222 - “Signs, Miracles and Wonders”

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[Music] hello everybody I'm Troy Brewer and I'm with prophetic numbers dot-com and today I'm gonna be talking about the mysterious number two to two you know sometime a few years ago I actually wrote a blog this called 2 to 2 is after you and it was one of the most popular things I've ever done because there's so many people all over the planet that are seeing this number it's so prolific out of all the questions that I get about numbers the the two biggest numbers anybody asked me about all over the planet Earth are the numbers 11 11 and 2 to 2 and if 2 to 2 is after you I've got some great news for you you know the number 2 all the way through the Word of God represents a faithful witness and it represents godly division it's kind of like that kind of like the difference between Jacob and Esau or Cain and Abel right so when you see the 2 that there's actually a division between them because one is sanctified and it's so therefore it represents a faithful witness that's why Jesus sent them disciples out two by two right that's why there are two faithful witnesses in the book of Revelation right there's not three there's not one there's two because two does mean a faithful witness and the first thing I can tell you is this that if you want to be a faithful witness you're gonna have to be separate from the world you can't look like the world act like the world via the same spirit and you have to be separate from that and that's something that that too speaks but friends when you see the number two to two that's one of those triplicate numbers now I teach a lot on how God prophetically speaks through triplicates but basically I just like to say this it just means the whole enchilada now if the number two represents a faithful witness then 2 to 2 means the manna-fest whole enchilada of what the whole thing is about that's probably why John the Baptist has a numerical value of 2 to 2 that's called gamma tria and that has to do with you know if you write it in Greek or if you write it in Hebrew they don't use numbers they use letters and the letters are also the numbers 2 to 2 for John the Baptist the Bible says in the Book of Jonah says that he wasn't the light but he came to bear witness of the light yeah and Jesus says that he was the greatest witness out of anybody he obviously said the greatest of all the prophets right okay so but whenever I think about the number 2 to 2 one of the great things that I think about is I love acts 2:22 did you know that out of the 30 1171 verses in a King James Bible did you know if there's only one verse that has all three words signs miracles and wonders that's Acts chapter 2 verse 22 so when I start seeing to-to-to everywhere I start crying out for miracles I'm like hey God I'm looking for an upgrade in faith I'm looking at for an upgrade and experience I'm looking for an upgrade in encounter signs miracles and jaw-dropping wonders you find in the book of Acts but you find it at two to two another one of my favorite things about the number 222 is that the word wisdom appears in the Bible exactly two hundred and twenty-two times so if you've been seeing - - - everywhere maybe the Lord has given you a word about wisdom search out the matter and the Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning that's your starting place like whoa Cael so I need to be afraid of God no you just need to fall in love with what he's in love with fall in love with him and then love what God loves and hate what God hates and learn how to be passionate you know why guys that's a two to two message the final and one of the really cool representations of two to two that I can find in the Word of God is the two hundred and twenty second verse in the Bible and it's in the book of Genesis and you know whether this is when God Almighty gives Noah the rainbow as an everlasting sign as a token as a promise of his everlasting covenant well maybe if you can see into - - or where it's God Almighty saying to you I will never let go I'm yours in your mind well friends that's all the time that I have and that's all I'm going to give you right now and if you like that and can I encourage you to like this will you please like this and when you please share this and when please let people know about prophetic numbers calm also if you would like more of this kind of teaching I have a book that's called numbers that preach I have an eCourse I have a workbook and then I also have my own prophetic numbers channel at Troy Brewer TV for people who partner with me to save girls out of sexual trafficking all over the world you so much [Music]
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 120,425
Rating: 4.9700909 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit, prophetic numbers
Id: zHH660ucT-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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