The Horrifying World of PS1 Games for Babies - Caddicarus

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googoo gaga well I guess I can only play games made for babies now and I'm not talking about playing games made for children have you seen my fingers I can't even pet my dog with these skin colored cocktail sausages oh I'm talking about playing games made for babies not muppet racemania not Stuart Little 2 not Powerpuff Girls not even Rugrats totally Fanny games made for actual toddlers the lowest common denominator of human I mean it only makes sense picture this you're a dad you get yourself a best-selling video game console like the ps1 you play it non-stop your wife asked you why you haven't said hello to her for three weeks or why the baby is cooking your chicken casserole for dinner and she begins to blame ya for you being a neglectful dad but then you turn around and tell her that no it isn't because you're addicted to Disney tarsem that can't be it because this isn't your PlayStation it's the family's PlayStation see there's also games for our children to PlayStation scapegoating for shitty parents since 1994 ah I have always seen games for really young kids who don't know any better as the ultimate shameless excuse for adults who don't want to own the fact that they wanted an electronic toy to play with themselves you know they're kind of like a checkmate in the chests of bad marriages these games are more or less always some of the lowest quality attempts at making a video game in the first place because why bother with the effort when it's a stupid little [ __ ] called Benjamin is gonna play it and won't care about any of the glaring issues the game has they just want the thing that has peppa pig's face on it they'll make their parents buy it doesn't matter if it's good it's guaranteed cash what's that you don't want some healthy strawberry and peach biscuits for a snack how about we stick peppers face on them and I told you there were pepper skin flakes as tasty right now shut up and eat your pepper chops see that's why I think these games are The Smoking Gun that parents addicted to video games are able to use as a getaway reason for why they bought a console in the first place they have little to no merit aside from just existing for extremely young kids in a family adults will never buy them for themselves well and they are almost the objectively terrible - grabs where the kids show skin stapled to it so what else could they possibly be other than a justification for a terrible mum or dad to feel like they aren't ignoring their kids while playing video games by giving them a video game no matter how terrible it is proves that this console wasn't a selfish purchase it was made for your family right well that or the kids recognize a famous character on the box and then start screaming and punching you in the shins until you buy the game for them but the joke's on them because if you buy it for them they get to play Tweenies game time when they get home now indeed I have talked plenty about ps1 baby games on my channel before in fact I used to do it years ago before my channel underwent some changes I took a look at three two one Smurfs designed for four-year-olds to be a kid's first ever kart racing game and it's okay a few too many Smurfs though I took a look at the Tweenies game time one of the ugliest and most insultingly simple games I've ever played that reminded me of a razor head and it also didn't have the budget to give the characters clothes I took a look at Thomas the Tank Engine a massive activity Factory that was surprisingly content packed and lovingly made when it had no reason to be all of those creepy faces aside Andrew slept with my wife only problem is it was Japanese exclusive so the fan base from the country the series was made and never got to see a man I wish I could go to Japan in one of my earliest videos I even took a look at Santa Claus saves the earth and that was I saw saving Ryan's private but today I went above and beyond I found 11 ps1 games made for babies and I'm gonna play all of them for you whether you like it or not you're fine look I'm not happy about it either but I mean what else am I supposed to do with hands like this ah well I've already come this far so I might as well keep going the first game I'll take a look at is Disney learning with we need to play for let's play party time with Winnie the Pooh instead now you and all of your friends can have a party with Pooh and all you need is a toilet and a ladle you want to know the story of good old Winnie bear's party time when it begins with an alien getting his nose out and then having private time with the floor which then leads us to a title screen we knew the pool we're new the pool chubby little copy with black dead eyes okay time to enter my name hello my name is mumps and you know what I'm feeling a bit hardcore so I'm gonna dabble with a bit of hard difficulty mode today and I think I'm gonna pick Tigger because he looks a little drunk and need some help getting home weirdly enough though there's no choice to pick a or I think he might have finally done it the real story begins and it turns out there's a treasure map that appears out of thin air and we all want to follow it to find rabbits secret stash after it gets thrown into the air my gopher pops up from under the ground like the filthy thurman he is and gets the map stuck on his back angers a load of bees and runs away so we have to chase him to get our map back the game begins go for runs for about three seconds and then we're stuck in a loading screen we play about a minute of a minigame and then we're stuck in a loading screen go for runs for about three seconds we slump along like we were caught evading our taxes and then we're stuck in a loading screen we play another minigame for about a minute what ticket get possessed by Beelzebub and then we're stuck in a loading screen this games loading screens are perfect for children because obviously they're so well known for their high attention spans I know it looks a lot like Mario Party but it really isn't oh Lord watch out this traffic it's completely linear with nothing interesting happening on the board sections aside from just moving forward there's no luck element to make things more interesting and how far you move along the board is based entirely on your performance in the mini-games each carrot lands on and as far as my performance in the minigames go it's quite frankly terrible since every time I pushed bombs back in this minigame they decide to teleport back to me and make me fail the other minigames are just as insipid though when you are driving around in a circle 15 times you're stuck in a tiny arena collecting fruit and throwing it into a basket this one happens quite a lot actually and I'm really good at it too because I can drop an unlimited supply of bananas behind my feet every half a second well that was a good start I wonder what else I can find online ah there we go Blue's Clues blues big music what come on guys why are these games were toddlers worth so much money I can't afford these prices I'm not a policeman so while I'm fishing around for a better price why don't I check out molten menace by fisher-price oh yes in the 90s and early 2000s a video game didn't even need to be about a movie or a TV show to sell out to the kids sometimes you could even base them on baby toys and get away with it alrighty then so what's going on here then let's go yeah come on team let's go what is this why is everyone running like an inflated chimp is this how I'm supposed to run have I been doing it wrong why does this man do it like he wants to kiss me why is this man eating his own face time to test that but I haven't even done any training Asylum entertainment you say good to know that's where I'll end up after playing this I got another name entry screen fine Rumpy pumpy you know for a video game with a story for children about an erupting volcano murdering everyone in a city I'm pretty confused by the noises they went with for planes crashing into buildings how did they even make that sound effect and who decided that was where it would fit best you know what this reminds me I need to finish the sound engineering on my car safety short film so all you do in this game is move around a city to rescue people and animals you do this by grabbing them with a claw machine or by just being near them that's it that's the whole game what you were expecting more power-ups enemies jumping no this is a game you put on when Benjamin won't shut up it doesn't matter if you're in the air or on the ground you are doing the same thing with more or less the same controls and there's nothing else you can say about it it's bland it's repetitive and when this lady jumps into her plane to check all of her controls are working she sounds like this sure the back of the box states that it builds problem-solving and thinking skills but I've got to vehemently disagree with them oh that's a nice there's no problem-solving going on here you just move and collect stuff nothing more I suppose the game is kind of educational though I mean I now know that paragliders can suspend you in the exact same place in midair forever I now know that volcanic rocks are opting into my face will make me dizzy and I now know that giraffes can climb on rooftops oh nice look at that the sun's out play with the Teletubbies Oh recommended for age two and over with one year old find this too much okay hang on a second guys I thought this was called play with the Teletubbies not watch the Teletubbies stare at you okay I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that this game isn't pushing the ps1 to its limits yeah I know the shocking assumption I'm aware but with that being said why didn't they just use the Teletubbies show intro as FMV in the game itself it's another to do that they could at least animate the models how is this gonna get the key Winx it's Isis nothing is happening and I feel like dips he's judging me where have the Teletubbies gone well there and after one of the most static introductions to a kids game I've ever seen we now have a character selection screen that's even worse this is all you have folks no music no sound effects just the abyss of deafening silence while the Teletubbies look over their shoulders for the police after they committed arson I suppose it doesn't matter but for now I'll go with tinky-winky for no other reason than because while he walks around he sings about wetting himself pink cooling cooking keeping keeping cooing could mean cool oh look at that I found tinky-winky 'he's red handbag let's pick it up Kiki Winky again again again again what he found picking up the handbag so enthralling that he wants to do it again aren't you gonna look in there at least there might be something even more fun inside again again did I just beat level one okay then I'll go over to the windmill instead and after I click on it it throws me into another cutscene and I'm gonna ask this again why when there's so little on this disk to begin with don't they just use clips from the show whenever there's a cutscene that copies exactly a part of the show it would look so much better than this I don't want to see the Teletubbies twitching on the floor after being beaten up and mugged oh oh okay so they can use FMV they just chose not to for whenever the Teletubbies are on screen you know the things that the game is about I'm David you know if I buy a game called play with the Teletubbies I expect a game where I you know play with the Teletubbies if I were a toddler that was a fan of the Teletubbies why would I bother playing this game where all I can do is what badly redone scenes of the show with fat and ugly models when I can just watch the show itself on VHS equally if I wanted to watch random people I don't care about engaging Ali who dog fights in the woods I'll just watch that instead when did this game come out 1999 well if that's the case then the best thing about this painful FMV sequence is that all of these dogs are definitely dead now okay then let's keep on looking around what's going on with this train fascinating Oh tinky-winky I like your blowhole you know what I'm officially hooked let's keep looking around what's hiding in the game towards the screen then ah it's the Pleasure Dome we go inside and as soon as we do the game becomes Resident Evil complete with pre-rendered backgrounds fixed camera angles and utterly horrific atmospheric sound effects in the background I don't know what to do though so let's click on this thing it was time fat tubby toast oh hello there man why do we have an eraser all of a sudden the tubby toast maker takes us to a mini game where we can what else make tubby toast then sit down and eat it and all the while the vacuum cleaner with ah he stares at you while you eat don't you hate it when they do that oh and you can make tinky-winky coffe over and over again like he's dying from the plague inside the dome you can also make a bowl of tubby custard exception card because this simpleton decides to turn on the machine without putting a bowl underneath it first so it ends up going all over the floor and instead of cleaning it up himself the crazy bastard decides to sneak away from the crime scene leaving footprints of blood in his wake oh well at least nunu loves a bit of blood how about no you know what before I get into the next game I think I need to change the scenery around here a little bit in order to play like a baby I must feel like a baby so how about I do the rest of this video in an inflatable chair I've got it at the inflatable stop at a discount because they have no more inflatable dolls left get em up this is taking way too long I [Music] suppose the good thing about this is that if I get a little bit too excited you'll be able to hear me moving and tell me to calm down [Music] who needs inflatable dolls for action when you've got a chair whoopsie it looks like I just kissed my subscription to expressvpn the sponsors of today's video but what does VPN stand for violating potatoes expressvpn is an incredible data encryption service I have used for over a year now which keeps your info completely secure whenever you're online and protects you all from the dodgy men you see in cafes don't be fooled he doesn't like the way you look he wants a date with your bank account details not only that but it's fantastic as shielding your IP address to make your browser think you're hiding in another country and I'm sure you have a completely legal reason to do that I won't tell anybody don't hurt me this allows you to access surfaces that are region locked like specific Netflix shows and you can even get cheaper prices on flights or download games released earlier in other countries get it on windows get it on Apple get it on Android get it on your face whatever you do head to the description below and go to the link expressvpn comm forward slash caddy and find out how to get three months of this service for absolutely free who knows when you use it you might even be able to find a cheaper price on Blue's Clues for the ps1 I mean seriously the clue that they need to find is someone dumb enough to pay that much for a baby game [Music] next up we have Barbie Explorer action as never before oh wow does that mean that barbie might bend her elbows and would you look at that she's actually doing more than using her joints check out this epic minecart video sequence this is some dangerous stuff here barbie is looking like she's loving it she looks pretty excited about death so in this game barbie has taken it upon herself to find the missing pieces of a mystic mirror why no clue I thought she'd be too worried about breaking a nail but if anything I'm a little bit confused as to why were in the middle of a story all about a mystical power that will reawaken and most definitely n humanity if we find all the pieces of an ancient artifact this is a Barbie game right all I want to do is roller skate up to my converter ball with my BFS and gang up on cans so we can take his pants off and try and find his Johnson hang on sunshine what do we have here VR training what like in Metal Gear Solid watch out world solid Barbara's coming through now in virtual reality you can do all sorts of things with Barbie like teleport onto swinging vine Walker like an old lady with rickets not jump onto climb above walls because god forbid we put any actual fun into our platformer and then we get absolutely decked in the face by opening doors what's my name this time KFC because by the looks of it Barbie could do with one she looks like if she pushes too hard she'll snap her legs like a stick so when we get into the actual game I'm absolutely shocked to find out that it isn't very good to begin with this basically feels like the original tomb raider you don't have tank controls but everything else you do from climbing to jumping has an abysmal delay to it which would be fine if the game itself was built around it and wasn't a fast-paced linear corridor platformer like Crash Bandicoot you try playing a game like crash where you don't only have to raid a delay but also a jump arc that you are so committed to once you do it you basically already had kids with it by the time you land I mean it makes sense everything here has a purpose but it's easily the stiffest platformer I've ever played bubsy 3d isn't this stiff and at least Bugsy has more directions he can move towards so that his body doesn't constantly clip on angled parts of the wall and make Barbie bring out her funeral fashion pack I mean what else do you want me to say Barbie looks like she has a mustache there's no sound effects at all while she's pulling rocks that weigh as much as a truck she outright absorbs herself into the walls and please tell me where are you going Barbie eaten Egypt is in Africa that's exactly like saying United Kingdom England but then again judging by your face I don't think geography is your strong point this is a game starring Barbie all about Barbie in an action-adventure game with all four controls I mean I really can't go into any more I'm so sorry these games are really getting me go so why don't I check out Rayman junior next yes I am aware this game is for a slightly older crowd than what I'm aiming for but let's be real when the hell else am I ever gonna talk about this thing oh what a treat this game was part of the value series that means you know it must be good and so far I'm not disappointed check out this FMV intro the quality is stunning it's so much better than the original game it definitely doesn't look like a Chinese bootleg what are you nuts when I was 5 years old and playing the original rayman all those years ago you know what i thought was missing math because that's what all kids want in their escapist magical action platformer on the ps1 school revision this is homework the video game what's my name you know I don't even care anymore Fathead and get this they actually tried desperately to make a story out of this it turns out that the bad guy from the original rayman mr. dark who's so terribly named he might as well be called uncle bad has stolen a book of english and maths and rayman has to go and get this book back by solving random English and math problems so if Raymond and the gang already know everything about English and maths why do we care about a single book going missing can't we just go and get another one at what so each stage of Raymond jr. gives you a category of puzzle to solve based on either literacy or numeracy whether it be picking the correct number that said to you to open the correct path finding the correct rhyme that said to you working out simple equations or picking the correct place of sounds of words that match another words just for a few examples you still awake great because while doing all of this this is still Raymond after all so you get to partake in classic Raymond wand trial and error no mistakes allowed platforming and even though the puzzles themselves are really easy if you accidentally land on an incorrect answer or flick the wrong switch while fighting enemies which is very easy to do you don't get a second chance you lose a life just like in real school and this is even assuming you avoid falling off platforms with knock-back which has nothing to do with the incorrect answer and is just the trial and error gameplay screwing you up you have five lives per stage which sounds like a lot but each stage goes for 30 minutes each half an hour of simply walking to the correct number that is spoken to you over and over again while dealing with frustrating platforming and if you're on your last life and make it to the very last part of a stage only to get hit by the flat end of a pencil because as we all know that's the sharpest bit or get attacked by nothing in the ceiling you have wasted 30 minutes of your life and have to do all of the my numbing ly slow and boring question-answering again that's why each stage takes so long it's the long-winded and ridiculous length the game forces you through to answer just one question which are often extremely slow and boring platforming to begin with do you want me to have fun while I learn or not oh and can you imagine doing that with Raymond do you think it would feel like lying on top of a space hopper Raymond jr. is the ultimate joke game for strict parents I mean you can just imagine a kid back in the day asking for Raymond on the ps1 for Christmas or something and then they get Raymond on the ps1 but with learning in it oh sorry Little Billy we got you this right man because we thought you wanted it you won't specific enough for a seven-year-old hang on when did my tiny hands come back [Music] Christ another one yay thanks comically small hands I can't wait to play Barbie race and ride and courage is learning about horses oh you mean Barbie Barbie software for girls sure well I know one thing for certain right off the bat this game loads for everything when you hit start it loads when you pick a horse it loads when you pick the horse's name it loads when you ride the horse it loads when you get off the horse it loads when you click on something you want to do off the horse it loads when you confirm that you definitely did want to do that thing by clicking on it again it loads when you're done with the thing you want to do it loads when you want to get back on your horse it loads you know what you're right these games are made for girls because as we all know girls just love being stuck waiting around for things to happen you know like when they had to wait for the vote here's my horse and I called him the worst name I could find in the list baby baby the horse and here is the game yes this is the game I'm not joking what you have is the worst FMB I think I've ever seen while all you do is make a bad quality gif of a horse head move its head left and right and jump every couple of minutes but as far as moving left and right goes you don't need to do that it doesn't matter this is a predetermined path it's all automated so there's no point moving left or right at all while this is all going on every so often Barbie will know when we can scan see a pebble that she just loves so much that you have to stop at which point you get an insulting ly easy minigame or you just get to point at a stupid animal which goes and then you get back on your horse and carry on until you're stopped again this is the entire game just pointless an inconsequential horse riding that then gets interrupted with pointless and inconsequential minigames may I ask where's the racing and I never thought I'd ask this but where's the horse education all I know so far is that some insane people out there cool their horses baby funny noise oh my god come on baby let's go and the best bit is that even after all the fuss barbecue makes about that funny-looking leaf she saw you click on the thing she sees to go to a mini game and it's more of them than not an action-packed thrill ride like this slowdown game I don't have my safe bow ra where where wait is that is that a race oh my god it's an actual race in a game with race in the title and even better we have Barbie on baby Barbie I told you to stop sitting on the raping it so much bang I mean I get that this is for really young children but at least Barbie Explorer was an actual game with graphics not a load of terrible quality video stitched together you know what I think would be a better game Barbie race and gender issues spoiler she's a bigger there has got to be something that kids enjoy doing other than this okay don't be frightened oh yeah but I can show you other things the kids love doing like whoa what if I silly play another game okay here's one Oh bear in the big blue well to start with I can make bear sound really angry by pressing the repeat button over and over again on his introduction what do you want what do you want what do you want and this game story in the adventure mode is that it's Oh Joe's birthday another character in the show that is also titled to bear in the Big Blue Beam and we need to guide her around the house and complete many easy minigames in order to reward Oh Joe with her presence because in bears Big Blue House do work for your birthday and I've got to be honest this is not actually too bad considering it is a game for babies it's definitely the best game so far anyway the production value is nice it's not insulting or patronizing it controls well when it needs to all the minigames feel totally different and this one actually required me to think it has decent music a calm and welcoming atmosphere in fact the worst aspect of the game to me is the way bear looks himself I mean when he's giving you instructions he looks a bit hmm and when he's dancing he looks like he's being shot after we explore the entire house and beat every minigame available we even get a final jigsaw puzzle minigame before the birthday celebration ending screen and sure the whole thing took me only 25 minutes to complete but who cares this was kind of cute and I can appreciate what it set out to do because it did it really well and now I'm going to be very immature you've won a come here I did and this would not be the only time that the Jim Henson Company would dabble in the world of children's video gaming on the ps1 because they even did a few Sesame Street games to teach kids about letters and numbers so let's take a look at all of them right now first up Elmo's letter adventure because of course a game teaching children about how easy it is to spell is best left to a show that looks like it should be called Cisse so what do we do in C same street Elmo's letter adventure well it begins with Elmo reliving some flashbacks from the war and then Ernie puts a bird's nest on his head after that we walk around left to right to talk to the other residents of the street and they give us new missions to go all over the world and find the letters of the alphabet and I've got to give it to Elmo he doesn't mess around with what he wants do you like to travel with me and explore the alphabet in a whole new galaxy the rest of the game is one thing that you do over and over again you walk forward and no other direction stop and click on 12 identical copies of the same letter you're told to look for and that is it I mean you can move left or right but if you do that you'll be making moves on the wall without consent so just don't bother the game only wants you to hold forward and do the rest of the work for you because you're a kid and kids are stupid and adjusting the difficulty makes no difference either even if you go too hard the only thing that changes is that instead of finding 12 copies of the same letter you find 20 instead 20 it's the same exact game just longer you're doing great what are you talking about Big Bird I haven't found a single letter yet Christ help me let's go into Elmo's playroom instead surely there's something fun for us to do here oh yeah you mean like the one thing we can do and by the way it's a tutorial that's it I'm done let's move on to Elmo's number journey since we've now moved over from an adventure to a journey surely that means the game will be different okey it's exactly the same game but with numbers instead hahahahaha what a funny joke okay fine you do go to slightly different locations and do jobs for different Muppets but you're still stuck holding forward and then hitting X when you see the correct number but at least when your son or daughter is done with the game they'll know everything about the number 6 and nothing else furthermore riddle me this Batman why do these games have such a problem with allowing kids to freely explore in these 3d environments with smooth controls are they scared that they won't learn anything if they're able to move around these corridors like Spyro because when I can't do that I can barely tell where I'm supposed to stop and click on the letters which means that you end up making mistakes yes mistakes in a game this simple preschoolers will delight will they I beg to differ I'm a grown-up manly many men mainly man and my left thumb is already shattered after one level of this game from all the holding forward I've been doing so God knows how a tiny human thumb would cope I don't care I've spent a lot of money on this game for you so you're gonna sit there and enjoy it no no that's not enough you will play that you will hold that button and you'll play this game and you'll love it yeah don't make me get a bounce out oh god there's another one Sesame Street's BOTS well I mean it's got only wearing nothing but a towel on the front cover so that makes it the better game by default and immediately I don't think we're gonna be learning anything here since the name of the game is Sesame Street Sports yet the spine on the case can't spell and says Sesame Street sport we begin the game and wonder to ourselves why Elmo is in a leather collar and once we get going it's pretty simple stuff here you have a series of mini games that have you doing a load of obstacle course races in different vehicles it's basically the same thing for every character but you can at least adjust your speed move freely collect tokens to beat your own score try to beat your best time by avoiding more obstructions and going faster you can even do stunts as you go around the tracks Big Bird and Elmo's commentary even teaches the kids about objects you avoid and the directions that you move on the track it's nothing much but it at least has more fun and educational value than most of the other games we've played so far but confusingly it's one of the pricier games you can find online no clue why that is it was probably early snips wasn't it but there if I were a toddler and I loved Sesame Street I'd at least prefer this reaction based hand-eye coordination training over mindlessly holding forward and pressing X when I see the letter Y Cookie Monster this game is for preschoolers you know what else is for preschoolers Easter bunnies big day you know what the Easter Bunny's big day is Easter so if that's the mystery that this game has I think I've solved it Easter Bunny has human legs one day a rabbit was jumping around and thought to itself ah you know what I don't have enough eggs and then all of a sudden a robotic egg jumped out of the rabbits basket and said oh by the way all you need to do to get more eggs is watch me walk around a badly compressed JPEG and complete minigames and don't worry if you can't solve any of these jigsaw puzzles we won't give you a single chance to get it wrong because here's where all the pieces go oh what's that this is still too hard for you well then how about you press a button to let us solve the entire thing for you what's the point of playing this game then looking at this I don't have any Olympian 5-star Riggs hotel celebrity chef levels of standards this needs to live up to but I certainly expected more than just solving a million jigsaw puzzles and maybe playing two games of catch the egg will match the rabbit in the egg yes rabbits lay eggs apparently there are other disturbing implications in this game - like where is the Easter Bunny during all of the game is he inside the robot egg was he liquidized and became the yolk if the Easter Bunny's big days Easter which is only one day of the year then why is he so unprepared and has no Easter eggs where do my extra Easter eggs come from when I solve a jigsaw puzzle and for the love of God tell me what the hell is a0 rap the content of this game doesn't just end at jigsaws and a few catching more matching games either if you want you can go back to the main menu and replay the jigsaws in any order that you want or you can look at the pictures of the jigsaw puzzles that you completed in the story mode but slightly bigger if you don't want to do any of that though at the end of the story mode which should take you about 16 minutes you have to wind up the robot because it dies and then your reward for finishing everything is to watch the robot walk very slowly all the way to the score to give the Easter Bunny's egg sack to the good little boys and girls of pissing Tennille you know what at this point I'd rather go back in time to 1605 sure they didn't have any video games back then but at least you could blow up Parliament you want to know what the really fan bit is though I'm not done with baby games for the ps1 there are tons left to get through but I'll save them for another time get excited though because for this video I've been using my new hacked ps2 to record all of the footage you saw today and this monster can play any ps1 or ps2 game from any region which means I can play more USA exclusive games like Easter Bunny's big day so get ready for Arthur ready to race on my Disney kitchen because I can play them now I also need to get a working copy of Bob the Builder because this one I have is wrecked refuse to work no just like your daughter that you left unattended I think it's about time we put this video to bed but before I go I have a question for you have you ever wondered why babies cry well I'll tell you why it's because they actually have vivid nightmares about their own future and they can see their parents buying them these games so the next time your baby cries just remember that you're not fit to be a parent and there bear up being a dirty orphan top spy follow me on Instagram and Twitter because you should already special thanks to my executive producers on my patreon page in the description below Zac Stuart Brandon Brandon EXO Paz TARDIS type 40 slow Punk Raman Wolfe 1485 red-eyed critic Stephen LeBlanc logan contra CFR trawls Matthew Hyneman Brandon Butler Williams Daniel and Alex the game shed skull man Mitchell Reed basal egg Shadowhunters edx and ad Thornton Smith dan do you really like it is it is it wicked [Music]
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 2,128,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ps1 games, playstation games, educational games, caddicarus, pbg, peanutbuttergamer, AVGN, angry video game nerd, completionist, jirard khalil, barbie games, spongebob, nintendo, elmo, sesame street, rayman brain games, teletubbies, teletubbies game, winnie the pooh, bad educational games, mario is missing, funny, comedy, review, game reviews, game review, jontron, goodwill games, games for kids
Id: TTnG0I-xQf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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