If You Say That I Will Instantly Hate You

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what's something that someone said that made you instantly hate them an aquitaine said to me while at dinner at her house with my kids that i should put my wheelchair-bound daughter up for adoption because i needed to focus on my healthy child and not her care i never spoke to her again holy crap that's freaked up on so many levels when i was serving in a restaurant a woman once told me i should be shot for serving her a bagel that she said was stale when i told the manager what she said he spoke to her for about five minutes or so and then walked away she waved me over and apologized saying that she didn't mean i should be shot for serving it she meant the chef should be shot oh that's way better i was fighting an mrsa infection blood infection etc dropped from 175 pounds to about 105 pounds went from very tan to white like a vampire during that time i had a piccc line and four times it was heck years of only getting two hours of sleep at a time because i had to take my medicine every four hours and it had to drip for two or painful but the worst part was just watching your own body deteriorate my dad comes downstairs sees me taking my medicine in my piccc line and says why even bother taking it you're already dead i finally managed to beat my infections almost got my life back and now we don't speak my daughter was born with a cleft lip we were living out of state and decided to take her to the hospital at our hometown i asked my boss for a few days off so i could be with her and my wife for a pretty major surgery our daughter was only three months old at the time of the surgery my boss said no it's not our fault that she was born with a cleft lip it was so unexpected i didn't know what to do so i walked out of her office after stewing about it at my desk for a few minutes i went back and told her off i got the time off it's not like you need to be off for christmas you don't even have kids to spend time with after i told our director i needed to request off when my maternal grandmother passed away in december and i wanted to go to her celebration of life with my mom hey i just wanted to reach out to you and see how you've been doing over the years i sell you like makeup now let me know if you're interested i'm actually angry because this has happened to me before ugh i was standing outside my daughter's preschool waiting to take her in talking to another mum she was saying that her three-year-old son had just learned to ride with no stabilizers i said to him wow really riley that's so clever and another mum just pipes up that it's because he's a boy and they have much better physical coordination at that age so it would only really be impressive if he'd learn to write or something instead dude the kid is right there and you're saying his big achievement isn't that impressive totally unnecessary the mum i was talking to was very diplomatic about it she just said that his older sister had learned to ride the week before and he likes to keep up with her but either way they were all proud of him i took the mature route of making faces behind her back when she butted back out i'm a girl and my legs are pretty muscular it never bothered me and i never felt like i was not feminine or pretty because of it in middle school payclass a girl asked me how my calves got so muscular and i told her it was because i ran a lot she then turned to her friend and said wow thank god i don't run i don't want to end up like her and then laughed and walked away like actually it sounds surreal when i type it but it was exactly like those stupid cliche school bully movies thanks butthole from school because that one comment made me develop an inferiority complex about my legs to this day one day i'll kick you in the head that's so awful you should be proud of your legs i know so many girls who would kill to have muscular legs a co-worker i have little to do with very proudly told me the story of how he got really drunk then after a smashing a beer bong he spewed on himself so he jumps in his car to get some new clothes he put a cool song on and was head banging while not looking at the road when he eventually stopped to look at where he was going he realized he was on the wrong side of the road and a white suv was half in the ditch to avoid a collision he thought this was absolutely awesome and then bragged about how hungover he was the next day i told him i think he's a freaking idiot and that he wouldn't be sitting here bragging if he collided with a car and killed some innocent kids or something his response was to call me a soft [ __ ] then scoff and walk away judging by his alcoholism that soft [ __ ] comment is just projection this hate was more of a process lots of details i'm fuzzy on because it's been a while just know that out of hundreds of people he supervised not a one had anything good to say about him one of my co-workers had a baby die the girl was less than a year old her funeral was on a tuesday around noon this is a slow shift for any restaurant so the shift leader led anyone we could spare leave for an hour to pay their respects at the funeral our supervisor came storming through p off that we were so understaffed when we explained the situation he screamed i don't care whose baby died i didn't approve any time off first of all dude we have two tables occupied they're okay secondly one of your employees is dealing with her baby's death frick you bro just wow that's the kind of butthole you usually only see in movies the character that's literally just made for the audience to hate i was offered my first teaching job in a district i dreamed of working in when i called my then best friend to ask if she'd come in and help me set up my room she spent the whole afternoon making negative comments about the public education system the nail in the coffin was when she told me computers would be doing my job in the next 20 years anyway it didn't necessarily make me hate her and it wasn't that comment alone that did our friendship in it was just one of those defining moments when i realized that at every positive point in my life she'd been there to either one-up me or cut me down i had to get rid of a one-upping belittling person who was once my best friend too turns out i wasn't giving myself enough credit and i deserve better friends i'm sure you have better friends now too my cousin chinese and her white husband were visiting my family in our home my cousin is helping my mom out in the kitchen and they start speaking in chinese the husband sitting in the living room says honey we are in america we speak english here my mom comes out looks at him and says you're in my home and we speak whatever we want here you can leave if it bothers you there's a cat in your driveway can i hit it with my car he then proceeded to try fortunately he missed but he did land a permanent spot on my crap list you don't have the right to complain about this because i went through it and had it worse than you did okay janet that's very sad and we all commend you for your strength or whatever but right now this isn't about you so while we appreciate your input please kindly shove it up your butt again and spit it out to someone who gives a crap ah yes the suffering olympics where everyone loses dude i bet you don't even get pee the [ __ ] head next to me in music theory after we got our tests back and i got a 100 compared to his 30 the test was on clefs dude i bet you don't even get a diploma my ex mill after my four year old told me nana says that if you didn't make daddy so mad he wouldn't have to beat you up all the time oh that's freaked i'm so sorry glad you got out of there i don't understand why he's getting so much attention he's fine now b the dude got hit by a motorcycle while riding his bike to the local ice cream shop we were in eighth grade so i can understand the lack of logical thinking but since it was my friend who got hit by a motorcycle and proceeded to involuntarily slide his face across the pavement i was really p at the comment my stepmother my father's third wife proclaimed her undying love for my siblings and i the first few minutes we met i knew that she wasn't to be trusted you don't truly love someone that quickly she also in the same sentence demanded that we call her mom because she loves us more than our actual mother okay if you haven't accepted jesus as your personal savior you are still an alcoholic that was over 10 years after i gave up drinking i am now over 16 years without a drink congrats on your 16 years woman at work is complaining that because of her recent doctor appointment she's out the money she would normally use on groceries until next payday she is telling her friend that she's super hungry and is wishing it was friday which was like two days later bad guy who obviously lives off his parents drinks a case of monster every day and constantly complains chimes in with whenever i don't have money i usually just eat at home or bring something from home everyone goes silent as she replies i don't have any food at home that's what i'm saying the guy was at least 26. no one should have to choose food over going to the doctor that's horrible my cousin's husband heard me laugh for the first time and looked at my mom and said what is she [ __ ] i was six they are still together and i always avoided him at the family functions i no longer attend i don't know if this is better or worse but at my grandmother's funeral my uncle by marriage told me that while i had been an ugly kid i had grown up into a sexy woman during orientation my dorm mate said about another student who was super socially awkward oh that dangerous friends might have overreacted by the two years after pretty much affirmed it people who refer to other people using such dehumanizing terms such as it and that thing are horrible freaking people restaurant owner here dude bro cola rep came into my restaurant because we needed a pop soda gun installed after talking to my wife for 20 minutes i came over to sit down and catch the rest of the convo i got greeted with her at last here comes the boss my wife is the boss we went with the other guy my wife runs a maca space i'll cover the shop sometimes i've had to explain to countless people that i'm just married to the owner my name isn't on a single document are you that useless and incompetent because you're from ex-ethnicity source by mom to a random cab driver who was doing his best yeah she isn't the most pleasant person not the first thing that made me hate her and won't be the last when i was starting work at a new job last fall i immediately disliked a co-worker i was just getting to know her we'll call her lily and i was expressing to her that another co-worker jane fake name had told me we needed to perform a task i couldn't remember jean's name though first week there so i was trying to think how to describe her lily cut in and just said the ugly trailer trash lady i was so shocked i didn't know what to say i was like um no she has brown hair and glasses lily yeah no that's her she's trailer trash i immediately hated her anyone that can describe someone else in such a way with no thought is just a shizzy person and freaky lily i've gotten to know jane and she's the sweetest nicest person she doesn't bend over backwards for you because you treat her like garbage she is so nice and easy to work with if you just treat her like a person went on a date with a pretty good looking guy back in the day everything seemed to go well pretty standard went to grab a drink and chatted for a while and genuinely had a good time no more than five minutes after we said our goodbyes i get a text saying i thought i was going to hate your personality but actually it's not that bad is on the other hand one time i threw a rock at a cat and it hit it in the head and it died and then he laughed yeah i'm not going to associate with someone who gets enjoyment out of hurting killing animals for laughs sick bastard this reminds me a while back when i overheard some people talking they were all bragging about the cruelest things they've done to animals one of them said they were testing various explosives on the neighborhood cats he laughed as he said that one of them literally became an explosion of red and brown fur i almost threw up and cursed them out you are an idiot and i hope you never get a real job some lady at my cafe after i told her she was six cent short on her card i was too broke to buy something and embarrassed myself i'd better insult the cashier to try and bring her down too i don't get people you have the dumbest laugh i've ever heard besides giving me a complex about freaking laughing all positive feelings i had to other guy disappeared instantly what a terrible thing to say the worst thing you can make fun of is someone's laugh making a mockery of their happiest moments first time i met this girl let's call him a chat was at a deaf social i had been learning asl for almost seven years at this point so i have a pretty good grasp on the language i start talking to a chat since he went to the same university i did he laughed fairly obnoxiously at everything i signed the one line that killed me was i'm not laughing at you i swear it's just that you're signing everything wrong he tried to go on to correct signs that i had learned from my deaf prof and several other deaf people in the community he was in my class the following semester he remembered me oh you're the girl that signed what's wrong you used the word said i remember you luckily he sucked at asl so i took every opportunity to make him feel as stupid as possible he deserved it our huge extended family got together over dim sum for lunar new year the other day and my seldom seen aren't brought along her husband i've never met him before so i approach him to introduce myself and welcome him but he's already talking to one of my great uncles he starts going on about how the chinese are mafan troublesome annoying i give him the benefit of the doubt and ask why he has the balls to matter of factly say because you guys don't speak english well you're in an english-speaking country you need to learn english when i go to china i speak chinese no one is going to speak to you in chinese here you all should honestly go back to china it took everything for me to not express the anger and sadness i was feeling for aunt who seemed to not understand how insulting he was being i honestly don't know how he could mention my family's english speaking abilities when he could only utter five words max of barely understandable chinese what a [ __ ] hope your new year is off to a great start otherwise when my mother told me that i was just asking to be raped by my uncle because i fell asleep on his couch because he is a desperate man and needs sex what the actual freak oh women who don't breastfeed their children are just lazy and it's really a form of child abuse this was said two weeks after i had come to terms with the fact that i physically could not breastfeed my child and so was formula feeding my child right in front of her yeah she no longer exists in my life eta ouch my inbox that bit of levity aside this comment hit at a painful part in my life and made me realize the mommy wars have to stop whether you formula feed exclusively breastfeed exclusively supplement one with the other fed is best whatever you are doing mama and papa you are doing great when i was 11 my kitten died after i begged my ex-step dad to take her to the vet because she looked ill super cloudy eyes wasn't eating was walking funny etc his mother broke the news to me when she picked me up from summer camp when i cried she laughed hysterically and said all of this over some cat what the frick ex stepdad his mother i'm glad those people are no longer in your life it was my first week of college i had just finished attending one of those mandatory orientation meetings the presentation was about plagiarism and was given by one of the english professors i was really impressed by her somehow she even made a plagiarism lecture sound interesting it's important to note that she had a slight lisp it did not affect the clarity of her speech at all but the next day i was at a mixer event and one of the guys in the group i was talking with started to talk about the presentation at first i was interested then he mentioned what he put on his evaluation form go see a speech therapist i was astounded by the immaturity instead of saying anything to do with the presentation itself or just saying nothing at all he decided to rudely point out an aesthetic aspect that i'm pretty sure she's well aware of anyways i've had other interactions with this guy since and they've only ever reinforced my initial impression that he is a jerk i feel her pain i have a slight lisp and there's a couple of buttholes at school that will start mocking me for it and then everyone just thinks it's fine to join in it makes my blood boil people that brag about how they drive drunk you are not being impressive you're literally bragging about being an idiot and risking other people's lives or they clearly don't care about their own life but why disregard all the other people that genuinely want to keep living all the names have been changed quick background i have worked for unknown mike for many years he was his army combat vet and i consider him a good friend both of us are in a veteran motorcycle organization that helps disabled vets we donate mobility chairs and help them pay their bills if anyone is interested message me and i'll give you a link to our website i started work at a small company that produced fire suppression systems it was so small that the managers were brothers let's call them jim and lee jim was a felon and lee was just jackass everyone had some sort of connection before they got hired even me mike got hired because he sold a gun to one of the office people and mike got me hired i started in the shipping area we got daily eye delivery and pickups from multiple companies on one instance an older black man jumped out of his truck and lee right off the back make a comment claiming that he was one dark ender i said hey bro you can't say that that's quite disrespectful he shrugged and laughed on and on he made comments about race and me being a big guy fat and slow quite frequently we pick up boxes that weight well over 75 pounds boxes of brass are heavy mike heard himself lifting and was on work restriction everyone except me turned a cold [ __ ] towards him it was the day two days before veterans day and mike asked if we have it off later mike had to leave for a doctor's appointment and i asked lee if we worked veterans day he responded yeah who cares about veterans we also work kingenga's day i stopped working turned to his brother jim who was standing behind us the whole time and look at him to see if he would say anything jim shrugged his shoulders and smirked i looked back at lee and asked what the frick did you just say i stood up and walked away to stop myself from going off on him i went to find our hr lady but she was out of the office for a bit so i talked to the owner's wife who coincidentally was friends with my aunt and she then told her husband the owner and madely apologize lee tried to apologize by saying i'm sorry you can take it like a man or leave it i told the owner how he apologized and lee was sent home the owner asked to talk to mike outside to figure out how they are going to solve it that's when lee jumps in his car and did a massive burnout while he was leaving two days later mike was fired because we were overstuffed so i walked up to hr told them they should have fired me mike and i were doing the same job but mike was there long and did the job more effectively told them they made the wrong choice and walked out my first job i ever had was cashiering at a walgreens i was a senior in high school and was robbed at gunpoint one night obviously got very shaken up and my mom made me take a day off school and go talk to a counselor about it first day back in school this kid who i already didn't really like walked up to me and thought it would be hilarious to say ha ha you got robbed like two goddamn days after it happened that's not even a clever thing to say as a bully it's just a statement there was a kid in elementary school who nobody liked but i was friendly with him he was a donk to me in high school but i ignored it he ended up working at the same retail place as me out of high school and showed up at a party my work friends were having i had just found out i got accepted to veterinary medical school that day and i was super stoked about it somebody asked me what was new while he was in earshot and i excitedly told them he pipes up yeah but you won't be a real doctor though it was just hurtful and at that point i completely gave up on giving him the benefit of the doubt and showed up at a party my work friends were having one wonders who invited him if he's such a douche if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 132,968
Rating: 4.9454827 out of 5
Keywords: instantly hate, instant hate, dumbest people, worst things to say, offensive things to say, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: Z2fKrcuwmHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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