robotics and programming lab why to damage the Phantom virus so after being given a few of them seeing this happen to poor old Scoob and then it not happening again less than a minute later one of those pins are going to try and kill anyone please at least let it be Fred the gang decide to split up and try and find the virus hey you guys I didn't see how we were gonna split up why do we ever do it any other way okay that's the only charming bit so far and while Velma searches through some old books in the basement a wild spindly Johnny appears with his dumbass face [Music] jinkies there was a chest here a second ago but they [ __ ] vanish no does the Phantom virus sneeze with no nose oh look now he's laughing some more and barely doing anything again and despite the fact that Fred and Daphne were holding their magnets the entire time they they're just remembered that he gets hurt by them from yeah and after the virus yet again does absolutely nothing and runs away bursts verlan over we cut back to Scooby and Shaggy doing what else eating man it's bad enough we're always chasing real ghosts now we're chasing computer-generated ones oh god okay don't hate me for this but for some reason Scott na is playing shaggy here is so damn annoying and he was pretty good in the other roles of shaggy whenever Casey cases wasn't doing it it worked in Zombie Island just fine but for some reason in this movie he just sounds like a monotone robot it makes my ears seep thank you for volunteering for our experiment mr. virus owned Scooby is just annoying anyway oh boy call me wet oh dear the rest of the gang lost the phantom and get caught by The Skeptical officer who literally just existed delay everyone and Pat the movie out and then I'm sorry I really so carry on and then also I'm really really sorry I really genuinely am very sorry I just I've sent this before I know which bit is coming up and it really just does get to me and then Scooby gets cornered by the Phantom why why is that so funny look at him we're supposed to be scared of this thing just look at his face he looks like he wants to tickle you why is he just standing there doing nothing again hello get him oh yeah what are you gonna do now then fire lightning mace and then laughs of course I get ha ha ha ha no this is this guy he is definitely the worst scooby-doo villain ever watch him go he's our war oh of course compulsory scene of falling the bad guy by manufacturing some tits into a costume somehow oh of course a plig Ettore scene of music video and being chased by the monster except this monster [ __ ] sucks I don't mean to be mean except I actually do but if you have the ability to shoot lightning and manipulate technology whenever you want to why isn't he doing it all the time even here look you're the Phantom virus you can make phones attack people [ __ ] telephones why are you just proudly taking this beating you can even manipulate huge technology later on in the movie so why are you doing anything right now also we're a quarter into this movie so far and nothing interesting has happened at all I'm bored senseless as far as the scooby-doo director VHS movies go it's hard to compare them all but let's do my favorite zombie island everything about it is better the pacing the way it's animated and looks generally look at the shading and the awesome dark foreboding colors it's like a [ __ ] Dark Souls car to soy be chase isn't the worst animated thing I've seen by far but it's so bland there's no baldness or contrast or thematic significance in the angles and washed out colors everything looks very similar it doesn't have any build up suspense even any mystery and even though the voice actors are doing their best I can't help but think the entire thing has been written so poorly that everyone either sounds bored and monotone or grating and annoying whenever they get a little bit of energy it's a double-edged sword that never pays off back to the story though there's a pointless running scene that adds more seconds to the runtime and then all the gaen all run into each other and fall over just by all being able to clearly see each other running in a straight line [ __ ] out leading to someone turning on the lane oh thank you thank you something interesting happened the main plot and selling point of the movie finally begins no less than 20 minutes in after pointless scenes and no builder the gang are now stuck in a videogame and must fight to get out so throw a switch or something and get them out the game doesn't work that way they'll have to play through all the levels to get out you're kidding me you kidding me oh my god even the movie agrees with me so where the [ __ ] was is so easy before to get the virus out of the game why was it so easy to get that kill me wet into the game and then out again with even less effort you're telling me that they can't get things out of their own [ __ ] video games are they made with their own laser the clearly showed that it was actually working a second ago the rules of all of a sudden just totally changed just because well they need to play the whole game or there's no movie right uh anyway contrived an unexplained reason to have them play the game aside let's go to level 1 the news oh my god keep to the same he's gonna say isn't it he's gonna say it it's super shaggy oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you're super shag dance super shaggy but you're magnificent in bed why didn't you stay true to yourself you super Shaq oh dear look at the spindly Johnny followed them into the game as well and what does he do of course oh no he's not alone could you sound any less interested Fred seriously I mean look the snacks are right there it's pretty exciting in my opinion stop it Dawg or how about you use that same finger you used a second ago just shoot him in the face young I'm sorry ok I know that we're not even halfway into this yet but so far how can people still tell me that this is a Scooby classic I sorry I don't see it especially with such an awful villain she's like I'd rather watch the live action movies than this malodorous tripe well hey we're on level 2 maybe things work a little bit more interesting I mean look there's a baseball grid for some reason in a Coliseum MMK and for some reason they can't tell that's what it is Sarah I know nothing about baseball and even I could see that I'm a huge baseball fan myself okay Freddie dogs screw you look there's some skeleton warriors now that's spooky so now we have over three whole minute of running away in an empty Coliseum and nothing else nope acting audience taunting the gang and making it all a little bit more tense and no crowd and cheering and roaring and booing it's just so goddamn boring there's even a line that's guarding the Scooby Snacks but then he just drops them so the gang just could run over there and grab them but now we need to see another unfunny costume falling scene that leads absolutely nowhere in last about 10 seconds and we also need to see the sperm can't go by gob being very spooky alone I'm not sure that spooky is the right word honestly [Applause] got the snacks onto level three prehistoric tines oh no the spindly Johnny came back with a t-rex who activated that laser and sent those poor kids into the game could be anyone even someone in this very room well it can't be me because my chin looks like a pair of balls it looks like a volcano no [ __ ] Sherlock anyway Scooby and super shag then find the volcano drawn in the cave to which then oh you've got to be [ __ ] me it was right there you didn't hear or see it it looks like it's really cooking oh god here he is again oh dude you know this looks like a perfect time to use your killer lightning bolt move to get to them well no don't worry then just let them escape yeah that's fine I'm sure you know what you're doing got the snacks and onto level four and then another song begins and you know what that means it's a huge montage so lots of events are skimmed over in what would have been way more interesting see I mean in level 4 the animation is at its finest look at the colors and the shading and the slightly blurry watery aesthetic it's easily the best-looking fit of the film and it isn't even a minute long but let's not worry about the looks how about the song the scooby doo theme coming from the first montage wasn't awful for the early 2000s but this song is just [ __ ] weird man I can't describe any other way it's like a weird techno pop fusion song I guess but the lyrics are so literal they match everything you see on the screen here jeez The Corrs is [ __ ] stupid it's repetitive doesn't add to any kind of cheesiness or scariness factor on either spectrum so overall it's not great but to be totally fair despite how much they skim over the next six levels of the video again that would have been much more awesome to go into more detail with instead of spending twenty out of 17 minutes bumbling around in the state university and then focusing on the least interesting levels to start off with this short montage segment has the most variety most varied locations most diverse visuals most action and hey I can tell you that if this under 30 second Egypt part went into more depth I would have found that [ __ ] terrifying as a kid scary mummies are not knowing what's a statue or not in hundreds of dark dimly lit twisting pyramid corridors this is the kind of thing I'd expect to see in a scooby-doo video game not running in circles in an empty Coliseum or slowly jumping around on the moon and yet again the Phantom virus fails to be any kind of threat constantly wearing stupid outfits pulling stupid faces never using his powers and riding on animals he keeps falling off from keV a mare way and whenever scooby-doo used music video segments in the cartoons or the movies or whatever they at least montage chase sequences within the same locations with the same monsters meaning that he just made a particular scene a little bit more entertaining an action-packed compared to the rest of the story it was a nice change of pace but here it instead used as an excuse to skip potentially huge interesting scenes all over the board and bearing in mind there's another montage scene later there's all set in one of the video game levels I don't understand why the main selling point of the entire movie was entirely skipped over think about it six levels were skipped over six that's over half of the entire video game and it was all done in under three minutes was it laziness or just a lack of understanding oh look and now they're at the last level what a shame but the level is so hard that no player has ever won not even me you know man if you can't beat your own level that you programmed you shouldn't be a game designer hey let's see if that woman knows anything yeah that's the Phantom yeah yeah it's the Phantom and come on caught it with the music in the slow pace it's clearly the Phantom drag ah spindly Johnny run for your lives and so in a rather nice creative twist the gang then run into their videogame counterpart in the malt shop besides excuse me young lady but allow me to introduce myself [Music] lazy animation 101 have something going on in the foreground and don't even bother to move the other main characters even slightly I get it when animators do that on the rare occasion with background characters and establishing shots or whatever but the main cast what could they possibly be doing back here to require no movement at all we don't have time to play around how are you just doing there so obviously the game characters have no idea what the Phantom virus is so super shagged brings it upon himself to explain what it is exactly The Phantom virus is creepy and has this really scary laugh and then they escape via the old Mystery Machine down the best Street in the world with two cafe's called cafe right opposite each other and a flower shop called there's also a market and a cafeteria with exactly the same graphic design I want to live here there's stores theaters and parks and lots of tasty food well wait a second Scooby why are you reinforcing and validating his point you're not the cyber Scooby you don't live here that one is did the animators forget that for a second oh and by the way all the cyber characters along with looking slightly different also sound slightly different and by that I mean there's a tiny metallic effect added to their voices and it's subtle but once you notice it it's the most annoying thing ever especially on robotic voice Shaggy's already robotic voice being even more robotic and boy either way the gang ask them about the monsters in this level to which they say that they haven't seen them because they're guarding the Scooby Snacks in the arcade and why won't they go out to them we just go right back to the beginning of the game and we like it here okay firstly that's a [ __ ] ending don't buy this game and I was under the impression that the guys at the lab were controlling these people to help the main gang out they are game characters after all they aren't AI characters otherwise there'd be no game to actually plays so why is it these characters have a consciousness of their own if you played the game up to this point what they refused to complete level 10 and stay in the city devoid of any player input this logic baffles me on too many levels has never made clear at all even if the lab people are playing as them anyway which they couldn't be anyway I guess because it's only four of them as it is and five of the game characters so yeah this is [ __ ] that makes no sense or maybe it's actually pseudo-intellectual commentary foreshadowing the state of video games in the near future where players always think that they're in control but instead are merely slaves to AI that always plays itself over drawn cinematics and QuickTime events now it's just white well hey at least everyone decides to team up against the virus and look for the last box of Scooby Snacks but not before another scene just like 10 minutes ago and friend is yet again being a total [ __ ] [ __ ] and ah spindly Johnny run feline it's a creeper oh no literally literally it's the creeper that is a creeper that's [ __ ] hilarious ah so now there are like five enemies from the gangs past mysteries all surrounding them it's like every villain we've ever faced is here oh [ __ ] off now look this guy on deviantART called Legion for 72 days it's awesome canvas on the screen right now detailing most of the scooby-doo villains not even all of the most of them and five are the only ones you can remember and act like that's every single enemy you've ever faced oh [ __ ] off who even are you this is the scooby-doo this is not a little mystery this isn't this oh I need to poo look virus perfect time to shoot them or they're cornered but now let's make them try taking off the masks before we all realize that they're actually real because it's a video game and then Daphne says they're real even though that's clearly a man and a Mars the monsters will start chasing them so they split up into their doppelgangers with each monster chasing a particular pet and I must say trust the creeper to be chasing the only stereotypically attractive cartoon females [ __ ] weirdo you look perfect oh thanks you two we have no character no we don't so they find a trapdoor to subdue the creeper and then climbing back so then press the trapdoor button again [ __ ] hell this is painful let's just see what the Fred's are up to that's walking here baby just any minute now whoa let's hope Peter aren't watching this movie oh oh oh yeah that's a dead alligator oh let's hope Peter aren't watch now the Velma's are in a wax museum where they run into ironface who accidentally falls into a vat of hot wax but gets straight back up the wax is hardening hmm he can't move yes you can let's get out of here and yet another completely pointless scene and now even though a scene is coming up that did actually make me chuckle it's still lazy in its execution the Scoobies run away from jaguaro around the merry-go-round vanish from it and then end up to the right with a lever even though when they initially vanish there are no Scoobies and no lever there Jesus oh my Wow no he's definitely dead that killed him earlier I don't care if this is a game if the gang can get hurt in the game world then that thing died oh let's hope Pete oh here we are another montage with another song which isn't as weird as the last song but it is a boring [ __ ] song that doesn't do anything other than loop the same boring melody and chords over and over again for torso minutes look it up on YouTube it's called double double joint it's very boring as is this montage actually no action no decent animation no suspense nothing entertaining happens at all I was so bored I even noticed this mistake with the smoke cutting out of existence near the end of a shop oh look forgot about these two for a second what are they up to well duplicating themselves apparently hmm that is [ __ ] and excusable I'm sorry okay when I said this film was bad on Twitter I had legions of followers declare it a scooby-doo masterpiece all at not bad just a really good scooby-doo movie and I was being do art but let me ask you how is this supposed really good scooby-doo movie getting away with [ __ ] like this I mean yeah we all make mistakes but that they copied the same damn character people had to animate this you can't let that slide every frame have to be animated hours have to be spent on each individual frame potentially and yet nobody noticed that oh also do you want to see the most pointlessly long and random and shitty deus ex machina looking for another character scene you've ever seen in a cartoon Scooby Doo's where are you I wonder where they are roll burn here Danny or come on Stewie that entire [ __ ] didn't need to be in the movie at all what did it add nothing at all it's almost rhythmic with how awful it is I mean even the gaps in the character dialogue are nearly exact from each other so that just as to how unnaturally all feels oh and Shaggy forgot that he had a super magnet all along what a bummer and the same magnet that could pick up killer pins from 20 feet away couldn't affect anything including the virus while in Shaggy's pocket tweak me a new nipple movie also if the magnet can still do this to the characters of the game because of what they're made out of shouldn't the entire environment glitch out as well aren't they made out of the same stuff aren't they modelled the same way I don't understand how any of this [ __ ] works what's wrong with cyber shed well I don't think there's anything wrong with it but you need to be sure that you know and trust the opposite person so much to a degree where you think that you're ready to take that next big step in your online relationship oh well time to get the last box of Scooby wet and the virus actually starts doing stuff now look good god I never thought I'd see the day Fred gets in with Shaggy's magnet and despite standing completely still manages a trip over bulk this movie and drop dead Fred no no not that one I will always love you Rik Mayall but no not our so in a series of more boring events cyber Scooby ends up helping the gang to try and grab the snacks I've never seen Scooby so free Oh fibers Scooby that's old-school going for the snacks thanks for spelling it out for a shaggy it's not like we were told and showed what was going on before by the way could you pause any longer to pad out the film length even more and so for some reason or another they grab the snags and the virus fades away I figured it was antivirus software they need you to kill the [ __ ] and not just beating a video game but whatever and now the gang for a still unexplained reason must leave the cyber gang behind and return home thanking my home one yessir one maybe the live when no word run Scooby nessus I'll go out and cry but who created the virus while it's time for mr. yang to deduce the juice red mentions the baseball diamond in the rome level Velma mentions the batting cage in the final level and Daphne says that in the moon level the Phantom virus shouted play ball okay Daphne why are you even in mystery ink that's not a clue that's a [ __ ] figure of speech and what's funny is that there were loads more incriminating things he said related to baseball [ __ ] hell I even compiled them for you let me introduce you to the home team for the home team's mascot this brahimi you're in the major leagues now if you thought my kidding was good wait till you see my final and so for some reason the only one that gives a [ __ ] about baseball in the lab right there right now stars trying to run away not only making him look clearly guilty I mean there was no [ __ ] evidence of who actually made the virus at all so he could have gone away with it but also why was the lab door locked and why can't he get out this is lazy even for scooby-doo mystery wrapping up bill felt like a lonely Larry because professor line main didn't like his baseball game as much as Eric scooby-doo game and he wanted the prize money so made the virus to try and kill Eric what the [ __ ] kind of dog but also terrible because for some reason this [ __ ] decided to program his only method of executing his plan to never attack anyone act like a total idiot talk like a baseball player and even draw a baseball diamond in ancient Rome in order to give his interests away look at least with a person in a mask the bad guy thinks everything is going his or her way until mystery Inc forced them to make a mistake or catch them and unmask them that's not part of their plan hence they solved the mystery but this bril character decided to purposefully spend potential hours crafting and programming a killer computer virus that can enter the real world but made extra time aside to make sure that it was the worst possible lamest and funniest villain the gang would ever face along with giving away exactly who it was that made it this isn't a mistake or a foiled plan from mystery egg this was incompetent [ __ ] coding from someone deliberately crafting this virus to fail from the get-go I thought this guy was in a quarter of a million dollar competition I thought he was a treasure an intelligent student how the hell does any of this make any goddamn sense but apparently bill would have gone away with it somehow just by his shitty plan if it weren't for those meddling kids haha hey hey and the film ends with scooby desperately trying and failing to speak english scooby-dooby-doo how long did they beat you for trying to say your own name and not even doing a good job at it the end or at least I wish it was yes there's a post-credits scene and that's what I literally gave up hope in this utterly pointless and unfunny ending the characters talk directly to us as they talk about their favorite bits to film while making the movie and my god is cringe inducing to say the least there are even slideshow images on other memories the characters had on the set my god I can't watch this anymore just because I wear nice clothes and like to shop doesn't mean I don't have a sense of adventure just because I literally have no character whatsoever doesn't mean I literally have no character whatsoever shag Scooby mum no thank you that's bestiality I think you'll find what was your favorite part of scooby-doo in the cyberchase well racer well racer and in the very very end Scooby managed to get cyber Scooby back from the game while they were on the set but wait what weren't they all filming on a set if that's the case shouldn't the laser technically be a prop a means to the story there's too ridiculous to realistically exist and shouldn't cyber Scooby be an actor meaning they wouldn't need to take him from the game oh I don't know it's over now I don't care and now I hope that at least some of you understand why I really do not like this movie and don't get me wrong I loved it as a kid but Jesus watching it back today was not only kind of painful but also boring and sloppy compared to other Scooby VHS movies like Zahn the writing isn't cheese you're entertaining it's just [ __ ] the voice actors sound tired the animation is okay but so drab and say me the protex random delays and pauses for no reason the main characters repeat themselves and act like idiots and delay more things for no reason the villains pause and delay more things with no reason the most interesting ideas are over and done with in less than three minutes and a montage it just never seems to get to the point or execute its ideas in an entertaining or interesting way not to mention the Phantom virus is the worst thing ever so much so for that even I can't believe that Shaggy and Scooby of all characters are scared of it so you know that means this movie certainly gets the slaughter but before I do that I noticed something in the special features of this DVD something very special indeed it's actually a music video a music video entitled scooby-doo and Shaggy loved to eat you can't make this [ __ ] up maybe this will be the saving grace so I'm ready let's begin like it's tiny [Music] [Applause] there's a malt shop at the end of the road we love their apple pie triple cheese burgers and fries on the side it brings a tear to our minds at the end of the counter you'll find our favorite seat we won't all bad and if you wanna miss Reece all good you're making it double hey Jonah no secret first of all I'm not actually dead second of all you appear to be in my bed thirdly the outtakes will be on in just a second so please stay tuned fourthly my tripod just broke hence while using my hands as a makeshift tripod and fifthly are you wondering where I got this lovely swanky t-shirt from what wander don't wander it says there says game scrubber right there so yeah and for those who aren't aware game's grabber is an awesome site in which anybody can sign up and it's kind of like a Pinterest of video games you basically go around the internet and grab particular games through images that you have in your collections you can pick your favorite games or show after everybody all the new games that you've got message each other and discuss your games on the site follow a blog that details specific new releases and even some sales that are going on on particular games and yes even I have my own collection and on my collection I not only have all of my newest games that I'm buying and sticking on the shelves and playing and ones that I'm using for current quickies and stuff but I also have all of my video accessories everything I use to make these videos that you watch it's all there and what's great about my collection is I've made it so that you can buy everything directly through the site and also a massive congratulations to the last people that entered the last competition that we did through games grabber Oh a while ago those two people that did it the best without cheating at least were ads on BM and scandal one two three yes they are the usernames I'm sure that's not what they're actually Coreper you too well done very well very much well done very you yes games grabber we'll be in contact with you shortly to go through the prizes and everything and you can pick the games that you want to have a competition everything it's all good but yeah please consider going into description to look at my collection and how here are the outtakes this is very unprofessional and very sorry [Music] subscribe but I got sound computer programming why because today I have to cover a supposedly beloved movie that [ __ ] oh um Oh Lord Reginald Stanley pickles the third person what did you [ __ ] do what is going on what is even going on Stanley or at least a really good scooby-doo movie but how did this suppose it really scoot really stood mm-hmm
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 1,526,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caddicarus, caddy, james, caddick, game, review, hiddenblock, hidden, block, yungtown, brutalmoose, spacehamstergames, nintendofanftw, balrogthemaster, dyk, gaming, dykgaming, didyouknowgaming, completionist, jontron, pbg, peanutbuttergamer, scooby doo and the cyber chase, full movie, scooby doo and the cyber chase review, spindly johnny, caddicarus scooby doo, scooby doo, and the, cyber chase, trailer, scooby doo and shaggy love to eat
Id: wA6Tyr62-R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 3sec (2103 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2016
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