How Did You Get Away With Living A Double Life?

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people are in debt who have lived a double life how did you get there and what happened I have a name that's unpronounceable to most Americans in al M Terry school instead of listening to them mangle my name I decided to choose a random English name to go by while in the States quite a lot of foreigners do this a year came and went and now I was in a new class with new teachers and new classmates I decided on a whim to choose a different name to go by that year I've been doing it every time I'm in a new social circle since then I can tell when and where I met someone by what they call me I'm English it have spent much of my youth in the US and live here now with a green card when I worked retail I adopted an American accent because it's more efficient than having to explain to everyone that I'm English and moved here when I was 14 ATC etc it was just more efficient this continued into office jobs until we were in a meeting with some English clients who spoke first I immediately went English by boss looks at me for second stops the meeting and says are you having a stroke then I had to explain and we wasted half an hour sigh about 14 years ago after I just graduated college I got a job teaching at a middle school but I was still teaching nights at an goth industrial nightclub teacher by day rivet head DJ by night that's about as double life as I have ever been it didn't last though I was having a hard time staying alert and awake at school so I gave up the teaching plot-twist my buddies Jim and Max and I went out on this epic bike trip 1,500 miles around VT and maintenance staff we're at a bar in Burlington and my buddy Jim becomes the Canadian he came up with it a month prior he pretends he's from Montreal and only speaks French but he has enough broken English to get by so he'll chained together nonsense and tiny phrases in a french-canadian accent kids love it anyways we are at a bar and Jim is bumbling out I am from Canada Montreal Quebec and a french-canadian turns around at the table next to us you are from Montreal buzu speaks several French sentences it was incredibly funny watching him fess up the actual Canadian was legitimately confused for a beat because his English wasn't so good we actually ended up drinking with that Canadian Doodle Knight not me my father during the Great Depression my grandfather was injured that his job and couldn't work for a year to keep the family going my then twelve-year-old father and his older brother dropped out of school and ran change raising scams on shopkeepers in Cleveland Ohio for money pretty much as the family's only income my grandparents knew about it didn't approve it didn't stop them either it's just what kept food on the table in tough times after a year grandpa went back to work and my dad and uncle went back to school and to just being regular kids again the change raising is a generic term for several variations for scamming a cashier while they are giving you your change from whatever purchase you just made they are all various cover stories for getting the cashier to combine several change giving transactions at the same time and the cashier ultimately ends up giving you too much change field purchase the scammer ends up with both the item and some extra cash when it's done well the cashier won't even know it happened my father taught me how to do several variations of it including one that is still probably not well known he showed it to me with me as the cashier and even knowing it was going to happen he still had to slow down and explain to me where the mistake occurs with the right person doing it it's slick I lived a seemingly normal life in Florida I traveled a lot for work so it wasn't uncommon for meeting up and vanish for a few days at a time what no one knew was that I was actually delivering several bales of some very potent marijuana up to Philadelphia d.c Baltimore NY etc I did it once on a whim and got addicted to the Russian the money over the span of three one stroke two years I made 27 round trips and never once dealt with a cop I drove a nondescript Chevy Cavalier that I put patriotic bumper stickers on kept my hair short and face shaved wore polo shirts and Dockers and never ever exceeded the speed limit I looked like the thousands of other young professionals headed to work or a meeting or something so I never gave cops a reason to profile me I was the last kind of person they were looking to pull over I'd go to the arranged meeting place receive a brown paper bag with cash in it then leave my car unlocked and go grab a burger or just walk around Walmart for an hour or so when I'd come back the bails and the people who took them were long gone since I couldn't keep depositing large amount of cash in my bank I'd have thousands of dollars in fake soup cans in my pantry and in my sock drawer since no one knew how much I made from my legitimate job I was able to spend freely and had every game console and movie I wanted I only quit when I met the woman I eventually married and couldn't keep up the ruse of just heading out of town on a moment's notice it took some time getting used to being frugal again and not eating steak for dinner three times a week only two people know what I used to do but I'm not worried about them talking one has been charged with perjury before so his word isn't worth crap to the authorities and I have so much dirt and proof of it on the other I could get him sent to prison for a long time and he knows it TL DR I used to smuggle pot from Florida to the northeast under the guise of going out of town for work never ever exceeded the speed limit I could never figure out drug runners that got caught by speeding you know you got a car full of drugs do the speed limit in high school I was the quiet nerdy guy glasses shaggy hair always had a book in my hands and then I went home I will change clothes put in contacts grab my equipment and was by night one of the major players in the deejay scene where I lived it was at the point I would run into people from school and they wouldn't recognize me both were my real life and both were who I really loved to be each and their respective venues I failed out of college at 18 went back at 22 one semster short of graduating and I fail out again don't really want to tell my friends and family eyes crude the pooch twice so I continued my last semester as though everything was great even can since my parents that walking the line was stupid and would take five hours to complete they bought it so now that I have my degree I begin searching for jobs like any normal college graduates applying for jobs and really can't put down on applications that I have a degree because well I don't this entire time from my second fail out all I do everyday is try and keep up with the lies and stories I've talked to all the curious family and friends I finally have to make up a job that I'm going to every morning because why shouldn't a smart hardworking college-educated young man not have a job right eventually it all came falling down on me and the truth was revealed about my web of lies and deceit other than losing the trust of those closest to me the weight of the world was lifted from my mind as I was able to go back to living one honest life and not two lives of Lies to sorry for not being very interesting it's the closest thing I have I work in midtown Manhattan for a luxury fashion company I am homeless I shower at the gym and then go back to the office and sleep only the cleaning lady knows I am there so late the security guards think I am a workaholic I make okay money but I don't have a home it was difficult finding a job during my first year of college so I decided to put my skills as a magician to work by day I was your average Joe I hung out with my friends went to class and went home pretty normal life but by night I was a card mechanic I would go to card games under an alias I would never let them see my car know where I lived even till then my age I second dealt bottom dealt and false shuffled my way to quite a few thousand dollars until one night I messed up I was my turn to deal and the pot was just under $4,000 that night I was supposed to lose you see you can't win every time or people would get suspicious so I told myself that I would lose that night just as I have many times before but greed got the best of me I flashed the card at the bottom of the deck I dealt the river in the guide to my left saw it the four guys I was playing with took me to the back and beat the crap out of me one of the guys suggested getting a hammer to break my hand two of them left to go find one leaving me alone with the other two I don't know how that I managed to fight them with my last bit of strength and I got away with only a few bruises and shattered dignity I haven't cheated since in the end the total of my winnings or thefts if you'd rather be honest was about five thousand five hundred enough for my first year would I do it again probably not but dang was it fun my double life got pretty deep it started in high school where I got bad grades so I started to scan my report cards and change the grades on them we had to make our parents sign them so I showed the fake report cards and forged my dad's signature on the real ones so my parents thought I had good grades while in reality I sucked then I got to college wasn't able to enter in a good program because of my crappy grades so I lied again told my parents I got in an excellent program while in reality I got in a pretty crappy one the college ended and I had to continue with the lie told my parents I got a job in the supposed field I was studying in well in reality I ended up in a crappy job the bad thing about that is that I don't even feel bad or guilty I just hope that crap won't hit the fan one day and that I land in a great position in my current field so thst everything fix itself TL DR lied to my family about my grades and current career by day cheerful and sweet science teacher by night kinky erotic fiction writer off such worksafe topics as BDSM fisting and pegging hey I know it's not having a whole other family or anything but I'd be screwed if work found out in high school I was a really hard-working student who would always try his best to get an A and be nice to other people well in college all of that changed I was tired of being a nice guy and tired of spending all of my time reading and studying I wanted to be someone to walk down the street and people yelling and inside joke to me which I respond to with another witty comment to make them all laugh I was going to an out-of-state College so I knew no one would recognize me towards the end of my senior year I took some improv classes and joined comedy clubs at my school to try to be a funnier and more outgoing guy it turned from me studying English match e.t.c to me studying comedy and testing myself to be more outgoing my first day of class I was extremely nervous but tried to just keep cool I really didn't say much but at the end of class went outside and kind of joked around for a couple of minutes with some of the people they laughed a bit and it was pretty fun although it was still really nothing I felt accomplished my behavior like this continued all throughout college getting invited to parties having one-night stands and just being that fun kind of guy though the partying got bad I was non-stop missing classes and my grades really fell because of it but by my junior year I reached rock bottom and failed every single one of my classes though somehow I was in a way oblivious to what was going on somehow I just didn't care what I worked so hard to achieve and just let all my accomplishments become nothing I was no longer an A student I turned into drug addict alcoholic who would have to text 50 different people each day to see who I could stay with that night I realized this needed to change and slowly it did it was really hard but I soon became my old self again and I am now one semester away from being finished with my degree in law I still see some of my party friends time to time and I am just thankful I realized when I needed to quit and take responsibility I now can be happier because I have an awesome girlfriend a great job and a promising future row good for you for realizing you needed to change good luck not technically a double life but more of a secret past I was raised into the family business which was riddled with crime and violence I never wanted to have be a part of it but didn't really have a choice my father expected me to get a high school diploma or a GERD and then commit myself to the business full-time instead I opted to go to college there was a major falling out where my father and I barely spoke for two years and then and speak at all for the last two years of college though it wasn't exactly a double life I never told my friends or my girlfriend who I planned on proposing to about my past I sold myself as some normal guy but I'd actually done some pretty violent and illegal things by the time I entered college after college I fell back into that same life and fell even deeper into it eventually culminating an addiction after a few years of being clean more or less I left the life again and once again setup with someone without telling her anything about my past we broke up though and I'm once more caught up in this life my best friend's boyfriend is literally a bastard and has two older brothers their father is married to another woman with three more children and they have no idea about his family his dad visits them every so often and gives them money I was 24 and worked at a very large corporate casino with my roommate and a few very close friends I began secretly seeing my 40 year old boss against company policy we dated saw each other for about a year and a half it was awful having to lie to my friends about who I was staying with some nights dating etc for fear of losing our jobs we kept the secret it was so hard I didn't even realize until the relationship was over that I was leading a double life although he was a great guy it was relieving when it ended so I didn't have to lie anymore I've been there and know the excitement stress of keeping everything secret I'm a janitor by trade and no one knows my real name I've pretended to be a dim-witted German named Klaus and and a simple-minded stutter and named ephraim once I tried to convince people I had a twin brother that was a Sherrod that ultimately failed in people saw right through it nice try dr. Janet or I'm a well educated upper middle class person of the female persuasion after college I found myself very broken living in New York City I was not making ends meet with my day job in a very popular cupcake bakery so I decided to get creative through internet sleuthing I found an opening for a professional dominatrix in an S&M Don I applied learn the ropes haha and got the job by day I sold adorable cupcakes by night I beat men up while wearing black latex also made rent in high school I would pretend to be a different person any time I was out with friends I had a different name and accent and a totally different personality I don't mean that my friends didn't know that I was doing it because they did it was a game to then but I had been doing far before I met them I did this from the sixth grade to 12th grade I had a phone app so people could text me if I met them while I was not me there were people who I knew for years who had no idea that I wasn't some Australian kid I pretended to be was a male I am female I am NOT an ugly person at least it doesn't seem that way but I have been called attractive and got a lot of numbers when I was male and have had the same reaction from people when I am myself I have no gender issues I just wanted to be as far away from myself as possible but it turned out I could look like a boy if I wanted in Japan heart surgeon number one steady hand one day you accuse a boss need new heart I do operation but mistake your accuser boss died your cues are very mad I hide in fishing bolt come to America no English no food no money darrel give me job now I have house American car and new woman Darryl save life my big secret I kill your cute Abbas on purpose I good surgeon the best lol I was born into it I was born to a couple of parent imposters who made me work for them do their laundry clean their bathroom kitchen etc give them massages well they hit me verbally berated me and physically shamed me I'd go to school and seem like just another student I was yelled at and criticized by teachers for being apathetic I used to look at the other kids passing by me in the hall and think you are so lucky you don't even know the people who are making my life a living heck exist you're free it was very weird to go to school and feels so different always feel on the outside they get to laugh and have friends to feel safe and I have my secret my secret is I'm treated like human garbage and I don't know why get help go to CPS or your school a hospital police paramedics the people doing this are garbage not you be brave you don't have to live like this I grew up in a Roman Catholic home with a very close-knit family sitting and eating dinner every night talking hours on end about our days friends planks anything while also running a cannabis distribution ring at my peak I had about 15 people working for me having multiple pounds of marijuana in the house at the same time while my parents roamed around completely blind to what I was doing this entire time I had never touched a drug no weed no cigarettes no alcohol I did this from grade 10 until I graduated I had a 95 percent average in sciences and math graduating high school and played on a number of sport teams whose players bought from people who worked for me but they never had any idea my best friends who I'd hang out with every weekend didn't know until I told them after I had gotten out I realized that once I turned 18 I could get into some serious trouble and got out about a month before it I would get an inside scoop on everything because of my affiliations to the sports teams and my administration roles in student council often hearing things about the people who worked for me and what they did whether they flicked up in high school this one is only okay I was an okay student who did a bunch of nerdy stuff I play the French horn I won a pretty significant statewide artistic award I read The Economist I also was a ridiculous alcoholic drug addict who would take trips to Seattle on the weekend to smoke pot drop acid eat ecstasy and snort sea and party with ballerinas I also sold weed mushrooms LSD and ecstasy though mainly just pot whoo-hoo me and my party buddy even got into a high-speed chase with the police among other car related incidents God my party buddy was a bad sidenote I am no longer a drug addict still a high-flyer in every other way depends on what you mean with a double life I for one doesn't consider it a double life but a friend of mine thinks so by day I'm a suit working as an IT administrator by night I'm a heavy BDSM heir the submissive type alpha I like to switch around I remember when one of my BDSM friends came into my office building for a contract she had no idea my work there and saw my name on an office door she knocked on my office after her meeting with our sales Deb and I was quite shocked seeing her there she told me she would never have guessed that I was a suit after all the weird crap she have done to me from myself a more year in high school living in a not so popular town in Texas I was signed with a professional modeling agency in New York City every break I had from school was spent living in a models apartment with different women from around the world and we would all go to castings that the agency sent us to no one a school knew anything up until my junior year when I was published in popular magazines that were distributed across the country at home in school I was nerdy and shy but I was totally confident and outgoing while working as a professional model also by professional model I mean by the fashion industry's standard I have a wife and five year-old child in another country I send money home and speak to my daughter every two weeks I have a significant other and a six-month-old where I currently live you and every Dominican that I know I have a wife and two teenage kids and 200 miles away I have a long-term girlfriend and two toddlers I have a job that pays me more than either know about I support both families but both mothers work and the girlfriend takes care of the medical with those kids my work legitimately has me travel all over the area a lot and I have been balancing this for almost five years I am a POS and I should die additionally I know I am setting my kids up for major trust issues try not to get so worked up about my life or lives as it may be and worry more about your own I will continue to love my kids even if they choose to hate me wish painful death on me one day I will continue to be as good as a father as possible given my situation I will continue to live my life and maybe one day I'll come back whether this is how it ended story well once I get back into my career again ageing parents with health issues ugh I will probably go back to being an engineer by day fire performance circus freak by night whoever said it was a bad thing to run away and join the circus was wrong has no idea how awesome it can be every day I donned my business casual and when I get home I spent my free time working on my choreography costuming and body paint ideas oh and I get to tell people I have a literal license to burn and I get to light myself on fire for public displays of Awesome and in the morning I go back to work saving lives by improving the designs of medical devices TL DR it's never safe to assume that the saturday-night sword swallow whereas the bar doesn't have a much more professional job than you do come Monday my college friends are the only ones who know about my four years run off Si and loose women as far as my friends from home know I'm a drug-free hopeless romantic for a few months from December 2013 until April 2014 I lived a double life it go to my job as a waitress during the day but when I went home I was really going to the local homeless shelter because I had no place to live I was kicked out of where I was living and because of a prior drug habit my family still didn't trust me enough to let me live in their homes so I was homeless I had to get online at 6:30 every day to make sure I got a bed I was basically living with a hundred other homeless people each night it was a weird juxtaposition each day I'd go to work and be a part of normal life then leave and be surrounded by drug addicts the roly's and people just down on their luck but I had to learn to watch my stuff like a hawk and be very careful who are associated with don't get me wrong some homeless are just average people at a bad point in their life but a lot are content to live out life aw heck each day so they can continue doing what they do just happy to say that I am in my own place now and can tell coworkers where I live and not lie not sure if this really counts as a double life but throughout high school I did serious P I'm a male to raise money had a pretty crappy relationship with my parents and eventually moved to online school to balance it out more started out as a webcam show here and there as a frisky 13 year old and practically turned into a business the stuff I did in person raked in some serious cash I quit a year back because if utterly destroyed my self-esteem and I've spiraled in and out of depression and alcoholism since I was 15 19 now but on the other hand I'm a 19 year old who can afford to attend a top 75 college in the US without federal aid or parent Aid and with fairly minimal loans I have really bad depression when I am alone and have constant suicidal thoughts once I am with someone I am outgoing and I make the group of people laugh I really freaking hate it sometimes and I wish I could tell everyone but Frick it I have too much on my plate I just moved out into University starts in a couple weeks and I feel like I have no time to deal with my depression I try and give myself false hopes like hey one day I may get onto the set of got or maybe one day I'll make a groundbreaking film I know it sounds completely stupid but that's honestly how I deal with it life one pretty typical college student classes problem sets going out with friends on the weekends life to total authority over what treatments were allowed for a genetically Erland improperly classified as mentally ill patient at an institute specializing in highly secretive questionably legal experimental medicine who were very interested in doing research on my ward that was one of the most emotionally draining and jayden periods of my life I am drinking a glass of wine and phone dying but I will come back to this one very intriguing for sure I started posting on myspace forums randomly in 2006 when I stumbled upon them I didn't realize at first but only about 200 people used the general discussion forum regular right became close with a lot of them many of them living out of my state and country when everyone left my space and switched to Facebook it was too weird having them on my regular Facebook because it appeared as though I had a lot of made-up accounts that I pretended were my friends because none of them were locals so I had a Facebook just for them since Facebook is terrible with privacy it eventually suggested both of my Facebook stands and they saw I had too which was really weird as well I eventually merged them my lives and people are kind of weirded out when I explained that I have met a bunch of people online from MySpace but they get over it I have met about 20 of them in real life have remained friends with probably 80 of them I have internet dated three of them only actually meeting one of those people in real life someone from the country of Estonia I know it's probably not as interesting as some of the ones on here but it's definitely felt like a double life not me but someone else a science teacher at my school is about 25 28 I heard he's really nice but he has a secret he's a professional DJ em hmm we'd further your science teacher maybe on reddit dun dun dun I have a kid and a fiancee and owned my own home about 70 percent of the time I think I want to be with a guy I fantasize about men imagine being with them et Cie etc and even though I say I am not ashamed to be be the thought of being with a man embarrasses me pretty horrible about 10 years when I was 16 I was dating a girl of Asian descent at the same time I started getting into far-right neo-nazi politics but this ended up going on for about four months and seriously messed me up for a long time afterwards ended up turning to booze and drugs as a way of coping and keeping it a secret from all of those around me ten years later I am ashamed of apt time in my life what is interesting on reflection was my ability to be able to justify living a double life politics have changed to a more centrist view and I love everybody still struggling with the booze and drugs though still keeping that double life well I have three aliases growing up I was poor so I made connections with friends and family who sold drugs and other illegal things they call me a certain name at work I go by my government name and everything is perfectly fine it helps that I deleted Facebook and I can't be looked up on a whim also IFRIC married women I'm a bull in several [ __ ] held relationships where I engage in all sorts of acts that I wouldn't want to be made public I give those couples a name and I save their contracts in my phone under local businesses also when I get drunk and turn up I have an alert he goes someone I can blame my drunk mistakes on I am a relatively normal college student at a top university good job good grades varsity athlete the works I'm also involved in the BDSM lifestyle and as often as I can enjoy getting tied up spanked and flicked by people I've met on the Internet I hope your inbox is ready I didn't pee to save enough money to live off thought while in med school year two off school and I'm still happy with my decision because I saved enough money that I don't need to worry about bills and necessaries if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 58,153
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Keywords: double life, living a double life, living a double life stories, how did you, how to, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: au-C5DO4w-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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