Office Workers, What's Your Best Work Story? (r/AskReddit)

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office workers of Reddit what's your best office story I work at factory back office watching over incoming outgoing materials and general material management we had a shipping container come in from the States transporting several big bags of a sugar milk powder mixture we crack open the container and much to our surprise we find a cat bear in mind this container spent a solid week or two a see the cat was alive apparently it survived of eating the powder so I did the old screenshot the desktop hide desktop icons and save the screenshot as the new desktop background to three different computers two of which was shared between 510 people now the problem was I called in sick with food poisoning the next day but a chaos broke out no one could open any programs bites he had to get involved and it apparently took them a few hours to figure out what had happened no one ever knew it was me and I had planned on you know taking the credit and winning that stage of the prank war but number I played dumb and bit my tongue that's hilarious but what's even more funny is that nobody knew how to open a program without a desktop icon we had a Phil Collins data Frick with a co-worker that professed to hating Genesis months after revealing their hatred the president of the company had the IT department stay after everyone left to absolutely cover this person's desk in Phil's face and I heart Phil signs in celebration of Phil Collins birthday it was practically a holiday and very little work was accomplished as a result pretty much the best day at the office ever my current office building was once a funeral home that had sat vacant for a number of years after the previous owner shot himself in the apartment upstairs when we first moved into the office there was a wall panel that was accidentally knocked out in the basement there were about thirty people worth of ashes hidden in the wall free coffee I have one we have an agent let's call him Joe Joe is about 60 and the perfect employee never misses work perfect stats honest customers love him and always give Him praise volunteers for overtime and absolutely everybody loves him I use his calls as examples in my training class he has been offered numerous management positions but he is perfectly content sitting at home fixing customers problems making them happy and making our company money he is an absolute machine two years ago his wife and his 40th wedding anniversary was coming up and I had a business trip to Ohio for a new system training Joe was told he had to come with me to learn he pleaded he couldn't because he would miss his wedding anniversary plus it was odd because agents never go on trips and my manager said sternly do it Joe you don't have a choice Joe of course went home and packed and got ready to leave a few days later his wife said she was going to stay with her sisters while he was gone and left the night before our company car picked me up for the air Court and we headed to Joe's he was pretty upset and depressed but tried to be upbeat we went to dinner and stalled for a few hours for good reason and when we got to the airport we boarded our plane and headed to Houston for his switch we got a Houston and we walked up to the Miami gate and I said there's your plane he looked at me and I pointed over to his wife standing at the gate my boss had arranged to send them to Miami for a week and then on a cruise to Jamaica for their anniversary with my boss's company credit card for expenses the first thing out of his mouth was OMG I didn't pack for that but of course we had his wife take care of that when we sent her out on an earlier flight he started crying right there in the air Court and hugged me I handed him the credit card went over and gave his wife a hug and told her she owed me some apple cookies Subang and headed to my plane for Ohio went to Ohio and yay Ohio that's so awesome admire your boss for two reasons one obviously for sending a deserving guy out on the trip but to his commitment to trolling was amazing sending them out on a connecting flight first is just a plus stuff I'd work for this man gladly a guy at my office had a fishing rod along the ceiling he had the hook position over a guy who will call Dave s head every so often he dropped the hook which has a little weight onto Dave's head and then quickly pulled the cord so the hook is back up to the ceiling and isn't visible this was going on months and the guy who was being pranked didn't have a clue he went to the doctor for tests because it felt like a throb to his head so he worried something was really wrong when we told him what was happening he couldn't stop laughing at himself Dave's revenge was pretty sweet he had sex with the prankers sister Dave my man I got this job a few years back in the first week I was blown away at the technical ineptitude of the whole dang place our job requires a lot of scanning usually large stacks of bank statements 100-200 pages at a time and the people who I worked with and for more often than not needed to scan things that were front and back how they did this blows my mind to this day step one flip the whole stack up sit down so the reverse side was ready to scan step two make a copy of every back side step three take the reverse side and place it behind its front side so that it would be page one copy of page two page three copy of page four etc' step four scan the whole stack face up the amount of paper they wasted was unbelievable that's the day I became a genius by showing them our enterprise level scanner could scan front and back simultaneously with the push of two buttons this is also when I became partly responsible for every IT issue in the office despite having IT members on staff at all times ten minutes into the company beating someone's phone went off playing bagpipe music but as it got louder we realized it was an actual set of bagpipes playing outside before we knew it the guy marches into the conference room blasting away that one Scottish song don't know what it's called but you know the one I mean after he finished playing the speaker who had been playing done until now announced that we had just acquired a small company in Scotland best announcement I worked with a guy we called Irish Jeff we are on a sales team and he will call customers and start singing oh Danny Boy while the phone rings when the customer answers and asks if he was singing he will say well I am Irish he will then talk to them for 45 minutes about his Irish heritage and the names of the boats that originally brought people over from Island without letting them off the phone he doesn't really ever talk about anything he's supposed to be selling he was born and raised in Texas we call them plastic paddies in Ireland they annoy us as much as they annoy you I swear to god this is true I worked in a staffing company as a recruiter one of the sales guy always bragged about his martial art skills one afternoon one of the female recruiters called Bulls on him they were right outside my cubicle he says something to the effect of don't believe me I will kick my foot over your head right now star here just like this he positions her and the gets in a karate squat don't know how else to describe it and goes for it without any stretching practice or anything he rotates and kicks his foot way up just high enough to make solid contact with her right temple with a solid thud she staggers a bit dazed and he runs and hides in his cube I couldn't believe what I just saw it happened so quick it was insane plot twist he really is a master martial artist he just hated that she doubted him this was at my last job a call center on national donut day at Krispy Kreme girl a had gotten a box of donuts and was on a call with a customer girlby comes up and takes one out of the box girl a mutes her phone and says b you better be joking don't touch my donuts girl B turns around and walks away with a donut girl a hangs up on her customer and full-on assaults girl be an epic brawl breaks out right in the middle of the call floor and they even crash through the giant partition that separates our call center from another companies which is actually all in the same giant room at some point a knife tumbles out of one of their purses no one actually pulled it or tried to use it but it did fall out management has everyone in debt and clears the floor out cops are called and both girls are escorted out never to be seen there again because doughnuts girl bee is a bee we call her the runner call center rep was going to be fired for refunding fees that had never been charged she was essentially just giving away money because she couldn't figure anything out about halfway to the conference room she figures out what's happening as such she comes to a dead stop and refuses to keep going she keeps asking her manager Johnny are you going to fire me of course he can't confirm since she's still in the middle of the floor so he tells her he just wants to be able to have a conversation in private she keeps asking and he keeps not answering eventually she just turns around and takes off for her desk Johnny is standing there for about 10 seconds trying to decide between going after her or continuing to the conference room where his boss is waiting for them he finally decides on the conference room Johnny is a pretty large guy in his boss is a chain-smoker after the boss knows what happened they take off running over to her desk and the other reps tell them that she left so they then sprint down to the parking lot just as they get to the doors they see her car pulling onto the street they hung out for about five minutes to catch their breath when they got back Johnny called corporate HR and they let him know that the rep had already called Aetna to file for a leave of absence but she got fired anyway a girl I worked with married was freaking the boss also married they stayed after rouse for weeks to do their thing in his office for some reason she opened up to me about this even though we weren't friends and she included the fact that he prematurely ejaculate so anytime he's being a dong I just picture that and feel better well if he's being a dong I'd probably get out of the way to avoid any sticky situations we've had a couple of good prank wars over the years best thing that comes to mind quickly is when we change the guy's phone autocorrect to replace with he was very confused for days another story I tied all the cables of a guy's computer together under his desk with as abstract monitors mouse keyboard phone etc I then hooked that bundle of cables to the lever under his chair that controlled the up down position and turned the chair so it was at a 90 degree angle he came back to his desk after lunch and sat down grabbed ahold of his desk like he normally does to turn his his chair and spun to face his computer his entire desk was pulled into the rear corner of his cubicle it made a lot of noise but not as much as he did swearing I change the Geiser water correct to change the - the frickin he could not type so he was always looking down at his keys and depending on word to catch any mistakes needless to say he turned in documentation like I called the freaking customer and they told me that the freaking software was not functioning correctly my coworker was out of town for an office pancake breakfast in her absence we decided to make her up a breakfast plate we ended up making a vitruvian man made of sausages on a royal chin at plate and hiding it in her office and she found it and then the Vitruvian Man began to travel office to office it was sealed with tape but that didn't stop it from starting to go moldy the Vitruvian Man was hidden in desk drawers under paper piles behind coats I knew it was my turn for the Vitruvian Man to end up in my office but when I got in I couldn't find it anywhere later in the day one of our VP's came in to meet with me about a serious matter he asks me a question and in thinking of my response I look up there on the ceiling Mission Impossible style is a multi man made of sausages with its taped on smiley face looking down at me and I awkwardly carried on the conversation with the VP through random laughter which didn't make sense to him I had to throw out the plate after that in total we had it moving around the office for about a month I've never waffled between finding a story disgusting and hilarious in so few lines before but I'm gonna give it a final grade of hilarious there are many Phantom stories out there where someone drops a deuce in the bathroom floor or shower but at one of my Navy commands we actually had someone take a crap in a coffee pot and there run the coffee machine fill up the pot and leave it there for people luckily someone smelled it before they tried to drink it they never caught the guy who we had a guide crap in a paper bag and then microwave it for 10 minutes ultimately he was easily found as he had not only threatened to do it when he was issued a final warning for his poor performance but he also bragged about it to middle-aged women late forties ish gray hair mom jeans got into a fistfight at the office I don't remember the context of the fight but dead went into Stephanie's office and closed the door there was a little bit of shouting and then a thud the door flies open just in time for me to see Stephanie throwing a punch they yell at each other in the lobby and then one of them actually says let take this outside so they do some of the younger guys in the office went after them and had to break them up in the parking lot only one of them got fired and they offered me her job a few days later nor their real names I hope they kept the winner so I had this co-worker who got a hold of the offices emergency air horn she would sneak up behind people and blast it right in their ear she got me really good with it once I almost had a heart attack she'd was really good at being sneaky with it - you'll be working away have no idea she'd be like right under your freaking desk and then that goddamned air horn this makes my ears bleed our office was centrally controlled by a head office in another city there was a massive transformer explosion knocking out all the systems and controls in the head office essentially no work could get done no customers could get us we couldn't even cool the building down mid August was plus 35 C outside so we had to send everyone home for about three days and only essential staff stayed I was in HR so I was one of them slowly started to build up staff as we were getting closer to operation ended up working about 110 hours including sleeping they're working however is was a very loose term since no pcs could run or anything we sat and watched TV played board games and poker played a ping-pong - one in our break room we had nose sneza sager we ended up playing a big super spike volleyball tournament a Nez ice hockey tournament which I won and an Exeter bike tournament one of the guys who had to stay on through night played through Zelda comma only essential staff stayed I was in HR so I was one of them only HR people would consider themselves essential staff posted this before but works here too my first day I was warned about who I would be sitting beside she arrives in next day and starts telling me about the terrible day she had yesterday we fellow wasn't one cell had to take him to hospital I thought oh that's terrible hope he is okay but want to see a photo of him she proceeds to show me a photo of a lizard in a Santa costume another day she is complaining she can't find one of her favorite shoes later on she remembers where she put it the trip switch in her fuse box kept tripping so she took the shoe and used it to jam the switch on so she could use the cattle and forgot about it recently she checked her bank account online and started swearing saying she was going to kill her daughter as she was just build 274 pounds from o2 but she goes to o2 at lunchtime to see how the daughter could manage this larger phone bill it wasn't the daughter's phone it was hers turns out she doesn't know how to hang up her phone and had left different people hours and hours of voicemail messages going 13 hours over her three minutes she spends a lunch time on council websites reading through the burial records and seeing when different people were buried she already asked most of the other staff where their relatives are buried so she can look it up if she isn't looking up morbid details on her lunch she as normally at a local fancy shop walking around trying all the free tasters instead of buying a lunch on one occasion her daughter left her Facebook logged in on her phone crazy lady proceeded to read through her entire Facebook message log and read them out it turns out her 15 y/o daughter is partial to a wee sniff of cocora we smoked of weed she really is a headcase who gets away with doing little to nothing in work she has no idea how to use her computer and when people show her she goes oh no you do it and I will watch and learns nothing she has such a simple job which takes me a few hours to do but it takes her all day the manager lost the head and ignores her now oh boy I have a good one I was an intern at the time summer of 2013 I'm interning at a pharmaceutical biotech company and was meeting the team there was this particular guy white guy mid-40s on the team who I had lunch with on a daily basis we talked about what I was studying in school at a time and how I wanted to travel the world for a bit after graduation instead of just going straight to 9/5 office life he got deeply depressed when I said so and started saying he's been doing this 95 thing for 20 years straight he's like 45 and what I said to him really made him wake up in my head I'm like oh this isn't going to be good fast forward two days later I'm finishing up training modules assigned to me and all of a sudden one of the HR ladies walks over to my managers cube and explains that he quit number two weeks notice and my manager bolts up and yells and disbelief ewot please repeat what you just said he went to Taiwan to find himself I'm trying to connect the dots to see if I the lowly intern really said some things to stir up an employee to quit his job and travel the world I didn't tell my manager the conversation I had with him but I did tell one of the girls that I worked with and that's when I started my journey of an office fling but that's a story for another day TL DR I had a casual conversation as an intern with an employee about my aspirations to travel the world after I graduate probably made employee quit don't know if coincidence or not but I think that conversation stirred his actions I think you did a good thing for that guy while I was working for State Farm in Florida I was in an office with four women and one other guy one serendipitous day all other ladies were all scheduled to be out of the office for various reasons and me and the other guy were left alone we invented man Dave there were no appointments on the books for that day everyone had scheduled lights knowing it was just he and I alone but we went to the gas station across the street and got a six-pack of craft beer put on some Netflix and watched guy movies on his laptop for a few hours after that we found the giant stash of old fluorescent lights that didn't work anymore in an old storage closet we went into the back lot and had lightsaber wars until they were all gone we smoked a doobie and did cookies in the dirt lot out back in my old toyota pickup truck told the end of the day we would a Chinese delivery and how the driver bring us a six-pack we used to order delivery Chinese at least 2x per week they knew us when the delivery guy got there we gave him a big tip and a beer and the other guy and I drank beer and closed up with Chinese maybe not the craziest story in this thread but it was easily the best day I've ever had in the office the other guy and I email once in a while now we always fondly remember man day when we do did cookies in the dirt lot out back in my old toyota pickup truck I think you mean donuts not cookies I can't even figure out how someone would do a maneuver in a car that would resemble a cookie if I'm wrong please enlighten me it's almost impossible to get fired around here found a dude passed out from rhod in the bathroom he was back at work the next week we did have one executive get fired after he signed a software contract and then it was revealed he was sleeping with the sales rep she got fired too now they run a B&B somewhere what mild-mannered villains you have a guy in my office brought a crock-pot into work too mixed you in the cubicle next Dennis no one really thought twice about it cause this guy was just generally weird in an office consisting of 50% weirdos he put the ingredients in when he arrived then went about his business hours later just before lunch he opens it up slowly but surely a wave of coughing and watery eyes spreads across the office turns out his stew was all kinds of hot sauces and peppers heated up in a crock pot with a piece of chicken he pretty much low-level pepper sprayed all of his coworkers one day some workers outside accidentally hits an underground power line we all got to go home early yay ha this happens all the time where I work we have battery backups and just keep working you think public utilities are incompetent they are master craftsmen next to the military I think it was the day my butthole idiot boss the president of the company who only made decisions to further his career reputation was fired by the Board of Directors for incompetence the mood in the office was jubilant and reminded me of the scene in Wizard of Oz 8 when the munchkins were dancing around because a Wicked Witch was crushed by a house I recall spending five hours in a conference room participating in the undoing of all of his crappy nonsensical policies the extent of his a shoddily was legendary he would hold meetings at 5:30 p.m. just to get his money's worth from the leadership he was the sort of person who would arrive late to meetings not giving a single crap if that created scheduling conflicts for other people he went through a dozen admins he made all social events tense and awkward then would get massively but that and if people they're enjoying themselves I hear he's retired at 52 but let's be honest he's not retired he's unhireable there's a difference during Occupy Wall Street protests a wills Fargo representative set up a little table with cookies and coffee in order to get people at the call center to sign up for an account well it turns out that the IT guy in charge of all the servers was a huge supporter of the protest we used their instant messaging system they're called spark and every one of the employees got a broadcast message from him saying something along the lines of as you know Wells Fargo is in the building today offering accounts before you sign up for an account you should know that wills Fargo has been responsible for funding drug cartels and military interests leading to hundreds of lives lost consider a credit union before signing this is not a direct quote but you get the gist a little while later all the inbound calls stopped followed someone screaming he shouldn't be here this isn't right a phone then flew clear across the call center it's a pretty massive call center everyone immediately prairie dogs from their cubicle to see what happened it was the first time the call center was completely silent turns out the site director top guy was trying to get the IT guy to leave then they started to wrestle over a tablet the police were called but he wasn't arrested I'm a homebrewer one day I made a really tasty batch based on the White House honey ale recipe and gave a few bottles out to some co-workers of mine this one particular co-worker liked the custom label I made so much it was the aband beer drinking thumbs up picture with a funny quote that he decided to keep it on his desk instead of drink it three months later boom it explodes beer and glass shards everywhere all over of his monitor chair desk cube walls there was even glass stuck in the ceiling good thing he wasn't at his desk when it happened I don't give out beer anymore the Devi interns were supposed to start I had a friend help me hide one of the instance computers we replaced it with an old electric typewriter we'd found in the closet and then we placed a note pad on top with random words and phrases circled in red the intern was so confused and distraught when they saw it and we told them this was their workstation for the semester I worked with a complete train wreck she had no social skills and was incredibly needy the office was an hour from her trailer but she didn't want to move closer because the city was too ethnic she invited strange men she met online to meet at her home and would occasionally let them sleep over and spend the day with her 11 year old daughter the next day if school was out dota was eventually removed when one of the internet boyfriends impregnated her coworker went to court to fight for custody reinstatement because she couldn't pay her bills without the child support ended up in jail for contempt after the judge said no some of her office greatest hits thought it appropriate to announce to any co-workers regardless of age or seniority that she never wore underwear frequently wore stretched thin white leggings which let everyone know without a shadow of a doubt that she wasn't kidding would aggressively heresy alvarado company who was only on site a few times a year for official visits for free company swag he had the good grace not to humiliate her but everyone else wanted to crawl into a hole out it again contractor to the entire building including gossiping about all the intimate details of their planned adoption people didn't know she wasn't supposed to be sharing the info and bought baby gifts the adoption fell through after the baby was born and the contractor had to deal with returning them and finding out he'd been outed in the process she didn't see how she'd done anything wrong developed an obsession over an employee who lost some company property when he fell asleep at a girl's house instead of working she appointed herself to track down the alleged thief online by illegally accessing databases we were only allowed to use for specific work reasons employee was fired for multiple reasons including all the women who kept calling his company so looking for a booty call and she continued to defend him and his innocence told black jokes to a summer intern and didn't see why she'd done anything wrong or why the intern quit one day she came into work with a huge hickey on her neck and didn't know until our supervisor asked her to cover it up she called her lay of the week from her desk phone and yelled at him loudly insisting this never would have happened if he'd kept his teeth in one day she came into work with a huge hickey on her neck and didn't know until our supervisor asked her to cover it up she called her layer of the week from her desk phone and yelled at him loudly insisting this never would happen if he'd kept his teeth in that is worth the read right there you know those compressed air canisters you get for cleaning keyboards we had a few of those lying around the office one day the office clown thought it would be a genius idea to take a lighter to one not entirely sure what went through his head when he sprayed it through a lighter in a bay full of desks and colleagues fortunately nobody was hurt he however was suspended on the spot and ultimately sacked you know those protein shakers it left uncleaned for some time it stinks like 15-year old farts and rotten eggs if you open it up inside an office landscape our cleaning lady did not know that and we had to evacuate two floors of the building a little over a year ago we had a lockdown after some guy assaulted a cop and barricaded himself in a trailer across the street from my office we spent the afternoon watching out the window as the SWAT team showed up and started setting off flash bangs one of my co-workers pointed out there was a guy with a sniper rifle trained like the trailer which just happened to be directly between him and my office window by far the most exciting work day I've had after a couple hours we heard a knock at the front door and thinking it might be the police the receptionist answered it nope it was Bob who's the head of manufacturing in our warehouse across the street like literally two buildings from where the guy was holed up he was in high spirits just wanted to see what we were up to we asked him if the police let him over because at this point there had blocked off the whole road between us and the action he just shrugged them said I didn't ask them after hanging out a bit he nonchalantly walked out the door and across the street again they eventually got the guy and nobody was seriously hurt we used to have two office dogs two fattest dopey golden retrievers they were kept in a dog yard with a huge kennel right outside the office back door but sometimes the dogs got into the office and ran amok excitedly through the entire office for some reason though the dogs were clingy on walks they wouldn't venture too far away from us even off the leash the sight off so many awesome new friends in a small space made them forget all the rules and they would sprint away from any attempts to catch them inside the office it was always catastrophic some of my colleagues are terrified of dogs and they would run screaming from their desks and the Goldie's tail swept anything dog level off to the floor a few times they got so excited they peeled and shat on the carpeted floor and caused the office to stink to high heaven one day the ceiling in the engineering office caved in it's a manufacturing plant though so instead of sending us home they told us to put on our hard hats dust off computers and keep working I work in a small company 20 or so people one day I realised that I was the most senior person who was in work that day which meant for the first time I was the boss I dispatched one of the junior team members to go and fetch cakes she fetched cakes for everyone the power at lunch time I decreed that we were all going to the pub and the beers were on me or rather my company AMEX card I honestly honestly indented to spend about 90 minutes at the pub and then come back to the office for the afternoon however we stayed in the pub until it kicked us out at midnight our company has a simple rule on drinking on school nights you turn up to work the next day or there's trouble so even though everyone was super hungover they all dragged themselves into the office while I was getting my butt kicked by the MD so many people were throwing up at once that they had to use the toilets on the other floors of the building it was a freaking good night out though : d I do not think you are management material but I could be wrong I had a guy who works for me put a random sound generator in my boss's office whenever things are getting tense I get it turned on for a few hours sometimes when I am away on vacation sometimes I switch it on when the Installer is away it's been going on for about 18 months now I like the children giggling noise best good times if I work for a car dealership so it's a little different from the typical office but most of our days are pretty similar to an office job so here goes but Story one we had this salesman named Dave older guy seemed really nice and everyone liked him but none of us really trusted him for some reason one day he randomly walked up to the manager and said he had to go to a doctor's appointment he's sorry for the short notice but mixed up the dates on his calendar he was a reliable employee so the boss let him go ten minutes later a state trooper walked in accompanied by a bounty hunter carrying a full set of shackles the ones with handcuffs and leg irons and a chain connecting the two they asked for Dave we told them he said he was going to the doctor's office and no we didn't know where that was they took off looking for him now when Dave left he was driving one of the used cars off the lot we were wondering if we'd ever get the car back sure enough three days later we got a call they'd found our car abandoned with the keys in the ignition in a mall parking lot 200 miles away undamaged we never did hear from Dave again nor find out why they were after him googling his name brings up nothing so we're assuming he was using a false identity story to sitting at my desk one day and I smelled crap that wasn't an uncommon occurrence as many of our salespeople didn't have the best diet and sometimes would crop dust the showroom as they walked through the crap smell got a bit more intense and I thought wow someone really went to town on the Taco Bell last night I got up from my desk and walk to the other side of a car parked in the showroom and noticed a trail of brown spots on the floor across the showroom spaced out the same distances footsteps so my thought then was that some farmer had come in we were close to a pretty country area and tracked mud all through the building also not an uncommon occurrence it was only then that I put two and two together it was not a trail of mud and some nasty farts it was a trail of crap all the way across the length of the showroom and down the hall to the bathroom turns out some guy in our service waiting room crap himself and then walked to the bathroom with the crap dropping out his pant legs every time he took a step our manager went into the restroom to see if he was all right and said it looked like a chocker cake exploded crap everywhere all over the floor on the walls you name it our manager was a good guy and tried to keep things as polite as possible in a situation like this people with a guy's car out of the shop put plastic on the seats and floor and parked in right at the door next to the bathrooms then quickly ushered the guy out and into his car so he could go home and clean himself up not an office but a couple of years back my dad and some other guys played a joke on a guy at the plant we work at they started adding gas to this guy's new truck everyday to make it look like he was getting great gas mileage the guy was bragging and like yeah man my gas mileage is like 80 miles per gallon and I have no idea how they took it further and added like a random piece of metal to this guy's engine with a label that said experimental gas saver or something on it they looked under the hood and were like whoa man you got one of those that's so cool then after about three six months they stopped siphoning gas out to make his mileage drop guy freaked out because his gas mileage was like five miles per gallon so he took it to the dealership and raised a heck saying I want this experimental gas saver taken off right now poor salesman had to tell him somebody was pulling his leg at work apparently the guy was soapy he wouldn't talk to anyone at work for a couple of months at my old job we had a tradition of pranks on people who took vacations nothing major one guy we gave him a program that anybody in the office could remotely open closed his CD drive one guy we replaced his monitor with literally a 7-inch monitor it worked perfectly little things like that this one guy was already a little bit on the paranoid side so the prank on him was absolutely nothing he spent his first week back going through all of the software on his PC looking for what we did he spent the second week back going through his desk drawers the chair the desk looking for what we did once we realized he was still going on we would see him start to giggle and say things oh man when you find it it's gonna be great it was over a month before we finally let him in on the joke the general manager of my old company decided to fire her assistant our Director of Finance cut the severance checks and sent them out to the GM for signature somehow they got delivered to the wrong person and ended up at the assistance desk he walks down to finance director jokingly asking what's this am I getting fired or something cringe at my current job a girl found a dead Roach animal under her desk we contacted the office manager who put down traps over the weekend a crazy animal rights activist type co-worker came in and threw out all the traps then sent out an email about how the roaches had feelings and rights to while I was working as an intern for my current company myself and another intern decided to play a prank on a co-worker who went on vacation for a week we decided to hide both of his monitors someplace in our office and created a scavenger hunt he needed to complete in order to find them it took about two hours to come up with about ten rhyming riddles that took him to the next clue in the office since this guy will always be at the office about an hour before anyone else we decided to set up a webcam to watch his reaction when he finally got back the plan worked perfectly except for the fact that he had to come back from vacation a day early because some program he wrote wasn't working and he was the only person who was able to fix it to say he was mad when he got to the office to find he had no monitors was an understatement throughout the whole webcam you could hear him walking from clue to clue just yelling and swearing needless to say we took a break from pranking for a little while after that if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music]
Channel: Updoot
Views: 119,919
Rating: 4.8763494 out of 5
Keywords: work stories, office story, office stories, office love stories, office horror stories, office affairs stories, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: lgFrj4NH4PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 53sec (2333 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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