Revenges That Hit Harder Than Intended

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serious what revenge of yours hit the victim way worse than you thought it would to the point you said maybe i shouldn't have done that in elementary school there was a bully kid who would make fun of me i had a bad bowl cut and was pretty small so it wasn't surprising me and my friends usually just ignored him anyway one day this kid from brazil moved into the house next to mine he was a year older we used to play soccer together every day after school i mentioned to him once that this kid would call me names and usually while walking home from school would follow behind me taunting me one day i'm leaving school and this kid is going slowly behind me on his bike shouting stuff just dumb kid stuff you know a brazil kid comes out of nowhere knocks the kid off his bike and just starts beating him bully is on the grass crying and bleeding brazil kid grabs the bike and gives it to me you can keep this and then walks away i didn't know what to do i just laid the bike next to the kid and walked home he wasn't at school for like a week later in life i found that kid had a really crappy home situation with abusive parents i was 10 at the time always felt bad for that quit bullying me though i still occasionally see that brazilian guy don't think he even remembers it cool on him for helping in his way i just think it went too far brazil kid was actually pretty cool for sticking up for you and yeah i wouldn't feel too bad for the bully sometimes that has to happen to them a few times before they learn to quit taking a crappy home life out on innocent kids i was dating this girl and my friend saw her around town a few times and humiliated her in an effort to embarrass me i told him to stop bothering her but he did it again that night i convinced him to try getting back together with his wildly insane and manipulative ex that he hadn't spoken to in years thinking that he would just humiliate himself by trying well they banged and got back together for a while and had a baby now they are terrible single parents jesus i think the consequences from this one are the worst in the thread my friends and i used to pull a lot of pranks on each other growing up and about 10 years ago i was helping my buddy set up a new business he was ordering business cards and the company he was going through was offering i think 500 or so free with a large order so we decided to prank our other friend we made business cards with his name phone number home address and had his job title as professional creep with the slogan if i'm creeping you ain't sleeping we passed these cards out all over town he was getting really harassing phone calls for a while and couldn't figure out why after about two years he found one of the cards on a random fridge at a party and put two and two together he was p and is still getting random calls ten years later i feel really bad about that one jesus change your number had a lawyer a few years back who was a piece of absolute crap one would go months between returning phone calls two constantly late with court filings to the point the courts multiple times moved to have the case dismissed from lack of action three lied to me constantly about anything and everything four refused to be fired seriously when i told him he was fired he just ignored me and kept presenting himself as my lawyer i had to get the courts involved to get him to stop five lied about me our client has been unreachable we are considering dropping them i tried to call you 84 time in thr last three months and you didn't answer or return a single one six when i finally did fire him he told me i had to be in court on a specific date that didn't work for me at a specific time that didn't work for me or else the motion to withdraw wouldn't be accepted so i got to the courtroom and the judge was super nice but confused as to why i was there and when i told him the story the judge just goes yay this is all done electronically i'm not sure why your lawyer would tell you that other than to be a dong needless to say by the end of all this i was p and wrote a ten page bar complaint about four different lawyers in their offices and ethical behavior well the bar association decided this was a firm wide encourage pattern of behavior and threw the book at the four partners disbarred for five years restitution to clients and only allowed to practice under supervision for a period of five years after they return i felt a little bad but god dang i was so freaking sick of being jerked around my bother and cousins were walking home from school while my brother and i were walking and my cousins were on bikes they kept circling us and making fun of us because we didn't have bikes one of my cousins then spits on me out of reflex i blasted her with my trumpet case and she went flying landed on the concrete and broke her arm i felt awful it was the first and last time i ever hit a girl my family believed every word of the story knew this cousin was always a total b to me and largely believed she had it coming i still felt awful though the trumpet case an elegant weapon for a more civilized age when i was in fifth grade my teacher gave out a crap ton of homework one day so i got the whole class to help me write a letter to the principal she found out and cried and crap i felt really horrible because she was just trying to get us ready for a test coming up i still feel really bad every time i think about it oh i have one for this my grandpa was a bit old school and gave me prison yard advice for my first week of school he said if anyone picks on you just deal with them right then don't take it first week of kindergarten a grade one kid was pushing me around not letting me go back to class i pushed him down against a fence and kicked him in the face three or four times splitting his nose almost got kicked out of school until they found out my grandpa had told me to do it thing is no one mess with me after and that guy was nice to me all the way through to graduation a kid on my track team would always come by and take a drink of whatever i had with me i was sick of it and brought a root beer with me which had been spiked with 3x the recommended dose of root beer flavor dick slacks sure enough he came by and i said you know what tony why don't you just take the whole thing well we were having a home meet that day and he was our best pole vaulter and part of the relay team i thought maybe he'd feel a little off and under preform in the midst of our warm-ups he went missing and was absent the entire meet back in my early twenties i was working a crap job in the mall i'd only been working there for about a month when i was promoted to keyholder over a guy who started before me the dude had been a real flake as long as i'd known him so i wasn't surprised apparently he'd been promised the position and was really upset at me for the next month he was a huge dong to me swiping sales complaining to the manager about me slyly freaking up cleaning projects or displays i had done and informing the manager that i'd failed to do something after a full month of his bulls i eventually snapped at a few of the local plant nurseries you can buy jars of ladybugs for ten bucks i bought three which was somewhere between two and five thousand ladybugs i swiped his keys from the break room while i was on lunch found his cute new saturn and dumped all three containers on the floor of his back seat we closed together that night so we ended up waking out to the parking lot together after dropping the cash off at the deposit box i was parked further out so he got to his car before i did and i was able to get a peek at my handiwork it looked like something from a horror film the ladybugs had swarmed the entire inside of his car and in the dim light you couldn't really tell what they were only that the car was full uninfested with bugs the dude had a freaking breakdown right there in the parking lot just absolutely lost his mind i enjoyed the scene at first but the longer it went on the worse i felt after he calmed down enough to start making sense he barreled into this monologue about how he was sure it was the girl from the pretzel stand because he'd been such a huge butthole to her and he starts crying he goes on about how he deserves this for being so awful and then apologizes to me for being such a dong and keeps going on about how he brought this on himself it was pretty bad i offered him a ride home now feeling really guilty and when i dropped him off he thanked me for being so nice to him despite all the awful stuff he'd done he said his mother was undergoing cancer treatment and it wasn't going well oof he apologized again and i didn't see him for a few days crap between us at work improved a lot but i still felt guilty as frick he had to sell the car a few months later because the texas heat had killed all the ladybugs and he couldn't get the smell of them out of the vehicle his mom died a little while after that and he ghosted the job frick i still think about that dude even now the revenge felt so righteous when i did it but afterwards it was nothing but guilt you also killed two thousand ladybugs my sister used to kick my butt on the regular she had mad anger problems and would go berserk over the littlest things one time i turned the light on while she was trying to sleep she beat me up and i ended up going to prom with bruises all over me all through the years i never hit her back i was a super sensitive kid and if i ever hit back i ended up crying to my mom about how i loved my sister and hated to hurt her after i graduated she had calmed down a bit but she still had issues coming back from a small party one night and she is back on her old bulls just getting mad over something stupid and going totally crazy over it if we get home and get out of the car and just say i'm driving home she keeps saying i'm too drunk even though i'd only had two three mini beers she grabs the back of my shirt and i'm so p off at her i turn around really fast with my fist out to hit her arm or something she immediately lets out her blood-piercing scream and drops to the ground blood is spurting everywhere she leaves a trail as she runs inside and wakes up our mom and dad turns out i broke her nose pretty freaking bad but my mom and dad kept saying it couldn't be that bad because i had done it and that she must have really been freaking with me for me to have done something like that after all these years of her beating on me i felt so awful i cried and tried to say sorry but she ended up going to the hospital i don't feel so bad now because she purposely never paid the bill thinking she could bully me into paying it and she never let it go she always says i'm the reason her credit and stuff is bad and that she still has collections agencies calling her over the year bill i ain't paying that crap consider it payment for the years of abuse i think i have told this before but i think i was 15 and was in class and sat next to a friend of mine he for no reason began to say haha your bald father which i followed up with haha your bald mother he started crying and ran to the teacher i honestly forgot his mom had cancer and was getting chemo had a roommate who basically let his new gf move into our house in college she helped herself to everything in the house but never contributed finally she parked in my parking spot and that was my breaking point i let all the air out of all of her tires thinking she'd just air them back up and it would be an inconvenience instead she ended up buying all new tires whoops never came clean about it back in middle school a friend of mine threw a small wadded piece of paper at me i retaliated by throwing the only thing i could find which was mud close to my shoes smacked him right in the face with it worst part is it turned out to be dog crap that was at the bottom of my shoe i still vividly remember his angry wtf man i throw paper at you and you throw dog crap way back in elementary school a friend threw a piece of chalk that hit me square in the forehead it was the most humiliating moment for younger me as everyone who saw that started laughing their asses off kids are buttholes i plotted and planned my revenge to get back in the exact same fashion over the next couple of days one find a weapon in hand i find him perfectly placed a chalk throw away from me i yell out his name and quickly launch the projectile as he spins around for some reason he had his mouth open as he looked at me and the piece of chalk flew directly into his throat his eyes widen and he starts choking i stood frozen in shock as he fell on his knees coughing luckily somebody grabbed him from behind and thumped his back so he swallowed the piece an adult walks in cannot remember who it was at the time but she looks at me and asks what happened at this point i'm shaking realizing that i narrowly killed my friend i say it was a mint my friend also shaken at this point laughs it off saying it went straight into his throat and he didn't taste it the adult shakes her head and says next time just hand it like a normal person and walks away years later when we were moving away to another country i remind him about the incident and come clean about the whole thing he snaps and yells i knew it when i was a kid i was at a local river a great swimming spot lots of people came to my friend pushes me in the river and naturally i came up spluttering and a little red in the face but it was all in good fun for the rest of the day i planned to get her back waiting for my opportunity to push her in until she was at the edge of the river drying off i pushed her bit her flailing in the slippery nature of the rocks she was on made her slip on the spot and instead of just splashing into the water she landed on her back hitting the rocks hard and then fell into the water she was winded but thankfully otherwise unharmed our parents were furious at me and i just spent the few seconds it took to get her out felt like a lot longer to me just hoping i hadn't broken her back or something two stroked in revenge would not do again when i was bullied by some local kids i filled the petrol tank of their family car with grass dirt sticks and stones bottle caps pretty much anything i could jam into the petrol tank i felt sorry for that poor car my older brother was always quite horrible to me as a child and my parents never really did much about it he was also much bigger than me so i couldn't retaliate in a physical way cause i would be swiftly [ __ ] cross-faced walls of jerichod one day i had just had enough my revenge he had been playing rome total war for a good six hours a day for about three weeks i started a new game and overrode his save file never seen fury like it i regretted it at the time cause cause he was so angry it scared me and it made him dislike me even more but now i praise my 13 year old self for hitting him where it clearly hurt most he was a prick but his choice of submission moves was excellent idk what it was but a lot of the boys in my sixth grade class thought it was hilarious to try and trip people they'd get your butt no matter how careful you were well i was pretty good at avoiding it but when i was in gym class this kid named joey got my butt hard i was dribbling down court and he nailed me i face planted hard so i thought about how to get him and i got him at lunch he was holding a lunch tray so his hands weren't as useful he nailed a table and lost a tooth i got suspended for 10 days and a strict no-tripping policy got implemented immediate suspensions if caught crap sucked my dad beat my butt raw sorry joey this one is not as serious or entertaining as most of the answers you'll find here but when we were kids my sister threw water at me and ran away so i picked up my glass of water and ran after her i threw the water from the glass at her once i had her cornered unfortunately the glass had slipped out of my hand and it hit her right across her face she got bruised and cut pretty bad this one is not as serious coma literally glass someone a neighbor lady was mean to me so i went into the laundry room after her and crap on her clothes in the washer i was five i'll let you off because you were five but you should have waited and sat on her clothes in the dryer when i was in nursery preschool a kid used to constantly bully me take toys off of me etc one day outside in the garden he stole a toy tractor i was riding on he stood up on the seat and stuck his tongue out at me age for me had finally been broken i ran and kicked the tractor which jolted it forward he subsequently fell off and rolled down a hill into some stingy nettles and got some pretty bad cuts and bruises i remember thinking right then and there wow i really didn't need to do that but that little part of me felt great colon i was 11 my older brother was 16. we would fight and argue but one time i was running up the stairs away from him and he whipped the back of my legs with a long rubber chew toy it left a pretty big figure eight shaped welt on my legs i knew he was faster and stronger than me and i knew if i tried to attack him he'd stop me so i grabbed a flathead screwdriver and held it over the stove until it was red-hot i ran up to him and very openly went to stab him knowing he'd stop me he grabbed my wrist to stop my thrust as anticipated and i pushed the red hot head of it into his forearm as hard as i could a man i was a crazy butthole as a kid sorry mike jesus co-worker and i had a friendly prank war spanning two years close to the end of our war he iced my car icing involves taking the hose to the parking lot every half hour and spraying a light mist over your victim's car when it's below zero out i finished my 12 hour shift to find a car encased in two inches of ice my revenge was i thought both more inconvenient for him unless freezing my balls off for me i decided to take a bed sheet drape it over his car and only took four or five trips out with the hose the next night so the next morning he finds his car with a quarter inch of ice freezing a sheet to his car when he started peeling off the sheet he pulled his windshield wipers arms and all off of his ratty jeep i got a very p off phone call i felt bad the unwritten rule was embarrassing or unconvenient no damage i paid for repairs and he got his revenge he planted a dozen pieces of smoked herring throughout my car took me six months to find the last piece hidden under the carpet under the back window of my car i can still smell it i don't even own the car anymore the husband of a friend of mine was teasing me incessantly at a game night i had finally had enough and snapped at him you must not have had a very good mother turns out he was adopted nothing to feel sorry about here in my opinion sounds like this guy didn't really know what teasing was and instead was just kind of bullying you teasing requires for things to be fun and playful not legitimately annoying sure it was unintentionally close to home but sometimes people have to learn that if you're going to tease people they're going to shoot back had a neighbor yell at my younger brother about his weight and i took it extra personal didn't know how to get him back without getting caught then i figured out i could place nails just under the back of the tire so when he pulled out of the driveway he'd run over them turns out he was super poor and couldn't afford the repairs my dad had to couple with him to work for a month or so i've never told anyone drunk guy came at me on my porch i was in college it was welcome week kid was all kinds of fricked up tried to get him to leave and finally he came up on my my porch and swung i ducked him and shoved him away he was too drunk couldn't keep his balance and bounce his face off the curb blood teeth it was brutal i was afraid he was really hurt but he came to pretty quickly he ended up getting arrested before it was all said and done he definitely did that to himself my dad left a passive aggressive note i drew a dong on the note he hasn't spoken to me for two weeks used to feel bad but i'm over it passive aggressiveness beaten with passive aggressiveness great when i was little my friends kept pointing at the little girl on the box of the board game operation and saying it looks like me so i pointed at the big fat guy and said that's your mom and didn't realize she was behind me okay so i got a prank call dude abusing me and constantly ringing me so i set up a fake account on a dating website with pics of a cute girl and put his number in the profile description should have put it in the m4m personal section of the classifieds some girl hit my car in a hit and run there was a witness to the crime so the police were able to track her down when i was asked if i wanted to press charges i went for it turns out she had no license or insurance she kept trying to fight the charges but wound up getting sued by my insurance having to pay me restitution via the court system and four separate charges between all her crimes all of which included a decent fine she was some 18 year old single mom i felt super bad by the end of it two days ago actually in my soccer football i know i know game this one clumsy defender kept catching my ankles seconds after i would pass the ball away so one play he was clearing the ball and i just wanted to lay the kid out as he was on his plant foot swinging i hit him with my shoulder hard and as he was falling he grabbed me and took me down with him i landed on his arm and it snapped like a twig between the wrist and the elbow i feel awful clumsy defender unless he was genuinely apologizing after each foul i would assume it was intentional as he was falling he grabbed me and took me down with him b move caused his own arm to break when i was in ninth grade a kid ruthlessly bullied me for a few months i had gotten sick of it and devised a plan for revenge every wednesday we would get to sit outside for quiet reading time and this kid would always go back inside for a pee i had left and waited in the bathroom for him peeking under the stall for his shoes to appear he came in the bathroom took his pee then played on his game boy for the rest of reading time the bell rang and he walked out to the crowded stairwell still looking down at his game boy i bumped into him he fell face first down the stairs knocked out four front teeth everyone on the stairs assumed he fell because he was playing his game boy i feel pretty bad about it if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 178,919
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Keywords: revenge, worst revenge, worst revenge stories, worst revenge on ex, worst revenge ever, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2021
Id: u-2KV78WmWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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