Numbers That Preach Night Three

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Church will you join me in welcoming people all over the world tonight number three of the numbers that preach conference 2018 baro successful welcome everybody everybody just watching on Troy Brewer TV on all of our video on-demand all of our friends that are watching all over the world and then all my friends have joined me here tonight man blessing a piece on you and the mighty name of King Jesus as you guys know that on my Sunday message I went through three different services preaching through 1 through 10 11 through 20 and 21 through 30 that wasn't pretty good that was pretty good Sunday I promise you and there was a lot of people who actually stayed here for all three services are there any radical crazy people yeah I knew you dude I knew that okay and then on the Monday night guys not only did we go over numbers but we actually talked about the importance of learning how this thing actually works how does it actually work and how do you look this stuff up and how am I supposed to approach it and how is it a valuable part of the Word of God and how does that work and then on Tuesday night then on Tuesday night we also went into some bigger numbers and we looked at some really cool stuff and then tonight friends I want to talk to you about some of my favorite numbers and if we were going to go through all the numbers and then get up into 30 and then get into 31 and then good and go all the way to 40 and then go to 50 actually today got put on the spot and I was like you know we were we were driving around today we were filming this segment for my TV show that's called the 90 mile an hour minute I'm sorry the 90 mile an hour prayer is what it's called okay and we actually filmed 16 segments of that today we drove I drove all the way from here to Granberry from Graham berry to Glen Rose I drove all around blue rose a whole bunch and drove back here and we just filmed the whole time just me praying and talking into a camera and had two cameras inside the car it was so fun passing people and people don't what the heck's going on what is that it's a hoot and you know one of the things that happened was we were on highway 51 between Graham berry and Glen Rose and I love highway 51 if you don't know how I 51 it's just so beautiful I love that and I always Drive Highway 51 and they're like Troy preach on preach on the number 51 I was like okay 51 is a very important because when the Spirit of the Lord begins to move and when God begins to preach a message on the number 51 I have no idea what else to say can we just cut and I just went boom I just ran into a wall where I don't know what 51 is I thought I knew every single number all the way into the hundreds and I was like I can't remember what 51 is and I thought about it I thought well I guess I'm tired I guess I'm worn out but what's real as man it prompted me to continue to study it prompted me to continue to learn the languages that God Almighty has given me amen well if you've been around here at all this week you know that one of my most favorite numbers is the number eight eight eight because that is a number that represents the Lord Jesus Christ and how eight eight eight represents the Lord Jesus Christ is the name Jesus is also the number 888 now if you know what gamma tria is then you know and if you were here on Monday and on Tuesday night you know very well exactly what gamma tree is that gamma tria is the numerical value of the letters because in Hebrew and in Greek the letters don't just have a phonic sound as the as the letters in English do but rather friends the letters also have a prophetic symbol and they also have a numerical value so we think of terms okay I know a is Apple I know B is bat I know C is cat okay it works that way for there ABC but it also works this way there a is also the head of an ox and there and there B is also another prophetic picture and then there C is another prophetic picture and there a is a one there B is a two and there C is a three and that goes up to ten and then it jumps into ten twenty thirty and so on and when that gets up to a hundred it jumps into one hundred two hundred three hundred and then the last letter the twenty-second a letter of the Hebrew alphabet everybody say 22 is actually the number 400 so like I don't know it's kind of complicated now it's really not because all you anytime you see a word in Hebrew or Greek you're also seeing a number because they don't have numbers they have letters so the name Jesus is also the number 888 that's crazy cool stuff and then especially if you consider everybody's all worried about brother 666 ring on 666 if you know 888 hallelujah and by the way 666 or 555 which is Christ amens you guys remember guys the name Christ if you guys go to Bible gateway com if you're typing the word Christ boom 555 times exactly in the Bible man eight eight eight is 1 1 1 times 8 and 1 1 1 is Jehovah so that means Jehovah's form of new beginnings is the word Jesus Jesus says behold I make all things brand new new beginnings the number 8 right and once you start learning this your route as we say here in Johnson County right everybody cigarette I suppose some hillbilly girl right over here told me earlier I think she's sitting right there she said oh man it took me a few days to get it but now I'm rent I went oh your rent for life I promise you that because you will never ever ever be the same again once you tap into something amazing and personal that is prophetic and everything that is prophetic is always personal once you tap into the personal you are a real personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ where God begins to show you things that absolutely blow your mind you can't just do that one time see that's why you know this week here at open door church we have 350 kids in our youth camp 350 kids in our youth camp and all those kids are going to be touched by God in an incredible way and they're all going to come home glowing they're gonna come home glowing in the dark and they're not going to be okay we're just going to church every now and then they're going to want to hear God speak they want to want to have dreams and visions they're going to want to lay hands on people they're going to want to do exactly what Jesus said when Jesus said cast out Devils here heal the sick and cleanse the lepers amen man these kids are going to come out that and say where is that happening in the body of Christ and friends we need to be able to show them and we don't open up a book and show them where it happened at 2,000 and 3,000 years ago we open up the book and we show them King Jesus who is alive right now and we demonstrate the things of the Spirit right now everybody say right now hallelujah so the alpha-numeric name are alphanumeric number for the Lord Jesus in Greek is actually 8 8 8 and that's really cool and guys I want to tell you this also too you can actually count all the letters and all than you can get psychotic when it comes to counting things I'm talking about psycho and one of the psychotic things that people do is they actually count all the words in the Bible okay xxx 1116 just thought a shh don't tell anybody because that would make me crazy if we counted all that or also to the actual letters in the Bible okay guys if you're taking down notes I want you to write this down eight three eight three eight oh I'm gonna say that again eight three eight three eight oh eight hundred and thirty-eight thousand three hundred and eighty letters in a King James New Testament what is that it's eight that a number then eight then a number and eight what are the two numbers in between the eight threes let he who has an ear hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches because that is powerful by Allah see nothing but a dadgum number eight didn't focus well I can see it and once you see it you can't unsee it you can try to unsee it but you can't it's once you see it you have to see it every single time you see it and you have to say King Jesus I see you again sir you are right there amen well why don't why would the Scriptures have the number eight eight eight with threes in the middle of it why would that happen because Jesus says in John chapter five verse 39 he says search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me he says the testimony of me is within the scriptures so even the numbers testify of Jesus and have ate ate ate stepped on it craziness crazy coolness is exactly what that is so I love I love how cool this is you know we know that Jesus is the word right okay well John 1 literally says his name in heaven before he took on flesh and became a man is the word that's what John 1 says it says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the same was in the beginning with God right and it goes off and then goes by the way the Word was made flesh and we sat down and ate with the brother it doesn't say exactly that but it says something like that right it's like he actually not only did he become human but he actually walked within the confines of humanity and he didn't hate it he loves humanity man I'm so grateful to King Jesus I love him so much well whenever I say that do you know that from that verse guess what word has the exact gematria of eight eight eight okay are you ready the word can I also tell you another word that also has a good mantra of 888 by the way what is 888 mean okay guys do the Scriptures testify of Jesus the term these scriptures is eight eight eight they need us is like there's like there's some kind of God behind all this or something there is and did they do even in mathematical form they also testify the Lord Jesus Christ so just for kicks let me point out something about the year that the United States was born whenever whenever I first became aware of numbers God told me look into the birthdate of you know your nation because I'm undeclared something awesome and sure you're gonna love it that's like oh my gosh okay I know what it is I already have to look it up it's it's July the 4th 1776 sounds like those are stupid numbers that doesn't make any sense why didn't you do that in 1777 my god if you'd have been smart you didn't done that at 17 so I mean dude that was 19 I knew everything that was nineteen years old when I first started studying this I knew I went now I don't get that man God could have waited just a few more months to found this nation it would have made a lot greater testimony of Jesus for it to been July the 4th of 1777 because they don't would have been a 777 and I know exactly what that means until one day I was thinking about it and I thought man for 25 years I've always thought that that meant something and I can't figure out why in the world 1776 s and you know maybe in the math wizard I am I just decided one day to divide that by two because we're supposed to be a faithful witness so 1776 divided by two equals eight eight eight eight eight eight Jesus times two a faithful witness equals the United States of America I went oh I see see our nation was born to be a witness of the Lord Jesus Christ there been times we've done that there been times that we have failed miserably but that's the purpose of our nation is to testify of Jesus nothing - if you don't believe that we're supposed to be a witness 1776 is two times two times two times two - to 1776 Edith that's crazy it's like there's a design or something there is and if there is a design there is a designer and I know his name his name is Jesus and the numerical value of his name is and I can't tell you how much I love that so if I look at all this and if I go through all this kind of stuff I mean just two times eight eight eight is 1776 I can't I was by myself when I busted I had I had an iPhone one and I knew I knew about the iPhone no I mean when it was still the one not because y'all are a bunch of hillbillies and you're just now getting one I'm talking about I knew about an iPhone way before everybody else did and I couldn't wait I can I'm one of the guys that stood in line for an iPhone one OK I'm one of those people I was like I can't wait to get I can't wait to do that I can't wait to get I can't wait to get it I got it now I was by myself and I was just messing with everything and I just started playing with the number 1776 and when I saw that 1776 / - equalled 888 the Spirit of the Lord came upon me and I'm bald I cried like a baby go Lord Jesus thank you for showing me that I could have lived my whole life and I wouldn't have known that and it was right in front of me my whole life I wonder how many incredible revelations are right in front of us but we're just too big and we're just too busy to hear the still small voice man I don't wanna miss to me it's so obvious now it's so blatant and it's so obvious and now I'm like man I wonder what other things that I don't see around me that four years after this I'll be going it was right in front of you the whole time that's what the number three three three is all about Jeremiah 33:3 call upon me and I will show you great and mighty things that you do not know call upon me Troy call upon me lean upon me lord I know God that if I can just spend some time with you you'll give me some cool ideas that can just change everything hey can we just stop for just a minute and can we just please call upon 888 and ask him for a three three three can we do that because one one one wants to give us that and it's by his five five five we are able to receive it I'm declaring in the name of Jesus that it will bear much nine nine nine so y'all are getting crazy now and it's beautiful King Jesus sir we come to your Lord and Lord God Almighty sir we don't want to miss what you have for us so father God sir we we humble ourselves before you and we say Lord God please show us the great mighty things God that we know not of Lord God sir give us an eye to see give us an ear to hear King Jesus do not let us be too big and too busy so that we do not miss your very still and your very small but incredibly powerful voice speak to us in Jesus name Amen Wow hallelujah you know the United States of America was founded for the purpose of God in these last generations and I'm sorry to say that for the for the most part America is not really interested within that purpose anymore but Jesus said that he is the Alpha and he is the Omega as revelation chapter 22 verse 13 and even that revelation 22 verse 13 so 22 represents light and revelation and 13 means rebellion and Jesus shows up and says here's the truth and I rebel against whatever it is you say I am the Alpha and I'm the Omega revelation 22:13 amen the single letter word a which means alpha right the single letter a which is also word is actually found nine thousand eight hundred and eighty eight times in the King James Bible he is the Alpha and then the last number the number nine the number nine which represents finality we're going about to talk about that which is the Omega is in the Bible exactly eight eight eight times both the Alpha and the Omega have an eight eight eight in it all the way through the Bible Jesus is eight eight eight right on Christ which is in the Bible is five five five times but the numerical value of the name Christ is one thousand four hundred eighty and you know what that is it's one thousand four hundred and eighty times six is eight eight eight zero John the Baptist is the number to two to zero what is that two two two zero times four is eight eight eight zero son of man is the number two nine six so what is that two nine six so times three is eight eight eight zero the the word he is risen is eight eight eight zero the term the raised or he has risen depending on what translation you're looking at is eight eight eight zero how crazy is that see once you see that man you're like dude and this is what we're doing listen we're looking for Jesus we're not looking for the power of numbers because there are no power within numbers but if you are willing to search out the matter you can begin to develop your childlike faith which is how you enter in through a sense of wonder you know sometimes man I just get with a bunch of friends of mine I'm like guys let's just talk about miracles we've seen can we do that and I'll start telling people to eat at one time man I was praying for this girl and she had this cancerous place on the side of her face and and I was wearing a ring and it was actually a line had to ring that somebody had just given to me and somebody that was there that day gave me that ring and I felt obligated to wear it and I don't wear jewelry I'm not a Giri guy but but I was like you know why just a line head and that must be prophetic and I had it on my right hand and when I prayed for her she turned away and it got caught my ring and her cancer fell off into my hands boom and it wasn't like wow it was like this [Applause] that's exactly how it was and we had everybody come and look at it look at that that was cancer that was on that woman's face just a few minutes ago guys her face was just Newt was just smooth and beautiful it fell off of her face well man we start talking about all the miracles that we've seen all over the world and the way that God has saved us and the way that the way that there have been times that that we should have died I was just talking to brother Dave Crone who's going to be here within just a few weeks and he's always preaching in communist China and he went to this place where was very illegal to preach and they sent some government guys to follow him and it came time to leave and they were waiting for them to come out and they were going to arrest him and they were standing there and we're looking and there was no way for them to get to their car without being seen by the communist people that was actually waiting to arrest them and they prayed about and all the electricity on the entire compound just suddenly went out I just what do to do to do to do in the darkness got in their car didn't turn on their headlights and drove off and they got away like wow and we could see whenever you start to do that kind of stuff you start to go okay you know what my sense of wonder and how awesome Jesus is is starting to grow and if your sense of wonder grows then your childlike faith begins to grow and when your childlike faith begins to grow you enter into the kingdom more and more and more and more and more you know man I just want to just just encourage you you know if if you guys will allow me to say this you know there's a lot of young men because they're young men and there's certain things they just want to stay fascinated with they'll have lockers and they'll have pin-up girls inside their lockers you're like dude why would you do that because man you know what it feels good just to be provoked that way I just I just want to stay on my edge okay if that's how it works in the carnal how much more so can the Holy Spirit work with us if we're constantly looking for the goodness of God and our pinups or how are the heart of King Jesus amen and our pinups are the amazing things that God has done within our life and and how he has saved us and how he has transformed us and and how he has done amazing things and every time you open up your locker are you going to your prayer closet boom there are all those things so that you can just say god I'm just so blown away with your goodness you're so good those people who can do that enter into stuff man that blows other people's minds I was telling all of our teenagers last night you know what I was getting up telling them all these crazy cool stories and I flat out told them friends I promise you the Lord Jesus wants to do a work within your young life to where you're the one that's getting to tell the story not the one that's having to just listen to it imagine whenever we had our altar table these kids you know 350 kids just came running up there I want to have adventures in Jesus I want to hear God speak I want to see amazing miracles happen I want to save people's lives I don't want to be selfish I want to selflessly demonstrate the heart of King Jesus con tell you something that's that's that's the kind of stuff I want to hear from my kids I promise you amen as the term I am the Lord and not changed not Malachi 3:6 equals eight eight eight the salvation of our God Psalms 98.3 equals eight eight eight the mercy of the Most High Psalms 21 verse eight equals eight eight eight my beloved in Song of Solomon chapter seven verse thirteen equals eight eight eight the third day in John 2 verse one equals eight eight eight so since we're talking about Jesus and us and how that the Scriptures do testify of him friends let's look at the most widely known scripture in the entire Bible and it's such a cool testimony of King Jesus and guys anybody have any idea what if I said the most popular verse or most well-known what's that gonna be guys it's gonna be John 3:16 that's exactly what that's going to be so John 3:16 so we all know what that says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life it's amazing because that word perish literally means to rot you're not gonna rot as a matter of fact you're gonna get more and more and more and more and more alive completely different set of rules for people who walk with the Lord Jesus Christ now I told you guys now let's just look at this because this is another way of looking up numbers besides the Gemara besides how many fish there are within the net besides how many years you know King saw rain for hunt for 440 years David rain for 40 years King Solomon ring fur for 40 years and then BOOM that equals 120 and like okay well if you know what 120 mean it means that you know exactly that what that is it's the same exact thing as brother Moses he was 40 years as a prince he was 40 years as a shepherd and he was 40 years as a leader and then 120 came guess how many how many were in the upper room 120 I didn't know I supposed to count that you were because the Bible says about a hundred and twenty and the Holy Spirit actually stamped the number 120 on it it was one of my most favorite numbers in the whole Bible because Moses I'm sorry Noah who is the worst preacher in the history of the planet Earth yet he's in the Hall of Fame of faith which is hebrews chapter 11 which is when heroes rise amen you know I want you to think about what a miserable failure Noah's preaching was because Noah preached for a hundred and twenty years and didn't get one single person saved now here's a great carpenter the brother could build him a boat I promise you that but man he stank as a preacher like well that's not what the New Testament says you're right the Bible calls him righteous so what is that how could he be such a failure and God put him in the Hall of Fame because God is not looking for success out of you he's looking for fruit out of you man looks for success and that that right there changed your life if you'll get that quit looking at yourself I've been a failure I've been a failure I've been a failure have you remained in Christ then there's fruit amen man I tried to get this done I tried to get that done I couldn't get anything done you know what I'm gonna I'm actually going to be helping you through that through this through this brand-new sermon series that I'm teaching but I want to just I want to just tell you this man I know that you suffered loss all of us in here have suffered loss there have been things that have happened that we really and truly wish had not happened there have been things that should have happened that didn't happen and things that should not have happened that did and we say Lord God Amani sir I have failed miserably and the Lord will tell you but you know what you glorified me how can my failure glorify you Troy I don't care about your success I don't care about your failure I'm looking for fruit and it is your fruit that glorifies me the fruit is what the Holy Spirit produces God hasn't called you to be successful in all things the Lord has called you to be fruitful in all things and brother no it teaches us that but guys you know how many years it took him to build the ark 120 and then everything changed at the number 120 everything changes and then we move into something new the old way of doing things doesn't work anymore once 120 doesn't as a matter of fact you have to die to the old thing and never turn back again once 120 shows up how you still can't be going after the law once the Holy Spirit shows up 120 right hey man you can't be living in the wilderness once 120 shows up and Moses dies at the age of 120 no it's time to enter into the promised land and there's a whole new set of rules and there's a whole new anointing that takes place once you move into 120 man I'm looking for someone 20s in my life where I say that was then but man this is now and I ain't never going back to that place everybody just just tell the person next to you I ain't never going back I'm just going forward I don't know you well guys this is a 316 316 is what this is we know that three represents fullness it represents completeness and represents resurrection I like to call it the whole enchilada right and it's 3/16 the number 16 which is 8 times 2 so that means a witness of new beginnings is the love of God and I have a whole chapter on number 8 and 16 and all that within my book numbers that preach I encourage you guys to check all that out but the number 16 means the love of God all the way through the Scriptures and the greatest indicator of that is first Corinthians chapter 13 where it says love love is kind and then there are 15 attributes of the love of God that follow totaling a number of sixteen so love is 16 and there are sixteen descriptions of the love of God and love is always selfless it's all about how you how you laid down your life right so the love of God is all about how you lay down your life everybody say there's the love of God is about how you lay down your life 3 is about fullness right okay so 3:16 means the fullness of how you lay down your life now let's go back and look at John 3:16 again for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life fullness of laying down your life 3:16 and you say ho wait a minute pastor Troy it was mere mortal men that added the numbers chapter and verse yes it was it was also mere mortal men who wrote the Bible knucklehead and your religion that tells you that God hates humanity is a doctrine of demons that's what that trash is it's a doctrine of demons listen God Almighty does not do you know that in the spirit do you know this that if an angel or a demon sees that you own a house they have to respect your boundaries do you know that do you know that there's a difference between spirits within from from city to city to city go to footwork didn't go to New Orleans and see if you don't feel something different and now if you don't have an eye to see in an ear to hear you won't know what I'm talking about you'll be like party Missy man regions have angelic and demonic stuff that's going on within there and you know what they respect the boundaries that men have created and you need to understand man if that's how it works and these are guys I thank God for chapter and verse because in because in Jesus's day if if you wanted to quote the Psalms you had to say the first part of the psalm because there was no say Psalms 22 which starts off that says my God my God why have you forsaken me if you wanted to say hey everybody open up your Bible to Psalms 22 and you'll see exactly what's being fulfilled on this cross you wouldn't say open up your Bible to Psalms 22 because that wasn't invented yet what you would say on the cross is this my God my God why have you forsaken me Jesus didn't think that God had forsaken him Jesus was telling everybody open your Bible to Psalms 22 and what does it say it says it says it says they have pierced my hands and feet I am surrounded by dogs they have parted my garment and they aren't there casting lots for my garment and if you would open up a bottle right there wait a minute he's quoting some why wait oh my everything that is in this Bible is happening right here that's why Jesus said my God my God why have you forsaken me it wasn't because the Lord had bailed it's because King David had saw it a thousand years before that and he was pointing out I am the fulfillment of that scripture right now one of the other things that was going on is everybody around him was saying this if you're of God save yourself Psalms 22 says that the enemies of God will say if you are of God save yourself you know what most people when they're died on the cross they have no control over what folks are saying around them but Jesus was no normal person he was in full control that's powerful so later on some smart feller said we probably ought to make this a lot easier instead of have to memorize the entire Bible to be able to find stuff because mofo and they ain't gonna do that so how about this let's just find chapters and we'll also add verses well brothers Froy if you start saying God is moving upon that and you're saying that God moves upon man-made things I am saying that God moves upon man-made things yes I am hallelujah so everybody knows John 3:16 but do you know 1st John 3:16 hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us we got to lay down our lives for the Brethren oh we don't have anybody quote that scripture we all love how Jesus laid down his life for us but we don't want to talk about how we're supposed to lay down our lives for other and what are the numbers that are stuck to that 3:16 what is 3:00 fullness what is 16 the love of God amen oh yeah man we love that God lays down his life for us here's some other incredible 3/16 2nd Corinthians 3:16 says this nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord the veil shall be taken away talking about your heart guys listen if you can turn your heart away from the evil that you're aware of if you can turn your heart away from the history in the path that has always been on if you can turn your heart and say okay Lord I'm turning towards you now the Bible says God will remove the veil and you'll go whoa I can finally see I didn't know I didn't know so one of the things I pray for for all of our kids I prayed over all of our teenagers last night father God sir give us all a heart to know you I see in the Book of Jeremiah and that's actually a very prophetic term but you pray that over your children and over your grandchildren father give us all a heart to know you amen okay well at the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ the veil was torn and we are now allowed into the most holy place to meet God face to face boom that's it is a 3:16 let me show you another 3:16 first Corinthians 3:16 no you not that your the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth within you what he's saying this is this a man you need to lay down your life and don't let your body do whatever it wants to do amen because your body is made to walk around the planet but it's also made to be the carrier of the presence of the Most High God 3:16 the fullness of laying down your own life so the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ lives within us from the moment that we're saved right okay so second Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 16 says this now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means the Lord be with you all 3:16 I love that Jesus is our peace amen revelation 16 has a word that has only found one time in the entire Bible and it is this word lukewarm now there are three different instances of this word but and it's all right around the same verse but it's so then because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot I will spew you out it out of my mouth he's like it's a sad thing when god says to the church luke means light it means kinda so he says you're kind of warm you know you're not you're not cold enough I can call you code you know I don't know if I can call you HOT you just kinda and because you're kinda when I'm around to you I just want to throw up I think one of the things that makes King Jesus want to puke is when his church is not passionate and that is a 3:16 first because I want to show you a video of one of my favorite athletes of all time brother Tim Tebow I've had the great privilege of meeting his mom his mom and dad were missionaries and Tim Tebow grew up in this amazing house Tim Tebow was supposed to die whenever he was a baby and he was actually born in a really bad way and and the Spirit of God moved to but listen front for the literally from the moment that he was born he began to walk in miraculous power he carries the presence of God with him in such a way but he can't get away from the number 316 right I want to show you all this video watch this I want to ask you about one part of the book when you talk about on your I black when you wrote 3:16 and the Bible can you tell the people about the uncanny coincidence that happened in a press conference a few years later yeah well we were playing for the national championship in college on January 8 2009 and I decided to work John 3:16 under my eyes and during the game 94 million people Google John 3:16 and it was a pretty cool moment well exactly three years later we happened to be playing the Pittsburgh Steelers in the first round of playoffs when I was with the Denver Broncos and I didn't even know that it was exactly three years later it was January 12 or January 8 2012 exactly 3 was there - the day I just went out there and tried to do whatever I could to win a playoff game and afterwards I'm going into the press conference because I love doctor in the media and our PR guy jumps in front of me says Timmy do you realize what happened I was like yeah we just be the Steelers we're going to play of Patriots he was like no do you realize what happened I was like all right Patrick what's up he said it's exactly three years later from the day that you wore John 3:16 in your eyes I was like oh that's really cool he said no I don't think you realize what happened during the game you threw for 316 yards your yards per rush were 3.16 your yards per completion were 31.6 the ratings for the game were 31.6 and the time of possession was 31.6 and during the game 90 million people had already googled John 3:16 it was number one training thing on Facebook and Twitter and a lot of people will say it's coincidence I say big God good job [Applause] hallelujah so you know what you know what God is still speaking 3:16 and now you know what God is saying when he's saying 3:16 he's saying find the one who has laid down his life in the fullest way and then you lay down your life in the fullest way from him so that you can find life in the fullest way 3:16 let's give the Lord a great big praise however [Applause] listen I wanna I want to go ahead and I'm going to wrap this up tonight and I want to encourage everybody and tell you this and for everybody that's watching right now all over the world my friends are listening on the radio because if you've already got my book man that's awesome but you know what we're also coming out with a workbook and you don't want be looking for my eCourse right we got an eCourse that it's coming out this fall that is on this same thing learn this language learn this language and make it a huge part of living a prophetic lifestyle and friends I want to just just say one more thing about everybody who's participated in this conference any of my conferences if you're watching on videoed on demand at troy bharat TV if you get any of my stuff what is that all about it's not about me making money okay I don't get a salary from that man what this is about is we are serious about saving little boys and little girls out of sexual slavery all over the world and if you have participated in this in any way thank you for setting somebody free guys let's give King Jesus a great big praise [Applause] doesn't want to ask everybody stand up if you would please
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 23,942
Rating: 4.9295998 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit, God speaks in numbers, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, numerology, angel numbers, number meaning, name meaning
Id: 9-Ae7921f0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 2sec (2342 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.