Students Who Witnessed a Teacher Have a Mental Breakdown in Class, What's the Story?

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students of reddit what was the reason for why one of your teachers had a breakdown during class i wrote a paper about a difficult life experience i had growing up and it made her sob i just wrote about my sister on the day she died and how i felt the few months after that when my mom came in for a talk about my grades they talked about loss and cried for a while i can tell you i felt very awkward in that classroom after that we were supposed to write about something personal and bad because of how brains work we tend to remember more details for bad stuff and we were being asked to write very descriptively i didn't write something personal enough by a long shot next paper got an a and sent to the counselor for maybe being suicidal oops couple of students were arguing across the classroom one of them thought he'd be clever and tell the other to go and hang yourself teacher ran out of the room crying came back in five minutes later screaming at him that her dad had hung himself called him a horrible boy etc she freaking quit like that week everyone kind of jumped him after class perhaps a bit far but i think somewhat deserved okay clearly jumped was the wrong choice of words here as a lot of you seem to think he got beat up he didn't get beaten up he got surrounded by a group of guys his age mostly friends of his and got verbally berated for being a little crap and upsetting the teacher like that he took a punch to the arm or two maybe a kick to the calf but it wasn't anything serious it was unmistakably the moment that his peers told him that he was out of line nobody attacked him i mean i'm not gonna say he deserved it but i understand why wasn't a teacher but we had a toothless bus driver kids were freaking with him so he drive the bus back to school when he left the bus someone wedged the trash can in the door so it couldn't open a toothless man eventually got back in the bus and was screaming etc i felt sorry for him sorry dewey seventh grade my teacher had suffered a tragic infant loss at birth she was delivering her first baby several failed rounds of ivf and three miscarriages now finally a baby boy she was so excited she got pregnant at the beginning of the school year so she could have her maternity leave over summer break perfect perfect she went into early labor six weeks early baby boy is born limp and blue cord around the neck apgar basically at zero he is revived only to die on pneumonia three days old they never got to hold him while he lived because of multiple treatments and surgeries in the illness and her recovery from emergency c-section she comes back from break and it's obvious she's still very very much affected not her usual self at all not to be unexpected due to her tragic loss this one kid forrest is being an absolute jerk making annoying noises throwing things running commentary teacher asks him nicely to settle down three times he persists finally she loses a temper and tells at him to sit down and crap up or be written up forrest responds with maybe if you weren't such a bee your baby won't have died must suck to know you're such an awful person your own infant killed itself to escape you teacher goes blank and starts shaking she just broke down these horrible harsh sobs you could practically see her agony as those tears flowed and her body racked so hard i thought she might break in half she went to the office and we had a sub for the rest of the semester teacher ended taking the entire year off to recover and then transferred to a new district and forest remains in butthole to this day but now he is a police officer so in butthole with power and a gun great if this happened in my old school he would have been jumped one time my professor came in reali freaking high like eyes red laughing all the time and all he was going through a divorce we all loved the guy because he treats us with respect and genuinely loves to teach so we didn't care and just let him be my i.t teacher spent 15 minutes trying to figure out how to turn the volume up for a video an i.t teacher mind you someone who teaches in technology didn't know how to turn the volume up when she finally figured it out the whole class applauded and she broke down and left the room admittedly this makes her students look bad but she was an awful teacher who clearly had no clue about anything in the subject we didn't like her so we let her figure it out herself my social studies teacher back in middle school he was new taking over for another teacher who mysteriously retired halfway through the year the kids just went nuts with acting out for whatever reason and during one class everyone was being so unruly that he looked like he was going to snap he had no control he left for a minute to cool down and came back to find that a bunch of idiots were now sitting upside down in the chairs and snap he did the worst part in rage he tried throwing something as hard as he could at the wall unfortunately all he had in his hand currently was a tissue despite all the force of his crazed pitch the tissue just kinda flattered for about a foot i will never forget the look of impotent rage that swallowed up his face i think that was when he left the room of course he stuck it out and become one of the best and most influential teachers of my life so it all turned out okay in elementary school i had a classmate who ate paper one day he ate all the answer keys for our upcoming tests the teacher started yelling then crying she left the room and the school for the remainder of the school year went to an all girl's private school and the biggest b scratched her laptop and wanted a new one so she threw her current one down a set of stairs during class my classroom had a door open and the teacher was the best but very stern she got to the hallway to check out the commotion and lost her absolute mind on this girl who absolutely needed it another teacher heard the yelling came over and my teacher came back into class to a room full of terrified and confused students because we had all remained in our seats carried on class like normal after that i was at a nhs and heard more teacher gossip than most but kept it to myself short version a teacher was pregnant by her husband who had died of a heart attack during the conception obviously this fricked with mrs v quite a bit and no teacher brought it up nor did i somehow summershat in her class found out and when i was tearing in the room next door and heard sobbing in the hall i signaled mr h that i would check it out it was mrs v she was a goddamned wreck and all i could do was hug her while she babbled out something about a chad in her room that had said she'd gotten knocked up somewhere else and killed her husband to cover it up what the frick i went into the next room and proceeded to berate this freshman before sending him to the office calling the principal before he got there as a day i really didn't have much pull but i was so freaking furious that our crappy principal actually listened the chad was suspended for 10 days and moved to another class with the warning that one more word about mrs v would cement an explosion i had another student continue the lesson they were all kinda shell-shocked by what had just happened followed by my vicious profanity-laden tirade enough to stay quiet while i went back out and let a teacher cry on a 17-year-old girl until help arrived by way of every female teacher that could come and help her she went on leave after that for i think a couple months lots of therapy according to the teachers that knew i didn't spread their gossip thankfully she returned and later on gave birth to a healthy boy whom she named for her husband the chad expelled before she even got back mr h my teacher overheard him running his mouth the first day he was back frick that freaking butthole into the bowels of heck for what he did to mrs v and yes when she returned she thanked me with some embarrassment and presented me with mcdonald's for lunch i'm so glad she came back amazing teacher i also receive a very laid-back verbal warning for my use of extensive foul language but it was clearly a joke the principal didn't even like me much but couldn't keep the smile off her face before saying she would have done the same it reminded me that we're in nc not yankee land where i was born they also turned a blind eye to my smoke breaks after that until i graduated that year they'd only just banned it but didn't fuss too much as long as you kept it on the dl back in kindergarten it was a while ago our kindergarten teacher starting crying and yelling at us because we wouldn't behave she was always a dysfunctional teacher but she got really angry in second grade our teacher got so angry at one kid for making noise that she picked him up by his collar in sixth grade our teacher got really upset because there was so much drama between us that there were legit planned fights i went to a private catholic school mrs bradshaw who was a terrible teacher and should have been forced to retire before the truman administration came into class and put on an impromptu one-woman play about why students should donate to the united way charity fund that was running this included it wasn't limited to her throwing a shawl over her head and putting on a really sectarian accent to be a foreign child getting their first set of crayons we all laughed and snickered at her and she threw a fit that lasted the whole class period a few weeks later she said something to me and i talked back i don't remember what when she turned around and fastballed a ruler at my face i ducked out of the way and the kid behind me took it in the eye he was wearing glasses high school earth and space science teacher lost her cool completely taking a week off after someone called her olive oil to her face she looked exactly like her short class teacher had a really bad vietnam flashback and ended up flipping over his desk turned out a student put an acid tab in the guy's coffee during first or second period and it kicked in around third or fourth the student was never caught out and the teacher took the rest of the year off too bad too really nice guy holy crap dosing a guy with ptsd wow what a freaking horrible thing to do he probably thought charlie was crawling out of the walls not my teacher but had a class in room attached to hers she was given an entire load of level 1 classes basically the complete and total fuck-ups who would be dropped out in prison pregnant etc before they hit 16 keep in mind that this was middle school those kids smelled blood in the water and it was merciless parents didn't care principals sitting in class suspensions and detentions did nothing just merciless she snapped like institutionalized snapped her contract was not renewed i have a lot more respect for teachers now than i used to i mean i wasn't even a bratty kid but i still could have been better my senior year of high school i took an ap psychology class was one of the best teachers in the school this teacher had been there for like ever and everyone liked her and never thought that she would retire her whole classroom was covered in ducks like rubber ducks duck decals holiday ducks light up ducks and more ducks i had her the last period of the day so we always had some laughs we found out about halfway through the year that she was in fact going to retire during the last week of school she showed us a video that explained the ducks and why they were important now she has watched this video a million times but this time was different we were the last class to watch it with her and at the end she just sat there for a second and then started crying she loved teaching she loved teaching psych especially and she loved the connections that she made with her students and it all hit her in that last class that this was the end of her teaching career she wiped off the chairs and gave us all little graduation ducks that had all had a cap and gown on and she told us that we could all choose our favorite duck from around the room and take it with us i still have my purple duck from her and it goes everywhere with me my grad duck is always in my backpack she really made an impact on all of her students and we all will be her ducklings forever they were shooting spit balls straight in her hair when she wasn't looking at us one hit harder she brushed her hair grabbed and looked at it and freaked out left the class by slamming the door one of my friends had a seizure in math class in middle school on the second day of class and the teacher screamed and ran out of the room someone put a pillow under his head and someone else called the office they found the teacher hiding in the bathroom my friend group 20 of the math class requested to be transferred to a different class because we didn't feel safe with that teacher in case of a medical emergency just to try and make her feel bad one of my biology teachers her daughter had just delivered a mutated stillborn the one with the fused toes fingers etc or whatever because the universe is crappy sometimes it happened to be during the unit where we covered reproduction and genetic mutations she was in the middle of explaining a chromosomal abnormality when she looked down at the floor and started balling after graduating i heard her son was killed in a fire while he was at college while visiting some old teachers i stopped by her classroom she always had the most confident slightly loud demeanor but had become demure and fairly quiet she also stopped dying her hair black and let it go completely gray she looked completely broken after speaking with a friend's sibling he said something like yeah in the middle of a lesson she'll sometimes go to her office and shut the door he also said she had become a total pushover she used to be a notoriously hard but b in the good way though it was like a sustained breakdown until she finally retired early a friend of mine who'd received the death in her class said what goes around comes around i stopped speaking to him during my freshman year the culinary teacher went on leave while she had a baby we made a pact to not talk at all for the whole time we were there we had a little radio that we played music on while we worked and we only played country roads this was before it was a meme after a few weeks of this we all got pretty tired of it but decided to stick it out one day the sub was explaining the recipe for us and she just started begging us to say something we all kinda just looked at each other as she started crying and none of us knew what to do she walked out and didn't come back we all felt super bad i still do long term substitute teacher was in playboy student brought in the magazine and asked her to sign it she left crying and we never heard about her again he had them at least two lessons do americans call them lessons i'm not a native speaker sorry a week which was believe it or not the amount of lessons we had with him he was pretty mentally unstable to begin with but it got much worse at the end of our last year in the school anyway the dude would literally yell his lungs out at something as trivial as getting up from a seat too slowly or being late and i don't mean raising his voice i mean freaking screaming like the world was about to end he had a big hole at his desk which was the result of him repeatedly slamming his fist at it throughout the years found out he had lung cancer earlier tortoise general chemistry in our freshman year brought a bottle of wine to the lecture to explain some chemistry fundamentals he recovered a few years after is back at it as a professor and walks around with one lung and a third extra students kept disrupting class being obnoxious and making fun of her to her face she was one of the good teachers to unfortunately had been the majority of her life a student in my high school was stabbed and killed this happened near a park in the middle of the day there were 20 plus people around and it was recorded on phones and put on social media my health teacher was devastated i'm not sure if he was ever personally her student it was a large school but she told us about how it felt to see her students in the crowd doing nothing as this kid died i taught kindergarten last year and i had to hold myself back one day from just telling a kid to shut the heck up i got to shut and turned it into shut your mouth please that class put me on blood pressure meds a super sweet naive girl in my 10th grade world history class heard the word dldo and had no idea what it meant so she asked our teacher who screamed at us for being dirty birdies for five minutes before turning the lights out and putting her head down on her desk for the remaining forty this is sounds like the reaction of a serial killer's mom in seventh to ninth grade my class had this one student who was the most unruly little b you could possibly imagine she had this one friend who tried to impress her by being just like her the former one particularly enjoyed be off our physics teacher and of course a friend followed suit our titches classroom breakdowns because of them was a weekly occurrence as he was trying to teach they kept talking loudly with each other on the phone and generally just being disruptive to the class our teacher told them multiple times to stop and they generally kept refusing not always sometimes their parents were contacted and they got better for a while but they inevitably returned to their disruptive behavior i remember this one time during class when our teacher finally asked them to leave the classroom entirely with several of their fellow students including myself agreeing with him and telling them to leave but of course they kept refusing to do anything they were told i remember looking into our teacher's eyes and seeing his need to physically force them out of the classroom but of course he couldn't do that so he didn't and instead cancelled class early shortly after that our teacher had a complete mental breakdown and had to take a month or two of sick leave in order to get back to his normal self solely because of this one little crap and her cohort i know the ringleader must have had some problems in her life because behavior like this doesn't just happen i don't remember what became of her but i know her friend eventually changed and actually became a really nice person 11th grade french class our school had been slowly and methodically altering the school dress code over the past year as girls were wearing revealing clothing that was distracting to other students we're talking about spaghetti strap tank tops short shorts and short skirts this was the early 2000s so there were rumblings among the student body about how this was unfair and gender-based for the most part the dress code was barely enforced as even the administrators knew that sitting in a classroom without air conditioning during a 95 degree heat wave made wearing tank tops understandable despite burgeoning boobies developing beneath such a thin layer of fabric my 11th grade french teacher disagreed every single girl who walked into her classroom with shoulders bed was sent to the principal's office every single one after three four days straight with a handful of girls being sent out of her room each period a small but defiant group planned on seeking revenge there was a 12th grade football player who in addition to being a total freaking dreamboat was a really funny guy he walked into my french class that day wearing a very tight spaghetti strap tank top and mini skirt and announced me's french teacher i have a question swaying his hips back and forth she went bright red began screaming at the top of her lungs for him to leave her classroom while waving a spiral notebook in front of her as if to shoo him away we were all in shock trying not to laugh once he was out of the room with the door locked she then sat back down at her desk and cried b hated tank tops yo once in high school 9th grade history teacher we just didn't listen to him we were downright disrespectful and looking back i feel guilty for being such a crap head we'd all get to class late and speak over him trying to teach the lesson sometimes we listened because tests eventually come around and some of us want to pass but most of the time we were total jackasses until one day he erupted after that day we never saw him again and we got a new teacher we treated him with the utmost respect new teacher about two years after graduation went to jail after someone set him up on craigslist chris hansen's style once in middle school my class made the dance teacher cry because we refused to pay attention that day usually we were good a little loud but good idky this day we were particularly rowdy she just broke down into tears because she didn't understand why we wouldn't listen and started crying about why we didn't like her and how she tried so hard to make us listen we straightened up after that because she was really really sweet with us all the time and really believed in us in high school my sophomore year math teacher had a breakdown during class because of the students she was a kind woman in her early 40s and was not conventionally pretty students disrespected her constantly whether it be complaining about homework or what group they were put in one day she just snapped back and started crying and the other kids just laughed at her the next year i became her teacher's aide and helped her great papers and such during that period despite how students treated her then and still she was one of the nicest teachers i'd ever had just a very gentle spirit despite supposedly being the gifted and talented class we constantly went back and forth with the teacher and usually a joking clap-back atmosphere one day she decided she didn't like that and just started yelling i don't need this job my husband is a doctor at johns hopkins and then didn't come back for a while in eighth grade my homeroom class dealt with a real social suck-up psychopathic science teacher who treated the kids with parents who had a name in town like gold and those who didn't like trash however the students she treated like gold saw right through her and hated her just the same with two weeks left in the school year we all put money in together to get her a gift the student who she treated as her favorite came up with the idea he presented it to her and sat at his desk the teacher had her big fake smile on and when thanking the class before opening the present she only made eye contact with her favorites shunning the rest we were used to it she opened the present to find a two one stroke two by one feet milk bone type dog bone her smile left and her face turned bright red she started shaking and then went off on a screaming tantrum calling us all profanities a couple of teachers came to the door wondering what was going on as soon as one knocked and started opening the door she flips quickly to crying she holds up the dog biscuit and asks yells the class threw crocodile tears whose idea was this and why would you do such a thing in front of the other teachers now in the room her favorite student answered it's from all of us to the dog who treated most of us like dogs you're welcome i had a great chorus teacher all the kids loved him he would lose it sometimes if we were prepping for something important and kids kept talking while he was talking or teaching one section a particular part in particular i remember him throwing one of those plastic chairs with metal legs into the wall he also carried a wooden hiking stick he would use as a metronome and i'm pretty sure he sent that flying at least a couple times good nature dude 99 of the time i couldn't imagine managing classes of 50 plus high schoolers at a time without losing it from time to time holy crap i thought i might have gone to high school with you up until the part about the walking stick i too had a choir teacher hurled chairs around the room as near students if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 33,759
Rating: 4.9255815 out of 5
Keywords: school, school stories, teachers, teacher, learning, education, breakdown, college, high school, teacher breakdown, crazy, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: cY_HU_wXr7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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