I Spent $115 on the WORST PS4 Games Ever - Caddicarus

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Genuinely glad to see Caddy making videos again.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Klayman55 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
good evening one and all and welcome to the beginning of a new decade the year 2020 of course we all know what this means the man is back and he's more ready than ever before so no more delays please welcome back to YouTube today Nicholas chaddy it's good to see you are you ready um sorry what was that folks did you say Bin's [Music] okay so you've taken the bins out after Christmas very well done are you gonna make a video now oh bloody hell you want to know what I got for Christmas money and I decided hey why don't I go on the ps4 for a change I mean I didn't touch it all throughout the holiday so why don't I go and splurge on the PS store and now I wish I hadn't it's not exactly breaking headline news when I say a nuclear explosion would be a disaster or that playing games on PC has many costs as well as benefits on one hand you get the best performance for any game at all you get more frequent and faster updates and patches than consoles and on services like Steam you can find yourself walking out of a seasonal sale with like 20 incredible games for the price of a parking space and two whoppers on the other hand though with this cheapness of brilliant games comes high sales volume which leads to steam looking for even more ways to make more money which then leads them to opening the floodgates to anybody willing to upload a game to their servers steam will sell anything at all there's no quality control whatsoever unless you count mr. Dursley guarding his home a good form of quality control oh dear the bullet missed the hairy Boulder this is where console digital storefront succeed a little bit not by a massive amount I mean this is a Nintendo approved game that came out on the Wii U the same sound that happens when the ambulance comes to save my life after the game gives me a hernia but they certainly fare a lot better than steam because they don't need to rely on mass sales of rancid crap in order to turn a profit on game purchases they sell the consoles that you play the games on the controllers or the accessory steam only have cheap games to sell so they'll sell anything at all to make a profit oh and a controller but I'll put it this way you're familiar with bad rats right one of the worst Steam games of all time with the prices it goes for nowadays steam would need to sell 401 copies of that to match up to one sale of a ps4 Pro so once you've already given that money to Sony surely you'd assume that they wouldn't even let you see anything vaguely similar to that on their storefront surely the quality control is extra tight because you paid for the privilege to access the store in the first place well as I discovered No as it turns out the official PlayStation Store is rife positively seeping with games that are not only on par with some of Steve's most embarrassing schatz like that one I did at the airport and also like to charge you extortion at amounts for the chance to play them even during the January sale I only managed to get 10 of these utterly dreadful games for a meager sum of 115 dollars why am I doing this my kids have no breakfast I'm not talking about ps4 games on the same effort level as horizon zero dawn blood-borne uncharted 4 connect and coordi K 18 K 86 or Kingdom card KH TK final catch Attica prologue these are some of the lowest budget lowest effort and most meaningless games of all time and they only costed me a measly $115 yes nothing wrong with that at all I can't do much with that kind of money I mean what you expect me to buy I can't even get an Xbox Series X with that [Music] this would look great in my living space all of the games you'll be seeing today are available on the US PlayStation Store in fact for most of these games I had to use a VPN to buy and download them yeah most of these games I couldn't even get in the UK I guess we have standards and all of these games are only available on the PlayStation 4 or maybe on Steam on occasion but it's mostly ps4 exclusives we got here which makes the whole thing even worse PlayStation proudly bought the rights to these monitors with that being said though let's begin with game number one warp Slayer so this is the title screen for orc Slayer everyone new is it okay to be fair I can't judge the entire thing based on a still image menu so let's boot it up centuries ago there was a great war much of the land was burned by an enemy now long forgotten in the minds of the world's people after peaceful did the game just realized at the end of that sentence that the next word wouldn't fit on the same line and changed it or the last minute God if they can't get the intro text right I can't wait to see the game oh boy this whole video was a mistake wasn't do you know what this is why me just look at this I'm honestly too scared to carry on but at least this was one of the cheaper games today clocking in at only 399 I mean what else would I have done with the money buy some compost oh Jesus what is that what is that oh my god what is that no what's going on what was that ham sausage firewall and I extend that question over to the game itself what is going on all you do level after level is kill orcs that's it you kill a certain amount of orcs the tower thing drops down you open the door to the next level that's all you do how many do you need to get no idea but I can tell you it's a number oh yeah if you headshot the orcs they also drop upgrade points that you can invest into power-ups patient right because every enemy couldn't be less interested in stopping you even if all of their friends are dying right in front of their orky faces other than that though what you want me to say the trees look like towels the crossbow gives off more steam and thomas the tank in banking explosions look like popcorn and the orcs look like if Darth Maul forgot to get a haircut hello I'm Kelly Icarus and I'm here today to ask you all a simple question our video games art I don't know in or clay this is what fence chopping looks like and if you think that's good just wait until you see the Gatling gun Oh bye then who's ready for game number two then floors off machine if I mean it looks better than orcs lair does at least as far as the menu is concerned and our back story is pretty cleverly told to us through these company leaflets and newspaper clippings first domestic robot who can help you this robot can everything this is future I made it for help and protect English too much hard for you go on school what do you have to do here that you control copyright infringement and need to collect a hundred volts worth of batteries in order to teleport to the next level and find professor who I think heard about dr. Eggman and took too much inspiration from it I mean this is better than orcs lair at least but it still feels way too amateur to be worth selling on the bloody PS store I think it feels like it's at most worth two dollars more than orcs lair which is good because it is what else do you want me to say about it what you see is what you get you push blocks you collect batteries you don't blow up maybe even fly around on a jet pack for a while if your mummy lets you like orcs lair there's just nothing else that much going on you have one objective level after level and that is literally it except now you have people watching what you're doing like Ruben 4:23 it's also worth mentioning that the music we're okay is so loud that none of the sound effects managed to cut through it not even the trophy noise and that is probably the most disappointing part I love getting trophies because at least I know that whatever I do I'm going to get a little noise that makes me feel better yeah onto game three now the unknown City episode 1 why have you done this to me Santa am I on the naughty list ah times new roman' the scariest fobbed right off the bat I know this game is special want to know why because when I was checking out the options menu I accidentally picked English as my language when the game was already in English and that made all the menu text magically change into lowercase how does a bug like this even exist if you knew what was coming next that question would be the last thing on your mind here's the first thing you see after the loading screen and it gets worse here's the voice acting this game takes to speech Daniel I loved his voice acting in Final Fantasy 10 right now let's see what you can do hahahahahaha this is the voice acting this is the presentation and it just keeps getting better turning right no you know what I'm with her on this by all means turn left instead you know where the road stops it took me five sodding minutes to finally get to a point where I could control the main character and once I could things did not get any better look at this vertical sink look at these textures and watch what happens if you stand in front of the lady I think this is the worst game I've ever played and I've got another seven to get through oh look we found a police officer who can help us out but he's ignoring us and he's looking a little bit hunched over I guess that can only mean one thing oh no she's been captured wait a second where did the door go I paid $9.99 for this I'm not going mad and I know that there was definitely a door there 100% I'm sure of it it's how we came into this room in the first place I'm gonna have to go and see let's go back around and check ah yeah see look see I knew there was a door there oh no nevermind it left again Oh No watch out everyone is your baby cousin running off to you after he's filled up his pants Uncle Fester nice to see you thanks for coming down I mean my god I can't believe this is being sold on the ps4 it's not even worth being given away for free let alone for $9.99 and it's funny I mentioned that because the exact same game is free on the App Store the weapon selection menu doesn't work you move at the speed of a funeral procession you don't jump very high unless you jump on top of a fence in which case you turn into an Olympic vault jumper you can't go inside any of the buildings with items inside and it doesn't matter where you aim your guns the bullets just go wherever they damn well please I'm genuinely appalled this is allowed to be on the store in the first place let alone sold for any kind of money and the best thing is that the other games I bought only get worse from here oh no what's that I'm completely stuck I can't fight move or jump what's that I'm dead good I died inside 15 minutes ago this is making me so mad that my hair is falling out I need help getting rid of my hair and what better way to do that than with the sponsors of today's video Dollar Shave Club a shave club in the only club you should be a part of next to Club Penguin and they have you cover for all of your grooming needs shower products deodorants oral care and especially shaving thermo the Rove of a full moon a cot film on my phone but I have been using nothing but Dollar Shave Club razors to tidy up the wiggly bits around my mouth for years now and you can join in with this ultimate shave starters that they sent me if you head to the description right now to dollarshaveclub.com forward slash caddy you can get yourself the executive handle and blades dr. Carver's prep scrub dr. Carver's shave butter and dr. Carver's shaved you all for the low price of 5 dr. Carver's after that the restock box ships you full product sizes at full price but until then why not give your grouping the kick in the follicles it needs and go to the link below in the description and have yourself the best shave you've ever had and who knows you might actually shave the next game we're taking a look at is Samael the legacy of öthey a fit often old figgety chunks and it begins with some deep and insightful quotes I will be present throughout spring/summer autumn and winter that's good to note but when do you want your holidays okay so from first glance yeah it doesn't visually look as bad as what we've had so far but I'm still not too sure no that's not your screen that's the total lack of vertical sync that the developers didn't bother to fix meaning the entire game is going to look like the top half is running away from the bottom half but who pray tell developed this game it was made by a thing called Gilson beep on tests and if you didn't know that now you'll know it within the next 30 seconds character and mechanical design Gilson beep on tez art director Kilson beep on tez hair and makeup you'll soon be pondtest sound director Gilson be pumped his stinky poopoo wiping Gilson be pumped has produced and directed by chaos and beep on tez man who made my sandwiches Gilson b pops o boys and girls who made this game Gilson b Pontas sauce turn your genius how did you figure that well actually that's because it's my youtube name in Reverse Pontas b Gilson and you to think that after the intro cutscene you know with the credits that you wouldn't see the name Gilson B pong tez again but as soon as you start playing you see another 10 times in fact you see his name pop up so much that I managed to die during his own gameplay credits before they even finished leave me alone Gilson pontas I'm trying to play your crappy game over here now I've heard of a game trying too hard to be like Dark Souls and Samael does indeed do that but took the dark part a little too literally I can't see a single damn thing in this miserable greenery even with a flame sword it's not lighting up anything around me this is just a muddy incomprehensible mound of old jam even worse when you get to the meat and potatoes of the game the combat that's when everything comes full circle and it falls apart the sword-swinging is wayyy too slow there's a stupid slow mode button mapped to the same button as the Dodge button and from what I experienced one hit and you're dead which then means you respawn at the beginning and then have to look at the Gilson be pontas exclusive credit sequence all over again if you can believe it this game didn't only come out last year yes this is a 2019 ps4 title but it also has a base price of get ready for it $29.99 I managed to snag it in the January sale but Christ on a bike $30 for this not even a little bit of stuff hanging out makes it worth it and you know what's even better this game is the most recent entry of a trilogy I try lucky here we have sword a fortress the onion museum and take a guess who made it yeah Gilson beep on test we start off with an accurate date and location so we can thrust ourselves into this fantasy world properly where apparently in Megiddo and the year is somewhere between 216 BC and 1815 ad so the hardest part of this game is picking between the 2,000 years it could be set here this game came out in 2018 so it's not quite as recent as the other one but that's pretty impressive considering this is the best looking game from our old mate Gilson we've seen so far it's not mind-blowing or anything I mean this branch is going for a nice float but considering this game is older than Dark Souls for dark of the darkening dark I'm willing to muster a little bit of praise for it where the game fails entirely is with everything else though you see this running speed that's as fast as you're going and our first objective marker took me four minutes in total to run towards and that's four minutes of absolutely nothing else going on only running to reach the first boss and then when you finally reach the boss and get shanked in one hit because of course you do you respawn right at the start of the four-minute run all over again this then brings us over to the first game of the Gilson be pontas epic trilogy released in 2017 Spear of Destiny the Gilson beep on test and this time we actually have some voiceover to fill us in on the games world this fantastic Asian world has been invaded by powerful I didn't say it was good I said it was there so what do we do in this game we have to look for all of the hidden relics that aren't hidden at all because they're pointed out for us defeat the enemy guarding the relic and then go off and find the next Renick out of the entire collection of pontas games so far this one while still not good at all is easily the most playable your running speed is good you have a health bar and stamina meter and buttons actually do what they're supposed to do but this means nothing when the game's framerate runs as smooth as a rusty five chain and the jumping animation looks like we take a quick hop and forget we're supposed to leave the floor afterwards unfortunately I couldn't make it past enemy number three but I felt like I'd be able to find something really worth my while if I ignored all the objective markers and just how to look around the world so that's what I did and would you look at that I found myself a river do you think we can go swimming in it I lost it now you know what I think we found the tommy wiseau of video games contentious titles useless writing bad acting objectively terrible production and with a million credits or going to the same person Gilson be pond tez is the Tommy Wiseau of the ps4 this set me back 1189 1189 in fact altogether this collection of delightful Gilson be pontas games set me back 46 87 and that's not including tact in a world where for the same amount of money we could buy a pre-owned copy of Spyro reignited and the insane trilogy together for six genuinely incredible games why are Sony okay with these being on the store and charging this much for them I mean somebody has to apply the discounts at Sony headquarters so they must know these games are here they know they exist so why they okay with them being here they're taking a cut of the profits aren't they and you'd assume like I did that these will probably some accidents that were just slipping through the cracks of the PlayStation HQ you know they probably didn't even realize they were on the store that is always a possibility but if that's the case then please explain these final four games I'm going to be looking at because they have trailers that were uploaded on the official PlayStation first up we have catlateral damage here's the trailer that playstation themselves shared on their Channel who are you fooling you're no cat I just now you can cat these are the videos I used to make when I was 17 look I'm not gonna pretend that my videos are any kind of professional high art but I wouldn't expect Sony to be okay with them using this terrible quality Smosh sketch as an official business trailer to sell a video game on their official Marketplace I mean if you've got to use a bulge effect at least move the center point to your mouth Wow oh nice smoke cropping there I bet that took you at least six weeks that was the trailer I'm sure the game can't be any worse than that and that is the fastest time I've ever been proven wrong in my life Postman Pat Postman Pat Postman Pat and it's black and whites plan catlateral damage is a first-person game where you control a cat and be a big smelly ass you knock things off of shelves and swipe power-ups to knock things over easier and that's it yeah that's it the idea of being a cat that just breaks everything is a cute one fine sure what aids but once that concepts idea loses the charm the game had better carry the rest of the concept along but it doesn't this is a really boring game you just swipe things off of other things with wonky physics and ugly graphics and make sure you're quick because you only have four minutes and 60 seconds to do it I heard through the grapevine that this was apparently supposed to be a joke game that wasn't that brilliantly made for the sake of the humor but come on blow me a new one it's still on the store and costs you $9.99 and for an extremely one-track game with one joke that is not cheap or it has VR functionality which gives you a little more for your money but just the idea of looking at these other cat's Envy makes me throw up out of my nose so I think I'll pass up next we have a very serious game called flowers are dead which also had an official PlayStation channel trailer clocking in at a respectable 663 likes and 41,000 dislikes and why is that well because the trailer is just this what you think I'm joking cuz I'm not it's 60 seconds of silent and still camera shots Sony when you uploaded this will you drunk flowers are dead violets are blue give me a gun I'm ending it oh great more text a very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures or blackouts when exposed to certain light patterns or flashing lights you know what at this point I wouldn't be surprised if that was the story if you thought that trailer was boring though oh my golly gosh gosh get ready because unbelievably the trailer is a perfect representation of what the game itself is actually like you thought we were moving slow in the unknown city named Matt you don't know slow you've never seen slow you think this is slow but you go slower than that dear Lord who thought any of this was a good idea this is agonizing this isn't a video game it's a dying man simulator and what goes on in the head of a dying man yes my Lumpy's and germs this is a walking simulator where you collect cassette tapes to fill in the gaps of a narrative but whenever you collect another tape while another is still talking you can layer them on top of each other infinitely and this is even more disappointing for me because I love a walking Simmons done right but this this is the video game equivalent of you throwing a house party and everyone talking loudly in the kitchen we need to find Ariel don't worry I found it and sure it looks okay for an indie game but god no there's nothing to it this might as well be an audio book but it isn't so I might as well make the most of this interactivity let's explore a little bit let's go inside this house there must be something to see here there's nothing here five hours a day today for the low low price of $19.99 it's cheaper than an electric chair and the torture lasts much longer the game we have coming up next has been considered one of the worst ever made when it first came out in 2017 it also has an official trailer on the official playstation youtube channel with 1.4 million views and 66 thousand dislikes welcome everybody to the life of black tiger okay so immediately I don't hate this menu it's the nicest one we've seen so far easily got some nice music and nice logo and nice background image it's all nice it looks okay in my books I also really like all of these stylish still images whenever you get some story text in between missions I mean the grammars a little wonky but it's nothing I can't ignore and then the very second the first cutscene begins it all goes downhill I paid $9.99 for this I need a new HDMI cable but can't get it now and a more cord as human is what I dislike the most they smell bad yeah I'm good enough of a reason for me to do some sorting and just look at the quality we have on display to do that very same slaughtering you've Vig bubsy 3d is primitive no man this is 2017 and this is an era where if you don't hold down the attack button all the way you only get the first quarter of the attack sound I mean let's be real not a single ethics plaqued was given towards this if you can't even get the running animation correct without having a total fit you aren't gonna get anything else right is that the sound of the Arctic or my granddad blowing air down the phone I mean you can say that we're hunting all you want mister game but we aren't really doing that we're just running towards an objective market and holding the attack button until we win screw everything hey hey hey where do you think you're going young lady jus can't escape me you know I may have paid a good chunk of change for this game but some things in life are priceless and that was one of them on to the next level I'm alone now I was alone and we'll be alone but I'm not lonely that's good Oh black tiger how did you do that we were in the Arctic five minutes ago did you get the next available flight to the jungle no of course you did it you're a tiger Tigers can't use check-in desk you obviously just ran up the wall escaped the land of snow and then floated over to the land of grass instead this his legendary people you know that Dustin Elysian tail was made by one guy sorry dude but you do not hold a candle to life of black tiger by one games pretty soon I'm sure there'll be two games then what you gonna do like every other game we've discussed today you only do one thing in life of black tiger follow a marker and hunt animals and every so often eat them Joey how are you doorway sometimes you don't even need to hunt animals though simply walking over to a smelly patch is enough to finish the mission my favorite mission though is when I had to survive from a pack of wolves until the fixed time after I tried fighting them head-on to no avail I then realized I could just outrun them and after that happened I just hid on top of a rock and never got touched until the timer ran out hello hello hello ultimately I did give up on this mission though because trying to fight the big bad boss of the wars with my new female companion was essentially impossible when my partner just parked herself right there and watched me die why was the trailer for this shed on the PlayStation channel did Sony losers spin the bottle I want to know how any of this happened oh and by the way this is a game that is also completely free on the App Store go home Sony I'll call you a taxi just get out of my house you've broken enough pottery oh what's that you thought I was done oh no no no way sunshine I'm nowhere near done yet because there's another game I want to show you and I think it's worse than life of black tiger keep watching at your own risk because I don't think any of you are ready for this one okay yeah I think this is more than enough ps4 for me today thank you hang on wait if this is an RPG good god I mean what do we name ourselves in a game like this I know suckee flop that's who we are and what does sucky flop look like time to go for a walk then sucky flop here we go how does this game work I don't know stop asking me you walk into an enemy's stamina bars appear you wait for yours to be full and then you attack with whatever weapon you have one single time and then wait for the whole stamina bar to recharge Sony the PlayStation classic was one thing but this is taking the mick a little bit what do you even call a game that looks like this oh I know skylight free range to gap tweed this game is free range only you know when game developers tell you that they don't add women into their games because the animation and modeling takes too much time and money well I didn't believe them until today because it was clearly too difficult for this game Lara Croft and your pyramid chest move aside these these are this always seems to happen to me on the first month of the new year PlayStation do something stupid it costs far too much money and I cry yeah we haven't got any dinner Gilson Pia Ponte subscribe follow me on Instagram and Twitter but not in real life special thank you to all my executive producers on my patreon in the description below basil Brandon Brandon TARDIS type 40 EXO Paz Brandon Butler Williams nightshade 96 the game shed ramen wolf 1485 and comida red-eyed critic 80 Thornton Smith Mitchell Reed and Alex hind cliffs birthday present Stan do you like demonetized [Music]
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 1,669,787
Rating: 4.9054604 out of 5
Keywords: worst games of 2019, worst games, worst playstation games, worst ps4 games, ps4, playstation, caddicarus, game review, game reviews, completionist, jontron, gaming, AVGN, peanutbuttergamer, laws of machine, the unknown city, spear of destiny the kaiseki, samael legacy of ophiuchus, gilson b pontes, catlateral damage, flowers are dead, life of black tiger, skylight freerange, top 10 worst games, top 10 worst ps4 games, bad games, sword of fortress, worst games of the decade
Id: sVpxhiujPFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 41sec (1781 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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