11-11 - “Call to Faith”

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[Music] hello everybody I'm Troy Brewer and I am with prophetic numbers dot-com be sure and visit me there as today I want to be talking about one of the most prolific numbers of anybody sees all over the world and it's 11:11 you know I get all kinds of cards and letters and private messages from people literally all over the planet earth saying hey can you please tell me what the number 11:11 means because I've been seeing it everywhere hey is that you well I've got great news for you now numbers do mean things within the Bible and the prophetic picture of numbers has to do with the kind of a theme or a message that God Almighty is speaking now when the Lord speaks something twice that's a big deal for God speaketh once yet twice yet men perceive it that not and so if God is like like repeating himself like we says Saul Saul why do you persecute me Adam Adam where are you Martha Martha write all those things it means stop what you're doing and pay attention to me anytime that the Lord repeats something it means stop what you're doing so if your sin 11:11 everywhere it means stop take note of this because I believe that God Almighty is speaking to you now the number eleven is an amazing number it's a it is a well it has a huge positive number and it also has a huge negative number let's talk about the positive first whenever I see the number 11:11 I know immediately that it's a call to faith that God is like hey Troy I want you to do something amazing whenever it comes to faith like why would you think that because Hebrews chapter 11 is the Hall of Fame of faith right by faith Abraham by faith Isaac by faith Jacob all of those different things but you don't want whenever you read those things is about the people who did exploits of faith so if you've been seeing 11:11 everywhere it might be King Jesus crying out to you and say listen I want to give you an upgrade of faith man I like this so much whenever I look at the exploits that human beings have done I tend to find eleventh on it so for example I don't know like like you know the first time that man ever went to the moon that was Apollo 11 right did you know that Veterans Day is 11:11 why because World War one ended the eleventh month the eleventh hour of the eleventh day back in the year 1918 and eighteen is a name that represents life with Khayyam as our hebrew brothers and sisters like to say so it may very well be that if you're seeing 11:11 in this final hour amen which is also another definition of what 11:11 means it means that God Almighty is speaking to you as a faithful witness be a faithful witness that's what the number two represents is a faithful witness be divided apart be separate and rise up in faith I love it guys when I start seeing 11:11 everywhere that's what I always kind of lean on now the negative meaning of the number 11:11 is the double whammy of judgment upon disorder anytime in the Bible that you see God am i speaking a negative word through the number 11 he's actually speaking judgment upon disorder so 11 is what you get when you bring the order of God which is the number 10 10 represents perfect order or you bring in perfect government which is 12 that's the you know there's 12 hours in a day 12 hours at night there's 12 constellations in the heaven 12 major constellations within the heaven 12 months in a year 12 disciples 12 12 12 12 12 which means God is in control and then you put man in a control that's 11 so God Almighty has to fix that it might be that the Lord is telling you be a faithful witness many times it's the faith of the people of God that stave off the judgment of God so 11 11 if you're seeing it everywhere I really believe with all my heart that God Almighty is speaking to you and saying hey rise up have faith be encouraged do something amazing amen okay that's all the time that I have for well for the rest of the day as a matter of fact actually that's all the time that I have for right now and you know what you can do if you like this kind of teaching would you go ahead and like this where it's at right now because that will help me spread this word to the world be sure and join me for this video and many others exactly like it and guys we're gonna continue to add every single month on prophetic numbers dot-com and if you would like this kind of extensive kind of teaching get my book get my eCourse or you can download the channel at Troy Brewer TV [Music]
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 137,180
Rating: 4.9755211 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Id: 9lY7i8Or1S0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 42sec (282 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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