What Rule At Your School Made Things Worse? (r/AskReddit)

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what is one rule that was implemented at your school or work that backfired horribly my senior year of high school we got moved into a new school building across from a grocery store - the builders put walls up over the plumbing for water fountains by accident so there was a huge increase in reusable water bottles and the school put up a vending machine entirely full of water now I suppose it's time to mention that this was in Washington State where you can sell the Curan grocery stores along with anything else so some freshmen got the bright idea to start stealing vodka from the store access the street fill disposable water bottles with it and sell it to other students this caused a huge problem with the large population of drunk underclassmen wandering the halls of the school and getting into trouble finally the staff got together for a meeting about what to do someone suggested banning water bottles so now students had no access to water during school hours and everyone was enraged there were articles written about it and parents complaining people all over town were talking about how we had a ban on water they eventually lifted the ban and the vodka problem resumed this was just one kid but it was hilarious in the late 90s humorous graphic tees became a popular thing in the mall had a few stores that sold questionable taste shirts chutes that said P star orgasm donor a headless guy holding a sign that says will work for head that type of thing the school made a rule that if your shirt was inappropriate you would have to turn it inside out a kid in my class shows up to school with a shirt that says I'd rather be masturbating the teacher sends him to the bathroom to turn it inside out he returns with an inside-out shirt that says I put the fu in fun the teacher doesn't realize it's the same shirt so he takes it off in class and shows her both sides he had a few shirts custom made with prints on both sides she asks him if he has another shirt in his locker and he says I have my gym clothes she told him to go get the other shirt and change he walks back into the class with a shirt that says you're driving me knocking flats the teacher said just go to the office so he goes to the office and tells them that he was sent there because of his shirt so they say turn it inside out go back to class so he turns his shirt inside out and walks back into the class with a shirt that says free mustache rides she said did you go to the office and he said they told me to flip it inside out and come back to class the teacher sighed and said just sit down she went about teaching and we thought he won but he ended up getting suspended for three days when he returned from suspension he wore shirts for probably a whole week that said I love teachers support your local teachers union cops are the good guys drugs are bad wash behind your ears etc it was funny because he made these overtly positive shirts and the teachers and students would try to read into it too much to see what they really meant as if it was just a tongue-in-cheek thing that they didn't get eventually one of his positive shirts that he found said support single moms but he claims he didn't realize that there was a silhouette of a stripper on a pole he says he thought it was just a woman so he got suspended again as a side note the same kid bought a blow-up doll until her to every football game basketball game pet rally etc and gradually worked her into official school functions and brought her to school several times for whatever reason the teachers just gave up on that one we passed her around over our heads at graduation he even bought her a cap and gown my middle school had a no touching rule which meant you get suspended for high-fiving a friend a girl's got in trouble for hugging their friends our teachers thought this was ridiculous and would have students high-five each other in their classes for a minute every day so many kids got suspensions that the rule stopped being enforced and only counted if you touched a kid in a bullying situation in my dorm if you did something that triggered the smoke fire alarm you had to do a safety presentation for everyone on your floor this was intended to deter pranksters from pulling the alarm a guy on our floor was making grilled cheese in the kitchenette and burned it which legitimately triggered the fire alarm afterwards he explained assuming that since it had been a legitimate alarm and not a prank that he wouldn't have to do a presentation he was of course wrong so the next Wednesday night the entire floor assembled and we were treated to a 30-minute safety presentation on the dangers of grilled cheese sandwiches it contained literally nothing about fire safety it was all choking hazards and cholesterol rah was furious but the student pointed out that the write-up that he'd been given just said safety presentation we didn't get any more presentations after that my high school made students wear these me and t-shirts that redress code violator if their outfit didn't adhere to the school's policy but they became so popular the school began selling them one week later we got a new manager for our office she was an outside hire and was trying to prove herself quickly and she was obsessed with efficiency so her first week here she sent out this very rudely worded email about employees eating at our desks we have a very small break area for tables and we have about 300 employees here and that we all had to stop eating at our desks because it was not efficient to eat and try to work at the same time through a coordinated effort by some of the more sassy people at the office they all had their lunches at the same time and filled the break room with about 90 people elbow to elbow and they all ate standing up literally the next day after that happened she sent out a follow-up email saying that we could eat at our desks but she advised us to take a break from our work from time to time school I attended emailed the entire student body to not use yak because students were being bullied on it all of the students myself included who hadn't heard of the app immediately downloaded it and began using it new manager got rid of the sofa in the break room so people couldn't nap on their hour-long lunch break no one overslept or took the pee but it was good to have the option on a tough day stoner guy started sleeping in other places including in between walls and in the warehouse but that's when we started losing him and couldn't find him as he'd go into a deeper sleep and was less likely to be disturbed he didn't lose his job somehow that place had a hard time hiring at a former job software development there was a football table people would play reasonably often but just one game to take a break one day management came down to the software engineering floor and saw people playing football in the middle of the afternoon they declared no football until 4:30 p.m. that ended up making it so that everybody knew when there would be other people wanting to play football so it was much easier to find somebody willing to play and significantly increase the amount of force Paul played at work high school took all the stall doors off the boys bathrooms because of graffiti or something so I started pooping in the bathroom near the office after a couple of times of the superintendent coming in while I was doing that all the doors too were put back on maintain eye-contact and not as the superintendent walks by I worked for a place that did RMA repairs on PCs most of our clients were businesses like hospitals and factories anyway as I was touring the workshop during my orientation the guy taking me around took me to the QA department once all builds or repairs are made this entity QA department for a final inspection before going out to the customer the guy jokingly said we used to pay the QA guys bonuses for every mistake they found on a build I started laughing the only problem was it wasn't a joke they actually paid bonuses to the QA people who found mistakes on builds for anyone not familiar with the internal workings of a PC it could take less than three seconds to completely render a computer inoperable heck you could loosen a connection just by inspecting it luckily that policy ended before I was hired I mean can you imagine giving someone a bonus for finding screw-ups when it would take almost no effort to make a screw-up and then claim you found it you now need 40 hours of community service to graduate it's recommended that all freshmen do 10 hours a year while the seniors start as soon as possible to get the 40 hours out of the way the rule was gone the day before graduation because they would have had less than a 10 percent graduation rate that year and it would have made the school look terrible they did this to try to increase their reputation of being a good school all the other schools in the area are trash though so I really don't know why I'm a programmer on a previous job the developers and teams were measured by the number of feature requests they completed we figured out to subdivide everything to blow it up into the maximum number of feature requests possible a manager might request a new report we set up separate feature tickets for create button make button blue make button respond when clicked implement business logic display results in grid allow sorting of grid and so on we subdivide a one-day task into 21 our tasks management loved it and our team looked twenty times as productive despite deliberately slowing ourselves down with red tape my high school told my senior class no senior pranks or none of you walk aged a result we didn't throw a prank instead we threw biggest Raider of the year on school property with the permission of the County Sheriff as long as we took our bottles with us when we finished the sheriff retired the next week he was the real one after mouth the administration was peed as heck but couldn't pin it on the senior class because Sheriff Rick couldn't remember what kids were there my old job had a draconian attendance policy in which if you were a second late you got a one-stroke two-point demerit if you were an hour late you got that same one stroke two-point demerit demerits accrued 3 equals verbal warning four equals written either 5 or 6 was termination in addition to making foursome anxiety-filled employees that made dumb decisions to speed through snowstorms it also meant if you got stuck in a traffic jam you might as well just take your time stop for gas get breakfast etc same place also had a similar policy that assured the plague spread through the whole place say you came to work at 7 by 9 a.m. you've got 2 fever and full-blown flu symptoms if you clock out then you get 2 whole point demerit but if you sit there coughing and shivering and infecting your co-workers for another 2 hours till your shift was half over you only got a half point demerit they started a no gum rule that made a lot of junior high kids start a black market for gum this has probably happened lots of times one of my teachers spotted a guy chewing and gave him the usual well I hope you brought enough for everybody whereupon he got up with a fistful of gum and started handing it out she didn't send him to the principal but she never tried that line again my junior high school adopted a policy to not allow kids to loiter in groups of 5 or more in attempts to crack down on gang mentality this was freaking junior high anyway me and my group of misfits six of us were always hanging out during free times and the principal eventually stopped us and asked us to separate I had to casually explain to him that we were not a group of six but two groups of three that were intermingling people caught wind and that rule was basically dead that was one of the few times I had to explain to my father why he was called into the principal's office with me I'm sorry to bring you in sir but I think you'll want to hear this your son has more than three friends you really should be ashamed of how you've raised him a double quote a local pharmacy was built on the same street as my school and local pharmacies get robbed a couple times a year where I lived to make our school more secure they started locking every door and making it punishable by detention for any instance of a student opening an outside door for someone else during school hours everyone had to go through the front doors to the lobby to show it and silent before they got into the actual school I liked how secure the school was but when our principal was walking superintendents around to show them our new media production and medical sciences wing of the school they got locked out after stepping outside to look at an outdoor set that spot was on the complete opposite side of the school from the front office during class changed they tried knocking on the door to get a student to open it everyone ignored them and followed the rules those old men and ladies had to walk around the school in 95-degree 90% humidity weather sweating their suits off our principal did command all the students for following the rules at the next school assembly and said he was proud to show how safe the school was cool dude we have a similar policy where outside doors are locked and people have to be screened in through the front door the only issue is when you come to the front they just let you in without checking in it or anything it's just extra walking my company as part of its alcohol policy said you should not drink for at least four hours before coming to work when engineers got called about production problems over the weekend they all just had a beer but could be there in about four or five hours no running during recess it was made because some kid in the second grade ran and tripped so for whatever reason they restricted running for all grades k v everyone should know that when you ask a five ten year old to not do something that's the next thing they're going to do they started running in the halls the cafeteria the classrooms and you bet your butt they ran outside after a week the teachers stopped enforcing it and everyone stopped caring an insane amount of time and hand-wringing went into my office's dress code policy when the final draft was ultimately released every department head had a valid reason why their staff should be exempted so the policy wound up only affecting myself and the guy that insisted on making the policy I violate this policy on a daily basis when I was in kindergarten during the morning announcements one day they came on and said and please know throwing snowballs there is a chance you might accidentally get some rocks in them you could see on the faces of all 20-some students the realization that oMG we could put rocks in them I went to a private school for elementary where uniforms were strict if you didn't wear a belt you'd go to the principal's office and he would make you use a shoestring well when he opened the drawl there was like six different colors and everybody thought it was really neat so for a short period of time there was a bunch of kids coming to school with no belt so they could wear their lime-green shoestring belt my high school has a policy where you couldn't wear hats at school unless the school's mascot logo was on it so a bunch of people just bought a patch of the logo and paperclips them to their hats my dad was a corpsman with the Marines doing high desert training in the Mojave they had a big problem with unidentified snake bites ie people would get bit but not identify the snake so it was hard to find the right antidote sir my dad got all the Marines in a room and said if you get bit by a snake bring it back here so we can identify it not even a full week later they had to alter the wording a bit because a marine was bit by a rattlesnake and decided to bring it back without killing it but this man had carried the snake all the way back to base alive and the snake decided to let him know exactly how he felt about that by repeatedly biting his arm the entire time needless to say that marine went home and they made sure to hold another meeting where they told everyone to kill the snake then bring it back like this video and this good boy will play you a nice song like and subscribe you magnificent person [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: school, school rules, school stories, rules, worst rules, rules that backfired, school rule, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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