Homeless Share What The Average Person Doesn’t Know (1 Hour Reddit Compilation)

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former homeless people what did you need the most what was the best thing someone did for you for me a with socks shoes - but the simplest thing of socks made me feel better about myself when it was cold I could pull out a pair or four to use on my feet or hands gifted me an old baggy waterproof jacket with a big hood it had many pockets - a little large to carry around since I was carrying a lot of other stuff - but proved very useful it was very rainy at that time hygiene anyone who let me take a shower and shave was an angel employment I wasn't addicted and wasn't mentally oh but I had legal trouble and employers aren't going to hire someone who is probably going to jail five months from now I had to work under the table for like $4 per hour if there had been a way for me to get a decent temp job I could have probably got a crappy apartment for the interim I was able to secure a spot in a church basements for a little while the nicest thing anyone did was one of the people from church brought me a Super Nintendo and a stack of games to help keep the boredom and loneliness at bay clean socks and underwear and basic hygiene the best thing a person did for me was explained to me that nobody gives a Frick about me except me and my family that conversation went a long way to me stopping shooting up in alleys and getting a career my wife was homeless as a teenager on Friday afternoons a businessman would walk up to her and ask her if she was hungry she would say yes and he would take her into the restaurant on the corner she never felt any danger with him and she has had to cut somebody badly before he was just some dude offering her a meal he would let her get anything in the menu he would sit and read the paper and drink a cup of coffee there was never any conversation when he was finished he would pay the bill and leave there was never any exchange of words other than you hungry and have what you want and have a good afternoon this happened multiple times she never felt like a project at him she never felt less than him she never felt in danger he was just a guy who saw a dirty girl on the street who needed to eat she has gotten Haggard graduated from a trade school with a fitness degree and now has earned her MBA with honors she is an amazing woman and an amazing mother the one wish she has is that she can run into the businessman who bought her lunches and thank him showers into place to wash your clothes to save as much money for food to be able to get dollar menu items and feed yourself three times or five dollars and some change not sure if living in the car counts as homeless oh but a 93 according exactly a home definitely letting me shower giving me new sharp clippers for my toenails from constantly wearing boots and not having clippers your nails get really long and start to become really painful giving me bags of food for my dog letting me bathe my dog fresh socks and underwear doggy sweaters or rain jackets for my dog pretty much hiding for myself food treats and warmth for dog face currently homeless okay and my way to getting in a place the one that struck me the most I was sleeping in my car in the back of a parking lot about a week after I lost my place about 6:30 a.m. security knocks on my window sorry lady I can't let you stay here the usual I apologized and told him I'd be out of highs hair in a few minutes so I got up and was packing my blanket and pillow into the trunk when he came back and handed me five dollars told me to go get a coffee I pride myself on the fact that I'm working not begging he's the only person who has handed me money it was one of the most touching things that has ever happened to me i sat in my car and ugly cried for about 10 minutes then went and got myself that coffee the biggest thing someone did for me however was a complete stranger covering the cost of my storage unit for a month I'm in there almost every day clean clothes and all that she does eBay or something similar we've run into each other a couple times a week since I became homeless she picked up on the fact that I was leaving in different clothes than I had coming in and asked about my situation I'll admit I was a little defensive but honest stopped seeing her around after that not sure if she moved or changed her routine or wart come the end of the month I go into the office to pay my bill and I'm told that it's been covered I wish I could thank her when I lost my job after the y2k remediation I wound up broke as a joke and no hope soft job from anywhere in Oregon at the time the girlfriend got asked to come take over her family's failing company business in Utah and we decided to go for it got here with nowhere to live no money one stroke for tank of gas we lived in our cars for a while then we found a row of three abandoned houses in Provo and squatted in the middle one while she tried to rescue the family business I got a gig delivering those stupid free newspapers that people get in their driveway wife's car was a long def 350 so we could deliver a ton of papers that's what kept us fed I was 32 and the paper route was my only income as far as the nicest thing anyone date one day a guy came and knocked on our door saying he was the house owner we said sorry and we will pack up and GTFO right now however the guy was nice he said he owned all three of these empty houses and thanked us for keeping the coke heads out of them and he let us stay there he even turned the power on for us six months after that I wound up getting a job at eBay and it was onward and upward from there so really all we needed was a chance we got it somewhere to sleep without sleep nothing works right 15 years ago the most crucial things we needed were impossible like a mailing address phone number toilet and water we'd keep a payphone under watch for those who'd get calls trying to get a job housing anything the basics are hard now phones are cheap but water and toilet are still real needs addresses are still tricky but easier as we rely on a location less and digital info more public transportation is still ridiculous you have to spend a day or two convincing the system you need it free otherwise you'll be out what little you can make in a three transit path I was homeless at 14 in New York City the thing I needed most was to be able to see the finish line to know when this would come to an end the feeling was like being put in prison without committing a crime and not being told your release date so you couldn't even count the days a desolation so dark that it all but drained the life from me I'm 60 years old now and that feeling still comes back to me at times I feel like I'm still on the street I'm homeless currently living in a motel have been homeless for four years as of this month we need ways to clear our names so we can actually move into places my mom got evicted from our apartment after getting laid off and now we can't move in anywhere half-decent anymore only motels and living with other people also stability is really nice but almost impossible to come by for more than a few months the nicest thing was an old couple taking in me and my mom for three months some really great people and I'll always appreciate them money lol but really its stability that's the hardest to come by nobody has faith that anybody homeless can make it out of their situation but as a man who has been on his own since 16 with nothing but the clothes on my back it's hard to come from nothing too stable to just need someone to believe that you have the hustle to grind and make it out I was a street kid from 13 to 18 I coasted around on my own as you can imagine it was a pretty rough ride I don't remember an awful lot of it but a few people stand out even now I think the only thing they have in common is that they saw me it's amazing how invisible you feel on the street people steer their children away from you avert their gaze pretend you're invisible it gets to you I vividly remember this one woman immaculately dressed gorgeous Eastern European woman around 40 I was panhandling and she walked right up to me and asked me to eat with her we sat on a patio smoking cigarettes snacking drinking coffee she asked me questions about myself like she really cared and she listened didn't offer miracle solutions or pity just fed me lunch and listened I remember her face 15 years later it's why now in my reincarnation as a soccer mom I teach my children to always acknowledge when it's safe to do so you don't always need to give but a smile or a howl you goes an incredibly long way aged out of foster care nowhere to go but a squad house I was what Utah folks called a planter box kid spent a year doing any job and every job I possibly could to get out of it then I joined the army spent four years as a soldier and failed a marriage which meant when I got a medical discharge after my deployment I was homeless again spent a little while in a veteran group home but they only give you 90 days to get a place and get out my disability pay wasn't enough for rent but I went to a day laborer and stood with the Mexicans at Home Depot for odd jobs finally my best friend offered me to move back home to Texas her work as a ranch hand for her dad so I moved to back to Texas she became a huge advocate for me with the VA and now I run a ranch I'm off all my pain psychoactive drugs and haven't been drunk in three years no and now my best friend is my wife we have four kids official identification all the homeless people I speak to have a hard time getting a state aid showers and laundry facilities a place to sleep and shower you'll be amazed how much you'd value a good night's sleep on a couch or a bed then in the morning having a shower at close second to those was actually someone taking my situation seriously and helped me through it my situation was an odd one I was considered too unstable mentally to hold down a job yet I still had to work because while I was considered by doctors and mental health professionals to be unstable by my country's strict up sense of what poverty is isn't I couldn't claim any benefits it didn't help that the one benefit I was entitled to was withheld from me by vindictive housing officer and my abusive mother would steal most my money I got I can only speak about my homeless experience but I had a point where I was at the lowest point and it took two suicide attempts to actually get any help for my as you I left an abusive relationship and turns out he was right I had nowhere to go I slept under a train and sharp lifted what few basics I couldn't go without which frankly I still don't regret freak the Waltons and got a job at a Burger King I mean being homeless and all meant that my hygiene was horrible cut off all my hair to hide it but there's a certain point where you can't anymore one of my managers pulled me aside and asked me what was up she called out sweetly and she could the red flags she's seen my self harm scars my hygiene the breakdown I had when my ex came through the drive-thru and I'm pretty sure she already knew what was up at least somewhat she started shedding all of our shifts to overlap and taking me home with her not far from my nest spot so I could shower and eat dinner with her and her kid kinda just took me in his best he could the shower was nice so was the food but the experience of someone giving a crap was what helped quite honestly be kind tampons people who let us wash clothes or shower at their place a gym membership for the showers and such still homeless but not on the streets what do I need the most a job what's the best thing someone's done for me paid my vet bills and dog meds someone willing to take a chance when you're homeless and people find out it usually results in a negative change in their perception of you particularly in the perceptions held by those who could potentially be employers and landlords but that's if you choose to disclose the information easy to do with employment if you're capable of staying physically clean that's is regular showers and trips to a laundromat not so easy to do with a potential landlord as you have to disclose your rental history when you tell people you're homeless you're bound to get people who will treat you with disdain people who assume you're homeless because of some vice-like drugs alcohol gambling etc there are many reasons for why someone is homeless that have nothing to do with how responsible you may or may not be such as natural disasters fires floods illness or injury and escaping dangerous like domestic violence I'm not homeless because I am irresponsible or addicted to some substance illegal or otherwise I'm homeless because life threw a wrench at my head and then started beating me with it while I was down I had a clean rental history no evictions or anything of the like and I worked 40 60 hours a week to afford my bills which took priority over everything I could afford rent but nobody believed I would pay it just because I was homeless obligatory not formerly homeless but my buddy was and from our experience I would say a place to stay shower wash clothes and some structure I took him in for as long as he needed rent-free under the condition that he gets through school and gets a job now he is a drafter designer has his own place and a nice car I am so proud of him and glad that I opened my door to him when everyone else had shut him out not the homeless man but this is what a homeless man said to me I had gone to a cafe and gotten myself a doughnut and Frappuccino I enjoyed the Frappuccino and was left to fall for the donut when I walked out the cafe there was this homeless man begging I have him the donut and told him to enjoy it he said this is the nicest thing someone did for me this week please remember homeless people are people first and foremost talk to them every now and then listen to them share your time share some food with them they deserve love just as much as everyone else what I needed most was a job my entire life was structured around obtaining food and shelter first and then I looked for work when possible I also needed a weekly martyr pass to get around Atlanta without that pass I was freaked living in Atlanta without transportation is hopeless the nicest thing anyone did for me sack lunches I stayed three weeks at a shelter in Marietta run by Methodists there were no sermons these were just decent people who gave us food and beds for three weeks they volunteered their nights to stay up all night and watch over us the thing they did that really made me all warm and fuzzy every morning when we left for the day on the way out the door they handed us a sack lunch typically a peanut butter sandwich a piece of fruit and a bag of chips it was just like being a kid and leaving for school and mom hands you a lunch that lunch made me feel like someone on this planet actually cared about me it was the first time I'd felt it in the months I didn't even realize how low I was feeling until that first sack lunch made me tear up like a softy I'd go out into the world on the neverending job search and when I eventually ate that lunch I felt loved it really lifted my spirits my auntie was homeless and she said the best thing was when a laundromat lady who had taken a liking to her offered her shower and a pair of clean clothes to borrow for a job interview my auntie got the job and built her way up from there safty I was homeless from around age 19 ish through age 21 I got screwed out of my employment and my sister who was my roommate kicked me out when I couldn't make rent she kicked me out maybe a few days after I lost my job so she didn't even give me time to find something else I was living paycheck to paycheck so I had no savings I lost my car pretty quickly which took away even more of my ability to try and get a job I was in and out of friends houses staying with friends in hotels hanging out in and I hopped just for a place to be I became friends with regulars and the staff so they fed me from time to time but I can't express how scary and dehumanizing it was as a female I got taken advantage of a lot by my friends they took it as a free pass to be able to do whatever they wanted to me because I had nowhere else to go it was a dark time and I am so thankful I never turned to drugs I had a few friends that genuinely cared and would ask me if I had eaten and bring me food or let me sleep at their house without assaulting me and honestly they kept me alive eventually my mom had met and married my stepdad and when he caught wind of what was happening he lost his goddamn mind and immediately bought me a plane ticket to come stay with em I didn't talk to my mom for years and I didn't know my stepdad so it was a really hard to transition but he really was the best thing to ever happen to me I went from homeless to having a steady career a wonderful boyfriend a beautiful daughter and a very comfortable serious redditors who were once homeless what was the scariest creepiest part about being out in the streets spent 2007 to 2012 homeless most of that was my teenage years spent with my father also homeless the scariest thing is spending the evening in some homeless shelters or out of them in this case I was in one in Portland Maine my dad was assigned a spot to sleep on the floor because they were overcrowd that day they didn't have a spot for me so I slept across the street in the garden of the local Catholic Church since the priests don't kick people out it was a popular place to sleep when the shelter was overbooked I remember sleeping in the grass near a couple whom I overheard talking about robbing me for well over 20 minutes I didn't let go of my knife all night the most surreal moment was a short stint in 2010 when I walked into the 400 square foot studio apartment my dad had finally been able to afford for a short while and asking him this is allow us we lived like kings that few months the thought that someone would find your camp and ruin your crap was a real concern also just finding some here to sleep that his secure one morning early I was sleeping in an abandoned warehouse up a set of stairs nearly in the rafters and was woken by four raccoons like four feet from me eating my bag having to crap in the middle of the night is also awful being homeless is only scary for a couple of days there's depression and boredom that are your real enemies your body and mind go into a sort of hyper survival mode and there is no room for fear I have this weird tendency to stumble upon homeless camps that are very clearly supposed to be hidden and it always makes me super uneasy doesn't help that that's apparently a huge fear lived out of my car for six months when I was 16 to get away from an abusive mother the scariest part was worrying that the authorities would find out I didn't want to end up in foster care or forced back into that heck of living with my mother I still went to school and I showered and sometimes stayed over at friends houses if their parents were okay with it if I thought friend's parents were getting worried about me being over so much I would sleep in my car sometimes friends would sneak me in and I would sleep on the floor of their bedrooms and sneak back out around 5:00 in the morning before their family woke it was rough but better than being abused and locked up at my mother's managed to get a job at a fast food place and eventually a friend's church group found someone who rented me a small apartment at a discounted rent only went up from there I finished high school and while I couldn't afford college I consider myself more well-off than ever it was the scariest hardest time of my life when I was 12 13 I used to have to avoid home due to a parent using him and the people that they brought by so I used to sleep in our childhood 3 for the first few times up into the woods about a half mile off the road and up a hill it was a good vantage point in case I heard anything one night I woke up and looked out to just see a guy staring up at the fort and I froze and held the gaze and slowly laid down onto my back I heard him walk closer and just thought to yell dad wake up someone's coming up he darted off into the woods but had I not thought to say that who knows my dad lived two states away and the only Bluff I knew to yell from that point on I found a friend's attic loft and told him my life situation so he let me stay there at times being snuck into a warm place to sleep out of the snow at times is a magical warming level of love glad I had that friend this story gave me the chills good call to yell out to dad how little you matter to anyone there are two kinds of people I learned to avoid very quickly groups of young men teenagers and fellow homeless men if someone's gonna freak with you they'll fall in one of these groups and people may watch disapprovingly but they won't do anything to help you it's less important to most people that you be somewhere safer with a bit of shelter from the weather than it is that you be where they don't have to see you and most of your interactions with people such as the police who in normal life you consider to be concerned primarily with your safety when you're homeless are more about making you less inconvenient to mothers everyone is gonna try to steal from your ass so what's your crap keep your mouth shut and find a good place that is desolated from knocked animals and buttholes bugs I used to sleep behind dumpsters and the fear of roaches crawling on me and my sleep was enough to make sure I only slept 2 3 hours made me try to find hospital bathrooms and just lock the door for five six hours the hopelessness and pressure of knowing the longer you spend homeless the harder it is to get out of it at least that's what I got from the people I talked to I was homeless for a summer but really I was just a kid having an adventure and I didn't feel good at home talking to people whose parents were homeless and had no life skills all those with addiction who had no support to help them kick it and get back on track or people who no longer knew how to even begin to find a job scared the crap out of me I realized that a couple years of that and you would have to work super freaking hard to get out of it I was never a super frickin hard worker for some reason I feel like paying a homeless man for sex is even more rock-bottom than actually being homeless I moved out at 15 and lived near muskegon michigan tried to avoid it but that's where possible jobs and rides were so I went there to better myself was homeless for about a year and just couch surfed stayed with random people who just slept in abandoned buildings or Parks scariest part was knowing that once the Sun started going down I had to lay low and find a place to crash for the night walking the streets of Muskegon after dark is freaking or Thor especially when you're young people tried to rob me take advantage of me sell me drugs which I took then follow my whereabouts chase me just for fun it was awful I wouldn't even have anything on me except my clothes and someone would come up with a gun or knife and tell me to give them everything I had one time when I couldn't give a guy anything he beat the crap out of me just for fun and cut my arm up bad worst time of my life comma Muskegon yeah I hope you're in a better place now I know some of the homeless around gee are hung out at the Meijer I worked at and just laid low for the night night management usually had a heart and wouldn't say anything unless they got customer complaints I never said a word when they'd come by the spray deodorants in my department to try and hide their the following morning craps ruff all the people who assume you'll have sex with them for money I was a young man at the time and I would get propositioned daily mostly by creepy arse old men the scariest bits would probably have been knowing that someone could kill you and no one would really know or care the scariest bits would probably have been knowing that someone could kill you and no one would really know care - right I'm in my second spell of homelessness I have no friends or family to notice if I go missing if I get murdered and my killer should take my wallet I'm just another John Doe I had really bad PTSD after Vietnam and I spent about four years basically homeless when I was in the rough the thing that got to me the most was the total lack of any kind of privacy I looked for places to hide but I never felt really safe the constant vulnerability just seemed to build and build it was really hard to maintain like any kind of normal human honestly it's a disgrace how the country will use up young men in combat and then discard them once they're too damaged to be useful anymore I had a friend who got PTSD in Iraq and while the support these days is better it's still a far cry from where it should be winter so true it's not even funny I was once caught out in some terrible winter weather and thought I was dying of hypothermia you don't know what cold is until your lips go blue and there's a noticeable delay in thinking move your arm and your arm actually moving I'm currently in North Dakota and no way am I going through that crap again so I'm trying to move to the south as a girl the constant sexual harassment threats I was always in the hood when I was homeless guys blocking your way to leave with their trucks to ask you to suck their Don for $15 and if you say no they drive in front of you even more if you try to leave just knock his side mirror off and run a little while ago I was mentally ill in a bout of substance abuse and I ended up on the streets of Brooklyn the scariest thing to me was how quickly I lost hope and how quickly I became invisible suddenly I could easily see how a perfectly normal person could make one wrong move in life and end up homeless for years if not decades luckily for me I caught a break ended up in a psych ward after a short time homeless and had a few contacts to get me home to New England I relate so much to this homeless living in a van in Williamsburg then back to Boston almost two years sober now hope things are well with you friend I hate the dark it's stupid I know but I always felt like something was coming for me I always had to find a corner and hide from the other homeless I don't know if I had to hide but I was very young and I'm a girl and I'd had my head filled with how every unsupervised girl got abused repeatedly I thought I would literally be abused to death if anyone found me on the upshot I rule at hide-and-seek and I can almost sleep well outside of the corner for me it for to the point where I began to really really really dread the Sun going down I was only homeless for a short stint but hands down the hardest thing was the constant fear my dog would get taken from me or that he would be hurt I have a small white dog who weighs a little under ten pounds and I was always terrified someone would try to take him either homeless people or people who thought they deserved him more than my homeless self thankfully I had a shitty car at the time so I had a place to sleep at night I'd do my best to park at 24-hour gyms or with a for sale sign in the windshield because I was less likely to be asked to move along that way I was working part-time and my friend worked with animals so quite often she would bring my dog to work with her since it was allowed other days I spend what little money I had on doggy daycare groans we made it through and my dog is still mine as soon as I had money in the bank I took him to a vet and got him all taken care of and I am typing this from my very own bed with him next to me but maybe this is from a team standpoint but I was so envious of kids my age with their families and you see people Christmas shopping or having a picnic and you just want to be included so badly I want my parents dropped me off at college or go shopping for clothes together you are still very much a child in your head and long for things from your youth but there is a paradox because you have to make some very fast adult decisions I would see a daughter dressed to the nines for a night out with her family and want to be in her place more than anything in the world I made a separate account because I don't want this associated with my regular one since I got my life back together I used to sell services to random guys which helped me get out of being homeless after a few months I'm not gay but I was desperate to get out of my predicament and did what I had to I'm a pretty feminine looking man when I had long hair and that attracted a lot of old men lonely men just randoms never really had problems with other homeless people because I stayed in a local City shelter at night and had to leave during day time hanging around convenience stores and parking lots where they have game rooms slot machine rooms is where I got most of my clients most of them would chill get what they want and leave some were crazy one guy in particular wanted me to stay at his place overnight and spend the next day with him for a $1,000 I decided cool and we went to his house the guy had what I can describe is like a torture sex dungeon and his garage he had some type of black filament with egg cartons all over the walls and BDSM type stuff laying around I decided it wasn't a good idea and said I changed my mind but he wouldn't let me leave we were yelling back and forth and he punched me in the collarbone it didn't hurt probably because of adrenaline I used to do Kyle Kish in karate as a kid teenager so after he hit me I kicked him as hard as I could in the balls and kneed him in the temple and ran out the house I ran from block to block hiding because I was afraid he will try to kidnap me or call the cops I never saw the guy again even after going back to the spots I always hang out at I eventually made enough money to get an apartment and eventually a logistics job for a supply chain for your information that eggcarton crap is anechoic designed to be soundproof good call getting out of there being caught on a bench outside trying to sleep during a hurricane how poor were you growing up I learned not to ask for things because I knew I wouldn't get it I was the only kid in the seventh grade that couldn't go on the field trip the fee was $5 growing up with a mom who was addicted to drugs was pretty rough mostly she could never keep up a job and sold all our food stamps and gifts my dad sent us four pills and cigarettes I remember eating sultanan crackers and ramen noodles for dinner a lot around birthdays and Christmas my sister and I would get nice gifts but my mom always sold them not long after for her habits I'm guessing the only reason we had food most times and clothes that weren't donated to the church was because my grandpa stepped in I live with him now and still every time we go out to eat and I see something that costs more than five dollars I wonder how anyone can afford it even though my grandpa has a good job and we don't struggle anymore I still worry about money hang in there work hard make good choices and you can make yourself a better life in the future just like I did we have a similar background I'm glad you have a supportive grandpa my mom and dad were high school dropouts and my mom had me when she was 17 I grew up in a three-room shack with no electricity and a wood stove it barely had running water for the one toilet and one sink to run a light at night my dad would pull the battery out of the beat-up piece of crap Ford Fairlane last night and hook wires to a light bulb my birthday money from family members was my new pair of shoes every year and clothes were hand-me-downs from anyone my mom could make friends with rice and beans every dang night of the week even reduced lunch was too expensive so my mom made PB&J and I ate cracked fricking weed every morning for breakfast that crap disgusts me now on my birthday one year my dad and I walked to the starvin Marvin gas station on Rajal Thorpe Ave in Athens GA and he bought me a 50 cent coke on the way back home I tripped and he fell out of my hand hit a rock and exploded my dad really couldn't afford another 50 Cent's but he walked all the way back and bought another one but then everything changed my dad was working in a machine shop for a bunch of engineers he made the items that they designed well he started finding ways to make their designs better so they let him go to the design meetings then they showed him how to use CAD and he was drawing up blueprints then all of the engineers got laid off one of those engineers got a new job at a place called Seba vision and he told the managers there about this really exceptional engineer he knew sir my dad with no high school diploma was hired as an engineer based on word of mouth of other engineers our lives changed overnight we had new clothes a new car bought a house and for my next birthday I got a freaking Nintendo with one game holy crap that was like heaven opening up and raining miracles on me now he's the vice president of R&D for a small company in Atlanta and he has put every single one of his five sons through 4-6 years of college the part about your dad buying you another coke even though you guys couldn't afford it made me tear up he sounds like a really great guy and I'm happy everything has worked out in the end I honestly didn't realize that we were poor until I was in my teens me and my sister always got new clothes before the new school year always had pretty good Christmas and never went hungry we lived in a pretty rural area surrounded by woods we always had a big garden and grew everything from greens to hot peppers I spent many a summer having pea picking competitions with my dad and helping him make his own hot sauce spent a lot of time on the buy and fishing and during hunting season every free minute was spent in the woods hunting it wasn't until I was about 16 that I realized what my parents had to go through to provide I learned that we had a garden to have vegetables I always thought that hunting and fishing was just a hobby for me and my dad but it was what provided meat for us if we didn't bring anything home we didn't eat they always managed to trick me into thinking everything was a game I remember my dad buying me my actual rod and reel he would tie old nuts and bolts on the string and challenge me to casting competitions who could get closest to that tree or whatever not knowing that he was trying to increase my accuracy to avoid having to Speights I remember when my grandfather gave me his old melon point to to when I was about 10 I would spend my $5 a week allowance on bullets and just target shoot every day my dad and grandfather would always set up new challenges and whatnot I became a real good shot by the next hunting season and I was then a squirrel and rabbit hunting machine I think this is such a good example of how living off the land is completely different from being poor in the city urban incomes might be higher than rural incomes but so is the cost of living and the quality of life is often far worse as a very young child my mom was a single mother raising two girls on what the government offered poor parents in the 90s and some help from family we didn't live on our own until I was nearly six and we often had pizza which consisted of slices of bread ketchup stolen from fast-food places and American cheese I loved it and our meager existence literally I have no bad memories of that time at all and remember it as just this adventure part of my life when mom and me and my sis spent a lot of time together doing weird stuff then mom finished a nursing degree met the man who raised us from age five one stroke to on and started earning enough to make a living we were never upper-middle class and we were often lower middle class but we always had food to eat and clothes to wear after that my mom worked her butt off for me and my sis and my dad came with two more kids of his own I've never met two hard-working people and their efforts really helped me grow into a person who appreciates hard work and self-made success our house is older than dirt and falling apart at the seams in some places but we love it and all the memories made there are good we used to have that exact pizza to warmed up in the toaster oven even in my 30s I still get a taste for it sometimes my family used to live in a squatters area in a third-world country my father only made less than $20 a day he was a driver for a public vehicle assumingly made $15 for eight hours this would be split between the vehicles owner and the gas expenses my mom stayed at home and started a few small business in five years or so we never had a bed just a sleeping mat a few pillows and a blanket that fit the three of us on the floor we also didn't have a proper dining table it was a DIY small table from scrap wood that we placed on the floor the same floor where we would sleep when we were about to eat then had it leaned on the wall when I mused my mom was smart enough to not give birth to another child realizing that raising one child alone was too much an expense it was my mom's business that saved us we eventually managed to afford a bed then a CRT TV then a fridge and then a phone by the time I got a computer I was already 13 and in a private high school something that a lot of families couldn't afford my mom passed away before I graduated from college but left behind quite a few some that kept me and my father alive for the next two years our house is still up in that area and my father lives there by choice I moved out because of work one time my stepdad was so excited he found a dollar in his jeans that he didn't even notice my brother falling down the steps what if every time you found money you just unknowingly made a deal with the devil like if you pick up this dollar your son will fall over the stairs that crap would be cool as Frick though both of my grandpa's worked 45 years at a distillery while running a farm on the side we never ate out but we always ate well apple pear plum and persimmon trees blackberry raspberry grapes and boysenberry fish from four ponds cows pigs sheep chickens and wild game my other friends went on vacations and flew on planes I thought we didn't have all that much glad I'll lived long enough to know I didn't know that other seven-year-old chores didn't include catching killing and skinning squirrels for dinner for reference I live in Kansas City Missouri being afraid to ask for things because you know the answer will be no and getting used to not being able to afford things eventually you just throw out school flyers about school shirts field trips that cost money lunch money school supplies dances trips anything that costs anything you learn to accept what you haven't make it work and when you actually get something you understand that it actually means something and costs your parent s money they had to work for once I had my first job I actually wasted the money on things I just kinda wanted because I had the luxury of being able to it took a long time to learn to manage money wisely and it's still a process because when you never have it it's hard to understand how to hold on to it there is a mentality when you are poor that you should spend the money quickly to buy things you want because if you don't it will be nickeled and dimed to death on things you need then you seemingly have nothing to show for it my mom was addicted to drugs and our life was completely unstable she worked as a bartender sometimes three jobs that was constantly being fired for various things and starting at a new bar but sometimes she wouldn't come home for days we were evicted from every house we ever lived in I can't even tell you how many different schools I've been to without thinking it through we were often homeless and had to live in seedy motels our car got repossessed electric water gas was shut off several times throughout my life I started life out with horrible credit even before I turned 16 because my name had been used to start electric water gas or whatever on various occasions and then went in bait to this day I have an aversion to meat eggs milk because I've had food poisoning so often from bad food we used to eat at school over summer break because they had a lunch program running for neighborhood kids so even though I didn't go to summer school I qualified and my brother and I would walk to the school to eat teachers used to give us hand-me-down clothes shoes cause ours would have holes in them or whatever we both got made fun of a lot for general clothing appearance issues relating to poverty once when I was in high school I was dating an older man who was abusive and we were evicted from our home and had to be out by midnight my mom was working a shift and afterwards I had no idea where she went because she suggested I move in with my boyfriend instead since we really had nowhere to go after a few days of getting beat up I caught her at work and found out she had been staying with my brother on the floor of one of her random customers apartments he let me go there that night but the three of us were sleeping on the floor and I remember it being so hot and I just felt totally defeated by life and really heartbroken over everything I was scheduled to take mice at the next day of school but missed it ended up getting a job at McDonald's and dropping out of school shortly after to work more staying with my abusive boyfriend on and off because it was better than nothing or just walking through the city all night sometimes because nothing was better than the boyfriend and eventually was able to rent a room and get more of a stable life going despite a general trend in young adulthood towards abusive relationships and other obstacles I faced largely in part due to leftover childhood poverty issues we were homeless at one point mum was swamped with debt because she could not afford to care for two children on NHS pay she did it though and me and my sis vowed to never be in debt thanks to what she taught us about money also I bought her a car because that woman is the best my mum would specifically go to to ATMs across the street from each other and withdraw 20 run across the street to withdrawal another 20 before the bank realized that the account was negative from the first withdrawal growing up I remember multiple meals that were literally slices of spam and nothing else a can would do between two and three days at a push at my poorest as an adult I ate even less and that my mom would count the pennies in my dad's jeans to see if we had enough to buy bread each week our fridge was hardly ever full and I remember we always had milk and dozens of boxes of Kraft Dinner we lived in Canada at a time but bread and peanut butter was a treat back then when my mom finally broke down and told my grandma grandma did her a solid and bought her a bread making machine it was the most delicious bread I ever tasted we saved enough money that I got three Christmas presents instead of just one a few years later my dad went from underpaid scientist to a cushy American government job and our living situation drastically improved my sister has forgotten those days but I remember and save all the change I can find in a jar just in case butter and bread equals lunch I always went with Mayo my mom used the butter for her English muffin so we weren't allowed to eat either gifts on Christmas and birthdays are things you need not fun things Christmas is usually when I got all my soap and shampoo for the next year clothes come from Goodwill Salvation Army savers etc if they weren't coming out of something's lost and found school yearbooks and pictures are unnecessary the best meals of the week would be the half-eaten food my mother brought home from her waitress job at the Country Club I always thought I grew up poor because my parents were always stressed about money if I always had food and I always had a roof over my head I just remember having our heat shut off in the winter and living in the Midwest where it gets really cold it was pretty bad we all slept in a room with a little electric heater and had to be up extra early to get ready for school because we had to heat our bathwater on the stove and dump it into the tub I remember thinking that was as bad as it gets but then I grew up and realized I had it easy electricity and phone getting cut off asking the neighbor to lend bread for school sandwiches poor never had enough undies or socks poor bored school shoes way too big and resold them until they fell apart poor but we were happy it wasn't until I was a teenager that I asked mom are we poor I was born in a family that worked in the crop fields of someone else when I turned 15 I was made to work in the fields I understood why and was happy to aid my poor family we had a small Hut and then everything changed when I finally got a job at an IT company I feel like you left out a detail or three here when I was born my parents were very poor ate ramen noodles and canned beans a lot for my understand they had to share on old Eagle summit and could not afford rent without assistance from my grandparents they had to pick between putting gas in the car for my dad to get to work rent or whatever food we could get our hands on the government assistance was not an option from what my mom has since told me we made too high of an income to qualify for welfare but we were too poor to really get by what was fricked up to me was that my mother came from a blue-collar working poor family but my father's parents were very wealthy at the pool grandparents scrambled and sold for every coin they had to help my parents out the rich grandparents they hung up on my mom and dad when they would call them for help very poor my family lived in the boiler room basement of an old apartment I thought my family was poor because all we ate was ramen then I visited a friend and all she had was cat food in her cabinet I asked how way her cat was and she said she didn't have one this makes me sad every time I think of it we had to decide which utilities we were going to keep on each month I can remember a few months where the electric bill wasn't paid and we chilled our milk and frozen groceries in the snow remember my mom sitting my brother and I down to explain we couldn't afford to rent blockbuster movies anymore I remember asking my mom are we poor she said something along the lines of no but birthday and Christmas are going to be very small this year on the upside my parents started a soda company and made millions afterwards and are now happily retired all the other kids had backpacks and I stuck my arms through the holes of a plastic grocery bag to wear it like it was one I grew up in a single-wide trailer we ate actual government cheese and peanut butter which was awful because it was thin oily and contained whole peanut parts we only shopped in the generic aisles of the grocery store it's not like today with brightly colored great value products all the packaging was stark white with the product description simply declared in bold black cornflakes pitted pear halves mechanically separated chicken products I don't remember being conscious of the fact that we were poor I just thought TV movie families like the Keaton's family ties all the Griswolds were unusually wealthy immigrants living in Brooklyn when I was six our family of five was supported by my dad being an unlicensed cab driver we were all our new clothes are purchased in warehouses from bins with exploding ink stains pour all our vegetables come from cans pour we couldn't even afford name-brand ramen noodles serious formerly homeless redditors what's the best way to go out and do a nice thing for homeless people socks and toiletries if I only had enough for one or the other I'd buy the bottle that let me sleep in a park over a tube of toothpaste priorities are different when you're on the street and not always for the reasons you think I was never ungrateful for food but there were two major issues the first being that if you pick a good spot you'll get multiple food offers every day I can only eat so much folks the second being that if you just give me food I now have to safely store it I'm freakin homeless not gonna waste the crap so now I add it to my pack if it's perishable I have to eat that day old crap before the hot meal the next day still grateful bTW but also hoping that it doesn't get me robbed or something when I squat for the night being homeless can be like surviving the wasteland in that way maybe that's why I am so good at fallout before this turns into an essay I'll say just talk to them ignore anybody with a sign and no pack they're doing this crap by choice ie scamming but if you see someone just set your limits and ask what they need be open to reason storing and carrying food for instance if you approach a legit person in need it's just about understanding one time I asked a guy if he could spare any change he said he wouldn't give money but he'd buy me something I needed so I checked my pack and found myself okay not that I couldn't have used more but you can only carry so much so I tried a compromise I told him I was well-equipped but the truck stop up the road had showers so I asked if he could spare a ride and $2.00 in quarters he thought about it for a sec probably decided I couldn't get high two dollars and agreed I got my first hot shower in months and he made it happen by being willing to look past at least somewhat his initial assumptions priorities to this day I have never enjoyed a shower more I was homeless for a brief time showering was tough is not like you can carry shampoo and soap around and there aren't tons of places to go I would split a five-minute shower at the L laundromat two dollars and fifty cents a kindness and humanity are the best thing you can offer even a smile human interaction I was homeless on and off for a couple of years as a teenager and begging on the street is so dehumanizing one time in Seattle I'd arrived in the city and gotten lost trying to find a shelter or drop-in center I hadn't eaten in two days and had barely slept I stood on a corner with my bags begging for money and not a single person would look at me after a couple of hours of this I started crying because I felt like a ghost sobbing from my mental and physical exhaustion still nobody would look at me or ask if I was okay that day will always stay burned into my memory as far as tangible objects you can always ask them directly everyone will have different needs depending on where they're living and what has happened to them recently cigarettes water and transit cards are always good bets though if it's getting cold see if they have ways to keep warm if it's in the rainy season see if they have ways to keep dry if it's hot see if they have ways to stay cool if they're female tampons and pads are a freaking godsend if they're human ways to stay clean I was homeless from age 18 19 and I remember always wishing I could just have a smoke with someone I lived in a shelter so I had as much food as I wanted so that wasn't an issue however I was a smoker and wasn't able to come by my own smokes a lot of the time so I'd see someone smoking and casually ask them hey man can i bum a smoke people are generally cool with that then I'd get to have a quick chat with someone while we had our cigarettes together it may sound weird but it means a lot to just be able to exchange a few words with a stranger when your whole life is up in the air and you can't decide if it's better to stay alive or just end it because your friends have drifted away from you since you became a hobo now that I'm not homeless anymore I try to offer a smoke and a chat or some fast food or something because I remember always wishing somebody would stop and talk to me I had a real need for underwear and socks you can wear pants and a t-shirt for a long time but a week in the same socks and jocks makes it really miserable when I got new ones I felt kind of human again like I could survive and maybe even get things together most of all though is a bit of dignity and some respect I was lost on the streets when I was 19 and people seemed to think that I was some punk kid who didn't listen to his parents I was beaten from room to room by a crazy mother and whether she was dating abused by her most consistent boyfriend expelled from school for acting out kicked out of home at 12 and had been stealing food to survive when I wasn't living in and caring group homes people told me to grow up and that I had no life experience like they had experienced anything like me but few people ever seem to listen and even try to understand I wasn't a drug-addicted scumbag I was a young man with no support and a lot of baggage seriously sometimes the best thing you can do for a homeless person is call em sir shake their hand make eye contact and treat them with dignity befitting a human I'm currently homeless in Southern California so the weather isn't too much of an issue but it can get cold late at night so a sleeping bag is a godsend one of the things I can never get enough of his hand sanitizer and wet wipes I'm the type that is still trying to look normal well I'm job searching so staying relatively clean is important since I live in a tent in a forest by the beach it's not easy another thing is that even if someone has food stamps odds are you can't get anything hot to eat so even if it's something like a hot dog or hamburger it's at least something different from the same cold food you have to get at the gas station over and over again well I am currently homeless it isn't easy at all I have only been homeless for about a month or so I would say the best thing anyone has done for me with socks and an old sleeping bag also I do odd jobs for anyone that will let me so I can eat but once you start looking scruffy and smelling a little off lack of showers I try to bath at night in lakes ponds it is a lot harder to find anything also razors sandy towels and deodorant are great another good thing is just simply talking to people don't give food with the condition of religion I spent a month homeless and still technically until I can move into my new apartment and this was something I kept on encountering I'd have to swallow many sermons before I could get a sandwich I was living in hotels and in a friend's car for about a week in the summer in southern AZ when crap went to heck that itself was one of the hardest weeks of my life I've noticed sat in a hot climate people appreciate bottled water more than anything else you can give them and even if you can give just a dollar and wish them well they will be grateful to you for it privacy seriously just privacy I wasn't stuck to be in that position I get that security guards have jobs and that people shouldn't sleep in their cars but a well-lit parking lot is safer if I'm not making noise and I'm asleep just leave me alone actually treat them like humans they're down on their luck at this point in their life a point that any others could someday be at the least you could do is treat them with the dignity would hope to be treated with were you in that situation a public shower some clean clothes a laundromat card detergent and a way to get online in the library to find work a bus card breakfast lunch dinner vitamins and a $20 bill that was warm weather now that the cold is here a warm hooded coat a backpack with Lysol spray and personal care items a food cart from McDonald's and a paid cellphone what are the best life hacks for poor people please tell your doctor if your medications are too expensive my parents work themselves to the bone and we ate like crap to help pay for medicine for me and my sister haemophilia we needed medicine to help lot during our periods they never complained and just worked my mom didn't want anyone to know we were poor there were cheaper alternatives they could have saved thousands of dollars I'm a family doctor now and I make it a point to talk about medication costs and ask at all of my follow-ups if things are affordable we don't know what your copay is and it's not always easy to tell what will be covered on your plan please let us know if something is too much this is what we are here for I work in the u.s. if your medication is too expensive and you have something other than Medicare or Medicaid try looking for manufacturers coupons symbicort has a great one for one year no co-pays right now and some of the newer long-acting stimulants do two tasks about local compounding pharmacies mail order three month supply or off-label dosing pharmacists look away like you can use eye drops in your ears for an acute bacterial infections and sometimes they are significantly cheaper I've done that once or twice when patients just didn't have the extra cash to get the one designated for your ears if you need a procedure done and have a residency program or medical school local to you see if they need any volunteers for didactics or demonstrations we've done ingrown toenails warts skin lumps and bumps for free during lectures to teach the other residents how to do them two great sites NeedyMeds org good rx comm we're not even really pod that my husband has amid that is kind of expensive in its extended nice form but works way better talk to the doctor about it and she gave him a coupon that brought the cost down to only five dollars more than the non excel formula it's seriously worth having this conversation to all my fellow college kids who use Chegg as a lifeline but can't afford it used text sheet com copy the URL of the block check page and paste answer that you're under 13 on the survey so they can't ask you anything else and bam an unlocked text of the problem solution eliminate food waste things you'd normally throw away like vegetable peelings and bones can be turned into flavorful stock for future meals something I do is save bread ends and/or pieces of bread that got squished still or whatever in a bag in the freezer once I collect a decent amount I thought them out and make some homemade stuffing it's super tasty and feels fancy for just being bread veggies sage and stock go to the library not only are there books there but also you can check out video games sewing machines movies museum passes are so much more not to mention the software education and events that can help you get a raise promotion or better job libraries freaking rule I'm pretty comfortable financially but still use the library all the dang time mine even checks out wall art rich people throw out amazing stuff if you know someone with a truck you can go around the wealthy areas on garbage day and get all sorts of furniture appliances and clothing a little cleaning and maybe a few minor repairs and you have lots of stuff to use or sell if you wind up homeless get a planet fitness gym membership ten dollars a month so you can shower every day the one near my work also has free Wi-Fi free showers free locked storage locations in practically every city in the u.s. Kancha crap shave wash even occasionally get free pizza added benefit of getting to work out you could live in a car and spend ten dollars a month and slap together a semi-functioning form of homelessness don't have kids I agree having kids is a choice and they drain all your resources not being mean but that's reality folks if you have access death Nick grocery stores usually have cheaper produce can confirm local ethnic neighborhood grocery stores have prices much lower than the bigger supermarkets buy more or less only shop local anymore hot sauce is a simple investment to turn sad bland food into sad slightly less bland food swing by a Taco Bell and you can get some for free if you live close to one planet Fitness membership $10 per month and the location nearly does free Pete so once per week and free bagels once per week that's eight meals for ten dollars plus you can save on your water if you want by using their showers also when you're broke it's hard to kill time and not spend money so go to the gym and use their Wi-Fi to watch shows while you walk on a treadmill it's honestly a great way to kill time congee with a broth cube and leftover veggies and meat when things are really tight just rice broth cube and water one cup of rice with 6-8 cups of broth or water will stretch into several meals this way it can be made really nutritious by adding more things but when money's tight this can satisfy your belly also make use of all social services available to you all of them you're poor these services exist to help you get by and make things easier apply for them even if you're 100 percent sure you don't qualify you never know how else they might be able to help you if you have pets find charities on Facebook that help provide food for pets to people with a low income I can't tell you how much stress this took off my shoulders knowing I had enough kibble for my cats so they wouldn't starve and I could buy my own food instead don't be ashamed of being poor I know people look down on you for that but shame gets in the way of coping with poverty everybody can get poor at no fault of their own if circumstances align right even if you made less than smart choices got a drug habit or whatever you're not less deserving of basic human respect and kindness nobody is perfect and poverty exists because governments don't implement or fund social services well Frick with minimum wage etc everybody deserves to live comfortably and not have to turn over every penny three times before spending it no matter how much character that builds poverty freakin sucks and still come up short on basic necessities you can donate plasma and be paid thirty dollars up to six times a month extra one hundred and eighty dollars it is supposed to hurt a little I donate twice a week for $70 a week my donation center has monthly promotions if I donate every week and I managed to get the promotion I can own three hundred three hundred and fifty dollars a month by just sitting on my butt for a few hours a week at Walmart or most grocery stores you can buy a rotisserie chicken for wicked cheap they're actually cheaper to purchase cooked instead of raw and you can make several meals out of just the meat you scrape off the bones I often make sandwiches or apps and it'll typically last for like six meals all for like five bucks then you get to use the carcass to make a stock especially if you go up to five o'clock or so they mark them down to move the product manage every dollar you spend know exactly where your money is going you can't reduce spending and save more if you don't understand where your money is going there are a number of apps out there that help you budget and tell you what you're spending money on Mint true Bill et Cie once you see the breakdown you might notice that you're spending more on meals than you should or you had that subscription you forgot about that suddenly took $25 out of your account remember being poor and being constantly broke aren't always the same thing sometimes you're just bad with money not sure it's a hack it never ever let anyone or anything convince you that you're any less of a human being because of your crappy financial situation go to Aldi most stuff their eggs lettuce salt are just as good as other stores and much cheaper we just picked up four dozen eggs for 79 cents each from Aldi quite a value when you're baking for a bunch of holiday stuff pop an egg into your Armand simple cheap and improves the taste a lot scramble or fry an egg and put on rice boiled but preferably fried rice whisk an egg and add to can't corned beef when cooking it's in a pan soft boil an egg and half with toast soldiers cut toast into thin strips dip them in and eat learn to poach eggs and pop them on top of food like rice beans and let that you go through dirt good a meal I'm hungry now shop at Goodwill secondhand stores if you are hungry and have no food go to sleep sleep is my favorite hobby so in my area boneless chicken breasts cost at least $10 for to buy a whole chicken costs about ten dollars or less if it's on sale I learned from YouTube how to dress cut up a chicken so now I get two boneless breasts two boneless thighs two druggies and two wings for the price of two breasts also you use the carcass and the bits of meat attached to it to make soup by the store version aka imitation brand version of things cheaper and it works the exact same save for a few exceptions Canadians selection brand baked beans a crab you don't need the expensive ass Heinz the ones but I strongly urge you not to buy selection brand baked beans super cook calm has a recipe generator that will help you make good meals with whatever you have at home best thing ever went from boring basic meals to actual tasty meals I just tried this with what's in my kitchen RN and it suggested butter curls ingredients butter and then 10 different recipes for plain white rice I guess it's time to go grocery shopping drink only water it's one of those ripple effect things that improves every other area of your life I work in a welfare office the number of people who are both one unable to afford proper nutrition supposedly and to morbidly obese is cancer intuitive until you see the enormous sodas so many people travel with it's incredibly easier to drink more calories than you think you're drinking and a fattening nature of these drinks is all in the sugar content switch to carrying water instead of soda or other sweetened beverages and I assure you the following will happen one you will save more money than you imagine two you will sleep better three food will taste better for you will have more consistent energy throughout the day five your skin overall appearance will improve and six you will lose weight if you do nothing other than stop spending money on soda sweet tea et Cie and just drink filtered tap water you will thank yourself source was poor now I am NOT poor still drink only water and unsweetened coffee and over 40 pounds lighter sleep well and feel better when buying something that you expect to last buy the cheapest version of it that makes sense if it doesn't break and lasts forever awesome if it does break though go out and buy the best quality one you can if you broke the cheap one once chances are you'll break the cheap one over and over again so spending a bit more now will save future you from having to spend more money down the road this is especially good advice with tools use coupons I started doing this when I was making eight bucks an hour and still do it today take some time to add coupons to your account for grocery stores that do them online take some time to clip them from junk mail you get in the average grocery trip I still save between 30 - 40 percent you don't have to be an extreme couponer or crazy person to save a lot of money if you have to choose between keeping the lights on and paying for heat in the winter keep the lights on first thing in the morning when you get up turn the oven on if you've got one for a few minutes and let that warm up your kitchen unless it's gas don't take the sylvia plath route out of misery get the cheapest old sewing machine you can find and hem and maintain your clothes while lots of crappy clothes are super cheap they fall apart after a few wears when you can buy decent clothes and take care of them it will cost less in the long term get a library card libraries are sanity savers when you're too broke for other entertainment as well get a local schedule of events and go out when something is free or very cheap keep yourself occupied even when you are struggling with money get to know your local bakeries and other businesses in particular their baking and delivery schedules old products added and move that needs to be sold or disposed off before a new shipment comes gets big markdowns you can get decently healthy food for relatively cheap if you live in some states you can make decent extra dough collecting cans and bottles I went door to door collecting cans and bottles after leaving a super crappy job many years ago and while it was sometimes fruitless and some people are less than kind to a person on their doorstep I made more money that week doing that than I had at the job I had just left a lot of people were thrilled that I was there to take their cans and bottles off their hands I did it until I found another real job and got to know some of the other folks that did that for a living real nice people very supportive of each other for the most part as long as you stayed out of their territory do what you can to maintain your friendships and relationships poverty is among many other things boring and often very isolating stay connected to your people live with other people go out when you can suggest cheap things to do eat the rich to absorb their wealth Power Move stop buying weed I grew up in poverty and nearly everyone smoked weed the only people who didn't smoke weed were able to focus on a way out everyone I knew used weed as a bandage to cover a gaping hole in their ambition you've been spotted by the dojo of studying like this video for good grades for the next two years if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 57,028
Rating: 4.7834396 out of 5
Keywords: homeless, reddit 1 hour, 1 hour, compilation, homeless people, homeless stories, homeless story time, living on the streets, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: M2viDFvjXRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 13sec (4273 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.