Teachers, What Crazy Things Have Happened In The Staff Lounge?

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teachers of Reddit what is the craziest thing that has happened in the teachers lounge not crazy but just a weird lunchtime story I was hired during my time student teaching to work as a long-term sub for a fellow science teacher going on maternity leave while working I would chat with the new science student teacher during lunch one day he and I are sitting having lunch and he pulls out some string cheese with an X I said oh yeah he's feeling off pieces while we're talking when the bell suddenly rings his eyes go wide as he realizes he is only about 1/3 of the way done with this innocent piece of his childhood he is enjoying he says I can't let the kids see me eating this they'll never let me live it down so he decides to finish it in fast-forward not taking larger strips not biting it like some lame wannabe mozzarella stick but peeling off thin strands super quickly and shoving them into his mouth probably some of the quirkiest behavior I saw during my time there it tastes different if you bite it or take bigger pieces so he made the right choice I was a sub for a few months before I left for the Navy back then I didn't actually need to do anything but take a two day class to be a sub at 50 books a days pretty good you know anyway the craziest thing that happened in the teachers lounge was a principal dressing down a teacher who was adamant about getting more desks in her classroom because half her students and two of her three classes didn't have one the principal told her that if she wanted the desks so bad she should consider stripping instead he was removed some time after turns out he was stealing from the school man you guys are going to be disappointed the teachers lounge is pretty much only used for microwaving lunch be taking a dump see naps for substitutes best part of my student teaching practicum in the teachers lounge during a free period there is this nice little old lady teacher marking papers while I make some coffee nice and quiet you know then all of a sudden she slams her pen on the table and yells you call that a frickin thesis statement also be B&B gossip about student and other teachers I became so disgusted over the behavior that I started hanging out in the janitors room to which I found out became the new topic of gossip in the teachers lounge whatever I was never out of supplies and my room was always spotlessly cleaned and that's what happens in the teachers lounge when I was in high school I had a teacher who did that the way the other teachers talked about students and each other made her sick so she would go to a room where she could just be alone ended up being the boiler room unfortunately the one place they couldn't find her I work in a language school we eat sandwiches and talk about how terrible our students are occasionally we will get into a heated argument about some usage versus actual grammar thing other times we will play some sort off past the time game at celebrities who should have been arch-nemesis was one Clint Eastwood versus Vivienne Westwood clear and nightly versus Tom Daley Stephen Merchant versus Marvin Hagler stuff like that teach isn't exciting people during teacher time my math teacher two years ago was a guy who hated using calculators problems were hard but in the fact that you had to know your crap and didn't even take points off for arithmetic Alerus I like to make my problems simple and easy which is why I married my wife 10 stroke 10 would learn from a game mister L was microwaving some leftover fish for his lunch mr. d comes in and says it stinks in here who would microwave old stinky fish mr. L waits for his fish to finish microwaving then takes it to an empty corner but is too bitter after the encounter to enjoy a single bite of it mine was a bit similar except instead mr. L responded by saying have a - and then he jumped into his bra Burt I was an elementary school teacher in Japan for several years I was once asked by a co-worker what twerking was the school's internet blocks YouTube and most video sites unless you have special permission reason to access it Plus most twerking videos are a bit nsw so video was out of the question even if this had been a professional inquiry I was forced to explain via demonstration I described it in broken Japanese as a Ghibli but dance and then proceeded to give my best approximation of what it might look like I think I did an okay job all the while verbally reiterating that this is usually done in tight pants or a thong in order to emphasize the jib leanness of the butt one of my co-workers tried it out but he was getting it all wrong his twerking looked more like a weird hula dance and I told him so one of the other teachers was like it's more in the hips right and actually did a decent job then a third teacher was like what are you guys doing and we then proceeded to re explain what twerking was in a couple minutes later me and four other teachers and suits were twerking in the teachers room with varying degrees of success not my proudest moment we had a teacher fired for freaking another teacher and she was the hot blonde teacher that you always hoped was doing stuff like that now she works at a Hallmark store and no I don't have pics sorry you can't fire a teacher for freaking another teacher not in California anyway we would be out of teachers I used to work at a special ed public school up in Harlem where most of the kids were extremely emotionally disturbed one day one of the kids threw a textbook out of the window of his third-floor classroom and it landed on a teacher's BMW that was parallel parked in front of the school denting the hood the teacher went ape crap locked himself in the teachers lounge and proceeded to throw break every piece of furniture in the room when he finally came out the chairs were in pieces the table top was laying on the floor and both the microwave and the refrigerator's doors were ripped off some of us helped to clean up and sure enough he had thrown the table legs and the daughter the microwave out the window damaging another teacher's car a guy didn't get punished at all and was seen as a hero to the kids once I was loading our water cooler with a big bottle of water it got away from me and fell but not before hitting the table breaking and totally soaking everything and everyone in the room good times man I had that happen before at an office I worked at except it shattered on the floor honestly it was pretty cool too else's even though it sucked to clean up I am NOT a teacher but thought this story was worth sharing at my old high school two guys brought some muffins to the front desk of the school the people at the office put them in the teachers lounge and a bunch of teachers and other staff members ate them it turns out the muffins had THC in them and the guys did it as a senior prank so that's some teachers lounge hijinks pretty sure that's illegal years ago when I taught at Community College one of our profs was caught frickin a student in the lounge he had previously been caught masturbating in there and was warned turns out he had a tumor which was pressing on some important part of his brain related to inhibition once we learned of his diagnosis it explained a lot like his not being ashamed of being caught and all the bragging he used to do he was back at work after it was removed thankfully it was benign and back to his normal inconspicuous quiet self I'm glad he got the help he needed and that it didn't impact his career last year our principal moved a football table into our teachers lounge after our end-of-the-year party when a bunch of us were helping clean up I challenged our reading coach his son to a match I played like a champion and shut him out he was 10 and he cried so there's that row a while ago one of my colleagues said a student touched her boob between classes I told her to make really sure it was intentional before she reported it because our hallways are packed and accidents happened she ran over grabbed my hand and slammed it onto her rather large breasts does that feel like an accident to you science teachers tend to lurk in their supply closet instead of the lounge it's much better in the closet no drama a whole pot of coffee to yourself and some peace for a few minutes I visited a science colleague in exactly the repose you described I had the distinct impression I was disturbing sacred solitude I student taught at a middle school there was more backstabbing rumors and bullying than among the students it was uncomfortable and shameful so I stopped having lunch there teachers lounge hahahahaha yeah we don't have one of those we do have a grungy dirty basement storage area that leaks and has no windows no chairs either our lunch break is called sister lunch because somehow all the mail teachers and the female teachers all have separate lunches mostly we chat about our kids at home not students and what we are doing for the weekend the only crazy thing was at my other school at the beginning of the year when we didn't have enough comfy chairs we would race each other down the hallway to lay claim then we stole a couch from the student lounge so now everyone is happy so that's where the couch went be I saw another teacher push on the drink machine a little too rough when it ate her money also there is a female who keeps stinking up the men's bathroom every afternoon I know it's a female because I'm the only male on my floor we need to get this nsw quick come on teachers we know you're frisky Bunch admits to the sea orgy parties and give us the details during my internship on thr first day I went into the teacher lunch for lunch the teachers were talking about how drunk they got during the weekend two of them ended up losing their pants during the night and walked home took a cab home at my current school they talked about how they passed out on the lawn during a block party in fact that happened today a social studies persons are rampant alcoholics also lots of discussions about certain students to be fair this is often about why our student is thr way they are you'd be surprised about how many students crave male attention because they don't have a dad or that they were abused as kids or whatever bottom line is we care about students it's our job we don't have to like them but we care about them all we had just finished the first block period and most teachers were grabbing a quick cup of coffee before going back to class we have a caffeinated pot and a decaffeinated pot I think you see where this is going well somebody accidentally replaced the decaffeinated beams with crystal em I normally drink decaffeinated so I was quite wild for my next class which was a lab on dissection frogs that did not go where I thought it was gonna go a few years ago I stayed late to finish high school report cards and the staff room I was bored and needed something to do a few other teachers came in with some of those pink missed phone call message pads on and an idea formed a mildly gullible friend of mine will call her Rochelle at the high school was working with troubled girls who needed credits but the girls were in co-op courses throughout the city nursing homes retirement residences kitchens etc and Rochelle was frequently complaining how difficult it was to keep the girls from being fired from the co-op placements it was very difficult for her to find them sustainable employment so instead of working on my report card comments that night I looked up the number for an escort service called Beth's I wrote a note for my friend to please call Beth about potential co-op placements using my left hand so my friend wouldn't recognize my writing on one of the missed call slips great prank I then forgot all about it and finished those report cards two days later I heard from a friend of a friend on staff that something hilarious had happened to Rochelle apparently she had called Beth asking about co-op placements for the girls a deep male voice had answered the phone saying this is Beth according to the friend who relayed the story friend Rochelle argued with Beth that no she needed to speak to the real Beth about co-op placements Rochelle also shared that she was calling from a high school and that it was important for the girls to have co-op experience and to get credits I guess it was finally poor Beth who put two and two together and told Rochelle that this was a prank and she was calling an escort service apparently Rochelle couldn't believe it seven years later I still never owned up to Rachelle that I did that hey hey this could have gone horribly wrong like you prostituting out high school girls wrong I was a substitute teacher for many schools grades kindergarten through high school I was shocked at how much gossip and crap talking goes on in there it's basically like high school they talk crap about the kids make fun of things that happened in class and talk about how drunk they were over the weekend it was like this in almost every school I subbed for least it was consistent I used to work IT in a school and hung out in the staff room it was actually boring as frig mainly bitching about unruly students or discussing family life I started taking books in there and sitting in the corner reading instead of listening to them I remember going into the teachers lounge when I was in grade school and seeing a calendar for a pool they had going about when another teacher that was pregnant was going to have her baby it's not as crazy as them playing poker or rolling dice in there but it's thought it was interesting how many teachers were participating in this pool since gambling was not allowed at school not a teacher but in middle school I swear I saw a bed in the teachers lounge to this day I have no idea what it was for naps dude we get tired too if you go and during sixth period you can find para pros coming in with empty bowls to go grocery shopping it's really funny after the PTA put on a luncheon for the staff nothing will be left no one says anything because everyone knows they live on $16 K a year higher ed - we often order more food for meetings than we need to make sure staff takes leftovers I taught in a school very near the Colorado border for a few years after they legalized weed one of my co-workers a lady around the age of 60 said she was going to pueblos to visit her son the next thing I knew there were about five middle school teachers throwing wads of cash at this woman and asking her to bring them back the goods she delivered I had been to Colorado the week before so I was all set I was just relishing the newfound information that as significant portion of my co-workers like to get high source family of teachers and I am a youth worker in college for education the most shocking thing about the teachers lounge is that it is almost identical to every other break room on the planet the teachers conversations range from friking to drugs to family and work oriented topics the kicker being that the person in the classroom often will take off the teachers mask when they walk in so sweet little maze Sally who looks and acts like a sin and an angel outside is talking about hitching with a friend of a friend you get a glimpse of it when you meet a teacher outside of the school out in the community the kids I work with 1618 were shocked when they saw me at the grocery store with a 12-pack of beer all I want right now is a man in Derby a high school English teachers FB post that alongside her sharing a guide to using a dong cake mold with some of the weirdest stuff I've seen on any one specific Facebook profile mostly it's just gossip and lots of complaining what wins me out though is this bookshelf that in there it's kind of an informal lending library type of thing anyone can add a book and anyone can take a book the majority of them are trashy romance novels some with titles that really make me wonder when I was a senior in high school I used to go into the teachers lounge on a regular basis for coffee every day I'd raise my hand to go to the bathroom and come back five minutes later with a cup of coffee if asked why I was there I told them I was making a cut for the teacher back when I was in fifth grade I remember walking by the teachers lounge and when the door opened all this smoke came out because all the teacher would run in there to puff on their cigarettes my wife used to be a paraprofessional before going back to school full-time she was very close with the first-grade teacher on the last day of school before Christmas break they were asked to clear out the lounge refrigerator they just took a sharpie and dated everything as the first day back from break no one questioned why all the food went bad on the same day teachers basically don't give a crap the day before vacations another time the second grade teacher who everyone hated was bitching about kids liking shows like jake and the neverland pirates basically she was mad pirates were being glorified even though they were thieves and murderers the principal heard this and made sure to make national talk like a pirate day a big costume day in school because he hated her backtalkin staff meetings two of my fellow teachers and I were discussing the two girls one cup video I had never even heard of it before but the other two people had they just hadn't seen it one had only seen reaction videos of people watching the video and he said based on that it had to be some crazy crap so we watched the video we were all in our 20s while regular conversation happened around us people ate their lunch graded papers etc we had a really cool principal back then he used to break rules and do things like smoke cigarettes in his office all the time so we got away with a lot of stuff back then when he retired the new principal put blocks and filters on all the computers in the school not just the ones for the students when I was working at school I only went to the staff room like twice but the first time I was in there another guy who was working there we were both on expirience and paid w/e you want to call it it went a little bit like this other so kid who was also in our year group got put in a coma the other day me well it doesn't really affect me hopefully he came out of it but he's a bit of a Dom like other yeah true I'm not bothered that much either hopefully he'll get out of it though it can't be nice every other person in there mumbles in agreement we use coat hangers to get snacks out of the vending machine I have flirted with the vending machine guide to score snacks for free no shame funniest saddest moment several of us were in the lounge eating lunch inhaling lunch 20 minute shift it was Friday aka jeans day we had a science teacher who had spent a few years teaching at an American school and the Republic of Nigeria and was wearing a niger football soccer jersey the but Jacque former paid teacher semi-pro football football player principal yes I am generalizing judging et Cie comes in and says in all seriousness mister s you really need to change your shirt that is not appropriate mister s replied because it says Niger a county in Africa the dumb but just grunted and walked out we then lost it many teachers have left that school because of that principal but that's another story one of my teachers in art school told us about the time she was very very pregnant she brought a water balloon into the teachers lounge and convinced the room her water had just broken she said people were shocked and horrified I love that teacher I attended UT Austin where my student teacher mentor insisted that I never hang out in the teachers lounge after returning to UT for our once a week meetings he kept checking to make sure that I didn't hang out in the lounge he reiterated that it was a cesspool of gossip backstabbing etc after graduation I taught advanced high school science classes for fifteen years are two different suburban school districts I would try visiting the teachers lounge in occasion for lunch I learned that my mentor was totally right the most negative of the teachers would eat in there misery loves company it was a total complain and be session constantly the teachers that most students hope they don't get assigned to frequent the teachers lounge most of the cool teachers the ones who still like teaching and were enthusiastic about their students and subjects either ate alone in their rooms or got together in little groups in each other's rooms I could go on and on with stories but you get the idea find a few positive minded teachers and hang with them at lunch you'll have a much better afternoon PS you do have to venture to the lounge your workroom if you want a soda or snack teacher's lounge is the best part of the day it's free therapy sessions with my colleagues I love where I work my colleagues are hilarious and they keep me grounded yes we do talk about students but it's usually telling about an awesome kid or asking about a troubled student mostly it's sharing our own life stories with each other via juggling work and kids or thoughts and hot flashes of course there is complaining but that's with every job I was diagnosed with cancer last year and missed half the year those teachers supported me emotionally and financially they still cook for me take me to chemo and even built me a nursery for my newborn I cry sometimes because I miss my teacher lounge buddies so much I'm not a teacher but once in elementary school my dad was running late for a PTA meeting past the teachers lounge smelled smoke instincts kicked in so he kicked down the teachers lounge door to find the microwave was engulfed in flames and put out the fire turns out my teacher was making oval popcorn and accidentally set the microwave for 5000 instead of five o'clock mins and then forgot about it I work in a very dysfunctional program where our two or three strong personalities keep everyone on edge and really defensive some of the ego trips these people go on is ridiculous and episodes of absolute continious are astounding when I first started working there we had a brainstorming session of what topics we could cover for a new class this is an ESL department in my ignorance I thought that this was an environment where we could openly share ideas and discuss her without ridicule so I open my mouth and make an innocuous suggestion only to get basically called an idiot and undermined by one of those teachers I didn't like using this word often but she's such a frickin see my wife and I bought a house about six months ago she was beside herself that I could buy our house like I didn't deserve it or something not to my face but after I had left Monti just bought a house he's been working here for two years John how long have you worked here ten years do you have a house I have savings be my wife has a good job after this incident I really wanted to talk to her about my house and talk about how big it is it iced all the cool features and things it has really go overboard just to pee her off a group of teachers would hold Bible study during their lunch period and it was so annoying I knew and had worked with a few of them and they were terrible people and had trainwreck lives not very Christian I stayed home to watch the first moon landing it was a normal school day Adelaide Australia bTW I was eight at a time wandered into school around lunchtime I think it seemed deserted herds noise from the teachers lounge opened the door I got about a two-second eye ball in the room before a teacher came out told me go home no school today in that two seconds I saw streamers champagne lots of very drunk teachers a women teacher straddling a make teacher teachers passed out in the floor it made me happy someone else cared my mum thought it was cool and my little brother just wanted to watch Wacky Races I thought I was a nerd alone we would usually go in there to complain about students the director of the school kept bottles of liquor in the freezer we would occasionally take shots together during rough days if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
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Id: nnd61Uzw2cs
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Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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