What's The Biggest Bro Move You've Made For Your Kid?

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parents offered it what's the biggest bro move you pulled for your kid yet they don't need to know about I don't know if this counts but I sometimes slipper 20 and my son's wallet while he's in the shower or asleep when I know he has a date he's a good student and works part-time but after he pays his car insurance his spending money can get a little tight I don't think he knows because I've heard him tell friends about money he forgot about that definitely counts and is adorable I'm a nanny but I've pulled some bro moves for the boys I look after but my favorite one was the time the six Yale had his first little crush both the boys are very sweet kind and quite popular the foreo is a little crazy devil and I adore him with the six U is a very sensitive boy and I often have to reassure him a lot that says just because the petrol light is on doesn't mean the car will stop anyway he had this crush on a girl in his class super cute long brown hair big dark eyes the works he agonized over speaking to her every day he even picked her a flower once which I thought was a cool move but he put it on her lunchbox and didn't say who it was from I go to pick him up one day and I noticed the girl in question is looking around anxiously her mum is late I hear her saying to herself where's mum but in greek chants detected so i go up to her and say in greek if your mom is late you can come sit with us and wait for her and play games with 6u on my phone little girl's face lights up six year then impresses her with his extensive pokemon go knowledge and i nod along saying that he caught the powerful Pokemon on my phone he didn't obviously but I ain't no slouch little girls mum arrives thanks me and little girl asks for a playdate with 6yo success mum almost says no until I start talking Greek to her yeah Greek people are funny like that strict parents but they trust their own anyway they have playdates every week now and she calls him her boyfriend super adorable as another Greek I was obligated to not vote this last year when my daughter was in first grade she bought a shopkins snap bracelet with her own money she was super proud of it after about a week she took it off at school to wash her hands and left it in the bathroom she checked the lost and found every day and didn't give up finally we bought a replacement and had the lady at the front desk sneak it in to the Lost & Found box she was over the moon bonus now your kid will actually check lost and found when they lose things you paid for coats scarves et Cie my wife and I adopted our now eight year old when he was five a few days into living in our house he had a complete meltdown because he couldn't find his Batman action figure he and his younger sister were living with their biological grandmother prior to living with us and I guess it got lost in the move their grandma was great but she had significant health issues dementia diabetes and couldn't financially care for two kids anyway he was freaking out over the Batman action figure and after hours of screaming and crying he finally fell asleep I went out and brought the action figure from the store and put it next to him in his bed he woke up in the morning and asked where it came from I told him that his grandma dropped it off he noticed that it was in better condition than he left it but I was able to convince him that his grandma stayed up all night fixing it for him he asked her about it and she didn't remember but he was pretty used to her not remembering things and didn't really question it maybe he knows but I don't see any reason to tell him I will be his mom for life his grandma's very ill now and will likely pass soon I want him to have positive memories of her you are the best my ten-year-old son is really good at strategy games in his fifth grade class they play a lot of them one week units at a time and he almost always ends up the class champion but when he's in a high-pressure situation he sometimes falters and he really beats himself up about it a few weeks ago the gained his class was playing was pimped and again he's the class champ undefeated and one Thursday night the school had a big parents versus kids pen tournament dozens and dozens of games where various parents play various kids in the class this happens every year and the parents haven't lost in over a decade and our full of frantic games pass and with one game remaining the adults and kids are tied like 102 - 102 or something and the remaining game that will decide it all whether the kids will emerge victorious for the first time since the Bush era is me versus my son the kids are hyped up like crazy because they are close to a victory and the guy they're pinning their hopes on is my son their best player who has already beaten me once earlier in the competition they are packed around the table chanting his name but I can see he is stressing out big time and getting super frazzled and with the game on the line he blows it makes a really bad move that essentially hands me the game and the parents yet another victory he realized it and I could see he was just devastated so I just stare hard at the board fake concentrating as convincingly as I can and pretend not to see it made a different play he pounces and wins the kids all go eat crap and he walks home on cloud 9 reveling in having stopped the parent win streak totally worth it my dad pulled the reverse of this he let me win at checkers the first time we ever played but never a single time did I win after not a parent but I used to be a nanny to an autistic kid outwardly the most noticeable thing to other kids was that she talked oddly not Cauley but oddly she had a tendency to enunciate weird syllables and pronounced some things strangely one day at a birthday party when she was probably six or so two girls asked me who's mom are you and I pointed out the girl line Anat they said om seemed disappointed I asked if they were friends with her and they said not really and then one leaned forward and quietly told me that the girl line at it talks funny I told them oh that's just her accent her father is French even though it wasn't an accent and that isn't even how accents work they were six and had no idea so they were in all that they knew someone with a real accent they immediately befriended her and started telling other kids that she had an accent which made the other kids interested as well one of those two girls moved away bill the other is her best friend now eight years later apparently six-year-olds think accents are great you are a bro of brothers if there is a heaven there will be a tribute to your bro Ness not a parent but my mom saved my butt when I was 13 I started my period I didn't use tampons that much and as a result ended up using a lot of pads the thing is I had no idea that they weren't supposed to be flushed so I'd been unknowingly freaking up the sewage system at my house one day my brother invites one of his friends over that I had a crush on apparently they went to the bathroom and saw one of my bloody pads stuck in the toilet my brother proceeds to make fun of me about it and call my mom to vent his embarrassment but my mom said that it was hers that she accidentally forgot to flush however my mom hadn't had a period in over ten years at this point I didn't find out until maybe six years later that my mom took the fall for me because she knew that I liked my brother's friend and didn't want to Frick anything up for me a total bro move your mom is the real MVP my mother-in-law did not approve of us having more than one child because although the population she was in love with our first child then when we had our second child she did not treat her the same because Yano she never should have been born it got even worse when our third was born she outright despised him so each year at Christmas she would send child one several expensive gifts and one cheap gift to child two and nothing to child three we always went out and bought some gifts for child two and three labeled them from Grandma so they wouldn't know she passed away so it's no longer an issue we have to worry about my kid knocked over the TV in the living room while she was dancing around and when mom got home she stormed into the room about to rip my kid a new one I could see the fear in her eyes so I stepped in and said I knocked it over when I was throwing pillows while playing I paid for it in more than one way but it was totally worth it because I had an excuse to go shopping for a new TV another TV story my best friend's little sister accidentally put a hole in their TV playing Wii a couple years ago she felt just terrible figuring her dad would be P he never got angry said it was an accident and went out to buy a much nicer TV not entirely on topic but somewhat relevant my mom and I had and presumably still have although it hasn't been used in years a code hand gesture that meant whatever I'm about to ask you please say no or come up with a reason not to we came up with it so I could get out of having to hang out with annoying kids without upsetting anyone but my mom used it a few times when I was elder so I'd remind her about an appointment or errand that's needed running by the time I was in my mid-teens we were basically roommates and bras played a lot of code online together and such good times I need to pass this method on to my husband it's comical thinking back on it but when you are in the moment and you just want someone to back you up to get out of something but they just aren't catching on oh the frustration I believe your method will solve this problem nicely mum off to here my entire life is a bro move but here are two that you guys will approve of one I don't notice the lotion left in the shower after my sons are long showers that somehow end with him never washing his hair to my daughter's best friend comes from a lower financial status so I never asked her or her mom for money for any of our activities that I bring her with I just state that her mom already gave me the money that way the girls have spent years rollerskating mosaic classes watching movies going to pools without ever having to deal with the awkwardness BFS forever oh and they get to see all of the Marvel Star Wars Hubbert and Harry Potter movies for the first midnight shows with their friends being the kid who grew up with less money than my friends families this is a great thing you let a kid experience things she maybe never would have had never made her feel bad about her financial situation I was lucky enough to have parents or friends who do the same things thank you for being awesome not a parent but my dad is the best he always told me that he'd be there for me no matter what well when I was 16 my three best friends and I got a hotel room after a wedding we all went it was one of my friends sister's wedding one of my friends and I had a couple wine coolers and then we stopped drinking no buzz whatsoever but my other two friends got plastered they were throwing up everywhere and it was a total nightmare we didn't know what to do and we were panicked to say the least so I called my dad at 4:30 in the morning he showed up to the hotel 20 minutes later with cleaning supplies and helped us clean the room and make sure my friends were ok he never told anyone sparrin sand I'm pretty sure he didn't even tell my mom I'm 22 now and I've called him a couple times to pick me up from the bar he always shows up and tells me that he's happy I called him instead of driving home such a bro when I become a parent this is the exact type of parent I want to be you are lucky to have someone like this my youngest daughter's betta fish died I told her I would take it to the vet since it wasn't doing well spent an hour and Petsmart looking for a similar colored fish and got it sort of close I worried she would pick up on the fact the color was different only for her to comment on how Goldie was a different shape now I explained it away telling her the vet had fed the fish well so it was bigger next week my eldest daughter's hermit crab dies I get ready to talk her through death and all that stuff she turns to me and tells me not to worry I can just take it to the same vet I took the betta to I spent more time at Petsmart that night my youngest daughter's betta fish died well it was the test version anyways and parent but haven't done anything growth from my daughter yet however when I was a teen I told my mom I was bringing a girl over to watch some movies in the bedroom I had no clothes she did this but when I got home my room was spotless and smelled really nice when I left for work it was just as messy as it had ever been my brother and I had rooms next to each other and before he had his girlfriend over my mom talked to me and told me not to go knock or anything if he plays music very loudly or anything like that which I usually would have done we always got into fights over the other one being too noisy I was a bit too young to get it at the time Ashley was the little ones bestest bestest best friend ever she was horrible Ashley ruined sparkly princess day by spilling all of the glitter on the carpet she had a grating voice she yelled squealed most words she whined like a toddler when she didn't get her way she was constantly talking and whining and she said stupid things because was eight as an adult you never think you'd hate a third grader but you don't know Ashley a picky eater who was always hungry and complained about everything you offered her she started sentences with UNITA or I want or I hate once I was driving them somewhere and Ashley was so irritating that I contemplated dropping Ashley off on the corner and driving away well kids mimic each other and the little one started picking up Ashley like effects she started whining and she started yell talking so I scheduled the little one in after-school program that I knew Ashley's parents didn't approve of because I knew for certain she wasn't allowed to go a few weeks later there was a different best friend in the back seat of the car there was a huge spider that ran onto my daughter's face this morning ein injured grabbed it and threw it across the room I never knew spiders bounced it could have been a lot worse last time a spider ran across my crotch I punched myself Oh May oh thank god you didn't punch your daughter in the face I stopped being an alcoholic and quit smoking before they were born if that counts otherwise we would be living in a trailer in the woods with no internet like a bunch of scrubs like I grew up my kids already have a way bigger head start and life than I did my wife had a bad car crash and insurance took a long time to pay while we had to foot all the bills money was getting very tight one day $5,000 appeared on our account without any message transferred by my dad we drove to my parents and tears in the eyes thanked them and said we would definitely pay them back as soon as we could and my dad said no need just help me when I need money someday that day will never come both of us knew he's done very well in life working very hard thank you Dad well the day he needs money might not come but don't sent him to a nursing home when he's old take him into your own home one time I got suspended for wearing these super ridiculous goth boots that had metal plating on the front I was really gothy and a nerdy band kid at a very conservative high school in southern mt and my school was constantly picking on me for my clothes they suspended me for bringing weapons to school for the boats one of many frivolous suspensions related to my clothes note I was an average kid with no criminal record otherwise getting suspended also got you a zero for the day which you could not make up under the administration's rules my mom had just lost her brother in a sudden brain aneurysm and when she picked me up from school I could tell she was super fed up with the administration's crap especially in the midst of the most difficult personal crisis that had happened to her yet on top of recently leaving my emotionally abusive dad she went in my room dressed up in some of my goth clothes and put on the boots this was back when cell phones had just evolved to contain cameras and we took a bunch of stupid self eyes I set it as the wallpaper on my phone it got confiscated the next day just for falling out of my pocket and put in the dean's office I'm sure he saw those self eyes of me and mom mom bro levels were high that day I was hoping you were going to say she went to talk to the administrators in goth clothes that would have been amazing I'm a father I have two daughters who are today nine and four when the younger was only a few months old around three years ago or so things weren't going so well with their mother she is an alcoholic and a drug addict was screwing around in our home drinking and drugging around the kids I stepped to her no nonsense and told her I wasn't going to raise our daughters in a home with any of that garbage going on they deserved a peaceful and safe place to live I threw their mother out that day and never intend to ever place my children in a situation like that again we're all doing well and I've stuck to my guns about it since not a dad bill I laugh with my brother and his family the extra income means we all live in a much nicer place and we would be able to afford otherwise my brother is a lot like my dad caring but very strict my eldest nephew lands somewhere on the low side of the autism spectrum and his a tendency to act out when things don't go his way when his dad handles it there's a lot of yelling and crying my brother tries he really does but he's not the best at being patient with the boy when I see a blow-up imminent or a tantrum on the brink of happening I suddenly find a need to run to the store and I need a helper to come along with me we usually have a good talk about his day if anything is bothering him and I usually make a point about talking about his two-year-old little brother he's 11 and starting to take this whole big brother role model thing pretty seriously by the time we get back he's usually corrected his course and the sailing is much smoother for the evening the little guy is stuck in a loop way he wants to be treated like a big kid it gets too easily frustrated when he's not which leads to him not being treated like a big kid I hope I'm doing at least a little to break that cycle not a parent but my boyfriend's dad is the real MVP my boyfriend and I were 15 and I asked my mom if I could sleep over at his house because he lived now or out of town she said no in about five seconds that they might be F's dad picked me up because we were going to a hockey game in another town there was a mild snowstorm during the game so he called my mom and said it wasn't safe to go all the way back to drop me off the roads were just too bad it would be safest to go directly to their house when my mom agreed and he hung up the phone he turned to us and said I'll support you guys with this whole Romeo and Juliet thing still dating after five years I'm not a parent but I have a good bro memory with my dad when I was 16 and had my first girlfriend I told my dad about it and about three months into the relationship asked if she could come over on the weekend to meet them my dad agreed when I came home from school on Friday my dad had taken my mom and sisters to the Great Wolf Lodge on our kitchen counter he left me a $100 condoms and a note saying the 100 is for food and a date do not throw a fricking party don't enter our room were your sisters use your room please use protection and we'll be back around 10:00 p.m. tomorrow safe to say I lost my virginity Dharam I figure she and probably you two were both nervous about the meet the in-laws thing and instead got a good time that was not only sanctioned but suggested by pops I'm not a parent but I got a story that hits close to home with me my best friend is autistic and has always had a strong obsession with basketball the summer of seventh grade is when he really started to put more effort and practice into basketball and because I was pretty much his only friend and person to play ball with I always felt the need to keep up with him and devote as much time as he did I wasn't quite as much of a fan of the game as him but I enjoyed it fast-forward to June of a year by now my friend has gotten really good at the game spent all his time at the gym to get better I got pretty tired off playing it and didn't have the time or the resources to put effort in practice since high school so the gap between our skill had gotten pretty big his parents were pretty aware of this as we played every Friday night a good 5 or 6 one-on-one games resolves were always the me loosing them all well one day they came to me and said hey we got you a gym membership I didn't actually ever have one when and would spend my own money to go there $20 a visit 4-6 visits a month so it was really nice of them the part I didn't realize was the membership was about $60 a month and original they said we can talk about the money later later still hasn't come and it's been three year and haven't once asked for the money were talking $2,000 plus I feel like they knew I didn't have the money for it despite my part-time job I work to raise money for college my mom pulled a huge bro move for me one time I was maybe 17 and a friend and I were playing with a cap gun and playing on his computer because we were nerds and 17 we decide to go up to the market for a soda and my friend brought a cap gun with him but we hit a red light and I cut off the light by going through a banked parking lot the cap gun was on the dash because we were 17 and nerds and [ __ ] we got our sodas driving home I say to my buddy Wow lot of cops out today yeah weird we get back and we're shooting hoops in the street when the entire freakin police force rolled in they asked if the car is mine I say yes they say they got a report of a gun in the car put me up against the hood and search me my buddy is sitting in the driveway frickin horrified the neighbors are all now either peering out windows or straight up in the front yard while the town police force has guns at the ready I assure them it's just a toy search the car not gonna get any fight from me anyway they call my mom and she leaves work and comes to the scene freaking turbit I mean she is 11 stroke 10 about to Holocaust my stupid but she reads me the goddamn riot act in the street she calls me every name in the book while I stand there feeling like an idiot the lead cop was loving it it went on for what seemed like an eternity before they sent me home I get home a minute or two before my mom and I'm like well PIME dead my dad asks how my day was and I assure him he'll find out momentarily my mom walks in the front door like nothing happened pretty good show huh wh-what it's obviously toy freakin gun Jesus Christ do they have nothing better to do what a freaking waste couldn't believe it I mean she is 11 stroke 10 about to holocaust my stupid but I needed that laugh this morning Thanks I'm throwing my mom into the ring for this one because she is awesome and I don't think she knows I know so yeah I'm another one of those soaring of sori when I was younger I was a geek dork so I got made fun of a lot in kindergarten there was this guy named Mark who was much older than me along with his friend Shane he used to be a bully and it really upset me no matter how much I told him to leave me alone pushed back he wouldn't and it really upset me one day something happened I don't remember what it was but she got fed up so while I was talking to the teacher one day mom cornered him and said something of which I have no idea from then on he was always nice respectful and very friendly to me we even played on the playground together without in fact he kind of turned into my protector never had a problem after that I still wonder what she said it it was on the sly too as I don't think she ever got in trouble with any other teachers or his parents I got away from their abusive cheating felonious narcissist father I couldn't raise my sons to be decent men if I stayed with their father it took almost three years to get him out of my life but once he was out he was gone I have been with my current so their dad since they were five and four they are 13 and 11 well done mama leaving a narcissist is a heck of a trip not for my kid but a student I teach seventh grade 11 - 12 year olds a girl raised her hand and made me walk over to her desk she looked at me with huge eyes and just gestured finally figured out she was asking to go to the bathroom okay sure whatever when she came back she stood next to her seat and wouldn't sit down I let it go almost end off class anyway next period came in and I told them that someone had spilled their drink lemonade let's not use a desk today cleaned it up and let it be not one student realized this poor child had peed on her pants they were black pants so didn't show my two-year-old left her Raggedy Ann doll in a playground we go back to find it a couple hours later and we do find it after dog had chewed off its face and scattered the stuffing super meltdown time I took the remains and figured out the product name and manufacturer from the tag and was able to call up Hasbro and have it delivered a few days later we then told her that I had sent her a doll to a doll hospital actually such things exist and she'd been all fixed up presenting her with the replacement I learned about a million dad points that day as a precaution I then ordered three more of that doll and stashed them away thank God I did that not a parent but did this for my little brother the little dude God has been saving his money couple quid here and there and birthda money he gets later on I found out he had also started saving his school dinner money and Weldon tea during school lunch for months and months to buy himself a new set of trainers he Godin was so proud worships them practically law would even put them back in the box with paper wrapped around them each time he took them off only two weeks later some idiot at his school purposely ruins issues in his art class by pouring paint on them he came home crying and I promised him I'd get them so clean he won't even know paint had touched them I couldn't do it so on purpose would make sure he saw me cleaning them was pretending to keep the charade going and went out and bought him a brand new pair left them in his room kid got up for school and was as happy as I've ever seen him only a few years ago did he tell me he actually knew I went out and brought him a new pair but he really appreciates it and now he's super careful about anything he owns long all this warms my heart you're the best brother ever I have two boys and I only hope my boys will grow up to do things like you did for each other this is late so it will probably get buried but when my son was about 10 his friend didn't invite him to his big sleepover birthday party all of the other kids in the friend group were invited leaving my son feeling left out and having nobody to hang out with on the weekend I took him to the movies to see jackass which was brand new rated R and wildly inappropriate for his age come Monday he was a minor celebrity at school because he was the only one who had seen it one of the hardest things to deal with as a parent is another kid being a Royal dong and hurting your kid my 10 you just went through something similar his BFF had moved to another state came back to visit and didn't even call him hung out with another kid my son was devastated later he party I have a 15 News stepdaughter her mom is a wonderful woman but horrible at disciplining the kid kids lazy and self-centered the best bro move I have made as the cumulative years of work instilling a culture change in the stepdaughter it's still a work in progress but walking the tightrope of not your father but fathering you combined with enforcing boundaries more strictly than you've ever seen but still developing a positive bond with me as some of the most complicated stress Laden crap I've experienced for reference I'm a combat veteran I just hope when she's in her late twenties or early thirties she has the self-awareness to be able to look back at our time when she was this age and realized what I did try to do for her not me but something my dad did my aunt tends to promise things that she cannot follow through on this particular time she promised my sister she would buy her a new car on her 18th birthday a few weeks before my sister's birthday and it's looking like once again she will not be following through my dad ended up buying the calf of my sister and gave my aunt all the credit what's truly outstanding is that at the time my sister and dad did not get along she was constantly arguing with him and disrespecting him and all through her screams of I hate you et Cie he never once brought up that it was in making her car payments not me but my dad did something bro when I was a kid my nose has the tendency to bleed quite a lot as I've got to deviated septum there was this kid in school who was a bit of a bully and knowing my condition he once pinched me on the nose and my nose started bleeding uncontrollably went home crying to my dad and he went to school with me the next day talked to the killer scarily as he tried and gave the kid a very light pinch on the nose the whole point was to scare him shitless the kid was quite shaken and promised never to do it again and he never did this was when I was seven turns out he became one of my close friends and we've known each other for 16 years thanks dad I basically raised my two sisters because of a large age gap now my parents always volunteered me to Babis it to everyone's kids so all the parents could go party together I'd be babysitting about 4 - 7 kids at a time all throughout the weekends and after school I was head of the PTA of 19 and RAM snack day now this kid who I've known since he was 4 time of the story 8 started terrorizing all the kids especially my sister but so I told him if he didn't stop I'd never sell him his Takas and Gatorade ever again the terrorizing stopped instantaneously and my sister was finally not stressing about going to school I found out a week later there were a lot of problems at home for him so I started buying his snacks for him the rest of the year I'm a parent of two and though I have a few moments I can think of with my kids and some of their friends I'm reminded of my best friend's mom growing up my folks were pretty good while I was young we were poor though no doubt about it you know like getting food from the church poor getting one pair of shoes for an entire school year and lots of hand-me-downs kind of poor anyway as I got older my stepdad started driving long haul and as a result my mom started going with him for some reason I was probably 10-12 years old at the time I would literally be left alone at home for a week or more alone my two older sisters were total crap heads at the time not so much anymore and though they were supposed to be there they weren't most of the time when summer came around I would just ride my bike into town which was about seven miles we lived out in the country for the most part I would meet up with my friends and hang out all day until it was time for them to go home and I would just ride my bike home alone one night I remember my best friend asking if I wanted to stay the knife so I said sure the next day his mom asked if my parents would pick me up and I just told her I would ride my bike home she basically said no I'll give you a ride you're too young to be riding completely alone this far back and forth so she gave me a ride home when we got to my house she asked where my parents were so I told her they were gone on the road for while I remember her blankly staring at me like what the fool who when she told me to go inside grad clothes and come back out I basically spent the rest of the summer at my friend's house no questions asked she treated me like I was her own son and never really talked much about it with me I don't know if she ever said anything to my parents about it but she always looked out for me after that and I spent a lot of my life over at their house basically until I graduated from high school and moved out on my own I'm still best friends with her son and keep in contact with her we went on a family holiday 300 miles from our home my at the time 4 year old son forgot his blanket he couldn't sleep without first night where is my blanket to a.m. still didn't sleep I drove 300 miles back home picked up his blanket drove 300 miles back to the hotel to arrive in time for lunch I actually have a relevant story a couple of years ago my son was in middle school his last week of school he decided to create multiple accounts on the school system using variations of these nuts he was called into the office and I was in turn called to see his principal as she told me and showed me evidence of his transgressions I smiled politely she went on about how he could be expelled and how horrible it was she suggested he just be suspended for the rest of the year two days and he should learn a lesson I told her no he shouldn't be punished at all seeing he's an honor roll student and this was a simple action of a bored kid it'd make him think he was suspended and let the weight of it sink in she relented I pulled him out of school and let him sit home and game for two days I thought it was hilarious not a parent yet but my parents were pretty relaxed in general about boys dating and drinking I'm a straight twenty-two yo female for context basically with Boise only rules were that one they had to be home and two we had to stay in the common areas of the house keep the door open as for drinking they were fine with it so long as I was careful and responsible since my family is predisposed to alcoholism the only thing they were super against was drugs I can't remember the exact circumstances of what I took the blame for but my four year old was getting it from the wife and my daughter does this thing with her hands when she is nervous that I think only I notice so I seen this and said oh sorry baby that was my fault bla bla bla the only reason I remember this is because I could clearly see in her eyes my daughter's mind working as if she was realizing that it was a fault that her dad was taking the blame and that she should go along with it I can't really explain it with words but I seen in her eyes that it clicked that I have her back and just that we memory is so valuable to me I'm not a parent but last year I was working in a youth center and we planned a trip to an Adventureland I played soccer with the kids and a ball hit the ceiling and the water pipe underneath I was devastated for a week afterwards and thought I had to pay for the whole thing my mother called me two weeks later and told me that it had been turned down and everything was covered by my insurance flash-forward to last week my mom asked me to look something up on her PC and I found a file with my name on her desktop turns out that she not only wrote several letters to the adventureland it also contacted my insurance a lawyer and made sure everything was covered I was genuinely moved when I found out and she doesn't even care for any kind of acknowledgment took a video secretly of my stepson bawling because bio-dad didn't pick him up like he promised dad worked 3-11 at his job so the next day I knew he worked I told my then wife I was going to go to friend's house I confronted him non-violently when he got out showed him the video and basically tore into him but guess he felt bad because ever since with a few exceptions he keeps his promises TLDR guilt-tripped stepson bio-dad into being a dad my son was being bullied by a boy in his class fifth grade age 10 in a fit of frustration my son wrote Joe Schmoe will dial his desk in pencil I was called to the school to meet with his teacher the principal and the school psychologist to discuss my son's suspension for making a threat against another student I said my son didn't make a he stated a fact Joe Schmoe will die the administrators excuse them to discuss this nugget and when they returned the charges were dropped I never mentioned this to my son as for Joe Schmo he was expelled six months later again not me but my dad when I was 15 I tried weed for the first time bad trip Frick so I called a friend and instructed him to call my dad dad was chill just wanted to make sure I am okay 20 minutes later my dad and stepmom show up they get me coke and some food took me out for two hours made sure I was okay we joke about it occasionally he knows I was going to try so no point is scolding he just had Duke at ated me and told me to try it with them instead of alone because everyone knows the best cure for a bad weed trip is coke I am a parent but this I going to be about my niece she was a freshman in high school and was wanting to go to homecoming at the time I was with my now XO and he was overseas he will send me $400 a month to help take care of our son as well as myself when I heard about my niece needing to go to homecoming as my sister couldn't afford it I asked my ex for more money to help her go he denied that request so I used the money I had put away saved and bought my niece a homecoming dress for her hair done and her nails and bought all new makeup so I could do her makeup I bought her shoes and even drove her to the homecoming along with her date and picked them up and took them where they wanted to go the money I had saved was so I could get my own place when my ex returned back but it was totally worth it to see my niece so happy for her first homecoming my kid knows about this one but hopefully it still counts when he was 8 years old we had just moved to a new neighborhood and my kid had lots of friends living within walking distance the kids were over at our house all overtime and all was good one day several of his friends showed up on their bikes and want my son to go riding with them my son had taken a nasty spill on his first bike when he was 5 and even though we continued to buy him a new boy every year he never wanted to ride and I think he always considered himself a shaky rider at best his friends showed up popping wheelies on the speed bumps in our subdivision ready to go I looked over at my son and could see the concern on his face because I knew that he didn't want to appear to be the worst rider in the group these kids were begging him to come and ride and his unused bike was clearly visible in the open garage he was walking hesitantly toward his bike so I ran outside and yelled don't even think about getting on that bike you know you twisted the heck out of your knee last week I have told you over and over about this bike riding and I am tired of it I do not want to see you on a bike a game until further notice his friends had zahl swiveled around as I don't think that any of them had ever heard me curse so they knew I was serious they begged for my son to come and clay with them and asked me if they could leave their bikes parked in my driveway I took a deep breath pretended to think about it and finally said yes everyone ran off to play and then my son came running back to me he just whispered thanks mom and ran back out to his friends growing up is tough enough and I'd do anything to save my kids from embarrassment few have been visited by the romantic jogger comment love is magic so you never fall in the friendzone like and subscribe you magnificent person
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 263,074
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Id: bj1cVIt2mOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 25sec (2425 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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